Semantic relevance. What is relevance

When writing a resume or preparing for an important interview, job seekers are increasingly faced with the concept of “relevant work experience.” What does this mean?

In today's article we will look into this issue, and also find out in which cases the presence of this most relevant experience can become an obstacle to obtaining a position, and when it is a prerequisite for employment.


The word “relevance” came into Russian from English. This borrowing can be literally translated as “appropriate.” The practical use of this term is not very widespread; it is most often used in highly specialized areas.

So, naturally and logically, the adjective “relevant” characterizes words such as “question”, “document”, “market” and “information”.

For example, the terms “relevant question” and “relevant information” are very close and follow from each other. They are used when it is necessary to achieve the truth in a certain matter. When asking a relevant question, we expect to hear an appropriate answer, the information of which will reveal the essence of the problem as accurately and appropriately as possible. It is in this vein that the phrase “relevant work experience” is easiest to explain. We will look into what this means in more detail later.

Now let's talk about what a relevant document is. We actually encounter this concept several times a day when we use various search engines. When entering a specific request on the Internet, we ask a specific question to which we want to receive the most correct and comprehensive answer. The search engine selects the most relevant (corresponding to the request) Internet pages (documents) for users.

In the context of market relations, the term under discussion means the harmonious interaction of sellers and buyers in a particular area.

Relevance to work experience

No one will argue that having practical skills to perform duties in a particular field of work is a serious advantage for any applicant. It’s even better when the experience is confirmed by a real recommendation from a past employer or a corresponding entry in the work book.

This is how a potential boss can check for relevant work experience. This will happen even if the candidate for the vacant position is not aware of such selection criteria. Although most often employers indicate this point in their requirements.

So what is relevant work experience? This is the compliance of the professional and personal qualities of the applicant with the requirements for a candidate for an open vacancy.

Based on this definition, it may be believed that relevant work experience is when a candidate can take a position only if he has already been employed in a similar job and performed exclusively the same functions that he will have to do in the new place.

In fact, we are talking about the fact that the applicant has an idea about future work, and has previously worked, if not in the same field, then at least in a related field of activity. Now we will understand these subtleties in more detail.

Conformity does not mean identity

There are generally accepted job descriptions for specialists. These documents define the sphere of influence of employees, their rights, responsibilities, and extent of responsibility, but only in general terms. Depending on what exactly the company does, the job descriptions of its employees may have certain nuances and additions.

In reality, employers cannot expect that a newly hired employee will fully meet their requirements. It’s good if he has relevant work experience, this can be included in the vacancy as one of the requirements. But many headhunters refuse this point, especially in those areas of activity for which in our country specialists are not trained at a sufficiently professional level in universities.

Why is it important?

Well, at least because it usually facilitates the training process for the hired employee, and also reduces the period of his adaptation to the new place.

But what does relevant work experience mean for those enterprises that work with innovative technologies? Often he becomes a kind of stopper for a novice subordinate who is accustomed to working according to certain programs and parameters.

At the same time, there are areas of activity and positions whose development is not subject to frequent changes, but they require people to have a high level of professionalism and qualifications, as well as certain situational work experience, and the ability to respond quickly in force majeure conditions. First of all, this nuance applies to managers and personnel who are directly responsible for their work (sales people, crisis managers, specialists from procurement departments, controllers, etc.).

They know first-hand what relevant work experience means in practice. After all, in their line of work they have to overcome crisis situations, and this skill is highly valued by employers.

Let us note that what is more important here is not so much any entry in the work book, but the ability to competently and constructively cope with problems.

Primary Requirement

During employment, many applicants become aware of the fact that there are vacancies in which relevant work experience is a prerequisite. What does this mean - the end of the dream of being, for example, a practicing surgeon (after all, no one will be given a scalpel in their hands without experience) or a referee of football matches? Not at all!

Yes, there are types of activities that a priori require the applicant to have practical knowledge and skills (medicine, construction, personnel management). People “from the street” are not hired for this kind of work. Any specialist employed in such a responsible position will undergo a multi-month internship. He will have to constantly confirm his professional suitability, assist and help more experienced colleagues. But with due diligence and receiving a specialized education, such a job can be earned.

Main course

If we talk about relevant work experience in simple terms, what does it mean? This means that you must be able to do the job you are applying for. Drawing an analogy, we can put it this way: a tiler knows how to lay tiles, but will not be able to build a house, and an electrician will install wiring, but will not install plumbing. All these types of activities fall under the category of “construction and repair work,” but involve the performance of individual tasks by different people who will have specific knowledge and skills.

