System for inserting advertisements into TV. “Regional inserts destroy the integrity of the content

Before proceeding with the answers sent to the RTRS press service, I would like to immediately clarify a few points:

1. RTRS does not include TV and radio channels in CETV packages. The inclusion of a particular television or radio channel in the broadcast package is carried out based on the results of a competition, to which RTRS has no relation.
2. RTRS is not engaged in the production of subscriber receiving equipment for digital terrestrial television, as well as its distribution.
3. Due to the fact that the launch of digital terrestrial television across the country is making huge strides, and some of the questions asked by readers and visitors of DVBpro are no longer relevant, answers to questions about the start of broadcasting packages digital channels in your region, you can get advice from the advisory support centers in your region (their contacts can be found on the website
— by calling the RTRS Hotline: 8-800-220-20-02 (calls within Russia are free)

1. Question for RTRS.
What is the reason for the use of PLP in RTRS multiplexes?
for example in Denmark, where DVB-T2 is used, they are not used.
(Vladimir Weinstein)

Dear Vladimir!
RTRS proposes to use the Multiple PLP (Multiple Physical Layer Pipes) mode as a technological solution to the problem of regionalization of channels in multiplexes, i.e. ensuring regional insertion into all-Russian TV channels.

2.Are there plans to increase information about the transition to digital and switching off analogue on the country's central television channels?

Dear Oleg!
RTRS is making every effort to inform viewers as much as possible about the deployment of the network and the benefits digital reception TV channels. And yet, one must understand that each TV channel itself determines its own information policy, including in terms of notifying its audience about the channel’s transition to a digital format.

3. Why is the TV guide option not available on the OTR and TVC channels in Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region? All other channels support the option.

Dear Sergey!
RTRS broadcasts the content (image and services) that it receives from broadcasters. TV channels OTR and TV Center have not yet included a TV guide among their services.

4. When will there be a TV guide on the channels, I don’t have a TV guide on any channel, although about a year has passed since 1 MP was turned on.

Dear Den!
The TV guide (electronic program guide) is now present on most RTRS-1 and RTRS-2 channels. You need to seek advice about the characteristics and serviceability of your receiving equipment from a service center or advisory support center.

5. When will local news inserts be broadcast on Russia 1,2,24,K channels in all regions?

Dear aleshon!
According to our information, VGTRK has limited regional content to inserts into the programs of the Rossiya 1 and Rossiya 24 channels. It is better to clarify this with VGTRK. In analog format, regional inserts are present everywhere on the air of these TV channels. They have already appeared in digital format in test mode in a number of regions of Russia.

6. Will there be a package of RTRS -3 in the Vladimir region? If there are no frequencies, then can we hope for the launch of RTRS-3 before analogue broadcasting is switched off, or should we not wait for the launch before 2018-19?

Dear aleshon!
According to the Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated April 20, 2013 No. 367, a regional multiplex should be created in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation. However, the principles and timing of the formation of regional multiplexes have not yet been supported by the appropriate regulatory framework, so it is premature to guess about the timing of their appearance. It is planned that the issue of the principles for the formation of regional multiplexes will be considered at a meeting of the Government Commission for the Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting in February 2014.

7. When is it planned to introduce HbbTV? In what year and how will this happen?

Dear Timur!
HbbTV is a technology that allows you to provide TV viewers with certain services. As TV channels develop content corresponding to this technology, it will become available to TV viewers.

8. I can still understand why the MPLP mode is used in a hundred-kilometer zone from the Russian border. But why launch such a signal in the Moscow region? Is the state border expected to be moved?

Dear Mikhail!
For on-air broadcasting of digital packages in the Moscow region, not MPLP, but SPLP (Single PLP) DVB-T2 mode is used. Your information is taken from incorrect sources.

9. Explain competently why T2 was approved?
What is now in the trunk of the first MP and what is planned in the trunk of the second MP, what would not fit into the trunk of DVB-T Mpeg4?
Was the factor taken into account that the service was launched for people? Have the market prices of DVB-T and DVB-T2 subscriber devices been compared? Was there information that DVB-T and DVB-T2 subscriber devices are not compatible from top to bottom and that the entire fleet of DVB-T devices cannot be used?

Dear Andrey!
The DVB-T2 standard as the main one for digital terrestrial television broadcasting was approved not by RTRS, but by the Russian Government. From a professional point of view, this decision is understandable: the flow rate in the DVB-T2 standard is one and a half times higher than in the previous generation standard. This means that the application DVB-T standard 2 made it possible to transmit not 8, but 10 TV channels as part of a multiplex and in higher quality (with more high speed flow). And there is still a technological opportunity for broadcasters to implement additional modern services. The information that subscriber devices of the DVB-T standard will not be able to receive the DVB-T2 signal was disseminated by all available RTRS methods. At the time of the decision to approve the DVB-T2 standard, the digital terrestrial television network was deployed in only 12 regions, and the penetration of digital receiving equipment of the DVB-T standard was small. Yes, someone managed to acquire a TV or set-top box of the old standard. But other consumer electronics - computers, mobile phones, tablets - quickly become outdated and are constantly updated. According to expert estimates, every two years Russian citizens spend as much on mobile phones and smartphones as would be enough to buy a DVB-T2 digital set-top box for every Russian home. But subscribers also pay for mobile telephony services, unlike digital terrestrial television. And prices for TVs and DVB-T2 set-top boxes were higher only at the time the new standard was approved. Now a TV or DVB-T2 set-top box can be purchased no more expensively, or even cheaper, than a TV or DVB-T set-top box in the summer of 2011, when new standard has not yet been approved.

