Keyboard shortcut to return action. Hotkeys on a standard keyboard

Designation of keys on the keyboard

F1 - calls up Windows Help or the help window of the active program. In Microsoft Word, the Shift+F1 key combination shows text formatting;
F2- renames the selected object on the desktop or in the Explorer window;
F3- opens a search window for a file or folder on the desktop and in Explorer. The Shift+F3 key combination is often used to search backwards;
F4- opens a drop-down list, such as the address bar list in the My Computer window or in Explorer. Keyboard shortcuts Alt+F4 in Windows is used to close applications, and Ctrl+F4− is used to close part of a document or program (for example, tabs) ;
F5 - refreshes the active window of an open web page, desktop, explorer, and so on. In Microsoft PowerPoint, F5 starts the slide show from the beginning, and the key combination Shift+F5− starts from the current slide;
F6 - switch between screen elements in a window or
on the desktop. In Explorer and Internet Explorer - move between the main part
windows and address bar;
F7- checks spelling (in Word, Excel);
F8 - when loading the operating system, selects the boot mode.
In the Word editor, enables advanced text selection.
Selecting a fragment from the initial to the final cursor position occurs without holding down the Shift key.
Pressing F8 again highlights the word closest to the cursor.
The third is a sentence containing it.
The fourth is a paragraph. Fifth - document.
You can remove the last selection by pressing the key combination Shift+F8.
You can disable the mode using the Esc key;
F9 - in some programs updates selected fields;
F10- activates the full menu, and the key combination Shift+F10 activates the context menu;
F11 - switches the window to full screen mode and back, for example, in Internet Explorer;
F12 - go to selecting file saving options
(File -> Save As).
On a standard PC/AT keyboard, the alphanumeric block consists of 47 keys and includes keys for entering letters, numbers, punctuation, arithmetic, and special characters. The effect of these keys depends on the case (lower - upper) in which these keys are pressed.
The control keys Shift, Ctrl, Caps Lock, Alt and AltGr (right Alt) are also called modifier keys, since they are intended
to change the actions of other keys.
Shift (read “Shift”) is an uppercase key (non-fixed switching). Used in conjunction with other keys, such as the alphanumeric block keys for typing capital letters and uppercase characters.
Additionally, the Shift key is used as a modifier in keyboard shortcuts and mouse clicks. For example, to open a link in a separate window in a browser, you need to click on the link with the mouse button,
while holding down the Shift key.
Ctrl (read “control”) - used in combination with other keys, for example:
Ctrl+A- on Windows selects all text in the window;
Ctrl+B- in the MS Word editor switches the font to “bold-normal”;
Ctrl+C- in programs with WinAPI copies text to the buffer, and in console programs it ends the command;
Ctrl+F- in many programs opens a search dialog;
Ctrl+I- in the MS Word editor switches the font to “italic-normal”;
Ctrl+N- in programs with a multi-window interface opens a new empty window;
Ctrl+O- in many programs opens a dialog for opening an existing file;
Ctrl+P - in many programs, sends text to print or opens a print dialog;
Ctrl+Q - in some programs exit it;
Ctrl+R- in browsers refreshes the contents of the window;
Ctrl+S - in many programs saves the current file
or calls a save dialog;
Ctrl+T- in browsers opens a new tab;
Ctrl+U- in the MS Word editor toggles text underlining;
Ctrl+V- in programs with WinAPI pastes the contents of the clipboard;
Ctrl+W- in some programs closes the current window;
Ctrl+Z- in many programs undoes the last action;
Ctrl+F5- in browsers updates the content;
Ctrl+Home - in programs with a text field, moves to the beginning of the document being edited;
Ctrl+End - in programs with a text field, moves to the end of the document being edited;
Ctrl+- in Total Commander navigates to the root directory of the disk.
Alt (read “Alt”) - used in conjunction with other keys, modifying their action. For example:
