Is it worth getting an iPhone 10 now? iPhone doesn't age like other smartphones

Today will be unusual iPhone review X. How the device shoots, where which button is located, what processor the device has - all this is already known. However, few people talk about real experience of use. We will correct the situation immediately.

I've been using iPhone X for a month. Over all this time, I have found many pros and cons. There is a lot to love and a lot to hate about a smartphone. At times you flap your ears with delight that you are using the ten, and at times you want to... put it aside and be alone with the device. Yes, the iPhone X is exactly that - incredibly cool and at the same time the most controversial iPhone in history.

Here are my ten FOR buying an iPhone X

1. Design

Of course, any iPhone is noticeably different from all other smartphones. The iPhone can be seen from afar, and the X even more so.

Chrome frame, vertical module dual camera, frameless screen. As soon as one of these elements flashes in someone’s hand, everyone understands what kind of device the character owns. Against this background, flagships on Android look extremely funny - whether far away or close, few people recognize the hands of a person or some kind.

You may or may not like the design of the iPhone X, but it is definitely recognizable.

2. Of course, the screen

You use the tenth iPhone and realize that the future is already here. Right here, in your hand.

Yes, of course, the display here is not completely frameless in the absolute sense of the word. However, the top ten clearly stands out from all other competitors with chins.

Just look how cool and neat the dock looks with basic application icons!

All previous iPhones have always used IPS panels. These are quite pleasant and high-quality displays in terms of color rendering. However, Apple managed to calibrate them perfectly. This was especially noticeable against the background of devices with their screens Super AMOLED and eye-catching color rendition. Photo on Galaxy screen and reality are two fundamentally different things.

The iPhone X used an OLED matrix for the first time. One might fear the same thing as in smartphones from Samsung, but the algorithm helps out True Tone, which softens the picture and adjusts it to the surrounding lighting. As a result, the display is gentle on both the users' eyes and what is displayed on it. There is no fierce contrast to immerse yourself in an unrealistic world.

3. Housing materials

Pleasant, high quality, nothing to complain about. In the front and in the back strained glass. The company itself does not admit what kind of panels are installed in their smartphone, but there is unconfirmed information that this is a special series from Corning - Ion-X. The perimeter frame is not made of some anodized aluminum alloy, but of smoothly polished steel.

In all this, Apple is a trendsetter. They started producing metal smartphones, and everyone rushed to make their products the same. They switched to 7000 series aluminum, the rest did exactly the same.

The same situation will happen with steel. The only difference is that while everyone else is just developing their devices, the owners latest iPhone are already using a device with case materials new to the market.

4. Bangs

I don’t know why many people criticize a smartphone so much for its “bangs,” “hump,” or simply “protrusion” on top. First of all, it doesn't bother you. Not in videos, not in games, not anywhere else. 10 seconds after the video expands to Full Screen you just immerse yourself in the content and don’t notice anything else.

Secondly, the TrueDepth camera has become distinctive feature new items, that design highlight that sets the device apart from other frameless phones (see point 1).

Do you have any doubts? Look at the rumors regarding the release of some devices from Chinese manufacturers. are already trying to “be like iPhone X.”

In addition, Apple did not offend owners with dozens of screen sizes - it is really large, with a diagonal of 5.8 inches. Even with a protrusion on top, a lot of information fits on the display.

5. Gestures

It is comfortable, functional and elegant.

Another example of when the market is oriented towards Apple.

Gestures have been available before in some Android devices and custom firmware for them. All sorts of swipes, swipes, etc. were supported, but nowhere was this implemented properly.

In the top ten, Apple abandoned the Home button. It was necessary to look for a new way to interact with a smartphone. With a frameless display you can’t really go wild, so we settled on gestures. Moreover, they brought the control to a level where everything simply works and there are no false recognitions.

Following the Apple company, they introduced gestures, still in beta mode, but this is just the beginning. I think many will follow the beaten path of Apple. We are waiting for the first signs from the main iPhone copying machine - Huawei.

6. Better than iPhone maybe just a new iPhone

It would seem that only inveterate Apple fans who do not see the world around them think this way. But no.

Most of those who have used an iOS device can no longer get used to anything else. And that's okay. This is human nature. You get used to one thing and take advantage of it while you can. Why leave your comfort zone when everything is fine.

No, I'm always for trying something new. For example, go to a new country, and not to Turkey for the twentieth time, visit a new restaurant, open for the new kind sports - this is something new. And changing one phone to another is not something worth leaving your comfort zone for, if opportunities allow. And even more so to argue about this on the Internet.

7. Technology - Face ID

Face unlocking was in smartphones long before iPhone release X - on some devices still running on shaggy Android 4.4.

Of course, cool photos alone would not be enough if the smartphone was otherwise bad. Fortunately, this is not our case. you get handy gadget with an excellent built-in camera. This is a plus.

9. Video shooting

There's simply nothing to talk about here. iPhone X shoots 4K video better than anyone else! And it’s not even that the videos are recorded at 60 frames per second. Overall detail, white balance, perfectly working stabilization (in iPhone X on both modules) - thanks to all this, the top ten shoots head and shoulders above all other devices.

Besides, Apple first switched to Slow Motion in their products at 120 FPS at 1080p resolution. For exactly a year, none of the manufacturers even bothered to do the same. And when someone implemented this, Apple went further and made it 240 FPS at 1080p.

Yes, in nature there is one that is capable of writing cool Slo-Mo at a frequency of 960 frames/s, but this is the same case when the smartphone has one cool function, but everything else is somehow nondescript and not very interesting.

10. Wireless charging

Yes, the Cupertino people were “slightly” late in introducing this thing. In addition, having implemented wireless charging in your last generation gadgets, they did not add anything new, did not improve or reinvent the technology, as they usually know how to do. However, wireless charging is an extremely convenient thing.

