Download anonymous proxy servers. Which proxy server software is best for you?

In order to use a proxy server in the browser, there is no need for special software. It is enough to specify the address and port in the settings and check the proxy for validity online. It’s another matter when a proxy is needed for software that does not support it, or when several proxies are used at the same time and you need to quickly switch between them.

In this case, you will need a program that will redirect traffic to the desired IP. This will solve the problem of the lack of built-in proxy support, for example, in instant messengers, and eliminate the need to configure each browser manually. There are dozens of popular proxy programs. There are hundreds of other, less well-known ones. There is no need to describe them all, since the principle of operation is the same, and the configuration methods and interface are not fundamentally different.

Let's look at a few of the most popular ones. The top reviews usually include Proxifier and ProxyCap. They are quite similar and have free trial period. Before considering each of them separately, it is worthwhile to dwell on some general principles.

To work you will need....

Naturally, a proxy. You can use free ones if the need for them arises infrequently and you want to simple tasks(for example, surfing or watching videos). If a proxy is needed for more important tasks(for parsing, online games, etc.) and at the same time it is important that high-quality protection is provided social accounts. networks (so that they are not blocked or data is stolen credit cards) It is recommended to purchase private proxies.

For correct settings you need an IP address and port. If the proxy is private, you will also need a login and password. To check a proxy you do not need separate program on performance, since some popular programs already have this feature.


Proxifier is free for a month and can be easily downloaded from the official website. It allows almost any network software that does not support the function of working through a proxy server to bypass this limitation. With this program you can easily interact with browsers, FTP, ICQ, IRC, Kazaa, Telnet, SSH, Webmoney, Skype, watch popular videos, listen to your favorite music, etc. There are versions for Windows and Mac OS. It is better to choose Portable Edition, since it does not need to be installed (you can download installation file and get to work). Proxy Checker does not need to be installed separately to check proxies.

Disadvantages of the program:

  • IPv6, although it works, is not checked; in addition, such proxies may not work entirely correctly with the SOCKS5 port.

Setting up the program is extremely simple, both on Windows and Mac OS.

Step-by-step instruction

  • At the beginning we look for the extreme left button“Proxy server” menu or the same item in the “Profile” tab. If we are setting up a proxy on a Mac, select “Proxies”.

  • In the window that opens we see the “Add” button.

  1. Then everything is intuitive. In the appropriate fields we enter the address and port, indicate the protocol, login and password.

  1. At the bottom there is a “Check” button, through which you can check the proxy for validity.
  2. Proxifier also allows you to create chains of multiple proxies. Of course, to do this you will have to buy them in sufficient quantities and add them in the manner described above. After that, click the “Proxy Chains” button there and then “Create”. By dragging a proxy from the top window to the bottom window with the mouse, we create a chain.

  1. In the “Profile” - “Proxification Rules” section, select the proxy or chain that we will use. Speaking of rules, you can immediately customize the program “for yourself” and create your own.

The default is (Default), which cannot be changed (however, the Action that is assigned to it can be), since Proxifier uses it if the connection does not match other rules. That is, if no other rules are created in the program, then all connections will be processed through a standard proxy.

In addition, initially each profile has a preset “Localhost” rule. When active, Proxifier does not tunnel local connection(loopbacks) on PC.

Important: Firefox and others similar programs may depend on loopback connections.

It can be changed or completely removed permanently, but we strongly recommend that you do not disable it until you are one hundred percent sure that it is necessary to tunnel the connection to through a proxy server. Very interesting feature- the program “scans” each rule from top to bottom, so pay attention to the order in which they are placed Special attention(you can change the priority using the arrows on the right side of the window).

You can enable/disable a rule using checkboxes (flags), in addition, you can change the action for each of them. Add a new condition = click on (Add...), (Clone), (Edit...), or delete (Remove) an existing rule. To change a rule, you can also double-click on the corresponding button with the mouse. Hotkey to delete - Del.

When you make changes or add a new condition, you will see a window with:

  • Name/Name (any character combination can be specified.
  • Enabled/Enabled (turn on/off the rule).
  • Applications (list of names executable files(programs) whose connections should be processed by this rule. We list the names of applications via ;).
  • Browse/Browse (find the file and add its name to the list).
  • Target hosts (here we indicate host names (DNS names), addresses in IPv4 or IPv6 format).

And now directly from theory to practice. Let's try to configure the WOW game through Proxifier with a minimal set of settings.

  1. Go to Options - Proxy Settings - “Add...”

  1. Specify the address and port.
  2. In “Protocol”, select the appropriate one (we will install SOCKS5). If you have a login and password for authorization, check the box next to the “Use authentication” line and enter the data.

