Doorway templates and randomization. Category: Creating doorways for Yandex, Google (google)

Imagine that you are blindfolded, sat in a chair and given various objects to hold in your hands. At first you don't understand anything, but after a while you will begin to notice the qualities of these objects: shape, weight, material, surface temperature. Some objects will be pleasant to the touch, others less so, some will have sharp corners, others will be round, warm, rough. After a while, you will begin to notice patterns: a lot of round and cold ones come across, but smooth ones with sharp corners are rare. This does not require much effort, this is how our brain works - it classifies and puts everything into shelves, this process is called learning.

It is no secret that search robots have long been using the rudiments of artificial intelligence, machine learning based on neural networks, to improve the quality of search, and one of the most obvious areas of its application is identifying doorway grids, because they often have many common features that can be identified you can teach machines.

The main features by which doorway grids can be calculated are:

  • general topic
  • common keywords
  • general traffic drain
  • general template
  • public IP address
  • general DNS servers
  • general whois data
  • general initial age of sites and similar bulges (drops rule)
  • other pronounced signs

The more features are repeated within one grid, the higher the likelihood of its detection by search robots. There is a certain critical mass, upon reaching which all domains with network characteristics are banned. It is difficult to say what these signs are and what their critical mass is, because in practice we are talking about a combination of several signs. It should also be taken into account that PSs are more attentive to topics that traditionally have a lot of doorways, since a doorway topic is already a sign that means a fairly high probability that the next site may turn out to be a doorway.

There are three main strategies for combating AI search bots. The skill lies in combining these approaches. Some are suitable for long-lived doorways, some for making a profit here and now.

First strategy: maximum randomization

Obviously, in order for the grid of doorways not to be detected, we must strive to ensure that the signs on the doorways are repeated as little as possible - to maximize randomization. Who doesn’t know what randomization is - these are actions aimed at uniqueizing characteristics; the word “random” means “random”.

Adhering to this strategy, we try to make everything as random as possible: we change templates on each doorway, a random number of paragraphs of text are constantly added to the article template, with a random number of characters, paragraphs are diluted in a random order with random elements (pictures, videos, tables, etc.). ), we try to use as many keywords as possible, mix them, mix doorways of different topics on the same servers, buy servers from different hosters in different countries, do different traffic drains, obfuscate scripts, in general we make everything as random as possible Maybe. Each item in your hands will be different from the next.

The most important point here is that randomization should be maximum. Average randomization will not give average results, but rather, on the contrary, will very quickly drive the entire grid into a ban. For example, if in every 3 articles the same table appears as a random element, then it will very soon become a striking feature of the entire grid. Unlike us, search engines remember everything.

Strategy two: dissolution

The point of the strategy is to dissolve in frequently used signs. Let me explain right away with an example. What is the most common article format on the Internet? That's right, one picture and several paragraphs of text, that is, a very simple template. If the most common object in nature is a ball, then we will make balls, in other words, we will not stand out. Another example, you can use the same Cloudflare or analogues as IP and DNS, so our doorways will have IP addresses and DNS servers like millions of other sites using this service, and we will again get lost in the crowd.

Strategy Three: Massive Offensive

Let’s say we learned how to make doorways that get banned after 2 weeks, but manage to pay off 10 times, and the niche allows us to make thousands of them. I think the conclusion about further actions suggests itself. In this case, it is not necessary to pay attention to the signs first; the main thing is to automate the creation of doorway grids in such a way as to do a minimum of manual work (ideally, just load money from ATMs into the trunk of your FJ Cruiser).

Of course, the most ideal option is a combination of strategies. We can earn twice as much if doorway pages live not 2, but 4 weeks. What if they live for half a year or a year?

Beginners, first of all, should pay attention to the combination of the first two strategies, as they more reliably guarantee results. The third strategy needs to be included as experience and budget become available - we learn how to make profitable doorways, earn money, and put production on stream. In a word, we scale.

