Ways to make money on file hosting services: step-by-step instructions for beginners. Step-by-step instructions for a beginner

Earning money on file hosting services This a very profitable and profitable way to make money on the Internet. The most important thing is that to make money on file sharing services It is not necessary to have your own website, but it is enough to become a journalist on any website, forum, etc. and publish your news with links.
So how to make money on file sharing services? I'll tell you how to work with file sharing, how much can you earn on file sharing services?, and also how to earn more from files.

If you are new to this field, then it will be useful for you to know what is a file hosting service and why it is needed. File sharing- This special service or a site where anyone can upload any file and receive links to it. He can simply store it there or give a friend a download link. But besides all this, he can earn decent money from the uploaded file.
I will provide you with the following information - brief outline making money on file hosting services:
1. Upload the requested file to a file hosting service.
2. Distribute a link to your file.
3. Wait until the required number of people download the file or buy a premium account.
4. Get money.

You will find it quite simple. But in fact, this is so, although there are also some nuances and secrets.
Many are afraid start making money on file sharing services, thinking that this is another scam. But let’s ask ourselves a question: if the service is really ready to pay us money for downloading our files, then it will earn even more. And indeed it is. So how do file hosting providers make money? – on visitors’ viewing of advertising when downloading and on purchases by users of gold accounts, which provide an advantage when downloading files, namely, multiple download streams, high speed downloading files, etc.

Now it will be described for you detailed diagram making money on file hosting services:
First you need to find a file that users will want to download, and most importantly, many users! The more downloads of the file, the more money you will get or have a greater chance that they will buy a premium account from you.
The file format can be any: it can be a new movie, song, a new version programs, crack or patch, books, porn, funny videos and much more.
If there is a release new program or a new movie has been released, then you need to seize the moment and manage to upload these files faster than others. It is clear that people want to download the film that was released yesterday more people than the classics. This means that such a film will bring you a lot more money, but you need to have time to upload it before others do. Otherwise, you will miss the main wave of racing.
But where can I get the file? If there is nothing interesting on your computer, you can download required file from the same file hosting service or torrents, and then download it again.

1. If the file is already ready, then it’s time to upload it to file hosting. Now appears new question- where to fill it? On this moment There are many file hosting services, but there are several of the most popular and proven ones. I'll give you the most common file hosting services for making money, from which you can earn a lot of money with the right approach. All the following file hosting services pay money on time.

paid file hosting, earnings on it come from sales of premium accounts. Minimum size file - 1 Mb. The minimum withdrawal amount is $5.

- analog letibit and is also a good file sharing service. On average, it pays $4-30 per 1000 races, depending on the quality of visitors.
Currently the following tariffs exist:
Maximum tariff: from $5 to $15 depending on the country of download.
Tariff Normal: from $4 to $30 depending on the file size.
Tariff 60% of ALL Premium Sales: income comes from the sale of premium accounts. You will receive 60% from account sales.

One of the most attractive file hosting services at the moment. You can earn $20 per 1000 downloads or 70% from each premium account purchase. Turbobit pays for all countries and takes into account incomplete downloads. You will also receive 40% from each rebill.

- new file hosting service. Analogue Turbobit. He uses single base With Turbobit.net. You will receive 60% from every premium account purchase. The highlight of this file hosting service is that you can set the price for downloading the file yourself.

2. File uploaded. Now you need to start distributing a link to it. Where to do this? If you have a visited site, you can post links to download files on it. But more profit will be generated by using other people’s news sites and forums, which great amount visits.

Many news sites After registration, they allow you to post announcements of files, namely its description, screenshots and download links. But you must strictly follow the rules of the news site. Your description must comply with their rules, otherwise the news may be deleted, or even worse, you may be banned and your efforts will not pay off. I think that 20-30 news sites are enough for one file and it works better in the direction of increasing the number of files. It is best to have a place for notes in any form and write down there how many races this or that gave news file. This will help you remove unproductive resources from your list and not waste time on them, which will give you an advantage in earning money.

Forums. This method is most suitable for the most recent files. You need to enter “download file_name” or “where to download file_name” into the search and find in search results forums. It will be very cool if you are the first to answer on the forum and post your links there. If this forum is in the first positions for the request “download file_name”, then probably quite a lot of people will download your file and at the same time very quickly, accordingly you will earn quite a lot of money.

