How long does a washing machine last on average? Washing machine service life: review of models

Today, buying a used washing machine or a new one is not difficult, because... Hundreds of stores and online stores offer thousands of models from a variety of brands. But let's try to find out what is the service life of washing machines according to GOST and on average, and for how long you can not think about repairs.

When choosing a washing machine, we usually focus on personal needs and wishes, for example, if you have a large family, then you need a unit with a large drum. And, of course, any person wants to buy a washing machine that will last for many years without failures or breakdowns.

Service life according to GOST

Of course, there are standards and a strictly defined set of rules and requirements for any household appliances, determined by GOST of our country.

According to GOST 8051-83, the service life of washing machines should be 12 years or 700 hours of operation, which is quite a lot.

However, it is very difficult to make the device work stably over such a long period, and many washing machines do not withstand this period and break down earlier. What affects their service life?

Of course, an important factor is how regularly maintenance of the washing machine is performed, for example, cleaning the filter (by the way, you can do it yourself -). If the owner carries out all preventive procedures with sufficient regularity, this will significantly increase the service life of the washing machine and bring it closer to GOST.

Average lifespan of a washing machine

If you do not carry out preventive maintenance, the service life may be limited to two to three years, i.e. The equipment will fail immediately after the expiration date, which is very unpleasant, because You will have to fix it at your own expense. Also, actual average service life of washing machines may last for several decades, due to many factors.

At the same time, the cost of this household appliance is not always the decisive factor that guarantees a long and repair-free service life. Obviously, models from well-known companies are more expensive and are designed to last longer, but the price is not a guarantee of long and uninterrupted operation, because even a good washing machine can quickly be damaged. On average, service life varies from five to ten years.

What affects service life?

The service life of the washing machine is reduced by:

  • intensity of use;
  • compliance or non-compliance with operating rules;
  • hardness of water;
  • manufacturing defect;
  • lack of regular prevention;
  • poor quality service;
  • non-original spare parts;
  • the quality of the detergents you use.

These and some other less significant factors directly affect.

How to increase the service life?

You can independently influence the fact that your unit will last at least as long as the manufacturer intended and even more. All you need to do is take care of your equipment, do some work in a timely manner, and it will last a long time.

Here are some measures that will help increase the life of your washing machine:

  1. If the water is hard, it is necessary to add special softening agents;
  2. It is necessary to clean the filter at least once a year, because... it gets clogged;
  3. It is recommended to unplug the unit from the outlet after washing;
  4. Ventilate the washing machine tank after each wash, otherwise mold may form;
  5. Do not forget to periodically get rid of scale, and also use special means to remove it, for example;
  6. In case of repair, use only original spare parts;

All this will help increase the service life by several years, and maybe decades. There have been cases when household appliances lasted for 30-40 years when they were well looked after.

Service life for different manufacturers

As an example, let’s look at how much uninterrupted working time washing machine manufacturers build into their equipment:

From this we can conclude that German manufacturers are more confident in their washing machines - the service life of their models is an order of magnitude longer.


When purchasing a washing machine, check the warranty period provided by the seller or manufacturer. It may vary, but the longer the warranty period, the better for you. In the event of an unexpected breakdown, the manufacturer will bear the cost of repairs. Also, oh washing machine service life mentioned in the technical data sheet that accompanies the purchased device. The exact figure is indicated there, although this entry, unfortunately, does not have any legal or economic force.

As for the durability of individual models of washing machines, middle-class or luxury-class equipment from German manufacturers comes first. In terms of price, they are quite expensive, but as practice shows, their service life is impressive. These are Miele and Bosch brands - with them you will forget about repairs and purchasing new equipment for at least 15 years (with regular maintenance and diagnostics). Happy shopping!

When every consumer looks at a washing machine, he wonders about the reliable choice of equipment. Because now there are a lot of different manufacturers. If a person does not understand this, then sometimes it can be difficult to choose a good washing machine. So that it meets the buyer's requirements. After all, you want the washing machine to have a long service life and not break down. Usually all manufacturers promise that it will work without problems, but in reality it happens differently. And some devices work for a long time, while others break down after a short time of use.

