Saving a file in Microsoft Office. How to save a file (beginner school)

Presentation - Introduction to WINDOWS - File, directory, working with objects

Windows uses the principle that any collection of disk data is assigned a name. A specific section of a disk that has its own name is called a file.
To run a program, you open an icon on the screen associated with the program file.
Edited new document using a text editor, you save it on disk under a certain name - this will create new file, and somewhere on the screen the corresponding one will appear new icon.

File name
The file name in Windows can be typed in both Russian and Latin letters, but no more than 255 characters.
Each file has a three-letter extension that serves as a description of the file type for the operating system. The user should under no circumstances change file extensions.
Files cannot have the following extensions: PRN, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, AUX, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, ​​CON, NUL, CLOCK$ with any extensions, because the operating system reserves all these names to designate input/output devices, this allows you to work with them as files.

To organize files on disk, they are placed in different folders, or, what is the same, directories.
In order to open a folder, like any object, you need to double-click on its icon or press the Enter key on it.
The opened folder is a regular window: with a menu, toolbar and other necessary accessories.
You can open any object in a folder window double click mouse over it, the folder menu command (File / open) or by pressing Enter keys.
Depending on the menu settings (View / Options), the subfolder will either open in a new window or occupy the current window.

Also questions for the presentation:
What name can the file have?
What is the file format (extension)?
What does the concept of saving a file mean?
What name can a directory (folder) have?
As you understand Windows principle“Point and click?”
What is the point of highlighting an object? Give examples from Everyday life, which also use the principle of selection.
Working in which editor can you create a “File.DOC” file?
You have created a file called "File.DOC", placed it in the "My Documents" folder, and placed a shortcut for this file on your desktop. How to delete this file?
How can I rename this file (see previous question)?
How can I copy this file to the “10th grade” folder if it is located on the same disk?

Download - Presentation - Introduction to WINDOWS - File, directory, working with objects


Punch Card File

Word file first applied to computer storage in 1950. An advertisement for RCA CRT memory in Popular Science magazine read:

…the results of countless calculations can be kept “in a file cabinet” ( on file) and receive again. This "file cabinet" now exists in a storage tube developed in the RCA laboratories. It electrically stores the numbers sent to computer, and keeps them in storage, at the same time remembering new ones - speeding up intelligent solutions in the labyrinths of mathematics.

In 1952 the word file taken to a deck of punched cards. First with a word file called the memory device itself, not its contents (see Register file). For example, the IBM 350 drives used in, for example, the IBM 305 machine were called disk files. Systems like the Compatible Time-Sharing System introduced the concept of a file system, where multiple virtual “memory devices” exist on a single storage device, giving the word “file” its modern meaning. File names in CTTS consisted of two parts, a “main name” and an “additional name” (the latter still exists today as a filename extension).

File system

As the computer technology There were more and more files on the systems. For ease of working with them, they, like other data, began to be organized into structures (symbolic names also appeared). At first it was a simple array, “tied” to a specific storage medium. Currently, the most widespread tree organization with the ability to mount and insert additional connections(that is, links). Accordingly, the file name became file path: Lists the file system tree nodes that must be traversed to get to it.

File as an operating system API object

The operating system provides applications with a set of functions and structures for working with files. Operating system capabilities place additional restrictions on file system limitations. From an API point of view, a file is an object to which the functions of this API can be applied. On API level It no longer matters whether the file exists as a file system object or is, for example, an input/output device.

File properties

Depending on the file system, the file may have different set properties.

File name

Most file systems use the file name to indicate which file is being accessed. In different file systems File name restrictions vary greatly: in FAT16 and FAT12, the file name size is limited to 8.3 characters (8 per name and 3 per extension); on other systems, the file name is usually limited to 255 bytes; in NTFS, the name is limited in some OSes to 255 Unicode characters (according to the specification - 32,768 characters).

In addition to file system limitations, operating system interfaces further limit the character set that is allowed when working with files.

Most operating systems require a unique file name within the same directory, although some systems allow files with the same name (for example, when working with tape drives).

File name extension

The file name extension (often file extension or extension) as an independent file attribute exists in the FAT16, FAT32, NTFS file systems used by the MS-DOS, DR-DOS, PC DOS, MS Windows operating systems and is used to determine the file type. It allows the system to determine which application should open the file. Default in operating system Windows extension hidden from the user.

In other file systems, the extension is a convention, part of the name, separated by the rightmost dot in the name.


Some file systems, such as NTFS, provide attributes (usually a binary yes/no value encoded in a single bit). In many modern operating systems, attributes have virtually no effect on the ability to access files; for this purpose, some operating and file systems exist.