3. If you have decided where to announce the files, then move on to the next question: how to announce?
The announcement must contain detailed description file, it specifications, screenshots, and of course your links. If the announcement is beautifully formatted, it will attract the eyes of users. How to do this is up to you to decide for yourself. You definitely need several links and to different ones. file hosting services. At the same time, it is worth understanding which file you need to link to with a free download, and which with a paid one, but naturally free and paid links next to each other will look, at least, stupid. It is best to prepare a description for the file in advance and then simply paste it where needed.

4. That’s actually all the actions. All you have to do is wait for the files to download and then get the money.
But you don’t need to wait for money right away, but you need to upload the following files and distribute the link to them. The fact is that the first payments can take a long time. And if in a month you receive only $10 it will not be the same making money on file hosting services which you dreamed of. But what if $10 is for each of the hundreds of files you upload..? In general, you have a choice not to trust the service and wait for the first payment to start working at full capacity or not waste time, especially making money on file hosting services, as a method of enrichment has already been tested.
I'm about I make money on file sharing services approximately $150-200 per month on my 3 sites with not very high traffic.

Increase efficiency with Addnews
Of course, over time you will get tired of working with your hands and spending a lot of time adding news. Then the program will help you automatic adding news to sites. There are several such programs and it is impossible to immediately say which one is better, but now I will still recommend the Addnews program.

Addnews program allows you to add news to sites built on the DLE engine (CMS), in automatic mode. The program takes these sites into its database. Addnews comes standard with a database of approximately 4,500 sites. A larger or better base must be purchased separately. But I also forgot to mention. What Addnews program– paid and costs $15 along with the base. I’ll say right away that if you buy the program, you will save a lot of time and the program will pay for itself very quickly. Many choose to use free analogues, But paid version That's why it's paid, because it's much better. You can find and download a hacked program online for free, I haven’t looked for it myself, but I think you can find it if you try really hard.
A standard database with 4,500 sites probably won’t please you much. Some sites will not be accessible, some will not allow registration, and in some cases Addnews will not be able to do its job. However, the remaining sites are quite sufficient. It’s a pity that there is no way for all Addnews users to moderate the database. If you wish, you can buy additional bases– expanded to 10,000 sites for $20 and a database of TOP sites for $45. The prices are certainly not so nice, but no one is forcing you to buy add-ons. At least right away. You can buy these bases with the money you earn. I am sure that the database of TOP sites will be of excellent quality compared to the standard database.
On some sites, Addnews will not be able to register. Most often this will happen due to a captcha, so it is better to buy a remedy for it too. For example, on the website www.anti-captcha.com for $1 you will get 1000 recognized captchas.
On Addnews there is a lot of information on the Internet on using the program, including video materials.

How much can you earn on file sharing services?
Many people are concerned about the question: how much money can you earn on file sharing services? You can earn some money for a domain and hosting and create your own website. And you can earn several hundred dollars a month. For example, if you look at the Top Employees in
vip-file, we will see that someone receives $600 - $700 in a week:
But to achieve such a result, you need to work a lot and study the topic inside and out, using various secrets and subtleties.
That's all about it basic information about making money on file hosting services. I have given you only a small part of the information. Find other information about this type of Internet work on forums, websites and blogs.

Question to readers: How much do you earn from file sharing services per month?? If so, how much money do you manage to earn and how much time is spent on this work? Share your impressions. Thank you for your attention.

Today we will talk about making money on file hosting services. It is also called making money by downloading files. Both of these concepts can be used.

This type of earnings is notable for the fact that you do not need to have your own website or any special skills or abilities. Everything is very simple and easy to understand for everyone. In this article I described everything in detail, but the note turned out to be quite long. Therefore, be patient and be sure to read everything to the end. Then, in your head, there will be a whole scheme of how people make money on FO (FO is short for file sharing service).

File sharing, what is it?

So, you can make money from this. You kill two birds with one stone: you can share files and earn money on the file hosting service. Yes, yes, FOs will pay money for the number of downloads.

A scheme for making money on file hosting services.

As I said above, file hosting services pay for downloading your files. That is, in fact, for every download, you will receive a monetary reward. The scheme is incredibly simple: you upload files to a file hosting service, give links to them to your friends, they download them, and you get money. This is, of course, simplified; in fact, there are some tricks here that make the diagram a little more complicated. But they also allow you to earn more money.

