Setting up YouTube comments. New Youtube Comment Features

YouTube video hosting is one of the most popular today. Users enjoy watching the video, recommend it to their friends, express their attitude to the video they saw, and leave comments on YouTube. People are emotional by nature; talking about your feelings, thereby commenting on the video you watched, is today considered a rule of good manners.

Video bloggers should create such films in order to touch the delicate strings in the souls, to evoke compassion, empathy, pride, joy, love, and other bright emotions in a person. There are also films that evoke the opposite; you don’t want to watch that. Taking these points into account, authors use auto-comments to promote their resources, be it a website, product, video or channel. To do this, after watching the video, leave a recording with your link. Such a comment undergoes moderation, sometimes for a long time, and if such a post is left, it will drive traffic to the link for a long time.

Good free and effective method promoting your channel using comments under videos with millions of views. If it is written in an original way, with a bit of intrigue, then the person reading it will want to go to your channel. Next, your task is to retain the visitor.

What’s also noteworthy is that Google gives search query and the auto-commentary itself, I have been convinced of this more than once.

How to leave YouTube comments

YouTube search engine, type a popular video, select a movie from the suggested videos. A field opens under the video, enter text into it.

Usually these notes are printed, almost all the same: in simple font. If you want to highlight your text so that it catches your eye, you can use hotkeys:

  1. Shift + 8 – sentences will be highlighted in bold.

2. Shift + underscore(_) letters will be slanted.

3. Shift + hyphen (—) what is written will be crossed out.

Examples of using different writing techniques.

Sometimes you can come across the following phrase:

Default comment settings

By selecting the desired action with the left mouse cursor, we regulate the flow of statements from channel visitors. In a similar way, the problem of not being able to respond to an opinion written by a viewer is solved. You can often notice the following:

I would love to answer Zari, but there is no way. She needs to make adjustments

by checking all the check boxes.

Polemics are welcomed in discussions; robots consider the video interesting, raising it to the TOP, and traffic to a particular video increases accordingly.

In this article, I answered questions from YouTube comments that users and newbie video bloggers have.

Comments make it easy to keep in touch with other people on YouTube. You can view discussions and add your feedback in the video comments section of the Discussion tab on the channel (if the channel owner has enabled the Discussion tab).

View comments on YouTube

The comments that are most important to you appear first. At the top of the list you will see comments from people from yours and other authors, popular people. Comments that are liked by a lot of people and have a lot of replies will also be shown at the top.

  • Sort comments. You can also use sorting, which will make the most recent comments appear at the top of the list. For easier tracking, discussions are grouped into threads.
  • Comments from other sites. Posts from Google Plus, with links to videos or channels, will also appear in YouTube comments marked “Google+”.
  • Moderating comments. You can report any comment as spam or a violation of the rules. If you are a developer, you can moderate comments on your videos on the channel using comment moderation tools.

Not all functions are supported yet new system commenting. Here are some features that are not yet available:

  • On Android:
    • Sorting by latest comments.
  • On Android and iOS:
    • “Google+” tag

The YouTube team is working on an update for these apps. For now, you can use these features if you log in to mobile version YouTube using your device browser.

Posting comments

The updated comment system is based on . If your channel hasn't been updated yet, find out how to link it to Google Plus so you can post comments and do other commenting-related things.

  • Choose who can see your comment. By default, comments on YouTube and Google+ are public. If you want, you can only post your comments to certain people or people in your circles on Google Plus. This way the discussion will be more private. Select a visibility option (for example, Public) to change your comment visibility settings.
  • Use rich text. YouTube comments can be formatted using tags *bold* → bold, _italics_ → italics, -crossed- → crossed out.
  • Add URL. You can add a URL in the comment. It will appear as a hyperactive link. YouTube video URLs appear in comments like movie title links.
  • Mentions of different people. In your comments, you can mention various people, thus inviting them to take part in the conversation.
  • Submit your comment to multiple places. You can use your comments as . If you do this, only the ones you select will be visible on Google+. Your comments will also be visible to these people in places such as the profile or Google+ page associated with your channel. If you don't want to share comments on Google+, uncheck the box before publishing it Publish to Google+ under the comment.

