DIY acoustic speakers. Do-it-yourself bookshelf acoustics

Making speakers with your own hands is possible for anyone who knows how to use a soldering iron and also understands electrical circuits. To work, you will need a small number of parts that can be borrowed, for example, from car radios. You will also need material for making speaker cabinets. Usually wood is used for these purposes, but you can even use a plastic case from acoustics that have become unusable. Before you sit down with a soldering iron and etch a printed circuit board, you should choose the design, microcircuit, and speaker system capabilities.

What do you need from acoustics?

It's nice when the sound reproduced from a personal computer sounds over the entire audible range (from 20 Hertz to 20 kHz). To emphasize certain frequencies, you need to use special filters. Most of the cheap speakers that can be found on sale reproduce sounds in the range from 50-100 Hertz and up to 15 kHz. This makes the sound seem incomplete and ugly. Therefore, DIY speakers must have higher performance to meet your needs.

Decide right away which frequencies you plan to emphasize and whether your amplifier will have the ability to manually adjust. But if you decide to take the easy route, then it will be enough to filter out the low and high so that the devices reproducing this spectrum work in parallel with the main speakers. You've probably heard words like "tweeters" (small speakers that filter out high frequencies) and "subwoofer" (a large wooden box that houses a speaker for bass reproduction). These are the ones you will have to do yourself.

What do you need for a subwoofer?

It won't work without a quality box. Surround sound is created by air moving inside the box. Moreover, the air drives the speaker diffuser. This means you need to make a closed box with one hole for air to escape. Since you are making speakers for your computer with your own hands, there is no need to use huge speakers that are used for car audio. The ideal option is a car speaker used as a standard one, which is installed in the front part. Small-diameter speakers, rubberized diffusers, soft and elastic. This is exactly what is required for a subwoofer.

Of course, it will not create strong air pressure, but for a small room it will be enough to emphasize low frequencies. You will also need a low-frequency amplifier; there are many of these on the radio market. If possible, you can remove it from an old car stereo. The output power should be at least 20 watts, and the power supply to the microcircuit should preferably be unipolar. But the most important thing is a low-pass filter (LPF), because you won’t be able to make a speaker with a subwoofer yourself without this unit. You should not clutter the design with complex low-pass filters on microcircuits and operational amplifiers. A passive filter made up of resistors and capacitors is sufficient. Depending on their parameters, frequencies are cut off.

How to make a subwoofer box

To make the box you need to use durable wood. Chipboard or fiberboard is ideal; its thickness should be no more than 5 mm to make the structure as light as possible. If you have old Soviet TVs in wooden boxes, you can make a nice box out of them. Cut out all structural elements using a jigsaw. Do-it-yourself acoustic speakers must be durable, so do not skimp on glue and self-tapping screws for fastening. The front part on which the speaker is mounted is attached last.

To stiffen the box, use triangular-shaped wooden slats. Try to glue all small cracks and gaps. After all, the air in the subwoofer will move, and you want it not to come out of the cracks, since the sound will deteriorate because of this. In the back of the box you need to drill a hole for the wire, and a connector for connecting to the amplifier is mounted on the outside. It is much more convenient if the sound speakers, made by yourself, are compact and without external blocks.

How to make a power supply

As mentioned above, you should not use bipolar power supply chips for the design. The reason is the complexity of the power supply; it is not easy to obtain the current necessary for operation. Therefore, it is best to make designs that can be connected to a unipolar voltage of 12-24 V. And subsequently, repairing speakers with your own hands will be much easier, if, of course, some kind of breakdown occurs. The power of the transformer should be slightly greater than the power of the consumers - all amplifier microcircuits.

The best option is to make one power supply for all devices. To effectively arrange all acoustic components, it is worth placing the power supply, the low-pass filter with an amplifier for the subwoofer, and the low-pass filter for the main speakers and tweeters in one housing. This will allow you to use the equipment ergonomically, and the number of wires will be minimal. On the back wall of the subwoofer you need to install connectors for connecting the main speakers and tweeters. But keep in mind that the subwoofer is a source of vibration, so soldering must be done efficiently, and fastening to the body must be done using rubber washers.

DIY speakers: amplifier and power supply

The amplifier and power supply can be embedded into the subwoofer body to save space, and connectors for connecting “tulips” can be installed on the outside. The hole is filled with sealant, after which the front side is installed. It is also mounted first using sealant, and then tightened with self-tapping screws. After the box has dried, it must be covered with suitable material.