Alt+F4- in all programs closes them;
Alt+F7- in some programs opens a search dialog;
Alt+F10 - in some file managers brings up the directory tree;
Alt+Tab- in Windows navigates to the next running window;
Alt+letter - in some programs calls menu commands or opens menu columns.
Additionally, the keyboard shortcuts Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift are commonly used to switch keyboard layouts.
Capslock (read “Capslock”) - switch to uppercase mode (fixed switching). Pressing the key again cancels this mode. Used when typing text in CAPITAL letters.
The Esc control key (read “Escape”), used to cancel the current operation or last change, minimize an application, go to the previous menu or screen, or remove a selection, is located in the left corner of the keyboard next to the function key block.
In the Windows operating system, the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc opens the Task Manager.
Tab (read “Tab”) - in text editors, enters a tab character and works with indentations, and in graphical interfaces moves focus between elements. For example, moving between the desktop, Start button, Quick Launch, taskbar, and system tray.
The AppsKey action is equivalent to right-clicking the mouse and brings up a context menu
for the selected object.
Line feed key Enter (Enter) - used to enter a line feed when typing text, selecting a menu item, issuing a command or confirming an action, and so on.
Backspace (read “Backspace”) - in text editing mode, deletes the character to the left of the cursor, and outside the typing area - returns to the previous screen of the program or web page in the browser.
Delete (read “Divide”) - deletes the selected object, selected text fragment
or the character to the right of the input cursor.
The Insert key (read “Insert”) is used to switch between insertion modes (the text appears to move apart) and replacement modes (new characters replace existing text) when editing text.
The Ctrl+Insert key combination replaces the “copy” command, and Shift+Insert replaces the “paste” command. In the Total Commander and FAR Manager file managers, the key is used to select a file or folder.
PrtScn (print screen) (read “Print screen”) - takes a screenshot and places it on the clipboard. In combination with the Alt key, the image is copied to the buffer
current active window.
The ScrLk (Scroll Lock) service key (read “Scroll Lock”) blocks scrolling and when activated with the cursor keys, the contents of the entire screen are shifted, which is very convenient when editing large tables, for example, in Excel.
Pause/Break (read “Pause” or “Break”) - pauses the computer. In modern operating systems, this key is only relevant when the computer boots.
The up, down, right and left arrows refer to the cursor keys and allow you to navigate through menu items and move the input cursor in the corresponding direction by one position. When combined with the Ctrl key, the arrows move a greater distance. For example, in the Microsoft Word editor, Ctrl+← moves the cursor one word to the left.
Using the Shift key selects a block of text.
The Home and End keys move the cursor to the beginning and end of the current line of a document or list of files.
What hotkeys are useful to know?
The Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combination is indispensable when the computer freezes; it calls up the “Task Manager”, with which you can end a process, cancel a task, or shut down the computer.
Alt + Tab keys allow you to switch between open windows. A panel with all open applications appears in the center of the screen, and when selecting the active window, you need to hold down the Alt key and press the Tab key several times.
The combination Alt + Space (spacebar) opens the window system menu, with which you can restore, move, maximize, minimize and close the window without using the mouse.
Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift – switch keyboard layout.
Using Win + D you can minimize all windows and show the desktop, and the Win + M keys minimize all windows except dialog windows.
Win + E opens the My Computer folder.
Win + F – opens a window to search for a file or folder.