YouTube apps for Android and iOS Not all functions of the new commenting system are supported yet. Here are some features that are not yet available:

  • On Android:
    • [After logging in Google page+] Provide access only to specific individuals and circles
  • On Android and iOS:
    • Editing comments
    • Disabling replies and access

The YouTube team is working on an update for these apps. For now, you can use these features through the mobile version of YouTube using your mobile device's browser.

Reaction to comments

The updated comment system is based on Google identification. If your channel hasn't been updated yet, find out how to link it to Google Plus so you can post comments and do other commenting-related things.

Mark interesting comments. Click an icon on the page to show that you liked someone's comment. In the Android and iOS apps, you can mark a comment as interesting after tapping comments. Information that you like a comment will be published on Google Plus (displayed as “+1”). Everyone who sees the post will see who gave it.

Reply to comments. Press Answer under the comment. In the Android and iOS apps, tap a comment to display the Reply option. All replies are grouped into topics under the first comment. They are visible to the same people in the same places as the first comment.

Edit, delete, or limit who can see comments. Click the arrow on the right top corner comment you posted to display Extra options comments. In the Android and iOS apps, some of these options will be shown to you when you tap comments.

YouTube apps for Android and iOS do not support all features of the new comment system. Here are some features that are not yet available:

  • On Android:
    • Comment rating (positive)
  • On Android and iOS:
    • Comment rating (negative)

The YouTube team is working on an update for these apps. For now, you can use these features if you sign in to the mobile version of YouTube using your device browser.

Moderating comments on YouTube

Other YouTube users can add comments to your videos and on your channel if the Discussion bookmark is enabled on it. As the owner, you have some tools to moderate the discussion.

What can you do with comments?. Check for feature availability by clicking on the arrow in the upper right corner of a comment related to your channel or movie.

  • Delete- deleting comments from YouTube. If any replies were given to the comment, they will be deleted along with it. If the comment was also published on Google+, it will not be removed from there.
  • Report spam or abuse- Allows you to report a comment to the YouTube team that you believe is abusive or could be considered spam.
  • Ban on channel, the user cannot add comments for movies and on the channel. You can then remove this person from your blocked users list in your community settings.

Approving comments before publishing. You can only allow comments to be posted on your videos or on your channel after they have been accepted.

Have you ever thought that text of comments under video on YouTube can be “dressy” and attract the attention of many spectators.

Typically, we imagine comments under YouTube videos as a huge ribbon of gray letters. We scroll through it boringly, looking for interesting text.

Is it possible somehow stand out from the crowd of comments? How to leave the right comment on YouTube?

It turns out that YouTube allows you to change the font style in comments, insert Special symbols... and much more. But let's talk about everything in order.

Bold, italic and strikethrough text in comments. To use this YouTube secret, you need to add any of the three combinations of characters to the comment.

To highlight text in comments use:

1. In bold use an asterisk (“*”)


2. Use underscore (“_”) in italics


3. Strikethrough using a dash (“-”)

Strikethrough text-

After clicking the “OK” button, the specified font type will be displayed in the comments window.

Symbols for comments.

There is another great way to write a comment under a video to attract

attention to him. You can use special characters for this.

Tables of special characters can be easily found in any search engine. I'll give it here

some of the most popular icons.

☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☼ ☽ ★ ☆ ♘ ♙ ♙ ♚ ▲ △ ▼ ✹ ✺ ✻☎ ✿

You can also write comments on YouTube in upside down font. Agree, it looks very unusual :-)

ǝqnʇnoʎ ɐн идɐɯнǝwwoʞ ǝıqɯʎdʞ qɯɐɔiu oıǝwʎ qdǝuǝɯ ʁ

Keep in mind that YouTube may not always display all the characters you like. Try inserting a variety of comments to the video, trying out which ones

icons suitable for YouTube. Experiment and find your style. Promotion using comments. And in conclusion, two more little secrets of YouTube.