Attribute name translation meaning file systems OS
READ ONLY only for reading it is forbidden to write to the file DOS, OS/2, Windows
SYSTEM systemic file critical for operating system operation FAT32, FAT12, FAT16, NTFS, HPFS, VFAT DOS, OS/2, Windows
HIDDEN hidden the file is hidden from display until otherwise explicitly stated FAT32, FAT12, FAT16, NTFS, HPFS, VFAT DOS, OS/2, Windows
ARCHIVE archival (requiring archiving) file changed after Reserve copy or was not backed up by backup programs FAT32, FAT12, FAT16, NTFS, HPFS, VFAT DOS, OS/2, Windows
SUID Setting a user ID running the program on behalf of the owner ext2 Unix-like
SGID Group ID setting executing a program on behalf of a group (for directories: any file created in a directory with a set SGID will receive the specified owner group) ext2 Unix-like
Sticky Bit sticky bit initially instructed the kernel not to unload a completed program from memory immediately, but only after some time, in order to avoid constantly loading the most frequently used programs from disk; currently it is used differently in different operating systems ext2 Unix-like


Creation, modification, and last access timestamps can be defined for a file.

File owner and group

Some file systems provide an indication of the file owner and the owning group.

Access rights

Some file systems provide the ability to restrict user access to the contents of a file

In UNIX-like operating systems, files typically have three types of permissions: write, read, and execute.

Each right is set separately for the owner, for the group and for everyone else. ACLs allow you to expand this list.

see also


About files and file structures

What is a file

Information on external media is stored in the form of files. Working with files is very important look working on a computer. Everything is stored in files: both software and information necessary for the user. With files, as with business papers, you constantly have to do something: copy them from one medium to another, destroy unnecessary ones, create new ones, search for them, rename them, put them in one order or another, etc.

File is information stored on external media and united by a common name.

To clarify the meaning of this concept, it is convenient to use the following analogy: the storage medium itself (disk) is like a book. We talked about how a book is external memory person, and magnetic disk- external computer memory. The book consists of chapters (stories, sections), each of which has a title. The files also have their own names. These are called file names. At the beginning or end of a book there is usually a table of contents - a list of chapter titles. There is also such a directory list on the disk containing the names of the stored files.

You can display the directory to see if it is available. this disk required file.

Each file stores a separate information object: a document, an article, a numeric array, a program, etc. The information contained in the file becomes active, i.e., can be processed by a computer, only after it is loaded into RAM.

Any user who works on a computer has to deal with files. Even to play computer game, you need to find out in which file its program is stored, be able to find this file and initialize the program.

Working with files on a computer is done using the file system. File system- this is a functional part of the OS that performs operations on files.

To find the required file, the user must know: a) what the file name is; b) where the file is stored.

File name

In almost all operating systems, the file name is composed of two parts separated by a dot. For example:

To the left of the dot is the actual file name (tu-prog). The part of the name following the dot is called the file extension (pas). Typically used in file names letters and numbers. In most OS maximum length extensions - 3 characters. In addition, the file name may not have an extension. In the operating room Windows system Russian letters are allowed in file names; The maximum name length is 255 characters.

The extension indicates what kind of information is stored in this file. For example, the txt extension usually means text file(contains text); PCX extension - graphic file(contains a picture), zip or gag - archive file(contains an archive - compressed information), pas - a program in Pascal.

Logical drives

One computer can have several disk drives - devices for working with disks. Each drive is given a one-letter name (followed by a colon), for example A:, B:, C:. Often on personal computers disk large capacity, built in system unit(he is called hard drive), divided into sections. Each of these partitions is called a logical disk, and it is given the name C:, D:, E:, etc. The names A: and B: usually refer to small-capacity removable disks - floppy disks (floppy disks). They can also be considered as names of disks, only logical ones, each of which completely occupies a real (physical) disk. Therefore, A:, B:, C:, D: are all names logical drives.

The name of the logical drive containing the file is the first "coordinate" that determines the location of the file.

Disk file structure

The entire collection of files on the disk and the relationships between them is called file structure. Different operating systems may support different file structure organizations. There are two types of file structures: simple, or single-level, and hierarchical - multi-level.

Single-level file structure is a simple sequence of files. To find a file on disk, you just need to specify the file name. For example, if the tetris.exe file is located on drive A:, then its “full address” looks like this:

Operating systems with a single-level file structure are used on the simplest educational computers equipped only with floppy disks.

