Smartphones with 5 inch full hd. Reality testing

Note: The photographs shown are for illustrative purposes only. They cannot serve as a means of assessment. All conclusions were made on the basis of direct comparison and readings of measuring instruments. For clarity, the brightness of all smartphones is set at the same level (300 cd/m2).

Brightness characteristics

There is an opinion that brightness is the most important characteristic of a screen. In fact, this is not entirely true: to obtain a high-quality picture, contrast, that is, the dynamic range of the image, is more important. The contrast of any screen, of course, depends primarily on its own characteristics. But if we talk about real situations, when you look at a smartphone screen on the street, then the reflectivity of the screen and anti-glare agents also play an important role. Any external light reduces the perceived contrast, and the legibility of the picture in outdoor conditions under sunlight depends on the effectiveness of anti-glare agents.

Everyone has probably encountered such situations, but it is extremely difficult to convey it in photographs. We compared phone screens in different lighting conditions, and came to the following conclusions: the blackest screen under external light is Japanese smartphone Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta.

Under bright lighting, there is no “mirror” feeling on its screen at all, there are no unnecessary glares - apparently, anti-reflective coating The matrix here is really successful. Following it, the OPPO Find 5 screen stood out - it also effectively combats glare and light pollution, but the screen itself is a little more “gray” under bright external light. Third place was shared by HTC Butterfly and Sharp SH930W - their light resistance is approximately the same, their screens reflect a little more strongly. The screen of our sample Xperia Z looks “grayish” in bright ambient light, even when turned off; reflections and glare are a shade lighter than those of other screens. Accordingly, the situation in the on state is the same.

The screens' own characteristics, without taking into account external light, however, look different. The highest contrast screens are those of HTC and OPPO, their contrast ratio reaches a ratio of about 1100:1. Half a step behind them is the Sharp SH930W with a ratio of 900:1. The Japanese Sharp Zeta, although it looks "black", actually has an 800:1 contrast ratio and average black depth compared to other screens. Contrast of our sample Sony Xperia Z, alas, is 570:1 - as we already wrote in the review, the screen looks pale in any lighting. The dynamic range is low, and this is especially noticeable when there is an HTC or OPPO nearby.

If we evaluate purely the maximum brightness, the picture changes somewhat. The OPPO Find 5 screen is the brightest, with an indicator of 442 cd/m2. This also includes the Sony Xperia Z - the brightness reaches 440 cd/m2, but decreases to 400 cd/m2 on the opposite edge of the screen, which is farthest from the backlight module. Perhaps these are features of our sample. Next comes Sharp Zeta - brightness reaches 420 cd/m2, and the backlight uniformity is high. The HTC Butterfly screen at maximum brightness is slightly dimmer - up to 385 cd/m2. The Sharp SH930W screen turned out to be the dimmest. Its maximum brightness is 314 cd/m2, but, in my opinion, this is still enough. As you can see, with good contrast and anti-glare, not the highest brightness is enough. At the same time, even the “brightest” but low-contrast screen gives little value on its own.

We were guided by the brightness of the Sharp SH930W and set the brightness of the remaining screens to the same level - 300 cd/m2. The difference in contrast is clearly visible, but the viewing angles presented even more surprises.

Viewing Angles

The widest viewing angles are those of HTC Butterfly and OPPO Find 5. It is safe to say that they will satisfy the most picky users - the image is legible even from an extreme angle, and the brightness and colors “shift” very slightly. Excellent results! The Sharp SH930W was slightly inferior to them - its image at an angle “darkens” a little, but the color stability is high, the color distortions are not strong. Quite comfortable behavior at an angle. But Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta and Sony Xperia Z immediately turned out to be outsiders - the image changes quite sharply even at a slight angle.

The shades fade and become yellowish, and the image seems to be “exposed.” Many people write that viewing angles for a smartphone are not at all important - but, in a sense, ease of use depends on them. Imagine that you in a hurry take your smartphone out of your pocket and hold it at a slight angle - already in this case you will be able to feel the difference between some models. In any case, it’s nice to know that the screen of a top-end smartphone really carries top-end characteristics and justifies the high cost of the device.

Color rendition

The color rendering of smartphones, perhaps, should not be assessed too strictly. But if factory setting color rendering turns out to be of high quality, then it will not be at all extra plus. It is enough just to comply basic principles so that the final image is balanced and pleasing to the eye. Unfortunately, this is not always taken into account. Let's see how the subjects are doing here.