Reliable manufacturer

There are a lot of opinions regarding the operation of the machine. Some people think that cars break down prematurely simply because the person himself made mistakes. Of course, we get used to relying on the assessment of technicians in service centers.

Among various manufacturers, the Bosch washing machine is noted.

It is distinguished from many others by its long service life without breakdowns. On average, it will serve the consumer for 16 years. This service life is a great indicator. Because, for example, washing machines from other manufacturers, namely LG, Atlant, do not have a long service life. They work without breakdowns for up to 10 years. Therefore, German quality in this area speaks for itself. Many consumers have already appreciated the truly long, time-tested service life.

The most important thing is that once you spend money on buying a washing machine, you can use it for a long time and not worry about it breaking. Such fears mainly appear when working with equipment from companies such as Candy, Zanyssi, Vestel. After all, they are considered the most short-lived in use. Many consumers who have purchased cars from these companies often contact service centers with a request to repair them. On average, washing machines from these companies will last up to 5 years. Which is very little compared to other manufacturers. And there is no desire to invest in such a purchase. Because I don’t want to have to fix it in a year. Thus, it becomes clear which washing machine is the most reliable and best.

Factors affecting service life

The period during which you can use the washing machine depends on many factors.

First of all, this is water quality. If it is very hard, then plaque may form inside the machine. It is very important that various small objects do not fall into the drum. Since these factors will shorten the life of the device. Grounding must be done to prevent voltage surges. After all, they can happen during washing, and the program will go wrong. Washing machines from not very reliable manufacturers will break down due to such voltage surges.

Using the washing machine

To use it, for the entire service life of the washing machine you must:

  • At the end of washing, unplug it from the outlet.
  • Do not violate the operating rules.
  • Wipe it regularly, inside and out.

Warranty period

This period may vary slightly among different manufacturers. But for example, a warranty period of 1 year is provided by the company that produces the Bosch washing machine. This is the duration of service established by law.

There are also models that come with a 3-year warranty.

When you purchase a washing machine, you are given a document that confirms that you can repair a breakdown of the washing machine free of charge during the warranty period if necessary. You can extend the warranty period of your washing machine for a small fee, thereby increasing it to 5 years. The warranty extension occurs in accordance with the tariffs set by this company.

Types of breakdowns

A washing machine is a device that is technically complex. Breakdowns can appear in different places. For example, it may:

  • the tank is damaged;
  • the heating mechanism has deteriorated;
  • burst hose;

Therefore, it is important to know what types of breakdowns are covered under warranty.

These include breakdowns resulting from:

  • factory defects;
  • inaccurate storage;

That is, there must be breakdowns that were not caused by the consumer. Only if such signs are present will the warranty on the washing machine be valid.

How not to lose your warranty

It is important to understand that the warranty only applies to those breakdowns that are covered by this document. At service centers, the technicians first check for themselves whether repairs can really be done for free. If a consumer seeks a solution to a problem when the warranty or service life of the washing machine has expired, he will be denied repairs.

If violations are identified by the craftsmen, then on this basis the consumer is deprived of the right to free repairs. In the future, you can repair the washing machine, but only on a paid basis. And at the prices set by the service center. Therefore, it is better not to try to mislead workers by expecting to repair a washing machine that has broken down due to improper care of the owner himself. After all, experts will immediately understand this.

In this regard, it is necessary to know the cases of warranty cancellation:

  • if the installation of the washing machine was carried out by an employee who does not have a certificate;
  • if the unit breaks down when using an extension cord;
  • if a small object gets into the drum;
  • if the machine has already been sent in for repair;

The latter case is sometimes regarded ambiguously. Because there are situations when a store sells equipment that has been repaired.

After this, the consumer bought a washing machine with a non-existent warranty. It is difficult to prove that it was repaired before purchase. For this it is necessary to conduct an examination. Also, in order not to lose the warranty, you do not need to open the washing machine case for any reason.

Now you know how long the washing machine lasts. Having examined the main points regarding the purchase of a washing machine and its maintenance, you can make a purchase. It is better to know the terms of warranty service before going to the store. So that the technicians do not refuse to repair the washing machine due to the fact that the breakdown is not covered by the warranty.

