Modern names of groups in VK. How to come up with a band name that will bring success

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. Remember the first VKontakte communities? Back then, the Internet was not so familiar; people were not yet aware of their similarity.

Groups such as “The community of people who clutch a blanket between their legs when they sleep” or “Those who litter their balcony every winter and dismantle it every summer” numbered more than a million people.

Now you can’t attract anyone with such headlines. Today we will discuss how to name a group in contact and not make a fatal mistake. You will learn all about the rules and the main mistakes that novice administrators make.

Fatal mistakes

First, I think we need to talk about what not to call a community. If you are still a beginner, and I think that you are, then you have probably heard about key phrases, and so on. So, if you decided to create a name based on all this disgrace, then it’s in vain. Most likely this song is not about you.

I’ll briefly explain for those who are not in the know. The example is rough, but that's the first thing that came to mind. People write in the search line: “How to choose linoleum” and if you name the community exactly the same, it will appear in Google and Yandex results, even though this is not a site, but just a VKontakte group.

Remember that people look for information first and foremost on search engines. When they enter this query, they want to read the article to quickly find out the answer to a topic of interest. For your group to be relevant to their query, the content must be entirely relevant to that query. Let there be advertisements from time to time, but mostly they should receive valuable advice.

If the reader does not find it, then within a few seconds they abandon the site. Many users are well aware that they are unlikely to find the answer on VKontakte and simply will not open the link to your group. The benefit will be minimal.

In addition, let’s assume that they entered a community with that name, but choosing linoleum is a one-time affair. The likelihood that they will join the group and follow your news all their lives is negligible.

It’s another matter if you create a collection of quotes and aphorisms, a selection of the best books, films, photos.

If you are creating a group for a business, then by and large you should not care whether he becomes part of your community or not, it is important that he learns about you and buys a product. A person became interested in something, found you through a search engine and received information directly in the group. What else do you need?

However, in addition to this, there is another layer of groups for which optimization is important. They are interested in a certain topic and have a need to update their knowledge. If these readers find good resource in a search engine, they most likely will not want to lose useful link and subscribe.

If you are making a community with music, then if I were you, I would definitely mention the genre that you publish or otherwise narrow the audience. An advertisement, website or group cannot have many faces. A community for everyone and about everything does not attract people. The more elite it is, the greater the desire to join.

Would you be part of a group that constantly suggests films that don't interest you specifically?

Imagine you are part of a community with information about different TV series. The amount of news is limited and you are offered either news about “Cops”, “Soldiers” and Porechenkov, then suddenly “Games of Thrones”, “Vikings”, or some Hannah Montana or whatever else is shown on children's channels. You won’t want to read so much unnecessary stuff; once again you see an inappropriate picture in your feed and you’ll unsubscribe.

We need to look for a middle ground. VKontakte is full of communities “Fan Club of Stas Mikhailov” or “Music of Stas Mikhailov”. If we consider this from the administration side, then such groups are also not winning.

It's too tight. You won't find as much information and you won't be able to post regularly in a way that keeps them interesting. I think that Stas Mikhailov himself is not capable of this. But, we moved a little away from the names to the choice of topic.

Very important point, which novice administrators forget about. The name should inspire entry and create a desire to join. And in no case should it offend or embarrass the audience.

“Music for women over 50” will attract few young ladies. The title should be positive and preserve the subscriber's image. Let's say: "Music for women who know a lot about songs."

Can you describe the state of mind when such compositions are best listened to?

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Currently, social networks are gaining more and more popularity. VKontakte is no exception, as its audience has already exceeded several million active users. People communicate with each other, find business partners, read the news, and, let’s not hide it, earn money. If you have a thought in your head new idea, under the auspices of which you plan to unite various people, then it’s time to create a new public.

A VKontakte group is a community of people united by one interest. This could be a citywide portal, a bulletin board, a professional association (web developers, copywriters, designers, planners, etc.), an entertainment portal, etc.

You can create a new community in just a few clicks. We talked about this in another article. But coming up with a name for a VKontakte group is a more creative and rather complicated process. Often, administrators are unaware of the important role the correct name plays. Some plan to surprise VK visitors and try to attract attention with a cool or original name for the group. But in this process you also need to think about other nuances.