The most optimal gamma curve was for the screen OPPO smartphone Find 5. The average reference value is 2.2. Moreover, the indicator is quite linear and does not “float” depending on the image. This indicates that the detail of the bright and dark areas of the picture on the OPPO Find 5 screen is consistently high.

The HTC Butterfly screen has a very similar result, but the average gamma value - 2.08 - deviated slightly from the 2.2 standard. True, the stability is lower - depending on the image, the gamma may decrease.

The Sharp SH930W screen gave an average gamma value of 2.42. The image overall looks darker than it should be. There may be some loss of shadow detail.

The screen gamma of the Sony Xperia Z is quite linear, the average is 2.07. Stability is not ideal; the brightness of halftones may “float”. However, the gamma setting is more likely to be successful than not.

The average gamut of the Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta is lowered - 1.99 instead of 2.2. The image is a little overexposed, but this is partly compensated by good contrast and good anti-glare.

White balance

White balance measurements immediately identified two categories: successfully configured screens and poorly configured ones. We were definitely pleased with HTC Butterfly and OPPO Find 5 - the color temperature is close to the standard 6500K, the deviation in DeltaE is low. In the case of HTC Butterfly, even, I would say, minimal - the screen is very well configured from the factory. The OPPO Find 5 screen is only a little less accurate dark shades gray scale.

The white balance of the Sharp SH930W is pleasingly linear, but the average color temperature is still “colder” than we would like - 7250K versus the standard 6500K. There is a uniform blue cast in the image.

The screens of the Sony Xperia Z and Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta are in an awkward position here. The color temperature of both floats noticeably between warm and cold values, and the white balance is non-linear. Therefore, one cannot expect a pure and even shade from them; there are various color impurities.

By the way, the upcoming update for Sony Xperia Z may include custom white balance adjustment. We will definitely test this feature as soon as possible. On our sample, unfortunately, there is no white balance adjustment yet.

Color gamut

The color gamut allowed us to put a final point in the comparison. Again, HTC Butterfly and OPPO Find 5 are ahead. And again, the HTC screen seems to have been pre-calibrated - and yet this is an ordinary copy of those that went on sale.

I don't know if it's luck or not, but the HTC Butterfly's color gamut matches the sRGB standard perfectly, as evidenced by the low DeltaE values ​​for all colors. The relative brightness of the colors is also normal.

The Sharp SH930W screen has a seemingly excellent color gamut, close to sRGB. The blue color is a little oversaturated, but not critical. But the secondary colors (cyan, magenta and yellow) have significantly moved away from the reference values ​​due to the shifted white point. This left the Sharp SH930W behind.

By the way, Sony places quite a strong emphasis on the presence of BRAVIA Engine 2 image processing tools. We experimented with it and came to the following conclusions: the “improvement” mainly comes down to increasing color saturation. Perhaps this embellishes the calm shades, but in many bright images it is rather unnecessary. In some cases, oversaturation of colors led to shades merging and losing legibility and detail. Let's just say Sony screen The Xperia Z doesn't need much additional image processing. Another thing is that BRAVIA Engine 2 will not improve the physical contrast of the screen or viewing angles in any way - this is where “help” would come in handy. Manipulations at the signal level often give an “amateur Photoshop effect” than actually improve anything.

Interestingly, the Aquos Phone Zeta SH-02 allows you to switch between four color profiles with different shades of white and color saturation (a similar feature is available on Samsung GALAXY S3 and Note 2). Two profiles - "Vivid" and "Super Vivid" - are immediately eliminated, since the colors in them are too bright. The "Standard" profile is closer to the truth, but the shades are too cold, the color temperature is above 12000K. That is why we chose the Natural profile; it offers the most adequate color rendition.

Clarity: Full HD or Fool HD?

Actually, this question is quite subjective. No one argues that Full HD screens are sharper than others, this is clear physical level. The whole question is how noticeable and how critical the difference is for the end user. This is where opinions are already divided. Honestly, the difference between HD and Full HD on a small smartphone screen is not critical to me at all. Any difference can be detected only on the contours small fonts, but this difference is certainly not worth 29 and 990 rubles. Rather, a pleasant appendage and nothing more. Owners of smartphones with a good HD screen can sleep peacefully; Full HD will not turn the idea of ​​quality upside down.

