Next update of Yandex Tits. How and where to find out the exact Yandex updates

A SERP update is an update to a page with search results. The word “update” itself is translated as “update”. What is meant by the words Yandex issue update? This is a change in the information provided by this search engine (PS search engine).

How is Yandex search results updated?

Search engine robots crawl sites with a certain regularity and update information about resources in their databases. This is a long process. Worth considering great amount sites in worldwide network, as well as the different frequency of their visits by Yandex spiders. Information accumulates and at some point the PS algorithms change the internal rankings of sites. The result of these adjustments is a change in the order of web pages for specific user requests.

In reality, this process should be divided into separate threads. Yandex collects not only the text content of pages, but also carries out:

  • picture analysis;
  • links of sites to each other;
  • attendance.
It is known that user actions and analysis of new page content are important. All rating recalculations require significant computing power.

How often does Yandex issue update occur?

It is impossible to give an exact answer to this question today. There are a number of services that “predict” updates search engines, however, in reality this is rather an extrapolation of information received about previously carried out updates to the issue. For example, if significant changes were noted regularly once a month, then it is logical to assume that the trend will continue in the future. In fact, for each direction (text, images, links, etc.) the updates do not have to match.

The PS itself has quite a lot of robots. There are “fast” ones that add pages to the index almost instantly. In fact, minutes after publication new page on the resource, it may already appear in the search results, and then begin to “float” through positions. Example: news and news feed. For one request made 15 minutes apart, you can get a completely different set of resources. This special case, when Yandex tries to provide the most “fresh” and relevant information.

By row high frequency queries With established leaders, it is almost impossible to notice something like this on the first pages. Text updates there usually occur in the interval of 3 - 10 days.

Frequency of updates (taken from

As a rule, for most sites with high-quality information, it takes 2-3 months to get on the first page of search results for medium-frequency queries, but the situation may change according to various reasons. The myth about the Yandex sandbox appeared precisely because of the low update speed. In fact, this is precisely an update, the result of which is the appearance of a previously unknown PS site in the search results.

Often the rapid rise or fall of a site is associated with a change in the main Yandex ranking mechanisms.

New information does not appear in search engines immediately after it is posted on the Internet. Before users begin to find your site through search, information is collected by search robots and stored for some time in the search engine database. The transfer of information from the database to the main search occurs periodically and simultaneously for many sites and is called an update.

Update(abbr. AP, from the English update - update, actualization) - the appearance of new information (sites, pages, texts, etc.) in search engine results. Updating information is usually accompanied by a recalculation of the ranking formula taking into account changes on sites, the emergence of new pages and resources, as well as a change in the link mass. It is after updates that changes in positions are monitored and results are tracked, so knowledge of the types of updates and their frequency is necessary. Each search engine updates its results at different times and according to its own algorithms. Let's look at what types of updates exist for the most popular search engines - Yandex and Google.

Yandex updates

Text update– occur 1-2 times a week. During text update new ones appear in Yandex search results text documents, indexed a few days ago. During a text update, changes in positions occur due to the addition of new documents, as well as technical changes (closing duplicates, optimizing pages, assigning a region, etc.).

Correct Yandex updates– a service that specializes in Yandex updates. It has gained particular popularity among optimizers and people who independently promote their sites. The analyzer shows not only the percentage of changes in positions, but also separate information by text and link update, as well as the last date of indexing of the accounted texts and links.

The analyzer's operating algorithm is based on an hourly measurement of the number of documents in the Yandex index. As soon as a large number of new sites and pages appear in the index, a text update is recorded.

In addition, the site has a TIC update analyzer, which monitors changes in the citation index on many sites and based on this makes a conclusion about the update:

You can get acquainted with the correct Yandex updates

Any specialist in SEO areas will tell you that he is never bored. Even if today the site has reached heights in the search results, tomorrow it can easily fall out of there. And it’s all because of the ill-fated Yandex updates!

Search engine updates

According to many experts in the field of SEO, website promotion in search engines is like an eternal, never-ending “fun start”. Even on holidays, when all people are on vacation, these “inhuman” search engines constantly update their ranking results.

That’s why tired SEO specialists and Internet resource owners have to stay awake and “pray” to the great search engine so that it doesn’t throw their sites off the top of the search results. All this happens thanks to Yandex updates:

An update in SEO is usually understood as updating search engine databases by including new elements ( new or updated web pages). This leads not only to the addition, but also to the “resorting” of resources in search results. That is, the search engine cache is updated. This is what changes the results of site indexing.

That is, if today your site was in the top ten search results, then after updating the search engine it may fly out of there.

Search robots are constantly “combing” the Internet in search of new and updated sites or pages. They record all new elements and changes in old ones in their cache. Then, at a certain moment, the search engine database is updated and, as a result, the next ranking occurs.

Items that are updated:

  • New links;
  • New content (text);
  • Changes to already indexed pages.

Features of the update in Yandex

Google updates happen frequently, and therefore are not unexpected. The situation with updating the Yandex database is much more complicated. When updating this search engine, several parameters are taken into account at once.

That's why " search engine update"can be divided into several phases:

  • Updating data on the text content of web pages - this stage is called text update;
  • Update data on link content - all new links and updates to old ones located on the pages of indexed sites are taken into account.

Most often, both update phases ( text and link update) occur simultaneously. But this does not mean that an article posted last night will be included in search results today. It's a little more complicated. If you believe the statistics, the period between two Yandex updates ranges from 3 to 10 days.

But such restrictions are not imposed on all types of Internet resources. Yandex databases regarding news resources and blogs are updated daily. And also all those sites that often post new materials and comment on them. The rest of the resources can only wait for the next global update.

Other types of Yandex updates

  • SERP update – updating search engine results. That is, the positions of sites change. It is the final stage of the ranking process. The issue update occurs after search robot all data on new and changed links, text content of resources is collected and entered into the search engine database. Based on this information, a list of search results is generated, which is issued in response to a user request. The list is not updated very often ( on average once a month). But it is impossible to predict its exact date.

The term “storm” is used to indicate the degree of changes that have occurred in search results. It shows the degree of change in search results as a percentage relative to the previous list. A search update of 25-40% is considered strong.

If the storm indicators exceed 40%, then we can talk about changing the algorithm for generating the list of search results (ranking).

  • Update thematic index citations (TIC) - the most long-awaited for those who make money by selling links. There is a “re-evaluation” of thematic links that lead to your resource. Behind the scenes, the TIC update is divided into two stages: push-button and toolbar.

By push-button we mean changing the TIC indicators on the Yandex citation index button. It is the most accurate and occurs first:

TIC toolbar update is a change in the parameter readings in the Yandex browser toolbar. It comes later than the push-button update.

In Google, the equivalent of TIC is PageRank ( PR). But unlike the TIC, PR updates occur much less frequently. Therefore, it does not show the popularity of a resource (web page) at a real point in time not entirely accurately.

When will Yandex make the next update?

After the first update, Yandex remembers new content. If after the second there are no serious changes in it, then the text ends up in the search results. The speed of text updates is also affected by the volume of new material and the complexity of the structure of a particular site.

The larger the volume of new materials and the more complex the structure of building a specific resource, the longer the re-indexing process will take.

The situation is a little simpler with predicting the next update of the TIC. It is assumed that the value of the total TIC of all resources in Yandex is an exact value and remains almost unchanged. Therefore, when updating the TIC, only its redistribution occurs. It happens 1-2 times every 30-60 days.

As you can see, no one can say exactly when Yandex will make the next update. But presumably this can be predicted by analyzing the dates of previous updates. To do this, you can use specialized services:

  • – presented on the website in table form exact dates Yandex updates for previous periods. And below are the dates of expected updates for the two most popular search engines at once:

  • is another service. It features a large amount of analytical data on updates, presented in the form of graphs. In addition, this resource boasts the most accurate system for informing about Yandex updates. The check occurs every 3 minutes!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Any novice webmaster is faced almost immediately with such a concept as Yandex search engine update. Why webmaster of RuNet? Well, because Google, which dominates very large quantities countries of the rest of the world, there is no such thing as an update, except that you can only talk about an update, but again it’s a toolbar update, because the real meaning static weight of all pages indexed by this search engine changes constantly (in real time).