What am I talking about? Here's the thing: FOs don't pay for a single file download, but for every 1000 downloads. For these 1k downloads they pay from 5 to 15 (or more) bucks. Think about how many friends you will need for them to make at least one thousand downloads... A lot, not everyone has that many friends. And even if there is, the amount will still not be large at all, on average ten dollars. This is where you will need some secret to making money on file hosting services. We’ll talk a bit below about how to ensure a large number of downloads without involving friends.

Why do file hosting companies pay us?

So that you have a complete picture of what is happening in your head, I will say a few words about why the FO actually pays us money. After all, they are spent on maintaining their resource, giving us unlimited space for storing files. Moreover, they pay money for their race! In fact, everything is very simple. File hosting services themselves make money from advertising, as well as from the sale of premium accounts. They get decent money for this, and they share it with us because we bring them traffic (visitors).

Advantages of FO for website owners.

An undoubted advantage of file hosting services is the opportunity to earn money without your own website. But there are also advantages for website owners. Firstly, you can earn money by posting your files for downloading not on the site, but on the FO. And secondly, you can save money on hosting. Since we upload large files to file storage, we will need less disk space on hosting. And accordingly you can choose tariff plan cheaper. Or host more websites on one hosting.

For website owners, generating income from file hosting services can essentially be called passive income. You don’t need any gestures, costs or knowledge. I uploaded the files to the FO and that’s it.

How to make big money by downloading files.

Let's move on to the most interesting part of the story - how to make money from downloading files a decent source of money. I think you have already understood the scheme. If you have your own website where people download different files(music, video, etc.), then we upload them to a file hosting service and receive income. But if the site traffic is small, then the income will be tiny. What if you don’t have your own website? This is where we come to the point. I warn you right away, there is no freebie, you will have to work hard and make some efforts. But it's worth it, believe me. Let's move on to what needs to be done.

So, what do we need to make money:

1) files for placement on the FO that people will download;
2) sites where we will post links to these files;
3) people who will actually download.

The algorithm of actions is as follows. We look for interesting files on the Internet, these are the files that are needed (interesting) a large number of people. We download them to our PC, then upload these files to the FO, and receive special links to them. Then we look for entertainment sites with high traffic (usually warezniks or news sites) and place links to our files there. Visitors to these sites see our links and download files for themselves. And we earn money from file hosting services.

The scheme as a whole is not complicated, but each stage has its own nuances. Let's look at each stage in more detail.

Where to get interesting files for FO.

To earn really good money on File Sharing, you have to work hard. First of all you need to find current files, who want to download thousands and tens of thousands of people. This can be any kind of data, everything that people download from the Internet. This category of files includes: a new video or song by a famous artist, a trailer for a new film and the film itself, music, codes for games, photo wallpapers, pictures for adults, PC programs, etc. It’s impossible to count everything. The more popular the file, the more it will be downloaded and the more money you will get for it.

You can search for such files in two ways. The first is on the Varezniks themselves. Many of them show statistics on downloading a particular file. You can see what is downloaded most often and borrow it for yourself. You can also find the required file on torrents.

But the second way to search for files is more interesting and productive. I'll tell you how I look for them myself. I go to Yandex statistics (wordstat.yandex.ru) and search popular queries. I select different keys with the prefix “download” and select the most frequent ones. For example, at the moment the request “download tanks fashion” has more than 100 thousand views! We look for the required file (information) in Yandex, download it and upload it to the FO. And then, looking ahead, we place a link to this file on the Vareznik we visit.

You can also search for queries not only in Wordstat, but also in search suggestions Yandex, where it shows the most popular queries, although it does not show their frequency. So, try to find as many such files as possible, don’t be lazy, your income will directly depend on this. More files- more money.

How to upload (upload, upload) files to a file hosting service.

To describe the process of uploading files to a file hosting service, the slang “upload” and “upload” is also used. They mean the same thing - downloading a file. So, first of all, you need to register for FO. It is advisable to create accounts for yourself not on one file hosting service, but on several. And it’s not just about increasing earnings. The fact is that many Varezniks, where you will place links to your files, require that the file can be downloaded from different sources. Those. from different file storages.