Today our apartments are filled with a lot of all kinds of equipment. Washing machines, microwave ovens, mixers and other electrical equipment have become an integral part of the life of a modern person. When purchasing necessary household appliances, each of us is interested in the functionality, reliability and service life of the selected device. I wonder how long do modern models of automatic washing machines last?

About the duration of operation

There is an opinion that the duration of use of washing machines directly depends on the manufacturer. And indeed it is. Service center experts claim that not all manufacturers conscientiously equip devices with high-quality parts. Not only the functionality and reliability of the units, but also their service life depends on this. Therefore, when choosing, it is important to take into account the manufacturer’s brand and customer reviews, which can be found in large quantities on the Internet.

Reliability rating

Craftsmen working in various service centers have compiled a small rating of washing machines by brands that offer devices with the longest and shortest service life.

Miele automatic washing machines took first place. The German brand offers reliable units, the quality of which has been tested by thousands of users over decades. Miele automatic machines last from 20 to 30 years. Of course, let's not forget that high quality and a long period of operation costs a lot of money. Miele brand washing devices are among the most expensive in the world.

In second place in the rating in terms of reliability and service life are machines of Austrian and Swedish production - Electrolux, AEG, Asko. These devices last at least 15-20 years. Considering the low cost of these models compared to Miele units, they may well be worthy competition.

The service life of the Indesit washing machine, as well as Ardo, Ariston, Samsung and LG is 8 years, which puts them in fourth place in the ranking. These same units, but made in Turkey, last no more than 6 years.

The most short-lived ones are Zanussi, Kandy and Vestel washing machines. They end up in service centers within the first couple of years of use.

What affects the service life?

The average service life of an automatic washing machine should be at least 10 years. However, if the quality of the spare parts and assembly used leaves much to be desired, the operating time will decrease sharply. For example, Miele automatic washing machines are assembled manually using only high-quality parts. This explains the high cost and long service life.

Each part of the washing device has its own specific service life. For example, LG electric motors are the most reliable. The company provides a 10-year warranty on each electric motor. But the design of the washing unit involves a lot of other parts that can fail much earlier than the 10 warranty years for the engine expire.

Compliance with the rules for using household appliances by the user is also more important. If before loading into the drum:

  • small items cannot be removed from pockets,
  • hard water is used
  • there is no protection against power surges, all this leads to rapid breakdown of the unit.

We extend the period of operation

No matter how good and high-quality the Zanussi, Indesit, Ariston, Electrolux washing machine is, the final service life depends entirely on the user. Even if the manufacturer indicates a 10-year service life in the instructions, you can extend this period slightly using the following tips:

  • Immediately after finishing washing, unplug the unit from the outlet.
  • Follow the recommendations for use specified in the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Clean the device periodically and run a thorough drum washing mode.

To extend the average life of the washing machine, it is necessary to clean its parts from dirt after each use. It is necessary to drain the remaining water through the drain filter, clean the detergent tray from any remaining powder and wipe the container dry. Don’t forget to wipe the rubber cuff from any remaining water. If water stagnates in it, this will lead to an unpleasant smell of rot. 1-2 times a month you need to clean the washing machine from scale.

Summing up

The average period of operation of modern washing machines is 10-15 years. With proper care, this period can be extended to 20 years. But initially, the brand of the manufacturer and the place where the units are assembled are of great importance. Users have noted that Swedish, Italian, Polish, French and German devices last much longer than Chinese units.

When purchasing a washing machine, any consumer is interested in the reliability of the equipment, or rather the service life during which the machine will work without any breakdowns. Of course, any of us would like the purchased machine to work as long as possible, but nothing lasts forever. However, if we carefully study the household appliances market, consumer reviews, and service center statistics, we will see that some machines last longer, others less.

Service life depending on manufacturer

Everyone has a different opinion on whether service life depends on the manufacturer; it’s not for nothing that they say that there are so many people, so many opinions. Some believe that the manufacturer does not affect its reliability and think that LG, Bosch, Atlant machines work the same on average for about 7-10 years. Others, on the contrary, establish a direct dependence of the service life on the manufacturer.

We tend to adhere to the opinion of the craftsmen working in service centers, because they are the ones who can tell which machines, from which manufacturer, fall into their hands most often, and how long they have worked before. According to their reviews, you can make a small rating of washing machines based on service life.