1. You can promote yours very quickly YouTube channels I can offer help. If you know how to make a competent comment under a video. In this case, other viewers will

go and subscribe to your channel.

Want details? Watch the video where I talk about this secret trick.

2. You can also use hashtags on YouTube. In particular, they work great in comments. With their help you can easily attract attention. But not

only. They also allow you to show your videos in 1st position YouTube search. Imagine, one small symbol hashtag “#”, but it does real miracles!

Want details? Take part in a practical intensive « » .
And get ALL the living YouTube secrets from me.

Did you like the new video on YouTube or, on the contrary, shocked you? Can't cope with your emotions or want to give advice on how you can improve your video? Leave a comment on YouTube the author of the video. In order to express your point of view on the creativity that you saw, it is important to be registered on YouTube. Only those users who have their own channel can leave comments.

It can be assumed that YouTube adheres to this policy in order to preserve the culture of communication, as well as to minimize the amount of spam. This allows other users who , watch what they write. As soon as you have created your channel on the hosting and entered it, you can easily write your opinion about any of the clips, if, of course, the author considered it necessary to leave the comments field open. To leave a note:

  1. After watching the clip, scroll to the bottom of the page.
  2. You will see a line where you can write what you think about the clip.
  3. Once you're done, tap the send button. Your comment will immediately appear first in the list.

If you forgot to add something, or decided to get rid of a comment altogether, in the corner on the right, tap the vertical icon with three dots. Choose the action that you consider acceptable. You can also leave a comment for another user who is participating in the conversation. The icon will also help you with this. To do this, select the comment that caught your attention and click on the reply button. The user who left his entry will receive a notification about this.

How to leave a comment on YouTube from your phone

Are you used to watching videos only from your gadget? Unfortunately, leave a comment on YouTube from your phone, it won't work the way it's done on a PC. However, you can add a video that caught your attention to your playlist and comment on it later, while on your PC. To add videos to playlists, exit the mode full screen viewing. Once you pause the video, you will notice a gray plus icon at the bottom. By touching it, you will see a list of playlists that you have created in the past. Choose the one you need. The video will be in it.

If you think that the video does not belong on the hosting, it violates your rights, or it shows unacceptable moments, tap the flag icon. YouTube will review your application and find out what’s wrong with the video. You shouldn’t just click on this sign, because if your complaint is not justified, you may simply be banned.

How many comments can you leave on YouTube?

You can post it on YouTube countless comments, however, at the same time, always remember the culture of communication. If you write the same thing, or bother other users, then the hosting has the right to block your channel, no matter how famous it is. Therefore, write constructive criticism.

Then other users will listen to your opinion, go to your page and subscribe to your clips. In this way, you and you can . At the same time, do not forget to leave your YouTube settings in such a way that others can also appreciate your creativity and give you .

There you will see the total number of comments, and a little lower there is a field for adding your comment. Write all your thoughts and click blue button"Send". Everything is extremely simple, isn't it? In just a couple of seconds, you said everything you were thinking. Now the author of the video, having read your comment, review or request, will be able to answer your question or listen to your thoughts. Also on YouTube you have a great opportunity to comment on any other comment under the video. To do this, click on the “Reply” link under the comment of interest. It often happens that users are more “hooked” not by the video itself, but by some kind of comment. Then real discussions unfold around it.

Every day more and more users access Youtube through their phone rather than through their PC. Therefore, many are interested in the functionality of the YouTube mobile application. Earlier on the site we talked about, now it’s time to talk about How to leave a comment on YouTube from your phone. First of all, you need to update your mobile app to the latest version.

After that, go to YouTube and watch any video. If after viewing you need to leave a comment, then you need to go to the bottom of the page, as shown in the first picture just above. There you will find a comment field (see Figure 2 above). Next, touch this field, after which a keyboard will open for writing text. Write your thoughts and submit them for publication, similar to writing and submitting a comment on your computer. It is worth noting that in more earlier versions The YouTube application did not allow you to leave comments. You could only save a link to the video or add the video to your playlist and then comment on the video from your computer.