Uploading a file to a file hosting service is very simple. Let's look at depositfiles as an example. The first thing we do is register on the site, log in to the system, look for the “download file” link, then “select file” - indicate the path to the file on your PC and click “download”. After your file is uploaded to the file hosting service, you will receive a special link to it.

Where to place links, we are looking for varezniks with high traffic.

I am sure that you have come across such a concept as a wareznik or a warez site (from the English Warez). These are sites that illegally distribute various software, cracks, and other files. Typically, such sites consist entirely of news and links. As a rule, all news is highlighted in separate sections: programs, videos, music, etc. Some of the Varezniks have high attendance. I include sites with a daily audience of more than a thousand people. These are the kind of high-traffic Varezniks we need. I think it’s clear, more traffic means more people will see your links and download more.

Usually, the cooler the site, the stricter the moderation for adding links. Therefore, do not be lazy and be sure to read the site rules before adding links. Otherwise, they will all be deleted and you will be banned.

You can search for Varezniki with high traffic through search engines or popular ratings. In search engines you can search for the queries “list of Varezniks”, and various thematic queries with the prefix “download”. For example, “download music”, “download a program...”, etc. You can also search in popular ratings like RamblerTOP100, LiveInternet, mail.ru statistics.

At the first stage of work, you can download my list of Varezniks. Just don’t stop there, look for other warez sites with a large audience. Download the list.

Procedure for working with financial institutions

Let’s summarize all of the above and what will be your procedure for making money by downloading files.

1) Registration in financial institutions that pay money.
2) Select the types of files you will work with, look for sources where to get these files.
3) We are looking for Varezniks where we will post links to files, add them to bookmarks for convenience. Be sure to read the Vareznik rules for adding links and news.
4) Register on warez sites and post links to our files.
5) We control the addition of our links; some Varezniks (their moderators) may not miss your links. Perhaps you did something not according to the rules. If you did everything according to the site rules, but you still didn’t miss the news, then we are no longer working with this Vareznik.
6) Create news templates with links for quick posting.
7) We continue to post links to all found Varezniks. We gain experience and do not stop there.
8) After you have a good understanding of the process and want to increase volumes, we are looking for software that can automatically post news on Varezniks. There is such software, it’s paid, you can find it on Google.
9) We enjoy the results of our work and make a profit.

The best file hosting services

There are now a lot of file hosting services in RuNet. But not everyone is worth working with. To work you only need to choose best file hosting services. These are the ones who pay regularly and do not cheat their partners and referral providers. Usually, according to Vareznik rules, you cannot post a link to a file on only one FO, but you need to have 2-3 pieces. Therefore, you need to work with several financial institutions at once. I bring to your attention the best file hosting services that I myself work with.

How much can you earn on file sharing services?

I hope you have completed the entire article, and now you understand that in order to get good earnings, you'll have to work a little harder. The more effort and effort you put in, the more income you will receive. Moreover, income will not appear immediately on the first day of work. The specificity is such that the first cents will begin to trickle in a few days after the start of work. But there will be a gradual attenuation effect, i.e. quitting your job, you some other thing time you will receive profit from the downloaded files. So how much can you earn on file sharing services? Let's do the math.

For example, you will spend 2-3 hours a day on all the work. During this time, you will be able to find and upload 4-5 good files to the FO and post links to these files on 30-40 Varezniks. Consider that in a week this will be approximately 1000 links, and in a month 30 thousand links. If Varezniks are more or less visited, you can count on 5-10 downloads per day from one Vareznik of one file. If the file is very popular, there may be hundreds of downloads! So consider how much people earn on foil exchangers. It is quite possible to earn $300-500 per month.

The main thing is to get ready for work and not to panic when the first weeks of earnings are pitiful. “Moscow was not built right away...” Be patient, don’t stop halfway, analyze which Varezniks pump well and which don’t. Which files are in great demand, and which are not needed by anyone. Work and analyze. May profit be with you!

Hello, my dear reader!

Making money on file hosting services continues to attract the attention of users.

File archives contain an increasing number of useful data - these are programs, text documents, magazines with very useful content.

The peculiarity is that users download files for free, and you earn money depending on the number of downloads.

You may ask: how is this possible? The fact is that the file hosting service is a kind of advertising platform and makes money from advertising. Your work is paid from the money you earn.