Remember Captain Vrungel? You need to call the boat by the correct name.

  • The name helps to increase subscribers.
  • The use of keywords helps to display a link to the community in VK search and Yandex, Google and other search engines.

If a visitor to a social network is looking for a group, he writes keywords in the search. The social network provides a list of public pages corresponding to the topic of the keys. It also works search engine. In the search bar, visitors write keywords among sites and are given a link to a group relevant to their queries.

Naming rules

Let's look at what steps you should follow when choosing a name.

  • Decide on a topic.
  • Select keywords (1-4).
  • Draw a portrait of the target audience. You can’t please everyone right away, and, for example, if you creatively, using jargon, name a VK group for teenagers in order to interest them, then businessmen may not like such a name.
  • Show originality and creativity. You must be different from others (and, even more so, from competitors).
  • Add keywords. It’s important not to overdo it here, otherwise the public will lose all its creativity.

Let's talk about originality

If we pay attention to originality, then the keys are lost. If the keys dominate, then trouble happens to creativity. Simple names are already usually busy (this can be seen from a search on social networks). So what to do?

Still, the leading role belongs to creativity. Catchy words should reflect the essence of the new public.

  • The name must directly or indirectly correspond to the topic.
  • Keys are required.
  • Avoid obscene language, inciting ethnic hatred, or calling for violence (you may get blocked).
  • Try to come up with your own brand.

Names of popular groups on VK - list

“You won’t believe it”, “Borsch”, “IGM” do not contain keys. But they are popular because they are successfully branded.

  • Review your competitors. They may give you new ideas.
  • Remember that short names are remembered faster (1-4 words are optimal).
  • View search engine statistics by keyword (for example, the service Yandex Wordstat etc.).
  • Select keywords related to your topic.
  • Make a list of names.
  • Choose the best.
  • As for any site, the Title, and the name for a VK group, is the most significant element for the search. An analogue of Site Description is the description (next field), which also provides space for keys. Fill in these fields.
  • Replace the long address with a short one that matches the name. By default, an incomprehensible dynamic identifier is set. This is done in the same place:

The short address will be displayed in address bar browser, you can use it directly to get to the public.

If originality and imagination are really bad, then you can turn to VKontakte group name generators.

You can work with the services absolutely free. For example, Needaband. There is no shortage of originality!

Click “Run” and enjoy.

Another option:

You can just laugh, or you can find new ideas. For example, it’s better not to call the culinary community that way, despite the ready-made keys, but a public page for negative reviews about restaurants can be called “Rotten jam and bad restaurants.”

There are a lot of generators on the Internet: Brand Generator, NameGen, BrandNameMaker and many others.

We hope that our tips will ease your complex naming process and help you create an interesting community. After its creation and launch, do not forget that the information should be constantly updated, new people should subscribe, comment, like and be active in different ways. Otherwise, in the vastness of the Internet, the community will remain an unknown attempt to create something original and bringing good income. Good luck!

There are communities of interests. Being the owner or administrator of such a virtual club is not only interesting, but also profitable. This makes it possible to make new acquaintances, more people, promote your goods and services, or earn money by advertising other people's products. But not everyone knows that in order for a community to be a great success among site users, you need to come up with an original name for the group.

Simple magic of words

If the community has a narrowly focused topic, it is advisable to somehow indicate this in the name. You can use metaphors, for example, calling the charitable foundation “Big Heart”, and the organization of environmentalists - “Green Leaf”. If the group is dedicated to a specific brand, there is no point in coming up with something complicated. For a cafe, just its name and notes like “ delicious food" If you are going to promote an establishment in a specific city, the name for the group may also include the location of the real object.

How to stand out from the list of competitors?

Many users social networks find new ones interesting communities on friends' pages. But the problem is that one person can be in hundreds of groups, and see among them interesting name not so simple. Solving this problem and becoming more visible is not at all difficult. It is enough to write the chosen name for the group in Odnoklassniki in capital letters and surround it with any symbols. These can be standard “dogs”, or question marks, or site emoticons.

