The touch light switch turns on itself. How to connect a touch switch

Hello, dear readers and guests of the Electrician's Notes website.

About a year ago I told you about, which I installed for the first time at one of my facilities.

The switch showed itself on the positive side and during all this time of operation there were no complaints about it.

In addition, due to its glass panel and backlit sensor, it has a rather pleasant appearance.

In this regard, it was decided to install exactly the same switches throughout the apartment.

This article will focus exclusively on the corridor.

In the corridor, it is necessary to install pass-through switches to control the lighting from two places - in the hallway and at the end of the corridor before entering the rooms.

Now this won’t surprise anyone - it’s common practice. And this is really very convenient, especially since in my case the corridor is quite long and, for example, to turn the lighting on or off, you need to return to the hallway every time. Or walking through the entire corridor in complete darkness, stumbling and leaning on the walls, is also not entirely comfortable. Another thing, I turned on the light, walked through the corridor and turned off the light. Nice thing!

As you can see, both in the hallway and at the end of the corridor, . In the first socket box of the hallway, a regular Livolo touch switch will be installed to control the hallway lighting (2 lamps), and in the second socket box there will be a Livolo pass-through switch for the corridor (9 lamps). Similarly, at the end of the corridor, a regular touch switch will be installed in the first socket box to control the lighting of the room, and in the second socket box there will be a pass-through switch.

In addition to the VL-C701R touch switches, two VL-C701S pass-through single-line switches from Livolo were ordered.

We also ordered two double glass frames (panels) VL-C7-C1/C1-11 in white.

If you need a similar glass panel, only black, then the code will be VL-C7-C1/C1-12. The last digit at the end of the code determines the color of the panel.

Here's an example of how the VL-C7-C1/C2-12 panel looks.

In addition to white and black, panels can be ordered in other colors, for example, gold (13) or gray (15). In general, I think that choosing a glass panel to suit the design of your room will not be difficult.

The housing of the single-line pass-through switch VL-C701S has one sensor, i.e. it can only control one load (in my case one group of 9 lights).

For information! In addition to single-line pass-through switches VL-C701S, there are also two-line pass-through switches VL-C702S on sale, which have two sensors in the housing, and, accordingly, they can control two groups of lamps.

In appearance, the VL-C701S pass-through switches are exactly the same as the conventional VL-C701R touch switches, which I have already told you about in detail (link at the very beginning of the article), so I will not dwell on this now, but will go straight to the diagram their connections.

Connecting Livolo pass-through switches

The fact is that there is practically no information on the Internet on the connection diagram for Livolo pass-through switches, or rather, there is, but the same diagram appears everywhere, which is also included with the switches.

As you can see, the phase (red wire) is connected to the L (In) terminal of both pass-through switches, a jumper (blue wire) is made between the COM terminals of both switches, and the switching phase to the load (lamp) is connected to the L1 (Load) terminal of one of the nearest pass-through switches.

This circuit is quite clear to me, but home craftsmen or novice electricians may have questions.

In this regard, I will publish my more detailed diagram, and at the same time I will show you with a clear example the connection, the synchronization (interface) setting and the operating principle of Livolo pass-through switches.

So, let's go.

As you can see, the Livolo single-line pass-through switch has 3 outputs:

  • L (In)
  • L1 (Load)

To make the diagram easier to understand, let’s designate the numbers of the pass-through switches: in the hallway there is pass-through switch No. 1, and at the end of the corridor there is pass-through switch No. 2.

Let me remind you that in this apartment all electrical wiring is done without junction boxes. Go ahead and read my separate article about the advantages and disadvantages of this method of electrical installation.

Let's start with the hallway.

There are 3 cables in the hallway socket box:

  • power cable from the apartment switchboard VVGng (3x1.5)
  • cable to hallway lamps VVGng (3x1.5)

Attention! Initially, I did not route the cables into the sockets quite correctly, because... in the upper socket there should be a hallway lighting switch, and in the lower one there should be a pass-through switch No. 1 for the corridor lighting. Therefore, for ease of connection, I immediately rewired some of the cores from the lower socket box to the upper one, and vice versa.

First of all, we connect the zeros (blue) of all three cables with help and carefully lay it deep into the socket box.