As a power supply, you can use a simple circuit: a transformer, a rectifier bridge and 2-3 electrolytic capacitors. Such computer speakers, assembled by yourself, will work perfectly, the sound will be clear and pleasant. If there is a slight hum, increase the electrolyte capacity. If there are no elements with a large capacitance, you can connect several in parallel, then the total will be equal to the sum of all capacitors.

How to make basic speakers with your own hands

To make the case, you can use either wood or plastic. It is better to give preference to the first one, since its use in acoustics improves the sound quality. If you are too lazy to cut wood, then you can refine the speakers from an old radio or use them without modification. The amplifier and power supply will be assembled in the subwoofer box, so all that remains is to connect the speakers to the required connectors. Therefore, if you have two speakers from the music center, you can safely use them.

If you decide to do everything in the best possible way, then, by analogy with the subwoofer box, you also make two housings for the main speakers. If desired, they can also be covered with attractive material. Pasting with thin felt, for example, improves the sound quality of the speaker system. In these speakers, it is best to install two speakers - for mid and high frequencies. This will save connection wires and provide a more attractive appearance of the entire system.

Manufacturing a printed circuit board for amplifiers and rectifiers

Perhaps an equally labor-intensive process that will take a lot of time. If the design you have chosen is quite simple, then you can apply the design to the foil material using a permanent marker. Just pre-treat the foil with electrolyte for car batteries or hydrochloric acid. This will degrease the surface and improve the etching process. If the design of the printed circuit board is complex, then it is better to use laser-iron technology and software for drawing tracks. Here's how to make a speaker with your own hands, namely a printed circuit board for it.

In the program, you outline the location of the elements, draw paths, and then print the resulting image on a laser printer with maximum black color saturation. It is better to use glossy paper. Then lay the drawing face down on the surface of the PCB foil, attach the paper and wrap it in a clean rag. Now you need to move the heated iron over the rag so that the design is printed as accurately as possible. This procedure is carried out within 10-15 minutes. After its completion, moisten the paper in water, all excess will go away, and only toner will remain on the foil. If adjustments are necessary, you need to complete the missing elements with a permanent marker.

Board etching

Once the pattern transfer is complete, you will need a ferric chloride solution. Most radio amateurs use it, since the etching process with its help takes little time. If you use a solution of copper sulfate and salt, then etching can take a day or two, depending on the concentration of the substances. It also happens that a ferric chloride solution does not corrode copper well, so to increase the etching speed you need to heat it. Just try not to miss the moment when the tracks are freed from excess metal, otherwise the part of the foil that is under the toner will be destroyed.

In principle, you can make music speakers with your own hands without etching printed circuit boards. There is wall-mounted installation, which is much easier to do. But a beautiful board with proper installation looks much nicer than wires and terminals of elements collected in a heap. And the possibility of interference in the case of wall-mounted installation is much higher. After etching the board, it must be thoroughly washed and dried. And only after removing the toner layer with solvent or alcohol can you begin installing the elements.

Mounting elements on a printed circuit board

Now all you have to do is outline the location of all the elements on the surface of the board. First, make marks in those places where you need to make holes with a drill with a diameter of 1-1.2 mm. The task is not easy, since with strong pressure you can simply break the drill. To improve the printed circuit board, it is necessary to tin (coat with a layer of tin) all the tracks of the board. To do this, you need to treat them all with a rosin solution, then use a heated soldering iron with tin to go over each one so that the solder adheres securely to the copper surface. Excessive heating is not needed, as there is a risk that the foil will begin to peel off from the PCB.

Before installing the elements, their terminals must also be tinning. Only in this case will computer speakers made by yourself have the highest possible reliability. If there is vibration, the soldering can very quickly break down, the contact will be lost, and the amplifier will stop working or will work, but with a wheeze and is unstable.


As you can understand from all that has been said, you can make high-quality acoustics from any material that is at hand. Just pay attention to its condition; do not use rotten wood for a subwoofer or speakers. The element base of low-frequency amplifiers is very small - one microcircuit is enough, which provides an output power of 10-20 Watts in two channels. Simple music speakers, designed by yourself, will serve you for many years, and the sound quality will allow you to enjoy both music and films with special effects.

