Standard Windows 8 desktop. Show all applications

Hello dear friends, I am glad to see you on the pages of this section, and since you are here, it means that you are most likely taking your first steps towards mastering the Windows 8.1 operating system.

So, this is the first lesson in which we will analyze the basic desktop settings, adjust them to suit ourselves, and make this part more individual, special and unique. We will also get acquainted with some elements that any PC user should know, such as the Taskbar.

And I would immediately like to draw your attention to the Taskbar, since this is one of the main panels with which you need to constantly work.

Task bar - This horizontal line located at the bottom of the screen (by default) on which there are several groups of elements. In Windows, it is possible to move this panel to top part screen or on the sides.

Main elements of the taskbar:

  • Start button- one of the main Windows elements- main menu of the system. This button launches the Start menu, which provides access to the system, its settings, programs, etc.
  • Panel quick launch - provides the ability to quickly launch applications. Since the taskbar remains almost always visible when working on a computer, you can use it to quickly launch required application having previously secured it to this panel
  • Running Applications Panel- displays programs that are currently running.
  • Notification area- area of ​​the taskbar in which they are displayed as system icons(network, volume, language, time and date.....) and some icons running programs. Provides the ability to configure some parameters.

The desktop is what you see on the screen immediately after loading the operating system. It serves as the main working area of ​​the screen. Here, as on regular table You can place elements in any part of it. We'll find out how this is done below.

So, for a more comfortable and comfortable work For computers, the first thing you should do is set the desktop settings that are most suitable for you.

For this right click on the mouse button free space on the desktop and from the drop-down menu select the item Personalization. Free space is the space on the desktop where there is not a single element (folder, file, shortcut, etc.)

A window will open in which we will change the parameters to bring the desktop to the desired appearance.

And we will touch on the following elements here:

  1. Themes
  2. Color
  3. Sounds
  4. Screensaver
  5. Font and element size

And now more details.


A theme is a certain set of images, colors, sounds united by some meaning.

By default, Windows has 3 themes. When you select a theme, the background image desktop, transformed appearance windows, taskbar, system sounds, in some cases icons, shortcuts, etc.

Try selecting each one and observe the changes.

Also, if you are connected to the Internet, then it is possible to download the theme from the network and install it on your computer. To do this, follow the appropriate link Other topics on the Internet. An Internet page will open where a fairly decent selection of various topics will be presented to your attention. By clicking on any one, you can see all its images and, if you like it, download and install it.

Desktop background.

As we have already said, each topic can have several images interconnected by some meaning.

So, in order to change the desktop image, you should follow the link Desktop background(image above) which is located under the topics.

Here you can select one or several desktop images.

By selecting several images (by checking the box), they will be added to the slideshow and certain time will change each other on their own. Moreover, timer settings are activated, in which you can change the time after which the slides will change.

It is also possible to select and put some of your own images on the desktop background, for example, a personal photo or a group of photos. To do this, click on the button REVIEW and specify the path to the image.

After selecting the background, do not forget to confirm your actions by clicking on the button Save changes


There are situations when you like the theme, the desktop background is suitable, but the color of the windows does not suit you. What to do? In Windows there are settings for such cases. To do this, follow the link Color which is located next to the BACKGROUND and select the window and taskbar color settings from the existing options or set manually by moving the hue, saturation and brightness sliders.

By dragging the COLOR INTENSITY slider, you set the saturation or strength of a particular tone.

Experiment with these settings and achieve the shade that suits you best.

At the end of this procedure, do not forget to save by clicking on the appropriate button.


You can customize the sound scheme in Windows as you wish. In order to change or assign a specific sound to an event, you just need to select this event from the list and assign it the sound you like from the field SOUNDS. You can listen to it right away by clicking on the button. CHECK. And there is also an option to assign your downloaded or previously prepared sounds through the button REVIEW.


A screen saver is a dynamic or static object (inscription, pattern, drawing, photograph, etc.) that appears on the screen after a specified amount of time if no actions are performed on the computer.

How to install the screensaver? To do this, you must choose a specific one from several proposed options. As a result, you can immediately evaluate the screensaver in the preview window or click on the button VIEW and evaluate it in full screen mode.

Change the custom interval value to specify how long after system inactivity the screen saver should turn on.

For some screensavers, the button is activated OPTIONS, where you can make some more settings.

So let's go ahead and turn our attention directly to the desktop. Let's talk about labels. Shortcuts can be placed in any area of ​​the desktop. To do this, move the mouse pointer over the shortcut and press left button mouse, and without releasing, move the shortcut to any free space. Then release the mouse button. This way you can distribute the icons in any order.