Then we connect the phase (white) of the power cable to the Vago terminal and here we connect the phase (white) of the cable laid to the pass-through switch No. 2.

Why did I connect the supply phase through the terminal?! Yes, because the terminals of Livolo switches are designed to connect only one conductor, which is why it was necessary to use an additional terminal.

From the phase terminal we make a jumper into the lower socket box to connect it to the L (In) terminal of pass-through switch No. 1.

We use the remaining conductor (yellow-green) in the lower socket box as a COM connecting conductor between the pass-through switches. Accordingly, we connect it to the COM terminal of pass-through switch No. 1.

Using the Vago terminal, we connect the PE conductors of the power cable and the cable laid to the hallway lamps, and from the phase terminal we make a jumper to connect the touch switch for the hallway lighting.

Carefully place all the terminals in the socket box and connect the touch switch.

We connect the phase to terminal L (In), and the switching phase of the cable going to the hallway lights to terminal L1 (Load).

Livolo switches are mounted in the socket box exclusively on mounting screws (included in the kit) and they do not have any spreading legs.

The base of the switches is made of metal and allows you to use it during installation.

Now take the glass panel and snap it onto both switches at once.

From the hallway side everything is ready.

Let's move on to the second place to control the corridor lighting.

As I already showed you, there are also two socket boxes installed here. On the left is a socket for the touch switch in the next room (don’t pay attention to it, because it is connected from a separate line), and on the right is a socket for pass-through switch No. 2.

The socket box we are interested in has 2 cables:

  • cable from pass-through switch No. 1 to pass-through switch No. 2 VVGng (3x1.5)
  • cable to VVGng corridor lamps (3x1.5)

We connect the zeros (blue) of both cables using the Vago terminal, and connect the remaining cores as follows:

  • phase from the cable from pass-through switch No. 1 - to terminal L (In)
  • yellow-green core from the cable from pass-through switch No. 1 - to the COM terminal
  • commutating phase from the corridor lighting cable - to terminal L1 (Load)
  • the yellow-green core from the cable of the corridor lamps remains unused

For clarity, I am attaching the resulting connection diagram for pass-through switches to control lighting from two places. All this may sound complicated in words, but in reality everything looks quite simple.

The switch is installed in a similar way, so I will not repeat this.

After installing Livolo pass-through switches, they must be synchronized to work with each other. To do this, you need to press and hold the sensor on pass-through switch No. 1 for about 5-7 seconds until the sound signal sounds. Then, on pass-through switch No. 2, you must press and hold the sensor until it blinks 2 times. That, in principle, is all synchronization.

To reset the synchronization, you need to press and hold the sensor for about 10 seconds until you hear a double signal.

Lighting control from two places using Livolo switches

When you press the sensor (circle on the glass panel) of pass-through switch No. 1, the corridor lighting is turned on. When you press the sensor again, the corridor lighting turns off. This is, so to speak, control of the corridor lighting from one place. But it’s not in vain that we used pass-through switches?!

Of course, now the corridor lighting can be controlled from two places. For example, you can turn on the hallway lighting using walk-through switch No. 1 in the hallway, and turn it off using walk-through switch No. 2 at the end of the corridor, and vice versa.

By the way, I noticed such a feature that when controlling the lighting from the pass-through switch No. 1, the built-in relay on the pass-through switch No. 2 always triggers (clicks), which turns on the corridor lighting. Thus, only the pass-through switch No. 2 switches the relay load. Here is a small feature of the operation of Livolo pass-through switches.

You can see more details about the operation of pass-through switches in my video:

P.S. That's probably all. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below the article. And in conclusion, I’ll add that the Livolo company’s assortment does not end there. The site presents a large selection of switches, sockets, dimmers, timers, relays and other devices with various functionality and interesting designs.Thank you all for your attention, see you again.

In order for the device to meet the owner’s expectations in the future, you need to choose it correctly. To do this you need to consider:

    How many light sources will be connected to the switch.

    Consider the temperature and amount of moisture in the room.

    Will there be any other devices connected to the switch, for example, a temperature sensor?

Types of touch switches

There are many types of touch switches. More details about each:

A dimmer can be installed on each of these types of touch switches. It allows you to adjust the intensity of lighting in the room, which also saves energy.