10.When is the shutdown planned in Moscow? analogue television and in what form do they plan to provide digital television on cable networks in Moscow?

Dear Nikolai!
Disconnection procedure (and timing) analogue television broadcasting in the Russian Federation will be determined by the Decree of the Government of Russia. RTRS is waiting for this document just like you.
RTRS does not distribute television signals through cable networks in Moscow. You need to contact your cable operators.

11. When receiving terrestrial DTV, one hundred percent signal loss is observed. When receiving directly from a multiplex satellite, this phenomenon is not observed. Question: is this due to a flaw in the software of set-top boxes and TVs or a problem with synchronizing one frequency network?

Dear Valery-3!
Direct reception from the satellite of signals from the 1st and 2nd multiplexes formed by RTRS is technically impossible. We need a more specific description of your problem. Try contacting the RTRS advisory support center in your region.

12. Question 2: with the successful launch of EXPRESS-AM4R, will multiplexes from YAMAL 201/300K be transferred to this board?

Dear Valery-3!
The long-term plan for the development of the RTRS backbone network involves the use of several Express series spacecraft for the delivery of digital television signals.

13. What is the current video and audio bitrate in 1 multiplex? The sound on some analog channels is much better!

At the time the question was raised, the speed of video service streams was about 2.1 Mb/s. From December 16, it was increased to 3 Mb/s. The speed of radio services is from 144 to 200 kbit/s.

14. When will the program guide for broadcast digital channels be published?

The program programs of the channels included in the RTRS digital packages do not differ from the analogue versions of the programs. If in your region one of the all-Russian TV channels appeared only with the advent of digital broadcasting, we need to wait for local newspaper publishers with TV programs to react to this. This issue is not within the competence of RTRS.

15. Why do Otr and Tvts channels often not work in Novorossiysk? After all, three weeks ago these channels were fully operational! (Sergey)
Dear Sergey!
The HARRIS ULX-5500DV transmitter, installed at the Novorossiysk RTPS for broadcasting the first federal multiplex (package) of programs, operates in normal mode. When testing the signal with television receivers Samsung, LG, Sony, which have built-in DVB-T2 receivers, no disturbances were observed in the reception of the OTR and/or TV Center programs. The only reason that “OTR and TVC channels often do not work” may be the unstable operation of the receiving subscriber equipment. We recommend visiting the website of the subscriber receiving equipment manufacturer to search for the latest firmware and update the software of your device.

16. Good evening. I have a question for RTRS and possibly NIIR regarding both multiplexes. How and in what time frame the issue of combining frequencies with airports will be resolved in the Krasnodar Territory. Problem with radars.

Hello Edward!
Frequency spectrum conversion work necessary to ensure the protection of aviation radio-electronic means from interference that DVB-T2 transmitters can create are carried out as problems arise in the allocation of frequencies for newly built DTTB transmitting stations. Thus, in Sochi in December 2013, Almaz-Antey Telecommunications LLC, together with the RTRS branch Krasnodar KRTPC, began to carry out regular work on the conversion of the frequency spectrum to determine the possibility of 53 TVCs in the area. Sochi, Blinovo (Adler), Moldovka and Khosta.

17. Is it really impossible to insert a regional channel into the second multiplex? How can rural residents watch regional news?

Dear Sergey!
Changing the composition of multiplexes is not within the competence of RTRS.

18. If I understand correctly, then the 2nd multiplex in the regions will also be free?
We have launched the 2nd multiplex of 6 channels in Yekaterinburg (10 channels are freely available), but for them in OJSC " Digital television“You have to pay 4,100 rubles and in the future they don’t guarantee that they won’t introduce a subscription fee someday.
Please explain, should the 2nd multiplex be free in the regions or at the discretion of the local operator? thank you in advance.

Dear Alexander!
RTRS is the only operator of two on-air digital television broadcasting multiplexes, the composition of which was determined by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (the first multiplex) and the competition of the Federal Competition Commission for Television and Radio Broadcasting (the second multiplex). RTRS broadcasts these 20 TV channels without subscription fee for TV viewers. The Sverdlovsk region will not be an exception when the RTRS digital terrestrial television broadcasting network is put into operation there. OJSC Digital Television is a commercial regional telecom operator that has nothing to do with RTRS.

19. TV viewers in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, especially the army of millions, or even more (in the good sense of the word) fans of FC Zenit, as well as HC SKA, were greatly disappointed by the decision to move the regional channel from 1 at 3 multiplex. The fact is that many television viewers hoped that this channel would become the only full-fledged regional channel 100TV in our region, broadcasting matches of these teams. It is clear that 100TV has every chance of being included in the planned 3rd multiplex, but it seems that RTRS should also take into account the specifics of our region, and now raise the issue with the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation and the Government Commission about considering the possibility of including 100TV in 1 or 2 multiplexes in position of channel 11 for broadcast in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region in the event of the implementation of the future scheme for the formation of multiplexes in St. Petersburg. This will definitely become best advertising digital TV in such an important region as St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Dear Mikhail!

20. Regarding radio programs broadcast in 1 multiplex: it seems that now it is advisable to raise and resolve the issue of adding digital package RTRS-1 Radio Orpheus is a unique radio station in terms of program content. (Michael)
Dear Mikhail!
As mentioned above, changing the composition of digital terrestrial television and radio channel packages is not within the competence of RTRS.