Yandex, in addition to updating the search results (changing the positions of sites for the overwhelming number of search queries) there is also ap Tietz, i.e. updating the value, which you can read about at the link provided. In fact, Titz is a kind of indicator of the trustworthiness of a site, and the larger it is, the more trust it will have on the part of search engines (most likely). Titz is also important for those who sell links from their sites, because their price significantly depends on the value of Titz.

What is an update to the Yandex search database?

Well, webmasters in RuNet also have something to look forward to. For example, there are such concepts as updating favicons, Ya.Catalog, mirror and pictures. These apps are not of interest to everyone and certainly not all the time, but sometimes it is relevant, for example, when you move to new domain, changed the favicon, paid to be added to YAK, or you get a significant share of traffic from image search.

Let's start, perhaps, with updates search base Yandex. How often does this phenomenon occur? How do you know if an incident has already happened? And why, in fact, monitor these same updates? Similar questions arise for novice RuNet webmasters who are beginning to get acquainted with the harsh reality of website promotion for the Yandex search engine. I had them too and it’s normal.

The essence of the updates is as follows. Unlike Google, Yandex does not have such impressive hardware and physical power to update search results several times a day, taking into account all newly indexed pages and found backlinks to sites. Therefore, he is forced to resort to some tricks that will significantly reduce high load to his server.

But here you will need to at least have general idea, (if you have it, then continue reading, and if not, then follow the link to view the overall picture). What does Yandex do? Of course, like Google, it constantly indexes new pages on the Internet and re-indexes updated ones, and also finds more and more backlinks for different sites.

But... He does not immediately take all this wealth into account, but puts it away in a not very long box, so that once every few days (sometimes the period between updates can exceed ten days, but not often) to please you and me with another update. Here are the dates of the official ups of the RuNet mirror search database for several months, so that you can estimate their frequency:

What then do we have the opportunity to observe in the search results between the ups? Generally, banal cache.

To exaggerate, the first user who sets a search query after the next update activates an algorithm that, after calculations, produces the resulting results (a list of relevant this request pages), which is immediately cached and already re-entering For the same request, the search engine algorithm is not used, but the one stored in the cache of site lists is retrieved (result). This reduces the load on Yandex servers and allows you to match your older brother Google with less hardware power.

At the time of the next update, all the new information accumulated since the last update (page texts and links to them) will be taken into account when ranking (read more about it in search engine results) and the list of relevant pages for each search query will be saved again in the Yandex cache in order to be promptly shown to users until the next update of the search database. Convenient, simple and economical.

But this is all, of course, very much exaggerated and simplified. Yandex probably worked on this principle ten years ago or even more. In addition, since the end of 2012, Yandex switched to personalized results, when different users with different, but quite large, search histories are shown different list sites for the same request. Now it is gaining more and more power and updates are becoming blurry.

However, when the percentage of search queries for which the results change exceeds several tens of percent, we can assume that the incident has taken place. How to recognize this very moment? Well, read about it below.

And we will still dwell on the fact that what is Titz update? Everything is much simpler here. It is believed that general meaning The TIC of all sites indexed by Yandex does not change, but is only redistributed between them. Moreover, this redistribution does not occur permanently, but again at certain, not particularly regulated intervals (from twice a month to once every two months).

You can see the dates of the latest ups, which do not have a stable periodicity:

Tiz is influenced by quantity and quality backlinks leading to your site from other resources that, in the opinion of the search engine, are similar in topic to it.

Yandex constantly collects data on such links, but the TIC values ​​for almost all Runet sites do not change between updates (sometimes, however, as punishment the citation index can be reset to zero, but this is force majeure). Then suddenly the value of the thematic citation index is recalculated and it will be safely stored in the cache (after some shaking and shrinkage or adjustment), until the next update. Trite.

