How much do they pay for likes on YouTube? Paid increase in likes on YouTube videos

Youtube likes, especially if there are a lot of them - that's great. The more likes, the more:

- Opportunities to get even more likes.

Youtube likes are an assessment of the quality, usefulness and informativeness of a video. True, now we will talk not only about what YouTube likes are. I’ll also tell you:

— what do likes give on YouTube (what is the benefit of likes);

— what does YouTube dislike affect (how to reduce their number, who puts dislikes);

— how much does a like cost on YouTube?

What do likes do on YouTube?

The benefits of YouTube likes are difficult to overestimate. These words are supported by examples from life:

Example No. 1

A person watches a video, likes it, and gives it a like. Thanks to the thumbs up, the video will be added to the list of liked videos. Then, guests of the channel that liked you can watch your video. In this way, the next process can start - promoting the video with likes.

Example No. 2

Already in the first days, the video received numerous views and began to gain views. This is very good and immediately brings to mind the 24-48 hour rule, which was mentioned in the article:. According to observations, it is optimal if the video gets its first tens, hundreds, thousands of views and likes as early as possible.

Example No. 3

You have good video, but it has no views, and therefore no likes. A day, two, a week will pass and the video may begin to gain views, but it will be much more difficult for it to compete with thematic videos that have a lot of likes and views.

What do likes give on YouTube? Conclusion

In general, we can say that liking on YouTube is one of the tools on which video promotion depends.

Dislike Youtube

Always be prepared for the fact that armchair critics, competitors, radish people and people who are being crushed by a toad will come to evaluate the video on Youtube that you have added. This contingent will most likely slap you dislikeyoutube.

In addition, the video may receive a well-deserved dislike. I have one video that really turned out bad and there are about 20 dislikes and 11 likes.

How to deal with dislikes on Youtube

If the number of dislikes is off the charts, you can hide the number of dislikes and likes on the video. This is done very easily: opposite the desired video, click edit, select: information and settings, switch from basic information to advanced settings and uncheck the box next to the inscription: allow users to view the rating of this video.

On my channel I often noticed that competitors can put 2-3 dislikes a day (sometimes more) on my most visited videos (sometimes more) despite the fact that the video itself is of high quality (by at least, it seems so to me). Don't believe me? You can watch my video on YouTube: download music from VKontakte in 59 seconds (opens in a new window).

Fighting dislikes. Conclusion

To combat dislikes on Youtube, you need to either turn off statistics or get more likes by writing high quality video. If you have 300 likes and 25 dislikes, then you don’t have to be afraid. Such a like-dislike ratio will not have a strong impact on the promotion of the video.

I know from myself that receiving a YouTube dislike is unpleasant, but you should treat it normally. Everyone can't like your video. Let's not forget about radishes and those who are crushed by a toad. And a big hello to dishonest competitors.

How much does a like cost on youtube?

The price range is quite wide. Since I’m a freelancer, I know very well how much they’re willing to pay to like on or.

Actually youtube likes on the stock exchange articles can cost 0.04-0.1 USD. In addition, a person can write a comment on the video and subscribe to your channel.

Prices on axle boxes are much lower. For 0.35-0.6 rubles. They will like two or three videos and subscribe to the channel.

How do you understand like youtube, like the dislike, can be purchased and ordered. True, this is not recommended. Good luck with your promotion and 1000 uninflated likes.

I hope to get your like with a repost to this article. Can I count on you?

The article talks about making money on YouTube.


One of the most popular Internet sites and the most popular video hosting today is “ YouTube" Everyone knows that on " YouTube» You can watch videos for every taste, and also upload your own videos. But probably not everyone has heard that on this popular resource you can also earn money.

In today's review, we will look at how users can make money on " YouTube”, and also find out whether this company pays for the number of views, the number of subscribers and the likes left.

Monetization on YouTube

It’s worth noting right away that when you post a video on “ YouTube", the system will charge you cash not for the number of views, not for likes, and not even for the number of your subscribers. In the latter case, the company can only give souvenirs in the form of buttons, but not pay money.

Payment is made for advertising that is located inside the video (this could just be an advertising video at the beginning or end of the video). If the user clicks on this advertisement (actually a link), then money will be awarded to the owner of the video for this.

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

So, how can likes, views and subscribers help here? Of course, the more subscribers you have, the more people will watch your videos. The more users view your video, the more likely it is that you will get more likes. The more likes, the higher the rating of the video, and your video will be reposted (included in the recommended videos of those users who put these likes).

And in the end, the higher the rating, the more views, which means more guarantees that people will click on the advertisement in your video. This is, in fact, not a complicated mechanism. The main thing is to attract more users to view advertising, which is, in principle, what is done on all Internet resources. This is called monetization on " YouTube».

How much can you earn on YouTube?

Earnings on " YouTube“can be different, the main thing is what you do for it and how you strive for it. To start earning money, your channel must first meet the following requirements:

  • The channel must be at least one month old
  • The channel must have at least ten videos uploaded
  • The channel should be interesting to other users
  • The channel must contain its own unique video content that does not violate the copyrights of other users.

If all these conditions are met, you will need to send an application to this address (login, register, etc.).

If your video is viewed up to 30 times a day, then do not rush to insert advertising into it. This will only irritate the audience. The audience does not like advertising, even if it is embedded in the most popular video. If an unpopular video contains a lot of advertising, people will simply stop watching it.