The touch switch consists of three main parts. Its structure does not depend on its type. The first part is the decorative face plate. She reacts to touch, the approach of fingers.

The second part is a sensor, the type of which depends on the type of switch. It is responsible for transmitting information from the face plate, which receives the signal, to the third part. The third switching part. It converts the signal into an electrical one.

Installation of touch switches

In fact, connecting a circuit breaker is no different from a regular key switch; you can easily install a touch switch with your own hands. This process can be studied in the article:.

How to connect a touch switch, install an illuminated mirror in the bathroom, a remote touch switch and much more.

No one will like it if the light is on all the time. To turn it off, switches with contacts have been used since the advent of Edison's light bulb. Now they have an alternative - touch switches.

Touch switch- These are devices for turning off lights. Unlike conventional devices that need to be pressed or turned, these devices are controlled by touching a touch pad. There are simple ones that only work on/off and with built-in dimmers.


To test your knowledge, take the test:
  1. Do I need an additional wire for connection?
  1. Is the sensor under voltage?
  1. Is it possible to use a table lamp body instead of a sensor?
  1. Are there devices that control multiple lamps individually?

Check the test result:

  • b, a, b, b - you know enough to work independently;
  • a, b, a, a - your knowledge is not enough to independently select and install the device;
  • all other options - you have knowledge, but it needs to be supplemented by reading special articles and watching videos.

Touch sockets and switches (hereinafter S.V.) - 5 advantages

These devices have advantages over conventional switches:

  • absence of moving parts and cracks - dust and moisture get inside through them;
  • variety of design;
  • There are models with built-in sockets and brightness adjustment;
  • table lamps and mirrors use a metal case instead of a touch plate, and the electronic board is hidden from prying eyes.
  • the cost of such devices does not exceed the price of conventional high-quality switches.

Touch switches are divided by type and amount of load connected to them:

  • including one or more lamps separately;
  • walk-through - turn on the lamp from different places, from the ends of a long corridor or staircase;
  • pulsed - supply voltage only during touch;
  • with a built-in dimmer - long touch changes the brightness of the light.

S.V. for a table lamp - 2 operating modes

Installing such a device in a table lamp allows you to do without a key switch and not look for it in the dark, but turn on the lamp by touching the body. A short touch turns it on and off, and a long touch adjusts the brightness.

Attention! Dimming (brightness adjustment) only works with incandescent and LED lamps. Such lamps have a special icon and inscription on the packaging.

This lamp has disadvantages:

  • lack of operation when the plug is placed incorrectly in the socket - in this case it is necessary to unscrew the plug.
  • false alarms when installing the lamp on a metal bedside table - in this case, you should install it on a dielectric base, made of wood or chipboard.

Scheme S.V. for a table lamp, assembled on 1 chip

This regulator is assembled on microcircuit 145AP2. The control is carried out by one sensor, providing on, off and brightness adjustment. If there are no errors during installation, the circuit starts working immediately, without configuration.

The power part of the circuit is the KT3102B transistor and the KU602G triac. If necessary, it is changed to a more powerful one or connected to the control output of a powerful triac.

This one is used regulator similar to a factory-made device - switching on/off is done by briefly touching the sensor. When you touch it for a long time, the brightness is adjusted, which is remembered and played back when turned on again.

As sensor the lamp body is used.

Carefully! There is high voltage on the circuit elements (except the sensor).

2 cases of need for repair of S.V. for table lamp

Repair of such a device comes down to replacing parts. The most common problem is the lack of light or constant glow. The reason for this is a faulty triac. It should be replaced, and in other cases the issue of economic feasibility of repairs should be decided.

Illuminated mirror for the bathroom with S.V. — 3 types of sensors and example of use

An interesting design effect is achieved by connecting such a device to illuminate the mirror. You can purchase ready-made or make it yourself.

To do this, you need to purchase an electronic board and connect it to the lamp. The sensor is used to mount a mirror, a shelf, or even a pipe—a towel holder.

When renovating a bathroom, you can make a built-in illuminated mirror installed instead of four tiles. Behind it, in a recess in the wall, lamps and a control board are hidden, and wires are hidden behind the tiles. You can purchase this board together with a motion sensor on Aliexpress. A chrome wall-mounted soap dish is used as a sensor, and a motion sensor is installed in the corner.