On the other hand, for some this difference can become quite critical. But there are other options: for example, the 5-inch screen of the Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta, in its clarity, looks, in my opinion, no worse than its Full HD counterparts. Some kind of font smoothing is probably used, but the outlines are really very “smooth”, and again there is no feeling that “I wish I had Full HD here.” I'm not opposed to progress, but any innovation must serve a specific purpose. If manufacturers begin to offer Full HD screens with a diagonal of 5 inches or less, this is good, but there is no great need for this yet. Perhaps it will appear over time as interfaces become more complex. The main thing is that the race for resolution and pixel density per inch does not turn into something like the race for megapixels in compact camera sensors, otherwise Full HD will sound more like “Fool HD”.

Opinion site

It was not difficult to sum up: the amazing screens of HTC Butterfly and OPPO Find 5 clearly took the lead. But choosing one of them is more difficult. HTC has excellent (without any discounts) color rendition and viewing angles. The advantages of OPPO are a slightly more effective anti-glare and significantly more affordable price. In this case, our HTC Butterfly demonstrated standard color reproduction, which was the decisive factor. On at the moment this is probably one of the best mobile screens who visited us for testing.

OPPO Find 5, although formally the second, also has a very strong and high-quality screen. Watching any photos or videos on it is a pleasure. A big plus is that its cost is almost a third lower than other test participants! An excellent screen for the money and a very small lag behind the HTC Butterfly in color accuracy. In fact, they are so close that if we had come across other specimens, the situation might have turned out differently.

In third place according to the overall results is the screen of the Sharp Aquos Phone SH930W. Its quality is quite high, but not as balanced as that of HTC or OPPO. But the cost of Sharp SH930W and OPPO Find 5 is quite comparable. It turns out that for your money the SH930W is not the best best option Full HD screen. It also has the lowest brightness reserve compared to other screens.

Fourth place - the screen of the Sony Xperia Z. Much has already been said in all the reviews, and our conclusions have not changed in any way: the screen looks rather weak in the top segment, taking into account the cost of under 30 thousand. From a flagship device you expect maximum performance on all fronts, but in this case it is the screen that is the “weakest link”. Perhaps we were unlucky with the samples, but so far we have not come across more “successful” specimens. And, apparently, they exist - in versions of Xperia Z for the domestic Japanese market there are indeed more contrasting and less faded screens!

And finally, out of the competition - the Japanese Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta. Having started with a successful anti-glare lens, it was inferior in most other parameters and ended up with insufficient color gamut. As you can see, products for the domestic Japanese market are not always better. Taking into account the high cost of the imported Zeta SH-02E, European Full HD smartphones look like a very real and attractive alternative. We are waiting for new items HTC One and Sony Xperia ZL.

The editors thank reader Dmitry “Zla13” for providing him with the test Sharp smartphone Aquos Phone Zeta SH-02E.

Special thanks to the company « Grafitek » for providing the X-Rite i1Display Pro colorimeter!

The quality of the image on your phone screen depends not only on screen resolution and pixel density

The 2K screen resolution of a smartphone sounds attractive. This is 2560 x 1440 pixels. But is it necessary? Since Apple started equipping their devices with Retina Display and praising image density, many began to attach great importance to “ppi” (pixels per inch). The higher the pixel density, the sharper the image. But this indicator is far from the only one that affects the quality of the screen. It also happens that the picture on a qVGA display (960 x 540 pixels) looks better than on an HD screen (1280 x 720). And some HD displays are higher quality than others FullHD (1920 x 1080). Why is this happening?

Screen resolution is an important, but not the only factor influencing the quality of a device display.

The display parameters affecting image quality were discussed in Vijay Srivastava’s article “HD or FullHD?” published by The Indian Express. Coming To A Resolution On Mobile Screens (Good displays aren’t only about pixels…).” A good display isn't just about pixels!

Display quality mobile phone depends on various factors, not just pixel density. The type of panel used matters. You've seen it more than once - AMOLED, LCD and IPS. The image processor also plays a role, an example of which is the Sony Mobile Bravia Engine. Even the type of scratch-resistant glass also has an effect on the quality of the display. It is this combination of several factors that determines how good an image will look on screen.

Why is there so much talk about pixels?

The reason is simple - there is a dry number and the ability to say: “The more, the better.” The simplest explanation is always the most understandable, but not always accurate enough. To the same extent, in relation to cameras they often talk about the resolution of their matrices (“megapixels”), and not about any other parameters. For this reason, many users mistakenly believe that the higher the “megapixel”, the better camera. In the meantime.

Similarly, when it comes to displays, the most common rating is based on pixel density, which does not reflect all aspects of screen quality. This explanation is the easiest to understand and for this reason the most popular.

