Social pyramid with Social up. Social network Social Up: reviews How to make money in social up

Good afternoon dear friends! The undoubted advantage of the Internet is that it allows you to earn money, not just one.

Thus, you have a lot of opportunities to find a way to generate income that is suitable for you.

I will also take advantage of this advantage and add income to my activities with the help of Social Up.

What it is? Social Up is the first social network in Russia that allows active users to earn money. It has been operating since July 2013.

The project has already proven its reliability and relevance. Which of you is not registered on any social network? There are fewer and fewer of these every year. And soon there won't be any left at all. Not everyone can create a website or blog today. But many people have accounts on the social network, from children to pensioners.

At one time, I learned about Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki from friends. And she told others about it. Now imagine if for the attracted social users. networks would pay a fee. I would be much richer by now. But…

Why do I want to make money with Social Up

  • Firstly, social networks are popular and in demand today.
  • Secondly, this project is not a pyramid, which means it is aimed at the long term. Users receive rewards from the affiliate program from a monthly subscription fee. You can read more about this in the manual, which you will receive a little later.
  • Thirdly, you can invite new users at any time convenient for you. Work at Social Up can be combined with other activities.
  • You don’t need to reinvent the wheel and rack your brains about how to attract new users. Everything has already been done for you. All that remains is to repeat. Every day, the organizers hold webinars where you will receive all the necessary information and can ask all your questions.

Watch the official video of the project to understand what this network is like:

What you need to know about Social Up

  • There are both free and paid accounts on the Social up social network. The latter provides more opportunities for earning money, but you can start with the free one;
  • There are no prohibited or immoral videos in it;
  • The social network is officially registered and its organizers pay taxes;
  • VIP users pay a small monthly subscription fee, which ensures the profit of the project and all its users;
  • The more successful the users of the project are, the better it will be for everyone.
  • All earned money can be withdrawn at any time of the day to.

How much can you earn

Let's imagine a not very rosy scenario. You invited only 5 people, and each of the invitees, in turn, invited only 2 people, and so on until level 5. In this case, you will earn $325. But this amount, in my opinion, is no longer bad.

Now imagine that everyone in your structure invited 5 people. Here the figure is much more interesting. Immediately the motivation jumps:

In general, if you have a desire to earn money and you know how to invite referrals, then register using the link:

If you don’t want to invite partners, then you can earn money more passively, namely with the help.

Today the Internet provides a sea of ​​opportunities for earning money. All you have to do is choose what you like. Take action!

socialtools . This site is for making money on social networks. So to speak, by renting out your contact page, placing certain information on it and getting money for it.

Registration on this site is very simple, I will not explain in detail, everything is clear there. After registration, you need to add your account to the site, to increase your earnings, indicate the city for example (

Mosca or Peter), so you chance to get the order will be higher. There are not very many tasks and not every advertising platform is suitable for completing one of them. Frequent restrictions there are: you must have at least 100 friends or your rating must be high. You can choose several more social networks such as: facebook, twitter, mail. ru and others. Tasks of this type: join the group and click a few likes and then check with the moderator, he checks and you receive your payment. There are also tasks with reposts .
There are not enough tasks on the site and they are sorted out very quickly, so efficiency is needed here, as they say, whoever gets it in time gets it. You can't make much money on this site, but that's probably how it works. At first it’s 100-150 rubles, then some get more and it’s 1000 rubles each. Money can be withdrawn to:
Webmoney , Yandex. Money or about mobile phone.

The site also shows your rating; the higher it is, the more high-paying tasks you are given. Also on the website socialtools There is an affiliate program based on the system of inviting friends. Each invited friend who earns 100 rubles brings you 50 rubles.
Personally, I’m bored and not interested in doing the tasks that they offer there, although this is work and not every job will be interesting and to my taste, so most likely I won’t be able to earn a tidy sum there, or maybe because I don’t have
referrals. Well, the payment there is correspondingly cheap. Everyone has it my preferences, I personally like to write reviews, and someone maybe you like joining a group, like, repost and perform other tasks for pennies.