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Knowing the right keyboard shortcuts can greatly improve your productivity. Brainscape estimates that a person who spends 8 hours a day in front of a computer could lose 64 hours annually using a mouse instead of a keyboard for most tasks.

While everyone knows a keyboard shortcut or two, like Ctrl + C for copy and Ctrl + V for paste, we rarely try to find or use other combinations. website compiled a list of 10 essential keyboard shortcuts that will turn you into a power user. All our schemes are relevant for the Russian layout. In addition, for those who are just learning to touch-type on a keyboard, there is an interesting bonus at the end.

Refund Cancellation

For Windows users: While most of you know that Ctrl + Z is used to undo an action, did you know that there is a keyboard shortcut that works the other way around? Pressing Ctrl + N will revert the action you undid.

For Mac users: Command + Shift + Z.

Screenshot of the active window

For Windows users: The Print Screen (PrtSc) key on your keyboard is used to take screenshots of the entire screen. But if you want to quickly take a screenshot of just the active window, press Alt + Print Screen. This will save you from having to edit the screenshot to cut out only the desired part of the image.

For Mac users: Ctrl + Shift + 4, then press the spacebar. This will change the cursor from a crosshair to a camera icon. Now click on the window you want to photograph.

Create a new folder

For Windows users: The most common way to create a new folder is to right-click or trackpad and then select New - Folder. An easier way is to press the Ctrl + Shift + T keys at the same time.

For Mac users: Shift + Command + N. This will open a new folder in Finder.

Keyboard with emojis

Windows 10 only: When you press a key Windows and keys Dot The emoji keyboard will appear. This does not work on previous versions of Windows.

For Mac users: Place your cursor in the text field where you want to insert the emoji. Now press Ctrl + Command + Spacebar to access them.

Collapse all windows

For Windows users: What if you need to immediately minimize all open windows? A simple press of the Windows key + L will do wonders!

For Mac users: Option + Command + M.


For Windows users: If minimizing windows is not enough, you can lock Windows by pressing the Windows key + D. You will need to enter your Windows password to continue.

For Mac users: Ctrl + Shift + Power.

Add a new virtual desktop (Windows 10)

If you keep many applications open at once or use your computer for a variety of tasks, virtual desktops offer a convenient way to avoid clutter. To add a new virtual desktop, press Windows + Ctrl + V. To moving back and forth between virtual desktops use a keyboard shortcut Windows + Ctrl + Right Arrow / Left Arrow. Keystrokes Windows + Ctrl + F4 will close the current virtual desktop.

Google Chrome browser

Open Chrome in incognito mode

For Windows users: You probably know that Ctrl + T and Ctrl + E are used to open a new window and tab in Google Chrome. But if you often use Chrome in incognito mode, pressing the Ctrl + Shift + N keys simultaneously will save you time.

For Mac users: Command + Shift + N.

Open a recently closed tab

For Windows users: If you accidentally close the desired tab, you can open it again by pressing Ctrl + Shift + E. Each time you press these keys, a previously closed window opens. The Chrome browser remembers the last 10 tabs you opened.

For Mac users: Command + Shift + T.

Open links in a new tab without going into it

For Windows users: When you use Google to search and click on a search result, a new tab will open corresponding to the clicked link. If you want to open more links that appear on the search page, you must return to the main page every time. To stay on the search page and open all the results you want to view in separate tabs, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on a link. This method will work for all links you click anywhere while using the Chrome browser.

:F, Y, V, A (with the little finger on F).

Home keys for right hand fingers: F, D, L, O (with the little finger on F).

Nail color each finger corresponds to the color of the keys on the keyboard.

After pressing any key, your finger should return to its home key.

Once you have practiced enough and developed muscle memory for each finger, you no need will constantly return to the “home” keys.

What other little-used keyboard shortcuts do you know? Share your experience with us.

The keyboard with which we type text has quite a few keys. And each of them is needed for something. In this lesson we will talk about their purpose and learn how to use them correctly.

Here is a photo of a regular computer keyboard:

Keyboard button meanings

Esc. The full name of this key is Escape (pronounced "Escape") and it means "Exit". Using it we can close some programs. This applies to a greater extent to computer games.

F1-F12. In the same row as Esc there are several buttons whose names begin with the Latin letter F. They are designed to control the computer without the help of a mouse - only with the keyboard. Thanks to them, you can open and close folders and files, change their names, copy and much more.

But knowing the meaning of each of these buttons is completely unnecessary - most people have been using computers for decades and have no idea about any of them.

Immediately below the F1-F12 keys there is a row of buttons with numbers and signs (! " " No.; % : ? *, etc.).

If you simply click on one of them, the drawn number will be printed. But to print a sign, press the Shift button along with it (bottom left or right).

If the character printed is not the one you need, try changing the language (bottom right of the screen) -

By the way, on many keyboards the numbers are also on the right side. The photo shows this part separately.

They are laid out exactly like on a calculator and are more convenient for many people.

But sometimes these numbers don’t work. You press the desired key, but nothing is printed. This means that the numeric portion of the keyboard is turned off. To turn it on, simply press the Num Lock button once.

The most important part of the keyboard is the keys that are used to type text. They are located in the center.

As a rule, each button has two letters - one foreign, the other Russian. To type a letter in the desired language, make sure it is selected correctly (at the bottom of the computer screen).