To increase or decrease the size of the icon you need to click right Click on a free space on the desktop and select an option from the context menu VIEW After which, from the submenu it will be possible to determine the size of the icons.

There are three options:

  • Large icons
  • Regular icons
  • Small icons

Experiment and choose the one that suits you best. For the changes to take effect, you may have to log out and log in again, which you will be informed about by a notification.

There are also some other possibilities here. Checkbox Arrange icons automatically will deprive you of the ability to place shortcuts anywhere.

Function Align icons to grid as if it draws an invisible grid where the label can only be located in the center of any cell in this grid. By disabling this feature (unchecking the box), you can more accurately place icons on your desktop.

Well, the parameter Show desktop icons either removes the shortcuts from visibility or returns them to their place.

So, let's move on and we just have to talk about changing font sizes. Click right click on a free space on the desktop and select Screen resolution. Here you can choose less or higher resolution screen, while the desktop elements will become smaller or larger accordingly. But it is better to leave the resolution that is recommended by the system as the most optimal.

Firstly, it is possible to change the size of all elements. By moving the slider to the right and clicking Apply the size of the elements will increase accordingly. The only thing required for the settings to take effect is to log out and log in again.

Secondly, you can change only the size of the text without affecting the size of everything else. Let's change the font size for Labels. To do this, select the appropriate item from the drop-down menu - Badges and assign a parameter to it, for example, 14. Apply. Let's check. The font size under desktop shortcuts has become larger.

Accordingly, the size and font of the text of the remaining elements from this drop-down menu change in the same way.

This concludes this lesson. Work on the uniqueness of your desktop and bring it to its optimal state.

In the next lesson we will talk about computer program and look at How to work with windows in Windows 8.1

The Windows 8 interface may seem confusing at first glance, as it is significantly different from previous versions. You need to know how to work with the Start screen as well as the desktop. Although the desktop is very similar to previous versions, there is a significant change: the Start menu has been removed.

In this tutorial we will show you how to navigate in Windows 8, how to use the Charms bar and work with applications. We'll also show you where to find features that used to be in the Start menu.

Getting started with Windows 8

After you install Windows 8, it will require you to create an account name and password that you will use to log in. You can also create additional accounts and, if desired, link each of them to a Microsoft account.

To log into Windows 8:

To use Windows 8 you must have your own account and the password you need to log into the system.

Navigation in Windows 8

There are several ways to navigate in Windows 8: hot corners, hotkeys, and gestures if you have a tablet.

Using active corners

Wherever you are in Windows 8, on the Start screen or desktop, you can use hot corners or hot corners to navigate. To use the active corner, simply hover your mouse over the corner of the screen, then you will see a panel or tile that you can click on. Each corner has its own task:

  • Bottom left: when you are working with the application, you can click on the lower left corner and return to the home screen.

  • Top left: If you click on the top left corner, you will go to the previously used application.

  • Right top or bottom: You can hover your mouse over the top or bottom right corners to open the panel Charms, where you can change your computer settings and manage printers. We'll talk more about the capabilities of the Charms panel later.

If you have several applications open at the same time, you can switch between them by hovering your mouse cursor over the left top corner and then lowering it down. After this a list will appear open applications, in which you can switch to the desired one.

Navigation on a tablet

If you have a tablet with Windows 8, then instead of active corners, you can use touch gestures:

  • Swipe from the left edge of the screen allows you to switch between open applications.
  • Swipe from the right edge of the screen opens the Charms panel.

Windows 8 Hotkeys

Windows 8 has several hotkeys that you can use for navigation:

Read more about Windows hotkeys in.

The Charms panel allows you to access your computer settings as well as other options. You can open the Charms panel by hovering your mouse over the top or bottom right corners of the screen.

The Charms bar has several icons, each of which has its own functions:

Working with apps on the Home screen

Applications home screen slightly different from the “classic” ones Windows applications that you have used before. They occupy the entire screen, that is, they do not open in separate window. However, you can multitask by opening two apps side by side.

To open the application:

To close the application:

When you drag an app down, it may appear stuck. However, continue moving the mouse down until the cursor reaches the bottom of the screen, then the application will close.

Simultaneous use of applications

Although apps typically take up the entire screen, Windows 8 lets you tie application to the right or left side of the screen and open another one next to it. For example, you may want to open your calendar while using another application.

To use applications simultaneously:

The multi-application feature is designed to work on widescreen monitors, so your monitor resolution must be at least 1366x768 pixels for it to work. The larger your monitor, the more apps you will be able to see at the same time.