The quality of sound reproduction in a car depends entirely on the location of the device in the cabin. It is also necessary to take into account all technical parameters and the resonance indicator of the “boxes”. The housing of the sound reproduction device to be used in a particular application is ideally made of suitable materials capable of providing the necessary resonance. It is for this reason that the most productive work is working with your own hands. But how to make speakers if you have never done this before? To fully understand the matter and find an answer to this question, it is necessary to understand all the nuances of creating acoustic devices. Today you will get acquainted with information that will help you create a case yourself, which will have a positive impact on your budget and give you a lot of useful experience.

What is important for speakers?

First, you need to decide on the size of the equipment. And to determine the size, you should choose a location:

  • The most popular place is the trunk because there is plenty of space. Also in this compartment there are all the conditions for creating a certain resonance, which makes the sound a little different.
  • You can install it near the rear windows, but then you will have to reduce the size of the cases, since large devices simply will not fit.

How to make speakers with your own hands at home? To do this, you need to take a closer look at the four stages of creation.


To determine the dimensions of the case you need:

  • Choose a location.
  • Evaluate the space you occupy.
  • Measure the allocated area.

Important! If the trunk is chosen as the location, then 30 centimeters is quite enough, and for a location in the rear seats - at least 15 centimeters.

What are we building from?

In order to assemble the speakers, you should choose the following materials:

  • Chipboard. It will be very easy to find such material, and the affordable price tag makes its contribution. The main advantage of chipboard is its good output, which will save the car enthusiast from listening to distortions. Also, the weight of a chipboard structure will be practically unnoticeable.
  • Ebonite. Solid rubber products look good, but the muffled sound is a little disappointing. In addition, you will have a very difficult time finding a rectangle-shaped piece.

Important! Also, some buyers complain about an unpleasant odor, but ebonite is more flame-resistant, unlike chipboard, so short circuits (short circuits) are not scary for it.

  • Wood. You can use any wood as a body, but seasoned experts recommend giving preference to oak or pine, since their structure has a good effect on the sound. In addition, no one forgets about the appearance, which in this case can be made very attractive.

Important! Wooden structures can be coated with a layer of paint, which will have a positive effect on the aesthetics of your invention.

Let's get started

How to make a speaker at home? The body is the most important component, so let’s look at its creation.

The most common and convenient option looks like this:

  • Using a hacksaw, you prepare future parts from the selected material.
  • Select the components on which the speakers will be attached and make holes in the central part.

Important! The diameter of the holes must be selected so that it matches the diameter of the bottom of the device.

  • Next, cut out small rings that you attach to the holes you made. This will help secure the speaker well. Create a shape that resembles a plate with a knocked out bottom. Glue these rings to the finished components.
  • Create a few more holes, only in the shape of a triangle. They need to be made around the above-mentioned rings. These actions will help achieve optimal sound reproduction, in which all waves will penetrate the housing.
  • Take care of the inside of the structure and make small partitions. Choose a length that is identical to the length of the body. These parts will be needed to fix the bass reflex.
  • Make compact ports into which terminals will later need to be threaded.

Assembly stage

To connect the case together you will need:

  • Fasten all the parts using glue and screws.
  • Fill the structure with padding polyester.
  • Place the speaker in its place.
  • Apply varnish to the invention in order to protect the material and give it a decent appearance.

Important! For painting, you can also use special wood paint, and some of the components can even be made in any other color scheme.

Sound systems

In fact, speakers are not always required. You can create acoustics in a car in another way:

  • Make foam podiums. To do this, you need to create a cardboard template and place it on the place where the podium is supposed to be.
  • Cut a solid base. A sheet of plywood or reinforcement can help you with this.
  • Create a base from two rings. The radius of the first must be identical to the radius of the mesh, which is intended for protection. The diameter of the second ring must be kept in accordance with the size of the column.
  • Connect the rings using self-tapping screws.
  • Make 6 bars to recreate the slope. All parts will need to be fastened together with glue.
  • Pour foam into the structure and leave until completely dry.

Important! Instead of sheets of plywood, you can take pieces of different wood. For such a task, you should choose only dry materials that do not have visible defects or cracks. In this case, it is also recommended to varnish the entire structure in order to give it reliability. If you are looking for greater efficiency, then secure all components using 2 slats.

There are many sound systems on today's market for acoustic equipment - they can be of different types, power and design; you can choose speakers to suit every taste and every need. However, purchased speakers are not always the ideal option. Many people want to try making acoustic devices with their own hands - from the realization that this is not a product from a Chinese factory, but something created on their own, the speakers will even begin to subjectively sound better.