21. Good afternoon. I would like to know whether the channel from VGTRK called Science 2.0 will be included in the 3rd multiplex. I believe, that educational channel must be part of a Russian product under the single brand name RTRS.

Dear Yuri!
As mentioned above, the formation of packages of digital terrestrial television and radio channels is not within the competence of RTRS.

22. Request to RTRS to publish a list of cities where the third multiplex is planned. So far, only their number has been made public. The fact is that my city recently fell below the 50,000 population mark. But perhaps at the time the plan was drawn up there was... Why do millionaires need a third multiplex? they have it too big choice cable operators with relatively low subscription fee. (Dimon)
Dear Dimon!
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2013 No. 367 determined that a regional multiplex will be created in each subject of the Russian Federation. But detailed principles for the formation and distribution of a regional multiplex require decisions from the Government of the Russian Federation. RTRS, as a communications operator, will be obliged to ensure broadcasting of the regional multiplex in accordance with these decisions. You need to understand that an important factor for TV channels is economic feasibility: the TV channel must recoup the costs of signal distribution. For example, VGTRK withdrew the Sport TV channel from the second multiplex, considering it economically inexpedient. Roskomnadzor was forced to announce an additional competition for a vacant place in the second multiplex. And now RTRS, as part of the second multiplex, broadcasts another channel - TV3.

23. The inclusion of at least one HD channel, at least HD720, in the third multiplex would make the RTRS offer much more popular among the population and spur cable operators to reduce prices for HD packages. Do you think we still live in the 21st century? (Dimon)

Technologically, it is possible to broadcast HD channels on a digital terrestrial television network, but the decision to include HD channels in the multiplex remains within the competence of the regulator and broadcasters.

24. Please tell me whether it will be possible to watch paid channels through the set-top box (there is a slot for a card) or paid channels are in a different range

Dear Natalia!
The two packages of digital terrestrial television channels that have been formed to date are distributed without a subscription fee.

25. We have a single-frequency network of three transmitters. I can't figure out where the broadcast is coming from. Is it possible to add a transmitter identifier to the signal so that you know exactly what (which city) you received?

Dear Andrey!
In a single-frequency zone, the signals from all transmitters are identical. If your receiver is in a place where the signal from several single-frequency zone transmitters is available at once, you need to choose the one that will provide best quality reception. To do this, it is advisable to contact the advisory support center in your region or an RTRS branch.

26. Why is the second multiplex being turned on so slowly in Russia? It feels like one team of workers is traveling around Russia setting up equipment (Denis)
Dear Denis!
The deployment of the network of the second multiplex is in accordance with the obligations imposed on RTRS by agreements with broadcasters of the second multiplex. In general, the pace of implementation of digital terrestrial television broadcasting in Russia is not inferior to, and often exceeds, the pace of digitalization in many European countries.

27. By the way, yes, about the second multiplex. The construction of 1,500 transmitters was announced by the end of 2013. There are 2 months until the end of the year, but for now the second multiplex is only in a few cities. I also remember that there were some problems with the competition to select a contractor for this very construction. Are they resolved?

Dear Dimon!
Yes, thank you, minor misunderstandings with the results of the competition to select a system integrator for the construction of the second multiplex have been resolved. Construction plans have been completed. The transmitters of the second multiplex are switched on as the work is handed over to the broadcasters. According to agreements, this process can take up to three months.

28. Hello. How will broadcasting of local TV channels be carried out in the regions? Will all local channels go to the 3rd multiplex and be broadcast on one channel? Or they will make insertions into the fed. channels like before?

Dear Oleg!
The principles for the formation of a regional (third) multiplex will be determined by government documents. In the first multiplex, local inserts in the programs of the TV channels “Russia 1” and “Russia 24” are planned. The second multiplex is formed as a completely federal one; we know nothing about the prospects of including local TV channels’ programs in these programs.

29. After the launch of the Federal multiplexes and the shutdown of analogue broadcasting, many air frequencies will be freed up.
1) Who will these frequencies go to?
2) Will “Closed paid multiplexes” be introduced in terrestrial digital broadcasting in the DVB-T2 format?

Dear Egor!
The issue of using radio frequency resources, including after switching off analogue broadcasting, is the most complex system-forming moment in the development of the entire domestic communications industry, and not only it. It is and will be discussed by all market players, leading experts, and the highest government authorities. The creation of on-air commercial multiplexes is not the largest and not the most pressing part of this issue.

30. As far as I understand, the MPLP mode serves to protect content in the 100-kilometer border zone. The protection lies in the fact that in neighboring states receivers receive only PLP0 channels, and channels in PLP1 and beyond are not available for reception outside the territory of the Russian Federation. Could you explain why there are as many as 4 TV channels and 3 radios in PLP0? Why didn't you limit yourself to one radio channel? The protection would be higher.

Dear Mikhail, RTRS intends to use the Multiple PLP (Multiple Physical Layer Pipes) mode as a technological solution to the problem of channel regionalization in multiplexes, i.e. ensuring regional insertion into all-Russian TV channels. After optimizing the parameters of the digital signal in December 2013, the number of PLP packages in the first multiplex was reduced from 4 to 3: two PLPs will broadcast the TV channels “Russia 1” and “Russia 24”, in which regional tie-ins are expected, and another PLP will collect the remaining 8 TV channels.