The smartphone is always charged and not just lying around somewhere. Therefore, you should definitely train yourself to put your smartphone in the same place (this takes a day or two). Then it’s impossible to get out of the habit. At the exit we get an always charged device.

You can buy two pieces at once. For example, I have a Belkin and a test Mophie. The first one can be placed on workplace, the second one is next to the bed. As a result, the smartphone is not lying around in an unknown place just like that, but is charged at any convenient time.

Something else

Of course, a lot advantages of iPhone X is left out of the picture. However, I have highlighted what, in my opinion, is most important. Something for which you can buy a tenner and enjoy using it every day.

10 reasons why you should think twice before buying an iPhone X

We've sorted out the advantages. The time has come to look for flaws and, unfortunately, there was no need to dig deep. They discovered themselves.

1. One SIM card

There are two types of users. The first ones have one SIM card and they just can’t understand why they should buy a second one. The second type is those who have two or more SIM cards. This category of citizens includes those who like to separate personal and work, personal and very personal (if you know what I mean...) and who constantly sell something on the Internet.

Personally, due to my professional duties, I have several cards from different operators, besides, I periodically sell something on online platforms, and leave my own there personal number, which means you will face not the most pleasant consequences in the form of spam.

However, I don't want to carry around two, three or more phones. Unfortunately, I already do this because I do reviews, but if I were a simple user, this nightmare would quickly get to me.

Buying two iPhones is too cool. After all, I’m not some Emirati sheikh. That’s why we have to put some Android budget phone on the table along with such a beautiful iPhone X.

Two iPhones

2. iOS 11

Unfortunately, iOS 11 is the biggest headache.

Previously, iOS or iPhone OS was Apple's biggest pride. Especially against the backdrop of constantly slowing down Android devices.

Today the systems have changed places and there are enough glitches in the 11th revision of the Apple system. Rare, but still crashing applications, periodically unpressed buttons in one window or another, AirDrop that never works, and so on.

Moreover, the whole point is that some users never encounter anything like this, while others stumble over iOS problems all the time. For example, so far I have not caught almost a single glitch. Meanwhile, crowds of indignant users raged on the Internet, whose system lagged at every turn. On the iPhone X, I was faced with the fact that the software is constantly buggy, and on the Internet they say that in the next iOS update We've already fixed everything that was possible.

To top it all off, the screen suddenly started turning on. On one's own. The phone is lying there, no one touches it, and then the display lights up. And no, this is not a notification. The display just lights up and never goes out.

3. Restrictions are justified and not so

I've had my iPhone X for a month. While I was busy testing other devices, I gave the smartphone to my girlfriend for a week. She entered her Apple ID, downloaded music, applications - in general, she used the device to the fullest.

Later I took the top ten for myself, configured it (more on this separately later) and it turned out that I could not download a single song, even the one I had previously purchased from Apple Music, in memory of actually your iPhone.

The girl removed X from the list of her devices linked to her Apple ID, but this did not help. I still need to wait 90 days until the restriction is lifted and only then will I be able to listen to music on my iPhone 10 as expected.

What if I legally bought this iPhone from another person or received it as a gift? I have a receipt, a box, I gave money for it. However my new iPhone as if it’s still not mine. He will become so in 90 days. This is incredible, Apple!

4. Notifications do not arrive

I don’t know what’s wrong (I tried everything Apple recommendations from their website), but on the iPhone X everything is very sad with notifications. 70% of them simply do not arrive until you force open the application and it is updated. The fact that all priorities are set, the program hangs in memory - the system does not care about all this. Notifications are not coming!

The most interesting thing is that there were no such problems at all on the Plus version.

One gets the feeling that the saved 2 hours of battery life were relatively achieved by disabling stable notifications.

5. Too much security (and complexity)

Again about the software. And again problems arose during iPhone transition X from the girl to me.

Together we disabled Apple ID, removed the iPhone from her list of devices, returned the device to factory settings, and then it began.

I connected my girlfriend's iPhone X to iTunes and restored it from my backup copy.

The smartphone was restored, BUT! The system did not want to recognize my absolutely correct password for my Apple ID. I thought that I was mistaken, but when the smartphone cursed for the 5th time that the “pass” was incorrect, it was no longer funny.

Additionally, it turned out that all my girlfriend’s apps remained untouched, but my photos were pulled up. But the adventure was just beginning.

The iPhone, restored from my backup and previously removed from the list of devices associated with someone else’s Apple ID, did not want to recognize my face, did not accept my PIN code, and, moreover, constantly asked for a password that was not for my account.

I had to completely reset my alien iPhone X. However, during the initial setup of the new iPhone, it twice asked for the password for my other half’s account. How come? After all, we untied everything, dropped everything!

Ultimately, it's easier to set up a smartphone from scratch than to restore it from a backup. There will be much fewer problems. I thought so until I went through this whole procedure.

I reset it, entered my data, iPhone settings, BUT! At one point, Face ID didn’t work (then, most likely, it was my fault, so let’s not blame the device). The system prompted me to enter the unlock PIN code. I entered it and, incredibly, the iPhone did not accept it. I tried again - error. It turned out that in the device configured for me, completely reset, which I had been using for several days and everything was in order, my girlfriend’s pin code was still hanging! How is this even possible?!

I understand that all this is safety and for our own good, but this is too much. I'm willing to take risks, even if they warn me about it three times with a pop-up window, as long as Apple loosens the screws. This would make life a little easier for everyone.

6. Face ID

On the one hand, Face ID is cool. And it’s really convenient to use this in winter, when your hands are in gloves and you don’t want to take them off to put your bare fingertip to Touch ID. I looked at the screen and it unlocked. The trick with notifications looks especially cool. A banner with a notification popped up on the screen, the text is not visible, but as soon as you look at it, the banner opens. Convenient and effective!