Of course, buying speakers is much easier and probably cheaper. But building your own speakers isn't that difficult. The complexity of the process depends on several factors:

  • What speakers do you need? Whether you want to assemble a full-fledged multi-channel system or a simple stereo pair, they should be powerful or not, broadband or multiband. First of all, the complexity of the calculations depends on all this, and then the complexity of the assembly.
  • Number of parts available. The scale of the project can be different - someone assembles only the housing and buys the electrical parts ready-made, while others even make the control chip (crossover) and amplifier themselves. The only thing that is purchased in all cases is dynamic emitters, since it is almost impossible to assemble them outside the factory.
  • Experience and skills. The main thing you need to have is straight hands, capable of doing woodworking at a decent level, since in the case of assembling speakers with your own hands, the final quality of the speaker system depends on the quality of the housing.

If you are sure that you are ready to assemble the speakers yourself, you need to prepare the tools and materials, and you can get started. Let's leave aside the question of what type of final speaker system will be - it doesn't matter, the general principles of assembly are similar regardless of whether small front speakers or a huge and powerful 5.1 system are being assembled. In principle, only the volume of work and the number of calculations will differ.

Speaker design

Before you start making acoustic devices with your own hands, you need to figure out what they can be made of and in what form. First of all, you should find out what the speaker body can be like.

The quality of the cabinet plays a huge role in giving the sound purity and volume. If the box is assembled with gross design errors, the consequences can be very different - from a simple deterioration in sound quality (for example, it will be too muffled) to complete inoperability of the speaker. Don’t worry ahead of time - having calculated everything exactly, everything will work out in a very decent time. If there are any flaws, it is unlikely that they can be identified with the naked ear. It is also worth remembering that when working with wood, a decimeter of error is not an error, so minor errors are quite forgivable.

The first thing you need to choose is the shape of the future columns. It can be almost anything, but for independent work it is best to choose a traditional rectangular shape. If you plan to manufacture not a broadband speaker, but a subwoofer, then the shape should be cubic. Please also note that when making a low-frequency speaker, the most accurate calculations of the volume of the speaker, as well as the bass reflex, are required, otherwise the bass will not be reproduced well enough, which will defeat the purpose of the work.

Column sizes may also vary. If a large set of speakers will be used - up to three midrange speakers, one high-frequency tweeter and a low-frequency subwoofer - the speaker, of course, must be tall. At the same time, it can be narrow - the volume is quite enough for high-quality sound. In general, there is a lot to be said about calculating volume - but all the particularly accurate calculations are of little use if you do not have ears that can detect the slightest deviations in the amplitude of the sound from a perfectly straight line. So it’s enough to roughly calculate the required volume based on the diameter and power of the dynamic emitter. If the speaker is multi-way, the subwoofer is used as the basis.

One of the most important points is the correct choice of material. The walls of the speaker housing can be made of different types of material, the main thing is that it meets three requirements:

  • rigidity - so that the walls do not bend under the influence of vibration of the speakers;
  • ease;
  • affordable price.

Medium-density particleboard, or MDF, is best. Solid wood is not suitable because it is too flexible and creates a resonance effect. In addition, the column is not an absolutely static object - during operation, vibrations and similar movements that are invisible to the naked eye always occur in it, which is why unpressed wood dries out relatively quickly and becomes unusable. One of the few types of wood that can be used to make a DIY speaker is ebony, or ebony, which is the hardest of all types of wood and also polishes perfectly. However, ebony is very expensive, so in most cases it will not be suitable - after all, one of the goals of independent work is cost-effectiveness.

Another possible material option is multi-layer plywood. It is easy to process, and after assembling the body, it can be finished with any decor - for example, natural veneer. Its only drawback is that it is not the highest rigidity, so for greater structural strength, you will have to additionally cut out ribs that will be placed inside the box.

In addition to the materials described, it is possible to use GVL or DSP - they themselves have good sound insulation properties, which allows you to save somewhat on protective material. However, they are heavy and very difficult to process. It is not recommended to use plastic at all - we will leave polymers to factory manufacturers. Thus, it is best to opt for chipboard, especially laminated chipboard - it has better properties and looks good, imitating almost any material - for example, ebony.