The service life of a washing machine is determined by the number of hours it can operate. According to GOST, the average service life should be 700 hours. Compare with Miele, whose manufacturer claims 10,000 hours of automatic machine operation.

Factors affecting service life

The uninterrupted operation life of a washing machine depends on many factors. Even an expensive car can unexpectedly break down, which will subsequently result in costly repairs. The service life of an automatic machine depends on the quality of components and the quality of assembly of the unit. Thus, Miele washing machines use only original parts assembled by hand, hence the high price of the products. But even Miele can break, and then repairs will be very expensive, because the broken part will have to be ordered from the manufacturer.

All parts of a washing machine have a different service life, so it is difficult to say exactly how long the machine will work. Electric motors are considered the most reliable in this type of technology. The manufacturers themselves provide a guarantee for them, as for example LG gives a 10-year guarantee for its engines. But such machine parts as heating elements, shock absorbers, and pumps generate their power faster. Therefore, during the development of the engine, any other part may fail.

The service life is calculated by testing washing machine models and conducting a series of experiments, and the average value is then indicated in the technical data sheet.

Operating conditions have a great influence on the service life. Very hard water leads to a reduction in the life of the heating element; small foreign objects entering the drum can damage the drain pump, pipes and the drum itself. In addition, without surge protection and grounding, the machine is much more susceptible to breakdowns. Some models of washing machines, for example Kandy machines, are very sensitive to this and can break if the voltage drops to 230 V.

The question arises, why then did old washing machines last longer than modern machines of the same brand? The answer lies in moving production from the brand's country of origin to other countries where it is cheaper to organize production for a number of reasons. For example, washing machines are assembled under the Bosch, Candy, Samsung, and LG brands in Russia, China, and Poland.

The quality of components and assembly of such machines leaves much to be desired. Not everyone uses original spare parts, as a result of which the cost of products is significantly reduced. When purchasing a Bosch machine for 25 thousand rubles, you can forget about German quality. But nevertheless, most consumers are ready to purchase just such washing machines, because they are attracted by the price. As for the manufacturer, it is also beneficial for him to make his products less reliable so that they buy and update equipment more often.

Let's take an example: the Electrolux company, which opened production in St. Petersburg in 2005, produced high-quality washing machines. However, in 2008, the plant had to be closed with a loss of 8 million euros due to the lack of competitiveness of the product. The cost of the cars was 1.5-2 times higher than the average cost of cars of the Indesit, Zanussi and other brands. Russian consumers simply did not want to purchase expensive equipment, despite its quality.

No matter how expensive or cheap a washing machine is, its service life can be extended or, conversely, shortened. And if your machine is of an inexpensive class with a service life of 5-8 years, then it can be extended for another 2-3 years. Here are the basic tips to help you do this:

  1. Unplug the machine after washing.
  2. Observe .
  3. Wash and clean the machine regularly.

Important! The consumer will not be able to influence how long the machine will last if it has a manufacturing defect, as well as in the event of force majeure due to a sudden and strong surge in voltage during washing.

You need to take care of your “home assistant” after each wash; you must drain the remaining water through the drain filter, rinse, and then wipe the powder tray dry. Be sure to wipe the cuff as well, since water stagnates in it, emitting an unpleasant odor. You can do it once every 2-3 months, and if you use hot water washing very often, then once a month.

So, what conclusion can be drawn from the above? And the conclusion is very simple: the service life of an automatic machine depends mainly on the quality of spare parts and assembly. It can range from 3 to 20 years. In practice, the average service life of such machines is from 7 to 10 years. Good luck with your choice and reliable equipment!

Buying a washing machine is an expensive proposition. Everyone wants their new equipment to last as long as possible. That is why it is important to pay attention to such an important indicator as the service life of the washing machine. Repair experts and washing machine users themselves say: some units last 5–7 years, others more than 10. In the article we’ll talk about the service life of machines from different manufacturers and how to extend the life of a home helper.

Standards according to GOST

SMA is a household appliance that must comply with certain rules and standards in force in the country.

In accordance with the standards (GOST 8051-83), the average service life of the SMA should not be less than fifteen years or seven hundred hours of operation. That's quite a lot! But this is according to Soviet-era documentation.

