Create your test online. • You create a test •

Work with or. But we have never discussed services for creating tests online. But if you use your imagination, they can also be used in many projects.

First, attract potential clients, creating thematic tests that would immediately give the result to the test taker and encourage action.

Secondly, tests can be used when hiring new employees. You've probably heard about this.

Third, if you conduct trainings online and even offline, then try test your students. Below you will learn about a service suitable for these purposes. Knowledge monitoring helps you understand which topics were poorly understood and what needs to be improved. Do you agree?

And now about the services that help create online tests.

I'm glad there's plenty to choose from. And not only English-language sites can help here, because without knowledge of the language it can be difficult to understand them, and advanced functionality is only available in paid plans. We will also tell you about domestic services, which are no worse than foreign ones and are almost always free.


The test bank is a free service where the function of creating new tests becomes available after registration. The materials are on the banktestov website.

Your test is another free test builder. In principle, there is everything you need to conduct full testing. The created tests are on the website, so you can create a group yourself and add all test takers to it (for example, course participants) or send them a code and a link where they will find the necessary material.

Test.fromgomel is a nice free service for creating tests online that transforms the test into html, that is, the code can then be easily inserted into the site. This is the simplest constructor we have come across. But without unnecessary hassles: enter the question and answer options, press the button and receive the test code.

Let’s test is an online test constructor that allows you to test students’ knowledge remotely. In the free version, you can create an unlimited number of tests, but you will have to pass them inside the service itself. If you want to embed a test on your website, then purchase the basic package for 990 rubles/month.

This is what the built-in widget on the site will look like

The find was the website Online Test Pad, which allows you to create tests, surveys, logic games and even crosswords online. And yes, it's free. From a large collection of tests, you can choose something on your topic or create a new test, and then receive a code for embedding on the site.

There are different tests: psychological, intellectual, personality, entertainment. And if the first three types are primarily result-oriented, then the last ones are process-oriented, so they must be original and exciting.

Why are fun tests needed?

To understand how to create an interesting, entertaining test, you first need to figure out the purpose of taking it. Tests give you the opportunity to feel your uniqueness, look at yourself from a different perspective, and learn something new and unusual about yourself. For example, in the test results “Is it pleasant to communicate with you?” you can read that you are a sociable person, “the life of the party,” or that you are not very sociable, but an attentive listener, and even if you knew this, it is still nice to remind yourself once again of your merits.

How to create a mega test

Application "Mega Test" in Contact - allows you to test the full program. To do this, just launch it in your account and open the catalog. And to create your own mega test, you need:

  1. Open the “Text Editor” tab.
  2. Enter the code word GOD and activate the editor.
  3. Click the “Add Test” button.
  4. Set the main test parameters:
    • in the “Who can take the test” field, click “Everyone” if your test is intended for all users, or “Only girls/guys”;
    • in the “Name” field, enter the full name of the test, for example “Who will you become in the future?”;
    • In the “Description” field, briefly describe the essence of the test. You should explain what can be learned from passing it: “If you are ready to look into the future, take this test and see what kind of profession you will become”;
    • In the “Icon” field, upload an image that most closely matches the topic of the test. This picture will be reflected in the catalogue;
    • In the “Cover” field, insert a similar thematic picture previously saved on your computer.
  5. Fill out the list of test questions:
    • in the “Question” field, enter the first question, for example, “What do you dream of becoming?”, and below fill in the possible answers: “designer,” “pilot,” “teacher,” and so on. To move on to the next question, you need to close the window and click “Add a question” in the “List of test questions” line;
    • In the “Picture” field you can insert a picture corresponding to the question.
  6. Fill out the test results. After the survey, you need to write a text for the main combinations of answers. To do this, check the different answer options one by one and describe what this or that combination may mean. Each result must be accompanied by a picture.
  7. After all fields are filled in, the “Run Test” button will appear in the menu. You need to click it, and the test will be published and sent to the moderator for review.

