The page has the ability to design. How to learn how to maintain a page on VKontakte so that it looks beautiful and respectable? Convenient and clear design, good usability

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The main page is the clothing by which the site is greeted. If it does not inspire confidence in the user or is simply inconvenient to use, you will probably get another “refuser”. Therefore, today we are talking about the design of the main page of the site: what it should be and what should be avoided, we will find out what the classic structure of the resource consists of and how to do everything correctly.

What should the design of the main page of the site be like?

Informative, useful, convenient and pleasing to the eye. That's it in a nutshell. Let's take a closer look.

– this is always the entry point. Even if a new one comes from a search and lands on a specially created landing page, he will still go to the main page. A person will want to know what kind of company you are, what services and products you have. And your task is to help him with this.

On the main page you should definitely indicate:

  • Who are you and what do you do?
  • What are you offering.
  • Why choose you over any other company

In addition, you need to take care of the attractive visual component and ease of use. A site that looks like an alien from 2004 will not inspire confidence, because examples to the contrary are a dime a dozen around. Why buy an old car if, all other things being equal, you can buy a new one?

The situation is similar with ease of use. If a person doesn’t immediately understand where to go, this will at least cause irritation. Everything should be as obvious and simple as possible, but tasteful.

How to design the main page of a website: let’s look at it in detail

Let's take the classic website structure as an example. In general, a page consists of a header with navigation, a couple of information blocks and. Let's look at each element in detail.

Header and navigation

Everything is simple here: the logo is placed here (aka a link to the main page), with links to. You shouldn’t be original here, because if you deviate from the classic vertical or horizontal layout, you risk confusing the user. If you make a menu with icons, provide them with a text explanation. Place “Contacts” either on the right or below, depending on the type of menu.

The header should include basic contact information: phone number, address and email. This will make it easier for everyone: the user will not have to go to the contact page to call and ask a question about a product or service.

A good example of the design of the header of the main page of a website is Sberbank. Everything is simple and correct - there is a separate block for each service, contacts are integrated into the header.

Blocks with information

If you are not Gazprom, it is worth informing the user about what you do in general - this will be the first information block. It should briefly describe your services, products and benefits.

The next point is your advantages. Be sure to put it in a separate paragraph with its own heading. It is important for a potential client to understand why he should choose you and not any other company. Try to answer this question and do it as concisely as possible.

Structure the text so that it is convenient for the reader: use headings, break the text into small paragraphs, and so on. If the user is interested in the conditions and cost of delivery, he will immediately find the information he needs. If he wants to read about your advantages again, then there will be no problems either.

Call to action

The design of the main page of the site should solve two problems: attract the user’s attention to the necessary things and smoothly lead him to a purchase. Therefore, it is important to push the user to the right decision at the right moment. A competent “Call-to-acton” – “call to action” – has always dealt with this.

It may be different. If you have only one service, then everything is obvious - you need to lead a potential client to purchase it, and then “press it” with a well-placed button.

If there are several services, separate them on different pages. Leave the most important one on the main page - the more options a buyer has, the more likely he is to get confused and not choose anything at all.

An example is the Semantics website. The call to action is the same for all services, so the user’s attention is not distracted.


Or . It may not be there if infinite scrolling is enabled on the main page, but in the classic structure it is required. All contacts, links to social networks, pages with vacancies, details and other things of no importance are posted there. In the footer you can place an additional block with contacts, and just above you can make another call to action button - in case the user decided to study the offer in great detail and reached the end of the page.

Don't put too much text on your home page, as this will scare away visitors. If you can’t do without a “footcloth” for 10 thousand characters, structure the text correctly: for every thought or description of a service there should be a title, and paragraphs should not be too long.

Highlight great deals

If you are offering a discount on a service or product, place information about it closer to the header. This way, the user will immediately appreciate the benefits and think about making a purchase, even if he didn’t plan to make one.

This is what Svyaznoy did - the action is visible and attracts attention.

Use images

Sometimes, the right picture is worth a thousand words because visual content is easier to digest. There are plenty of examples: how many times have you seen stock photos of happy people, supported by short and concise descriptions of services? The brain immediately connects the image and the text, even if the person understands that this is all flirtation and deception.