However, Face ID is frustrating because it is slower than Touch ID. In addition, the smartphone is not immediately ready for use; even after successful unlocking, you need to swipe up from the bottom edge.

But it’s especially inconvenient when you don’t have the opportunity to pick up the device. For example, it is attached to the air conditioner grill in a car. And every time you have to pull your face so that it falls into the field of view of the TrueDepth camera. It would be much more convenient to reach with your finger, especially if you did it blindly, without being distracted from the road. The situation is exactly the same when the phone is on the table: either you pick it up or get up from your chair and reach your face towards the smartphone.

Also, Face ID does not recognize you if the phone is in landscape orientation or upside down. There were no such problems with Touch ID.

7. No Always on Display

The most amazing feature of AMOLED screens, which is available on some Android devices (,).

The display always shows some Key information: time, date, notification icons. Such pictures consume very little energy (1-5% of the total battery charge), but they allow you not to pick up the phone when you need, for example, just to find out what time it is.

It was not implemented in the iPhone X, apparently for the sake of energy consumption. However, I would like to see such a function in future versions.

8. Fast charging

First, here are the results of my measurements (29 W power supply with connection USB Type-C from MacBook):

  • 30 minutes - 49% charge
  • 1 hour - 80%
  • 1.5 hours - 94%
  • 2 hours 10 minutes - 100%

So fast charging actually works. However, it still cannot compare with the performance offered by some Android flagships (,). And this despite the fact that the battery capacity of the iPhone X is 2,716 mAh, and, for example, the iPhone X has a 3,300 mAh battery (full charge in 1 hour 28 minutes).

However, the downsides fast charging I installed it for a different reason.

The iPhone X, which costs either 80 or 92 thousand rubles depending on the memory, does not come with a compatible charger. It must be purchased separately and the best option for tens it’s a 29-watt power supply from a MacBook. It costs 3,590 rubles separately.

Unfortunately, this is not enough to use fast charging. You also need to purchase a branded Lightning power cable<->USB Type-C, which will cost another 1,990 rubles.

With all its advantages and convenience, fast charging should be available immediately, without overpayments or additional investments.

Of course, they don’t change horses at the crossing, but in the next iPhone generation We're definitely expecting fast charging included.

9. Yellowness in the photo

iPhone X takes amazing photos. Moreover, he does this in almost any lighting conditions.

However, in most cases, the photo gives off a characteristic yellowish tint. Yes, perhaps this was done specifically to make iPhone photos easily recognizable. However, as for me, the closer to natural color rendition, the better.

10. Price

What can I say? iPhone is expensive.

Yes, there are two non-overlapping worlds. In the first case, official price tags reign (79,990 rubles for the version with 64 GB and 91,990 rubles for the older model with 256 GB). In the second world, dullness reigns and the cost is a little lower. The issue of savings, including on warranties, is a separate topic for discussion. However, no matter how you look at it, the iPhone is prohibitively expensive for most users. And this is its main drawback.


I'll start where I started. The iPhone X, for all its pros and cons, is a very controversial smartphone. On the other hand, has there been at least one time in history that another new iPhone was perceived as unequivocally positive or completely negative?

I have been following the iPhone since the very first generation and believe me, the new generation of smartphones from Apple has always attracted both harsh criticism and extreme positive reviews happy owners. The iPhone X is not an exception to this rule one bit. And perhaps that's a good thing.

It's time to discuss reviews about. Official sales smartphones have already taken place, many users received the phone even earlier pre-order and already had some experience “communicating” with the new product. Is it worth buying the iPhone X or is it better to prefer the iPhone 8/iPhone 8 Plus. Or maybe even opt for alternative smartphones from other manufacturers? Let's find out what the real owners of the Apple flagship say, which everyone has been waiting for so long.

Unfortunately this is the first iPhone model for the last 10 years whose screen has been flickering. The iPhone X has an AMOLED matrix manufactured by Samsung. As iXBT testing has shown, when the brightness is below 50%, screen flickering appears (with 100% amplitude at a frequency of 60-200 hertz). For sensitive people like me, this causes visual fatigue and headaches. Also, the subpixels are made using a PenTile layout (not RGB), which reduces the actual clarity of the screen. In other words, the high resolution compensates for the disadvantage of PenTile, but there is a pointless waste of battery and CPU on higher resolution calculations. These two disadvantages are inherent in all Samsung smartphones with AMOLED matrices. iPhone X is a very unusual innovative smartphone. But for me personally, the flickering of the screen makes it impossible to use this phone for a long time. The new control gestures take some getting used to. If you are used to Home button then at first it will be uncomfortable and unusual. But I think it will be possible to get used to it. Use for shopping Apple Pay you also need to relearn. First, you need to turn on the smartphone (but not unlock it), look at the screen perpendicularly so that Face ID facial recognition works, then touch it to the payment terminal. Touch ID was a little more convenient. I decided to stay with the iPhone 7 and wait for future models after the iPhone X - perhaps they will add a Touch ID scanner and fix the flickering problems.

Pros: Bright screen. Performance. Fits comfortably in the hand.

Disadvantages: Many games and applications are not optimized for this screen As always, the battery lasts no more than half a day of use No Touch ID Phace ID works noticeably slower than Touch ID Inadequate price No 125GB version 64 is not enough 256 is a lot 2017 there is no ability to insert 2 SIM cards not funny anymore The bangs on top don’t look very good Due to the fact that there is no button, it’s not very convenient to use the phone, but maybe I’m not used to it. Due to the fact that the camera on the back sticks out the phone when it is lying on the table knocks all the time back cover Which is really annoying.

Comment about the phone: I'm really crazy about it, I really like it very much.

Advantages: One way or another, iOS is the main advantage of iPhones. I have used both Android and iOS, but my heart still lies with the latter. Smoothness, ease, simplicity, new gestures without a button are very convenient, you get used to it instantly. Pairing with watches and headphones is fast, with cool animation, etc. The overall system is excellent as always. On this positive sides are ending.

