Today's issue of the Russian newspaper.

Newspaper headline: The current generation will live with optimism

“It’s just that everyone gets sick with the flu together, but they go crazy individually,” said Uncle Fyodor’s dad. “If I’m not an optimist, then there will be rabid pessimism around me,” Dmitry Medvedev said in a recent television interview. It seems that Dmitry Anatolyevich has found a way to implement 12 national projects, for which some fantastic trillions of rubles have been allocated.

  • Newspaper headline: Who professes “anti-Calvinism” and why?

    The head and founder of Baring Vostok, American citizen Michael Calvey will spend at least two months behind bars by court decision. One of the oldest and most famous foreign investors in Russia was arrested. Experts are already comparing the negative that his case brought with the upcoming American sanctions. Only this time Washington has nothing to do with it.

  • Newspaper headline: Are you still boiling?..

    Deputy Head of the Ministry of Construction Andrei Chibis spoke about plans to “reduce the period of shutdown of hot water to three days.” According to the official, such a breakthrough will be possible thanks to a “smart approach” and “smart solutions” that will allow updating heat supply systems without billions of dollars in investments.

  • Newspaper headline: Oleg Gazmanov announced spring

    Oleg Gazmanov is not just a sports person himself, he is a caring father and constantly makes sure that everyone in his family plays sports.

  • The grandmother of a six-year-old boy who spent the whole night in Losiny Ostrov park claims that his grandson simply got lost. This happened when the child’s mother, 33-year-old Nadezhda, stopped the car on the Moscow Ring Road so that he could relieve himself. The pensioner managed to talk to her daughter on the phone for five minutes on the morning of February 18.

    Stanislav Yuryev
  • Newspaper headline: Alone in the forest, with a bag on his head

    A six-year-old boy who spent the whole night in the Losiny Ostrov park suffers from mental disorders and left on his own - this was stated by his parent, 33-year-old Nadezhda. The woman's words will be checked by a juvenile affairs inspector.

    Stanislav Yuryev
  • Just a month ago, in mid-January, the long-awaited national project “Ecology” was approved. 11 most important areas, in accordance with the instructions of President Vladimir Putin, are brought together, their implementation should minimize harmful effects on environment and human health. The plan is colossal and is designed for the next five years.

    Lane 2

    Lane 3

      The population has long counted on building a constructive dialogue with Russian Post. The state-owned company seems to have begun to reciprocate and is gradually bringing the service to 21st century standards. 2019 federal year postal operator started with radical changes. He is actively modernizing branches postal service, develops and implements new services, including digital ones. The MK journalist tested the postal realities for himself and became convinced that Russian Post can surprise.

    • Newspaper headline: Red Line detoured

      Another transport collapse occurred in the capital. But planned and done for a good purpose. For the sake of construction of the next section of the Big Circle Line, the metro is closed to traffic from February 16 to 24 top part red line from Komsomolskaya to Rokossovsky Boulevard. Driving on top is also not easy. A number of streets are blocked, the east of Moscow - from Izmailovo to Losinka - is semi-paralyzed: it is very difficult to drive around the Shchelkovskoye Highway and Preobrazhenskaya Square.

    • Newspaper headline: Living a lie

      The State Duma adopted in the first reading bills on punishment for the dissemination of false news and disrespect for authorities and society. The first bill was immediately called the “fake news” law. There was a lot of noise and controversy over this initiative. Some did not like the authors of the initiative, others did not like the content of the bills. In general, as always, “much ado about nothing.”

    • Newspaper headline: Explosions around Pushilin's residence

      In Donetsk on Monday, in the very center, moreover, in the government quarter, mines exploded in the morning. All day, sappers walked around vacant lots and courtyards in search of new explosive devices. Local intelligence agencies call this “attack” a challenge to the DPR authorities,


    Lane 4

    • Newspaper headline: Rate or don't rate, you'll still get banged up

      Moody's raised Russia's credit rating to investment level. Now, in the mirror of all three of the world's largest rating agencies, Russia looks attractive for investment. But there have been no large foreign investments. On the contrary, there is a net outflow of capital.