Don't over-praise yourself

Avoid falsehood, people are not idiots and understand perfectly well when you take on too much. Nobody needs shop-on-the-couch style copy, just describe your benefits and services as is.

Constantly edit the page

Test new variations of copy, calls to action, and structure. Rules and advice are great, but you never know what will actually work. There are plenty of cases where actions contrary to logic led to an increase in conversion. For example, I read about a website that increased sales, removing descriptions of goods from cards. Test, experiment and monitor page performance. The main thing is to do everything carefully and not make sudden movements. Move the order button to another location, change the structure of the resource header, change the layout of the product card - something simple and insignificant can have a very serious effect.

How to design the main page of a website from the point of view of SEO optimization

You need to use keywords organically. The easiest option is to include them in the headings. But this cannot always be done, because user requests can be completely wild. In this case, the copywriter will have to try and make sure that the text is for people, and not for search robots.


The design of the main page of the site is important. If it looks bad or is inconvenient for the user, he will not linger on the resource, much less buy anything. Therefore, there is no need to reinvent the wheel - sometimes familiar things work best. You shouldn’t create a template website either, but you need to be more careful with experiments. Make the structure familiar to the user, fill the page with useful information and add something of your own - the recipe is universal and leaves a lot of room for creativity.

The article uses images by Dmitry Mirolyubov.

The main page of the website is the face of the company. Typically, this is where potential clients end up and it is on this page that they evaluate whether it is worth further cooperating with the company. The main page of the site is akin to a store window. If it attracts attention, then the potential buyer will go inside to take a closer look at the product. In addition, it plays the role of an information center, helping the user navigate and understand where to look for the necessary information.

What should the ideal website home page be like?

  1. Informative. When visiting the site, the visitor should immediately receive short and clear answers to the questions on the first page:
    • What is this site?
    • What can you find here?
    • Can you trust this company?
    • Why is this site better than others?
    • What to do next?

    And if a visitor receives the information he needs and understands that this site can offer what he needs and on favorable terms, then he will remain on the pages of the resource and is more likely to become a client of the company. Therefore, the main task of the main page is to convince the site visitor from the first seconds that he has come to the right address.

  2. Target. You need to address your clients in their language. If this is a large B2B company, then it is better to stick to professional slang, a discreet style - everything should emphasize the professionalism and seriousness of the company. And if this is an entertainment resource whose target audience is young people, then it is already possible and necessary to adhere to a conversational style of writing texts and a bolder design of the main page.
  3. Comfortable and functional. Information and links on the main page should be located correctly so that the visitor can use the resource conveniently. Intuitive navigation, contact for feedback, popular content/product and the ability to order it directly from the main page, adapted site design - these are just some of the elements that make the page convenient. But at the same time, everything should be in moderation, since a page overloaded with content and functional blocks will scare away the user.
  4. Visually appealing. This is an obvious but rather complex requirement. The difficulty is that everyone has their own idea of ​​beauty. When developing the design of the main page, you must remember that it should not appeal to the owner of the resource, but to his clients. And as practice shows, their preferences can vary greatly. The design of the website's home page should be attractive, and to create it, you need to clearly understand who the target audience of the resource is.

Below are examples of home page designs for beauty salons. It’s difficult to call the first option informative. Having gone to this resource for the request “beauty salon”, the user will most likely leave it after 1 second, because there is no answer to any of the above questions. The second site has clear navigation, a price list and a list of main services, specialists who will work with the client, examples of work and current promotions. A person who wants to use the service will probably stay here to get acquainted with all the information.

Also, using examples of the main pages of sites, you can immediately see the implementation and violation of the last three points. We are sure that there is no need to explain where a successful option is and where it is not. The first site cannot be called attractive, nor selling, nor convenient and functional. Low quality images, the use of light fonts, the lack of a logical structure, functional blocks and selling elements make the first site unattractive to users. On the contrary, on the second resource you can immediately see a block where you can select the service you are interested in, get acquainted with the cost, receive bonuses by participating in promotions, plus an attractive design - all this will make the visitor linger on the site and then take advantage of the offer.