In general, in any case, the choice is yours, you can try it, maybe you will be drawn in, you will like it and you will wake up in the future earn good money there.

Thank you for your attention!

Video review


For many people in the 21st century, communication on social networks has become an integral part of everyday life. Against this background, more and more different projects of this type are appearing. For the most part, they are similar to each other in purpose and functionality - only the design differs, and even then not always. Stands out clearly from the crowd

Reviews about this project excited the entire Internet community. A social network that pays for communication? How?! And most importantly - why?

First introduction: what is Social-UP?

The name “Social-UP” itself is an abbreviation for the English phrase social upheveal, which means “social revolution”.

The project received such a loud name for a reason. After all, Social-UP is the first network in Russia that rewards the most active participants. And not with some ephemeral and incomprehensible bonuses, but with real money!

Since the start of its work (July 13, 2013), the social network Social-UP has united under its leadership hundreds and thousands of users who receive pleasure and financial income from communication.

Becoming a Social-UP member is incredibly easy!

First you need to go through the registration procedure. To do this, you need to go to (it is provided by the person who invites you), provide basic information about yourself and pay for the subscription.

Important! All information that you provide during registration must be true and correct. In particular, you need to carefully check your email address. Remember that your personal income depends on this!

Please also ensure that the first and last name of the “invitee” is indicated in the “invited” field. The project administration immediately warns that it is not responsible for errors made during the registration of new users.

Since the Social-UP project is quite young, the question often arises of how to register if none of your friends can send you an invitation link. In this case, you can ask any of the social network users, the site’s technical support team, or the TOP leaders of the project for help.

After you register and pay for your subscription, you will be able to communicate with other members. User reviews indicate that finding new friends and business partners, inviting your acquaintances, participating in various competitions and attending online training courses created by the project administration is truly interesting, educational and enjoyable!

How to start making money with Social-UP?

Now let’s move on to the “juice” itself. Of course, you may be put off by the fact that registration in the project is paid and is by invitation only. But now we will look at it from the other side: you have already registered and gained access to all the features of the system.

By going to http://social-up. ru, you will not see the familiar “Registration” button. This means that not a single friend of yours will be able to become a member without a referral link. Your referral link!

The only thing required on your part is activity. Invite new people, communicate, create your own social circles - every action will bring you income.

How much can you earn?

Here everything depends only on you: there are no restrictions, and this is the main advantage of the Social-UP project. Reviews from users who have already registered and started earning money indicate that already in the first 2-3 months you can secure yourself a good income. And in 3-6 months you can achieve a high regular income!

Let's say for some reason you were only able to invite 5 people. And your referrals were even less lucky - each of them attracted only two new participants to Social-UP. And so on - up to level 5. Even in this situation, you will earn $325 in a month!

But this is far from the limit! Let's assume that you personally, again, were able to invite only five friends. Interested in increasing their own income, they also bring 5 people to the project. In turn, their friends and the friends of their friends (up to the 5th circle) also attract 5 new participants to the Social-UP network. But now the amount will be much more interesting - the potential level of earnings per month reaches $19,540!

Another or promising project?

Unfortunately, not everyone understands the mechanism of operation of the Social-UP social network. User reviews often hint that this project is another version of a financial pyramid.

Is it so?

Let's start with the fact that no one promises to pay you money out of thin air. That is, to earn income, it is not enough to simply pay a subscription. You must take part in the life of the social network, advertise it, attract new members and generally make the life of the project more interesting - only in this case you can really make money with the help of Social-UP. One participant leaves and you lose part of your income.

Go ahead. Most financial pyramids guarantee a huge income in the first couple of weeks/months. In turn, Social-UP focuses the attention of participants on the fact that everything depends only on themselves. You can receive $50-100 monthly (a good option for students and schoolchildren - a kind of bonus for pocket expenses). Or you can work a little and bring your income level to several hundred and even thousands of dollars a month.

It is important to understand that no one will earn money instead of you. You create your own future!

Why should you register with Social-UP right now?

You can withdraw all the money you earn to your personal electronic wallet WebMoney or QIWI at any time of the day.