Reality testing

It often happens that it is very difficult to distinguish an HD screen from a FullHD if we're talking about about a display with a diagonal of approximately 5 inches. To notice the differences, you will have to carefully study the screen. Most people hold their phone at the level of their elbows, maybe a little closer. From this distance, the difference between HD and FullHD screens is not easy to notice. If you look closely, these differences can be found, but in the process everyday use devices they will not play a significant role.

Vijay Srivastava bases his opinion on testing eight 5-inch and one 5.2-inch phones and comparing them with each other. Some of these phones had HD, others FullHD screens. He compared them at the same games and e-books and came to the conclusion that most people are simply unable to see the differences. Game performance largely depends on .

He repeated this test with a 5.2-inch HD screen Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 and compared it with the Micromax Canvas Turbo 5-inch FullHD display. Vijay Srivastava asked people's opinions on which phone has the best screen. Of the 13 people who were shown both phones, 12 thought the Grand 2's display was better. The reasons given were that he had “ better colors and it “looks brighter.” It turned out that the screen with a lower resolution was considered better by the majority of those who had the opportunity to compare.

What does this mean for the user?

Thus, screen resolution and pixel density themselves are not determining indicators of screen quality. In some cases, when the difference is significant, if, for example, you compare a WVGA (800 x 480 pixels) with an HD screen. But if we talk about the mainstream 5-inch screen of a modern smartphone, then it will not be easy to distinguish an HD screen from a FullHD display. If the screen size is larger (6-inch), then the difference in FullHD quality will probably be more noticeable.

Pixel density and screen resolution are not the only factors affecting image quality

Therefore, when purchasing your next phone with a screen of approximately 5 inches, the user will most likely need an HD screen with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels and it is advisable to pay attention to other characteristics of the device - its processor and RAM. Although the Sharp company can, such a high resolution can.

How many users, without knowing the exact characteristics of the device, will be able to immediately determine the resolution of a 5-inch smartphone screen (HD or FullHD)?

Flagship smartphone with huge display, quad-core processor and 13 megapixel camera

Flagship smartphone with a huge display, quad-core processor and 13 megapixel camera.


The glossy milky body has a wide metal edging. On the left and right side faces it is made solid, and at the top and bottom it is divided into three parts.

On the front panel there is a front camera with light and proximity sensors, as well as a glossy speaker grille and the Huawei logo.

The metal volume control and power/unlock buttons have an original texture that resembles the coating of a needle file. They are located on the right side, while the left side does not receive functional elements.

On the bottom panel there are holes for a multimedia speaker, microphones, as well as a slot for connecting headphones.

On the opposite side there is a microUSB slot and a SIM card compartment.

On the curved rear edge you will find only the main camera, which rises like a volcano above the surface, another microphone for video recording and a small flash.

With a thickness of less than 1 cm, the smartphone weighs 170 g.


This is the first smartphone with a Full HD display that we tested. The 5″ IPS matrix with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels and a density of 441 ppi is simply gorgeous. A high level of brightness and the most realistic color reproduction allow you to enjoy high-resolution videos, photos and even Internet pages. Plus, the image is incredibly sharp. It is simply impossible to see the pixels with the naked eye.

In the display settings, you can adjust color temperature, brightness, auto-rotate screen, function smart backlight, as well as the ability to select wallpaper.

Display covered protective glass Gorilla Glass 2, which will reliably protect the matrix from scratches.


Despite the rather massive body, the smartphone is very easy to use. Most likely, you will have no difficulty operating the device with one hand. In addition, the power and volume buttons mounted on the side are extremely ergonomic and easy to touch.

In addition, the smartphone has an IPx 5/4 protection standard, and therefore does not allow dust and moisture to pass through. But this does not mean that you should wash it under running water.

Thanks to large display and high resolution, onscreen keyboard This model is simply huge. In addition, the D2 has loud and clear sound with well-perceived bass.

Interface and software

The smartphone is controlled by the operating system Google system Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean, which is complemented by the proprietary Emotion UI interface.

The user is greeted with a lock screen with the time and date and the ability to quickly access phone book, camera and messages. At the same time, using the settings, you can display any other icon on the screen.

The notification menu contains a clock with a date, settings, as well as toggle switches to turn on the smartphone. The user can select all the necessary shortcuts and switches that will be located on the panel independently.

Virtual touch buttons are located at the bottom of the screen. If you need to view a photo in full screen, the keys are easily hidden. At the same time, to return them you just need to swipe up from the bottom edge of the display.

