The most popular requests for products. Search query statistics

One of the most popular search engines In Russia today, Yandex remains. Its monthly page views amount to more than 3 billion times, i.e. Every day the search engine processes more than 100 million queries. It is worth noting that more than half of all search engine users come from 10 large cities in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk). The average number of requests per user is 6-7 times per session of using a search engine until the desired result is selected.

The most popular queries coincide in wording and have the same spelling. Most of all, people are looking for information related to social networks (for example, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki). The list of the most “Yandex” includes the phrases “download”, “watch online”, “”, “”, “download songs”, “download music”.

Geographic queries are also popular, for example, “St. Petersburg”, “Map of Moscow”, “Moscow”. Navigation queries to search for sites with a specific address or category (for example, or “online store”) are gaining great popularity. Sometimes users are looking for a job (“job search”), and background information(“salad recipes”).

Similar statistics for Russian Internet It has Google search engine, which, however, is more popular abroad.

Detailed statistics search queries can be obtained from popular search engine websites.

Foreign Internet

One of the most popular searches in the world for 2013 relates to the personality of Nelson Mandela. Second place in the ranking was taken by a request for a biography of Paul Walker. People often searched for information about the iPhone 5s and Samsung Galaxy S4.

The type of search queries, despite the general trend, may vary depending on the region and current events that are happening in the world at the moment.

Most popular Google request, associated with cinema, were “Iron Man” and “Man of Steel”. Among the videos, people most often searched for Harlem Shake; was also large percentage those wishing to receive information about the tragic events in Boston. Navigation queries continue to be popular - for example, Facebook, Youtube, Outlook, Google, etc. People often enter the word free in search engines, which indicates a desire to get something for free. Google also often processes information for the queries “Channel One”, “Sochi Olympics” and “State Traffic Safety Inspectorate” (accident reports).

Runet marketers claim that the volume of goods purchased via the Internet is growing significantly every year. The work of existing online stores and others intensified trading platforms. More and more users are becoming familiar with the opportunity to earn money by organization of new stores.

    • Where did you buy the best-selling products online in 2019?
    • How to Find Out Which Products Are Selling Best Online
    • conclusions

And this is quite natural, because over the last decade Internet technologies have become closer and more accessible. Almost any person in our country has the opportunity to go online and order what he likes there. Many people are too busy to go shopping - it’s easier for them to buy something online, especially since this can often be done in a couple of clicks, without leaving your seat or letting go of a cup of coffee. In addition, your online purchase will be delivered to any convenient location - often free of charge. So is it worth wasting time on tedious shopping if you can buy everything you need online? Online trading of goods is also beneficial for sellers, because in this way they significantly save on rent. This is why the number of online stores is constantly increasing.

Where did you buy the best-selling products online in 2019?

Most often, users make purchases through online stores. These include giants such as AliExpress and Amazon, as well as small and medium-sized online stores with a narrower specialization.

Significantly less often online purchases are made by:

  • on online auctions;
  • through various web message boards (for example - Avito);
  • on other resources whose specialization is the sale of products or the provision of various services.

How to Find Out Which Products Are Selling Best Online

In fact, different services provide different data on the volume of online purchases, so establishing the truth can be quite difficult. The market is constantly changing, and some segments of online commerce are growing faster than others.

If you want to find out how in demand a particular group of products is, you can check it using the Yandex Wordstat service. It does not show the number of purchases, but it clearly demonstrates the number of search queries, that is, the number potential buyers who are looking for this product on the Internet.

For example, for the query “Online Clothes,” the service shows that more than 20 million people a month are looking for online stores, of which more than 1.3 million are looking specifically for online clothing stores.

But 25 thousand people search for air tickets online every month, and another 12 thousand want to buy cheap air tickets

Only 11 thousand people are looking for laptops on the Internet, but taking into account the fact that Yandex Wordstat generates more than 400 thousand user requests for the request “buy a laptop”, many of them will probably use the services of online stores

Another service that helps determine demand for a product or product category is called Google Trends. If you enter the position you are interested in in the search bar, it will show popularity graphs of this request through Google search, as well as other statistics.