Multi-level file structure- a tree-like (hierarchical) way of organizing files on a disk. To facilitate understanding of this issue, we will use an analogy with the traditional “paper” method of storing information. In this analogy, a file is represented as some titled document (text, drawing) on ​​paper sheets. The next largest element in the file structure is called catalog. Continuing the “paper” analogy, we will think of a directory as a folder into which you can attach many documents, i.e. files. The directory also gets its own name (think of it on the cover of a folder).

The directory itself can be part of another directory external to it. This is similar to nesting a folder inside another larger folder. Thus, each directory can contain many files and subdirectories (called subdirectories). Catalog itself top level, which is not nested in any other directory is called the root directory.

In the Windows operating system, the term "folder" is used to refer to the concept of "directory".

A graphical representation of a hierarchical file structure is called a tree.

In Fig. 2.9 directory names are written in capital letters, and file names are written in lowercase letters. Here, in root directory there are two folders: IVANOV and PETROV and one file The IVANOV folder contains two subfolders PROGS and DATA. The DATA folder is empty; there are three files in the PROGS folder, etc. In the tree, the root directory is usually represented by the symbol \.

The path to the file

Now imagine that you need to find a specific document. To do this, you need to know the box in which it is located, as well as the “path” to the document inside the box: the entire sequence of folders that need to be opened to get to the papers you are looking for.

The second coordinate that determines the location of the file is path to the file on disk. The path to a file is a sequence of directory names, starting from the root directory and ending with the one in which the file is directly stored.

Here is a familiar fairy-tale analogy to the concept of “path to a file”: “There is a chest hanging on an oak tree, in the chest there is a hare, in the hare there is a duck, in the duck there is an egg, in the egg there is a needle, at the end of which is Koshcheev’s death.”

The logical drive name, file path and file name written down in sequence make up full file name.

If shown in Fig. 2.9 file structure is stored on drive C:, then full names some of the files included in it in the operating symbols MS-DOS systems and Windows look like this:



File Allocation Table

Information about the file structure of the Disk is contained on the same disk in the form of a file allocation table. Using the OS file system, the user can sequentially view the contents of directories (folders) on the screen, moving down or up the file structure tree.

In Fig. Figure 2.10 shows an example of displaying a directory tree on a computer screen on logical drive E: (left window).

The right window shows the contents of the ARCON folder. ")that's a lot of files various types. Hence, for example, it is clear that the full name of the first file in the list is as follows:


From the table you can get Additional information about files. For example, the file dos4gw.exe is 254,556 bytes in size and was created on May 31, 1994 at 2:00 am.

Having found in such a list an entry about the required file, using OS commands, the user can perform with it various actions: initialize the program contained in the file; delete, rename, copy file. You will learn how to perform all these operations in a practical lesson.

Questions and tasks

    1. What is the name of the operating system used in your computer lab?
    2. What file structure does the operating system use on your computers (simple, multi-level)?
    3. How many physical drives do your computers have? How many logical disks are there on physical disks and what names do they have in the operating system?
    4. What rules govern file names in your OS?
    5. What is the path to the file on the disk, the full file name?
    6. Learn (under the guidance of a teacher) to view disk directories on your computers on the screen.
    7. Learn to initialize programs from program files(type exe, com).
    8. Learn to do the basics file operations in the OS used (copying, moving, deleting, renaming files).

User interface

Friendly user interface

Now get acquainted with the new concept of “user interface”.

Developers of modern software They try to make the user’s work at the computer convenient, simple, and visual. The consumer qualities of any program are largely determined by the convenience of its interaction with the user.

The form of interaction between a program and a user is called user interface. A user-friendly form of interaction is called a user-friendly interface.

Object-oriented interface

The interface of modern system and application programs is called an object-oriented interface. An example of an operating system that implements an object-oriented approach is Windows.

The operating system works with many objects, which include: documents, programs, disk drives, printers and other objects that we deal with when working in the operating system.

Documents contain some information: text, sound, pictures, etc. Programs are used to process documents. Individual programs and documents are inextricably linked: the text editor works with text documents, a graphic editor - with photographs and illustrations, a sound processing program allows you to record, correct and listen to sound files.

Documents and programs are information objects. And objects such as disk drives and printers are hardware (physical) objects. The operating system associates the object with:

    graphic designation;



The operating system interface uses icons (also called pictograms, icons) and names to designate documents, programs, and devices. The name and icon make it possible to easily distinguish one object from another (Fig. 2.11).

Each object is associated with a specific set of properties and a set of actions that can be performed on the object.

For example, the properties of a document are its location in the file structure and its size. Actions on a document: open (view or listen), rename, print, copy, save, delete, etc.

Context menu

The operating system provides the same user interface when working with different objects. In the Windows operating system, to get acquainted with the properties of an object and possible actions on it, use the context menu (Fig. 2.12) (to call the context menu, select the object icon and click right click mice).

