Creating an item group in 1s 8.3. Directory Types of nomenclature

Despite the apparent simplicity of item accounting, this issue is not so simple that it can be neglected when studying the basics of accounting in the 1C Enterprise program. In this article we will look at the basic techniques for working with the item directory, with item groups and with the registration cards themselves. Let's take the demo configuration of 1C Accounting for Ukraine as an example.

Let's open 1C in 1C Enterprise mode and go to the items. You can enter it in several ways. The following are mainly used. Through the main menu, select the “Warehouse” item and the “Nomenclature” button. Or through the "Function Panel", the "Nomenclature" item on the "Purchase" or "Sale" tabs.

Clicking on it will take us to the desired directory. In this child window of the program (pic. below), you can see the main menu at the top (not to be confused with the main menu) and two panels below. These basic elements are used to navigate and control the window. The left pane displays, like very old versions of Windows Explorer, only folders in a tree structure, the right pane displays all the items included in the folder marked on the right.

In addition, there is additional control using some of the main menu buttons, for example, the commands included in the “File” and “Edit” items. Also, by right-clicking on any panel of the directory, an additional drop-down menu appears, basically duplicating the commands of the main menu of the directory. But it also has original teams.

Let's look at the basic control commands. To be fair, it is worth noting that the menu that is located at the top of the nomenclature directory is similar to other directories, magazines, etc., which are used in the 1C Enterprise interface.

So, commands of the main menu of the directory:

Actions— a button for calling an additional menu similar to the one that is called up by right-clicking the mouse;

Add— a button for entering a new directory element, the command is duplicated by calling the "Insert" hotkey;

Add a group— adding a new group (folder) to organize inventory items, services, etc., used in conjunction with the Ctrl+F9 hotkeys;

Add by copying— adds a new element by filling in the details based on the selected element, hotkey F9;

Change current element— editing the selected element, hotkey F2;

Set deletion mark— deleting an element, hotkey Del;

Hierarchical browsing— a button that enables/disables the display of the directory by group or as a complete set of elements.

Move element to another group— obviously from the name, the action of the button was discussed in detail in, hot keys Ctrl+Shift+M;

Next comes a block of commands responsible for sorting and filtering the directory. These are the buttons: Selection and sorting, Filter by value in the current column, Selection history, Disable selection. They allow you to set filters in the directory based on selected values ​​and details, remember filters and disable filtering.

Enter based on— enters based on the selected element;

Update current list— the command updates the list in the right panel, hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+R;

Go— transition to related information with the selected element, opens a menu with a set of possible transitions;

For example, by selecting a group and clicking the menu item for related information "Item Accounts", you can view or edit account data for an item group. All elements included in this group will correspond to the specified account.

Additional details - The command allows you to create additional details for the user’s needs without changing the directory or journal. Actually, “Additional details” is a register of information and it will contain a link to the document and the name of the additional details that are associated with the document, the value is in the Plan of Types of Characteristics.

The last buttons are help information and tips.

Drop-down menu, which appears when you right-click on the panels, as we have already mentioned, basically repeats the menu discussed above. Therefore, we will dwell only on the differences.

Level up— moving to a higher level when displaying a directory hierarchically;

Level down- also, one level lower;

Sorting— sorting by predefined details, sorted by checking the box;

List— saving the generated list in tabular form or in a text document;

List setup— a set of some necessary parameters for working with the directory list. For example, here you can disable the default display of the list in hierarchical order. To do this, in the window that opens, go to the “Other” tab and uncheck the “When opening, set hierarchical viewing” checkbox.

Having examined the main controls and navigation, let’s move on to actually filling out the directory.

Creating/editing a group

If you create a new folder, click on the “Add group” button and fill in the proposed details, or click on the “Change” button to edit the details of an existing folder. If the folder should be located at the root of the selected group, then do not fill in the “Parent” item.

We fill in the obvious accounting parameters and save the data by clicking the “Record” and “OK” buttons.

Creating/editing an item of nomenclature

Let's consider the assignment of details for a directory element using the example of a ready-made object. If a new element is being created, then you need to click the “Add” button; if an existing one is being edited, then “Change” is required.

In the item card window that opens, the parameters are filled in according to their obvious purpose. Those. enter the name, full name, nomenclature to which this element belongs, article number.