Important design elements: what should be on the main page of the site?

The home page of the website must meet the expectations of the client and the industry in which the company operates. But there is no clear answer to the question of what the main page of a site should be, otherwise all sites would be similar to each other. But there are certain requirements, if observed, you can increase the degree of trust in the company and reduce the failure rate.


As already mentioned, site navigation should be simple and intuitive. Users should be able to quickly and easily find the information they need on a page.

An example of the main page of a site with successful navigation:

If this is an online store, we recommend placing a small catalog on the main page with the most popular products, discounts and/or new products. If this is an information portal, then these may be links to the most popular articles, latest materials, etc. For example:

Unique selling proposition

The visitor must understand why he needs to buy a product on this site. The company's advantages and benefits for the client should be presented concisely and placed in a visible part of the screen. For example, like in the picture below. A dedicated block is a unique offer, and the time limit on the promotion encourages users to quickly make a decision.

Graphic content

Photos and images provide visual appeal to the home page of a website. Let's take for example a site selling wooden houses.

You can write as much as you like about the beauty of the house and its comfort, the nature around, but no one will understand these advantages until they see it. But you should not post images purchased on photo exchanges. It is better to place real photographs of products, objects, work results, etc. If you do not design the main page using graphic content, the site will look dull and gray. This will certainly affect the conversion rate and ultimately sales.

Compare the following site home pages:

In the first case, one glance at the page is enough to get an idea of ​​what kind of houses the company offers, as well as their cost. In the second case, the main page simply contains general, uninformative text. In this case, the user is more likely to leave the site.


It is not necessary that all main pages of the site have text content. If this is an online store, then you can do without it altogether, limiting yourself to a few sentences describing the benefits for the client. But still, most sites need text on the home page both to increase relevance and to attract visitors. It should be concise and contain only information that is important to the user. It is also desirable that it be divided into semantic blocks with subheadings (one block - one thought).

Target buttons

What repels users of the website's home page?

In an effort to improve the main page of the site, you need to know when to stop. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect and increase the percentage of refusals instead of the flow of new clients. So, what repels visitors, and therefore worsens behavioral factors and negatively affects the site’s ranking in search results? When designing the main page of the site, avoid the following elements:

  • music and extraneous sounds. An unexpectedly starting melody, sharp sounds or audio calls to buy a product evoke only one desire - to find the button as quickly as possible and turn off the intrusive audio accompaniment. And often it becomes a button that closes the site once and for all;
  • intrusive advertising of third-party resources. Not only do advertising banners greatly reduce the credibility of the site, but they also distract your potential client from the final goal - a purchase/order on your site. Such advertising can lead the client away from your resource;
  • registration requirement. No one will want to waste their precious time registering on your site. Unless for the sake of an impressive discount;
  • grammatical errors. If already on the main page of the site there are errors and typos, gross violations of punctuation, then this is unlikely to inspire the trust of the visitor;
  • small fonts or too high contrast. The site should be pleasant for the user - the eyes should not be hurt by too contrasting or small font. No one will leave the site just because of this, but coupled with other design and formatting flaws, this may not work in your favor;
  • Beautiful images, photographs, graphs are, of course, good. But you need to remember that before placing graphic content on the site, you need to reduce its weight for easier loading. The visitor will not have to wait long for the page to load. And no matter how beautiful she is, no one will see her;
  • extra elements. Clocks, tag clouds, weather widgets and other similar design elements overload the main page and distract from the main information. Avoid moving and blinking elements, animation, and tickers. In humans, peripheral vision is better developed than central vision, so such details distract attention and make it difficult to perceive other information blocks;
  • there is no adaptive layout. More and more visitors are accessing websites via tablets and smartphones. And if the site is not adapted for different devices, then you will lose a huge number of potential customers.