Disadvantages: Design. Protruding camera, Apple, what are you doing!? Why was Samsung able to make it flush with the body, but you couldn’t? This is terrible! The frame around the camera with sharp edges, the microphone hole and the position of the flash are all ugly! Looks like a homemade, cheap Chinese product. There are no words!!! Framework. This is far from a frameless smartphone. It does not produce a WOW effect at first glance, like the same s8. The frames are large, they look larger than the side frames of previous models. Plus the body is more rounded and this also adds “framework”. Surprisingly, the island didn’t immediately put me off and I even liked this idea and it looks ok in real life, but the limits for the expensive flagship apple is very big. The camera is ok for 2k17, but this bokeh was still poor. Thanks to the neural network, portraits turn out more or less normally, but sometimes the hair and edges of the face are still blurred, or, on the contrary, the background next to the border with the face is not blurred. In short, system processing, what does the second camera have to do with it, I still don’t understand. In Photoshop, in 5 minutes you can create the same bokeh on any photo, only 2 times better. Apple relied on a second portrait camera in last year's model, but it failed with it and didn't fix anything. The battery lasts exactly the same as that of the seven NOT plus. Everyone has already discussed the lack of memory variations, the slowness of the face ID, the poor screen brightness, and the meager delivery package. And of course the price. This phone is not even worth $1000, let alone 80,000 rubles. Comment: I bought it in the USA at the request of a friend, I also wanted to buy it myself, but I changed my mind. I expected more. I used Samsung, but I never fell in love with Android. iOS is nicer, even when it starts to stutter on older models.

Not a bad, beautiful smartphone. I've been using it for 3 days, unusual but very cool. The screen is bright and clear, moderately saturated. Face ID works great. Faster than in samsung smartphones. iOS 11 doesn't slow down.

Pros: Design.

Disadvantages: The display hurts my eyes. Glass. This cutout at the top is annoying. Lack of touch ID, it’s terribly inconvenient to constantly lift the phone to unlock it. There are slight friezes, perhaps they will fix it soon.

Comment: Not a bad smartphone with an excellent design, but everything is spoiled by the glass on the back panel. What upset me the most was the display using a new technology for Apple, OLED, it has PWM (flickering at low brightness), which makes your eyes very tired and your eyes begin to hurt, but not all people have such a reaction to these displays. Face ID is certainly not bad, but we are waiting for the fingerprint to be transferred to the display, and this is still an intermediate option. If you don't take into account the price, then good smartphone. Fans of the brand will be delighted, and reasonable people will most likely prefer a more serious model.

I have an iPhone X 256 GB " gray space", and I really like the phone, except...I live in Finland and it is cold here (-30-5°C) for about 6-7 months of the year.Yesterday I noticed that when I'm outside and the temperature reaches around -1°C, my iPhone X's display doesn't work properly.Some gestures are not recognized.The problem resolves on its own after about 3-5 minutes of use or when I return indoors.

We wrote more about the “iPhone X does not work in cold” problem.

Pros: Screen, battery life, eyebrow, Face ID, Camera.

Disadvantages: Face ID at night in bed, repairability. Replacing a broken screen is very expensive. Replacing a broken rear window is even more expensive.

Comment: I bought it on the first day for 65K, I didn’t have to sell the kidney. The first thing I noticed after the 6s was the battery life. Now the phone does not run out of charge after 3-4 hours of use, but can easily last for a day, and not just sit in airplane mode, but work normally. (see photo). The glass looks quite fragile, the next day after purchasing the phone it was decided to buy the original one Leather Case, still looks cool. I was also pleased with the work of Face ID and notifications: the phone does not show the content of notifications until you look at the screen - that’s right ️. The eyebrow is cool, I got used to the new gestures on the first day, there was no irritation at all from the fact that they changed.

After walking around with the 10 for three days, I took my old 6 and realized that this is already history, and smartphones will now be like X. Whether you like it or not. There are no comments on the operation, the face always recognizes, you just need to look at the phone, the same in the dark. Pleasantly heavy, the battery lasts a long time (but this is in contrast to my 6th, which was killed at zero). The screen is cool, clear and large. At the same time, the phone fits freely in your hand and jeans pocket, and it is as easy to operate as the 6th (read 6,7,8). I forgot about the home button after 15 minutes, and why was it even invented?! Based on a combination of factors - quality, design, reliability - the absolute leader, without options.

Advantages: Finally, the phone was brought up to the level of the Chinese/Koreans - wireless charging, OLED screen, frameless design, face scanner.

Disadvantages: 1. No 2 SIM 2. Beard at the top of the screen 3. No 3.5 headphone jack 4. Weak battery 5. Price.

Comment: In my opinion, it is not profitable to buy a phone - some competitors charge 2 times cheaper for essentially the same functionality...

Protruding chamber. Constant fear of dropping. It blurts out a lot. I didn’t like Face ID because it takes a long time to unlock (about 2-3 seconds). very high price (bought for 130 thousand rubles). We've been using it for 4 days, everyone is watching. but you need to get used to using it without a button.

I listen to music quite often through iPhone speakers X and I immediately noticed a slight cracking sound.Since many of us have noticed this noise, my guess is that it is a software issue and not a hardware issue.

Latest iPhone 10 reviews from owners

A few more reviews about the iPhone 10 today from owners and users of the new product that may be useful to you when deciding whether to buy a new iPhone X or not?

