Make less space between lines. How to change the spacing between lines, words and paragraphs in Word

When working with a text style, you can set the necessary spacing between characters, words, and lines. Such distances are specified in any units CSS dimensions, be it px , pt , em or others. An exception is percentages - they can be used to set the distance between lines (leading), but they do not work when setting the spacing between characters or words.

CSS character spacing: letter-spacing

Set intercharacter spacing possible using CSS properties letter-spacing. In addition to the usual values ​​(positive and negative), you can also use the values ​​inherit (to inherit the value from the parent) and normal (if you want to return normal spacing between characters).

An example of writing an intercharacter interval:

P ( letter-spacing: 2em; )

Spacing between words: word-spacing

The CSS word-spacing property differs from the previous one in that it sets the distance between words, not between characters. For of this property normal and inherit values ​​are also provided. You can specify negative values. Below is an example of a style entry:

P (word-spacing: 6px; )

Line spacing: line-height

Using the CSS line-height property, you can set the distance between lines of text. As was said at the beginning of the topic, to set leading, in addition to other units of measurement, you can use percentages. It is also possible to write the value as a multiplier (numbers greater than 0): to calculate the distance, the browser will multiply the font size by the given number. Negative values ​​don't work. The available values ​​are normal and inherit .

Below is an example of how to do it line spacing CSS:

P (line-height: 180%; )

In the screenshot you can see what the text looks like with all three properties:

Screenshot: Spacing in CSS


When setting spacing between words, characters or lines, first of all make sure that the resulting text is easy to read. Such properties must be handled carefully and always used in moderation, without fanaticism, otherwise all text content threatens to turn into an illegible set of letters.

To reduce line spacing, Word has a lot of functionality. Use them and “comb” your text document.

When working with large text documents, many small blots may occur, which then spoil the appearance text. To fix this, you may need to learn how to reduce the space between lines. This is a simple procedure that even a person with little knowledge of text formatting can perform in Word 2007 and 2010.

Ways to remove intervals

First, look to see if there is an extra paragraph character between the lines. To check this, there are two options: visual or programmatic.

  1. With the first, everything is clear - you just need to see if there is an extra paragraph somewhere;
  2. In case of software option This implies the use of Word's built-in function. It can show characters that are not visible in regular text. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Hidden Characters Feature

Uneven spacing between lines and paragraphs is best removed using this tool diagnostics This speeds up the time of text editing in Word 2007 and Word 2010.

To find spacing, in Control Panel, on the Home tab, look for the Paragraph section. Then press the button with the “¶” icon. This is the icon of the symbols being displayed. By activating the function, you will see a dot appear between the spaces. Other characters, including paragraph marks, will be visible. This is very useful option. It does not change the text in printed format, but it allows you to study the text more carefully before sending it to print.

If the space between the lines is too large, there may be spacing between them. Open the "Home" tab and in the "Styles" menu set the value to "No spacing". If this option is not visible, it means that it is not visible on the taskbar. To open it, click on the arrow button and select the desired item.

If you need to reduce the space between lines in the middle of a paragraph, select the required fragment. To do this, you don't have to use the left mouse button, as many are used to. Just hold down the Shift key and move the cursor with the right/left arrows. If you need to select all the text, on the “Home” tab, open the “Editing” menu and click on the “Select All” button.

With the desired fragment selected on the Page Layout tab, select the item with the small arrow icon. You can do it differently: right-click on the text and select the “Paragraph” section from the menu that opens (this can be done in any version of Word: 2003, 2007, 2010).

A window will appear in which go to the “Indents and Spacing” item. In the “Interval” item, specify desired type interval (single, minimum). You can also select the “multiplier” or “exact” mode, then you will need to specify the value. To enter a value use function buttons"up"/"down" directly in the window or enter it using the keyboard. Click OK to apply the settings. Now the distance between the lines will be the same everywhere.

Description of intervals

When working with line spacing in Word 2007 and 2010, the following knowledge may be useful to you:

  • "Single" spacing is the same as the largest font that was used in the highlighted text;
  • “One and a half times” is a distance that exceeds the previous interval by one and a half times;
  • “Double” – accordingly, exceeds the indicators of a single interval by 2 times. That is, the font size will be twice as large as the maximum font in the selection;
  • "Minimum" is the minimum value. There is enough space left in the interval so that a letter corresponding to the font in the text can fit in it;
  • “Exactly” – you can adjust the interval value yourself;
  • "Multiplier" – given distance proportional to a certain coefficient. In accordance with it, the interval will decrease or increase. For example, if you set a multiplier of 1.4, then the distance between lines will increase by 40%.

Removing spaces between lines in Word 2007 and 2010 is a routine procedure that can be performed even by a person who has just installed Word on their computer. Using the spacing setting, you can quickly edit your document to suit your needs. And with the help of the non-displayable characters function, you can reduce the distance between lines.