Designing the main page of a website is an almost endless process. If you think that you can try once and then forget about the problem, then you are deeply mistaken. The home page should be constantly developed and improved. To stay in demand and not lose customers, follow trends in copywriting, usability and SEO, use Webvisor to understand the behavior and needs of your site visitors. Analyze the popularity of various information blocks using Yandex.Metrica tools and remove non-clickable elements, replacing them with other materials.

For any company, the home page of the website is the virtual front door. If a visitor doesn't like what he sees, rest assured, he will click the "Back" button.

How to make your website design attractive? At the same time, it should not just be beautiful - it should also work. That's why the best home pages on this list score not only in beauty, but also in genius.

What makes a good website home page design

1) The design of the home page clearly answers the question “Who am I?”, “What do I offer?” and/or “What can the user do here?”

If you represent a well-known brand ( for example Coca-Cola), you can get away with not describing who you are or what you do. But most companies must answer these questions so that every visitor knows they are in the right place. If users can't figure out what you're doing within a few seconds, they won't stick around for long.

2) Resonance with the target audience

The home page should speak to the target audience in their language. The best website design examples avoid " corporate gobbledygook"and eliminate everything unnecessary and distracting.

3) Message about the value proposition

When a user looks at the home page, they need to be made to stay. It is the best place to express the meaning of your product or service in one sentence so that the user decides to stay on your site and does not go to competitors.

4) Usability

All the design options discussed below are very convenient: they are easy to navigate, and there are no “flashy” objects on them. For example, flash banners, animations, pop-ups, or overly complex and unnecessary elements. Many of them are also optimized for mobile devices, which is very important in modern conditions.

5) Includes a call to action (CTA element)

Each of the homepages discussed below effectively uses primary and secondary calls to action to guide visitors to the next logical step. For example, " Free trial", "Buy Now" or "More details".

Remember that the purpose of the home page is to keep visitors on the site and take them to the end of the conversion funnel. The CTA element tells them what to do next so that users don’t feel shocked or confused. More importantly, the CTA element turns the website's home page into one that sells or attracts potential customers.

6) Constantly changing

The best home pages aren't always static. Some, like, are constantly changing based on user needs, concerns, and questions.

7) Uses excellent overall design

Well-thought-out website design is the key to success in building trust between users and the brand, establishing a connection with the target audience and moving forward in the conversion funnel. Essentially, these homepages make effective use of CTA placement, white space, colors, fonts, and other supporting elements.

Inspiring Web Design: 16 Best Home Page Designs

1) FreshBooks

This design is genius because:
  • Easy to use. There is a lot of debate about whether short or long home pages are better. If you choose the latter option, you should ensure easy scrolling and reading. This page almost looks like a story;
  • The combination of colors and positioning of the primary CTA elements was successfully used. When you go to the main page, it immediately becomes clear that the company wants to attract your attention;
  • Very tempting text on the CTA element: “ Try free for 30 days»;
  • Effective subtitle: “ For over 5 million people using FreshBooks, sending invoices and keeping track of expenses is now a breeze" This statement is attractive to the target audience because mastering accounting software tends to " excruciatingly difficult» for freelancers and small business owners.

2) Airbnb

  • This example design of the home page of a site is impressive: it greets visitors with a full-screen video with beautiful, high-resolution footage. She talks about travelers who spend time as if they were locals: preparing food in the kitchen, buying local cheeses. Looks very natural and authentic;
  • Right in the center of the homepage is a search form with the destination and arrival/departure date that most visitors are looking for, directing users to the next logical step;
  • The search form is “smart”: it will automatically display the user’s last search if he is authorized;
  • The primary call to action (“Search”) contrasts with the background and stands out, while the secondary call to action is visible at the top.

3) Mint

  • It's a super simple design with a strong title and subtitle without any slang;
  • The home page provides a secure but relaxed environment, which is very important for a product that handles financial information;
  • It also contains a simple and compelling call to action: “ Register for free". The design of the CTA is also great - the padlock icon hits the mark, communicating the safety message once again.