You can also change the language in another way - by clicking on two buttons at once: Shift And Alt or Shift And Ctrl

Win. The key that opens the Start button. Most often, it is not signed, but simply has a Windows icon on it. Located between the Ctrl and Alt buttons.

Fn. The laptop has this key - as a rule, it is not found on regular keyboards. It is designed to work with special functions - increasing/decreasing brightness, volume and others.

To turn them on, you need to press the Fn key and, while holding it, press the button with the required function. These buttons are usually located at the top - at F1-F10.

Let's say I need to increase the brightness of my laptop screen. To do this, I look for a button on the keyboard with the corresponding picture. For example, I have F6 - there is a sun drawn on it. So, I hold down the Fn key and then press F6. The screen becomes a little brighter. To increase the brightness even more, I press F6 again along with Fn.

How to print a capital letter

To print one large letter (capital), you need to hold down the Shift key and click on the desired letter together.

How to type a period and a comma

If the Russian alphabet is installed, then in order to print point, you need to press the last key in the bottom letter row (on the right). It is located in front of the Shift button.

To print comma, press the same button while holding Shift.

When the English alphabet is selected, to print a dot you need to press the key that is located before the Russian dot. The letter "Y" is usually written on it. And the comma in the English alphabet is where the Russian letter “B” is (before the English dot).

Text decoration buttons

Tab - creates an indent at the beginning of a sentence. In other words, you can use it to make a paragraph (red line).

To do this, click the mouse at the beginning of the text and press the Tab key once. If the red line is adjusted correctly, the text will move slightly to the right.

Used for printing large letters. Located under the Tab key.

Press Caps Lock once and release it. Try typing a word. All letters will be printed in capitals. To cancel this feature, press the Caps Lock key once again and release it. Letters, as before, will be printed small.

(space) - makes spaces between words. The longest button on the keyboard is located under the letter keys.

According to the design rules, there should be only one space between words (not three or even two). It is not correct to align or shift text using this key. Also, a space is placed only after a punctuation mark - there should be no space before a space sign (with the exception of a dash).

Delete button. It erases those letters that are printed in front of the flashing stick (cursor). It is located on the right side, immediately after the numbers/signs. Often there is no inscription on it at all, but simply an arrow drawn to the left.

The Backspace button is also used to raise text higher.

Enter - is intended to go to the next line.

Thanks to her, you can omit the text below. Enter is located under the delete text button.

Additional keys

These are keys such as Insert, Home, Page Up and Page Down, arrow buttons and others. They are located between the alphabetic and numeric keyboards. Used to work with text without using the mouse.

You can use the arrows to move the blinking cursor (flashing stick) across the text.

Delete is used to delete. True, unlike the Backspace key, it deletes letters not before, but after the blinking cursor.

The Home button moves the blinking cursor to the beginning of the line, and the End button moves it to the end.

Page Up moves the blinking cursor to the beginning of the page, and Page Down (Pg Dn) moves the blinking cursor to the end of the page.

The Insert button is needed to print text over existing text. If you click on it, new text will be printed, erasing the old one. To cancel this, you need to press the Insert key again.

The Scroll Lock key is almost always completely useless - it simply doesn't work. And in theory it should serve to scroll text up and down - just like the wheel on a computer mouse does.

Pause/Break almost never works either. In general, it is designed to suspend an ongoing computer process.

All of these buttons are optional and are rarely or never used by people.

But the button can be very useful.

She takes a photo of the screen. Then this picture can be inserted into Word or Paint. In computer language, such a photograph of the screen is called a screenshot.

Keyboard buttons to remember

— if you press this button and, without releasing it, press another key with a letter, the letter will be printed in capital. In the same way, you can print a symbol instead of a number: No! () * ? « + etc.

— after pressing this button once, all letters will be printed in capital letters. You don't need to hold it for this. To return to printing in small letters, press Caps Lock again.

— indents (red line).

- space. Using this button you can add space between words.

- drops to a line below. To do this, you need to place a flashing stick (blinking cursor) at the beginning of the part of the text that you want to move down, and press the Enter button.

— deletes the character before the blinking cursor. In other words, it erases text. This button also moves the text up a line. To do this, you need to place a flashing stick (blinking cursor) at the beginning of the part of the text that you want to move to the top, and press Backspace.

All other keyboard buttons, except letters, numbers and symbols, are used extremely rarely or not at all.