The resulting system works very effectively - when you try to wash your hands, the light turns on, and 2 minutes after the person leaves the washbasin, it turns off.

3 stages of connecting S.V.

Look at the picture on the back of the device. There are two terminals “L-in”, to which the incoming phase is connected, and “L-load” - the lamp is connected to it. Connecting or replacing such a device is no different from installing a conventional one switch. This work is carried out in several stages.

First of all, turn off the voltage, then strip the wires and separate them. Then you need to determine the phase wire. To do this, you need to turn on the voltage and use the voltage indicator to find the phase. Finally, the switch is connected. To do this, turn off the voltage, connect the wires, install the device in the installation box and close the protective glass.

After completing the work, turn on the power and check the operation of the device. If you apply power before installing the protective glass, the sensor may not work.

In devices that control two lamps, there are two “L-load” terminals.

Remote S.V. hidden installation. 2 types of remote controls.

In addition to direct impact devices, there are devices equipped with a remote control remote management. Such devices are installed and controlled in the same way as conventional ones, but after installation, the remote control must be configured according to the instructions.

There are two types of remote controls for such devices:

  • each button is configured for a separate lamp;
  • Each button is programmed for a separate function - enable, disable and enable/disable.

In addition to the usual ones, there are pass-through switches, designed to control one lamp from two places.

The phase wire is connected to the common terminal of the first device, and the two output contacts are connected by two wires to the corresponding terminals of the second. The common terminal of the second device is connected to the lamp.

As a result, the lighting device will turn on from one place, for example, at the bottom of the stairs, and turn off at the top.

How to connect S.V. from Aliexpress. 2 types of installation boxes

In addition to purchasing such a device in a regular store, it can be purchased in the Chinese online store Aliexpress. The connection of this product is no different from the usual one, but when ordering, you must take into account the shape of the mounting box required for installation. In Europe and the countries of the former CIS, round boxes of EU standard are used, and in the USA - US standard, square.

In addition, not all manufacturers produce devices “with claws” that are installed in old boxes. Some models are attached only with self-tapping screws.

Connection diagrams for touch switches

S.V. with remote control for 4 devices

In addition to devices that require touch, there are devices, equipped with a remote control. Such remote controls use a frequency of 433 MHz to operate. Externally, they look like a car alarm key fob with four buttons. Each of them is programmed for a separate device.

To program, touch the switched off device, after a sound signal, press the selected button. After the control signal, the device is ready for operation.

The operating range reaches 50 meters.

DIY touch switch 220 V

If you have the skills to install electronic circuits, the touch switch can be made independently according to the following scheme. The sensor is made of foil getinax or any metal object is used instead. Transistors are replaced with KT3102 or KT315. Any diode, pulsed, with a voltage of more than 100V.

The circuit works as an amplifier - when you touch the touch plate, the K561TM2 microcircuit will send a signal to transistors VT1 and VT2, which open the KU208G triac. Instead of a light bulb, a relay is connected that turns on a high-power load.

S.V. doesn't work - 2 installation errors

In addition to failure of board parts, the device may not work due to a poorly configured sensor or installation errors - lack of grounding in the right places or a grounded sensor.

If the sensor operates without protective glass, then you must:

  • remove glass;
  • turn off the power;
  • install glass;
  • turn on the power supply.

Sometimes it helps.

Attention! If you install glass on a sensor that is under voltage, it will stop working normally.

Touch light switch VL-C701R from Livolo with remote control

It is also important to know 3 nuances about S.V.

There are things to consider during installation and operation sensory devices:

  • when using large metal structures as a sensor, for example, a heated towel rail or door, false alarms are possible;
  • the sensor is grounded or wet, in the rain, does not respond to touch;
  • When turning on a low-power lamp, you may need to connect a 1-2 µF capacitor in parallel with it.