    • Newspaper headline: Oil believes in new OPEC

      Negotiations between oil exporting countries within OPEC+, which started on February 18 in Vienna, dedicated to transforming the cartel into new organization, was positively received by global market players. Barrel prices rose to $66.5 for the first time since November 2018.

    • Newspaper headline: “No one to say “Tsits!”

      The arrest period for the head of the Baring Vostok investment fund, Michael Calvey, has been extended until April 13. The businessman faces up to 10 years in prison. Financial Ombudsman Pavel Medvedev presented his vision of the situation to us.

    • Newspaper headline: Sanctions have crowded out national projects

      The Sochi Investment Forum, held on February 14–15, was conceived as a detailed presentation of national projects, which, in turn, should ensure the implementation of Vladimir Putin’s May decree. But on the first day of the forum, it became known that the “vacation” during which the American bill providing for the introduction of a new package was spent anti-Russian sanctions, are over. And the document was again submitted to the US Congress.

    Lane 6

    • Newspaper headline: Master of Numbers

      While the general education school, with terrible torment and minimal results, teaches elementary school children the basics of mental arithmetic, the system additional education solves the same problem easily and beautifully. On February 18, in Technograd at VDNKh, the first simultaneous registration in Russia of 4 records in mental arithmetic in the Russian Book of Records “Lord of Numbers” took place.

    • Newspaper headline: With bargaining, with feeling, with arrangement

      “Everything here is terribly tasty and terribly healthy,” said a more experienced colleague on the day of my debut as a sales consultant in one of the popular networks healthy eating. Who's arguing? In matters of taste, as we know, this is inappropriate. Moreover, the process of eating, even the most exquisite, on the other side of the counter turns into a banal meal. But the work of a salesperson, as it turns out, does not help increase appetite. But at that moment I was simply scared.

    Internet portal Rossiyskaya Gazeta ( is an online version of the government's printed publication Russian Federation, in which all materials from each issue of the newspaper are published. The latest and most up-to-date information is available at in electronic format with a convenient navigation and search system.

    Russian newspaper official website - Home page

    On home page The site displays the most current and important news and articles. On the left there is a banner for subscribing to the Russian newspaper directly on the website. This procedure will only take a couple of minutes.

    At the top of the page there are links to the main services of the site. The "Latest Issue" section is updated on the website on the day the latest issue of the Russian newspaper is published. Articles are posted in blocks. Each block corresponds to a strip in printed edition. The user has the opportunity to read any article. When you go to the full text page, the name of the category to which it belongs will be displayed at the top of the page.

    Latest number

    The "Documents" section displays laws, decrees, resolutions, orders and other documents, adopted and approved by the President of the Russian Federation, legislative, executive, judicial authorities, state funds and other control bodies. There is a search bar and a filtering system by status, type, date of adoption of the document, department and category.


    The "Thematic Rubricator" section contains subsections of the headings presented in the strip under the site header. It is a kind of thematic site map that helps the reader navigate the abundance of information and find the section that interests him.

    The "Regions" section publishes articles about incidents and interesting events from different parts of Russia. If you want to select information on one specific region, then select it from the drop-down list using the link in the site header.

    Regional news

    The “Special Projects” section deserves special attention., which are dedicated to topics healthy image life, raising children, information technology, weapons.

    On the main page of the site, almost all thematic sections are presented in the form of separate blocks. Each block displays one or more articles in the form of a title and a short announcement. Below are banners announcing competitions and important events.