These key combinations will no doubt come in handy in your work! Of course, you can do all this with a mouse, but why not make your life easier and improve your skills?

Editorial "So simple!" Today I will share with you a selection of hot keys on a computer keyboard that optimize your computer work and save time.

Keyboard shortcuts

  1. F2
    This key helps you rename folders and files with ease. Just one click.

  2. ALT+F4
    This combination helps you quickly close a window or program.

  3. ALT+Backspace
    Accidentally deleted part of the text? No worries, thanks to this combination it can be restored.

  4. CTRL + SHIFT + N
    Multifunctional hotkey. If you press this combination on your desktop (or in another folder), you will create a new folder. And in Google Chrome, this combination creates a new tab.

  5. CTRL + T
    And this combination opens a new tab in any browser.

  6. CTRL + SHIFT + T
    Accidentally closed an important tab? This combination opens the last closed tab.

  7. ALT+TAB
    Useful thing! Allows you to switch between all open windows.

  8. CTRL + ESC
    Opens the Start menu.

  9. Windows + L
    Many people think that Win key useless, but that's not true at all. For example, this combination helps you quickly log out of the system. This feature is useful for those who are often away from their workplace and do not want anyone to use their computer.

  10. Windows+M
    Another useful one that helps get rid of a cluttered screen. By pressing these keys, you will minimize all windows to the taskbar.

  11. Windows + TAB
    A combination that allows you to see all currently open windows.

  12. Shift+Delete
    A useful combination, but you need to be careful with it. It deletes files bypassing the recycle bin, but getting them back later won’t be so easy.

  13. CTRL + ALT + DEL
    And it wouldn’t hurt to remember the classics. This combination is a magic wand. She opens the task manager.

When using a computer, the user performs most of the operations using the mouse, but in many cases it is impossible to do without using the keyboard. Text is typed using a keyboard, this is understandable, but to control a computer, a keyboard is also necessary.

To perform many operations on a computer or in programs, so-called “hot” keys are used. These keys, or a combination of several simultaneously pressed keys, perform certain commands that are necessary to perform any actions on the computer.

Most hotkeys perform the same actions in all versions of the Windows operating system. For new versions of the operating system, for example, for Windows 8.1, new hot keys have been added for more convenient control of the new interface of this operating system.

This article does not list all the hotkeys in Windows, there are a lot of them. I tried to select the most commonly used keys on the keyboard, which are used to perform various actions on the computer. In many cases, performing certain actions using the keyboard takes significantly less time than performing the same action using the mouse.

You can check this statement, for example, by opening a document in any text editor. After pressing the keyboard keys “Ctrl” + “P”, the document will be immediately sent to print. And when using a mouse, you will first need to enter the corresponding program menu, and then in the context menu that opens, select the command to print this document. In this case, the gain in time when using keyboard keys is obvious.

Keyboard keys are conventionally divided into 4 classes:

  • Alphanumeric block - typewriter keys.
  • Service keys are keyboard keys that control keyboard input.
  • Function keys (“F1” – “F12”) - the functions of a specific key will depend on the application currently in use.
  • Additional keyboard. This part of the keyboard is located on the right side of the keyboard. It is used to enter numbers and to control the computer. The operating mode is switched using the “Num Lock” key.

You can read about how to control a computer from the keyboard, without using a mouse.

Service keys

Service keys are designed to perform the following actions:

  • Enter - input. Execution of any command, depending on the task currently being performed.
  • Esc (Escape) - stop or cancel the action being performed.
  • Caps Lock - enable the so-called capital letter mode. When you hold down this button, the entered text will be typed in capital letters.
  • Num Lock - enable the numeric keypad.
  • Page Up - scroll the page up.
  • Page Down - scroll the page down.
  • Backspace (←) - deletes the last character.
  • Del (Delete) - deleting an object.
  • Ins (Insert) - used for insertion and creation.
  • Home - goes to the beginning (left edge) of the line.
  • End - goes to the end (right edge) of the line.
  • Tab - This key is used to switch between window elements without using the mouse.
  • Print Screen - this key is used to take a screenshot of the monitor screen.

