Scripts are easy. JScript Language Basics - Writing WSH Scripts

Rules for writing scripts

First of all, we need to consider the tag. This tag is used to insert scripts into the HTML code of the page. Its format:

. . . Script text

The script text is placed inside the tag

Attribute language allows you to specify in which programming language the script is written.

The default value is "JavaScript".

Internet Explorer supports scripts written in the VBScript language, which corresponds to the value of the "VBScript" attribute.

Navigator allows you to set the JavaScript interpreter version:

This can come in handy in cases where you use the option JavaScript language, specific to a particular version.

The following table shows the versions of the JavaScript interpreter and their correspondence different versions Navigator:

Second attribute src serves to specify the address of the file containing the script.

In this case, usually the paired tag turns into a single tag:

js- standard extension for JavaScript files.

But what happens if the Web browser does not support scripts? (For example, it's too old version program, or the user has disabled script support in the security settings.) The Web browser will ignore the tag and display the script text.

To avoid this, it is recommended to enclose the script inside a tag in a comment.

However, some versions of Navigator do not “see” the script in this case, although, according to Netscape’s own technical manuals, they should. So this tip only applies to Internet Explorer.

Alternatively you can use the .

This tag is supported by Internet Explorer and Navigator:

. . . Text to display if the Web browser does not support scripts

The tag can be placed anywhere in the text of the page, even outside the . Text placed inside this tag will be displayed instead of the entire page. That is, a user of a Web browser with script support disabled will see only this text in the window and nothing else.

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A script is a program that creates a specific "scenario" or sequence of events that will occur in response to some user action or server command. Scripts can significantly save time in creating a program, application or website, but can slightly slow down their operation.

In this article we will tell you how to write scripts based on one of the most popular programming languages ​​today, JQuery, and we will also write about how to use scripts in ASP. NET.


JQuery is the most concise and concise JavaScript-based programming language that simplifies working with HTML documents: with events, animations, and asynchronous JavaScript and XML. His fundamentally new approach to web programming, which can significantly reduce the time it takes to create a website, has already become a favorite of many programmers and its popularity continues to grow.

To start working with this programming language, you will first need to download the JQuery library from the official website. Then you can start creating scripts. For example, let's create a script that will display the phrase "Hello World" in the browser:

  • jQuery Hello World
  • $(document). ready(function())(
  • $("#msgid"). html("This is Hello World by JQuery");
  • This is Hello World by HTML

When you open this script in the browser, you will see a web page with the name of the document itself from the jQuery Hello World header, which will display the text of two written scripts This is Hello World by JQuery and This is Hello World by HTML. The line src="jquery-1. 2. 6. min. js"> is used to include the library itself, but be careful, as your version of the file may differ. To correctly enter the file name, go to the appropriate site directory: public_html/javascript/JQuery/file_name. js.


ASP. NET is a web programming technology from Microsoft that allows you to use codes written in any of the programming languages ​​in your work. software platform. NET Framework from Microsoft.

Guides on how to write a script in ASP. NET, no and cannot be, because... this application uses ready-made Microsoft Ajax script libraries. js and MicrosoftMvcAjax. js or scripts written in other programming languages. To create a link to the script library, you need to do the following:

  • In Solution Explorer, open the Views folder and then Shared.
  • Double click open Site. Master.
  • At the end of Head, add the following code snippet:.
  • You will find information about scripts in other programming languages ​​in the article.

    Using scripts (scenarios), we process various events (for example, a mouse click), analyze user input, change appearance some part of the page or even the entire page.

    As noted many times, the script is inserted into HTML code using the tag, which is usually placed inside the head tag. This is done to ensure that the script code is loaded before the page is displayed on the screen. You can also place a script at the end of an HTML document so that document elements are loaded before script operations are applied to them.

    Use the LANGUAGE attribute to specify the script language. If the script is written in JavaScript, then the LANGUAGE attribute can be omitted, since JavaScript is considered the standard language (by default). In Internet Explorer versions 4.0 through 6.0, you can also use scripts written in VBScript. If you are writing in VBScript, then the LANGUAGE attribute argument should be either VBScript or VBS.

    Inserting a script into HTML code is usually done according to the following scheme:




    The typical option used here is where the script is inserted inside the head tag, although it can be located anywhere in the HTML code. Sometimes it even requires the script to be loaded after some page elements have loaded.