I have been using the device for almost a month and a half, so I have some experience in using it. Before this, a year passed with the Galaxy S7 Edge, so I will compare some points. So. 1. Autonomy. What I like about iOS and iPhone “Plus” versions is their moderate appetite for everyday use. "X" turned out to be no exception. We can easily predict battery consumption and it is always clear by what time it will need to be charged. On the S7 Edge, it was hard to guess whether I would have enough until the evening or not. Samsung drained the battery even just lying on the table. It happened that an hour and a half of screen operation would drain, and at the same time the charge level was already around 50%. The iPhone runs out of charge the way you use it. In defense of the S7 Edge, I will only say that in gaming mode it holds better than “tens” thanks to a more capacious battery. 2) Face ID. After the presentation I was skeptical. In fact, it works very well, unlocking is fast, errors are rare (at the same level as touch ID). Now I don’t worry at all about wearing gloves or having wet fingers. + I really liked the implementation of notifications on the lock screen. The text of the notification is shown only to the owner of the smartphone, while others will only be able to see a shortcut with the name of the application. Friends and other curious individuals will not be able to read the correspondence. The only downside I would write down is the impossibility of recognition in horizontal mode. 3) I didn’t notice any lags or bugs. After the S7 Edge, it’s just some kind of holiday, everything works smoothly and quickly. Samsung liked to be blunt, and it bothered me. 4) Screen quality is good. White color my copy is better than the S7 Edge, but I use TrueTone, which makes the screen warm and easy on the eyes, because I often read books. But after Samsung, with a comparable diagonal, the screen here is narrow. It takes a habit. 5) Design and sizes. The appearance of the smartphone is simply excellent for my taste. With a comparable diagonal, the size is smaller than that of the Galaxy S8. It fits well in the hand. The presence of glass on the back is disappointing; I personally like metal better.

I thought for a very long time, read reviews and specifications before purchasing. Before that it was 6. I dug it because It's time to upgrade your phone. If I had 6s, 7,8 I probably wouldn’t change it. I considered 8, but this is nothing new, just improved characteristics. Face ID fire, I really like it, it’s definitely better than a fingerprint (a fingerprint on 6 worked 50/50)!!! I didn’t take it on credit or with the latest ones, it’s a bit expensive, of course, but the latest Samsung costs 55! SAMSUNG 55! I didn’t even consider Android!!! Therefore, 80 for an iPhone is normal (I calm myself down)! Conclusion: take it if you have an extra 80₽, don’t read negative reviews - everything works, I’m glad, everyone looks and is jealous. If you think that it is better to rent a car for this money, then you probably do not need such a phone).

A little big, a little heavy, but overall I'm happy with it. I was choosing between 8 and X. The issues of pros and cons of iPhone, Samsung, Huawei have already been discussed. You need to take what you like. I'm used to iOS. I wanted to take the 8, but I wasn’t impressed. A slight difference from 7 and 6. Having picked up the X-ku, I realized that at the moment I am satisfied with everything (especially the large screen), except for the price. Of course the toad tormented me a little. Not an oligarch, but I decided that I could afford to have it. I took an officially imported device for work at the recommended price for Russia 2 weeks after the start of sales. I have never understood those who are willing to overpay to have it before others, unless it is a gift for a loved one. I didn’t find any glitches during operation. It works in the cold, the screen does not flicker, the sound is normal, applications fly. Nobody seemed to complain about the branded service. If you don’t have the financial means, then you can choose something cheaper. Not everyone will be able to distinguish an iPhone 6 from an 8 in a case. But my son is a Huawei fan with a 20 MP camera and is completely satisfied with this phone for work. It’s definitely not worth selling a kidney for an iPhone. I think in the spring Samsung will release a cooler iPhone. Everyone decides for themselves what to take. But today the X-ka is the most technically advanced device and, moreover, very convenient to work with.

The screen, elongated, can no longer be used with one hand (for example, if you want to adjust the brightness, the settings must be pulled out from the upper corner, where you can’t reach with one hand) Face ID - to unlock the phone you need to look at it directly. Or dial the PIN code. The screen, because of the protrusion at the top, some applications are not developed for the new design, and this protruding part closes the screen (in my case there were buttons there, which I could not press, I had to turn the phone over) Sometimes the screen with a message closes when you print and decided to add emoticons, after which you don’t see anything.

I hope some errors will be corrected in the future. Since it’s clear that they were in a hurry to release something new ( Steve Jobs I would not approve of this approach to work, they made a device out of a mega convenient phone that is annoying) In general, the phone is fine, but there are some things that really infuriate you like Face ID, when you want to open it but it’s not convenient to look at it (I’ve been using the phone for several days) I think it’s better I would take an iPhone 8. And after 1-2 years I would take a new one, where the errors will already be corrected.

If you don't want to overpay, you can look into Tmall. The prices there are much nicer.

  • 64GB version - about 60,000 rubles,
  • 256 GB version - about 70,000 rubles.

Delivery from Russia to your door, all PCT devices and all come with an official guarantee. So you can save some money!

Hello friends!

Is it worth buying an iPhone? This is the most popular question when choosing a smartphone, given the high cost of the device. This article will analyze how to choose the right iPhone and whether it is worth choosing it.


— IPhone is, first of all, a brand created by the brilliant Steve Jobs. When buying an iPhone, its owner receives a piece of history;

- the metal body and glass won’t surprise anyone, but in terms of quality, apple is the best assembly among competitors;

- incredible color rendition and camera clarity;

- recognizable stylish design, which has become classic, but does not lag behind modernity;

- high performance;

— the presence of exclusive functions and applications not available from competitors;

— multi-level account protection, proven over the years.


— the cost of the iPhone, because despite all the uniqueness, the main part of the price is the brand;

paid content;

— no memory cards;

- high cost original spare parts and accessories.

General opinion

Despite the fact that the functions of modern devices are almost the same, especially if we take direct iPhone competitors— Samsung and Apple have always been pioneers, introducing new features and technologies faster.

The iPhone is the most powerful smartphone in the world right now and, not surprisingly, the most desirable.

iOS or Android?

One of the important questions when purchasing is which operating system is better?

Let's start with the fact that these operating systems are opposite in origin. IOS is an independent closed operating system, designed specifically for iPhone smartphones With closed code, which significantly improves its security against hacking.