At the same time, a financier will be able to retrain as an economist or accountant, and a sales manager will be able to climb the career ladder, taking the position of head of the sales department or supervisor.

Employers often require relevant work experience, but at the same time give a person a chance to slightly change the direction of his activity and try himself in a different direction, while remaining true to his profession.

Hitting the mark

If the applicant can boast of real experience in a position similar to the one he wants to get in a new job, he is in an advantageous position for himself.

Periodically changing employers is useful for a specialist in many respects. This forces a person to leave his comfort zone, get moving, and learn something new.

However, it should be taken into account that some industries have extremely limited demand for specialists, so there may be serious competition among applicants. Employers often use this situation to their advantage, deliberately increasing the requirements for hired personnel.

HR opinion

Recruitment specialists, or, as they are now more often called, HR and headhunters, note that applicants should not blindly rely on their work experience when searching for a vacancy. This fact of their work history can be both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Being able to do something in reality is good, but most large companies are developing so dynamically that professionals from the old cohort very quickly become unclaimed “dinosaurs” in the labor market. It is sometimes easier for HR officers to train a young specialist than to retrain an old one.

Moreover, serious competitive companies, based on their own intellectual resources, organize express trainings, schools and internship courses for those who want to join the ranks of their employees, thereby providing themselves with valuable personnel who can quickly and effectively comprehend all the intricacies of future work.

In this context, it becomes clear that relevant work experience is such an archaic concept that sometimes interferes with finding a job.

Risk is a noble cause!

To summarize the article, I would like to note that practical work experience is certainly a plus for those who are looking for a job. But its absence should not become a serious stumbling block and an insurmountable obstacle to achieving the goal. Experience comes with time, the main thing is to work on yourself, and never stop learning and developing!

In the process of searching for certain information, the user enters a key phrase in the search bar of the browser, which most accurately reflects the essence of the request. In turn, the software, called a web browser, opens a list that it believes is most relevant to your search queries.

Special algorithms help search engines form an idea of ​​the quality of content on a particular page; they are a kind of filtering tool that allows them to distinguish between the usefulness and uselessness of information. When a user enters a certain phrase into the search bar, the Yandex or Google system evaluates the documents from its index and gives preference to those that best match the query.

The better the selection, the more the browser earns, the profit of which is interdependent with the number of users. Consequently, search engines themselves are interested in providing correct and useful information.

Determining Relevance

The term relevance itself comes from the English. “Relevant” means pertinent, relevant. In simple words, relevance– this is the correspondence of the text to the expectations placed on it. And if so, a relevant page can be considered the one in which the topic of interest to the user is revealed in the most detailed and accessible way.

Relevance - in simple words about painful issues

Considering the term relevance as an example, let's take a look at the Google search engine, where we will enter the phrase “how to lose weight quickly” in the search bar. After a moment, we will see a list that, according to the browser, best matches the request. A relevant page will be if in the document selected from the list, we find instructions on how to quickly and effectively get rid of excess weight.

Now let’s check the relevance of Yandex by entering “how to make your hair thick and long” in the search box. Material that contains information about hairdresser services or sells hair care products will be considered irrelevant.

How search engines determine the relevance of a page

At the beginning of search engine optimization, this indicator was determined by calculating the density of key phrases on the page. It was then that the TOP most often contained unreadable documents oversaturated with keywords. Today this technique is also practiced, but it is ineffective and can lead to sanctions from search engines.

Now relevance is determined through complex algorithms implemented by Google, Yandex and other search engines (SE). Despite this, the old-fashioned method of optimizing SEO texts is still practiced and in some cases is effective.

Google copes especially well with the task of displaying relevant pages, determining this characteristic by the behavior and degree of activity of users. According to representatives of the bourgeois system, it is very good if a person visits the site and stays on it for at least 40 seconds. Accordingly, if the document is a dummy document, a minimum of attention will be spent on it and the page will be irrelevant.

Basic Page Rating Options

Any system works according to its own algorithm, based on a unique formula. Despite this, the principles are similar. To determine whether a document is relevant, the following analysis is carried out:

Frequency of use of key phrases. The closer the key phrase is to the ideal established by the system, the theoretically higher the relevance of the page.

Finding keys relative to text. The system searches from the beginning of the material, so the sooner the specified query is encountered, the better.

Location of keywords in headings and subheadings. The presence of the right words in the title has a positive effect on the level of evaluation of the text.