31. If the description of the TV indicates support for DVB-T2, and the TV only receives PLP0, does this mean that the manufacturer (seller) gave false information about the product (according to RTRS?

Dear Mikhail!
In the example you provided, the manufacturer/seller, firstly, hid part of the information necessary for the user - that in order to receive a digital terrestrial signal, the receiver requires not only support for the DVB-T2 standard, but also support for the Multi PLP mode; and secondly, he was too lazy to carry out some preparatory work with RTRS to confirm the full compatibility of the equipment it produces/sells with the requirements of the RTRS network. By the way, similar work is being carried out by RTRS with all the largest manufacturers of consumer electronics.

32. Will the bitrate of the channels of the first multiplex be increased to 3 Mb/sec?

Dear Anatoly!
This was done in December 2013.

33. When will the reception of the first multiplex in Novorossiysk finally be established? Why do many people show 10 channels, but I have 8? Although a few weeks ago they also showed 10 channels! I communicate on forums, many of them show 8 channels! You will either combine these Otr and Tvts channels into a common multiple plp or scatter them into the first two plp! after all, not everyone understands what plp is. especially older people!

As for the conditions for broadcasting on the territory of at least 5 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, first of all, we wanted to exclude speculative interest. In our opinion, a company cannot, having seen a message about a competition, quickly issue universal license and participate in it. That is, there are no guarantees that if she wins, she will be able to organize broadcasting throughout the Russian Federation, much less present a high-quality product.

At the same time, as already noted, we do not close the door to the so-called “niche” channels that successfully operate in cable.

Regarding the condition of non-participation in the competition of television networks together with regional partners: this is determined, first of all, by the fact that all citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation must live in a single information space, receiving the entire broadcast network of the TV channel, without any inserts that destroy the integrity of the content.

The fate of regional channels will be decided by a competition for inclusion in the first multiplex of terrestrial terrestrial digital television broadcasting, as well as a competition for the third multiplex of terrestrial terrestrial digital television broadcasting throughout the Russian Federation.

What additional criteria will you, as the head of the FCC, be guided by when selecting the winners, in addition to those indicated in the terms of the competition for the second multiplex? Will you pay attention to the plans of television networks to build relationships with regional partners?

In addition to the indicated conditions and requirements for competition participants, first of all, I would like to note that this is a broadcasting concept, its significance is not only social, but also economic, namely the readiness to broadcast with coverage of 90% of the population, taking into account advertising model financing. And also the ability to ensure parallel distribution in digital and analogue within the broadcast area for 1 to 1.5 years.

One of the factors will be that we systematically monitor the ratings of TV channels, but in addition to this, we will take into account those requests and wishes of citizens of the Russian Federation regarding the quality of television broadcasting, which come to Roskomnadzor in significant quantities every day.

There will be no “taste”, there will be a balanced and competent approach to determining the winner.

Alexander Zharov, head of Roskomnadzor

RTRS does not know how long it will take to pay for a double signal

At the end of September, we turned to RTRS with a request to tell us what the company knows about the second and third multiplexes and which of them will have space for regional TV channels, under what conditions. This is what RTRS answered our questions.

Which regions’ experience helped to reveal the “thin points” in organizing the process of transition from analogue to digital? How can problems be predicted and how can difficulties be minimized?

The main difficulty in building a digital broadcasting network was the preparation of various documentation, approvals, and bureaucratic red tape. But we found a way out. RTRS concludes agreements with the administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015.” Well-established interaction with the regions greatly facilitates the resolution of administrative issues. Federal plan target program the construction of digital broadcasting networks is divided into four stages, which made it possible to take into account the experience of creating networks in the subjects included in the first place and transfer it to other regions.

Has the final version of the frequency-territorial plan for the second multiplex been developed?

Yes, the frequency-territorial network plan for the second multiplex was developed and approved in the fall of 2009.

How many existing broadcasters will lose their current frequencies due to the fact that they will be withdrawn for the construction of the first two multiplexes? How are they supposed to compensate for the loss of frequencies?

When building the first and second multiplexes, frequencies are not withdrawn from broadcasters. In case of technical difficulties, broadcasters are provided with alternative frequencies.

What will happen to the regional partners of the networks after the formation and broadcasting of the second multiplex begins - after all, the networks will begin to refuse partnerships with the regions?

The quantitative composition and list of channels of the 2nd multiplex will be determined by the Federal Competition Commission for Television and Radio Broadcasting (FCC). The equipment of digital broadcasting networks of the 2nd multiplex will provide the ability to insert regional information/advertising blocks into the channels of the second multiplex at broadcast points in agreement with customers, that is, television and radio companies of the second multiplex. However, while the pool of participants in the second multiplex has not been determined, it is difficult to say what services broadcasters will need.

Will RTRS take part in the construction and organization of the third multiplex?

By orders of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, RTRS is assigned the function of operator of the first and second multiplexes. The function of RTRS as the operator of the third multiplex is not clearly defined. However, based on the need to ensure growth in the volume of services provided, RTRS, when reconstructing/constructing digital broadcasting facilities, provides design solutions for the possibility of placing and connecting to the digital broadcasting equipment and power supply of the digital broadcasting equipment of the third multiplex.

The Shutdown Concept should be in place by the end of the year. analog signal. Will the document contain general provisions, the details of which will take another year, or will it outline specific principles of disconnection?