  1. Be sure to check the proxy’s functionality in the “Proxy Settings” tab. If the message “Testing failed” appears, you need to change the proxy type.

When purchasing a proxy from us, you will not only receive all the necessary data to fill out all the fields, but you will also be able to configure the proxy according to the prompts of our operator.

  1. If the check is successful, close the window and go to the most important thing, where we select Options - Proxification Rules.
  2. Specify “Process Only the following + manually proxified” and click “Add...”.

  1. Give the new rule a name, for example, WoW, and click on “Add” in “Applications”.

  1. Find the wow.exe file in the main folder and select it.
  2. Confirm everything and enjoy the game!


We also download this program on the official website. The advantage of the software is the built-in Proxy Checker, that is, you do not need to download or install anything additional, and also the fact that you can run any applications through a proxy, even if they do not provide this function.

HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 proxies with authorization are suitable for working with the program. The program is free for 30 days. Afterwards you also need to buy it. Another plus is that you can choose for each program whether to run it through a proxy and under what conditions.

ProxyCap is configured in the same way as in Proxifier:

  1. In the right corner of the program window, click the “New proxy server” icon.

  1. We enter the data - IP (here this field is called “Hostname”), port, as well as authorization information, if any.

  1. Click “OK” to save the settings.

To check if the proxy is working, look for the “Check” button in the right corner. We write any URL and run the test. If everything worked out, go to the “Rules” tab and create a rule for data redirection. If you need all programs to work through a proxy, select “Redirect throught proxy” and check the “Resolve names remotely” box. We also check the boxes “TCP” and “UDP”. By default, traffic will be redirected through a proxy, but if necessary, you can manually select the programs you need.

Proxy Switcher

Another proxy program that is similar to ProxyCap. It is available for free - stripped down Lite, and for a fee with full set functions. A special feature of the program is that you can change the proxy server settings directly “on the fly” and automatic mode download a huge list of proxies, and also check them for validity and anonymity. Browse the Internet calmly without worrying about the safety of your data and switch between busy servers within a specified period of time.

  • To configure the software, click the red button with the “+” sign on the panel and enter your proxy information.

  • Save the changes and press the green button to check.

  • If the test is passed, then everything is OK with the proxy.

  • To use it, right-click on it and select “Switch to this Server”.

This way you can easily switch between servers.

Programs for working with proxies on Linux

Popular programs, including those listed above, work with the operating system Windows system. What should Linux OS users do? In fact, there are many proxy programs for Linux. One problem - they don't have GUI and configured using the console. For example, an analogue of the Proxifier program - configured exclusively from command line, which requires certain skills.

Browser extensions

It would seem why they are needed, because most browsers allow you to configure a proxy using standard features. However, not everything is so simple with Google settings Chrome. And the available customization options in other browsers provide a minimum of options. What if there is a need to access some resources through a proxy, and others directly? Or use multiple proxies? In this case, you can use browser extensions that allow you to expand your proxy settings.

The most famous are FoxyProxy, Frigate, Proxy For Chrome. Their installation does not require complex manipulations. To install, for example, FoxyProxy for Firefox, just go to the plugin page and click “Add to FireFox”. After installation is complete, restart FireFox and add your proxy servers if necessary. It will help you understand how to do this.

And in other well-known browsers they are configured according to the same principle.

Recently, very often Internet users have begun to think about the anonymity of their own traffic on the Internet. Either social network or simply software that runs on your PC. For stable operation You will most likely need a proxy server on your computer specialized programs to configure the proxy.


  • Official website:
  • Current version: 2.18 for Mac / 5.29 for Windows
  • There is a paid and free version of the program

ProxyCap- a proxy program with which you can redirect Internet traffic through a proxy or a chain of proxy servers.

This proxy program supports working with protocols such as HTTPS, SOCKS 4/5. One of the important advantages of ProxyCap is a checker for checking the functionality of a proxy directly in the program. Also this application has the ability to start at system startup and is located in the tray throughout the entire operation.

Proxy Switcher

  • Official website:
  • Current version: 5.21*
  • Cost: free / Proxy Switcher Standard $29.95

Proxy Switcher- this is one of the best programs for working with proxy servers. This software will be able to check your proxies for validity and will select only those that are valid for work.

Proxy Switcher has several functions for working with proxies:

1)Manually add a proxy server

2) Specify in the program the interval after which you will need to enable another proxy server.

For what purposes might you find it useful? Proxy program Switcher?

First of all, it will be needed to bypass access restrictions to various blocked resources. For example, on file hosting services where it is not possible to download multiple files from one IP address.