Next, fill in the accounting details located on the tabs. Filling in the "Service" checkbox will result in the newly created object not being classified as a tangible asset; “Is a transport service” - filled in when classifying an element as a transport service, used in the tax invoice; "Strict accounting form" - for recording an element on the off-balance sheet account "Strict accounting forms". We enter the units of measurement, the VAT rate for the element, the VAT benefit, if any, the code of foreign economic activity, the cost item. If the measurement for an element is used in total terms and not in quantitative terms, then set the appropriate checkbox and text to print on the tax invoice.

On the "Prices" tab, next to each price element, you can set a price to generate the corresponding values. After editing prices, you need to click the "Save" button.

On the units of measurement tab, you can select and add several dimensions or use one in each specific case. Adding is done with the green “+” button, editing is done with the button with a pencil icon.

On the "Accounts" tab, you can edit or assign accounting accounts if they have not been assigned centrally through a group.

This is how you fill out the nomenclature directory in the 1c Accounting 8.2 program

If you have any difficulties, we will definitely help.

Installing nomenclature in the 1C program is one of the first steps towards getting started. The “Nomenclature” directory assumes the possibility of adding new items to it, setting the type and accounts of accounting.

This directory is located in the section “Products and Services” - “Directories” - “Nomenclature”.

The directory provides for the division of positions into groups and direct nomenclature elements.

Hierarchy of the 1C nomenclature directory

The directory provides for the presence of several groups that allow you to classify the nomenclature according to various parameters. In this case, the group may contain additional subgroups. The presence of such a classification significantly expands the convenience of working with the reference book for an accountant.

In this case, the available number of directory levels is determined by the software capabilities when creating it.

For example, you can create a product group “Frozen”, where you can add the product item “Dumplings”.

To do this, you need to go to the directory, and then click on the “Create group” button. In the new window that appears, you only need to fill in two fields. In the “Name” column, “Frozen” is indicated. The item type is “Products”, but its indication is optional, and the field can be left empty. In turn, the type of item is necessary primarily from the point of view of reflecting processes in accounting entries.

After the “Record and close” button is clicked, a new group will appear in the directory.

The picture above shows that there was a spelling error when creating the group. It's not difficult to fix it. To do this, you need to select the group, right-click the context menu, select the “Change” option and make manual adjustments.

You can also notice that in the directory there is a group “Semi-finished products”. It would be logical if the “Frozen” group was located inside it. Accordingly, in the drop-down menu you must select the “Move to group” option.

Creating a new item in 1C

When creating a new item in a specific group, you must first enter the group by double-clicking on it. Next, all you have to do is click on “Create”, after which, in a new window, begin filling out the data for the item being created.

The name and full name are required. In the first case, enters a short name necessary for the convenience of organizing the search for the desired item in the directory. The full name is intended to be indicated in documentation, on product price tags, and so on. Accordingly, “Classic dumplings” will be enough for the name, while the full name already indicates in more detail “Classic dumplings, packaged, 500g”.

  • The system will fill in the columns “Included in the group” and “Type of item” automatically.
  • The “Unit” column provides an indication of the units of measurement of the nomenclature and is selected according to OKEI. Taking into account the use of packaging, it will vary in pieces.
  • The column “% VAT” indicates the interest rate applied to this item.
  • The column “Nomenclature group” reflects the list of materials involved in the production of this product for calculating costs.
  • The “Comments” column is intended for making any explanations or comments in any form.
  • The “Production” section is used to reflect cost items and specifications. The latter is used exclusively for finished products, reflecting the materials spent on it.
  • If the item in question is imported, it will need to additionally indicate the country of origin and the customs declaration number.
  • When organizing export deliveries, the column “Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity” is filled in automatically by the system.

As for the other pages available in the directory, in most cases they are used by default with the initial settings set by a specialist. By clicking the “Record and close” button, data is recorded. After this, the user finds himself in the item group where he previously created a new item.

Type of nomenclature in 1C

“Type of nomenclature” is a separate reference book that includes a list of all existing types of nomenclature, providing for its classification according to various criteria. At the same time, for the convenience of organizing accounting, the user has the opportunity to set any types that are convenient for him in his work.

One of the advantages of item types is the ability to apply their own accounting account to each of them.

For example, materials will be accounted for under account 10.01, but for finished products account 41.01 is already used. Accordingly, in the documentation the system will display the required accounting account based on the item type.