The concept of turning off analogue broadcasts is actually being developed.

Broadcaster's Dreams

At one of the conferences, the founder and president of the Tomsk Media Group Arkady Mayofis I tried to come up with an ideal model for the existence of my own television company in the digital future and tried it on Russian realities. The theses of this presentation have not lost their relevance even now.

The consumer doesn't care about technology. He needs to receive a service or information while spending a minimum of intellectual and physical effort. Whether it’s multiplex, cable, satellite or broadband Internet, it doesn’t matter to the viewer. The technology that is easiest to use will win, because the consumer has been and will be lazy.

In this sense, I am completely calm about my future - we have it. And we have time to look at what kind of transport we will use to enter this future. Provided that we continue to give the viewer what he needs. And he will always need information, presented in different forms and with varying degrees of ingenuity.

So what am I dreaming about?

Dream number one: the fittest will survive.

I finally got rid of my competitors! I've been waiting 20 years for one of them to give up, but they just multiply, tormenting the already meager advertising pie.

Most local TV companies have no reason to be called TV companies. These are the happy owners of a license - the only real value they have. They show something that is not theirs, they make money from something that is not theirs. They produce one program that is painfully reminiscent of what was just seen on their own network, and proudly call it co-branding, although in reality it is a poorly made plagiarism with a parodist presenter.

These are the majority. I myself am the same in one of my guises.

So this is coming to an end. In fact, we died a long time ago, we live on artificial lungs, soon the device will go to the second multiplex without us. End of story!

What will happen as a result? The strongest, the best will remain in the local market - with history, their own brand, a large number of live broadcasts, always local news and self-programming. There will be one or two of them per region, no more. No one else needs it - neither the viewer, nor the market, nor the authorities... These companies will become not just part of the local information space, but an integral part of citywide life, like the local theater, local football team or local KVN team.

Such companies will not only produce local news. They will discuss with the townspeople - interactively, widely - all local problems, carry out a dialogue between the population and the authorities, hold events, collect donations, and the like. And they will be the most important element of civil society in their city.

Central channels and networks will stop placing local advertising on their channels in the regions. It will finally become unprofitable for them. Because the costs of raising the signal for inserting local advertising in multiplexes will exceed the income from it or will be close.

This dream of mine is almost 15 years old. The channel that was then called ORT was the first to come to the regions, and it remained that way, pulling everyone else with it. I remember how we were indignant then and said that it was illegal (it was then), to which Sergei Lisovsky cynically explained to us: if our lawyer cannot prove legality for a thousand dollars, he will prove it for two. Proved.

For us, the transfer of local money to Moscow is a powerful blow to business. For them it is butter, for us it is bread. In which oil will also appear, if, as I already dreamed above, one or two companies remain on the market. Then what Video International and Alcazar are now taking away will remain with us and will not be split up among many players. Secondly, targeted Moscow advertising will begin to come to us in much larger quantities, because advertisers who are not interested in total all-Russian advertising will have no other opportunities to get into the regions.

I give you 5 years to realize this dream.

Dream three: syndicates rule the television world.

Powerful television syndicates will appear that will provide us with premiere shows, which will begin to create products of the highest quality exclusively for their regional partners. It will no longer make sense for the producers of “Gluharya”, “Posner” or “Dancing on Ice” to strive at all costs to get on the top three channels. The money is the same, but the audience is better. Vyacheslav Murugov will accept STP-Content's offer to go to work for them.

This will happen in 7 years.

Dream four: the government will become wiser.

Governors and local authorities in general will finally stop perceiving the media as their ideological weapon, and those who refuse such a role as their ideological enemies. The authorities will understand that the media are part of civil society, and they should not be controlled by the authorities, otherwise they are not the media at all, and the authorities themselves without an independent press are not authorities at all.

I don’t know how long it takes to realize this dream. These are not new technologies or market laws... But this will definitely happen!


Questions to which Roskomnadzor does not yet have answers

How many places for regional programs allotted?

What are the prospects for municipal channels?

What prevents you from making a decision on the simultaneous commissioning of a second end-to-end multiplex and one where regional broadcasters can operate? This would allow regional broadcasters to prepare for the transition and try to remain as participants in the digital terrestrial TV market...

The system is a video server designed for automated scheduled playback of screensavers, titles, animations and videos for the purpose of executing schedules for inserting regional advertising and programs into the broadcast network of central channels. The product is aimed primarily at regional television companies that rebroadcast programs from central channels. AKULATELE VISION 3 allows you to automate the broadcasting of a television company by scheduling the output of your own programs, insertion of regional advertising, retransmission of other channels in combination with the output of title and graphic information, display of date, time, climate sensors and much more. It is important that for its operation the system does not require the use of additional expensive equipment (synchronizers, mixers, transcoders, non-linear editing systems, etc.).

The system is actively used in many regional studios in Russia and neighboring countries. Over the past years, the software has changed, the hardware is constantly being modernized, new functions have been added, and the range of supported formats has been expanded.