How to avoid 4 mistakes when choosing and installing switches

There are common mistakes when installing such devices:

  • Incorrect zero connection. Before installation, check and change in the junction box or at the input switch.
  • Incorrect connection of wires to the “L-in” and “L-load” terminals. Check before connecting.
  • Turn on the voltage BEFORE closing the protective glass. First close the glass, then turn on the voltage.
  • Incorrect connection of pass-through switches. Carefully connect according to the diagram

Answers to 5 Frequently Asked Questions

There are questions that are asked when choosing sensory switches:

  • Do I need an additional wire for connection? No, two wires are enough, as for a regular device.
  • Do I need a special mounting box? No, the device is installed in regular sockets.
  • Conventional sockets and switches are installed in a row and covered with a common decorative panel. Is it possible to install a sensor in this row? No, but there are devices with built-in sockets, including those with remote shutdown.
  • What happens if there is a short circuit in the wires? The power part of such devices are triacs. If there is a short circuit, they will fail.
  • Besides single lamps, are there any touch devices that include 2 or 3 lamps? Yes, there are manufacturers producing such devices.

Touch switches for 1 zone

Appearance Name Number of keys Number of posts Price, rub.)
WEMMON gold aluminum One One 1650
Series C7 Livolo white One One 1480
WEMMON white One One 1350
WEMMON hare One One 1350
Kopou silver One One 1100

Pass-through touch switches

Appearance Name Number of keys Number of posts Price, rub.)
WEMMON One Two 1850
WEMMON One Two 1850
WEMMON Two Two 1850
WEMMON hare Two Two 2050
WEMMON black Three Two 2250

Touch radio controlled switches

Appearance Name Number of keys Number of posts Price, rub.)
Kopou silver One One 1600
WEMMON white One One 1850
WEMMON hare One One 1850
Livolo white Two One 2550
Series C7 Livolo white One One 2090

Touch dimmers with radio control

Appearance Name Number of keys Number of posts Price, rub.)
Kopou hare One One 2150
WEMMON hare Two One 2190
WEMMON white Two One 2190
Series C7 Livolo white Two Two 5334
Series C7 Livolo white Three Three 7926

Combination touch switches (with sockets)

Appearance Name Number of keys Number of posts Price, rub.)
Wemmon white One Two 1920
Livolo white One Two 2200
Livolo white Two Two 2510
Livolo white One Three 2880
Livolo black Two Three 3720

Illuminated touch mirrors

Sesoo touch switches - instructions, modification and repair

Among the companies producing electrical equipment we can note Sesoo. This company produces devices for the smart home system. Broadlink.

These devices are installed and programmed in the same way as other devices.

When you connect an energy-saving lamp to this device, it may begin to “blink.” This is due to the charge of the capacitor inside the electronic ballast. To solve this problem, you need to solder a 200 kOhm resistor into the lamp, parallel to the capacitor.

Work zone sensor small and limited by a glowing ring (blue when disabled and red when enabled). To expand this area, solder a wire to the contact to which the sensor is soldered and lay it along the edge of the protective glass. This will expand the area in which the sensor responds to touch.

Repair of such devices comes down to finding and replacing faulty parts. The most common problem is a burnt or broken triac.

GC "Flexi" - 3 types of mirrors of the MixLine brand pearl d770 with a touch switch

Every bathroom has a mirror. Many of them are equipped with lighting. The Russian company "Flexi" offers a collection of mirrors "Premier" brand Mixline:

  • With external lighting. Lamps mounted on a frame or wall are used.
  • With internal lighting. Lighting fixtures are installed on the back side of the frame. For lighting, part of the mirror is not covered with amalgam. It can take the form of a pattern or geometric shapes.
  • With LEDs.

All mirrors can be equipped with touch switches and motion sensors.

S.V. Legrand

Products of a French company Legrand widely known in the world for its quality and range. Sockets, automatic devices, dimmers and other equipment for the smart home system are distinguished by their reliability and innovative solutions.

S.V. Livolo

The products of the Chinese manufacturer operate at voltages up to 250V with a large number of lamps. The black and white protective panel is made of crystal. Some models work with a separately purchased remote control DU.

S.V. FD Electronics

Touch switches KG-020 are produced by the company FD Electronics. These devices are produced with or without a remote control, in different colors.

Hi all!
The idea of ​​installing touch-sensitive light switches in my apartment stuck in my head. I put off this idea for a long time, but finally took the plunge and purchased one such device.
I want to talk about him.
The thing is new to me, I haven’t seen it from anyone I know or personally used it. Inspired by reviews and comments from people on the Internet. It was decided to purchase one copy for, so to speak, testing. The location of one of the switches (it was the one I was going to replace) in my apartment defies any logic and has nothing to do with convenient use. Therefore, the ability to control the new switch from the remote control was a big plus for me.
And now the package with the device is on my table.