4) Dropbox(Consumer)

  • The Dropbox home page is an example of extreme simplicity. The use of advertising and videos is limited, and all background space is combined;
  • It's hard to tell from the static screenshot above, but this website design option attracts attention with its subtle use of fancy animation in the graphics;
  • The subtitle is simple but powerful: “ Open your files anywhere, on any device, and easily share them" You don't need to decipher any terminology to understand what Dropbox does;
  • Focus on one primary call to action: “ Register for free«.

5) Dropbox(Business)

  • This is a prime example of providing support for a site for different audiences. This is different from the home page, which was originally created for the consumer (see above). Business users are demanding more information, as well as further confirmation that Dropbox(Business) is a secure and scalable solution for companies ( Dropbox addresses the perception problem directly on its home page);
  • Dropbox continues to use simple design and branding. It only includes what's important: a large ad-supported image and a " Try a free 30-day trial", a call to action.


  • who speaks for an entire nation is not an easy task. is constantly changing to reflect major issues and priorities. Testing and optimization is a key component of brilliant homepage design;
  • What's great about is that it's different from most government-related sites. It has a clean design and promotes community;
  • It's pretty easy to find what you're looking for once you're here. And if you can’t immediately find what you need, there is a convenient search field.

7) 4 Rivers Smokehouse

  • Combined with a large image for website design, the title “ BREAST. 18 years of craftsmanship. For your pleasure"sounds tempting;
  • Parallax scrolling will give you a quick presentation of services, menus and people having a great time - a great use of a popular design trend.

8) Cobb Pediatric Therapy Services

  • The title and subtitle appeal to the emotional side of visitors: “ Work with the company. It's worth it. Trust us. We were there too. We will find you a job where you can fully express yourself» This proposal is unique and compelling;
  • The title is on a rotating carousel that takes into account the category of visitors, from job seekers to people looking for a therapist for their schools;
  • There are several paths for visitors to take to get to the page. But the calls to action are well placed, stated simply, and contrast with the rest of the page.

9) Jill Konrath

  • The design is simple and gets straight to the point. From the title and subtitle it is immediately clear what Jill Conrath does ( and how it can help your business);
  • It also provides easy access to Jill's analysis, which is important in establishing her credibility as a keynote speaker;
  • Easily signing up for the newsletter and making contact are its two main calls to action;
  • Includes logos of news channels and reviews as social recognition - all site design rules are followed.

10) Evernote

  • Over the years, Evernote has evolved from a simple note-taking app into a suite of business tools. This isn't always easy to convey on the home page, but Evernote has done a good job of distilling potential messages into a few key strengths;
  • This homepage uses a combination of rich, muted colors in the videos, as well as bright green and white captions to make them stand out;
  • After a simple headline (“Remember everything”), the eye stops at the call to action “ Register for Free».

11) Telerik by Progress

  • « Boring enterprise” is not the feeling that will arise when you visit the Telerik website. The company offers a variety of technologies and products, using bold colors, interesting designs, and videography with a Google-like energy. One important aspect is to create an environment so that visitors feel welcome and know that they are dealing with real people;
  • I like the simple, high-quality overview of the six product offerings. It's a completely clear way to communicate what the company does;
  • The advertisement is light-hearted and easy to read. They speak the language of their clients.

12) Boxbee

  • The headline is a call to action aimed squarely at the target audience: entrepreneurs in the data storage industry;
  • The home page of the site has a clean and simple design. It highlights the headline and then immediately demonstrates the primary call to action;
  • This primary call to action stands out due to the contrasting color.

Creating a homepage is an important process that includes working on design, usability, copy, logo, navigation and much more. Here it is important to take into account the interests of the target audience, the relevance of the information content, and even the features of the color design. In this article you will learn: how to design the main page, what to display on it, why certain elements are needed, and where it is best to place them.

The main purpose of the main page of the site

The main page of the site is a kind of business card of the Internet resource, which should contain important information for the client: information about the company, contact information, offers and advantages. Thus, the main goals of the home page include: presentation of the company, attracting an audience and presenting possible services and/or products.

Types of main pages

The content of the main page directly depends on the focus of the site (sale of goods, provision of services, brand promotion, blog, presentation of information, etc.). Accordingly, there are many types of home pages. Let's look at the main types.