Android system is based on Linux kernel, which in turn is open to public access. Thus, any programmer with sufficient knowledge can write his own version of the Android system. This is what causes diversity Android versions. Each manufacturer is trying to come up with something of their own.

Also, the user support policy of the developers of these systems is diametrically opposed. iOS is constantly updated with small tweaks, performance improvements and bug fixes, while Android rarely receives updates, but they are more global.

Conclusion: iOS is more stable and safer. Android is more diverse, but less secure.

Files, data

Smartphones running on operating room Android system Easily connect to a computer or laptop using a standard USB - micro-USB cable. Drivers are installed automatically and the smartphone is presented on the screen as a storage device. You can seamlessly transfer files from your computer to your phone and vice versa.

With the iPhone, things are different. To connect your smartphone to your computer you need special cable, which comes with the kit. You also need to download iTunes. This is a program for synchronizing your smartphone and computer. The iPhone will also be visible as a portable device, but access will be provided exclusively to photographs and pictures. Thus, using an iPhone instead of a flash card is impossible.

But this is not a minus. This manufacturer's policy helps protect the smartphone's memory from viruses and malware.

Conclusion: working with files Android is simpler and does not require additional programs. iOS, on the other hand, requires the installation of additional software that you need to understand, but this is compensated by security.

Data store

The iPhone did not and does not have support for memory cards. Instead, the manufacturer offers to immediately select the amount of built-in memory at the time of purchase. In addition, after registering an account, cloud storage space will be available.

For the most part, Android devices have the ability to increase memory using cards, but as a rule, you can only store photos and data on them. Applications cannot be installed without third-party programs.

Conclusion: Android has an advantage when it comes to expanding device memory.

Where can I buy?

There are several options for purchasing an iPhone, for example .

1. The most reliable way is to purchase a new iPhone from the original store or a partner store. Minimum risks, guarantee, 100% new device.

Confidence in the phone;


- high price.

2. Recently, there are more and more stores that are ready to sell iPhones at a significantly reduced price. What's the catch? These phones were damaged and repaired. If the repair is done in good faith, there will be no difference in build quality. The cases have no wear and are sold in original packaging.

Reduced price;

The equipment is the same as in the original store;

Repair service.

— absence or short warranty periods;

— the device is still not new.

3. Buy an IDon from your hands

Undoubtedly, there are sellers who actually offer quality smartphone no defects for favorable price. But there are also those who sell iPhones after they are broken or with a hidden defect. This method suitable for people willing to take risks. However, the market for used iPhones is updated daily, and the demand for these devices is constantly growing. In the future, when updating to new smartphone, it will be easy to sell your iPhone.

The most low price;

Big choice.

- big risk;
complete absence guarantees.

Conclusion: if the buyer understands iPhones, you can take a risk and buy it second-hand, after checking it first.
If this is his first iPhone, then it is better to buy in stores. Which one depends on the budget.

Repairs and accessories

Original spare parts for the iPhone are expensive, but you shouldn’t give up the pleasure of owning this device because of this. On Aliexpress offer many types of accessories, protective covers, glass Charging cables of various lengths, devices for wireless charging. Most importantly, these products have been tested by thousands of buyers, and their low price will not leave you indifferent.

Conclusion: No need to worry about broken glass or lost charger. All this can be easily found in relevant stores or ordered from China.

The tenth iPhone rightfully deserves the title of innovative flagship smartphone. After the monotonous models that Apple released in a row, the updated device became a breath of fresh air for users. An attractive, functional and non-standard smartphone appealed to not only loyal fans of Apple products. Therefore, lines at stores lined up from morning until late at night; people wanted to be the first to purchase the updated device. But the first excitement has subsided, now buyers are thinking about whether it’s worth buying an iPhone X or whether it’s better to give preference to Android models.

5 reasons to buy an iPhone

The smartphone is truly good. The design is striking - the “bangs” and frameless design, which electronics manufacturers immediately began to copy. There is no point in denying the advantages of the flagship; the iPhone will delight the owner with increased performance and weight useful functions. Skeptics will say that other smartphones also offer customers innovations and pleasant appearance. This is partly true, but it’s not for nothing that Apple technology regularly ranks first in ratings of electronic products. The 10th iPhone model also has advantages that set it apart from its competitors.

  1. Ease of use. Increased iPhone display occupies the area of ​​the front panel due to the abandonment of frames and the introduction of a “unibrow”. With relatively small dimensions, you get a solid, rich screen, and the phone itself fits comfortably in your hand. The same “golden mean” has been found; the device has received dimensions that will be useful in Everyday life, but will not make using the technology uncomfortable. The smartphone has enough resources for the owner to immerse himself in the atmosphere of a game or movie.
  2. Phone performance. Experts gave the smartphone excellent marks due to the built-in A11 Bionic processor. Its power is enough to play “heavy” games without stuttering or stuttering. The “stuffing” of the smartphone is top-end, because otherwise the built-in entertainment applications will not be supported. The smartphone is not positioned as a gaming smartphone, but it has proven itself well in this area. Including thanks to the build quality and enlarged display.
  3. Face recognition. New feature, developed by Apple, has not yet been perfected, but has already become a breakthrough in the field of protecting smartphones against theft. In essence, the buyer receives full-fledged biometric protection, which makes it possible to eliminate unnecessary buttons on the screen. It is assumed that the function will still be improved, but positive reviews exist even in this form. No matter how hard the Chinese try, they cannot thoroughly copy this “feature”; facial recognition works better on the iPhone. Apple aims to rid users of buttons in favor of biometric control.
  4. Portrait mode and camera. The function is not new, but it has been updated and improved; both the program and the camera itself have received changes. Shooting mode allows you to take revolutionary selfies without using filters in in social networks. The smartphone itself can select the necessary filters in conditions of insufficient or excessive illumination. Macro photography has become more detailed, photographs are rich and colorful even without additional processing. No one has yet been able to replicate the quality of a smartphone camera.
  5. Device design. Users were initially outraged by the “bangs” on the display, but we have to admit that the future lies with frameless devices. Worldwide famous brands also started using similar technologies. The design of the iPhone X has changed, so the flagship takes some getting used to. But then regular smartphones will look bland against the backdrop of the aesthetic “ten”.
  6. The smartphone has many other advantages that can be listed until the morning. The device turned out to be decent; the smartphone is suitable for everyday use and creates only a positive impression.