Presence of synonyms. Today this is perhaps the most important factor determining the relevance of information. Based on the above, SEO specialists came up with LSI copywriting, based on the use of synonyms. This technique of writing texts eliminates the possibility of spam, but preserves their essence.

What is relevance analysis based on?

Given the above, the duration of the visit is not the only criterion applicable to recognize relevance. At the moment, there are plenty of both paid and free services that allow you to check relevancy. Their operating principle is to analyze the information provided upon request regarding:

Number of visitors. By analyzing how many users visited a document over a certain period of time, the program determines the relevance of the page. If the number of visits decreases, the page is of low quality.

Volume of characters and keywords. An overabundance of key phrases is unacceptable. Otherwise, the text will be difficult to read, and the page will have a large number of failures. Ideally, for SEO text per 1000 zbp, it is recommended to use 3-4 keys, i.e. 3-7% of the total volume of written characters.

The title matches the content of the article. The program analyzes each word in the text and determines how much it reflects the essence of the title.

How to check page relevance

To check the text, just use the online service Add your work to the appropriate field marked in the screenshot, and then click the “Text Analysis” button.

In a moment, a results table will open in front of you, in which you can see the relevance of the word.

You can also check the content by following the link

The principle of operation of the service is similar to the above.

Bottom line

So, relevance, what is it in simple words? Putting all of the above into a single sentence, we can say that relevance is a key term in SEO optimization that denotes the success of a website. After all, it is relevance that influences traffic, on which the profit of a web project depends.

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Relevance(derived from the English relevant - relevant) - in a general sense, this is the compliance of the document with the user’s expectations. Thus, search relevance is the degree to which a user is satisfied with the search results shown in response to his query. Ideally, the search results page should fully satisfy the user’s information needs in terms of its completeness and accuracy.

Relevance is calculated using search engine algorithms. Each search engine works according to its own algorithm. The ranking is based on Matrixnet technology.

Types of search relevance

  • Formal– it is on this type that search engine rankings are based. The image of the search query is algorithmically compared with the image of the document in the search engine index. This means that relevance is calculated without direct human intervention - using a specific formula based on data collected by the search robot.
  • Content– relevance is determined informally. This type is also used by search engines, but to assess the quality of the search. Special employees evaluate search results based on their assumption that a given document matches the request. These specialists are called assessors.
  • Pertinence– complete satisfaction of the user’s information needs. This is exactly what all search engines strive for.

The search results show the most relevant website pages from the search engine's point of view. Before starting promotion, it is always necessary to determine the most suitable page for promotion. Here you can be guided by factors such as age, link juice, level and existing relevance of the page.

To determine the most relevant page from existing ones, just use the query language or advanced search.

Advanced search page for Yandex

Advanced search page for Google

Components of page relevance

In the vast majority of cases, SEO optimizers work on a website in the following areas:

  • The technical component of the relevance of site pages is common errors that make it difficult for search engine robots to correctly index them:
    • site accessibility;
    • page loading speed;
    • issuing resource encoding;
    • setting up server response codes (redirects, error pages);
    • site mirrors;
    • robots.txt file and robots meta tag;
    • sitemap.xml file;
    • frames;
    • elements hidden from the user;
    • URL structure;
    • duplicate pages;
    • broken links;
    • date the pages were last modified;
    • spam;
    • other interference with indexing.
  • The text component of the relevance of site pages is the correspondence of the content to the user’s request:
    • meta tags;
    • text headings;
    • occurrences of key phrases in the text;
    • img tag attributes.
  • The reference component of relevance is factors associated with:
    • external linking;
    • link anchors;
    • donor characteristics;
    • dynamics of link mass growth.
  • Behavioral component of relevance – factors associated with user behavior:
    • number of visitors;
    • visitor sources;
    • stay time;
    • bounce rate;
    • viewing depth;
    • conversion;
    • ease of navigation;
  • Other factors:
    • regionality;
    • affiliates.

Relevance is the degree to which information is provided according to the user's request. Most often, this word can be found in the work of many people involved in filling out Web sites, creating content, and laying out html pages.

People in the SMM and SMO (content managers) professions actively use this term to create content that will meet the expectations of the user who is looking for it.

Content in search engines is displayed according to the degree of its relevance (i.e., compliance with the request) depending on the number of keywords, “wateriness”, “spammy” and “uniqueness”.