True, this service does not show the exact number of search queries on a topic, but only determines the popularity of the query on a scale from 0 to 100

You can refine the request for your country and select a time period for analysis

You can also check popularity by region or city here

Google Trends also allows you to compare the popularity of two different queries.

With the help of Yandex Wordstat and Google Trends, you can determine which online trading niche is the most popular in your region, and perhaps open your own profitable online business. Remember that online shopping is constantly growing, so even small shop may well bring its owner a decent profit.

In 10th place - large household appliances

Large household appliances were not so actively purchased online in 2019, despite the more low prices. As before, people are accustomed to making large purchases in ordinary specialized markets. main reason- high purchase price and its size. Buyers tend to buy expensive household appliances with clarification of all the nuances in detail, check the product before purchase for the absence of defects and the completeness of the product. In addition, at the supermarket you can consult with competent staff and ask questions about the operation of the product.

In 9th place - tickets

Slightly more often than large household appliances, Internet users bought tickets for various events and trips in 2019:

  • concerts and shows;
  • sporting events;
  • cinema and theater;
  • railway, car and air tickets.

Such purchasing methods helped many people save time on traveling and standing in queues. This method is quite convenient and practical.

In 8th place are cards for paying for services.

Best Selling Cards:

  • replenishment of accounts for mobile communications, cable and satellite TV, Internet providers;
  • for payment for software;
  • for payment entertainment content Internet services that sell applications for portable and mobile devices.

The convenience of using these services lies in the ability to make payments from home, sometimes without paying a commission.

In 7th place - clothes

The demand for purchasing clothes has increased; on the Internet you can find any samples, types, sizes of the most various models. But still, for many it is still difficult to buy an item over the Internet in the exact size and without trying it on. Many people hesitate to buy because they doubt that it will fit.

However, this problem can be solved. Most online stores do not require advance payment - if you don’t like the item, you don’t have to take it or pay for it. In addition, the buyer has the opportunity to view product reviews left by other customers.

In 6th place - PO

Software It’s easier to buy than clothes, you don’t need to try it on, it suits everyone. Typically, the purchase of licensed software is made by commercial organizations, government agencies, and users who are concerned about the safety of their information.

The most popular were:

  • Windows operating system;
  • license for antivirus software;
  • office application packages Microsoft Office and etc.

In 5th place is a product group for children

These products are more versatile, making it much easier to buy them online. The selection of such products is huge, the prices are reasonable. Children's products are structured, which makes purchasing them much easier.

In 4th place - cosmetics and perfumes

The abundance of these goods does not leave women indifferent. In addition, the cost on the Internet is often lower than in retail sales, and the choice is wider. Making online shopping easier is the ability to read product reviews and reviews from professionals.

Perfumes are bought less often and mostly from proven brands, since it is difficult to buy a new scent without using your sense of smell.

Download the free checklist 18 ideas for what you can sell on message boards right now

Top three sales leaders

Third place- for mobile devices: phones, smartphones and tablet computers. This is due to a large selection, reasonable prices, safe delivery and, very importantly, warranty.

Second place occupied by laptops and their accessories. The benefits are the same as for mobile devices. In addition, while real electronics supermarkets may not have some models or components for them, the Internet always has everything and delivery is fast.

Top seller and the winner of the first place in the TOP of 2017 is electronics and small Appliances. These products are inexpensive, and the choice is huge: curling irons, irons, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, meat grinders, scales, razors, etc.

  • drones and quadcopters;
  • LED lightening;
  • hobby goods;
  • spare parts and accessories for machines;
  • green tea.

Although they are not included in the TOP, practice shows that you can make good money selling such goods online.


What makes a product the most purchased online?

  1. Price - most often they buy products whose cost does not exceed $600.
  2. Universal product qualities - a large segment of buyers can buy the same product (laptops, mobile devices, TVs, etc.).