  • Official website:
  • Current version: 3.5.2*
  • Cost: free / Trial $49.95

FastProxySwitch- this is a proxy program, which, like ProxyCap, has the ability to launch at system startup and is located in the tray during operation, and also allows the user to very quickly switch between their own proxy servers, or quickly change proxy server settings directly in the tray.

FastProxySwitch is first and foremost intelligent program for proxy. If you decide to change the proxy server settings in the program, the changes will be automatically applied to your system settings.
The program can automate several functions, such as launching and cleaning applications before and after changing proxy server settings, deleting temporary files and cookies.


  • Official website:
  • Current version: For Mac v2.18/ For Windows 3.31*
  • Cost: free / Proxifier Standard Edition v3 $39.95

The best program for working with proxies according to our service. Its functionality allows programs that do not have the ability to work with proxy servers to bypass this limitation. Thanks to Proxifier, you can use a proxy in absolutely any program, for example in browsers, ftp and any other clients.

The Proxifier program will undoubtedly help you ensure the anonymity and secrecy of information on the Internet; for example, it will help you receive and send mail through a proxy, or a chain of proxy servers.

It is also worth noting that to work with these programs you will need stable and high-quality proxy servers. Proxies of our service are issued to one person and have high speed, thanks to them, your work in these programs will become more enjoyable and stable.

Proxy Checker
version 3.2.6 release

Performs HTTP(S) list checking proxy server ov. Allows you to take proxy lists from files different formats(HTML & TXT), check proxy for anonymity, check HTTP proxy for support for FTP, HTTPS and proxy chaining.

SOCKS Proxy Checker
version 1.3.1 release

Checks the list of SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5 / HTTPS(CONNECT) proxy servers. Allows you to take proxy lists from files of different formats (HTML & TXT). Can check proxy lists of any size! Free version. The distribution contains links to lists of latest SOCKS proxy servers.

Remote Proxy Checker
version 2.2.1 release

This program is specifically for those users who cannot check proxies using regular proxy checkers - that is, if you are “behind” a corporate (or any other) proxy server.

The program checks the list of HTTP anonymous / high anonymous / HTTPS (CONNECT) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5 proxy servers. Allows you to take proxy lists from files of different formats (including HTML and TXT). This program can check proxies from anywhere - including from within corporate network through a corporate proxy of any type.

Soxification of programs


Performs SOCKS-ification of programs (for programs that cannot work with proxies).


Performs soxification of programs (for programs that cannot work with a proxy). Supports proxy chains, can work with SOCKS 4/5, HTTPS proxy.


Performs SOCKS-ification of programs (for programs that cannot work with a proxy). Able to work with SOCKS 4/5, HTTPS proxy.

Hummingbird Connectivity

This program can "soxify" all operating system(make programs that cannot work with proxy work via SOCKS proxy). Analogue of the SocksCap program.

Port mapping via proxy / proxy chain


Organizes port mapping via HTTP proxy. Due to this, you can work with mail, IRC and other programs through a proxy.

The program allows you to organize port mapping via socks / https proxy server. Similar to HTTPort.

HTTP Tunnel

Allows you to pass any TCP traffic through a corporate proxy server (organizes a local Socks proxy).


Can create chains from Socks / HTTP proxy, and also performs port mapping via a proxy server (or via a proxy chain)



Allows you to pass TCP traffic through HTTP(S) proxy: organizes a local SOCKS proxy server and tunnels requests through HTTP.

UserGate proxy & firewall

UserGate Proxy & Firewall is comprehensive solution for organization public access to the Internet from local network, traffic accounting and protection of the corporate network from external threats. UserGate is an effective alternative to expensive software and hardware and is intended for use in small and medium-sized businesses.


This is a proxy-support utility. It helps you find and verify proxy servers and setup Internet Explorer easily with different types of proxy servers. HiProxy is not part of your Internet connection and does not interfere with Internet browsing.

Internet Access Monitor

TXT to PAC converter
version 1.2

This software, designed to monitor the efficiency of using the Internet channel by employees of your organization. With its help, you can easily determine which employees are most actively downloading the Internet channel, when and what exactly they download, how much time they spend on the Internet, and also how much traffic they generate.

Additional programs (not directly related to proxies)

DNS Resolver
version 2.1.3

Country Detector
version 1.3

Converts IP addresses in the list of proxy servers to domain names- DNS (for selecting, say, Russian proxies), and can also convert DNS to IP addresses.

HTML to TXT converter
version 2.1.2

Converts HTML files V text format. Understands tables, lists, etc. Contains INI file, in which you can flexibly configure HTML conversion into the text.