    The LANGUAGE attribute of a tag can accept JavaScript arguments, JScript, VBScript and VBS. If the attribute is not specified, JavaScript is assumed.

    Symbols< ! - и //-->form a comment tag. It is recommended to use them in case the user's browser will not be able to interpret the script. For example, Netscape browsers do not accept VBScript scripts. Please note that the comment tag in in this case different from a regular comment tag< ! >, used outside of a script to insert explanatory text that is not displayed on the screen.

    The script does not have to be placed in the same HTML document where it may be needed. It can be placed in a separate regular text file, but with a js extension, and the following instructions can be written in an HTML document:

    For example:

    To be specific, it wouldn't hurt to insert the LANGUAGE= "JScript" attribute into the tag.

    Bind scripts to page elements
    The actual script program is located inside the tag. This program can do whatever its author wants. However, it usually contains function descriptions, which should be called when events occur such as a mouse click, a key pressed on the keyboard, a page loading, etc. Such functions are called event handlers. In order for script functions to be called when a particular event occurs, you need to bind the event and its corresponding function to a page element.

    The connection between an event and a function is carried out in the format:


    For example, if we want to associate a mouse click event with a MyfuncQ function we define, we would use a notation like:


    If this function should be called when the page is loaded into the browser, then you should write:


    We looked at the event-function connection. However, the same event can be perceived various elements pages. For example, when a mouse button is clicked, both a button, an image, and a title can respond. To form an event-function-element relationship, you should insert a record of type event="function" into the page element tag, similar to inserting an attribute. For example, if we want the Myfunc() function to be called when we click on text inside a tag, we would write:

    Some text

    The connection between an event and a function can be written in most tags, for example in, , , and etc.

    Another is possible, non-standard way“event-function-element” connections. It consists in the fact that the ID attribute is specified in the page element tag (an identifier that acts as the NAME of this element, intended for access to it from the program). Then the script defines a function whose name is formed according to the rule:


    For example, if we want a function to be executed when the mouse is clicked on text enclosed within a tag, we would write something like this:

    Some text

    function My.onclick()


    Note the relationship between the value of the ID attribute in the page element tag and the name of the function defined inside the script tag: the ID value and the event name are specified in the function name. In JScript, these name components are written with a dot, and in VBScript, with an underscore. The above snippet in VBScript looks like this:

    Some text

    Sub My_onclick()

    The connections between events and functions defined in the script, as well as the binding of these connections to page elements, are discussed in detail below at specific examples. Now let's give it general recommendations on creating event handlers.

    Event Handlers

    Event handlers should be written as functions or procedures. JScript uses only functions, while VBScript mainly uses procedures. A function differs from a procedure only in that it returns a value. It is necessary to distinguish between the description (definition) of a function and its call.

    The function description in JScript looks like this:

    function function_name (parameter_list)
    ... // function code (body)

    The function keyword tells the interpreter (browser) that what follows is a function declaration. List of parameters, if present, is a sequence of identifiers separated by commas. Identifiers are simply symbolic designations for parameters, starting with a letter or underscore. The code (body) of the function is highlighted curly braces. Expressions in the code, if there are several of them, are separated by semicolons. Comments begin with a double slash //. If you need to explicitly indicate what exactly the function should return as a result, use the command

    return return_result

    If the return command is not specified, the value of the last evaluated expression is returned. The following example describes a function for calculating the area of ​​a rectangle:

    function S_rectangle (a,b)
    return S

    To calculate the value of the function, use the call:

    function_name (list_of_parameter_values)

    For example, to calculate the area of ​​a rectangle with sides 5 and 20, write the following expression:

    S = S_rectangle(5,20)

    Here, the value returned by the S_rectangle function is assigned to the variable S. In function calls, you can substitute variables, functions, and expressions for specific values. Here's an example:

    x = 5;
    S = S_rectangle(x,4+16)

    Because a function returns a value, its call can participate in expressions. For example, to calculate the area of ​​a right triangle with legs a and b, you can write the following code:

    a = 5;
    b = 20;
    S_tr = 0.5*S_rectangle(a,b)

    However, we could define a special function that calculates the area of ​​a right triangle based on its legs:

    function S_tr(a,b)
    return 0.5*S rectangle(a,b)