Other types of Yandex updates and more

You can judge the frequency of PR updates from this screenshot:

In addition, there are the following types of updates, which some webmasters monitor to one degree or another:

  1. Yandex Catalog update— adding new sites and removing those that have lost trust from the most prestigious directory of the Runet. If you are expecting your resource to appear in the YAC or have reason to fear its exclusion, then it is worth monitoring the update of the database of this directory.
  2. Updating the image search database— a separate Yandex robot performs indexing of images on the Internet, but the results based on pictures, like the main results of this search engine, have pronounced updates. If your resource has every reason to promote and receive traffic from images, then it makes sense to track this app in order to evaluate exactly what results the actions you took brought.
  3. Up favicons— in Yandex search results, by tradition, a Favicon taken from this site is displayed to the left of the page title and description. In fact, it is precisely because of this feature that your humble servant is still on the Yandex needle, because it is very clearly visible those sites that I trust and to which I go to look for an answer in the first place.

    Before this, I already wrote a detailed article about where it should be stuffed. However, the number one search engine in RuNet will show the favicon of your new site (or the updated icon of the old one) in the search results not immediately after indexing it, but only after the next Favicon update, which does not happen often.

    Mirrorer update- Yandex has special robot, which is responsible for gluing the so-called mirrors. The simplest example mirrors are (they will need to be glued together, i.e. determine the main mirror - either , or , or ).

    A situation may arise where a site moves to another domain due to falling under a filter or due to other force majeure circumstances. At the same time, you indicate the new main mirror in robots.txt of the old and new domains and do the same in the Ya.Webmaster panel. However, the mirrors will not stick together immediately, but only in the next step of the mirror operator.

In addition, the update of the search engine database itself can be causal in nature, and therefore the following are distinguished:

  1. Text up- i.e. accounting of all texts of new and updated pages included in the index.
  2. Reference— taking into account all new backlinks to sites whose pages are included in the ranking.
  3. AP behavioral factors- a somewhat mythical type of ups, which is caused by updated user data on sites participating in the ranking.
  4. Update search algorithm - the most terrible, from the point of view possible consequences, an, because in this case new texts, links and behavioral factors, but the very principle of calculating relevance changes. Yandex even began to call such global updates based on the principle of the game “Cities”.

    We started from afar - from Magadan (May 2008) and continued with Nakhodka, Arzamas, Snezhinsk, Konakovo, Obninsk, Krasnodar, Reykjavik. Now, since December 2012, Kaliningrad has ruled the roost, and then there will be something with a “D”. Kaliningrad is trying to create for each user personal delivery, focusing on his preferences, which the search engine revealed by following him for some time.

During a regular search database update, a text update usually follows first, and after a while a link update. Behavioral ones are updated quite rarely or they cannot always be identified. It's pretty clearly visible on the website Yandex tracking enthusiast (Evgeniy Trofimenko is such a smart comrade that it is not always clear what he is talking about when speaking at conferences):

True, it’s not worth going into this too much, because the very fact of the update is important, so that you can start and draw conclusions about the correctness of your chosen course of website promotion. However, of course, it’s not worth judging the dynamics of development by one up, because the search engine has enormous inertia and you should always wait a few ups to draw conclusions or start tearing your hair out.

How and where to track Yandex updates

The question arises, how track Yandex updates? It turns out that there are several options that will allow you to do this.

Yandex itself generously sends messages about updating the search database if you have also checked the “Forward to email” checkbox in the “Search database update” field in the settings:

In this case, the message will come to your email when all the transition processes and shaking in the search results for most queries have stopped, and you can calmly start removing positions and determining how bad or good this up has become for you.

There are also alternative ways to subscribe to updates. For example, the well-known resource Seobudget offers you a tool called ", where you can clearly see all the previous SERP updates, YAK, Tits and PR:

And subscribe to the newsletter(by pre-registering on this service) by e-mail or in the form of SMS messages to mobile phone(will cost 3 rubles per message) information about the update that occurred in the search database, Yandex catalogue, Titsa or PR (of your choice):

Well, you can also, for example, add the informer code located just below to your website in order to be constantly aware of all new updates and inform your readers about it:

Also, in my opinion, it is very convenient to learn and discuss updates on, the most convenient of which is probably Serch. There's a special one Yandex Apam section, where you can subscribe to receive materials:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Good afternoon, dear site owners.

Today there will be a theoretical article that will help you understand another concept in the SEO area.

On the knife's edge is the concept of search engine results updates. Let's consider a lot of small points that will make this article detailed material online. I hope that it will be like that.