Inside is a small box indicating the switch configuration. From the information about the manufacturer, only the inscription Made in China.

The contents of the box fully correspond to the list on the website. It includes: the switch itself, a remote control, an element connected to the electrical circuit (optional) and instructions in English and Chinese.

Rated voltage: AC 110-240
Maximum load: 3-300W, 800W total
Operating temperature: -20°C~70°C
Relative Humidity: 10% ~ 93% (non-condensing)
Operating frequency: 50/60Hz
Power consumption: 0.02W
Number of starts: 100,000 times
This switch works with one consumer, there are also versions for working with two and three. (I mean connection lines).
The appearance is as I expected when looking at the photo on the store's website. The workmanship is quite decent, everything is assembled evenly and neatly.

Main dimensions of the device (in mm).

After a quick glance at the instructions, I proceeded to dismantle the old switch. But everything turned out to be not so simple. The recess in the wall turned out to be broken and the mounting box also required replacement. In the end, I collected everything as it was for now. And in order to satisfy my interest, I connected the switch to the table lamp. There were no difficulties here. The switch works from the slightest touch in the area where the control LED lights up, switching occurs completely silently. I noticed that the sensitivity of the sensor is enough to trigger when the finger is at a distance of about 3-4 mm from the switch. By the way, the brightness of the LED (which shines when turned off) is just enough to see the location of the switch in the dark.

We remove the decorative cover, which is a plexiglass plate glued to a plastic frame.

The white area is the sensitive element that reacts to touch. Next, remove the top board with the sensor. It is connected to the bottom through a “block” of contacts.

Individual photos.

The bottom board is attached to the base of the switch with three self-tapping screws. Unscrew and take out.

Back view.

I'm not good at electronics, so I can't give a detailed description. As I understand it, the aluminum plate is designed to remove heat and is screwed to the element that is responsible for switching. I can’t measure the temperature of the plate and other elements, but tactilely in 2 hours of operation under a load of a 60W incandescent lamp, nothing got hot.
This is what is under the plate itself.

Remote control.
The switch is equipped with a remote control operating at a frequency of 433 MHz. The design of the remote control is in the form of a key fob for a moped alarm.

Put together quite well. The remote control has four programmable buttons, which are closed with a curtain to prevent accidental pressing, although they are already tight enough to be accidentally pressed. When pressed, the blue LED lights up. Most devices of this type are equipped with such remote controls (as I understand it, to reduce their cost), and some generally need to be purchased separately. It is possible to purchase a more “homey” remote control.
By unscrewing 3 screws, the remote control splits into 3 parts, the chrome insert is made of metal.

Power comes from a 27A battery.

I was pleasantly surprised by the range of the remote control. In the apartment he worked from anywhere, which is sufficient for me. I decided to go outside to test the range (I live on the second floor), moving away from the house I continued to turn it on and off, at a distance of about 50 m everything worked (then the window disappeared from view around the corner). I think this range of action will find application in the private sector.
Learning the remote control buttons is quite simple. The buttons can be configured for three operating modes:
1. Turn on-off,
2. Just turn on,
3. Just turn it off.
To adjust the initial position of the switch - off. We touch the sensor and wait for a single sound signal, then we press the desired button on the remote control, we hear a control sound signal and that's it - the button is set to the first operating mode. For clarity, I made a video in which you can see the button settings for different modes.

I note that I used the switch only with an incandescent lamp and no problems arise when working with it. I read that when connecting some housekeepers, false positives sometimes occur. To do this, the manufacturer equips the switch with the following element (interference suppression capacitor)

which is connected to the circuit according to the instructions

and is designed to eliminate the problem of false positives.
Overall, I liked the switch, now I’m planning to buy another one just like it on line 2, and perhaps some more aesthetically pleasing remote control.
That's all. Thanks to all. I hope the review is useful to someone. I'm planning to buy +27 Add to favorites I liked the review +23 +50

The process of technology development has entered into all areas of human life, including the arrangement of everyday life. One of the innovations is a touch-sensitive light switch. This mechanism greatly improves the comfort of living in the home and facilitates the control of lighting fixtures by touch. This function is not the only advantage of such a device.