Attention should be paid to the “Service” checkbox, since activating or disabling it sends the entered data to the corresponding “Products” or “Services” tab.

Setting item prices in 1C

To set the price, you must refer to the “Prices” tab.

“Item price type” is a set of existing prices set for a product. They can be retail, wholesale or planned, that is, when planning results. To change prices, the user needs to click on the value in the price column for the selected item, adjust it, indicate the date from which the new price must be accepted, and then write down the changes.

If you need to change prices for a large number of items, it is advisable to use the “Setting item prices” document.

Item accounting accounts in 1C

Accounting accounts influence the transactions generated in the program. They are filled in automatically by the system, but if necessary, they can always be adjusted manually.

A wide range of applications are available for setup accounts in the 1C program:

  • For the entire nomenclature - indicating the empty nomenclature;
  • For a nomenclature group - indicating a specific group;
  • For a specific item;
  • For a specific type of item;
  • For the organization as a whole;
  • For a specific warehouse;
  • For a specific type of warehouse.

When transferring rules, the system works in such a way that the closest one is accepted for “work”. For example, for the entire item the account is set to 41.01, and for a separate folder 10.01. In such a situation, all item items inside the folder will have a count of 10.01, and the remaining items will have a count of 41.01.

Goods, kits, products, containers, materials, services, equipment - all this is called nomenclature in the 1C program. Information on it is stored in the directory of the same name. Each type of item is in its own group, for example “Products”, “Equipment”, “Materials”. "Services" and so on. How to work with the nomenclature directory in 1C 8.3, read this instruction.

Accountants regularly use the Nomenclature reference book in their work. For example, upon receipt of goods and services, upon purchase of fixed assets, upon production of products, write-off of workwear. All property accounting accounts in the 1C 8.3 program have a subaccount “Nomenclature” (here read the instructions about the subaccount in). When drawing up any document in the 1C 8.3 program that contains goods, materials, services, equipment, etc. accountants turn to this directory. Working with this reference book in 1C consists of several important aspects. Read these instructions about the initial filling of the directory in 1C 8.3 and further work with it.

Quick transfer of accounting to BukhSoft

How to create a new item in 1C

There are two ways to create a new item:

  • In any operation with inventory items (receipt of goods and services, production report for a shift, movement of goods, etc.);
  • In the reference book itself.

Create an item in the receipt document

To create a new position in the first way, for example, in the “Receipt of goods and services” document, go to the “Purchases” section (1) and click on “Receipts (acts, invoices)” (2). The shopping window will open.

In the window that opens, click the “Receipt” button (3) and select “Goods (invoice)” (4). A form for filling out the invoice will open.

In the invoice, indicate all the necessary details (read). Next, click the “Add” button (5) and click the “+” button (6). A window will open to create a new position.

In the window that opens, specify:

  • Types of nomenclature. Select the desired option from this directory, for example, “Items in warehouses.” Type of nomenclature in 1C 8.3, what is it? This is a classification of all positions according to similar characteristics;
  • Name. Please provide a short name for the new position;
  • Full name. Please provide its full name. The name from this field goes into invoices and other documents;
  • vendor code;
  • Part of the group. Select a directory group where the new product will be saved. If necessary, it can always be transferred to another group;
  • Unit. Select the desired position from the reference book “Classifier of units of measurement”. For example, “piece” - pieces, or “linear. m" - linear meters;
  • % VAT. This field is optional. The VAT rate is indicated here, which will be automatically adjusted in the future upon receipt and sale of this item;
  • Selling price. Here you can indicate the selling price if it is known in advance. This makes it easier to generate a sales document; the sales price will be entered into it automatically;
  • Nomenclature group. Select the desired group from the directory. With the help of such groups, products are grouped into several main categories. This is later used to determine the cost for each group. For example, a furniture company might have such groups as cabinets, tables, and chairs.

The basic data is filled in; to save it, click the “Write” button (7).

Create an item in the directory

To initially fill out the directory, go to the “Directories” section (8) and click on the “Nomenclature” link (9). The directory will open.

In the window that opens, click the “Create” button (10). A form for creating a new position will open. Next, proceed as written in.

How to set different types of prices

Let's continue to explore various 1C tools for working with nomenclature. In the previous example, we created a new position by filling out the “Main” tab (1). Now let's set different types of prices for this position. To do this, click on the “Prices” tab (2). A window for setting prices will open.