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

Now let’s calculate approximately how much you can earn from “ YouTube" Let's say your video is watched by 1,000 people a day or more. When you enable monetization, for example, out of these 1,000 people, about 10 users will click on the advertisement in the video. Each click on an ad costs 10 cents. That is, we get 1 dollar. He'll take half of it" YouTube", and you will receive 50 cents. And this means:

  • For 1,000 views you get 50 cents
  • For 10,000 – 5 dollars
  • For 100,000 – 50 dollars
  • For 1,000,000 – 500 dollars and so on

These are just rough numbers. For each click on an advertisement, you can pay differently from 1 cent to 1 dollar, depending on who and how you agree among your partners who pay for advertising.

How much do other users actually earn on YouTube?

Theoretical figures are, of course, very relative indicators. We are interested in how much people earn from monetization on “ YouTube»?

For example, the most popular on “ YouTube" channel " PewDiePie"earned about four million dollars in one year. The channel itself specializes in video games, so if you want to know what interests users most, here is one example. Of course, you are unlikely to earn as much, but you should strive for it. Here is the channel report:

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

And here is another channel on “ YouTube" Here the channel user receives more than one and a half dollars for every 1,000 views. And it has up to six million views:

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

What kind of advertising should you make money on YouTube?

If you decide to make money on " YouTube", then you can do it on this advertisement:

  • Ads next to your videos. In most cases, users make money from such advertising. Above we have already provided a link where you can start earning money this way. You will be able to choose from two options: contextual advertising or a commercial at the beginning of your video. For your first ad, you will receive from 1 cent to 1 dollar per click on the ad. For the second ad, you will only be paid if your users watch the entire ad.
  • Advertising under your video (in the description). Everything is quite simple here. In the description of your video, you should leave text with a link that your subscribers will have to follow. They will pay you money for this advertising. You can advertise different things: websites, products, services, and so on.

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

  • Advertising in video recordings. As we already said, you can insert advertisements inside your video. If viewers click on these ads, then you can make money from it. But in in this case your channel must be very popular so that viewers are not annoyed by your advertising and their number does not decrease.

Monetization YouTube how much do they pay, how much do YouTubers earn How much does YouTube pay for subscribers, video views and likes

Video: HOW MUCH DO YOUTUBERS EARN - how much does YouTube pay bloggers for views and how much do they earn?

Today we will tell you what likes do on YouTube, why they ask you to like a video, and why you need likes on YouTube in general.

Likes on YouTube are an assessment of a video in terms of quality and the informational load they carry. With their help you can find out
number of people who watched the video, trust in the channel and video

What do likes do on YouTube?

When an audience watches a certain video on YouTube, they have a choice in front of them. If you like it, people give it a thumbs up. This way, it gets to those you like. When people visit the channel of the person who liked it, they will thereby view it again. Thus, the channel and video are promoted as the number of likes increases. This way the video becomes more famous and everyone knows about it more people.

In order for a person to want to like a post, he needs to be reminded of this:

1. There should be tips for subscribers on how to like
2. And this is quite important Feedback. That is, at the end of the video you need to do Like button, which will be a signal that in order to view similar content in the future you need to mark me as liking.

Why do you need likes on YouTube?

By liking, people express their attitude towards a particular video. The more impressions and likes, the more successful the channel becomes. Its owner can earn money in this way. Moreover, information must be posted regularly, and it must have a lot of likes. This makes it possible to gather a permanent audience around the channel.

Bloggers receive a certain monetary reward. The more likes and views, the more successful their work. That is, the owner has a good income.

Why do they ask to like on YouTube?

As the number of likes increases, the rating of the video increases. Thus, the video rises higher in the ranking. A person is looking for something he likes, and he gets a video with the largest number likes. By watching it, the number of viewers increases and the channel's income increases.

Any user can give a like on YouTube.

For example, a person puts a like, and his friends will see this mark in their news feed. They can also go in and watch this video. As a result of this, the channel’s audience expands even more.
The channel will receive even more subscribers.

As a result, large reviews and views raise the video in the ranking. The number of users who watch the video is growing, thereby increasing its popularity. If a person writes a comment, this will make it even more successful for other visitors.

Today, once again, I would like to touch on the topic of making money on YouTube. I am sure that many readers of my blog are familiar with the YouTube video hosting service, and have probably heard that you can earn real money on it. That's why I want to help figure out how to make money on YouTube without even having own videos there.

If previously everything was based on making money on YouTube by placing ads in your videos, now you can do without it, you just need to have an account on YouTube.

I am sure that you are already eager to find out how to make money on YouTube? Therefore, read on and you can easily understand this issue.

YouTube earnings on views, likes, subscriptions

I advise all those who are new to YouTube to start making money there with the help of services that will pay money for watching videos, as well as adding likes or dislikes to these videos. You will also be paid for actions such as comments and channel subscriptions.

Most often, such work is paid from 0.2 to 1 rub. for an action, and I want to say this is quite decent payment, for not particularly difficult work.

Why exactly do you need to start making money from services? you'll probably ask. And all because after working for them, you will learn all the intricacies of working and promoting on YouTube, and this information can help you build a more profitable one.

Those. you will understand that you can recruit subscribers to your channel yourself and promote your videos. And by placing Google ads in your videos, you will receive stable and high profits. The main thing you need is to achieve a high number of views for your video, and this is exactly what you will learn to do on the services I listed below.

Services for making money on YouTube

To work on services for making money on YouTube, as I already said, at the beginning of this article you will only need a YouTube account, nothing else is required, including any special skills. There shouldn’t be any difficulties in your work either, the main thing is to be able to use a computer, and the rest will be very easy to figure out.

All upcoming work will be as follows:

  1. Watching videos;
  2. Putting likes and dislikes;
  3. Channel subscriptions;
  4. Comments on the video.

Below I will list services that work with YouTube: