The most popular passwords. The most common passwords on RuNet

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As in any more or less closed club, most Internet resources are simply not allowed in - they require some kind of password, threatening, if necessary, to send a new one if you specify required address Email... Often, impudent demands for a password are perceived by users as a typical disgusting behavior of administrators - they have no conscience, they require you to enter a password “at least six characters,” or they meanly do not want to accept it and allow the sufferer into the password-protected territory. They will be able to make the task easier for users and, oddly enough, for home-grown hackers certain combinations characters in the password...

Passwords that are easy to guess

So, the most popular and most easily hacked set of characters in the password line will be... you guessed wrong if you decided that “qwerty” is the brilliant English word “password”! Why go far - they want a password for them, the vipers, “password”! What is called, three ha-ha...

The second most popular is digital combination“123456” - what the hell, they want six characters and they’ll get it! So, the bastards, in the tail and mane! So as not to be clever...

The third most popular password personally caused me a Homeric fit of laughter - “12345678”! Most users have no imagination, how else to understand this.

enter password

In fourth place - ta-daaam! Yes, this position is occupied by the same “qwerty” - enter it as a password and give your account to a third-grader hacker who has half-heartedly learned the PC keyboard.

Fifth place is occupied by a strange and unusually complex combination of numbers and Latin letters- "abc123". However, first-graders in any foreign country will master it in no time. In sixth place among the passwords of English-speaking users is “monkey”. If anyone doesn’t know, it means “monkey”. Apparently there are many followers of Darwin's theory among English users...

Seventh place for the thoughtful combination “1234567” - neither for you nor for us. More than six characters, what more do you need?

Eighth place is for “letmein,” which I personally don’t understand, ninth place is for “trustno1” (apparently, “don’t trust anyone”). “Dragon” and “baseball” share the 10th and 11th positions in terms of the most popular passwords - it’s easy with them, dragons are all mythical and unfamiliar (how!), and baseball, on the contrary, is mega-popular in the West and overseas.

Attention, it's a bomb! In twelfth place is a very strong combination for a password - “111111” - everything ingenious is simple. Thirteenth place and the combination “I love you” or “iloveyou” - bullshit, love rules not only the world, but also the Internet. “Master” and “sunshine” share the 14th and 15th positions, respectively, 16th and 17th for “ashley” and “bailey” (typing them in Cyrillic we get very funny words).

You need a password everywhere today - even in the microwave

In the 18th position is a brilliant (!) upgrade of the most popular password, complicated by introducing a number into its combination - “passw0rd”. Brilliant, and most importantly, so simple! The shadow is found in the 19th position in the “shadow” combination - shadows are scary and intimidating, perhaps they will scare away hackers.

A series of combinations that are ingenious in their complexity: the 20th position and “123123”, the 21st and the frightening “654321”. In the 22nd most popular position is the defender of all the oppressed and the only higher power for Homer Simpson - “superman”. What can I say, this superhero had particularly memorable tights and a cape...

VKontakte password

Guess the next popular password? Hint: the first two blocks of buttons on the keyboard... This is the terrifying “qazwsx”! Whoever picks it up is the devil - at least, that’s what those users who use it think. In 24th place is “Michael” or “michael” - archangels are still popular among the Internet-advanced audience. The final, 25th position will be taken by... fans of Spartak and Dynamo, rejoice - “football”! Ole, ole-ole-ole, hackers - go!

The above passwords among Western Internet users were published by The Telegraph newspaper; many of these combinations are very popular among the Russian segment of Internet resources. According to the recommendations of Internet experts, we, ordinary users, should enter unreadable characters like “$”, “%”, etc. into passwords. – passwords with similar characters entered into them are the most difficult to guess. Although, in my opinion, the most difficult password would be exact date the real end of the world - no one knows for sure.

Experts from Positive Technologies, during penetration testing, security audits and other work, analyzed 185 thousand passwords used by users to access various corporate systems. They compiled the data they obtained into a report on how resistant they are to attacks. Accounts, protected with passwords.

The analysts' conclusions were disappointing: remote attack according to dictionaries allows 37% of accounts to be compromised, since the majority of users continue to choose the most simple combinations letters and numbers to protect your computers and the systems installed on them.

Thus, it is estimated that the most common passwords among Russian users are passwords consisting only of numbers: they account for approximately 53%. 88% of passwords used are passwords that contain either numbers, lowercase English characters, or both.

The passwords used are Russian users in most cases they do not exceed 8 characters, and only a few use passwords longer than 12 characters. At the same time, passwords of up to 8 characters are highly likely to be compromised in real conditions, experts say.