The window that opens shows the price types (3) that can be set for the item. By default, in 1C 8.3 Accounting, the “Price Types...” directory is already filled with several values. This list can be expanded, read on. You can set the price of an item in two ways:

  1. In the “Price” field in the item card (4);
  2. Using the document “Setting prices...” (5).

Setting the price in the “Price” field in the product card

Enter your price in the cells opposite the desired type (6). After filling out each cell, click the “Write prices” button (7). In this case, the documents “Setting item prices” (8) will automatically appear in the “Document” field. These prices will remain in effect until you change them to new ones. You can correct prices in the same window.

Setting prices using the document “Setting item prices”

Go to the “Warehouse” section (9) and click on the “Set prices...” link (10). A window for generating a document will open.

In the window that opens, click the “Create” button (11). A form for setting prices will open.

In the price setting window, select the type of prices (12) that you want to set with this document. Next, click the “Fill” button (13) and select one of the filling methods:

  • Fill in by nomenclature. The document will contain all the directory items and the prices previously set for them. For new items, prices will need to be entered manually. According to the old ones, correct them if necessary;
  • Fill in by item group. The document will contain all positions for the selected group. For example, only for the “Products” group. The rest is filled in as in the previous version;
  • Fill in item prices. The document will be automatically filled in only with those positions where the price of the specified type is set;
  • Update by item prices. The document will update prices for those items for which prices have already been set;
  • Fill out upon receipt. The document will include only those items that you select from a specific receipt;
  • Add upon arrival. The document will include items from several selected receipts.

After filling out, set or correct prices (14) and click the “Post and close” button (15). When selling goods, you can automatically enter these prices.

How to load items from a table

In 1C 8.3 Accounting you can download items from Excel spreadsheet, as well as from files in the “mxl”, “csv”, “ods” formats. The table should have the following structure:

To download, go to the item directory in the group to which you want to add new items and click the “Download” button (1). A window will open to select the boot file.

In the selection window, point to the desired file (2) and click on “Open” (3). A download window will open.

In the download window, click on the fields marked “Specify details” (4). In the window that opens, click on the required attribute (5) and click “OK” (6). Also delete the extra line with the names of the fields (7) (Stand on any cell of this line and click “Delete line”). Click the "Next" button (8) to continue downloading.

The new window indicates how many positions are in the loaded table (9), how many of them are already in 1C (10), how many new (11) and repeating positions (12). 1C 8.3 will load only those items that are in the “New” tab (11). To clarify the details of the downloaded item, click on the link “Details...” (13). The details window will open.

In the window that opens, specify:

  • Which group will the new products be included in (14);
  • What type of nomenclature should the new product have (15);
  • Which nomenclature group they will be included in (16);
  • VAT rate (17).

To save, click the “OK” button (18). To complete loading the table, click the “Download” button (19). The product from the “New” tab will appear in the directory.

How to upload items from 1C to a table

If you need to download a product reference book from 1C 8.3 into an Excel spreadsheet, go to the reference book and click the “Download” button (1). An upload window will open.

In the window that opens, click the “Upload” button (2). In the menu that opens, select a folder location to save the file. The directory will be saved to this file.

Before creating item cards, you must fill out the reference book Types of nomenclature- this directory allows you to classify products into assortment groups. The settings filled in for a certain type will largely affect the fields in specific item cards that will belong to this type.

Let's open this directory:

On the list form, click the button to create a new view:

Let's create a new type of item Furniture:

On the left side there is a bookmarks panel, on the right - the contents of the selected bookmark. On the first tab, data on the name, sales registration option (sale or certificate of completion of work) is entered, product categories are configured (additional detailing of goods of a particular type), and the indication of the use of series and characteristics is indicated (we will consider it in detail later).

At the top, you need to select the type of item to which this type will belong (try not to get confused, the item in the program generally has a lot of different classifiers and rubricators).

The list of types is given below:

Let's focus on the option Product. Having selected this value, now the program will always set this type for all item cards in which we select this type.

On the second tab, you can configure templates for generating a working name (used in list forms, documents, reports) and a name for printing (displayed in printed forms), I will show you in more detail in the attached video tutorial:

On the third tab in the table, you can select a list of item properties, which will automatically appear in the form of a list and item selection with additional columns:

The next tab configures the process of filling out item fields for this type:

  • which fields need to be filled in,
  • which fields to control filling,
  • which fields to control uniqueness.