Positive factors

The artificial intelligence of search engines is not limited to detecting negative factors, it also serves to identify positive factors that can positively affect our doorways. Links and initial trust are, of course, good, but we must not forget about the recommendations of the PSs themselves. For example, now, in addition to standard SEO recommendations, special attention is paid to adapting the site for mobile devices and optimizing page loading speed. And it would be a sin not to take advantage of these recommendations, especially if they are free.

Optimization for mobile devices

PageSpeed ​​Insights also provides optimization tips for both mobile and desktop.

Of course, it is advisable to follow the maximum possible recommendations of this service, the main thing is not to create obvious signs that Google can use to ban our network of doorways.

And of course, don’t forget to read the giant’s general recommendations, because information is power. And finally, I’ll say that you shouldn’t get too carried away with perfectionism, forgetting to generate the next doorways. Ideally, you need to make new doors in the process of creating your super scheme, so from doorway to doorway you will tweak some settings, thereby introducing a factor of randomness, as well as gain experience and see how subsequent changes affect the indexing of new doorways.

Hi all. So I decided to take part in a competition organized by the creators of wonderful software – ZennoPoster. I have been the owner of this software package for almost two years now, and I consider this program one of the most universal and mandatory in the collection of all web masters. Since one of my priority areas is doorways, in this article I will describe some tricks that can bring profit even to novice web masters, practically without investing money, and having only ZennoPoster as a program. Let's first look at what doorways are. Doorways are sites that do not carry any meaning for the visitor and redirect the visitor to an affiliate program that will ultimately bring profit to the doorway creator.

At the moment, there are a lot of different programs on the Internet for generating doorways. I will not engage in advertising for Dorgens, and I will not name specific programs accordingly. Each doorman decides this issue individually.

What do we need to create a high-quality doorway?

We will need: keywords, a doorway that will create the doorway itself, and a program that will put our doorway into the PS index. In addition to the programs themselves, we also need to have a domain name for the site, and hosting on which we will place the files of our project.

In this article I will tell you how you can make a doorway with only ZennoPoster and keywords (which can also be collected using this software).

We will analyze the template by downloading the topic, and accordingly, we will need keywords of the same topic. We take the frequency of keys from 10 to 1000 requests per month. Your traffic will largely depend on the quality of your keywords. I won’t go into depth on how to collect keywords, since a million articles on this topic can be found in Yandex or Google. The most popular programs for collecting keywords are KeyCollector and Magadan. Magadan is also available in a free, stripped-down version, which you can get by with at the initial stage.

After we already have a list of keywords (we need the list in .txt format, and each key is on a new line). We need to select a domain and hosting. To minimize costs, we will make our doorways on free hosting and use a free domain. this website creation service sits well in the search results of Yandex and Google, and it is with it that we will work.

I built the doorway generator itself from two templates, one template is a registrar, the second template is a poster. I broke the templates so that it would not be visible that the sites were filled with software, and, accordingly, they would be checked and deleted less (doorways on all free hosting sites are sooner or later demolished by moderators). Through experiments, I found out that if you add many articles at once, then the next day the site no longer exists, it is discovered and deleted. In this regard, I started posting 10 articles every half hour. And domains are registered once every 5 hours. With such time intervals, the captcha does not pop up, and everything works fine. Unless strong mass popularity is achieved, those who have multi-threaded software can do all this with proxies and increase their traffic several times.

I have these settings in ZennoPoster for the recorder

And these are the ones on the poster

I repeat, my zennoposter works in one thread and without proxies, and those who have multi-threaded software can work several times faster with good proxies.

Let's look at the templates one by one to see what they do.