AKULATELE VISION 3 is one of the most interesting offers on the market in terms of price/quality ratio and functionality. The fact is that a classic video server is usually understood as a device that is only capable of producing video material for broadcasting, which is why such devices are called broadcast video servers. However, in practice, most regional television companies are faced with the task of at least partially rebroadcasting the broadcast of the central partner channel. When using a classical scheme in such a task, you have to connect switching audio and video devices, the output signal of the server needs to be synchronized, so a synchronizer is needed; possible to transcode; and in case of a power outage, we also need relay signal bypass devices, etc. All this significantly increases the cost of a turnkey solution. In addition, as a result of transformations, the quality of the signal deteriorates, and problems arise with transient processes during switching. Such problems and additional expenses can be avoided if you use AKULATELE VISION 3, because it is more than a broadcast video server, it is a regional insertion server, i.e. a device that has inputs, a pass-through channel, and most importantly, is capable of embedding video material from the hard drive and various text and graphic design of the broadcast into the passing video signal in real time. Embedding materials can be transmitted over the network from other NLE stations. The insertion is done digitally very delicately at the command of the operator, according to a schedule drawn up in advance or by an audio signal: a DTMF mark or a sound “beat” - a jingle, preceding the release of the advertising block of the central channel. Of course, AKULATELE VISION 3 has a built-in internal generator on board and can operate without an external reference signal, i.e. like a classic broadcast server. Don't forget that our solution is very compact - just one device for installation in a 19" rack.

The basic version of the server comes with VideoLine Studio Lite software, which has everything necessary to implement regional inserts and accompanying design, such as overlaying a logo and displaying “running lines”. To prepare projects on a remote computer, VideoLine Studio Comfort software is recommended. If you need additional functions and opportunities for organization information channel PIP Infochannel (rich text and graphic design, interactive services, etc.), order VideoLine Studio Full software. To make it easier to select the software package for AKULA boards, please read the comparative description of the capabilities of the basic version of VideoLine Studio Lite and VideoLine Studio Full software.

Features of the new third generation of AKULATELE VISION 3 video servers.

The third generation of AKULATELE VISION 3 video servers is a high-performance hardware platform with new, reliable software. It is important that server prices remained at the same level. Many user wishes have been taken into account and the very concept of video output control has been radically redesigned. VideoLine control software consists of two components: Designer and Player. Designer is an editor for projects, which are then loaded into Player as schedules. Player is used to set up schedules and directly display them on air or on a preview channel.

New implementation server provides:

  • Really high reliability of operation on the air, in particular due to the completely independent operation of both applications.
  • Optimal distribution of computer resources and lower processor load (unused applications can simply be closed).
  • Flexibility: projects can be prepared and broadcast at different work stations.
  • High productivity, because designed to support multi-core processors and modern graphics accelerators.
  • Easy to learn due to the simplicity and logic of the interface, a “quick start” is possible even for an untrained user.
  • Convenient layer-by-layer arrangement of objects according to the WYSIWYG principle, i.e. “What I see is what I get”, allowing you to create a rich design with a large number of elements, while maintaining exceptional ease of management.
  • Digital imaging path with internal 10-bit ITU656 representation.
  • Hardware-synced stereo audio channel on board, including XLR AES/EBU, AES-ID3, SPDIF.
  • Digital sound generation path with internal I2S 32 bit/48 kHz representation.
  • Automatic resampling sound files with different sampling rates.
  • Complex compositions with any number of running lines and logos at the same time.
  • Work with almost any type of video files.
  • Wide selection of different inputs and outputs from SDI to composite signal, including SECAM in accordance with GOST 7845-92.

System composition.

  • Video composition system AKULA VTM v.6.1.
  • The control part of the AKULATELE VISION 3 system is the broadcast automation program VideoLine Studio.
  • Video server unit with a basic computer platform for the main workplace.
  • Disk array for video and audio files.
  • Network workstations for preparing scripts (VideoLine Studio software, Comfort version).
  • Additional external devices and options.

Main features of the system.

  • Inserting commercials into the transmitted video signal without using a video mixer, synchronizer or non-linear editing system.
  • Automatic switching of audio and video signals in computer units various types.
  • Broadcasting at a designated time in the schedule, manually by an operator, using sound prompts (DTMF marks or sound “beats” - jingles preceding the release of an advertising block of the central channel), encoded signals (for example, a TNT modem).
  • Playback and seamless insertion into the passing signal of advertising screensavers and videos of various formats: AVI, MKV (Matroska), FLV ( Flash Video), OGG, MP4, EVO, MPEG TS, including: H.264/AVC; VC-1; MPEG-4 (DivX, XviD); M-JPEG (Matrox, Fast, miroVideo); DV (type-1, type-2, Matrox, Pinnacle, Canopus); MPEG-2 (MPG, M2V, VOB); MPEG-1; Windows Media(ASF, WMV); QuickTime (MOV, DV) and others.
  • Using video materials with separate soundtracks, including wav, mp3, wma, ac3, ogg, ape, flac.
  • Scheduled playback of video files when video and audio are in different files, for example, for a number of Matrox systems.
  • Play 32-bit animation files to create animated logos and presentations.
  • Scheduled playback of video files with MPEG4, DivX, Intel Indeo codec, incl. directly from the CD-ROM drive, including various formats without distorting the proportions.
  • Output of title information superimposed on an external video signal.
  • Display title information overlaid on videos and other design elements.
  • Overlay animated logos onto video files as a separate layer.
  • Displays time and date readings in various formats, various types of timers.
  • Clock generation, synchronization with reference time, device management and operation according to their commands.
  • The ability to quickly edit playlists during playback, online loading additional projects, replacement and merging of playlists.
  • The schedule of regional advertising inserts can be easily integrated with the broadcast schedule central station by replacing the transmissions permitted for this purpose.
  • Conveniently organized disk arrays for storing audio and video information.
  • The ability to transfer advertising clips to an on-air computer over a local network without using traditional video media.
  • Preview function for previewing the playback of a user-created schedule on the control monitor.
  • Prelisten function for previewing audio simultaneously with the Preview channel.
  • Built-in relay bypass for video and audio.
  • Compatible with popular non-linear editing systems using DV, MPEG-2 and MJPEG formats (Canopus, Pinnacle DV500, miroVIDEO DC30 and DC50, Matrox RT-2500, Matrox DigiSuite and many others).
  • Displaying readings from temperature and pressure sensors.
  • The ability to “on the fly” adjust image parameters and volume individually in each video file when adding it to the project.
  • Repeated playback of individual objects and projects, automatic calculation of event duration based on the number of repetitions.
  • On-the-fly scaling of video files during playback (VideoLine Studio Full).
  • Importing a schedule, creating a backup copy, generating a report on broadcast statistics.
  • No online activation required after reinstallation control program and operating system.
  • Regular software updates with new features added.