The sensitive mechanism may have additional elements; its system is based on various operating principles.

It is worth noting the most popular options:

Modification with remote control. It is convenient to use when turning on sconces, LED strips, for example, to control the lighting of a multi-level stretch ceiling. All light switches with remote control have their own unique address. To put it simply, each radio transmitter is activated only in response to commands sent from the control resource installed in the RAM.

The capacitive type acts as a means of measuring illumination and is sensitive to the presence of an object at a certain distance. The mechanism is installed instead of classic light switches. You don't need to press a key to activate it. The device responds to the slightest touch. You can install this installation yourself.

With a timer that gives a certain signal at a given time. Minimizes electricity costs by turning off the lights if everyone has left the apartment. The electronic circuit of the device is created and adapted to various types of lamps: traditional lamps, with halogen vapor, with LEDs, and also touch switches are used for the operation of any equipment, which greatly expands the scope of use.

The switch, equipped with an infrared sensor, performs its functions without contact. It recognizes only thermal radiation in the electromagnetic field that emanates from the body when moving. A similar name is a displacement sensor.

The operation of this device is based on the action of a sensing element. An electro-optical device sends heat flows to a receiver equipped with a storage lens.

Touch switches for LED strips (dimmers) designed to regulate light. They can work in conjunction with installations on a power supply of at least 12 V.

Models are equipped with photo sensors that block the switch in daylight. The possibility of triggering the sensor mechanism on small objects, such as pets, is eliminated.

Subtleties of connection

You can install the touch switch yourself. It happens in stages:

  • de-energize;
  • eliminate the worn-out switch;
  • remove the panel from a modern product;
  • connect the wires to the screw terminal;
  • install the switch operating device in the assembly box;
  • fix the device using spacers and special screws;
  • install the panel.

Installation of the two-key version is carried out in the same way. Use a cable with multi-colored cores, this will make the work easier. All switches are connected using the same circuit. The devices make it easy to control light sources or electronic equipment from anywhere. This creates convenience if the room area is large or there is a long corridor.

When installing touch switches in a 220 volt network, no special actions are required. Only the conditions of the installation site change.

For example, if the mechanism is controlled from a remote control, it should be visible from the rest area. Temperature-sensitive models should not be installed close to the heating system. The switch for the LED strip is assembled according to a different scheme.

Follow safety precautions and turn off the power before working. Exposed wires are insulated with insulating material.

The overhead device does not require a recess on the surface. The instructions for connecting such a device are quite simple and accessible to any consumer.

Determining the optimal model

To enjoy all the advantages of the equipment, you need to choose the right touch switch model. When purchasing, you should consider the following criteria:

  • The number of lighting points that will be connected to the device.
  • Permissibility of lighting brightness control. There are models where the current strength is determined by the location of the impact on the touch panel.
  • In walk-through models, the built-in timer turns off the light after the set time has elapsed. These devices are installed in public corridors. As soon as all movement within the monitored area stops, the timer switches off. This allows you to significantly reduce energy costs.
  • Models controlled by remote control. A function recommended for large rooms.

You can make the right decision if you take into account all the parameters.

Quality or price?

The photo of touch switches shows high-quality products from manufacturers of leading brands.

Based on the basic principles of operation of touch-type switches, analogues that are not the best in their characteristics are often manufactured. Therefore, you should not save when choosing - quality is always a priority. The price of the product is determined by its technical parameters. A universal device has a high cost.

Touch switches, which are of good quality and functionality, are imported from abroad and are more expensive. Domestic products have a lower price, but their parameters are far from ideal.

Touch devices do not always work correctly with semiconductor materials and fluorescent lamps. But the price is noticeably lower than the branded one.

Preference should be given to manufacturers with extensive experience in developing exemplary products. They protect their reputation, which means it is important for them to ensure proper quality control during the production process.

Are touch switches a priority? In fact, this is a progressive step in the development of lighting control elements. Just as previously rotary models are a thing of the past, semiconductor sensitive devices will replace mechanical switches. And consumer demand will increase when prices for these products stabilize.

Photos of touch switches