As a result, the column should have the following qualities:

  • Smooth amplitude-frequency response - this parameter reflects the sound quality, since it represents the difference between the received electrical signal and the sound waves produced. It is to obtain an ideal frequency response that all efforts should be directed when making a homemade speaker. The quality of the frequency response is influenced by many factors - the correct location of the speaker parts inside the housing, the quality of the materials used, and even the environment.
  • Decent efficiency. Since in dynamics the electrical signal is converted into mechanical movements of the diffuser - vibrations of its membrane, which create sound - the efficiency is always very low. You need to try to raise it as high as possible. The correct selection of parts can help with this.
  • Subjective sound quality - the speaker should be pleasant to listen to, because it will not be a device for measuring sound characteristics that will be used, but you yourself.
  • Nice design - the more attractive the speaker looks, the more pleasant it will be to use.

Having fully prepared for work and having drawn up an approximate design of the column, you can begin making the column with your own hands.

Acoustic device technology

One of the main principles to be followed when working is accuracy. You need to take all measurements as carefully as possible before you start cutting out the parts, and before attaching them you need to try everything on to each other.

The stages of column manufacturing are as follows:

  1. The walls of the future building are drawn on prepared chipboard sheets. On the walls you need to mark places for installing speakers - the holes should be round and ideally fit the size of the emitters, so that in the end there are no gaps.
  2. The details are cut out. If the board is varnished, it is better to saw it with the finished side up so as not to damage the decorative coating.
  3. How to fasten the walls of the column? You can use two methods: either use glue or epoxy resin, or simply screw it together with screws. In the first case, you need to do everything very carefully so that the column does not become warped. To press the glued parts together, you can use a vice system. You also need to carefully fasten the walls with thin screws so that they fit in at a perfectly right angle.
  4. The case must be sealed, therefore, if the joints of the walls are not tight enough, the cracks must be filled with felt soaked in glue. If the back panel is removable, you need to stick a polymer or rubber seal along its edge.
  5. If the box is closed, instead of upholstering the walls with sound insulation, cotton wool or foam rubber can be filled directly, filling the entire volume of the speaker. The main thing is that it does not come into contact with the rear surface of the diffuser. In addition, a channel must be formed from the emitter to the bass reflex.
  6. It is not necessary to calculate the length of the bass reflex - it is perfectly selected experimentally. The diameter is easy to calculate - for example, for a speaker with a diameter of more than 100 mm, a pipe 5 cm wide is perfect. The length is determined as follows - two homemade cardboard tubes are taken and inserted into each other, and then placed in the hole intended for the bass reflex. Then the column must be turned on and the tubes must be moved relative to each other until the air flow from the hole becomes most active.
  7. Once the case is assembled, all that remains is to place the speakers and amplifier in it. The emitters are connected either in series or in parallel, depending on the required characteristics of the speaker.

If you follow the technology, you will undoubtedly get a very high-quality speaker.

Making your own speakers: video

Acoustic speakers

The sound quality in the car directly depends on the location of the speakers. In addition, the resonance of the housings is also important in this matter.
Therefore, the body of the speaker used in this case must be made of a material that has sufficient resonance. As a result of this, the most suitable option would be to create speakers yourself.
You can learn how to make acoustic speakers yourself from our article. The information will help you learn not only how to make speakers yourself, but also how to assemble a real speaker system.

Creating Column Conditions

First of all, you need to find out what size the column will be. To do this, you need to decide on its location.
Most often, the speaker is installed in the trunk, since there is enough space for it to have enough space. In addition, a kind of resonance is also created in the luggage compartment, so the music sounds a little different here.
You can also install the speakers near the rear window, but here they will have to be more compact in size, since massive speakers may not fit here.

Note. However, this again depends on the position of the speaker: standing or lying down.


To find out the size of the speaker box:

  • Decide on its location.
  • Determine how much space can be allocated for installation.
  • Measure the size of the allocated area.

Note: 30 cm in length is sufficient for a speaker in the luggage compartment. But speakers installed behind the rear seat should not be more than 15 cm.

Material selection

The following materials are quite suitable for creating a column:
  • Chipboard. By the way, this material can be found much easier than others, since it is often found on sale. In addition, its price is quite affordable.
    The advantage of this material is that it has quite a large output, so the sound of the speakers will not be distorted. This material is also the lightest, so the structure will not be too heavy.
  • Hard rubber (ebonite). The products come out pretty good, but the sound will be a little muffled. And finding rectangular pieces of ebonite on sale is not so easy.
    In addition, the product may have an unpleasant odor. The most important advantage: ebonite is difficult to ignite, so the speaker housing will not burn out in the event of a short circuit.
  • Wood. Wood from any tree will do.
    In this case, it is better to give preference to oak or pine, since with their help you can create a good resonance. Another advantage of the material is its attractive appearance.

Note: this product can even be painted, so it will turn out very beautiful.