It's quite easy to post files that are useful to people on the Internet, as you can see.

Utility and income

Even if you don’t understand how to make money on file hosting services, you should guess that there is a reason why advertisements are shown on them, it’s not for nothing that they ask you to wait before the next download, or to purchase a Premium account in order to download instantly and without speed limits.

Earning system paid archives quite simple. For example, from the Depositfiles company you can get $10 for 1000 downloads of more than 250 megabytes, and this can be any useful program, successfully posted by you on the forum.

If the forum is popular, if the program is useful and well designed, the link will be given by friends, saved for the future and downloaded from it very often. Some files are downloaded tens or hundreds of thousands of times.

All you have to do is create links with something actually useful. Just try to imagine how many downloads your product will receive if it is the only one on the RuNet (for example, you can download a unique Russian-language interface for a foreign program). There are a huge number of examples for downloading files that can be useful.

Posting sites

You can earn money by uploading files to the following resources:

  • DepositFiles.com
  • Letitbit.net
  • TurboBit.net
  • Vip-File.com

This list will be enough for you. The important thing is that all these sites are attractive to users, that is, the files that you offer to download, for example, from TurboBit, will be downloaded at high speed and additionally checked for viruses. The file is deleted only 45 days after the last unique upload. You can upload files up to 100 gigabytes in size, the total volume of stored files is unlimited.

The best storage facilities are waiting for you and they are willing to pay. A great place to start, and the most reliable file hosting service, is the Depositfiles.com project, which has existed since 2006 and has been able to earn a really good reputation over the course of its work.

Of course, the published material should be of interest to users, for which you need to look at the ratings of queries in search engines Google systems, Yandex, Yahoo and others. In some cases, you can even edit an already popular file, or simply change it to suit search engine requests.

A file hosting service is a special resource that allows the user to store and share files.

You can download:

  • music;
  • video;
  • photo;
  • programs;
  • unique materials, etc.

Why do file hosting companies pay us?

FO pays those who upload files for downloading them. To download a file, you must either buy a subscription or watch a certain amount of advertising, for which the file hosting service receives money. The more users visit the site, the more downloads, which means that it is beneficial for the financial institution to reward those who download files and advertise the resource.

This way income will do even for a beginner, since no difficulties are foreseen.

FO for website owners

The greatest income from file hosting services can be obtained by those who own one or more websites. The most in a simple way receiving funds is writing unique content about any program and an offer to download it at some financial institution. For downloading, you will receive money, and by posting such a post once, you will be able to receive money for a long time without investing any effort.

What to do if there is no website?

If you don’t have a website, you shouldn’t think that it’s impossible to make money on FI. You can distribute the link on forums that are visited by thousands of people interested in a particular topic. You can start promoting a page on some social network. network and post posts with a link to it. You can leave such links in the comments on the site if you think that the files might be useful to those in the conversation and they will download them. on file sharing services, don’t miss a single one of them.

Where is the most profitable place to place links?

There are several places on the Internet where it is most profitable to place links that lead to the FO to download the file. Here are the most popular ones:

  1. Varezniki. Those who have ever been interested in the illegal installation of programs, that is, those that do not have an officially purchased license, know that there are sites that offer users to download cracks and hacked programs in order to avoid paying their owner significant sums for using the resource. On such sites you can get one of the most impressive sums by downloading cracks, keys and other elements of popular programs necessary for any user. Even if you don't know how to make keys, you can search the Internet; today, there are special guides that describe how to do it.
  2. Own vareznik. You can create and promote your own Vareznik, there is a risk of your site being removed from Google and Yandex, but if you are careful and can thoughtfully post content, this will not happen soon.
  3. Multi-million dollar forums. There are specialized forums that offer to post games and programs for downloading. You can post these files with your own download links. A multi-million audience and the popularity of the file will allow you to get a good income.

Where can I get unique and interesting files?

There are several ways to search for interesting and downloadable files. Most people try to look for them on Varezniks. This is very convenient, since you immediately see the download statistics, that is, you can easily assess whether it will be popular and whether it will bring you significant income.

There are other ways, for example, you can search for articles about the most popular programs. Those that are considered the best will definitely be downloaded more than once. In addition, you will be able to glean information about the program from these same articles - it will be much easier to write a review about it.