There will be better purchases of household appliances as they are suitable for both men and women. Basically, this product does not depend on the age of the buyers, their build and other characteristics that make a person interested in purchasing any product.

What makes a product the most purchased online?

First of all, this is the price - most often they buy products whose cost does not exceed $600 (we recommend reading the article “ How to organize a business with China?».

In addition, the universal qualities of the product are important, when everyone can buy the same product, regardless of gender, age and place of residence. This category of goods includes laptops, mobile devices, TVs, etc.

Various fashion trends often make adjustments to online sales statistics. For example, spinners and hoverboards are now in fashion among the younger generation; Sometimes certain types of toys or other products for children come into fashion. If you “catch a trend” in time, you can also make money from this. But don’t forget that fashion is changeable, so your online store’s assortment should include not only fashionable new items, but also products that are in stable demand among the population.

According to marketing research, women buy more online than men, but this ratio may vary in different product categories. For example, electronics are more often purchased by men, while clothing and cosmetics are purchased by women. In addition, the fair half of humanity is more prone to impulse purchases and responds more strongly to attractive packaging and tempting slogans. For this reason, sellers often use various marketing ploys to convince women to purchase their product.

As a rule, online purchases are made by young people under the age of 35, living in large or medium-sized cities, with an average or low income. If you want to know more about online stores, as well as other ways to make money online, go here: 50 ways to make money online

Of all the events of 2017 Google users The most frequently searched information was about the 2018 FIFA World Cup draws. On December 13, Google presented the “Year in Search” project, in which it collected information about the fastest growing user queries in the past year.

Events and phenomena

Among the events and phenomena, in addition to the draw for the 2018 World Cup, there are several other sports topics - the World Hockey Championship, the Confederations Cup last summer and the sensational boxing match between Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor. The entire top ten looks like this:


Internet users often respond to death famous people. This year, too, many individuals who made a huge contribution to art, music, theater and cinema passed away. Most of all, Google users were looking for information about Vera Glagoleva, Dmitry Maryanov and American rock musician, Linkin Park vocalist Chester Bennington.

Where to start a new life

Internet users use a search engine to keep up with life and keep abreast of all new trends. That is why very often this year they looked for the meaning of words such as “hype”, “bitcoin” or “eschkere” (you will also find it in the top 10 memes).

And having learned a lot of new things, people thought about how to change their lives. As Google's research shows, these plans are often very ambitious. After learning what Bitcoin is, people begin to wonder how to mine it or how to start their own business. However, among the requests there are also eternal topics, for example, how to start a conversation with a girl correctly.

Internet memes

Every year the Internet gives birth to new memes. At the beginning of 2017, Zhdun became the most popular character on the Runet. Margriet van Brevoort, a Dutch artist who created a sculpture with the head of an elephant seal, did not think that her creation would become so famous in Russia. The phrase "It's a fiasco, bro" became popular after a viral video was posted showing a Shiba Inu dog falling into the water. The phrase has become synonymous with failure.

The remaining seven items on this list also have very interesting stories origin.

Rap artists

And of course, summing up the year, it’s hard not to mention rap culture. This genre is actively gaining popularity, many people know the names of rappers even though they have not heard a single song or seen a single battle (if you don’t know what this is, right now enter the phrase “What is a rap battle” into the search bar) . The battles themselves receive tens of millions of views. And this is what the top ten most popular rappers look like according to Google search users.

This article will talk about search query statistics: how to view it, where you can view it, what it is for, etc. This topic will be very interesting for those new to SEO. Let's not pour too much water, but let's get closer to the point.

1. Why do you need search query statistics?

Now let's talk about how and where you can view query statistics.

3. Yandex and Google query statistics services

I will consider two services in the most popular search engines RuNet: Yandex and Google (this is quite enough for analyzing queries). If we compare the statistics of other search engines, the difference in numbers will be very small (naturally, if we compare proportionally the frequency and audience of search engines).