Working without the Start menu

One of the most common complaints about Windows 8 is the lack of a Start menu. The Start menu had very important functionality in previous versions of Windows, such as launching applications, searching for files, opening the Control Panel, and shutting down the computer. You can perform these steps in Windows 8, but in a slightly different order.

Windows 8 has several ways to launch applications:

To launch the application:

  • Click on the application icon on the taskbar.

  • Double-click the application shortcut on your desktop.

  • Click on the application tile on the Home screen.

To see all your apps, click the arrow in the lower left corner of the Start screen.

To search for a file or application:

  • Press Windows key to switch to the Start screen and type what you are looking for. The search results will appear below the search bar. Matching web search results will also appear in the list.

To open the control panel:

To turn off your computer:

  1. Hover your mouse over the bottom right corner to open the Charms panel, then select Options.
  2. Click Power and select Shut down.

Home screen settings

Windows 8 contains many new features, but users who are used to working with the Desktop often find the Start screen annoying and frustrating. If you don't want to use the Start screen often, there are several ways to make your PC look more like its predecessors. Windows versions. For example, you can configure your computer to launch directly to the desktop instead of the Start screen.

To change Home screen settings:

1) Opening the Desktop upon login

Select this option if you want the Desktop to open immediately after you sign in, instead of the Start screen.

2) Show all applications

Select this option if you want to see a list of all your applications when you press the Start button or Windows key.

This option can make the Start screen more similar to the Start menu in previous versions of Windows.

3) Show desktop apps first

Select this option to display desktop applications before others in the application list.

This article describes the main elements of the new interface Windows user 8 Metro. Managing programs and settings in Windows 8 has changed significantly compared to previous versions of Windows. The new Metro interface is adapted for use on devices with finger input (touchscreens).

This article describes the Windows 8.1 Metro interface. There are some differences on Windows 8 (first release). One difference is how to access the All Programs menu.

In Windows 8, the developers abandoned the familiar Start button, which opened the Windows menu in all previous versions starting with Windows 95. Now, in Windows 8, after the system starts, the Windows 8 start screen opens:

If the computer is connected to the Internet, then the Windows 8 start screen downloads information from Microsoft online services:

In order to open the traditional “Desktop” in Windows 8, you need to click on the “Desktop” icon in the start screen. This icon is labeled and located at the bottom left. The Windows 8 desktop looks exactly the same as in previous versions of Windows:

In Windows 8.1, the Start icon has returned to the taskbar. But this icon does not open the Start menu, as it did before, but the Windows 8 Start screen.

This change is dictated by the fact that Microsoft decided to use single interface user for devices with different types of input - both traditional ones, where a mouse is used, and new ones, where a touchscreen and finger control are used.

Desktop in Windows 8

For those who are used to old Windows or who uses Windows 8 on regular computer the start screen seems like a redundant element. Is it possible to get rid of it? Make Windows 8 open the desktop immediately after booting?

Yes it is possible. You need to right-click on the taskbar, then context menu select "Properties". The following window with settings will open:

There are two options you need to change in the Home Screen group:

  1. When you log in and close all applications, open the Desktop instead of the Start screen.
  2. When you go to the Start screen, automatically open the Applications view.

IN sidebar Some of the functions that were previously available through the Start menu have been removed. Access to the control panel, settings, network connections, shutting down the computer.

Lateral Windows panel 8 is opened by hovering the mouse (or sliding your finger) to the upper right corner of the screen or to the lower right corner:

Another way to open the sidebar is by pressing the keys Win+I on keyboard.

Windows 8 start menu

In previous versions Windows menu Start was the central point at which access was collected not only to programs, but also to system folders and system settings. In Windows 8 programs and system settings divided into two parts. Programs are accessed through the Start screen, and settings are accessed through the Windows 8 sidebar (see previous section).

Access to the program menu in Windows 8 is possible through the start screen, at the bottom of the screen there is an arrow button, you need to press it:

After this, the second part of the initial screen will open, what can be called a menu Windows Start 8:

You can configure Windows 8 to open the Apps screen instead of the Start screen. How to do this is described in the previous section "".

Win + X menu (Power User Menu)

If you press the Win + X keys on your keyboard, the "Power User Menu" will open:

This menu contains a set system commands Windows 8. Alternative methods opening this menu:

  • Click the right mouse button in the "Start" picture.
  • For the touchscreen, make a long tap (long touch) on the “Start” picture.

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From the point of view of the general design philosophy, nothing has changed in Windows 8.1, but those who want to try latest version The OS hasn't diminished at all due to the new features and improvements that Microsoft has added. In ours, I noted that in addition to the return of the Start button, Windows 8.1 allows you to boot directly to your desktop. This article will focus on this feature, as well as other options found in the new Navigation tab in the Taskbar Properties dialog box.