A little less popular, but quite effective, is to search for the most popular videos on well-known video sites such as YouTube. These videos are viewed by millions every day, someone will want to save them on their computer, you can provide this opportunity and allow them to download it.

You can also distribute files with rarely seen music and films.

How to get maximum earnings: step-by-step instructions

The most interesting point of earning money is the opportunity to get maximum income. In the case of file sharing services, profit depends entirely on how much effort you put in.

You will need:

  • sites and resources on which you will post download links;
  • files (, pictures, articles, etc.) that you will post on the FO;
  • people who will be interested in the files and will download them.

The scheme of work and maximum earnings is very simple, then it will be described step by step. First, find a file that will actually be of interest to a lot of people. Next, you need to upload the file to the FO, receive a link and post it on all resources whose visitors may be interested in and download your file.

How to upload files to FO?

To “upload” or upload files to the FO, you need to go through several steps of working with your chosen file hosting service. First of all, you need to register on the resource. It is very important to register using your real data(full name, payment details, etc.).

This is necessary in order to so that the money definitely arrives in your account, otherwise there may be problems related to authentication. After that, try to fill out your profile as thoroughly as possible.

Now you need to go to the special “Upload” menu and upload the file to the site. After downloading, you will receive a download link. There is no need to save the link anywhere, you can view it in your account whenever you need it.

The best file hosting services

There are many file hosting services, more than several dozen. It is worth using only the services of those that have been operating for at least 5-8 years, these services guarantee payments, so you can get rid of risks. Below are 3 financial institutions with the most better conditions payments and cooperation.

1. Depositfiles- one of the most popular and reliable file hosting services, which has been operating since 2006. Here you are guaranteed payments for downloads. A fixed amount is paid, which is credited to your account after 1000 file downloads. On the one hand, it seems like too much and a long wait, on the other hand, the reward can be very pleasant. Depositfiles awards the following rewards: from 0 to 50 megabytes - $3, from 50 to 100 megabytes - $6, from 100 to 250 megabytes - $8, from 250 to 500 megabytes - $11, from 500 to 1000 megabytes - $22, more than 1000 megabytes - $45. This exchanger is also different in that if the download rate of your files is high, you can easily negotiate with the moderators to increase payments.

2.DataFile.com- old financial institution that recently switched to new platform and completely revamped its operations. Here you will be paid not only for every thousand downloads, but also a certain percentage for the premium subscriptions of customers who bought them to download your content. Payout line:

  • from 0 to 50 megabytes - $3;
  • from 50 to 100 megabytes - $6;
  • from 100 to 250 megabytes - $8$;
  • from 250 to 500 megabytes -$11;
  • from 500 to 1000 megabytes - $22;
  • more than 1000 megabytes -$45.

3. Turbobit.net- one of the most popular FOs, considered the best in RuNet. The service has been operating since 2009 and produces stable payments. Its main advantage is that you will be paid money even if your link did not completely download the file, the connection was lost during downloading, or another problem of this kind appeared. You can choose any tariff convenient for you, according to which funds will be credited to you.

Withdrawal of funds

Withdrawal of funds is possible to popular payment systems: WebMoney, PayPal, ePayments, YandexMoney, MasterCard, Qiwi, etc. It is better to find out which withdrawal systems the FI uses on the website.

  • Depositfiles- withdrawal is made if you have $10 or more in your account. If you work on a referral system, you need to accumulate at least $40.
  • DataFile.com - minimum amount for payouts of 10 dollars, once this amount is reached, you can request a withdrawal and receive the money in your account.
  • Turbobit.net- money can be credited to your wallet or card once you reach $10 in your FO account.

How much can you earn?

If you carefully read the article, you might have noticed that in this case of online earnings, profit depends in direct proportion to how much you work to distribute your links with files.

If per day, you can find 2-3 good file and get about 25-35 links to files, post them quickly on Varezniks, then there will be about 5000 clicks on your links. That is, if the file weighed at least 60 MB, you can get $30. A big plus is the fact that you place a link once, and receive income from it for at least 2-3 months. The more time you spend working with FI, the more profit you will receive.

For reliability, you can view the TOP of those who earned money on the best file hosting services. They receive several thousand dollars a month. Of course, they have been working on this for several years, but using this method, they can achieve a lot right now.

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