3.1. Yandex Wordstat service

In Yandex there is special service: (Yandex Wordstat). This is very popular service, however, it does not show the frequency of search queries, but the frequency of queries in Yandex Direct. In most cases, this is enough to understand whether the request is popular or not.

I’ll briefly explain how to use wordstat yandex. By entering a request in the form, Yandex will offer all word forms of this request:

The frequency of the request in the general table will be indicated taking into account all the clarifications and additions. If you need to find out the frequency of a specific keyword in the same word form, then you need to write it in quotation marks and put an exclamation point before each word:

It is also worth considering that Yandex makes no difference whether phrases are written in the plural or not. Yandex does not take into account word forms at all, and also does not take into account all prepositions.

Having received some data on search queries in Wordstat, you need to remember that this data is far from accurate. For example, I take them into account only proportionally, i.e. if a query is popular in Yandex Direct, then it is logical to assume that it will also be popular in search results.

To take into account prepositions (that, how, in, on, etc.) you need to put a plus sign “+” in front of it. For example, the request “+how to make money +on the Internet”.

3.2. Google Adwords service

Now let's talk about Google, which provides an even slightly more interesting tool than Yandex. Link to service: You need to log in, then click on “Tools and Analysis” and then “Keyword Planner”. Here you need to enter keywords and you are offered a choice big choice key phrases, which Google finds from its Adwords contextual advertising database. It’s also very cool that you can see the history of changes in the frequency of a request.

When Rambler had very good service, but recently it no longer has its own search base, because it uses Yandex output. In general, there are only two in RuNet good service, which I considered.

All systems for keyword analysis, collection of keywords, etc. they take data from these two services - remember this!

4. How to find out the dynamics of the popularity of a query

Yandex and Google give free opportunity see the dynamics of the popularity of the request. This is convenient for determining general trend and the prospects of some requests. You can also use this to determine the seasonality of requests.

In Yandex Wordstat, you need to select the “Query history” checkbox and you will see a change graph.

After which a new page will open:

Google has the ability to look at trends. The address where this can be done: Example of a query trend:

Analyzing search query statistics can provide a lot of insight. important information for an SEO specialist. Because focusing on their results, you create a global vector for the development of the site. It will become clear what queries to focus on, what to write new articles about, what keywords to promote, etc.

Today, the demand for a particular group of goods, as well as the value of certain services, can be judged based on the RuNet service “Wordstat”. Popular Yandex queries in the form of statistical data are of interest not only to professional group users. An objective analysis of a word or phrase allows each interested party to determine the “current weight” of information and outline the most accurate direction for the search process as a whole, as well as develop (for themselves) a specific action scenario, depending on their needs. What is the meaning this term and how is such a service useful? You will find the answers here and now!

The many faces of Yandex

Everyone needs something, and people are constantly looking for something, based on a certain “algorithm” of actions. We don't go to the grocery store to buy shampoo or ask why the music is so loud when we're at a rock concert. Everything in our life is more or less ordered and systematized, filled with meaning and reasonable by definition. Popular Yandex queries reflect the dedication and interest of users. This is a kind of aggregator of our life, capable of noticing the direction of our thoughts and confronting us with a fact - where we are going, what we are interested in and what is important to us. In other words, it can summarize statistical data reflecting the quantity, quality and objectivity of the words most often used for searching or phrases and phrases not bound by the rules of syntax. Ladies and gentlemen, it is we who think, and we decide how to respond...

Effective search

To find the most valuable information, you need to search for a specific request. For example, if you enter: “I want to buy a car,” a list of online resources that sell or conduct surveys and publish various materials related to general issues on motor transport, or considering specific automotive topics. However, such information does not always meet your expectations, because many users forget to indicate the data that specifies the request: car make, properties (used or new), color and price parameters. Even in this case, popular Yandex queries may turn out to be useless for you, since it is quite possible that the desired car is sold in a place that is not entirely convenient for you (a remote city, region or region), that is, you should always take into account the versatility of the search process. Only in this case will you be able to quickly find the desired object without unnecessary reasons for frustration.