What to ask

Select the topic of the test based on what may be interesting to you and others: films, books, fairy tales, games, hobbies, recreation, knowledge of a particular subject. Playful and funny tests are very popular: “Who are you from the series?”, “Do you have manic tendencies?”, “Does your boss love you?”, “Which one of you will be the president?”, etc. The results of such tests, like the questions, should not be serious, but rather amuse and lift your spirits.

Come up with some guiding questions on the topic. So, if it sounds: “What kind of cat are you?”, ask “where would you walk if you were a cat?”, “where would you sleep?”, “what color would you prefer?” Think about what conclusions can be drawn based on the answers received. If a cat likes to walk on rooftops, sleep on trees, and prefers a fiery red coloration, then we are dealing with a very brave tiger, but if he liked to walk on rooftops and sleep on the sofa, then this is more likely a domestic tiger cub. Do the same with other combinations of answers.

Do you need to create an online test or survey for your listeners quickly and for free? There is a simple and effective tool for accomplishing this task - Google Forms. Advantages and disadvantages of Google Forms, as well as detailed instructions for creating a test in our article.

Previously, we wrote a review of Google services for education. You can read

It's important that Google continues to expand capabilities Google Forms and makes them more and more convenient to use.

Benefits of Google Forms:

1. Students can take the test online by simply following the link.
2. The created tests can be embedded in a blog or website, or sent by email.
3. There is a set of topics for designing the test.
4. You can collect certain statistics on listener responses.
5. Provides the ability to share access to edit the test.
6. It is possible to automatically evaluate answers, assign points, comment on answers, and delay display of results.
7. Individual settings are available - displaying questions based on user answers.
8. Intuitive interface, ability to copy questions from a text editor.


  1. The main drawback is that everyone who takes the test must have a Google account.
  2. The test answer scoring system is far from perfect; some types of questions are not scored.
  3. The number of question types and ways to edit them are limited.

Google Forms covers almost all the needs of the average user. For specialists who want to conduct mass knowledge testing, certification or surveys, it is better to take a closer look at special services. You can find a description of the 4 most popular services in the article. The testing platforms described in the article help create various types of tests, assign them to users and obtain detailed statistics for each student or for the group being tested. Most services operate in the cloud and therefore do not require computer classes to conduct tests - each respondent can take the test from a personal smartphone or tablet.

Instructions for creating a test in Google Form and our tips

Finding Google Forms

Log in to your Google account. If you don't have one, register your email ( From Google services - select Google drive.

Picture 1.

Find and select the button in the upper left corner of the page "Create". Then "More" And Google Forms. A new form will open automatically.

Test settings

Select the topic of the test. It could be just a color or a themed image. You can also upload your own version of the test header.

Figure 2.

Let's go to the section. Customize the test to suit your needs.

For example. You can choose the settings for taking the test: once or an unlimited number of times.

Figure 3.

Advice. If you are planning award students points for a test, comment on their answers and use automatic assessment(where possible), then be sure to activate the corresponding item. The questions will have the necessary additional sections.

Figure 4.

Adding a description and questions to the New Form

IN new form fill in: title and brief description.

Figure 5.

Menu on the right adds to the form ( in separate blocks): new questions, image, video ( only from Youtube), additional description. You can also add additional sections to the test. This is convenient if the test is voluminous and involves covering several topics.

Figure 6.

Types of questions There are several - from simple text fields to complex scales and grids. You can view the possible types in the drop-down menu.

Figure 7.

Order of questions can be changed by simple drag and drop.

Figure 8.

Advice. In addition, you can add a description and an image directly into the body of the question. Images can also be added to answer options. To do this, move the cursor to the answer line or question. will appear on the right Image icon.

To add a description, use drop-down menu in the lower right corner of the question.

Figure 9.

Adding points, answers and comments

Advice. If your answers to questions (in a text editor) are formatted using lists, feel free to copy and paste them into the Google form (just don’t forget to select the appropriate question type), it will automatically put everything in its place. There is no need to copy each line of the answer separately.

In order to customize answers and scores- select inscription "Answers" at the bottom of the question.