The first group of actions is registration on the site itself. Registration is very simple, but if you register very often, a captcha pops up, after entering which the next captcha pops up, and this cycle is endless. This is their defense, designed against you and me. This template makes a mistake when it sees a captcha and is disabled for 5 hours. This makes it possible to less expose our IP, from which we sculpt the roads. After registration according to the template, there is a group of actions that creates the site. The sites will all be built on different templates, which plays into our hands; at the end of this group there is a pause of 1 minute. It is designed so that the site can be configured, after which it will be possible to take the domain of the site itself as a regular expression. We take the domain in the third group of actions. And we save your access data to a list on your computer. The fourth group does not relate to site registration, but we need it in order to quickly see our creation in Yandex results. The program goes to - a service for adding a new site to Yandex. Here we need a captcha solving service.

We set in the settings the service that you use, I use the service, it does an excellent job with Russian-language captchas. After executing the template, I have data for the site, which has already been added to Yasha’s add-on.

Let's look at the poster that will fill our door in the screenshot below.

In the first group of actions, we take a line from the list that the registrar has already registered with us. I copy the list first; I don’t use one common file so that there is no discrepancy in the number of articles on the sites. Today's sites have 10 articles, while sites that are already a week old have several hundred. Approximately once a week I send the filled doors for running, and substitute the empty ones for filling. How to drive through the roads to obtain at least some link mass and faster indexing by all search engines (search engines), everyone decides for themselves separately, and based on their capabilities. Let's return to the template. Having taken the line, we immediately go to the second group of actions and check whether the moderators have deleted our door. If it is deleted, then we go to the beginning of the first group of actions, and take the next line, and delete the line with the allocated amount. After we have successfully checked our road for survivability, we move on, returning to the first action group, adding a line with the data we are currently working on to the very bottom of the list, so that the filling takes place one by one. Next, we take a keyword from the list that we have already prepared in advance.

Our third group of actions goes to Google Images based on the keyword, and takes an image from there for our article. Search engines love texts with pictures more than those without them.

Let's move on to the fifth group of actions. This group is responsible for checking login status in the admin panel. Since we have some cycles that are executed several times, namely, we will post 10 articles, accordingly we will need to take a keyword, parse the image, and parse the text 10 times. And so that the program does not try to log in 10 times, since from the second cycle it will not find the registration form and will give an error, we need this block for verification.

The sixth group is to enter your login and password.

Sometimes, when you first enter the site for posting, a window pops up that the registration is not yet completely completed; in this case, to complete the registration, we will need the seventh group.

The eighth and ninth groups of actions are responsible for entering the article editor and writing the article itself.

The tenth group, in this case, checks for the success of writing the article, since sometimes a captcha pops up and the article is not published. You can bypass the captcha in a very simple way, just refresh the page and write the article again. That's what this group does.

In the eleventh group, the template saves the link to a list for future runs, in the format http://site/stranica_key/ ">Key

The twelfth group is a counter that counts the number of posts at a time. I have 10 posts in my template. After 10 cycles, the logical element will generate an error and call up a window with the inscription “Posted 10 articles on the road”

To give it a more natural look, I display a window with a button using a script. To do this, we will need to edit the file I attached with the .js extension (insert a link to the affiliate program into it) and upload it to the hosting. After uploading the file, copy the link to it and place it in the input settings.

I'll post the template files one of these days. Who is interested in this article, collect the keys, we will spam together. Regarding the search results, this hosting has a lot of search engines in all search engines.

Hello, dear friends and blog guests! Today we will talk about doorways. Although this is not the best way to promote and promote a site, it is still worth talking about. Since it exists on the Internet and somehow I don’t want to keep silent about it. So, let me tell you what I know and present you with the JakoDorgen pro doorway generator, which works, for download. Well, whoever wants it will use it!

So, let's get started...

Doorways are...

Doorways are one of the ways to promote and SEO a site that uses one of the types of search spam or, to put it another way, more precisely, a page or many generated pages optimized for high-frequency key queries. And these queries with keys are very well indexed by search engines, which in turn leads to the emergence of a new source of search traffic to the link that you indicate in the doorway for redirection.

How to make doorways using the JakoDorgen pro doorway generator? Step-by-step instruction!

To start, you need a . Have you downloaded it? Let's continue now! This is a unique program that will help you generate doorway pages in literally a couple of minutes, which if done manually, would have spent a lot of time and effort, but still would not have created as many doorway sites as the doorway generator JakoDorgen pro does!