    The footer contains duplicate links to the main sections of the site; a separate column contains links to contact information, pages for partners and applicants for positions in the company. Below you can see links to online resources own projects and partners of Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

    Newspaper headline: The current generation will live with optimism

    “It’s just that everyone gets sick with the flu together, but they go crazy individually,” said Uncle Fyodor’s dad. “If I’m not an optimist, then there will be rabid pessimism around me,” Dmitry Medvedev said in a recent television interview. It seems that Dmitry Anatolyevich has found a way to implement 12 national projects, for which some fantastic trillions of rubles have been allocated.

  • Newspaper headline: Who professes “anti-Calvinism” and why?

    The head and founder of Baring Vostok, American citizen Michael Calvey will spend at least two months behind bars by court decision. One of the oldest and most famous foreign investors in Russia was arrested. Experts are already comparing the negative that his case brought with the upcoming American sanctions. Only this time Washington has nothing to do with it.

  • Newspaper headline: Are you still boiling?..

    Deputy Head of the Ministry of Construction Andrei Chibis spoke about plans to “reduce the period of shutdown of hot water to three days.” According to the official, such a breakthrough will be possible thanks to a “smart approach” and “smart solutions” that will allow updating heat supply systems without billions of dollars in investments.

  • Newspaper headline: Oleg Gazmanov announced spring

    Oleg Gazmanov is not just a sports person himself, he is a caring father and constantly makes sure that everyone in his family plays sports.

  • The grandmother of a six-year-old boy who spent the whole night in Losiny Ostrov park claims that his grandson simply got lost. This happened when the child’s mother, 33-year-old Nadezhda, stopped the car on the Moscow Ring Road so that he could relieve himself. The pensioner managed to talk to her daughter on the phone for five minutes on the morning of February 18.

    Stanislav Yuryev
  • Newspaper headline: Alone in the forest, with a bag on his head

    A six-year-old boy who spent the whole night in the Losiny Ostrov park suffers from mental disorders and left on his own - this was stated by his parent, 33-year-old Nadezhda. The woman's words will be checked by a juvenile affairs inspector.

    Stanislav Yuryev
  • Just a month ago, in mid-January, the long-awaited national project “Ecology” was approved. 11 most important areas, in accordance with the instructions of President Vladimir Putin, are brought together, their implementation should minimize the harmful effects on the environment and human health. The plan is colossal and is designed for the next five years.

    Lane 2

    Lane 3

      The population has long counted on building a constructive dialogue with Russian Post. The state-owned company seems to have begun to reciprocate and is gradually bringing the service to 21st century standards. The federal postal operator started 2019 with radical changes. It is actively modernizing post offices, developing and introducing new services, including digital ones. The MK journalist tested the postal realities for himself and became convinced that Russian Post can surprise.

    • Newspaper headline: Red Line detoured

      Another transport collapse occurred in the capital. But planned and done for a good purpose. For the sake of construction of the next section of the Big Circle Line of the metro, the upper part of the red line from Komsomolskaya to Rokossovsky Boulevard is closed to traffic from February 16 to 24. Driving on top is also not easy. A number of streets are blocked, the east of Moscow - from Izmailovo to Losinka - is semi-paralyzed: it is very difficult to drive around the Shchelkovskoye Highway and Preobrazhenskaya Square.

    • Newspaper headline: Living a lie

      The State Duma adopted in the first reading bills on punishment for the dissemination of false news and disrespect for authorities and society. The first bill was immediately called the “fake news” law. There was a lot of noise and controversy over this initiative. Some did not like the authors of the initiative, others did not like the content of the bills. In general, as always, “much ado about nothing.”

    • Newspaper headline: Explosions around Pushilin's residence

      In Donetsk on Monday, in the very center, moreover, in the government quarter, mines exploded in the morning. All day, sappers walked around vacant lots and courtyards in search of new explosive devices. Local intelligence agencies call this “attack” a challenge to the DPR authorities,


    Lane 4

    • Newspaper headline: Rate or don't rate, you'll still get banged up

      Moody's raised Russia's credit rating to investment level. Now, in the mirror of all three of the world's largest rating agencies, Russia looks attractive for investment. But there have been no large foreign investments. On the contrary, there is a net outflow of capital.

