Hidden settings of Google Chrome. Hidden settings in the Google Chrome browser

Experienced users are well aware of the presence of a section in Chrome with experimental settings, located at chrome://flags. This is where Google programmers hide from view inexperienced users new, not yet tested browser functions. We have selected for you those that can be safely activated and used right now.

1. Enable smooth scrolling

Users have been waiting for this feature, probably since the first release of Chrome. And finally, the developers got around to it. To activate it, enter the address indicated just below and select “Enabled” in the pop-up menu.


2. Mute a tab

If in any tab you are playing music player or a video is playing, Chrome marks that tab with a small speaker icon. However, this icon can also be used to quick shutdown sound. To do this, you will need to activate the option at the following address:


3. Quickly close tabs and windows

This option makes the interface more responsive and speeds up surfing. Once activated, tabs will close much faster, regardless of the process associated with them. This actually only affects the GUI, but visually it seems like Chrome is starting to run a little faster. Activate the option at this address:


4. QUIC protocol support

QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) is a new experimental Internet protocol developed by Google. It was created to speed up Internet connections as opposed to the current TCP protocol. Although on this moment it is not very widespread, yet when referring to Google servers it may give some speed boost. You can activate it at the following address:


5. Create passwords

When this setting is active, Chrome will automatically generate strong password if you are on the registration page. Very convenient function, which, together with the built-in password storage service, will help you completely abandon third party solutions. You can activate this option at the following address:


And which ones are hidden? Chrome settings do you use?

Google Chrome is the world's most popular browser developed by Google, whose market share, according to turnover estimates in May 2018, is at least 58%.
Many users do not even suspect that it contains hidden possibilities, which can to some extent simplify the work with the browser. By applying this knowledge, you can save yourself from having to commit extra clicks and thereby significantly save time.

In this article we will look at 14 hidden settings Google web browser Chrome.

The Hidden Potential of Google Chrome

Before we move on to the most interesting part, it is necessary to answer that such settings do not lie on the surface. Enter in address bar chrome://flags- a command that will allow you to open hidden Chrome settings and even work with experimental browser settings that have not yet been officially released.

It is important to emphasize the fact that experimental parameters may not work correctly, which in turn can lead to program failure and crash.

The official message from Google reads: “We make no guarantees about what may happen if you enable any of the features presented. Your browser may simply stop working.”

Useful articles

If something goes wrong, in this case Google has provided a button that can save your browser - Reset all to default. You can see her in top corner on right.

Now let's move on to what we think are the 14 most useful hidden features of Google Chrome!

Useful Chrome Browser Features

No. 1. Automatic spelling correction

We are all familiar with the situation when quick letter we accidentally miss the right keys and as a result we get an unreadable... something. Chrome developers, realizing the potential benefits of the new addition, have introduced an experimental auto-spelling feature. If you turn it on, the browser will automatically correct misspelled words without waiting for you to click on them and select the correct option.

No. 2. Multilingual spell checker

This function involves checking spelling in several user-specified languages ​​at once.

No. 3. Resume download function

Are you familiar with the situation when, during loading large file Suddenly there is a network failure and in the last megabytes before the finish line it is interrupted? Now this problem is far behind us.

With the new experimental Resumable Download option, you can stop worrying about having to download everything again. The download process will be restored from the point at which it was interrupted.

No. 4. Download status in Notification Center

A convenient addition for people who have to work with a large number of downloaded files. This feature displays pop-up notifications from Chrome on your desktop when a new download starts and allows you to manage them. The list of commands includes the ability to pause, cancel, and resume the download using the keys provided in the notification.

No. 5. Password generator

Are you tired of your old passwords or want to replace them with more secure ones? Ask Chrome to give you options good passwords using the key icon on the registration page of the site.

No. 6. Quickly close tabs and windows

This function allows you to detach the handler JavaScript Chrome from GUI user, which theoretically can increase the speed of closing tabs. Please keep in mind that these are experimental options and turning them on does not guarantee that your browser will work without interruptions.