The user has access to up to 9 desktops on which widgets, application shortcuts and folders with icons can be placed.

In addition, you can choose one of the interesting animation effects for flipping screens.

The smartphone does not have a main menu. All shortcuts are already installed and distributed on desktops.

A media player, video editor, file manager, flashlight, voice recorder, as well as an application for setting up and selecting sound profiles are preinstalled.

In addition, the manufacturer took care of programs for installing applications from an SD card, backup and reading Polaris Office documents. In addition, there are two pre-installed games - Riptide GP and Six Guns.


Ascend D2 has a 4-core Hi-Silicon K3V2 processor with a clock frequency of 1.5 GHz, GPU Balong V7R1, 2 GB RAM and 32 GB with internal storage.

In our synthetic tests, the smartphone did not show an incredibly high level of performance. We believe that the low level is due to the dampness of the engineering software. Thus, the models that go on sale will be much faster and more powerful.

However, the level of performance was sufficient to ensure that the interface and web pages did not freeze, and games and high-definition movies ran smoothly and quickly.


The D2 is the first Android smartphone to have a 13-megapixel camera. The main camera is equipped with autofocus and flash, and in addition, it can take photos with a maximum resolution of 4032 x 3224 pixels.

The camera interface is simple and clear.

In the additional panel, shooting modes are available, including panorama and HDR, color effects and distortions, as well as settings. There are scene shooting modes, ISO settings and white balance.

The pictures are very high quality, with a lot of details. They are distinguished by excellent color rendition, minimum noise and artifacts.

It is worth noting that the smartphone copes well with panoramic photography. A high speed The camera performance is simply amazing.

Examples of photos:

Ascend D2 shoots video in Full HD resolution and zoom capability dynamic range. The video quality is at a high level. And the image stabilizer can get rid of trails.


Kit communication capabilities smartphone standard. It received Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS modules, and also supports DLNA technologies and Wi-Fi Direct.

In addition, there are microUSB and 3.5 mm connectors for connecting a headset.

Opening hours

A non-removable 3000 mAh lithium-ion battery provides good battery life, given the power-hungry 5-inch Full HD display. In maximum load mode, with watching videos, reading web pages, games, tests, taking photos and videos, with the wireless modules, the smartphone worked all day. So, with not too heavy a load, Ascend D2 can last 1.5-2 days without recharging. In addition, there is the ability to enable energy saving mode.


Ascend D2 can easily be called the best smartphone in the entire history of Huawei.


5″ display with a resolution of 1080 x 1920 pixels.

13 MP camera.

Stylish design.


Surround sound.


4-core processor.



  • Model Huawei Ascend D2
  • Standard GSM 850/900/1800/1900, HSDPA 850/900/2100
  • Dimensions 14 x 7.1 x 0.94 cm
  • Weight 170 g
  • CPU Hi-Silicon K3V2, 1.5 GHz (quad-core)
  • GPU Balong V7R1
  • Display 5", IPS
  • Permission 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • RAM 2 GB
  • Memory 32 GB (26.05 GB available to user)
  • Nutrition Li-Ion, 3000 mAh
  • Camera 13 MP + 1.3 MP
  • Communications GPRS, EDGE, HSDPA 7.2, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth 4.0, A-GPS, DLNA
  • Connectors microUSB, 3.5 mm output
  • Entertainment media player, games
  • OS Google Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean

Today they are in demand among buyers large smartphones. On such devices it is convenient to watch videos, chat with friends, visit websites, read magazines and books, use a navigator and perform many other tasks. However, not all people find a large screen a plus, but the inability to use the phone with one hand can be called a significant disadvantage. For this reason, we decided to select the best smartphones with a 5-inch display available on sale today. This screen diagonal does not create discomfort when working with videos and applications, but the user can easily reach the curtain with his thumb while holding the gadget with one hand.

The best inexpensive 5-inch smartphones (budget up to 10,000 rubles)

Technologies are rapidly developing, production lines are being improved. This benefits both companies, which have the opportunity to reduce the cost of production, and consumers, who have access to high-quality and powerful devices. Yes, average price good smartphones with a diagonal of 5 inches, suitable for running all modern programs and many advanced games, is only 8-10 thousand rubles. Among them, we have selected 3 of the most interesting models, offering excellent quality and attractive design.