Unpack the downloaded archive and it will contain folders and files:

The file highlighted in red launches the program. Double-click on it and it will open:

Now you need to select the Settings tab, but you don't need to edit anything there. But this is at your discretion. Try to generate your first doorway first, and only then try to change something in the settings, at your discretion.

The next step is to open the “Generator” tab and find “Add Project” in it - click and you will get here:

Be sure to fill out all fields highlighted in red! You will have a couple of questions as you fill out:

  • Inscriptions in the “Site Title” and “Inscription in the Header” tabs - enter your main keyword!
  • In the “Keywords” tab, click browse and specify the path to a text file with your keywords, which should be saved in utf-8 format!
  • Select keywords in the system MUTAGEN I wrote about him earlier. This is the best option for selecting keys for your site and for all articles for the site!
  • Type in as many keywords as possible for your main key (at least 300)!
  • The text can be anything, but also in a file with the utf-8 extension! Open your key query in the Google search engine and add filetype:doc to it, press “Enter” and files for downloading will be presented to your eyes. Download any suitable one and copy the text from there for your doorway.
  • “Folder with articles” is not necessary! You don't have to fill it out!!!

All. Now at the bottom right click “Add” and this will appear:

Where you should now click on “Start generation”. After which your doorway will be generated and saved in the folder that you specified in the “Folder for doors” tab.

Open it and you will see the doorway ready for uploading to your hosting! Download and enjoy the new source of traffic!!!

Yes, I completely forgot!!! It is important!!!

Viewing the site is only for those who want to earn real money!


Which you must insert into the doorway template in JakoDorgen pro. For me it is located along this path, you may have another path (D:\DOORWAYS_ALL\JakoDorgen Pro_ALL\JakoDorgen Pro\Jako_4.2.4\Jako_2011\templates), which you will use to generate your doorway. Paste this code at the very top into any template you are using in the page file after . Here's an example:



Site Map






More details




Video “Doorway generator, JakoDorgen pro - making doorways”: coming soon!

They died - there is no money in the dora! As in Shakespeare: “The king is dead, long live the king!” 🙂 When analyzing search results, it is interesting to find out how and with what competitors are promoting. A lot can be included here, but this article discusses the usability used on doorways.

It’s not worth mentioning about the uniqueness of template designs, but recently one general trend has been visible: they are becoming more and more similar to sites for people (SDL). There is only one conclusion - mass generation is being diluted with hand-built doorways in WEB 2.0 style. In terms of speed of doorway compilation, manual assembly is in many ways inferior, and you can think about whether the “game is worth the candle”?

Yes, it's worth it! Such doors live longer than multi-page doorways. And the most interesting thing is that hand-built doorways are very difficult to classify as spam sites based on currently existing search engine filters, because then almost every second website in the WEB 2.0 style can be easily affiliated.

So, let's move on to the details.

The entire technology is based on creating a template or, as they say, website layout. The layout itself can be tabular (outdated version) and on divs

- these are such blocks/containers. Well, you can, as an option, just buy ready-made templates. We will not learn layout in this article, since this is a lesson for more than one hour. For reference, we can recommend an excellent article on this topic - Golden technique: how to layout a website according to its layout. Based on it, you can fluently master the basic layout of websites, and then, if you want, you can easily make money from it. The best part is that there are plenty of tools for designing templates: for every taste and level of professionalism, starting from Artisteer and Template Toaster, KompoZer, WYSIWYG Web Editors and Dreamweaver.

For those who are familiar with the layout of website templates, it will be even easier. First, we take a screenshot of any pharmacy template you like (we get the template itself in your affiliate program where you are registered, in our case it is -— proven pharma affiliate). The best way to take a screenshot is with the program FastStone Capture, it allows you to take a screenshot along the entire length of the page scroll, just select the option “Scrolling window” or use the hotkeys “Ctrl+Alt+PrtSc”. Here's what happened:

After cutting the original image, you get 8 small pieces that are “twisted” into one whole for the future doorway layout.