No. 7. Automatically save passwords

By default, any browser, at the time of registration or changing an account password, offers the user the opportunity to save it using a pop-up notification. New feature Chrome goes further and allows you to save entered account data automatically, without taking up your time for confirmation.

No. 8. Smooth scrolling

Do you like aesthetics in everything? Function smooth scrolling will add even more pleasure to browsing the pages of your favorite website, eliminating the need to watch sudden jumps from paragraph to paragraph.

No. 9. Redesign of extensions in the toolbar

Enable this feature if you want to place icons hidden extensions at the top of the Chrome menu.

No. 10. Large icons on the New Tab page

Google is in the process of finalizing and redesigning a browser page called “ New inset" In future updates, icons will be replaced with larger ones, allowing for more efficient use of screen space. If you want to look behind the scenes of a corporation, turn on this parameter and start using the beta version of the update before anyone else.

No. 11. Settings in a separate window

Of course, the interface of the Google Chrome browser is very convenient even without additional modifications, however, if desired, some adjustments can be made. By enabling this option, you can force the “ Settings”Open in a separate window.

No. 12. Underline headings in omnibox dropdown

If you'd like Google Omnibox to show even more search suggestions and fewer URLs as you type, turn this setting on.

No. 13. FPS counter

Allows you to track frames per second when hardware acceleration is enabled.

No. 14. Disabling tabs

Incredible useful feature for owners of weak PCs, since it can significantly save RAM. If this setting is enabled, Google Chrome can only work with one tab at a time. You can still create countless numbers of them, but by switching to new page, the browser will update the last visited address.

If you need to recover erased passwords, bookmarks, browsing history from the Google Chrome browser, this tool will help you Starus Web Detective.

On the pages of the site I constantly try to describe interesting and useful functions modern internet browsers, I am considering new extensions and various optimal settings to improve performance and speed, but most of the settings I suggest are created external modules and plugins. And that’s why in today’s article I want to tell you about internal, hidden possibilities Google Chrome browser. So, what is “under the hood” of the Google Chrome browser?

Before we begin describing the under-the-hood capabilities of the Chrome browser, I warn you that these settings are not officially put into operation by the developers, and therefore may contain hidden threats For normal operation browser. But, in some cases, using these settings allows you to solve many problems in the browser and therefore everyone should know about them Google user Chrome.

In order to access a particular setting, you must enter its address into the browser window.

1) about:about – the first and most informative setting. Nabrab this command the user will be able to see all the additional under-the-hood settings of the Google Chrome browser, including those that will be included in our review today.

2) about:flags – perhaps the most interesting setting, which allows you to learn about unofficial browser features that are not currently in use, but you can get information about them. On this settings page you can find connection functions virtual printer Google with stationary, browser speedup feature by enabling page processing using GPU and much more, which in some cases can be very useful for the user. yes, if you still don’t use Chrome, then you can download google chrome for free on the official Google website or from this link.

3) about:plugins – this setting gives the user direct and nothing limited access to the collection of your browser plugins. This page can be useful when some kind of failure occurs in one of the plugins.

4) about:net-internals is a useful function that allows you to track currently open connections, check the availability of a certain web page and look at the load graph of your network, which will help determine any error in the browser or even the system.

5) about:memory – an extremely useful hidden setting in the Google Chrome browser. Here the user can see how memory is distributed between applications, plugins and even browser tabs. The information presented here will help you find out why the browser suddenly began to work extremely slowly and why this happened (for example, an extremely “gluttonous” plugin was installed)

6) about:version – as is clear from the name this setting allows you to obtain information about current version browser installed on your PC. Also here you can see the location of the folder in which the browser is installed and folders. In which your data is stored Google profile. This feature can be extremely useful. If you suddenly want to do backup copy browser for any far-reaching purposes.

7) about:cache – this setting will tell and show what is currently in the browser cache. Is it true, this information is completely useless, since it will not be possible to extract anything from the cache; when you click on the link, the hexadecimal code of the element will open, and not the element itself.