Xiaomi Redmi 6A 2/16GB

An excellent smartphone in terms of price and quality is offered by a well-known manufacturer from the Middle Kingdom - Xiaomi. The Redmi 6A model is aimed at young people, as evidenced by the availability of the device in 6 body color options. The device is equipped with a screen with a popular aspect ratio of 18:9, which, with a body width similar to 5-inch models, made it possible to place a 5.45-inch screen here!

The 13 MP main camera installed in the Redmi 6A pleases with good image quality in sufficient lighting. As for performance, according to reviews, the smartphone fulfills the price tag of 6,800 rubles 100 percent.


  • good performance;
  • energy efficient platform;
  • good, bright screen with a resolution of 1440x720;
  • decent main camera from OmniVision;
  • the convenience of a branded shell.


  • rare but unpleasant sensor errors;
  • The back cover is not strong enough.

Samsung Galaxy J2 (2018)

Own budget phone Samsung decided to release it with a five-inch screen. The J2 smartphone has everything you need for comfortable use of the device:

  1. 4-core processor with a frequency of 1.4 GHz;
  2. 16 GB of storage (free 9.7) and the ability to install micro-SD up to 256 GB;
  3. one and a half gigabytes of RAM;
  4. support for all LTE bands used in Russia;
  5. bright and rich AMOLED screen with a resolution of 960x540 pixels.

In addition, the smartphone pleases with its excellent build and attractive design, in which the signature features of the South Korean brand are immediately recognizable. True, the cost of 8 thousand rubles can be called somewhat high, as for the declared characteristics. However, Samsung products have never been too cheap, and the presented phone is many times better than its competitors in terms of quality and reliability.


  • compact and lightweight;
  • stunning display with excellent brightness reserve;
  • good rear camera;
  • about 2 days of autonomy under moderate load;
  • separate tray for a pair of SIM cards and a memory card;
  • It's a pretty good camera for its class.


  • no light sensor;
  • the price is a little high.

Meizu M6 16GB

The TOP 3 cheap 5-inch phones continues with the solution released by the Chinese brand Meizu. This brand began with the production of players, so even in the manufacturer’s budget smartphones, the sound quality is noticeably better than that of many of its closest competitors. The M6 ​​also boasts the presence of a proprietary mTouch touch-mechanical button, which is gradually disappearing from new Meizu models. It also has a built-in fingerprint scanner, which, as is well known to fans of the brand, is distinguished by its impressive operating speed.

Like others budget smartphones Meizu, M6 is built on a MediaTek processor, as well as Mali graphics. The hardware platform chosen by the manufacturer is not the fastest, but it is quite energy efficient. If you require quality phone for Internet surfing, communicating in instant messengers and watching videos, then give preference to the Meizu M6. In addition, the smartphone is available in 4 colors with a durable plastic case.


  • speed of Flyme OS;
  • screen calibration accuracy;
  • moderate energy consumption;
  • No large quantity unnecessary built-in software;
  • attractive design, fits comfortably in the hand;
  • dimensions and weight.


  • not the fastest fingerprint scanner;
  • slightly outdated Android;
  • hard to find covers.

The best 5-inch smartphones with a good battery

Impressive performance on 5-inch phones isn't what everyone needs. But many users want to enjoy good battery life in a purchased smartphone. Alas, the energy efficiency of hardware and the optimization of programs released for Android today are at a very mediocre level. As a result, you can extend the device’s “life” on one charge only by increasing the battery capacity. In this category, we have collected three smartphones with powerful batteries from Chinese brands.

ZTE Blade A6

The stylish Blade A6 is a smartphone with best price, based on the Snapdragon 435 platform and Adreno 505 graphics. This hardware copes well with any games, which is also due to the HD screen with a diagonal of 5.2 inches. With Full HD resolution, ZTE would hardly be able to achieve the same good result, and the chosen solution ensured decent performance and sufficient pixel density of 282 ppi.

Also, based on reviews of the phone, one can note the quality of the main and front cameras at 13 and 5 MP respectively. Moreover, each module is equipped with its own flash, which will appeal to fans of mobile photography. The Blade A6 has 3 and 32 GB of RAM and permanent memory, respectively, which is enough for any user. A significant advantage of the smartphone is also its support for Quick Charge 3rd generation from Qualcomm, thanks to which you can quickly charge a 5000 mAh battery.


  • fast fingerprint scanner;
  • high-quality 5.2-inch screen;
  • optimal dimensions and weight despite the large battery;
  • productive “filling”;
  • fast charging support;
  • flashes for each camera.


  • problem with accessory availability;
  • Lack of speaker volume.