Previous generations of video servers AKULATELE 1 and 2.

Previous generations of servers were shipped from 2002 to 2008. These video server models are currently out of production. Upgrade programs are offered for all users modern versions devices at a discount. On servers released in 2008, it is also possible to upgrade the control software to VideoLine Studio.

For those who for some reason want to continue working on TELE 2.2 software, it is possible to build a server on this software. The modern AKULA v.6.1 board will be installed as hardware. Please contact our sales department for details.

Several years ago, the regional television advertising market was not very interesting for advertisers. However, in recent years the situation has changed for the better - a centralized system for the sale of regional television advertising has appeared, in addition, the airwaves of federal channels are now jam-packed. But the advertising potential of the regions (including regional advertising inserts on federal channels) looks very promising, especially considering that the efforts of many serious companies are aimed at developing business in the regions.

Unfortunately, the technologies currently used in Russia for inserting regional advertising blocks are far from perfect - the implementation of insertion is manual; at best, a system for analyzing the presence of a TV channel logo is used to include a regional block. By various reasons These technologies do not meet modern requirements and do not suit those advertisers who want to purchase a tool for monitoring the airing of their advertising materials and the ability to receive reports from regional operators, as well as the ability to collect advertising viewing statistics.

Solutions that work

Technologies that meet all these requirements have existed for a long time and are widely used in Europe and the USA. The turnover of the regional advertising insertion market amounts to billions of dollars. In addition, automated advertising insertion technologies make it possible to eliminate advertising inserts from overlapping fragments of television films, programs and news broadcasts - a practice that still occurs on the air of many regional operators. However, the transition to automated ad insertion systems in Russia is difficult due to a number of reasons, which will be discussed below.

The system for implementing the insertion of regional content (the regional operator, by agreement with the channel, can insert not only advertising, but also any of its own programs) consists of the following main components:

  1. System for generating control information - according to a given schedule (if the time intervals allowed for replacement are clearly defined and unchanged) or according to an operator control signal live broadcast(if a talk show is broadcast on a TV channel and the output of an advertising block depends on events developing in the studio), command signals are generated that will be processed by equipment installed at the regional operator. Physically, it can be implemented either by the TV channel itself or by a certain advertising operator serving advertising output on several TV channels.
  2. Control information transmission channel - due to the fact that the territory of Russia is huge, the most effective way transmission of control information simultaneously to all regional operators is the use satellite broadcasting. The use of terrestrial means of communication is associated with a number of difficulties: non-guaranteed time of distribution of control information, which must be synchronized with the main signal with frame accuracy (Internet, VPN, modem communication); high cost of implementation for a large-scale system (dedicated channels, radio relay network, etc.).
  3. Regional content insertion system - equipment installed at the regional operator, receives control information and ensures insertion of local content into the main signal of the TV channel. Insertion can be carried out both in an analog signal and in a digital one (if the operator has deployed DVB-C/T/H or IPTV networks). The equipment can provide insertion into several TV channels.

Information, time manager regional block inserts can be transmitted in several ways. Let's consider two of them: using the SCTE-104, SCTE-35 and SCTE-30 standards (for brevity, let's call this option " digital"") and using VBI - Vertical Blanking Interval (the time interval for the return stroke of the beam, for brevity we will call it " analog»).

At " digital"The method of transmitting control information uses an additional PID (let's call it DPI PID), which is transmitted simultaneously with the main TV signal in the digital transport stream sent up to the satellite. This PID is generated by specialized MPEG encoders that encode the TV channel itself. The encoder generates a DPI PID based on the SCTE-35 standard, which allows each program to be clearly identified; each cut-in event; determine the exact start and end time of the insertion; each operator for whom it is necessary to insert, as well as ensure confidentiality and security from unauthorized use (it is no secret that for various types of pirates, automatically cutting out advertising from the air is a dream). The signal for inserting the control DPI PID is transmitted from the broadcast automation system via the SCTE-104 protocol (in the example in the picture, the conversion of signals from the automation system into SCTE-104 broadcast commands occurs in the DPI server). These commands can be integrated by the DPI server into the SDI signal (SMPTE 2010 standard) or transmitted via the TCP/IP protocol directly to the encoder. The traffic generated by the DPI control PID has “bursts” only before the insertion event and takes up little bandwidth on the transmission channel.