What is issuance ap

In the future I will use 2 concepts of admittance:

  1. Update - complete concept (translation from English - update);
  2. Ap is short for updet.

So, as you already understood, then this concept means updating something. If we take our topic (SEO, website promotion), then in this case it means updating the search database.

By updating the search database, in turn, we mean its change, during which certain parameters of each site and the entire search results as a whole are rearranged, increased or decreased.

Webmasters are always very impatiently waiting for search engine updates, as they expect to see the fruits in the form of increased numbers (TIC and PR), traffic, and therefore high rankings in search results. Site owners work very long and hard so that during the up-and-down their site rises to the top and begins to bring them more visitors, and, accordingly, profit.

But it doesn't always end that way. An update is a very unstable thing, since it depends on the work of the algorithms, on the basis of which positions in the search results are distributed. Some will be lucky and their site will rise to the top, but others will not and the resource, on the contrary, will slide to the very zeros.

This is due to the fact that algorithms are constantly being improved and, if some promotion methods worked before, then the next update may work new algorithm, which will demote sites that use such methods.

For example, in the case of purchasing links or . Previously, you could buy as many links of any quality as you wanted, and the site grew by leaps and bounds. But now it doesn’t work like that anymore. Yandex developers have improved this algorithm and after the next update, sites that had low-quality links fell sharply in positions.

And this happens very often. Now everything is moving towards the fact that only really good sites are at the top of the search results. You can try to buy them links. But what is the guarantee that the algorithm will not be improved in the coming months and these links will not only not work, but, on the contrary, will have a detrimental effect on the resource? Then the next update will be a disaster.

So, we found out that a search engine update is an update of search results based on developed algorithms, which can either raise a site or lower it, making it less authoritative.

Plus, you should understand that the concept of an update applies specifically to the Yandex search engine, since it is what is most often awaited. Google is a very powerful search engine that updates its search database in real time. Google can immediately take into account this or that page in its ranking algorithms and therefore such a page in Google can be seen in the first positions literally in the very first days, which cannot be said about Yandex.

Yandex has to resort to some tricks, since there is not yet enough hardware power to process all the new indexed pages several times every day, analyze the link mass and other indicators. Actually, we will talk about these tricks and principles of work of ads in Yandex in the third paragraph of the material about the differences between ads in both search engines.

For now, let’s look at the main types of ups.

Types of updates

The main types of Yandex search updates that webmasters monitor are:

Now I want to give some clarification about the work of updates in the Yandex search engine, since due to the presence of rather low hardware power (compared to Google), there are some nuances in the work.

Yandex, like Google, constantly indexes new pages, finds links leading to them, etc., but unlike the second search engine he does not immediately take them into account when creating search results.

If you take a period during which 30 texts were published, then not all of them will be taken into account when ranking search results during the next update. Only a portion of them that were posted on the resource before a certain date will be taken into account.

For example, from February 1st to February 30th, 30 texts were posted on the resource. On the last day of the year, Yandex issuance ap occurs. The PS will not take into account all pages so that they participate in the ranking, but will take into account only some that were included in the index before a certain number, for example, until February 26th.

This means that the pages were included in the index (with the help of a fast robot), but such documents have not yet been taken into account when building search results. That is, you will not see them in the search yet, although they will already be in the index. And only during the next update will these documents be included in the search and will play their role in building search results, participating in ranking algorithms.

The same applies to the link update. We posted 20 links throughout the entire period, but only a few that were included in the index before a certain number will be taken into account. The rest will be ranked in 1 update.

We can conclude that some of the new documents (pages, texts, links) begin to be taken into account when constructing the search results only after 1 update.

How then does Yandex generate a list of sites during the next update? The fact is that between updates we see a list of sites that is given to us from the cache. The list of sites in the search results after the next update of the Yandex search database is formed after the first user request for a specific request.

That is, the first user requested some information for the first time immediately after the app. It generates a list of sites, which for this request is stored in the cache, so that when other visitors access the request, it does not create a colossal load. Now, until the next update, the output will be taken from the cache (saved copies of pages).