Yes, if you take the html version of the pharmacy template itself, saved using scrapebook, then the number of graphic blocks will be greater - 74 elements!

In our method, optimization is present; instead of working with 74 elements, you will only have eight. With this layout, you can do without a cascading styles file - CSS. But the ability to work with styles is welcome. You definitely won't be able to do without styles if you want to make an original template.

Create a simple HTML page, where you write in the code all your created blocks according to the order, so that you get the original page. It is advisable to give all graphic blocks meaningful names, which will prevent you from getting confused. Screenshot of the page source code. Everything is described in detail on it.

If you are attentive, you noticed a familiar symbol - Hashtag or hashtag in anchors - a popular tag on social networks (usually indicated by the hash symbol - #). The point of using it is that thanks to this symbol, the links that are on a certain page of the site are not stuck together by the search engine, and this is just a godsend for doorway developers! Thanks to the hashtag, the anchors on the page will be different. The practical use of the grid will be obvious to you when you learn about the last element of the door - the tricky script "gl.js". Here is his code:

It contains a URL concatenation/joining/joining function. It is responsible for connecting the right side of the URL (located behind the bars) with the local domain of the doorway, where it is physically hosted, or the global domain, which is embedded in the Java script code. To work, you only need to indicate in place of the global domain the domain of your pharmacy or partner pharmacy where you will send visitors (in the example is indicated).

In other words, if a block is clicked on the doorway page, then the visitor is redirected to the pharmacy, and if the click occurs in the HTML code of the doorway page, then the visitor is redirected to the doorway page specified in the link. In fact, the same doorway page can be indexed as many times as there are block links in the form of hashtags pointing to it. In the example, 8 blocks are equal to 8 hashtags or one real page + 7 full-fledged virtual pages for search spiders.

This method also has disadvantages: the door will be crooked if the user has the option “Processing Java scripts” disabled in the browser and the “Do not load HTML page images” checkbox is checked. To avoid such situations, you can additionally dilute the graphic image of the doorway with text with tempting prices for certain tablets and other promotional content.

All are attached to the article. I wish you profit, friends! 🙂

I thought for a long time and decided whether to buy a Zeno poster or a Hedant. The programs are roughly designed to automate work in the browser - routine work. At first I thought about giving up the headant because it is written in PHP and this is an excellent reason to learn it + you can always add/expand a template written in the program. I'm almost ready to buy...

Good afternoon dear blog readers. I hope you liked the previous review of semrush because today I will continue working with it. But this time, I will post an analysis of free hosting services analyzed by the service. Naturally, I will post a list only of those that have potential (let me remind you that the potential and vitality of freeha is assessed by the number of keywords in the TOP).

And also some goodies at the end of the article.

A month ago, I developed a strategy for myself according to which I would move into the pharmaceutical business. After reading a huge number of articles on pharma, I figured out what works now and what doesn’t, and came to the simple conclusion that freebies are almost dead and you won’t get far with many pages of roads. And if you leave, you’ll have to harness it for a long time. Now domains that you can’t just buy in a store, but they are issued individually to all sorts of universities and government agencies.

Good afternoon to everyone who reads this blog. Now that summer has passed, it’s time to get back to work, turn on your brains again and stop drinking every day, and sit until you lose your pulse and work, work, work. As I promised in the last post, articles on . More precisely, they are already ready and sorted. All that remains is to publish it and design it beautifully. I want to say right away that most of them have not been tested by me, but logically they should work, some are crazy and it’s almost impossible for a beginner to understand anything about them.

So, probably about a week ago I tried on the second-level and on the Yandex still didn’t index both of them. Although they seemed to be made with high quality. Dor on was indexed by Google in as it was at zeros and remains at zeros.

I have only one version why Yandex didn’t eat up , which, because it used to have a site that fell under the AGS and after a while got out from under it.