    When developing programs, as a rule, variables are used to store initial data, as well as intermediate and final results of calculations. A variable is created at the point in the program where the expression in which it was assigned a value first appeared. If a variable is created in the body of a function, it will only be accessible within that function. Let's look at an example:

    // Calculate the area of ​​a right triangle using
    // functions for the area of ​​a rectangle
    a = 5;
    b = 20;
    S_tr = 0.5*S_rectangle (a,b) // Area calculation
    // right triangle.
    function S_rectangle (a,b) // Description of the function
    // calculate the area of ​​the rectangle.
    return S

    Here all the variables are available inside the S_rectangle() function, but the S variable is not available outside it. To make the variable S available anywhere in the script, you simply need to create it outside the function. For example, you can write the expression S = 0; in the place in the script where the variables a and b are defined.

    Good sales scripts increase the likelihood of successfully closing a deal by 80%, and as a result... We talk about the algorithm for their construction, give examples of effective scripts and show which IT solution will simplify the process of using them, testing, changing and training managers.

    Any sale is a communication with the client. And this process must be regulated, tested and preferably automated. For excellent sales, you need a conversation pattern - a sequence of questions/offers from the manager and possible options customer response.

    Why do you need sales scripts:

  • To achieve your goal - to sell a product or service.
  • To increase conversation into a deal
  • To gain experience in communicating with clients in your industry
  • To be ready to answer any questions from the client
  • So that sales do not depend on the mood or skills of a particular manager
  • To speed up the training process for new managers
  • To control the work of managers
  • Algorithm for creating a sales script

    Step 1. Preparation

    Purpose of the call. Depending on what you are selling, decide what action or reaction the manager should get from the client. Not all goods and services are sold immediately and over the phone. As a goal, you can achieve a visit to your office to explain the benefits in more detail or introduce the team. You can invite people to tour the properties if you are selling a property. You can invite a client to your webinar or conference. Or for starters, it will be enough for you that he leaves you email and mobile phone number.

    Client portrait. Determine who is yours the target audience: men/women, age, income, field of activity, involvement in social media etc. Next, evaluate whether this is the decision maker in the company or not, whether it is possible to reach the client directly or only through the secretary.

    Research your competitors. Analyze how your competitors talk on the phone or in a store. Use the mystery shopping method to understand how they present the product, what benefits they highlight, how they respond to objections, how they respond to different words or actions. Pay attention to what techniques, tricks, and methods of persuasion they use.

    Product knowledge. It is very important to clearly understand what product you are selling, what problems it solves, what advantages it has, how it differs from competitors, why your offer is unique, what types of product there are, and how much it can be adapted to each client.

    For example, you are selling several real estate properties or apartments/houses with different layouts at once. Your managers must clearly understand which property may be better suited for a particular buyer. Having found out the composition of his family, the age of the children, his desire for infrastructure, proximity to the city center, he should know what best option need to be offered. And organize a viewing of the object that best meets the client’s requirements.

    The freedom of action. Determine how flexible your sales script can be. There are businesses with strong operating standards (banks, insurance companies, telecommunications companies). Their managers usually offer a specific service. The script of their conversation does not allow them to take a step to the right or left.

    But there is another approach. When you need to adapt to your interlocutor’s answers. There you need a “fish” of the sales script so that the manager does not deviate from the goal and does not forget to ask the most important questions. But at the same time, he has freedom in words and product offerings.

    Step 2. Creating a script

    An approach to writing a sales script.

    Who and how can create a script:

    or manager. Based on their experience and knowledge, they figure out what equipment, words, and tricks will help sell your product. They draw up a sales script and pass it on to managers for testing, identifying weak spots and improve it.

    Manager. You can ask the best manager draw up a sales script, and then the head of the sales department will correct weak points and help strengthen important points.

    Current experience. Create a sales script based on the experience gained in your company. Ask the manager to call several dozen clients, record the calls. Then listen to them and write down phrases that helped you move towards your goal. Special attention Pay attention to safe words – those that are best not to be used. And based on successful phrases, construct a script.

    Sales script structure. It should be built according to the classic sales scheme: presentation - clarification of needs - presentation of the product - completion of the transaction.