Remember, to be able to add answers, in the settings you need to click on the switch next to the inscription "Test" (see above).

Figure 10.

In the Answers section you can:

  • Mark the correct answers. They will be checked automatically. Available only for question types: selecting one option, multiple options, or selecting an option from a drop-down list.
  • Assign a number of points.
  • Leave a comment that the user will see if the answer is correct/incorrect.
    Add links, videos or websites for explanation. Students will see them only after completing the test.

Figure 11.

you also can set up data verification, which the user enters when answering. If users enter data incorrectly (for example, exceed the number of allowed characters), they will receive a warning message (you compose the text of the message yourself).

Figure 12.

Personalizing the test for the user

Google Forms allows you to set up a test so that users go to specific sections of the test, depending on the answer to the question.

You can also choose "Submit form", if you want the test to end after a certain answer.

For now, these features are only available for two types of questions: One from the list And Drop-down list.

Figure 13.

Do you want to answers in questions were mixed? Or to the questions changed their order for each individual user? Google Forms allows you to do this.

If the order of the questions is not important. Select the icon in the top right corner of the form. Open the tab "Presentation". Check the box "Shuffle Questions".

Figure 14.

To automatically change the order of answers in a question, use the drop-down menu in the lower right corner of the question (icon). Check the box Shuffle the answers.

Figure 15.

Analysis of test answers

After users complete the test or survey you created, you can analyze their responses.

Google forms allow you to:

  • analyze individual user responses;
  • see summary results for all responses;
  • receive notifications about new replies;
  • upload results to a table, download answers or print;
  • prohibit users from answering test questions (for example, the deadline has expired).

Figure 16.

Additional test settings

In this article, we have not listed all the features of Google Forms.

For example, you can set up (as with other Google Docs) shared access to the form. Other users will be able to view and edit it.

Advice. note to the "Additions" section. These are additional applications for Google Forms. For example, You can install an extension that allows you to insert mathematical formulas into test questions/answers.

Figure 17.

If you want to embed your test on the site, use the button "Send". You will be able to copy the HTML code of the resulting test.

Figure 18.

Try creating your own test. Share examples in the comments.

On our project, you can not only take tests created by us or other project users, but also create your own test. All tests you create can receive likes and will be available via a link after checking by a moderator.

Creating a test on our project is completely free and will not take much of your time. After creating the test, you can download it in PDF format and receive a link to its interactive version on our project. You can pass this link on to all interested parties.

How to create a test

  • Register or log in to the project
  • Go to "Personal Account"
  • Click the button “Created by me" in the personal account menu
  • Click the "Create" button
  • You will be taken to the test creation page

Each test must contain at least 10 questions. You can add three answer options for each.

  1. To indicate the correct answer, click on the circle to the left of the question.
  2. Quiz questions must be written in clear language in compliance with the style of the Russian language.
  3. It is recommended to create questions and answers that are not too simple in wording. The use of participial and participial phrases is encouraged. This point applies to quizzes that are created for audiences starting from school age. Quizzes for preschoolers can be written in simpler language.
  4. All quizzes are reviewed by editors. However, when creating quizzes, try to follow the rules of spelling and punctuation.
  5. The image must match the theme of the quiz as closely as possible. If you can't find a suitable image, leave it to the editor's discretion.


When I was a student and received my first higher education, our course had a discipline in which we were given the theory and practice of creating educational tests. In fact, it was a boring and very formalized event, in which many of my group had not yet received the coveted test the first time.
Later, the knowledge from this course was useful to me when I worked at school. To quickly check a large number of children in a class and give everyone grades on tests - that’s it! Nowadays, testing has become firmly established in the education system, and such monsters as the State Examination and the Unified State Exam are essentially large tests in individual subjects at school.

What will we talk about?

Let me immediately clarify what will be discussed in this article. Here we will provide a small classification and review of computer test designer programs. Only those programs were identified that are fully or partially suitable for organizing testing among schoolchildren and students. The review will include only Russian-Ukrainian developments. Those who wish to write and post a review on foreign programs for computer testing, please contact us through this form. Authorship guaranteed and sponsored.