Home page of the online store

A store website usually has more than a dozen pages and a complex structure. The correct main page of such a resource should have the following blocks of information:

  • product catalog (in which the product is branched through filters: “price”, “brand”, “material”, “season”, etc.)
  • the products themselves (most often Top Products or Top Ads are presented, with several representatives from each category)
  • promotional offers (discounts, discounted goods, several items for the price of one, etc.)
  • contacts for ordering and purchasing (link to order form, phone numbers)
  • address (most often the address of the main office is indicated)

This type of site is distinguished by the presence of software modules designed to automate the sales process. It would also be rational to add the “Specialist Help” or “Ask a Question” service to the main online store.


Contact details, feedback forms

Providing the client with the opportunity to quickly and freely contact a company representative is one of the main tasks of any company. It is better to place contacts in the header of the page; the numbers can be light (with repeating numbers) and memorable.
The contact form is often presented in the form of a pop-up window with the offer “Request a call and our manager will contact you”, “Ask a question”, etc. But it is better to present such a function in the form of a vertical bar located to the right of the main text (so as not to closed the site content). Some sites have a separate page for this.

Call to action and easy actionability

Any site should have a clearly highlighted button and a short description of a specific action: “view text”, “buy a watch”, “open a tab”. This call to action should be convincing and motivating, for example, “follow the link to read the instructions.”
The main task here is to arouse the client’s desire to carry out the target action. The text on the button should be short and as informative as possible (preferably limited to a few words).

Convenient and clear design, good usability

The page should be convenient and easy to navigate. It is not necessary to use “flashy” objects, such as flash banners, animations or other overly complex elements. Many modern websites are optimized for different devices and gadgets, which is very important in today's web marketing, and such banners are not always displayed correctly on all devices.

The main rule of good design is “Design should not distract the client.” Its main task is to optimize the material and functions of the site. To determine which design is better, it is important to clearly define the target audience.


It is the logo that should be the first to answer the guest’s question: “What kind of site is this?” In addition, it is used as a navigational basis, with the help of which the user can return to the main page at any time. It is placed in the upper corner of the page, less often in the center.

Advice on the main page varies, but in the situation with a logo, most opinions agree: it should be simple and memorable (it should be recognized from thousands). This could be some kind of symbol, an unusually designed company name, or even a painting, the main thing is to be creative.


When designing navigation, it is important to remember that almost all site visitors are users who are familiar with the standard layout of elements on the page. That is why it is not advisable to get creative with the placement of menus and other buttons, since the main task of good navigation is to organize simple and quick transition through pages.

Header with logo and footer with technical information

The first thing we do when creating a page is to design the “header” and “footer” of the resource. The “header” may contain the company logo, contact information, and menu. Many people forget about the “basement”, that is, the lower part, but in vain! The fact is that many visitors, having read the entire text, naturally move down to the bottom of the page, hoping to view something else interesting or simply evaluate the website. Therefore, we advise you to place thematic and useful links in the footer (footer) that may be useful to the visitor.

Good main color scheme

The choice of colors should be based on the following rules:

  • there should not be too many different colors on the page (no more than five), otherwise it will be very distracting or even annoying to the visitor
  • the colors and shades used must be in harmony with each other
  • It is recommended that all elements of the site be decorated with the same set of colors (this is a kind of identification mark of the site)

It is important that the home page design intersects with the internal pages of the site. Thus, the visitor unconsciously understands that he is still on this site.

Graphics and multimedia

Using just text on a page is dry and uninteresting. Correctly designing the main page of a website means enriching it with illustrations in the form of pictures, tables, graphs, and short videos. You should avoid a large number of these auxiliary elements so as not to distract the viewer’s attention (too many pictures distract from the text). It is important to use only high quality materials with good resolution.

When searching for graphics for a website, it is important to respect copyright. To do this, you should use special stocks where you can buy illustrations.

What can be on the main page and will not be superfluous

Such elements as:

  • video content with a brief description of the site
  • product news / latest news
  • company/team photo

Many people will confidently say: “it’s better to watch a video than read.” This especially applies to the site description. To create such a video, it is worth using the services of professionals, since this presentation is the face of the site.