    What phrases help start a conversation:

    • You left a request on our website at 15.00
    • Now you are on the page with such and such our product. Let me help you figure it out
    • I promised to call you when you open my commercial offer. I see that they have opened, and so I call (read how to make a commercial proposal with a wow effect)
    • I was recommended to call you by Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov
    • You left your contact information at our stand at such and such an exhibition

    What phrases help to clarify needs:

    • What is important to you?
    • What is unacceptable to you?
    • What are your preferences?
    • Choose from the options I listed that would suit you?
    • Who will make the final decision? Do you need to consult someone?
    • What budget are you looking for?
    • If we do this, will you be comfortable?

    What phrases help you move towards completing the deal:

    • What needs to be done to make our deal happen?
    • What conditions would help you make a decision now?
    • What clause of the contract must be excluded for you to sign it?
    • What payment terms would you like to have in order to make a decision now?
    • Let's arrange the next call/meeting?

    Are emotions necessary? Undoubtedly! The person on the phone should feel your attitude towards him. To do this, you can use words of feelings: “We are glad to hear from you”, “This great offer", "I think you like my proposal", "You are absolutely right." In fact, during a conversation, the manager should smile and feel the interlocutor.

    Sales script length. It depends on the purpose of the conversation. If your goal is to sell, then you can communicate until you reach the goal. If your goal is an intermediate step (making an appointment), then do not borrow from potential client more than 5 minutes.

    Step 3. Testing the script

    You have written a sales script, now you need to check and adjust it. First, the conversation script can be tested on the managers themselves, then on small clients. “Grinding” a script is a large and labor-intensive process. It can take up to 1.5 months.

    To avoid missing anything, use wiretapping of managers' calls. We recommend listening to at least one conversation of each manager per day (read how to increase sales by listening to calls). Pay attention to a number of points:

  • Do managers talk by script?
  • Is the conversation moving towards the set goal according to the script?
  • Are all options for the client’s responses/objections taken into account in the script?
  • Did you manage to keep the client's attention?
  • What phrases or words led to the breakdown of negotiations?
  • After that, correct and improve the script. Remember that there is no perfect script. Any new phrase can improve or worsen conversions. Work on the script, and the script will work to increase your sales.

    To increase efficiency, you can use the HyperScript service. He will help:

  • Create and edit your script in a convenient way visual editor rather than printing on paper for each manager
  • Sales scheme

    2. Propagate changes quickly. Your managers will always see the current version of the script

    Current version sales script

    3. Provide employees user-friendly interface working with a script in real time - for each client response, what needs to be said to the manager is automatically displayed.

    Quick script adjustment

    4. Automatically measure and compare script conversions.

    5. Automatically measure and compare operator conversion.


    6. Determine at which step of the script the most conversations are interrupted

    Today we’ll talk about a very useful component operating system Windows is Windows Script Host, to be more specific, about the Jscript language, in which you can write these same WSH scripts.

    We'll start with a little theory, since we haven't touched on Windows Script Host yet.

    What is Windows Script Host?

    Windows Script Host – script execution server ( scripts) in languages ​​such as VBScript and JScript. WSH developed by Microsoft and it is a component of the operating room Windows systems since Windows 98.

    Initially, only bat files were used for administration, but their capabilities are limited ( although also very useful!), so Microsoft offered this option for WSH. The capabilities of WSH scripts are already much greater, because these scripts are already created in full-fledged languages ​​such as VBScript and JScript.

    It is JScript that we will talk about today.

    But we will also say a few words about VBScript.

    VBScript is scripting language programming created by Microsoft for developing scripts in the Windows operating system. In other words, it is one of the languages ​​that Windows Script Host can interpret. And from the name it is clear that VBScript is based on the language Visual Basic, so those who are familiar with Visual Basic will simply write WSH scripts in this programming language.

    JScript is a scripting programming language with which you can create ( write) scripts that will be interpreted Windows component Script Host.

    At first glance, JScript is similar to JavaScript in many ways ( ECMAScript), this is natural, since the syntax, some objects, methods, properties are similar to JavaScript. But this is still not JavaScript, but JScript. JavaScript ( ECMAScript) is focused on browser objects, and JScript is already focused on components of the Windows operating system. But as we said, they are similar, so those who speak the language JavaScript programming will easily switch to JScript.