Menu- This is a list displayed on the screen from which the user can select the element he needs.

Rice. 2.12. Document context menu

In the menu in Fig. 2.12 all paragraphs, except the last one, refer to actions that can be performed with the document. The desired menu item is selected using the cursor keys or a manipulator (for example, a mouse). If you select the "Properties" menu item, a list of properties of this object will be displayed on the screen.

Questions and tasks

    1. What is the user interface?
    2. How is an object characterized (from the point of view of the object-oriented approach)?
    3. How can you find out the properties of an object or perform an action on it?

E. Sutotskaya

One of the first skills needed when mastering a computer is the ability to store and then recall information in your PC. Computer science teacher and programmer Elena Sutotskaya talks about how to do this.

Rice. 1. This is what the main menu of the Word editor looks like. If you left-click once on the “File” item, information input/output commands will appear on the screen (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The main commands when saving a document are “Save” and “Save as...” When saving a document for the first time, there is no difference between them. Move the cursor to one or another command and clicking once with the left

Rice. 3. Here the Word editor prompts you to save the document in a folder in "My Documents" under the name Doc1 (or 2, 3...) with doc extension. At the same time, you can see which documents with the same extension already exist in this folder. Left clicking the mouse

Science and life // Illustrations

Rice. 5. After saving the file in the most top line The file name appears in the main menu of the Word editor.

Science and life // Illustrations

Rice. 7. Any of the extensions can be selected by clicking once on the required line. In relation to a text editor, along with the doc extension, the rtf extension is often used. This allows you to use the document in other Windows applications without disturbing

Rice. 8. This is what the tab for setting parameters for the autosave process looks like.

Rice. 9. In order for the document to be saved with all the changes and additions made since it was opened, you need to click on the word “Yes”. Clicking the "No" button will return the document to its original form. And the "Cancel" key should be used if you

It is convenient to consider the basic rules for saving a document using the example of the Word text editor in Windows environment(Fig. 1). For this environment, they can be considered universal, since the main menu item "File" is present in any other Windows application in almost the same form. So, having mastered saving a document in Word, you can easily do the same in any other text or graphic editor and when working with spreadsheets.

Preliminary information

Before we get into how to save a document, there are some basic concepts you need to understand.

Everything “collected” on a computer is stored in the form of files. A file is a named area of ​​a disk in which information is stored.

The file name consists of two parts - the actual name and extension, separated by a dot. Sometimes the extension is missing, but usually it is by it that you can find out what type of information is contained in the file, since each application program by default assigns a specific extension to a file. Thus, "DOC" indicates that the document was created in text editor Word, "BMP" - in a graphics editor, for example Paint, "PPT" says that you are dealing with a presentation created in PowerPoint, "XLS" - a sign spreadsheet, "jpg" - graphic document, with which they worked, for example in Photoshop.

Note. When assigning a proper name to a file, try to ensure that it matches the information that is stored in it - this will make it much easier to find it later. For example, "Addressbook" or "Contacts".

The name can be typed in Russian or in any other language installed on this computer, contain numbers, punctuation, excluding quotation marks and special characters.

In addition to files, there are so-called folders - they store information that allows the computer to find the desired file.

My Documents folder

It appears on your computer when you install the software. As a rule, many novice users, and not only them, prefer to store their files in it. This is convenient because it happens by default. But when working with a large amount of varied information, it is more convenient to create “thematic” folders and put files in them. This greatly simplifies the search for information.

Notes 1. The same document can be saved under different names in the same folder, under the same name in different folders and under different names in different folders (as convenient for you).

2. If during the naming process you accidentally erased the extension, do not worry, the computer itself will assign the desired extension to your file.

Note. The same can be done by selecting the icon with the image of a floppy disk on the toolbar and clicking on it once with the left mouse button.

If you are working with a document that has already been saved, then the “Save” and “Save as...” commands work differently. In the first option (“Save”), the document is saved under the same name with all the corrections and additions made to it. In this case, the dialog box does not appear on the screen. (Clicking on the icon with the image of a floppy disk will produce the same result.) In the second option ("Save as..."), a dialog box already familiar to us will open on the screen (see Fig. 3), where in the "File name" field the name under which you saved will be written. this document. By entering a new name there, you will save your document with all the corrections and additions made under a different name.

Other folders

If you want to save the document in another folder, you should select it (and first, of course, create it). To select another folder on any of the drives, you need to left-click once on the black arrow to the right of the “Folder” field. After this, a window will appear where you will see icons and names of disks available on your computer: for example, the “Desktop” icon, the “My Documents” folder, etc. (Fig. 6).