Uniqueness shows how original the existing content is - for example, text copied from Wikipedia and pasted into an article will have reduced uniqueness since it coincides with information already available on the Internet.

Origin of the word relevance

The word relevant (from the English relevare - to understand, to facilitate) comes to us from the scientific field of computer science. The concept of relevance is very important for computer science, since it can relate not only to the field of text analysis and processing, but also when performing practical programming tasks - analyzing large amounts of data.

Relevance (in information technology) is divided into two types: content relevance and formal relevance. Content relevance shows the compliance of the document with the requested data, obtained informally, and formal relevance is based on comparing the user's request to the available information according to a certain algorithm.

These are the algorithms used by search engine robots - Google, Yandex, Rambler. An interesting fact is that each language needs its own unique algorithm that will search for the text the user needs.

Use of the word relevance

The word relevance, as described above, is used in semantics, programming, Web layout, Web design, SMM and SMO, as well as copywriting. Copywriting is a field of work that deals with writing articles to order. Quite often there are articles that will be intended for SEO optimization; this particular type of article should be as relevant as possible.

The word relevance is also found in specialized technical literature - instructions, manuals and other sources of information. In everyday speech, you can also use the word relevance, for example, in situations when a person answers a question in a detached, incorrect way - an irrelevant answer to the question.

Also, relevance can be said to be a measurable value - how relevant is this article or information?

Relevance in SEO

Relevance in SEO is the key to ensuring that your website, blog or community will be found and read by people. The easiest way for a person to find information is to enter a query into a search engine - Google, Yahoo, Rambler or Yandex.

Programs - robots that work in these search engines search for content on request, using special algorithms. Keyword search is one of the simplest and most common.

For a deeper and more accurate, and therefore relevant search in SEO, search programs examine the text stored on the site. The percentage of its “Spaminess” is studied - the frequency of repetition of certain words, “water” - words that do not carry an important semantic load, uniqueness, academic nausea and many other factors that allow the search engine to find relevant content.

Relevance and keywords

In this part of the article, we will give an example of the successful use of keywords so that the reader can best understand how they are used and what we are talking about. Keywords are combinations of words that allow you to capture the most important essence of the text or content.

For example, the keywords in the relevant text will be the following phrases:

  • “buy goods”;
  • “buy goods in Moscow”;
  • “Buy goods in Moscow inexpensively with home delivery”;
  • “Inexpensive private lawyer services”;
  • "How to perform a certain action"
  • “do-it-yourself TV repair at home.”

So we see that keywords and relevance play a huge role in modern life. If relevance did not exist, then there would be no well-functioning Internet.

Try to open the Chinese search engine Badoo and enter a query in Russian - and you will receive completely crazy, completely unexpected, irrelevant content. And although relevance originally came to us from computer science, we still use it in the Russian language, literature, mathematics, physics and other sciences.

Hello! This is a test article for Baden 4! Do you know what relevance is? The success of each Internet project largely depends on this indicator. Today we’ll start from the beginning and talk about one of the basic concepts in the field of website promotion and promotion.

What is relevance and why is it needed?

In English there is a word relevant. It is translated as “related to the matter.” Based on this word, the term “relevance” appeared, which is now actively used in Runet. Relevant text, design or the entire site, as well as a product, service or information product always meet the user’s expectations.

The concept of site relevance has a synonym: relevance. In fact, this term means the same thing, but in a slightly narrower sense. What we mean here is how well the requested information matches the result obtained. Further in the text you will come across the words relevance and relevancy. Think of them as meaning identical to each other.

Today we’ll talk about relevant pages in search and what it looks like in practice. Every day we go to search engines and type in some words. If the requests that the system issues completely satisfy us, the degree of satisfaction with the result will be high and vice versa. This degree of satisfaction can be called search relevance.

Thus, a fully relevant website page must be so accurate and complete that it 100% satisfies the visitor's information request. To calculate this indicator, search engines use a complex formula. If we talk specifically about Yandex, it uses Matrixnet technology.

Key Search Relevance Types You Should Know About

Formal- is the basis of search engine ranking principles. Through special algorithms, it compares the type of search queries and documents through the index of a special search engine. The person does not take part in this process. A fully automated and robotic system provides a ready-made solution.

Pertinence- a unique state when the information needs of Internet users are fully satisfied. Every search engine strives to get closer to this state.