5 reasons not to take an iPhone

There was a fly in the ointment - users are not happy with the model simply because it is an iPhone. The characteristics were examined “under a magnifying glass”, people tried to understand whether it was worth buying an iPhone 10 - Apple is asking a lot of money for the equipment. Buyers didn't want to waste their savings on a smartphone that would disappoint. Therefore, shortcomings were also found in the tenth model. Whether you need to put up with them - you will have to decide for yourself, as well as choose what is more important: owning a legendary smartphone or personal convenience.

  1. Phone cost. The main disadvantage of Apple smartphones is their exorbitant prices. Buyers simply don't understand where these numbers come from. Yes, the smartphone is amazing, functional and attractive, but not for the same money. The closest competitors are only slightly inferior in technical specifications, and cost 20-30 thousand cheaper. WITH new iPhone X joke about credit and Doshirak has already ceased to be a joke - an impressive part of Russians are not able to buy such an item without a long-term loan.
  2. Battery capacity. The announcement for the tenth model indicated that the battery lasts longer without charging than on the iPhone 7. But upon comparison, it turned out that the battery is weaker than that of the “eight”. The smartphone simply will not reveal its potential - the battery will run out sooner. So it turns out that with active use, the owner will have to carry a PowerBank with him so as not to be left without a smartphone at the most inopportune time. To be fair, with moderate use, the smartphone retains its charge for a long time.
  3. No headphone jack. This is a blow to music lovers who purchase headphones at the same cost as their tenth smartphone. Apple leaves no alternative, and this upset customers - AirPods headphones do not come in a box, so you will have to pay for comfortable listening to music. The sound quality of the headphones is good, but not every buyer is satisfied. And the headphones don’t have buttons, so there’s no point in talking about ease of use.
  4. Unusual design. What some considered an innovation and a breakthrough, others called a failure. The glass body of the new iPhone 10 has caused as much controversy as it has delighted. The steel frames of the device are scratched even in a case, and without it the smartphone “pleases” with a stained back cover. Replacing glass is also expensive, so users will have to prepare for the expense in advance. Users also did not appreciate the absence of a Home button, considering it an inconvenient and hasty decision.
  5. One SIM card slot. There have been all sorts of rumors surrounding the smartphone, but Apple is not flexible in its views. The voice of buyers was ignored, so a smartphone that supports only one SIM card went on mass sale. This became the reason for the 6th refusal of buyers to purchase a smartphone - Apple’s competitors offer alternative options with two slots, and the cost of the devices is cheaper than that of Apple.

Also, the disadvantages of the tenth model included glitches and freezes of iOS 11, but with a firmware update the problem was solved. And the fact that the interface has become unusual is a matter of taste. It is logical that “fresh” devices receive an updated operating component, so you should not be surprised at the changes.


You will have to make a purchasing decision on your own, because the smartphone has many advantages and disadvantages. The flagship gives the owner status; for the sake of the brand, buyers are ready to forgive the smartphone’s shortcomings. But the fact remains that the iPhone X turned out to be an innovative, productive and pleasing to the eye smartphone. And the device has more advantages than disadvantages. This new symbol well-being, and if you handle the phone carefully, the device will last longer than its Android competitors. Lack of quality Apple company During its existence I did not suffer.

There are things that you don’t understand right away. Especially if you buy a smartphone for a lot of money.

Of course, I still won’t exchange it for another iPhone. But my conclusions can help those who have not yet spent money - or are wondering whether to buy a “ten”.

Should I still buy it? case.

My phone is defective. And there are a lot of marriages.

Very strange.

Never, NEVER have I encountered defects in iPhones with such frequency as this happens with the iPhone X.

Now I’m not talking about rumors and stories “ one-grandmother-said" All I need to do is look at the editors around me.

Artyom Bausov bought an iPhone X, but three months later his processor burned out. Andrey from the sales department took the iPhone X and received it.

I’m sitting with: flashing the firmware didn’t help, new versions of iOS didn’t either. The NFC module is faulty, and judging by the response, I’m not the only one.

There are also a scattering of other problems. From the latest - I personally saw the iPhone X, which Taptic Engine is acting up, that is, the vibration module in iPhones. When the phone is lying with the display facing up, the module rattles loudly when activated (very nasty!). By the way, the history of this “jamb” has been going on for three years; it could have appeared in the iPhone 6s.

Previously, I didn’t believe stories like “I had my iPhone replaced three times, and each one was defective.” iPhone X convinced me. It’s a mystery what’s going on at Apple’s suppliers, but it’s definitely something bad. Or already at the assembly stage they mess up more often than usual.

Yes, maybe I was just unlucky. Accidents, even repeated ones, cannot be ruled out. And yes, with a Russian guarantee, all these problems are not very scary. The above bugs are noticeable, do not appear en masse and lead to free replacement iPhone.

Just something else scares me.

You remember that the iPhone X has an OLED display, with time? There seem to be no residual marks on mine now, everything is fine. But what will happen in a year, or better yet, two?

Apple that such smartphones will not be replaced under warranty.

So in the near future, the iPhone X may cause a big scandal, no worse than slowing down batteries. It will be interesting.

In the meantime, I can’t get to the service and therefore I returned to paying with a plastic card.