The new Navigation section in Windows 8.1 is full of surprises, so I explored them all. This section can be accessed as follows: click right click mouse on the taskbar, select “Properties” in the context menu and in the dialog box that opens, go to the “Navigation” tab.

Disable or enable the top left and top right hotspots

Active corners (aka hot corners) are one of the most unpleasant Windows features 8 for users desktop computers and laptops. For those who, for some reason, have not yet had time to get acquainted with Windows 8, I’ll clarify that when the mouse pointer hits the area of ​​these corners, the so-called “Charms bar” panel or a panel for switching between running applications, depending on whether it is the upper right or upper left corner. Most often, these panels appear accidentally, for example, when the user just wants to close the window current program. Windows 8.1 eliminates this disadvantage, allowing you to disable the top active corners of the screen - in Windows 8 this can also be done, but only by editing the registry or using third-party applications.

The first two options on the Navigation tab allow you to enable or disable the top right corner (to open the Charms bar) and the top left corner (to open the app switching interface).

Command line instead of PowerShell in the “Power User” menu and vice versa

In Windows 8, if you press Win + X or right-click in the bottom left corner of the screen, you will see the "Power User" menu, which allows you to launch command line. In Windows 8.1, the command line is no longer in this menu, but there is a PowerShell tool. Luckily, Microsoft has made it possible to bring back the command line. To do this, uncheck the third checkbox on the “Navigation” tab and click the “OK” button.

Load to Desktop or Start Screen

Windows 8.1 allows you to choose which workspace should open after loading the OS - the desktop or the start screen. Many users hated Windows 8 only because the Start screen opened immediately after loading the OS, so third party developers have released a range of tools to help change this. Now Microsoft has integrated a similar feature directly into the OS.

You'll find the above-mentioned option under the Home Screen section of the Navigation tab.

Desktop background on the Start screen

The Start screen design in Windows 8 is limited to the ability to set multiple color images, so users are forced to use third party applications(such as Decor8) to decorate the home screen own images. In Windows 8.1, you can use your current desktop image as the Start screen background. To do this, you need to activate the option “Display desktop background on the Start screen”.

It looks very nice and overcomes the feeling of switching between two radically different environments.

Home screen on the main display

If you have multiple monitors connected to your computer, you can configure the OS so that when you press the Start key on the primary monitor, the Start screen will always open

"Applications" instead of the Start screen

Windows 8.1 has a special Applications menu that you can open by clicking on the small arrow in the lower left corner of the Start screen. If you want the default screen to open instead of the Start screen this menu, activate the option “When you go to the Start screen, automatically open the Applications view.”

By default, the Applications menu searches only your applications. If you want the search to be performed everywhere, activate the last function.

Finally, if you enable the most recent feature, classic programs will be listed first when sorting apps by category in the Apps menu.

Overall, Microsoft has done great job, eliminated Windows disadvantages 8 and significantly improved usability.

Have a great day!

The greatest user dissatisfaction previous versions Windows when upgrading to a new one operating system caused two things:

  1. By default, a new Start screen with “Tiles” opened, so to go to the “familiar” desktop you had to click on the corresponding tile. The next time I logged in, the same thing happened again.
  2. To turn off/restart the computer using the mouse you had to “call magic buttons, go to the parameters, select the shutdown item and select the desired action.
With the release, it became obvious that the developers made certain concessions to the “Old Believers” who did not want to “relearn.” Here we will briefly describe the most important (useful) features of Windows 8.1, which were sorely lacking in Windows 8.

The "Start" button appeared in its usual place. On click right clicking on this button appears convenient menu with the ability to immediately choose to shut down or restart the PC.

However, when the system starts, tiles still open, not the desktop. To configure the desktop to open instead of "tiles", you must first go to the "Desktop". Then you need to click right mouse button on the "Taskbar".

Next, select “Properties” from the pop-up menu. A window will open dedicated to all the taskbar and “navigation” settings. It is the “Navigation” tab that we need to configure the opening of the desktop instead of the “start screen”. On this tab, find the item “When you log in and close all applications, open the desktop instead of the Start screen” and check the box.

Don't forget to click the "Apply" button, otherwise changes made will not be taken into account. Now, when you turn on your computer or laptop, instead of the start screen (tiles), the good old desktop will always open.

We remind you that the owners licensed Windows 8 can update the system to Windows 8.1 absolutely free - you can do this through " Windows Store"If you buy one of the versions Windows product 8 or