On the last tab, you can set default values ​​(the same for all items of this type) to reduce the time it takes to fill out items.

For example, let's set the VAT rate (it will always be 18%) and the unit of measurement:

Let's write down the card and return to the first bookmark:

Let's set up a list of product categories of this type:

Let's create several detailed categories:

Creating an item

In the list form that opens, click create:

First of all, let's switch the field display option to show all:

We will indicate the working name. If the name for printing is left blank, when recording a card, it is borrowed from the working one. Let's select our type of item, and some details will be filled in automatically:

  • item type,
  • characteristics,
  • series,
  • sales registration option,
  • storage unit,
  • VAT rate.

Open the form to select a field List group and in it we will create a new directory group Furniture.

We will not fill out all the fields in the card now, but we will set the flag for using information about the weight and volume of the product (we will use this information in the future):

Below are regulated accounting data, methods of provision, parameters for printing price tags and labels, codes in all-Russian classifiers:

Let's write down the card and close it.

By analogy, we will create the second element of the nomenclature.

As a result, we get the following picture:

On the right are the filtering settings, and on the left is the actual list of items. Filtering can be done both by types and by hierarchy of the directory.

Switching between filtering options is done as follows:

Additional types of items and product cards subordinate to them are created in a similar way.

Directory Nomenclature in 1C Accounting it is often used in many documents. The directory stores nomenclature records for materials for production, manufactured products, goods for sale, workwear and equipment, containers, purchased fixed assets, received and provided services.

Working with the 1C Nomenclature directory does not cause any particular problems, however, the directory has useful and interesting features.

An important feature of the Nomenclature directory in 1C Accounting 8 is the ability to set up item accounting accounts for groups and even for individual directory lines. We can always create a new item group in the directory. The only question is which accounting accounts will the program offer in the documents for the nomenclature of the new group?

When you first launch a new information base, the program automatically fills in the 1C Nomenclature directory in groups: materials, equipment (fixed assets), products, workwear, goods, packaging, services. When you select an entry from the corresponding item group in the working document, the program inserts an account for the accounting entry in accordance with the purpose of this group.
To record the “goods” group in documents, when selecting a group line, account 41.01 (goods in warehouses) will be set, and to record the “materials” group 10.01 (raw materials and materials) or other subaccounts of account 10.

If we create a new item group, then for this group we need to set up item accounting accounts in the corresponding information register. To do this, place the cursor on the group and click on the “ Go» in the toolbar of the directory form, in the list that opens, select “item accounting accounts”. The information register opens "Item Accounting". For a new group, this register will naturally be empty. Therefore, we create a new register entry element (add button) and enter the “account account” detail in the information register entry form.

If you do not fill in any more input fields here, then the specified condition will always apply for all elements of this group of the 1C nomenclature directory. If you fill in the details of the fields “Organization”, “Warehouse”, “Warehouse type”, then the specified accounting accounts will be valid only for the filled in values ​​of these fields. You can also, if necessary, fill in the remaining fields of the accounting accounts: transfer accounting account, sales income account, submitted VAT account, sales VAT account. All these accounts will be used in the corresponding documents for the receipt, movement and write-off of items.

In this way, you can set up item accounting accounts for groups and subgroups of the items directory for organizations and warehouses. In the “Item Accounting Accounts” register there can be one or more setup records for one item in the item reference book. In any contextual situation of choosing an accounting account, the program selects the most suitable one.

For example, let’s create a new group “Fuel” and want all entries in this group to be taken into account in account 10.03. To do this, move from the fuel group to the “Item Accounting Accounts” register, add a new line and set the accounting account to 10.03. If we maintain multi-company accounting in 1C and want this accounting setting to apply only to one organization, then in the “organization” field we select the organization.

The most important thing to understand when setting up item accounting accounts is The names of the groups in the nomenclature directory have no significance for setting up accounting accounts. The program uses only the details of the “Item Accounting” register.

You can download a video tutorial on setting up accounting accounts on the page How to set up the Nomenclature directory in 1C.

If we have added construction materials to the “Fuel” product group, the program will still set accounting account 10.03 (fuel) in the documents when selecting product items from this group.

Good additions when working with items in 1C will be external reports and printing.