The use of new products and current news will emphasize the fact that the site is alive.

An image of a company or team significantly increases the credibility of the site. It is human nature to trust more what he sees than what he reads. There is also a separate photograph of the management.

Top 5 best examples of online store home pages

You can find solutions for the home page on the websites of famous brands. Here you can find some good ideas and transform them in your own way. Examples of website home page design are also the best way to get acquainted with the tips in practice.

1. Terrasport. This site can sell anything. Here are the most striking and attractive advertisements. In addition to the general mandatory, well-placed elements, here you can see filters by hobbies, popular categories, and even sales. This site has many pages, which, if structured correctly, is a huge plus.

2. MKL. The MKL website is a prime example of the main page of a website - simple and effective.

It is different:

  • simple and memorable logo
  • clear structure
  • limited number of colors
  • dynamic advertising

The page contains a short text about the product, special promotions and offers, it is possible to translate the site into a language convenient for the visitor, contacts and the “Call me back” offer are optimally located. There is also a search bar, which is very important when you need to find a specific product.

3. Merit. This online store is an example of a complexly structured site. There is quite a lot here: brands, promotions, new products, etc. are highlighted in separate blocks. The main advantage of the page is the dynamism and good location of all elements. Contacts are represented by three numbers from different mobile operators, as well as a landline number. Clearly demarcated sections for quick navigation through products.

4. Parfums. The simple design and clear structure of this resource are aimed at focusing attention on the perfume, emphasizing its colorfulness. This helps direct attention only to the product, and not to the site, which produces results. There are a lot of pages here, but it’s quite difficult to get confused due to the presence of clear filters.

5. Luxoptics. This is a good example of the main page of an online store: a pleasant color scheme of the site, promotional offers provided in the center of the page, a filter by category and popular products. Also on the main page, everything necessary for a client of this network is displayed - a list of doctors, offline Luxoptika salons, online registration, etc.

Top 5 Best Examples of Product/Service Home Pages

1. Promex. Why is the main company Promex the best?

  • all required components of the main page have been used
  • familiar arrangement of elements (logo, contact information, request for calculation and sending a message, etc.)
  • an unusual dynamic picture that will be remembered by many visitors
  • memorable logo
  • availability of certificates
  • opportunity to choose your city
  • availability of advantages and examples of work

2. Alessandro. This site is presented in a soft, unobtrusive tone, in keeping with the services it presents. Originally presented list of services: short text under the thematic picture, by clicking on which you can go to a separate service and get acquainted with it in detail. Changing main image with special offers highlighted in the best colors. The works of the masters and text about the company are also presented here.

3. Goodfix. There is nothing superfluous on the site: straight to the point! The naked eye can see that the page was created with the goal of attracting the interest and retention of a person who needs a laptop or PC repair.

The main page contains a list of services offered with an interesting visual presentation, pricing policy, main advantages, address. There are also two buttons for contacting a representative: “Order a call” and “Write to us, we are online,” which prompts the client to take the desired action. It is also worth noting the wide range of contacts: Viber, Telegram, Instagram, etc.

4. Antonika Varizko Photography. This site provides information about the services of a photographer. The page has a simple but creative design and a familiar navigation layout, which helps the client quickly complete the necessary action.

Entering the page, a slide show of works immediately catches the eye - another trick with which the visitor receives not only aesthetic pleasure, but also understands the level and style of the photographer. In addition, there are the following sections: portfolio, prices and contacts - information that answers all the client’s questions. There is also a transition to a blog and personal information - an emphasis on the openness of the performer.

5. Art 79. An example of a budget website that answers all the visitor’s questions. This is proof that even with a minimal budget you can make a useful website.


The best home pages are just an example of good design, don't limit yourself to these ideas. Your imagination is the main means of achieving an ideal result.

In pursuit of perfection, avoid the pitfalls of overloading your home page with unnecessary elements.

Use Webvisor to understand visitor behavior and needs. Implement our tips and you will be able to create a working face of your online resource!