Keyboards widely use the “Ctrl (Conrtol)”, “Alt (Alternate)” and “Shift” keys, as they are often called modifier keys, which are used in conjunction with other keys to perform necessary actions.

Additional keys

These are relatively “new” keys that were introduced into the keyboard by keyboard manufacturers for more convenient computer control. These are the so-called Windows keys (keys with an image of the operating system logo), keys for controlling the computer's power, and multimedia keys.

Here are some keyboard shortcuts that perform actions when using the Win key (Windows):

  • Win - opens and closes the Start menu.
  • Win + Pause/Break - opens the System control panel window.
  • Win + R - opens the Run window.

  • Win + D - show and hide the Desktop.
  • Win + M - minimize open windows.
  • Win + Shift + M - open previously minimized windows.
  • Win + E - launch Explorer.
  • Win + F - opens the Search window.
  • Win + Space (Space) - when you click on these buttons, you can view the Desktop.
  • Win + Tab - switch between running applications.
  • Win + L - blocking the computer or changing users.

Popular hotkeys

Other most commonly used keys and keyboard shortcuts:

  • Alt + Shift - switch language.
  • Ctrl + Esc - open the Start menu.
  • Alt + Tab - switch between running programs.
  • Alt + F4 - closes the current window or exits any program.
  • F1 - Windows Help.
  • F10 - activate the menu bar.
  • Ctrl + O - open a document (in any program).
  • Ctrl + W - close the document (in any program).
  • Ctrl + S - save the document (in any program).
  • Ctrl + P - print a document (in any program).
  • Ctrl + A - select the entire document (in any program).
  • Ctrl + C - copy a file or selected part of a document to the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + Insert - copy a file or selected part of a document to the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + X - cut a file or selected part of a document to the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + V - paste a file or selected part of a document from the clipboard.
  • Shift + Insert - insert a file or selected part of a document from the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + Z - undo the last action.
  • Ctrl + Y - repeat the undone action.
  • Del (Delete) - deleting an object to the Trash.
  • Ctrl + D - deleting an object to the Trash.
  • Shift + Del - deletes an object from the computer without placing it in the Recycle Bin.
  • F2 - rename the selected object.
  • Alt + Enter - properties of the selected object.
  • Shift + F10 - opens a context menu for the selected object.
  • F5 - refreshes the active window.
  • Ctrl + R - refreshes the active window.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc - launch Task Manager.

Keyboard shortcuts in Explorer

Some keyboard shortcuts for working in Explorer:

  • Ctrl + N - opens a new window.
  • Ctrl + W - close the window.
  • Ctrl + Shift + N - create a new folder.
  • Ctrl + Shift + E - view all folders in which the selected folder is located.

Keyboard shortcuts in Windows 8.1

Windows 8 supports some additional keyboard shortcuts that are designed to better control the new features of this operating system.

Some keyboard shortcuts in the Windows 8.1 operating system:

  • Win + C - opens the "miracle" buttons.
  • Win + F - opens the “miracle” Search button to search for files.
  • Win + H - opens the “miracle” button “Sharing”.
  • Win + K - opens the “miracle” button “Devices”.
  • Win + I - opens the “miracle” button “Options”.
  • Win + O - fixes the screen orientation state (portrait or landscape).
  • Win + Q - open the “miracle” “Search” button to search for data in all or one open program.
  • Win + S - opens the "miracle" Search button to search Windows and the Internet.
  • Win + W - opens the “miracle” button “Search” to search for parameters.
  • Win + Z - displays the commands available in this application (if the program has such commands and parameters).
  • Win + Tab - switch between recently used applications.
  • Win + Print Screen - take and save a screenshot.
  • Win + F1 - call help.
  • Win + Home - minimizes or restores all windows of running applications.
  • Win + Space (Space) - switches the keyboard layout to another language.
  • Win + Ctrl + Space – return to the previous keyboard layout.
  • Win + plus sign (+) - zoom in using Magnifier.
  • Win + minus sign (–) - zoom out using Magnifier.
  • Win + Esc - exit the screen magnifier.
  • Win + U - launches the Ease of Access Center application.

Conclusions of the article

Using hot keys on a computer can significantly speed up the execution of practical tasks, saving the user time. In some cases, when working, using the keys on the keyboard is more convenient than performing similar actions using the mouse.