Line spacing in Microsoft program Word determines the spacing between lines of text in a document. The spacing is also or can be between paragraphs, in which case it determines the size empty space before and after it.

In Word, by default, a certain line spacing is set, the size of which is different versions programs may differ. So, for example, in Microsoft Word 2003 this value is 1.0, and in newer versions it is already 1.15. The interval icon itself can be found in the “Home” tab in the “Paragraph” group - numerical data is simply indicated there, but there is no check mark next to any of them. How to increase or decrease the distance between lines in Word will be discussed below.

Why do we start with exactly how to change the spacing in an existing document? The point is that in blank document, in which not a single line of text has yet been written, you can simply set the desired or necessary parameters and start working - the interval will be set exactly as you set it in the program settings.

The easiest way to change the spacing between lines throughout a document is to use Quick Styles, which already have the required spacing set, which is different for each style, but more on that later. If you need to change the spacing in a specific part of the document, select a piece of text and change the indentation values ​​to those you need.

1. Select the entire text or the required fragment (use the key combination for this “Ctrl+A” or button “Select” located in the group "Editing"(tab "Home").

2. Click the button "Interval", which is in the group "Paragraph", tab "Home".

3. Select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.

4. If none of the proposed options suits you, select the option.

5. In the window that appears (tab “Indents and Spacing”) set the required parameters. In the window "Sample" you can see how the display of text in the document changes according to the values ​​you enter.

6. Click the button "OK" to apply changes to the text or its fragment.

Note: In the line spacing settings window, you can change numeric values to the steps available by default, or manually enter those that you need.

How to change the spacing before and after paragraphs in text?

Sometimes in a document it is necessary to put specific indents not only between lines in paragraphs, but also between the paragraphs themselves, before or after them, making the division more clear. Here you need to act in exactly the same way.

1. Select all the text or the required fragment.

2. Click the button "Interval" located in the tab "Home".

3. Select one of the two options presented at the bottom of the drop-down menu “Add space before paragraph” or “Add space after paragraph”. You can also select both options by setting both paddings.

4. More precise settings for spacing before and/or after paragraphs can be made in the window “Other line spacing options” located in the button menu "Interval". There you can also remove the indentation between paragraphs of the same style, which may obviously be necessary in some documents.

5. The changes you make will instantly appear in the document.

How do I change line spacing using Quick Styles?

The spacing methods described above apply to all text or to selections, that is, each line and/or paragraph of text is given the same spacing, selected or specified by the user. But what if you need what is called, in one approach, to separate lines, paragraphs and headings with subheadings?

It is unlikely that anyone will want to manually set spacing for each individual heading, subheading and paragraph, especially if there are quite a lot of them in the text. IN in this case“Express Styles” available in Word will help. How to use them to change intervals will be discussed below.

1. Select all the text in the document or the fragment in which you want to change the spacing.

2. In the tab "Home" in Group “Styles” open the dialog box by clicking on the small button in the lower right corner of the group.

3. In the window that appears, select the appropriate style (you can also change styles directly in the group by hovering the cursor over them, using a click to confirm the selection). By clicking on the style in this horse, you will see how the text changes.

4. Having selected the appropriate style, close the dialog box.

Note: Changing spacing using Quick Styles - effective solution also in cases where you do not know what interval you need. This way you can immediately see the difference a particular style makes.

Advice: To make the text more attractive visually, and simply visually, use different styles for headings and subheadings, as well as for body text. Also, you can create own style and then save and use it as a template. To do this you need to be in a group “Styles” open item “Create a style” and in the window that appears, select the command "Change".

That's all, now you know how to make single, one and a half, double or any other spacing in Word 2007 - 2016, as well as in older versions of this program. Now your text documents will look more clear and attractive.

IN CSS distance It's very easy to set between lines. There is a special property for this. But, of course, there are many other parameters that are universal and can be applied to text.

If no settings are made, the default values ​​are set. You can change this distance if you wish. The value can be either a percentage or pixels.

Row height

In CSS, the distance between lines can be demonstrated by the following image.

The image above shows the parameters with the corresponding distances. The text is located in the font-size space. Please note that the line of text does not start at the base, but slightly above. The space below is provided for letters that have elements below (g, y, and so on).

Note that the space between the font-size blocks is called leading. This property does not appear in HTML and CSS, but it is present in other graphic and text editors. For example, in Adobe Photoshop.

The figure above shows where you can specify leading in Photoshop. And next to it is the font-size parameter.

Examples of using line-height

In CSS, the distance between lines can be set as a percentage. A good example is given below.

If the value is small, it will be inconvenient for the user of your site to read.

The distance can also be changed by the font size. If the difference between the main parameters is very different in numbers, then this difference is compensated by increasing the leading.

Subtleties of design

In CSS, the spacing between lines can be further adjusted with various paddings. Let's look at the example in the figure.

In our case, the “Element” field will contain text. Padding is the padding inside an object, and margin is the padding behind the object. Border is a frame. It could be 0 pixels, or it could be 100.