Of course, you won't need these settings every day. But, if you need to solve some problem that has arisen in the operation of the browser, determine, for example, the most expensive plugins in terms of performance, or simply speed up the browser a little - the data can come in very handy.

Read how to access hidden functions and settings Google Chrome browser that controls its advanced settings. What tools or extensions to use to access hidden Chrome features. The worldwide computer information network "Internet", created for users to exchange various data among themselves, received Lately the widest distribution and unusually high popularity among users all over the world. Having the ability to access the network from anywhere and on various devices, users spend quite a lot of their time in it. Modern computer devices quite powerful and have small dimensions, which is an additional incentive to popularize the use of the Internet.


An important factor influencing the widespread use of the Internet is the use of modern advanced software. Application of special computer applications to access the Internet, it facilitates the process of using it. Main software application to work in information network"Internet" is a web browser.

A web browser, or in other words a browser, is a computer program, which helps users implement different kinds actions in computer network"Internet". For example, the browser is able to view different web pages, the internal content of any web documents and files, display various types of images, play audio and video streams, manage web applications and solve other network tasks.

Nowadays, a user can choose a web browser based on his own preferences from a huge list of applications from various developers. Basically, most browsers have some standard set internal functions, so it doesn't make much difference which web browser is best to use. Browsers differ slightly only in the application interface and small internal additions, thanks to which the user can decide to use a specific web browser that best suits his needs.

The most popular web browsers today are: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox", "Opera", " Microsoft Edge"(or his early version « Microsoft Explorer"). Each of them, in addition to the main standard features, has certain improvements that influence the user’s choice of using one browser or another.

Prefix "chrome://"

In today's article we will look at the Google Chrome web browser, which has a fairly simple appearance, but has a large number of internal built-in pages that control its advanced settings. All of these pages are hidden behind the "chrome://" prefix and we'll look at some of the best of them.

However, before we begin the description, we probably need to explain how such pages of the Google Chrome application with delimiters: “//” work. When you type “chrome://” into the address bar, followed by the name of the page you want to access, the application works like any web page you open in a browser. Only instead of the web prefix “http://” the internal prefix “chrome://” is used.

So, for example, for the first option, we will consider going to the following application page: “chrome://about”. Just enter this command into the address bar of the Google Chrome application as shown in the image below.

And the specified application page will be opened. Thus, using the internal prefix "chrome://" you can open any of the internal pages of "Google Chrome".

"chrome://about": A list of all internal pages of the Google Chrome application presented in one place

The most useful of all the internal "chrome://" pages available is probably "chrome://about" because it shows links to all the others internal pages"Google Chrome", presented as simple list, and allowing you to switch to them with one click of the mouse.

If you go through the entire list, you can easily find that many of them are related to specific items in the settings menu of the Google Chrome application. For example, the page "chrome://chrome" will take you to the verification page available updates web browser "Google Chrome". Or the pages "chrome://bookmarks", "chrome://apps", and "chrome://newtab", each opening, as their names suggest, the internal pages of the application.

If you want to learn more about all the internal pages of a web browser, then the "chrome://about" page is the best place to search and explore any hidden pages of the Google Chrome application.

"chrome://flags": Experimental features and more

This is probably one of the most popular pages"chrome://" because that's where Google contains its experimental features - all the tools that are in development or debugging and are not yet ready for official release. On this page, you can safely explore all beta features and easily activate any of them without fear of irreversible consequences. Otherwise, you can always return to a properly working application by simply turning off the broken function back on this page.

There are all sorts of hidden features here, and you should keep in mind that they may still be in a work in progress. This means they can mess up individual settings"Google Chrome", cause problems with stable work web browser, compromise the security of your computer or the privacy of your data. Also, the features provided on this page may be removed at any time without further notice if Google decides to discontinue future use of a particular feature.

However, this is a good reason to do some research on various new web browser features before they are officially released.

"chrome://system": Get detailed information about the web browser build

If you want to find full information about your Google Chrome browser, then the system page “chrome://system” can help you with this. You will find on the page all the data about your application, ranging from software and firmware versions to details about all the hardware in the system. There's a lot here various information, and you can get any necessary data here.