    • Newspaper headline: Oil believes in new OPEC

      The negotiations between oil exporting countries within OPEC+, which started on February 18 in Vienna, dedicated to transforming the cartel into a new organization, were positively received by world market players. Barrel prices rose to $66.5 for the first time since November 2018.

    • Newspaper headline: “No one to say “Tsits!”

      The arrest period for the head of the Baring Vostok investment fund, Michael Calvey, has been extended until April 13. The businessman faces up to 10 years in prison. Financial Ombudsman Pavel Medvedev presented his vision of the situation to us.

    • Newspaper headline: Sanctions have crowded out national projects

      The Sochi Investment Forum, held on February 14–15, was conceived as a detailed presentation of national projects, which, in turn, should ensure the implementation of Vladimir Putin’s May decree. But on the first day of the forum, it became known that the “vacation” for which the American bill providing for the introduction of a new package of anti-Russian sanctions was over had ended. And the document was again submitted to the US Congress.

    Lane 6

    • Newspaper headline: Master of Numbers

      While the general education school, with terrible torment and minimal results, teaches elementary school students the basics of mental arithmetic, the system of additional education solves the same problem easily and beautifully. On February 18, in Technograd at VDNKh, the first simultaneous registration in Russia of 4 records in mental arithmetic in the Russian Book of Records “Lord of Numbers” took place.

    • Newspaper headline: With bargaining, with feeling, with arrangement

      “Everything here is terribly tasty and terribly healthy,” said a more experienced colleague on the day of my debut as a sales assistant in one of the popular healthy food chains. Who's arguing? In matters of taste, as we know, this is inappropriate. Moreover, the process of eating, even the most exquisite, on the other side of the counter turns into a banal meal. But the work of a salesperson, as it turns out, does not help increase appetite. But at that moment I was simply scared.

    Newspaper headline: The current generation will live with optimism

    “It’s just that everyone gets sick with the flu together, but they go crazy individually,” said Uncle Fyodor’s dad. “If I’m not an optimist, then there will be rabid pessimism around me,” Dmitry Medvedev said in a recent television interview. It seems that Dmitry Anatolyevich has found a way to implement 12 national projects, for which some fantastic trillions of rubles have been allocated.

  • Newspaper headline: Who professes “anti-Calvinism” and why?

    The head and founder of Baring Vostok, American citizen Michael Calvey will spend at least two months behind bars by court decision. One of the oldest and most famous foreign investors in Russia was arrested. Experts are already comparing the negative that his case brought with the upcoming American sanctions. Only this time Washington has nothing to do with it.

  • Newspaper headline: Are you still boiling?..

    Deputy Head of the Ministry of Construction Andrei Chibis spoke about plans to “reduce the period of shutdown of hot water to three days.” According to the official, such a breakthrough will be possible thanks to a “smart approach” and “smart solutions” that will allow updating heat supply systems without billions of dollars in investments.

  • Newspaper headline: Oleg Gazmanov announced spring

    Oleg Gazmanov is not just a sports person himself, he is a caring father and constantly makes sure that everyone in his family plays sports.

  • The grandmother of a six-year-old boy who spent the whole night in Losiny Ostrov park claims that his grandson simply got lost. This happened when the child’s mother, 33-year-old Nadezhda, stopped the car on the Moscow Ring Road so that he could relieve himself. The pensioner managed to talk to her daughter on the phone for five minutes on the morning of February 18.

    Stanislav Yuryev
  • Newspaper headline: Alone in the forest, with a bag on his head

    A six-year-old boy who spent the whole night in the Losiny Ostrov park suffers from mental disorders and left on his own - this was stated by his parent, 33-year-old Nadezhda. The woman's words will be checked by a juvenile affairs inspector.