Beautiful design, excellent screen, fast fingerprint sensor and water protection for only 8 thousand rubles. No, this is not the dream of an ordinary user, but a reality offered by DOOGEE. The S30 smartphone can work in LTE networks and is equipped mechanical buttons"Menu", "Back" and "Home".

The hardware platform here is modest, but quite suitable for comfortable work with most applications. Responsible for the autonomy of the smartphone powerful battery 5580 mAh, which is enough for up to 720 hours of standby time.

The smartphone also has a dual main camera, but this is rather a minus than a plus. The second module in this case did not provide any advantage, but forced the company to save on the main sensor. But the unique design chosen by the manufacturer will please both fans of extreme sports, tourists or fishermen.


  • very durable body;
  • convenience of mechanical buttons;
  • protecting the device from water ingress;
  • beauty and recognition of design;
  • compact and lightweight;
  • impressive autonomy up to 5 days.


  • inconvenient software;
  • mediocre hardware.

BQ BQ-5059 Strike Power

The most interesting smartphone among the trio can rightfully be called the BQ BQ-5059 Strike Power. Price of this device starts at 5,200 rubles, and thanks to the undemanding hardware platform and capacious 5,000 mAh smartphone battery, it can provide several days of battery life under mixed loads.

The device body is made of high quality plastic, which can be painted in five colors (green, blue, yellow, gray and black). The high-quality 5-inch display of the smartphone is covered with good protective glass, and thanks to the HD resolution, the device boasts a good pixel density of 294 ppi.

First of all, the model under review is suitable for children, since its capabilities are very modest for a more demanding user. So, only 8 GB of permanent memory and 1 GB of RAM are available here, and the smartphone can operate exclusively on 3rd generation networks. But the device comes with simple headphones.


  • metal case;
  • excellent autonomy;
  • affordable price;
  • OTG cable included;
  • work with 2 SIM cards.


  • modest performance;
  • LTE support is missing.

The best 5-inch smartphones with the best camera

We can talk for a long time about the fact that even modern flagships are not able to take decent quality photos. But we have to admit that not everyone needs impressive detail, optical zoom and additional features, presented in full-fledged cameras. For most users, it is enough that after pressing a button the device is able to capture a beautiful photo that is suitable for posting in social networks and personal collection. These are the smartphones we have collected in the penultimate group of our review.

Sony Xperia XA2 Dual

Wanting to choose a smartphone with a diagonal of up to 5.2 inches, Full HD resolution, powerful hardware and an excellent camera, users often prefer smartphones Sony. The cost of this device starts from 17,000 rubles, which is quite a lot. However Xperia specifications XA2 fully justifies its price tag:

  1. current Android system 8.0 Oreo out of the box;
  2. excellent screen calibration and durable protective glass;
  3. support for fast charging Quick Charge 3.0;
  4. powerful hardware platform (630th “dragon”, Adreno 508 and 3 GB RAM).

The smartphone also has NFC module allowing contactless payment. However, the main advantage of the Sony Xperia XA2 Dual is the 23 MP rear camera! It has optical stabilization, support for UHD videos and the ability to record video at a frame rate of 120 fps.

What I liked:

  • first-class main camera;
  • speed and location of the fingerprint scanner;
  • excellent sound and connection quality;
  • There is enough hardware for any task;
  • good autonomy;
  • "out of the box" version of the operating system.

Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) SM-A520F/DS

Looking for a great combination of quality, design and performance? Then you should buy a 5-inch Samsung Galaxy A5 smartphone. This is not the most powerful device for its price, but it can handle any modern games and applications. The smartphone display has a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. And if in this indicator the Samsung mobile phone is quite consistent with its analogues, then thanks to AMOLED technology the device can boast of the Always On Display option (displaying the time and basic information on the locked screen).

The resolution of the front and rear cameras in the smartphone is similar and is equal to 16 MP. Both modules take excellent photos, so you can easily add new wonderful photos to your Instagram collection. The last but not least important advantage of the Galaxy A5 is the IP68 protection of the case.


  • system performance;
  • there is an NFC module;
  • Allways On Display function;
  • fast charging support;
  • protection from water and dust;
  • looks stylish;
  • good memory reserve;
  • great sound.


  • lack of stabilization in the camera;
  • no optical stabilization;
  • quality of safety glass.