You can also proceed in the reverse order: first change the name, and then select the folder to save.

Changing the extension

To change the file extension, you need to click on the black arrow to the right of the "File type" field. After this, a list of all acceptable for this file extensions (Fig. 7).

Note. To use a document in DOS environment you need to select the line " from the list" DOS text with line breaks" or "DOS Text". But in this case, almost all text formatting will be lost.

Automatic saving of information

For the convenience of saving a document while working, you can set the computer to the so-called autosave mode. It is especially important that information is saved automatically if the power supply to your computer electrical network not very reliable.

To activate the function automatic saving information, you should select the “Tools” item in the main menu, and in it the “Options” sub-item (Fig. 8). On the “Save” tab, select “Automatic Save Every:” and in the field to the right of it, set the time interval between automatically repeating recording of the document you are working on into the computer’s memory. Then, if the document has already been named, there is no need to periodically remind the computer to save the information. He will do it on his own.

One last note. Everything described above is true for anyone Windows applications, the differences will only be in the automatically proposed file name and extension or in which folder is suggested by default.

Lesson objectives:

  • to form knowledge about files and file systems, file names, paths to files, to give the basic concepts necessary for working with files on a computer.
  • nurturing students’ information culture, attentiveness, accuracy, discipline, perseverance.
  • development of cognitive interests, skills in working with a mouse and keyboard, self-control, and note-taking skills.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

  1. Greetings.
  2. Checking readiness for the lesson.
  3. Distribution of evaluation sheets.
  4. Explanation of the methodology for filling out assessment sheets.

2. Updating students’ knowledge

1. In order to review the basic concepts learned in previous lessons, you are asked to fill out a crossword puzzle. ( Each student is given a form with a crossword puzzle. (Appendix 1)

2. Peer check of the crossword puzzle (Answers are displayed on the screen) ( Appendix 2.)

3. Learning new material

3.1. Teacher's explanation ( oral presentation of the material with the preparation of a supporting summary)

A file is a certain amount of information (program or data) that has a name and is stored in long-term memory.

A file system is a system for storing files and organizing directories.

The file name consists of two parts separated by a dot: the actual file name And extension , which determines its type.

The actual name of the file is given by the user, and the file type is usually set automatically by the program when it is created.

Single-level file system.

Multi-level hierarchical file system.

The path to the file.

The path to the file along with the file name is called full file name.

Rules for creating a file name:

  • You cannot use the following characters, which are reserved for special functions:? . , ; : = + * / \ " |< >SPACE
  • IN long names The following characters cannot be used:? : * / \ " >< |

In the Windows operating system, the concept of "folder" is used instead of directories.

A folder is a Windows object designed to organize files and other folders into groups.

3.2. Performance practical tasks (Working in a notebook)

Exercise 1. Explanation of the scheme: p For a given schema, you must record the full file names.

Task 2. Drawing up the diagram: p Given the paths to the files, it is necessary to build a directory tree.

(Computer work)

Task 3. Create in network folder a folder with your last name.

Task 4. Copy a file with the extension: doc, bmp, jpg, mp3 to your folder.

Task 5. Rename the files, indicating your last name in the name.

5. Consolidation of the studied material

1. Filling out the table for compliance ( The table is presented on the screen)

2. Computer testing (Appendix 3)

3. Frontal survey.

  • What name can the file have?
  • What is the file format (extension)?
  • What does the concept of saving a file mean?
  • What name can a directory (folder) have?
  • What is the point of highlighting an object? Give examples from everyday life that also use the principle of highlighting.
  • Working in which editor can you create a "File.DOC" file?
  • You have created a "File.DOC" file, placed it in the "My Documents" folder, and placed a shortcut for this file on your desktop. How to delete this file?

6. Summing up. Reflection

On the evaluation sheet, give each person points based on the results of their work. And in the reflection column, give yourself a point for mastering this lesson topic:

  • “5” - everything is clear, no questions arose;
  • "4" - there are some difficulties;
  • “3” - the topic of the lesson is poorly understood.

Then add up the points you earned and give yourself a grade. ( Appendix 4).

7. Homework:

1. Compile and record your pedigree in the form of a hierarchy of folders.

2. Using these file paths, build a directory tree:

  • Z:\main\Chemist\Documents\Drawings\picture.bmp
  • Z:\main\Chemist\Documents\Files.doc
  • Z:\ main\Chemist\Documents\File system.doc
  • Z:\ main\Chemist\Documents\New Year\Postcard.doc
  • Z:\ main\Chemist\Documents\Drawings\diagram.jpg
  • Z:\main\Chemist\Documents\New Year\Script.wav