Creating a Corpus

The body can be made in any convenient way.
The most suitable option is the following:

  • Using a hacksaw, cut out parts from the material.
  • Select the parts to which the speakers will be attached. Round holes should be made in their central part.

Note: The diameter of the hole must match the diameter of the bottom of the speaker.

  • It is also necessary to cut out small rings that will be attached to the bottom of the holes made (so that the speaker is securely fixed). The shape of these rings should resemble a plate without a bottom.
  • Glue the rings to the parts.
  • Around the rings in the parts, make more holes in the shape of a triangle with rounded corners.

Note: this is necessary so that the sound penetrates into the housing, and does not just go out.

  • For the inside of the case, small partitions should also be made (their length should correspond to the length of the case itself). With their help the bass reflex will be held.
  • Make small ports through which the terminals will be secured.

Column assembly

To assemble all the parts into one whole, you should:

  • Connect the body parts using glue or self-tapping screws: rectangular parts on the sides, the bottom part, and also the part with a hole on top.
  • Fill the inside of the column with synthetic down.
  • Place the speaker in the intended place.

Note: The speaker wiring can be removed through any hole that is conveniently created.

  • Paint the frame with varnish. This way it will have a finished appearance.

Note: it is not necessary to use varnish for painting. Black paint may be useful for this. And some details can be done in a different color altogether.

Creating a speaker system

The sound system does not always indicate the presence of speakers.
Here's how to create a sound system in your car:

  • Make podiums from foam. For this:
  • Make a template from cardboard. Attach it to the place where the podium should be.
  • Using the template, cut out the base for the podium. For this purpose, ordinary plywood and reinforcement can be useful.
  • The base consists of two rings. In this case, the diameter of the first ring must correspond to the diameter of the protective mesh. But the diameter of the second is the diameter of the column.
  • The rings must be connected to each other using self-tapping screws.
  • Cut six blocks to create a slope. Glue all the parts together.
  • Pour polyurethane foam into the frame and leave it there until it dries.
  • You will get a more interesting option if you use small pieces of different types of trees instead of plywood. In this case, you should select dry pieces of wood that do not have cracks. Everything on top should be thoroughly varnished to make the structure more reliable. For greater efficiency, everything can be secured using two slats.
  • Mount the speakers into the sockets and install the podiums.

Thus, you can create acoustic speakers (see) right at home and with your own hands. The price of such pleasure will not be high, since you will only need to spend money on purchasing the material.
And in general, you can use any old speakers. The main thing is that they work and are in good condition.
Of course, before starting this process, it is worth reviewing various photos and videos on this topic. The instructions will also be useful.

Study the design of the speaker system. Although the underlying technology hasn't changed much since 1924, audio technicians have been improving the design, electronics, and sound of loudspeaker systems throughout that time. However, all speaker systems consist of several basic components:

Purchase a speaker system assembly kit. Of course, you can purchase all the components separately, but it is very difficult to build a good speaker system unless you have spent years studying the principles of sound and electricity. However, the novice DIY speaker enthusiast has another option - purchasing a pre-designed speaker kit with speakers, crossover filters and enclosures. When looking for a good speaker kit, consider the following:

Solder the parts of the separation filter according to the diagram provided. You will need a soldering iron, hot glue, and a circuit diagram to make sure the decoupler works correctly. All kits for self-assembly of a speaker system include illustrations with a diagram of the connection of all components, and if you are creating a system from scratch, then examples can be easily found by searching the Internet. This will prevent your speaker system from shorting or burning out.

  • Before proceeding, make sure you fully understand how to read electronic circuits.
  • Once the pieces are soldered, secure them using a glue gun or cable ties to a small panel.
  • Finish the assembly by connecting the crossover wires to the speakers using speaker cable.
  • Cut, paint and assemble the cabinet to suit your project. If the kit did not come with an enclosure, you will need to purchase wood and cut it so that the resulting enclosure will fit your speakers. Most cabinets are rectangular, but to get the best sound, talented carpenters can play with a variety of shapes, from polygons to spheres. Although every case is different, there are a few basic principles for designing them:

  • Install speakers and crossover filters. If you followed the drawings correctly, the speakers should fit snugly into the holes you cut in the front of the cabinet. Attach the crossover board so that there is no strain on the cable to the speakers.

    • Usually the speakers are screwed to a plastic molding on the outside of the cabinet.
    • Use wood glue or other adhesive material to securely attach the separator filter to the housing.