The following image shows all the padding, border, and line height of the text at once.

If your text is small, just one line, or each line is in a separate paragraph, then the distance can be adjusted by indenting between these paragraphs. That is, maring and padding between lines in one element have no effect. They create indentation only along the edges of the object. The object is the entire paragraph, not the lines within it. It is important not to get confused here.

In cases where there are many lines, and all of this is located in one object, it is recommended to change the font with the main parameters.

How to Increase Space Between CSS Lines

Distance between HTML lines can be assigned to any class or for all paragraphs in the text. If you specify it like this: p ( line-height:20px; ), then absolutely all paragraphs on the page will have lines of 20 pixels. If needed in different places various sizes, then it is recommended to do as follows.

We write styles.

Class1 ( line-height:20px; )

Class2 ( line-height:16px; )

Class3 ( line-height:12px; )

For clarity, let's add a frame so you can see that it works. In the future it needs to be removed.

Please note that in the third case the stripe ran over the text. This is because it is greater than the line height. Therefore, it is important to ensure that there are no such contradictions. If you make a small line height, then reduce the font accordingly.

It is not recommended to make text too small and the space between lines too small. Because no user can calmly read all of this. His eyes will quickly get tired. Search engines They also say that the text should be user-friendly.

Moreover, in Lately there is a great emphasis on convenience for mobile users. There, the recommendations always say that the font size should be normal, not small. This especially affects links. With them small size It will be difficult for the user to navigate the site.

The Google search engine has a special tool that helps with this analysis. It is very convenient for webmasters.

Here is an example of the results that might occur.

Microsoft Office Word- universal office program, allowing you to work with text. Absolutely all documents are printed using this text editor. It has many more features than notepad. It can perform the following types of work:

  1. Creation of ordinary text documents.
  2. Writing.
  3. Production of brochures, leaflets and advertisements.
  4. Document design and layout.

Now absolutely all people know what Word is. In many schools, middle school students already know how to work in this text editor. This program has built-in various tools that allow you to design text documents as per your requirements. This article will talk about how to change line spacing in Word, and why it is needed.

How to change the spacing between lines in Word

All users of this text editor change line spacing for different purposes:

  1. Unedited text looks ugly.
  2. Requirements for text formatting at work or at university. They must comply with GOSTs.
  3. Individual customer requirements for text design.

You should start by checking the document for the presence of extra spaces between paragraphs. To do this, go to the “Home” tab of the “Paragraph” section and click on the button located in the right top corner this section. Extra characters will be indicated by a sign drawn on this button. Once you remove them, the text will be more pleasing to look at.

Usually, the distance between the last and first lines of two adjacent paragraphs is quite large. To remove it, you should go to the "Home" tab. There, in the “Styles” section, you need to select “No spacing”.

It was only general design text. Often, the greatest demands are placed on the spacing between lines of text in a paragraph. To set the desired distance between lines, Let's take the following steps:

Typically, various reports and student papers require single or one and a half line spacing. You can also set its value in the “Multiplier” box by entering the desired number there. To save installed settings, click the “Ok” button.

The same steps can be performed by going to the “Paragraph” tab. To the right of the text alignment buttons there is a button responsible for the distance between lines. After selecting the text, you can click on this button and select from the proposed options the distance you need between two adjacent lines.

Types of line spacing

If you set this interval using the button on the “Paragraph” tab, you probably noticed that it offers certain options distances between lines in the text. Let's Let's look at these intervals:

As a rule, in almost all versions of Word the minimum distance between lines is 0.8–0.9 lines. Then the characters begin to become distorted, but you can still make out the text. Working with a text document becomes impossible when the line spacing is set with a multiplier of 0.3.

Changing the interval in older versions of Word

Older versions of this program are versions that are older than 2007. That is, Word 2003, word 2000, and so on. In order to do change spacing in these versions, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Go to the “Format” tab.
  2. From the drop-down list, go to the “Paragraph” item.
  3. Further, everything is exactly the same as in latest versions Worda.

In the same way one can distinguish required fragment text and call context menu click right button mice.

Shouldn't be left extra spaces between words. They need to be removed. They are invisible to the person who just typed this text, but it is still better to remove them. To find them, you can use any text checking service for spelling errors. In these services, extra spaces will be highlighted as an error. If necessary, indent the red line. Such texts look much better.

State standards for text formatting require not only setting the required line spacing, but also other parameters:

  • Custom fields.
  • Alignment and level.
  • Indents and spacing.
  • Font size.

It is very important to distinguish between a hyphen and a dash and know when to write them. And also do not forget that headings must be in bold and placed in the center of the page.

Now you know how to reduce the distance between adjacent lines in text documents Word programs. Therefore, you should not be lazy to draw them up. Previously, people typed texts on typewriters. They did not have the opportunity to format the text or even correct the error. They had to be content with what they had. At the same time, they could not even dream of a program like Word. So take advantage of this opportunity while it lasts and format text documents correctly!