Not all washing machine manufacturers offer such durable equipment for sale. Most units do not meet the deadlines established by GOST and break down prematurely. There are a lot of reasons for this. Let's take a closer look at the main ones.

The manufacturer matters

Each person has his own opinion on this matter. Some consumers are confident that any automatic washing machine lasts 7–10 years. The brand and manufacturer do not matter. Others directly link the shelf life and operating time of the device to the brand.

  • Miele. The most reliable units made in Germany. They can boast of reliability and durability. A long warranty period is their main trump card. With proper and careful use they last more than 20 years. The operating time declared by the manufacturer is 10 thousand hours. They break extremely rarely. The main disadvantage is the high price. Miele washing machines are premium products.
  • "Asko", "Electrolux", AEG. Very reliable devices made in Austria or Switzerland. The average period of trouble-free operation is 12–20 years. They cost an order of magnitude cheaper than the Miele ones described above.
  • "Bosch", Siemens, Hansa. Third place in the ranking. Devices from France and Germany with average performance from 10 to 15 years. Complies with European quality standards.
  • LG, Ariston, Samsung, Ardo, Indesit. Units assembled in Korea and Italy, designed to operate for 8–10 years.
  • "Beko", LG, "Samsung" made in China. They operate for no more than 5–6 years without breakdowns or problems.
  • “Zanussi”, “Kandy”, “Vestel” are the most short-lived devices. Place of assembly - Russia. Up to 50% of users turn to washing machine repair services within the first 3 years after purchase. Sometimes, when assembling Russian-made SMAs, branded parts are used. In this case, the operating time of the machines is longer - up to 5 years.

Other significant factors

How many years an automatic machine lasts depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on other factors. Even the most expensive branded SMAs sometimes unexpectedly fail and break down.

The period of uninterrupted operation of the unit depends on:

  • Build quality, main units, parts and components. Well-known manufacturers value their reputation and pay due attention to quality, using only original parts.

Electric motors operate the longest in modern automatic machines. Pumps, shock absorbers, heating elements fail much faster.

Some unscrupulous manufacturers deliberately assemble cars from non-original, low-quality parts. The cost of such SMAs is reduced. This attracts buyers. However, poor quality causes breakdowns. As a result, the consumer is forced to frequently replace broken equipment with new ones. The manufacturer is happy with constantly growing sales and sees no reason to improve quality.

Good example. On sale you can find washing machines of the Bosch or Siemens brand, assembled in Russia or China. They are inexpensive. However, when buying equipment at a very attractive price, you should not count on the notorious German quality. In times of crisis, more and more buyers are paying attention to the price rather than the quality of the equipment itself.

  • Operating conditions. The more often the device is used, the faster it will exhaust its resource. Hard water has a negative effect on service life. Do you save on special softeners? Be prepared for an early breakdown of the heating element. Foreign objects accidentally left in pockets can also damage the device. The lack of grounding and a protective relay against voltage surges in the network is fraught with burnout of many parts and expensive repairs.

Sometimes machines can handle high voltage without problems. Some models are susceptible to voltage surges and break down already at 230 V.

  • Regularity of prevention. Periodic preventative maintenance (replacing filters, cleaning heating elements from scale, etc.) extends the trouble-free operation of equipment. If you carry them out from time to time, the machine is unlikely to work for the period stated by the manufacturer.

To make your washing machine last longer

A washing machine from any manufacturer or brand can have its service life extended by a couple of years. To do this, follow these recommendations:

  • Do not forget to unplug the device from the outlet after each wash. This way you will protect your equipment from power surges and breakdowns.
  • Wash the machine after each cycle and wipe dry. Leave the laundry hatch and powder container open to dry. The fungus does not settle on dry, clean surfaces.
  • Strictly follow the manufacturer's basic operating recommendations.
  • Always drain remaining water through the drain hose to avoid stagnation and unpleasant odors.
  • Carry out a preventative wash a couple of times a month with citric acid. Do you often wash at high temperatures? Prevention will be required no more often than once every 2 months.
  • If your tap water is very hard, don't forget to add a softener.
  • Clean or change the main filters at least once a year.
  • When making repairs, use only original spare parts.

Household appliance repair technicians know cases where, with careful care, washing machines served their owners for 20 or even 30 years.