    Windows Script Host Features

    Now let's talk about why we need to write these WSH scripts, i.e. about their capabilities and advantages:

    • Possibility of interaction with file system (files, directories), system registry, local network resources;
    • Interaction with products such as Microsoft Word, Excel and other programs. Those. for example, we can create excel files or convert other formats to excel files;
    • Interaction with ActiveX technologies, for example: ActiveX Data Object (ADO) - access to databases different formats, Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) - working with services Active directories Directory;
    • The presence of a full-fledged programming language with which you can implement complex algorithms that, for example, cannot be implemented using bat files.

    Scripts in JScript have the same .js extension as in JavaScript, except that these scripts are processed not by the browser, but by the Windows Script Host.

    It's even possible to implement it in JScript GUI via the browser object ( internet explorer ), you will agree that this is already a full-fledged program.

    Writing examples WSH scripts

    Let's move on to practice, since today we have an article on the basics, we will look at simple examples writing scripts in JScript.

    Note! To try the examples below, copy the code of any example into a text file and save it with the .js extension, for example, test.js.

    Displaying a message in JScript

    WSH has special object, on the basis of which we can later create other objects, configure interaction with programs, files and other components of the operating system.

    This object is WScript. An example of its use in Jscript:

    Var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");

    Thus, we have created an object with which we can access Windows components.

    For example, display the message:

    //Display a message WshShell.Popup("My first JScript program"); //Finish working with the object WScript.Quit();

    Working with Excel using JScript

    Now let's create another object like this Excel file:

    // create an object for working with Excel var Excel = WScript.CreateObject("Excel.Application"); // add a workbook to Excel Excel.WorkBooks.Add; //add the desired text to the first cell Excel.Cells(1,1).Value ="My text to insert into Excel"; // делаем активным наш !} Excel document Excel.Visible = true;

    As you understand, we have access to all properties in Excel, in other words, we can change the appearance, set the cell format and much more. As an example, let's experiment with some properties:

    //create an object for working with Excel var Excel = WScript.CreateObject("Excel.Application"); //add the workbook to Excel Excel.WorkBooks.Add; //select the range we need Excel.Range("A1:C1").Select; //merge cells in our range Excel.Selection.MergeCells = true; //add the desired text Excel.Selection.Value ="My text to insert into Excel"; //делаем наш текст жирным Excel.Selection.Font.Bold = true; //изменяем в 4 ячейке формат данных на числовой с двумя знаками после запятой Excel.Cells(1, 4).NumberFormat = "00.00" //вставляем в 4 ячейку нашу цифру Excel.Cells(1, 4).Value = 1234; //выровняем по центру наше значение Excel.Cells(1, 4).HorizontalAlignment = 3; //делаем активным наш Excel документ Excel.Visible = true; !}

    Working with a text file and Excel using JScript

    I think everything is clear with Excel, now let's read some data from text file and write them down in our Excel spreadsheet, to consolidate our knowledge.

    In order to configure interaction with the file system, you need to create a FileSystemObject object that works with files and directories. Here is an example of a small script that reads data from a text file line by line and writes it into an Excel document, and we will number all the lines and set the column width for the data in Excel:

    Example text file:

    First line Second line Third line

    Example script:

    //create the FileSystemObject object var FileSysObj = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); //declare the variables we need var nRow = 1, num=1; var txt = ""; //open the file my.txt in the same folder, parameter 1 to read the file var myText = FileSysObj.OpenTextFile("my.txt", 1); //as before, create an object for working with Excel var Excel = WScript.CreateObject("Excel.Application"); //add the workbook to Excel Excel.WorkBooks.Add; //read the lines from the file in a loop until they run out // and write them to our Excel document while (!myText.AtEndOfStream) ( //read the line txt = myText.ReadLine(); //number our lines in Excel Excel. Cells(nRow, 1).Value = num; //set the width of the second Excel column.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 15; //write data to the Excel cell.Cells(nRow, 2).Value = txt; //increase variables for 1 nRow++; num++; ) //close the file myText.Close(); //make our Excel document active Excel.Visible = true; //exit the script WScript.Quit();

    As always, I commented all the code, so there should be no ambiguities.

    I think this is quite enough for a start, in the future we will analyze more complex tasks, because using Jscript in WSH you can do a lot of things, much more than using simple bat files. See you!