Relevance - what it is in simple words with specific examples

When we search for something in Yandex or Google, we always see a number of sites in the TOP. Using the provided links we get to the most relevant pages for a specific request. This technique is often used not only for searching, but also for analyzing the situation before promoting a single page on a website. When analyzing, pay attention to the link juice, age, and, of course, the page’s relevancy indicator.

Determining the most relevant page from the proposed list is also not difficult. To do this, just use an advanced search or query language.

Imagine that you want to make your own bird feeder with your children. If you have not had such experience in your life, you will most likely master the manufacturing technology using a video on YouTube or step-by-step instructions on another site.

To get the information you need, you type in a search engine the query: “how to make a bird feeder.” After a few seconds, the search produces dozens of links where high-quality and not very relevant information on the topic is available, and for now this is still in the order of things.

There is still a lot of garbage content on the RuNet. But if you are lucky, you will be taken to a site with clear step-by-step instructions, according to which you will start purchasing material, looking for tools, sawing and planing. A page that contains all the necessary information and will demonstrate maximum relevance to your request.

To finally understand the very essence of the concept, let’s give another example from life:

You finally bought the long-awaited bicycle and started riding it. After a while the brakes became loose and did not work as well as before. Running to a professional bike service for every little thing is inconvenient and expensive. You go online again and try to find a site that has video or text instructions on how to set up brakes for your type of bike. But when you search for “how to set up disc brakes on a bicycle,” you only come across offers to buy parts and components, or even fully assembled bicycles. Several other sites offer bicycle repair shops. These are all typical examples of pages that contain irrelevant content.

Features of search engines with relevance indicators

Just a few years ago, all analysis on the RuNet was based on determining the number of key phrases on each individual page. Everyone remembers well the time of such texts: “If you want to buy hamsters that say Moscow inexpensively, call us at such and such a number.”

At the early stage of development of domestic SEO, most webmasters used the maximum number of key phrases in their texts. Moreover, in a word form without declension, which contradicted all the rules and norms of the Russian language. And we must admit that in the recent past such tactics really worked. As a result, the site's relevance suffered greatly due to this approach. And almost no one read the distorted, over-optimized texts.

Years passed. Search engines have gotten smarter and regularly tightened their requirements for text content, page relevance and other indicators. Today, for excessive use of keys, the site is quickly sanctioned, and in some cases even blocked. Many popular search services have already developed and implemented complex algorithms that quickly find and reject low-quality texts on the Internet.

By the way, you may be interested in information about the evolution of search engine algorithms, which I described in my article. In addition, for successful website promotion you can use.

The approach to defining the very concept of “relevant” has also changed. Calculation algorithms have also become significantly more complex and improved. The world-famous Google has advanced the furthest in this regard. The company uses special programs that can already analyze human behavior online and on a specific website.

One of the main indicators is the time that the visitor spent on the page. People close many pages immediately because they consider them irrelevant to the request. It's logical. The time spent on such sites is usually no more than a few seconds. But if the information is really interesting and useful, the reading time is extended by at least several minutes. And this is already good for the resource.

Want to know which page is most relevant to a specific search query. For example: “SEO blog”. Go to Yandex and type in the search bar: site: www..

In the resulting list of pages, the very first one will be the most relevant. The remaining links do not perfectly match the content of the request, but they are more than suitable as donors for internal linking.

What indicators do search engines use to calculate relevance?

Let's return to the length of stay on the site. When analyzing user behavior, this is far from the only indicator. Numerous services and specially created programs, when calculating relevant pages, are guided by the following indicators:

  1. Volume of key phrases and symbols. Calculate the ratio of the number of key queries and the total volume of text. Exceeding acceptable values ​​is a direct path to resource blocking. A normal figure is considered to be 3-7% of the total volume.
  2. An equally important criterion is the number of visitors for a specific period of time (day, week, month). If the number of site visitors is decreasing, it means that its pages are not relevant to search queries.
  3. Some programs compare how well the title of the text corresponds to the content of the article itself. They check literally every word. If the content of the text does not correspond to the message in the title, the article will have to be deleted or thoroughly revised.

There are a lot of parameters by which systems calculate relevant content. We have considered only the main ones, because there are still a number of important issues that need to be addressed. Let's move on to the next one right now.