How can statistics on popular Yandex queries help me?

Of course, this is a question that requires precise definition. First of all, it should be understood that search engines are designed to significantly simplify the process of finding the information the user requires. Most Relevant Sites and Other Sources useful content moving up the hierarchical ladder of global demand. In other words, each search engine uses a mechanism for carefully selecting (ranking) the most meaningful sources of unique information. At the same time, search engines exercise a kind of control over the practical activities of a particular Internet resource. It should be noted that Yandex has succeeded quite well in this. Yandex query statistics allows literally every registered user to analyze and objectively evaluate the direction of their actions, which can be related to any life activity: work, everyday life, family, etc.

Where millions strive: people, events, interests and much more

So, it’s time to move on to the main part of this article, so to speak, to the culmination of the story. After all, you probably want to know what or who exactly is an indicator of the intriguing phrase: “The most popular queries in Yandex.” However, the most complete answer can be formulated only based on the results of the overall annual indicator, the results of which can be found in the corresponding section search engine Yandex - Research/Newsletters.

What interested users most in 2013?

The word “Minecraft” took the leading position. It was the construction game that became a kind of champion in search queries of the past year. Mobile social network Instagram took second place in terms of user interest. Further, the list of popularity continued with the following queries: “online postcards”, “mobile Internet messengers” and “web photo editors”. By the way, the word “slow cooker” was also entered quite often into the search bar.

However, women, as always, were most interested in the topic “how to lose excess weight,” while men devoted their time on the Internet to the IT industry and invariably showed interest in sporting events, remaining devoted to the “fans” group.

Women's emancipation has nothing to do with it, or the predictability of events

Culture as such is not in fashion today, but Ksenia Sobchak is the number one figure. People are more interested in the events that happened in “House-2” than in any passed law in the state legislative framework. For example, Andrey Panin is a popular man of 2013. And this is our “achievement”, which is formed and based on our opinion, and, among other things, is just a reflection of the finished formulation - “popular Yandex queries”. takes into account literally every element of the attention we show. Women do not change their natural beginning: family, wedding and dacha. Men are most attracted to science and sports. Of course, the stronger sex is still captivated by technical innovations and results advanced technologies... Everything is as usual, except for the “predetermination” of unpredictable political events! The world is developing, and the system sees some patterns...

How it works?

So, having an account, you can always use free service"Yandex. Wordstat". Statistical data can be displayed based on several search criteria:

  1. According to the words - the very first checkbox (activated by default). Allows you to get results for the most frequently used queries or phrases entered by the user.
  2. By region - most often used by webmasters and marketers to determine public demand (local interests).
  3. Query history - detailed analysis by month and week.

In the first case, information is displayed in two independent windows. The list of words on the right is associative.

Careless influence...

The most popular Yandex search queries will always be a part of us, the surrounding society. The weather forecast and critics' reviews, as well as the “mind-blowing news” are the result of information influence. We are all subject to outside influence... However, it is you, dear reader, who can influence the overall outcome of the completeness of the opinion and regulate the meaningful value of the information; “vector truth” depends on you and only you have the right to “one”...

Food for thought: popular Yandex search queries

If you notice a certain predetermination of some services of the Yandex aggregator, do not be surprised. not only looking unique content, but are also the first collectors of “identifying” information - we are calculated, predicted and reduced to common system interactions. Alas, we are all components of a single Internet network! And the point is not whether we want it or not, the point is non-stop technical progress.


It is worth noting that the most popular queries in Yandex are also a highly competitive “product”. Therefore, in order to reach top positions in search engines, website developers have to roll up their sleeves and purposefully work on the project for many months. The result of their efforts is receiving our recognition. And it depends only on us, ordinary users, whether this or that Internet resource will be in the top. After all, the situation can be radically opposite, so always be in trend, dear ladies and gentlemen.