Download autumn frames for Photoshop torrent. Autumn photo effects, frames, collages and postcards online

Golden autumn plays with all shades of red, yellow and orange. Maple leaves frame the photographs, conveying the slight sadness of autumn.

How nice it is to place portraits of family members and shots of country life in the autumn in photo frames.

Collage for floristry lovers. Marigolds, violas, primroses combined with green foliage, wooden photo frames and the spherical shape of a buxus bush in the background.

Dark green, yellow, orange, red and even brown leaves of maple, oak, poplar and acacia, collected in a herbarium to decorate a strict brown frame.

Original collage with an evening park. An old lantern is burning, green, yellow and red autumn leaves are falling from the trees, and a squirrel and an oriole are treating themselves to fruit. A purely philosophical topic.

A cute frame for the first autumn photographs of first-graders. The frame is like a blackboard, which was decorated with twigs and leaves of trees, and chamomile flowers (a symbol of youth).

Butterfly and tit. A strict gray fabric vignette decorated with scarlet roses, alinium flowers and daisies.

Template for Photoshop for three photos from various photo frames, oval and rectangular, decorated with lilac flowers, dew drops and a golden key. A stylish autumn picture will allow you to create an unusual collage.

Dark green checkered background, thin wicker frames for photographs, satin ribbons, various gifts of flora and horseshoes for good luck.

Stylish frames with compositions of dried immortelle flowers, festive ribbons and a massive frame from the picture carry a special meaning, symbolizing eternal values ​​and memories dear to the heart - those that you want to preserve forever.

A peculiar color combination of beige, white and lilac with a green ivy branch, jasmine flowers and a small rose.

Below we still tried to divide the materials into categories, although in some cases this division is quite subjective.

Autumn leaves frames for photos

If we consider photo frames made of autumn leaves, then, as a rule, there is an empty area for inserting a photo. Although, theoretically, you can also place text in them if necessary. You will have to compose the images in Photoshop or a similar graphics editor.

Fortunately, most of the materials in the article contain frames of autumn leaves on a transparent background; adding a photo will not be difficult. Otherwise, you will have to further cut out the background using the Magic Wand Tool. It’s good that almost all objects are quite large in size.

I would also like to say something about the picture from Stock Free Images. In theory, after registering on the site you will receive 7 days of free downloading of any number of materials. And this photo frame with autumn leaves is far from the only one there. You can come look for more interesting works.

Frames with autumn leaves for texts

In principle, the materials for the texts are not very different in format from the previous ones - the same frames with autumn leaves of different shapes and colors. Only in some cases (such as in the first two objects) can you see paper in the image. Also sometimes there is a plain background and examples of text design.

To find these pictures you need to scroll down the page a little.

Some autumn leaf frames for text in this collection are taken from Freepik. There is a special designation for “Selection” materials that are designed specifically for their project. To use such files for commercial purposes without restrictions and without a link to the author, you can subscribe to a premium account.

On the other hand, in the license description it is not entirely clear whether frames made of autumn leaves for text can be used for free for personal purposes. They give an example of a business card, for which you can easily download a template and present it to one specific client. Whereas, for example, mass printing of T-shirts for sale with this vector clearly requires mention of the Freepik source. In general, you need to figure it out.

Autumn Leaves Frame Stock Photos and Cliparts

The source sites in this block look a little “specific”; it is possible that in a year or two they may close. However, these images are freely floating around the Internet, we have seen them on several other projects. Therefore, if something does not load, you can safely use the preview from the article in Google image search in order to find new download sources.

The clipart elements for a frame of autumn leaves in the pictures below are almost all drawn, only two images contain original real leaves. In addition, as you can see, half of the materials do not contain the entire frame, but only part of it. If you wish, in a graphic editor you can arrange the frame you need and add additional elements from or plant icons.

Free Page Autumn Border

Autumn is a special time for photographers and artists. After all, the rapidly changing nature and variety of colors cannot but inspire the creation of masterpieces! Try to decorate your autumn photos using autumn photo frames and photo effects presented on this page. For example, this beautiful one will decorate any photo, and this one is so charming that it can be used as a photo postcard. Just insert any photo of your choice into it, add your text (for example, a wish to the recipient), and a beautiful autumn card is ready!

Rains are as integral an attribute of autumn as colorful autumn foliage (though not everyone is happy with them). But even if the rain does not add positivity to the cool autumn days, it will undoubtedly add charm to your photos! Don't believe me? Then try applying it to your photo without using Photoshop! And with this you will create an original autumn avatar.

What is the main autumn holiday? Surely many will answer that it is the first of September. We also haven’t forgotten about this day and have created several postcard templates for September 1st for you. For example, you can congratulate both a schoolchild and a student (of course, having previously inserted a photograph of the addressee online).

Halloween is also celebrated in the fall. You will find photo effects and frames for this “terribly fun” holiday.