During this period, Yandex collects all necessary information by pages included in the accounting: links, texts, behavioral factors, and so on. And during the next update of the search results, all these indicators are taken into account in the ranking algorithm.

This is why some sites sag after an update. It’s just that the indicators between search updates are not very good. Conclusion: it is necessary to do better.

It’s easier with Google, since the search engine is very powerful and recalculates all indicators in real time. The page can be indexed instantly, the link can be taken into account the next day, and so on.

In the case of the algorithm for updating search results in Yandex, the question may arise:

How, then, will indicators be collected on my site if it is still new and after it gets into the index, the pages do not occupy high positions?

The answer is quite simple and obvious:

It is necessary to work comprehensively on the site. In the initial stages, the minimum actions will be:

  1. attract traffic to pages so that you can make an assessment based on the behavior of visitors and take it into account when ranking;
  2. engage in link building so that as many links as possible link to us. The main criterion is their quality. 5 quality links are better than 100 not so good ones.

All this will help Yandex track the activity regarding your resource and raise it in positions.

You can even do an experiment. Create a very high quality article with good design and presentation, reveal the essence of the user’s problem and provide a comprehensive solution. Then drive a lot of traffic to it. You will see how the page quickly rises in the search results after 2-3 ups and will be in the first positions. The pages I drove traffic to always produced results faster.

Differences between Yandex and Google apps

In principle, in the previous paragraph I already considered the most important difference between both search engines in terms of updating. But to make everything clearer for you, I will duplicate everything in a more condensed form. So, let's go.

The most important difference is the speed of updates to the search database.

  • Google grasps all changes instantly and can take them into account in the construction of search results, also in real time;
  • Yandex takes time to evaluate the site’s performance and only then take them into account when building search results. This is exactly what happens during every update.

Yandex acts differently, since it does not have the same power as the first search engine to change everything in real time:

I gave an algorithm based on a text update. The same applies to reference, which, as a rule, occurs together with text.

The algorithm is similar:

  • First, the link will be indexed;
  • During the next update it will be taken into account when ranking.

You must also understand that after update is coming a kind of shaking of search results, during which everything settles down. Positions jump, then rise, then fall. Everything cannot happen at once in one minute. This process can last a couple of days and is called differently “dance” (dancing), and on forums it is often called “dancing with tambourines.”

This is why you can see in some site visibility tracking services that at first the site is visible for fewer requests, but the next day there are 5 times more requests and their positions have increased sharply, or vice versa. The same applies to the site as a whole, when a page occupies either the 60th position or the 20th.

This settling down continues all the time and not only during updates. This process may take up to a month. It's kind of A-B testing to identify which page will be more suitable for being in the TOP of search results.

First, your site is placed in higher positions, then another. And it is assessed how each resource performs in a particular position. If your site is more clickable, attracts more traffic and retains visitors better, then this position can be assigned to it, and then improve.

There is also a concept called “storm” - the degree of change in search results during the update of the search database.

The storm indicator can give us an idea of ​​how much change has occurred in search results:

  • 5-15% - weak update;
  • 15-25% - average;
  • 25-40% - strong up:
  • over 40% - there is a high probability that the algorithms were updated, due to which the search results were rebuilt.

I provided these indicators for the update date tracking service - Seopult. For other services, the standards may be completely different. In the last paragraph of the article you will see an example of a service where the values ​​reach 80% and above.

The higher the indicator, the greater the chance that our site will begin to occupy higher positions or, on the contrary, will fall further. The smaller the storm, the fewer changes in terms of your site and search results in general.

Update dates

Since Google does not have search results updates, we will look at the dates for Yandex. There are a lot of services where you can watch changes in search results. There are services purely for viewing update dates, and there are services for viewing changes in output without updates. This is very good, since changes to search pages happen all the time, and not just during ups.

Personally, I constantly find out about an update using the service Xtool. After registration, you will receive emails informing you about the next update.

As I said above, these are the large storm values. During updates they are very significant.

You can also look up dates on a website analysis service cy-pr. There will be a corresponding block in the left column of the resource.

A pretty good service with detailed Yandex update schedules is seobudget where you can see the dates last update and all previous, as well as updates of the Yandex catalog.