Honor 9 4/64GB

The best smartphone in the rating in the category of devices with good cameras is Honor 9. It attracts attention with its reasonable price and excellent characteristics. There is a screen with Full HD resolution and a diagonal of 5.15 inches, covered with high-quality protective glass. The main camera of the device, which secured it first place in the category, has two modules of 20 and 12 MP.

However, the best phone camera in its price category is not all the advantages of Honor 9. It also has support for proprietary SuperCharge fast charging and all the necessary modules, including NFC and even an infrared port! The RAM and permanent storage in the reviewed smartphone model are installed at 4 and 64 GB, respectively, and the device operates on an incredibly powerful hardware platform with a heart in the form of its own Kirin 960 CPU.


  • availability of IRDA and NFC;
  • quality of mobile communications;
  • nimble software shell;
  • excellent hardware platform;
  • luxurious main camera;
  • RAM and ROM volumes.

The best premium 5-inch smartphones

Typically, flagship devices are equipped with large displays. Compact smartphones are not of interest to manufacturers due to their lack of popularity among buyers. However, today there are still companies that care not only about income, but also about the convenience of all their fans. The 5-inch smartphones discussed below offer excellent performance, impeccable build quality and excellent design. At the same time, the price of the described devices is quite affordable and will suit all categories of users.

Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact

The Japanese brand Sony is popular among users due to its individual style, excellent cameras and the excellent quality of its equipment. The best 5-inch smartphone from this manufacturer, called the Xperia XZ2 Compact, is no exception. This device is protected from water and dust, is equipped with a screen with a resolution of 2160×1080 pixels and an aspect ratio of 2:1, and also has a good 19 MP main camera with laser autofocus.

The smartphone screen demonstrates excellent color reproduction and is protected by 5th generation Gorilla Glass. The capabilities of the Sony Xperia ZX2 Compact hardware platform are enough for any task, since the device runs on the latest Snapdragon 845 and the Adreno 630 graphics coprocessor. The device has 4 GB of RAM and 64 ROM.


  • device protection according to IP68 standard;
  • excellent display with good brightness reserve;
  • impressive hardware performance;
  • excellent sound from stereo speakers;
  • The main camera pleases with the quality of shooting;
  • the update to Android Pie arrives immediately;


  • high cost from 30 thousand rubles;
  • modest 2870 mAh battery;
  • quite slippery body.

Xiaomi Mi6 6/64GB

The second line is occupied by the Xiaomi smartphone model with a 5-inch Mi6 screen. A glass and metal body, a fast fingerprint scanner under the Full HD screen, and dual camera with 12 MP modules – important reasons look towards this device. The smartphone is also distinguished by the presence of an infrared port and NFC, and its hardware is perfect for any need:

  1. Snapdragon 835 (4 x 2.5, 4 x 1.8 GHz);
  2. Adreno 540;
  3. 6 GB RAM.

Powering it all is a fairly large 3350 mAh battery that supports Quick Charge 3.0 fast charging.


  • suitable for modern games;
  • sufficient amount of RAM;
  • stability of GPS, Wi-Fi and LTE;
  • Very good camera;
  • excellent equipment;
  • stunning design;
  • There is an IRDA and an NFC chip.


  • The back panel is easily scratched;
  • no 3.5 mm jack;
  • body too slippery.

Nokia 8 Dual SIM

The leader in the review is one of the best devices from the legendary Nokia brand. Perfect build quality and a durable aluminum body are some of the main advantages of the smartphone. The device also has protection against water and dust, but only according to the IP54 standard. The hardware platform in Nokia 8 is similar to the solution described above from Xiaomi. The only exception is the RAM, which is 4 GB. However, even this is enough for comfortable work with a smartphone.

But a good smartphone camera, including 13 MP modules, deserves special attention. Daytime and night shooting, optical stabilization and background blur on the phone from HMD Global do not cause any complaints. Users can also enjoy the 5.3-inch display with Quad HD resolution and high brightness.


  • very durable metal case;
  • advanced “filling” and “clean” Android OS;
  • excellent optimization and good autonomy;
  • high resolution and brightness of the display;
  • high-quality main camera;
  • no heating in games.


  • Difficulty finding accessories.

Which smartphone with a 5-inch display should I buy?

When compiling a rating of the best 5-inch smartphones, we carefully studied current status market. Most commercially available devices with a small screen size belong to the budget segment. Among them, smartphones from Xiaomi and Meizu deserve special attention. If you're addicted mobile photography, then you should buy Huawei or Sony. The Japanese have performed well in the top segment, but if you don’t have 30 thousand for a phone, then choose between Xiaomi and Nokia.