Why is conventional testing not effective?

Many teachers conduct their knowledge and skills tests using paper printouts with ready-made tests. Students must write the numbers of the test questions on separate pieces of paper (usually one piece of notebook torn out for this purpose) and write the correct answers next to them. All this design and switching of gaze and attention takes the test taker a lot of time and the quality of the answers suffers.

The teacher who will test these is also not very good, because he has to spend a lot of time and effort on checking these tests. Often, the average person makes mistakes when checking a large number of sheets. Why is this necessary?

The advantage of the computer science classroom

Those who happen to teach computer science as a vocation are in a more advantageous position - you have your own computer class and programs through which you can repeatedly conduct tests among your students. There are many options for conducting computer testing, and therefore all that remains is to learn and choose the most suitable computer program for yourself. But first, a few classifications.

Classifications of computer programs for testing

If we classify programs based on who their developer is, we can distinguish:

  • Professional software systems (created to order by companies)
  • Author's computer programs (authors-enthusiasts)

Based on the type of technology, computer programs for creating tests can be divided into the following types:

  • offline applications
  • combined programs

Based on testing objectives, tests can be distinguished:

  • Professional (traffic regulations, certification);
  • Psychological (psychotype, assessment of emotional state, professional suitability)
  • Entertainment (Humor, Popular);
  • To assess the level of knowledge on a topic (physics, chemistry);
  • Unified State Examination and State Examination (State Testing).

The programs themselves can be divided into several parts:

  • Development environment (designer)
  • Testing environment (server)
  • Environment for visualization and analysis of results (reports, )

Testing among trainees can take place:

  • Locally (each computer has its own separate program) - the most inconvenient option, but simple in technology
  • Using a local network (centralized testing and collection of results. The most optimal option for a computer class)
  • Via the Internet (in fact, you can take testing from any computer, but there are restrictions from developers)

Test constructors

We will not expand on different types of programs, but will highlight and consider only a part of specialized programs - test constructors, with the help of which any teacher can create tests.

List of constructors for creating tests

To familiarize yourself with them, I have compiled for you in a table basic information about popular programs that have become widespread in Russian practice. You can read about each individually by following the links. Please note that some programs are no longer supported by their authors, and some authors' websites and web pages have ceased to exist. Well, genesis is a serious thing!

Constructors for creating tests

Part of the constructor comparison table for creating tests

Download the comparison table of constructors for creating tests

And finally, the conclusion:

Which specific program to use is up to you or your educational institution. From the programs that we presented, we can recommend the following programs:

  • Indigo
  • MuTestXPro
  • SunRav TestOfficePro

The world does not stand still, and a popular direction in the development of computer testing, like many other programs, has become migration to the web environment. Using the Internet and a browser, you can connect to the testing system from anywhere in the world, and also, if necessary, edit and update the test itself. Web systems integrate well with other modules and can be used on mobile devices.
You will learn about systems of this kind from our future material.

List of literature on the topic of computer testing:

  1. Kim, V.S. Testing educational achievements. Monograph. – Ussuriysk: Publishing house ugpi, 2007. – 214 p.
  2. Gulidov, V.N., Shatun, A.N. Methodology for constructing tests. – M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2003. P. 112
  3. Theory and technology of computerized learning. / Kazan State Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev. Scientific editor Yu.S. Ivanov. – Kazan: Master Line, issue 5, 2001. P. 91.
  4. Nikiforov, O.Yu. Generalized component model of a computer testing system / O. Yu. Nikiforov // Education, science, business: features of regional development and integration: Materials of the All-Russian scientific and methodological conference. – Cherepovets, – 2006. – p.309-311.
  5. Nikiforov O.Yu., Koksharova E.I. Complex of features for classification of computer testing systems // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2013. No. 6
  6. Nikiforov, O.Yu. Signs of classification of computer testing systems / O. Yu. Nikiforov // Education, science, business: features of regional development and integration: Materials of the All-Russian scientific and methodological conference. – Cherepovets, – 2006. – p.312-314.