The Russian list of the most common passwords consists of 50% of adjacent characters (1234567, qwerty) - these are the combinations included in the TOP 10 common passwords.

Paradoxical conclusions were drawn when analyzing the passwords of information system administrators. Despite the use of longer passwords, administrators in 15% of cases choose “dictionary” passwords or passwords that match the username (10%), and in 2% of cases there is no password at all.

Another group that stood out in the study were women. It has been established that their passwords are somewhat more vulnerable to an attacker due to more frequent use dictionary passwords. On average, a remote attacker needs less time to select them.

The report also addresses the issue of weak passwords in the context of compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). According to the study, 74% of passwords used in the corporate sector do not comply with the requirements of the PCI DSS standard.

All of the above factors - the length of the password, the character set used, the full or partial match of the password with the username (login), the presence of the password in publicly distributed dictionaries - are of fundamental importance for its security and resistance to hacking. It is estimated that imposing basic restrictions, such as controlling the minimum length and complexity of a password, reduces the likelihood of a system being compromised by more than 10 times, concluded the expert on information security Positive Technologies Dmitry Evteev.

“The data obtained by Positive Technologies also confirms the observations of LC analysts,” comments Vitaly Kamlyuk, leading antivirus expert at Kaspersky Lab. - I would like to add that in addition to the risk of using simple or “predictable” passwords, there is another threat - users often use the same password for different resources. After all, today the average user, in order to be safe, must keep in mind dozens of passwords for various online services. However, wanting to simplify their lives, many users often start using the same passwords to access everything - mail, social networks, etc. And this sometimes leads to the fact that the password to access some dubious resource turns out to be the same as and, for example, a code for an electronic wallet.”

According to Aladdin Product Director Anton Kryachkov, Positive Technologies’ research “uses an extensive set of sources and is based on “live” data, which is especially valuable.” However, according to him, ensuring protection corporate information based on “a primitive login-password pair, similar to building a brick house on a plasticine foundation.” “Ensuring a reliable authentication procedure within information system of the company is the primary platform for additional protective measures, such as secure access to databases, portals, providing control physical access and access to applications,” Kryachkov noted.

And now the Top 10:

1. 1234567
2. 12345678
3. 123456
4. Blank line
5. 12345
6. 7654321
8. 123
10. 123456789


Since childhood, we do not like prohibitions and strive to break them by all means. Perhaps due to childhood inhibitions, no one likes restrictions on access to networks and information. Fortunately, most people are lazy and come up with the same type of passwords.

Nobody likes complex, long, different passwords, which also need to be changed at least once every 3 months. Owners Wi-Fi routers they don’t bother at all when choosing a password for their network and act according to the principle “the simpler and more fun, the better,” otherwise even guests might laugh at you for being too fond of random sets of characters.

If you still think that there are a lot of extraordinary, original, creative people in our world, you are very mistaken. If you take the passwords that users come up with as a measure of originality, it suddenly turns out that 90% of people are of the same type and similar to each other.
Most users use the following information about themselves as passwords:

  • First name, last name, patronymic or nickname/name of the person.
  • Your date of birth or close relatives.
  • Names of children, relatives, pets.
  • Your phone number or your loved ones.
  • A combination of characters on closely spaced keyboard keys.

The most popular wifi passwords

According to the most popular applications for “balls” passwords from wi-fi networks, the most popular Wi-Fi passwords in the world are as follows:

123456 123123 yankees
12345 hello asdfg
password monkey freedom
DEFAULT hockey batman
123456789 11111 fuckoff
qwerty soccer money
12345678 cheater pepper
abc123 kazuga asdfasdf
pussy hunter 1qaz2wsx
1234567 michael 987654321
696969 121212 andrew
fuckme 666666 qazwsx
football I love you 55555
baseball qwertyuiop 131313
fuckyou secret abcd1234
111111 buster asdfgh
1234567890 hosts killer
password1 zxcvbnm master
madison asdfghjkl 7777777
superman dragon amanda
mustang 987654 summer
harley liverpool qwert
654321 bigdick computer

The most popular numeric passwords

Often people are lazy to use a combination of letters and numbers in their passwords (as security experts advise) and use only numbers so as not to “steam”. Here is a list of the most popular digital combinations:

000000 12345678 252525
0000000 123456789 333333
00000000 1234567890 444444
0000000000 12345678910 456123
000000 123654 456789
10101 123654789 5201314
10203 123789 54321
12345 124578 55555
123456 131313 555555
123456789 141414 654321
80808 142536 666666
98765 143143 696969
987654321 14344 741852
101010 1435254 741852963
102030 147258 753951
11111 147258369 7654321
111111 147852 777777
1111111 147852369 7777777
11111111 151515 789456
1111111111 159357 789456123
112233 159753 852456
11223344 161616 87654321
121212 171717 888888
123123 181818 88888888
123123123 202020 951753
123321 212121 987654
1234 22222 987654321
12341234 222222 9876543210
12345 232323 999999
123456 242424 999999999
1234567 246810 321321321

“This is Russia, relax,” the famous ma’am tells us. Of course, our country has its own specifics and its own most popular passwords, here are some of them:

  1. Putin123
  2. vPutin
  3. russia2018
  4. so4i2014
  5. 11vobla
  6. zaqxsw
  7. bears
  8. Leningrad
  9. Palundra
  10. Monetka
  11. Rubli1000
  12. Medvedev
  13. Ebatkopat
  14. Armeika
  15. criminal
  16. kalasnikov
  17. matreska
  18. vodka05
  19. baltika7
  20. baltika3
  21. satellite
  22. xuyxuy
  23. bratva
  24. Alaska
  25. Respect
  26. Gorilka
  27. Eskander

How to come up with a strong password that can't be hacked

In fact, coming up with a reliable and stable password is not difficult - it is enough to use a combination of letters, numbers and special ones (for example: %). In order not to forget complex password– you can use painfully familiar words/names/surnames.

Advice: It’s not enough to come up with a good, complex password; you also need to change it several times a year, keep it secret and not write it down on paper.

For example, you can combine your name, street address, cellular telephone and salary. For example, if your name is Dima, your phone number is 8 955 333 88 99, and your salary is 55,000 rubles, then here is an excellent password based on this data: d8i9m5a5l3e3n3i8n8a99%55k.

Fact: Any password can be cracked, but a simple password can be cracked in a couple of seconds, and a complex password can be cracked in several decades.

What passwords to use are extremely dangerous. 5 options with examples!

Use some passwords to protect valuable information or even your own wifi networks very dangerous. A simple password can only protect you from a fool, and even then not from just anyone.

Let's share simple tips about which passwords you should never use:

  • Firstly, you do not need to use all the passwords (or combinations thereof) that are indicated in this article. For example: 1234567890
  • Secondly, do not use words or combinations in classic look. For example: DimaSobolev or MoyParol
  • Third, do not use publicly known information about you as a password. For example, residential address: Lenena100.
  • Fourthly, never use only a numeric password; be sure to mix up the numbers with letters. Dilution example digital password letters: 1a2W34567890M
  • Fifth, do not leave default passwords. For example: admin/admin.

IN social network VK is an excellent security system that protects users from guessing passwords for their pages, even if attackers find out logins from other people’s accounts. In most cases, when an account is hijacked, the user is to blame, and one of the reasons for this is simplest password.

What does the simplest password mean? This easy password, which usually consists of just a few numbers or letters. Here are examples of simple passwords:

  • zxcvbn
  • iphone
  • 88888888
  • password
  • andrei

These are just a few examples, but you get the idea and that's the main thing. The more complex, and therefore more secure, the password, the lower the likelihood that the account will be opened by intruders.

How to come up with a complex password for VKontakte?

There are several in various ways how to come up with a password. We will look at one of the popular and at the same time valid schemes.

So, first let's decide on the number of characters in the password. As a rule, experts advise using at least 8 characters, but this is the bare minimum (by the way, many users use a 6-digit password at best). And although 8 characters is the minimum length recommended for a password, the actual number of characters in it should be at least 10-12. Tell me, is this a lot? But account security is hundreds and even thousands of times higher.

Now let's start creating a password. Remember, it must contain both numbers and letters of different case and even special characters.

The easiest option is to take some Russian word and write it in Latin layout. For example, the word smartphone on English layout looks like that - cvfhnajy. This word has 8 characters. Few? Wait, we're not done yet.

So the word cvfhnajy. We add a number to it, for example, some kind of memorable one. Let it be the number 201. We get the word cvfhnajy201. Just in case, we write the password with a capital letter to make it more difficult for attackers and we get Cvfhnajy201. Enough? No, you need to add special characters, For example, * . Now our password looks like this - Cvfhnajy201*, as many as 12 characters, while the password itself is complex, but easy to remember. Of course, it is given as an example and we strongly do not recommend using it - come up with your own, fortunately, it’s simple.

By the way, just in case, you can write down the password itself somewhere in a notepad or notebook, and remove the latter as far as possible from human eyes.