I'm delighted to fully charge my iPhone in 1 hour.

For five years in a row, we have been reading: real wireless charging is about to come out. And then silence.

It’s good that I have a combo with which I can safely wait out a couple of years of fairy tales about air charging. Warm greetings to all iPhone X owners. This is a USB-C cable with a Lightning plug and a charger USB-C device at 29 watts. Both are original from Apple.

This combination allows you to charge your iPhone X from 5% to 90% in 1 hour. This speed is not provided by any other iPhone charger, including official accessories.

You get used to it very quickly. I understood when I was forced to charge the “ten” from the included 5-watt power supply. Charging took four or five hours.

It is important to understand that accelerated charging can be obtained from any Apple power supply with USB-C port. If you have a 12" MacBook or new MacBook Pro, then their units are suitable, including 61 watt or 87 watt.

I also found out through experience that the 87-watt and 29-watt units charge the iPhone X equally quickly. This means there is no need to buy a more powerful one USB-C adapter just for the iPhone.

Some believe that such charges kill the iPhone battery. In my opinion, this is nonsense. Much earlier, the battery will die from sudden temperature changes, as well as extreme heat and extreme cold outside.

So = love. Just remember that it is relevant for iPhone owners 8/Plus and iPhone X.

The frames were trashed, although I had the original case!

I bought the iPhone X and knew in advance that this would happen. Blame steel edges that scratch much easier than aluminum in previous models.

To delay the moment of disappointment, on the same day I bought an original Apple leather case, purple. Others did not inspire confidence - they were too thin, or soft, or did not protect the edges. Since then, the cover was removed only for a couple of minutes, then put back on.

Three weeks ago the same problems with Apple Pay began, I became interested in looking at the back panel (the NFC module is hidden under it). I took off the case, looked at the iPhone in the light, stunned.

Actually, you have already seen everything in the photographs.

For some, the situation is worse or better. The culprit is fine dust that settles on the smartphone screen and is then pushed beyond the edges of the case. Friction causes scratches on the frame. Polished steel cannot do otherwise.

Six months later The edges on the iPhone X will be scratched, even if you never removed the case. Mine are scratched, yours is scratched too. And it seems like a drum, because it’s not visible in the case. And at the same time it’s a little offensive. Be ready.

I stopped noticing TrueTone working.

No, sometimes I feel like there's something wrong with the colors on the screen. Some kind of white yellow or blue. But then I realize that I'm standing under a dark red light. Or blue. I look at the screen again and understand: if True Tone had not been there, the picture would have been harder on the eyes.

I thought I would turn True Tone off when I was editing photos. Or even when I watch them. But it turned out that if you don’t think about it at all, you won’t notice any deviations in colors. The brain somehow adjusts itself to the color temperature of the display if it matches the surrounding light.

I still think that iPad Pro 10.5 this technology works with best results. And on iPhone 8 too. No matter how much I compare, I like the result of the “eight” and “proshka” a little more.

Siri and Apple Pay on the lock button are idiotic.

I am happy to report: after purchasing the iPhone X, I stopped using Siri. AT ALL. Amazingly, Apple itself stepped on the throat of its “smart assistant”.

It was good before. You hold your finger on the central button and speak. Like a button on a microphone. Now, instead of Siri, you can easily lock the screen by accident if you release the key too early.

Inconvenient to call Siri long press the lock button. So many false positives in a case, in your hand, when you accidentally put your smartphone on its side, etc.

Eat separate problem with wake-up and lockout brakes. Let's say the iPhone suddenly became dull. You reflexively try to block it. While it is thinking and does not “go out”, pressing the button is read as long.

As soon as the iPhone comes to life, the screen lights up and Siri suddenly wakes up. To close Siri, you need to press the block button again - not immediately, but a second after activation.

In words this is normal. But in fact, a bunch of pop-up windows are added to the problem of a frozen iPhone. You hit the lock button, it continues to be dumb, and Siri also comes out. It's annoying. And the most chic thing is when Apple Pay pops up in the appendage, right after Siri. It is configured for double clicking.

Not everything is going smoothly with Apple Pay either.. Double tap for some reason, the side button is sometimes recognized as a single long one. Instead of Apple Pay, Siri comes in. It infuriates you when you stand with your phone in front of the terminal.

It’s good that Face ID works ultra-fast - and paying from an iPhone has become even more convenient than through a sensor fingerprint Touch ID.

In short, something needs to be done with the Siri calling mechanism, it’s terrible right now. I don’t use it at all, it’s more hemorrhoids than it’s useful.

64 gigabytes is enough. Hooray.

If you are choosing between a 64GB and a 256GB model, you can safely take the first one.

I described in detail how to avoid experiencing a memory shortage even after transferring a copy from a 256 GB iPhone. I've been using the iPhone X 64 GB to its full potential for months now - and I've never gotten bored.

Photos and videos in 4K are uploaded to iCloud, music is stored entirely in Apple Music. Applications delete themselves if you don't use them. I have 25-30 gigabytes free, and I don’t deny myself anything.

I won't go back to iPhone 8

The last thing I realized the other day, I’ll end with this. I was setting up someone else's iPhone 8 and was stunned, what a boring screen it has.

Those big frames at the bottom and top. The colors are pale and expressionless. Black is never black. The resolution is so low that the pixels are almost visible. The keyboard is so uncomfortable, the letters are small. Complete disappointment.

In the first days after purchasing the iPhone X, I hated its OLED display. And now I look back at the LCD matrices of other models in the same way - and I spit.

This is why I deliberately will not return to iPhones without an OLED screen, and I advise you to do the same. They say that I will gladly let him pass too.

P.S. Starts in a week M.W.C., many new smartphones will be announced. I hope the iPhone will be given a good kick on all fronts so that Apple does not relax. Otherwise, again for 4 years in a row they will re-release the “top ten” with new bugs, like the poor iPhone 6...