    Stanislav Yuryev
  • Just a month ago, in mid-January, the long-awaited national project “Ecology” was approved. 11 most important areas, in accordance with the instructions of President Vladimir Putin, are brought together, their implementation should minimize the harmful effects on the environment and human health. The plan is colossal and is designed for the next five years.

    Lane 2

    Lane 3

      The population has long counted on building a constructive dialogue with Russian Post. The state-owned company seems to have begun to reciprocate and is gradually bringing the service to 21st century standards. The federal postal operator started 2019 with radical changes. It is actively modernizing post offices, developing and introducing new services, including digital ones. The MK journalist tested the postal realities for himself and became convinced that Russian Post can surprise.

    • Newspaper headline: Red Line detoured

      Another transport collapse occurred in the capital. But planned and done for a good purpose. For the sake of construction of the next section of the Big Circle Line of the metro, the upper part of the red line from Komsomolskaya to Rokossovsky Boulevard is closed to traffic from February 16 to 24. Driving on top is also not easy. A number of streets are blocked, the east of Moscow - from Izmailovo to Losinka - is semi-paralyzed: it is very difficult to drive around the Shchelkovskoye Highway and Preobrazhenskaya Square.

    • Newspaper headline: Living a lie

      The State Duma adopted in the first reading bills on punishment for the dissemination of false news and disrespect for authorities and society. The first bill was immediately called the “fake news” law. There was a lot of noise and controversy over this initiative. Some did not like the authors of the initiative, others did not like the content of the bills. In general, as always, “much ado about nothing.”

    • Newspaper headline: Explosions around Pushilin's residence

      In Donetsk on Monday, in the very center, moreover, in the government quarter, mines exploded in the morning. All day, sappers walked around vacant lots and courtyards in search of new explosive devices. Local intelligence agencies call this “attack” a challenge to the DPR authorities,


    Lane 4

    • Newspaper headline: Rate or don't rate, you'll still get banged up

      Moody's raised Russia's credit rating to investment level. Now, in the mirror of all three of the world's largest rating agencies, Russia looks attractive for investment. But there have been no large foreign investments. On the contrary, there is a net outflow of capital.

    • Newspaper headline: Oil believes in new OPEC

      The negotiations between oil exporting countries within OPEC+, which started on February 18 in Vienna, dedicated to transforming the cartel into a new organization, were positively received by world market players. Barrel prices rose to $66.5 for the first time since November 2018.

    • Newspaper headline: “No one to say “Tsits!”

      The arrest period for the head of the Baring Vostok investment fund, Michael Calvey, has been extended until April 13. The businessman faces up to 10 years in prison. Financial Ombudsman Pavel Medvedev presented his vision of the situation to us.

    • Newspaper headline: Sanctions have crowded out national projects

      The Sochi Investment Forum, held on February 14–15, was conceived as a detailed presentation of national projects, which, in turn, should ensure the implementation of Vladimir Putin’s May decree. But on the first day of the forum, it became known that the “vacation” for which the American bill providing for the introduction of a new package of anti-Russian sanctions was over had ended. And the document was again submitted to the US Congress.

    Lane 6

    • Newspaper headline: Master of Numbers

      While the general education school, with terrible torment and minimal results, teaches elementary school students the basics of mental arithmetic, the system of additional education solves the same problem easily and beautifully. On February 18, in Technograd at VDNKh, the first simultaneous registration in Russia of 4 records in mental arithmetic in the Russian Book of Records “Lord of Numbers” took place.

    • Newspaper headline: With bargaining, with feeling, with arrangement

      “Everything here is terribly tasty and terribly healthy,” said a more experienced colleague on the day of my debut as a sales assistant in one of the popular healthy food chains. Who's arguing? In matters of taste, as we know, this is inappropriate. Moreover, the process of eating, even the most exquisite, on the other side of the counter turns into a banal meal. But the work of a salesperson, as it turns out, does not help increase appetite. But at that moment I was simply scared.