The names for VKontakte groups also look unusual: they are short, consisting of several letters. The easiest way is to write an abbreviation, but you can distort it a little, leaving two or three first letters of each word. In this way, you can write down an ordinary word, hiding a hidden meaning in it. If you wish, you can keep the letters of different heights (leave the capitals of each word large), but keep in mind that the fashion of writing with a “fence” has passed, and many users find this annoying.

Why do you need a creative and memorable name for a group?

There is a fashion to name communities, describing the common habits of the population of our country. What do you think, for example, of the following name for the group: “The Gum Chewing Club”? Stupid - you say? Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people are members of such communities. And all so that an interesting inscription notifying about the habit appears in the list on the page. Collections of thematic pictures and music also collect a large number of likes in such virtual clubs. Of course, such a community is not suitable for posting serious information, but you can earn good money from advertising posted in it.

Accordingly, when coming up with a name for a group, you shouldn’t be afraid to use your imagination. Keep in mind that you can always rename a community, as well as change its direction. It is likely that after such a modernization many participants will leave it, but you can always invite those who are interested new topic and title. In addition, a boring group can be sold or given away full control to one of the previously appointed administrators.

Social networks have long crossed the line beyond which they were only a virtual platform for communication. Now you can earn real money on these Internet resources. One of the relevant tools in this case is some kind of community, group on Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte.

However, to attract as many subscribers as possible, it is worth making some effort. First of all, you need to think about how to name the group in VK in order to interest maximum quantity social network users.

General terms

The principle of working with a group and a public is almost the same, so this method suitable for public page Same. A catchy name will make you pay attention to the page and look at it. This is where the principle of viral marketing comes into play.

The name for the group will make it possible for visitors to understand what exactly the information will be about and whether it will bring real benefit.

It is generally accepted that those communities that make it to the TOP are those that beat the key search phrases. Correctly chosen words will ensure decent results in the search engine, because often visitors use Yandex or Google even to search for a group or community on social networks. At the same time you need to have individuality so as not to get lost in the same type of “glued together” search phrases.

Title and description

Each VKontakte page contains data that any search engine is guided to a certain extent. For this purpose, special title and description tools are used. They are seen by all visitors to Yandex or its foreign analogues.

The title will appear in dark blue above the internet address. current page(title). Below is a description of what should be on the page you are looking for (description). Often, optimizers involved in community promotion use the name of the group as a title, so it is so important to include at least some of the key queries in it.

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There’s no point in being original in the style of “Group at Semyon’s” or “Miscellaneous clothes”, since these queries are unlikely to be entered into search bar. The style that will be more effective will be: “Fishing gear” or “Selling skirts and blouses inexpensively.” In some cases, the key may be changed or slightly diluted to ensure the naturalness of the name. It is important to include it in the title by any means.

Standard title length for most search engines it is limited. Many of them cut off names that are longer than 60 characters, so starting from the 61st letter, users see an ellipsis. It is worth trying to fit the length within the allotted frames.

It is customary to allocate a little more space for the description, providing it with approximately 160 characters. Please note that the length of the title and description includes spaces. In the description, which is usually located below the site address on search page You can also include relevant search queries.

It is believed that Google algorithms and others search services They carry out filtering and a certain ranking according to the description in the same way. In this regard, while simultaneously choosing what to call a group on VKontakte, it is worth devoting a sufficient amount of time to coming up with a beautiful, concise and at the same time “working” description of it.

Balance of supply and demand

When choosing a name, it is worth remembering that there are various types queries that are usually ranked into three categories:

  • high frequency;
  • low frequency;
  • mid-frequency.

The parameter indicates the number of user requests per month. The higher the value, the more popular the request. It means high degree demand for the product among users. In market terms, these numbers are consumer demand.

There is also a competitiveness parameter for queries:

  • highly competitive;
  • low competitive;
  • averagely competitive.

This indicator indicates the presence of current market offers, ready to satisfy everyone who is thirsty. If there is not enough of it, then the offered product will sell like hot cakes.