On the side of the regional operator, satellite receivers transmit a satellite stream of TV programs containing control information to a digital insertion device (splicer). The second input of the splicer is connected to a local insert server containing local videos or programs. The splicer, having received a control signal (SCTE-35) containing the time, or rather the frame ID, the start of inserting local content and the duration of the insertion, begins to “communicate” with the insertion server using the protocol described in the SCTE-30 standard. This protocol allows you to synchronize the time when the server starts broadcasting a local video clip/program and the moment the splicer switches from a program broadcast from a satellite to a local video clip/program, as well as the moment it returns to broadcasting a program from a satellite. Day off digital signal from the splicer (via ASI or IP), containing programs with inserts, as well as programs in which the insertion was not made, is fed to the head station of the regional operator. This signal can then be delivered to subscribers both in digital form (DVB-C/T/H, IPTV) and in analogue. In the latter case, it will be necessary to use signal decoders from digital to analog format and then modulate the RF signal with it (for reception by a regular TV).

At " analog» method, the technology for transmitting control information for insertion is based on the use of the beam return time interval (VBI - Vertical Blanking Interval). A special teletext encoder in given strings beam reversal original image encoded control information is inserted. The line numbers on which control information is transmitted may change for security reasons.

Next, the image is encoded by an MPEG encoder and all information from VBI is separated into separate DVB tables used for transmitting teletext and subtitles. Professional on the receiving end satellite receiver is capable of independently processing information from tables for teletext or subtitles and outputting a control signal to an insert in the form of a GPI (General Purpose Interface), or, more simply, contact closure, which can be used as a signal to start broadcasting (in analog form) of a local video/program and switching from the analog output of the receiver to analog output video server. Synchronizing the switching of an analog video signal is a fairly trivial task today. Accordingly, if a regional operator broadcasts digitally, then it will require subsequent encoding of the resulting analog signal containing the local insert.

In addition to the listed methods for transmitting control information, one can also note the potential possibility of using watermarks technology, the use of pixels selected in the image to encode control information, as well as the above-mentioned method based on analyzing the presence of a TV channel logo in the image.


Russian satellite broadcasting operators have a negative attitude towards the inclusion of additional information in the digital stream they generate to manage regional insertion, despite the fact that additional traffic is minimal and has only short bursts. This is due to saving traffic and the reluctance of the broadcaster to transmit any additional information, because every byte counts. It turns out that it is possible to generate and process control information today, but the position taken by broadcasters does not yet inspire optimism. This forces us to look for new ways to transmit the control signal. Conducted studies of the prospects for transmitting a control signal over terrestrial networks have shown that, unfortunately, when using them, problems with synchronization often arise - for analogue broadcasting there are strict requirements for the frame rate (24 frames per second), in digital format everything is even more complicated. In addition, no one can guarantee that this technology will be accepted by market participants.

Another problem is that MPEG encoders are usually located on the satellite operator's side. He usually receives a TV program in the form of an SDI signal (uncompressed digital signal) and in order for the channel owner or advertising operator to have access to control the encoder (to insert control information), in addition to an additional physical communication channel with the satellite operator, it is also necessary to agree that satellite operator will provide such access (in particular, to ensure the transmission of SCTE-104 to encoders).

*** NOTE : this article was written when there were no implementations of SCTE-35 transmission in Russia. As of 2014, this alarm can be found in satellite streams of the Ren-TV, STS, Perets, Domashny channels.

The Europeans were able to agree

In Europe, the transmission of control signals using VBI and SCTE-35 is widely used, and a dialogue has been established between channel owners, satellite and cable operators, and advertising distributors. The market is actively developing. For example, the Dutch company Mediachoice, with which Data Plus actively cooperates in terms of developing a technological base, is an operator for inserting regional advertising in most of the European Union; this is the main direction of its activity.

In Europe, work on inserting regional advertising into the channel broadcast network is carried out according to two schemes: either an international advertising operator buys time (timeslots) for inserting advertising directly from the channel owner or from cable operator and inserts advertising localized for a certain territory, negotiates with the advertiser, or the regional operator independently inserts advertising, using the time allocated by the channel. Both schemes are quite viable in Russian conditions.

New opportunities for market participants

The main advantage that an advertiser receives when using automated ad insertion technologies is the ability to receive reports on the airing of his advertising. Also, thanks to automation, the influence of the human factor is negated - after all, in the scheme used today, the participation of a person is necessary, who must press the button in time to launch a local video/program - and in television broadcasting everything is decided by milliseconds. But even this is not the main problem: The person pressing the button may indicate in his reports that he pressed the button, but in fact this may not have happened. An automated system will provide a full report on what, for how long and when it was shown, and if it was not shown, then for what reasons - this is exactly what the advertiser is willing to pay money to an advertising or regional operator for.

The owner of a TV channel will be confident that his programs will be viewed and that the regional operator will not go beyond the broadcast time slots allocated to him for insertion.

The satellite operator may also not be left in the red - for providing the opportunity to transmit control information, it may charge a certain fee.

Is there a compromise that will suit everyone?

To summarize, we can say that the market for inserting regional advertising in Russia has great potential, but, alas, cannot yet realize all the opportunities offered automated systems insertion of advertising - despite the fact that the benefits for all market participants are obvious. The market needs to organize dialogue and hold specialized forums, in which both distributors of advertising content and advertisers interested in placing their advertising information in regional broadcast networks, and federal broadcasters, on whom the main thing depends - how the issue of transmitting control information will be resolved.