List of internal relevance criteria

You already know what search relevance is. And now it’s time to list the principles that help to best satisfy the visitor’s needs for key queries:

  1. Information from the request must be disclosed in the text. If a person types in “how to choose a tutor,” he should not be offered the services of a private teacher, but should be told what to pay attention to first and how to weed out unsuitable candidates.
  2. Availability of queries relevant to the niche and topic of the article. Even in the age of content marketing, copy for people should include promoted keywords. If this is not done, the page will not reach the TOP.
  3. Synonyms, trailing queries, diluted queries of several words and word forms of keywords. All this increases the chances of success.
  4. Request density. This indicator is becoming obsolete every day. If the content is truly interesting and good from all points of view, one correctly inserted keyword is more than enough. Today it is strictly forbidden to overspam or even place words of the same root next to each other. For such tricks, search robots and algorithms quickly reduce the level of relevance.
  5. Places where key phrases are present. The exact form of the request is required in the title tag. The diluted form is sufficient in the description. Throughout the text, the key phrase must be used evenly, depending on the volume.
  6. According to the latest data from the Baden-Baden algorithm, it is not advisable to insert a key phrase into the subtitle of the second, third and other levels. This may be considered spam. But this point is controversial and has not yet been proven for sure by anyone. In addition, if in a large article with a bunch of subheadings, one or two of them contains a main key that fits the meaning, the site is unlikely to suffer from sanctions.

There are not many internal criteria for relevance. Understanding and implementing the recommendations described above is not difficult at all.

Let's consider the external criteria by which the site will be classified as relevant

The main external factor of relevance is links that lead to the site from other resources. The more often this happens, the better for the project. It is advisable that resources on similar topics link to your site. If the link contains a key query, the relevance of the page to which the link leads will noticeably increase.

The best resources for checking relevancy

Fortunately, today there are many resources on the Internet that make it easy to check the level of relevance directly online. We list the three most popular of them:

  • Majento;
  • Megaindex;

To get the necessary information on each of the listed sites, simply enter the address of the verification page and a keyword.

There are no fundamental differences between the listed services. Regarding the relevancy check, everything happens approximately the same. The differences are noticeable only in general functionality, but this is no longer relevant to the topic of the article.

What to do to increase relevance?

Follow these seven tips and your articles will get as close as possible to the TOP of search results, and perhaps even be included in it:

  1. Place the main keyword query in the Title tag in a direct form without changes.
  2. The key query can also be inserted into the description tag. It is he who “sells” your article and is displayed in searches along with the title. Here keys are allowed in both direct and diluted occurrences.
  3. The same query needs to be inserted into the main header, but the exact occurrence is not necessary and even undesirable. Better diluted.
  4. It is also advisable to include the main request in the first paragraph. And as close as possible to the beginning. But this does not mean that the first sentence should begin with the main request. This is definitely not worth doing.
  5. Work with content. If it doesn't meet the meaning of the main search query, relevance can be forgotten. An illogically optimized article will only harm the site. The visitor will not receive the necessary information and will very quickly go to another resource.
  6. Search engines love variety in articles. Therefore, lists, videos, pictures, tables, diagrams, graphs, as well as links to similar materials are welcome.
  7. The last point is the most difficult to implement, but one of the most effective in terms of increasing relevance. If other sites of similar topics link to a page, this will significantly increase its position in search results.

Why does search sometimes return irrelevant pages?

Due to cheating

Black and gray SEO promotion is slowly but surely becoming a thing of the past. Despite this fact, promotion services are still in great demand online. A little more time will pass and the opportunities to artificially increase the relevance of site pages will disappear. There is very little meaning left in them even now.

One of the main issues of relevance today lies in the imperfection of search robots and algorithms. Some factors of aggressive promotion are still getting away with by SEOs who behave unprofessionally. Unfortunately, sites with a minimum of quality content and a large number of “correct” links today are still in the TOP of most popular destinations. This trend is especially noticeable in the entertainment sector, which is not subject to strict control by search engines.

Minimal competition

In other words, out of 30 very bad resources, they select 10 that are not so terrible and send them to the TOP. Search robots believe that it is better to find at least some page on the topic than to tell the visitor that the result is unknown. As a result, in topics with low competition, the first search results are occupied even by those sites where only a few words from the desired queries are present.

If a specialist undertakes to promote a website in a topic with low competition, the chances of bringing the resource to the TOP will be very, very high. More details.

Relevant conclusion

Always disclose in the text the topic of the main key query for which you are optimizing the article. Make content, headings, sub-paragraphs and short paragraphs. Even a reader who has visited the site for the first time can easily understand the simple and understandable structure. Even if the visitor’s stay on the resource is only 2-3 minutes, this becomes a plus for the site. In a few minutes, it is quite possible to provide the visitor with the necessary minimum of information that interests him.