"chrome://net-internals": Real-time network diagnostics

The page presents various characteristics, but most of them won't be useful ordinary users. However, if you are looking for some additional information about using the Google Chrome application, you will find them here.

"chrome://inspect": "DevTools" at your service

If you want to understand a little about how the Google Chrome application works, then use the page "chrome://inspect". Like the "chrome://net-internals" page, it is entirely aimed at developers. Therefore, if you are planning to take a deeper look at the processes that occur in the Google Chrome web browser in background, that is desired page to begin your research.

Access all the hidden features of Google Chrome with a simple extension: HiddenChrome

Although you can see everything hidden pages web browser "Google Chrome" on the page "chrome://about", there is a simpler and easy way do this: using the convenient “HiddenChrome” extension. It puts all the available internal pages of the Google Chrome browser into a convenient, neat, organized list.

Here you will find developer tools, link quick access to the page with flags, internal diagnostics, logs, source and all sorts of other beneficial properties. If you are an experienced user of the Google Chrome browser, then such a tool will serve great addition to improve the Google Chrome application. You can install it in your browser by downloading it from the Chrome online store absolutely free.

Faster, higher, stronger! It seems that this is the Olympic motto that guides the team Chrome developers. The browser is constantly updated, improving its characteristics and adding new options. But some implemented features are simply not available to users. They rest in the experimental settings menu and are waiting to be released. Let's stop languishing them in prison! For what? Enabling some experimental settings can speed up your favorite Chrome.

Lifehacker readers may recall that they have already seen similar material on the blog pages. And they will be right. We have already introduced you to hidden settings.

The older desktop version of the browser and the younger mobile version have a common genome, so we will repeat a number of settings, but we will not forget to mention a few new ones.

Go to the experimental options menu

Enter the command in the address bar of your browserchrome://flags. Chrome will redirect you to hidden menu with many additional settings. Don't be too scared by the warning sign.

Experimental Chrome Settings

In most cases, you will not encounter browser crashes or other troubles, although no one excludes the possibility of problems.

Let's dive into the settings

The settings menu is extensive, making it easier to navigate using search commands. Press combination Ctrl keys+ F and enter one or more queries.

Essentially this setting determines the amount RAM memory, allocated by Chrome for rendering pages. Page scrolling should become smoother. You may need to experiment with the suggested numbers to find the best value in terms of performance and memory consumption.

Maximum amount images in the category of interest

Tired of waiting for pictures to load? This tweak will increase the rendering speed of Chrome images. Change the number of raster streams to maximum.

Number of bitmap threads

The SPDY protocol is being developed to speed up data transfer on the Internet and, accordingly, reduce the loading time of web pages and their elements. This option will not help on all sites, but only on pages that support the protocol, for example Facebook.

Enable SPDY/4

If your Internet connection has a habit of dropping out, allow your browser to load a cached version of pages.

Offline mode cache

The setting is aimed at speeding up loading and improving the performance of canvases - HTML5 elements responsible for rendering two-dimensional raster images using scripts.

Support for experimental canvas features

Enable the option if you are using touch device: iPad, Microsoft Surface or any computer with a touchscreen. This should significantly improve Chrome performance.

Enable touch events

The setting improves scrolling of especially long pages.

Speed ​​up scrolling in containers

Even the banal closing of windows and tabs sometimes takes a “strange” amount of time. Activate the option to speed up the closing process.

Allow quick closing tabs/windows

There's nothing worse than your browser crashing right at the moment. inopportune moment. Activate the tweak and Chrome will pre-check loaded modules third party developers that can lead to emergency situations.

Check for identified conflicts with third-party modules

Checking the results

To apply the set values, just restart the browser. The corresponding button is located at the bottom of the menu.

The proposed settings do not at all guarantee you a stunning effect. In some cases, on the contrary, problems may arise. If you encounter “brakes” or incorrect work browser, just roll back to initial settings. Return to the menu and click the "Restore Defaults" button.

Have you noticed improvements in Chrome work after changing settings? Share your impressions.

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