Self-instruction manual for working in Word. Video lessons Microsoft Word for Beginners from Andrey Sukhovoy

The Word package is designed for creating and editing various kinds of documents, including reports, letters, stickers, etc. In addition to working with text, the package has quite simple remedies working with figures and tables. In addition, this package allows you to use data from other applications such as Excel, Access, Internet Explorer, Outlook, etc.

There are currently several versions of this package. The most famous are Word 6.0, Word 7.0 (package Microsoft Office 97), Word 8.0 (Microsoft Office 2000 package), Word XP (Microsoft Office XP package), Word 2003, Word 2007 and Word 2010. There were also various packages for working in the DOS system, but the work in them is almost the same. In this book we will consider Word version 2000 for Windows; in the future, instead of Word 2000, we will simply write Word. Note that Word 2000, Word XP and Word 2003 are quite close to each other. You can verify this by looking at the differences between Word 2000 and Word XP, which we will show later in this article. Next Word version 2007 is sharply different from more earlier versions, since the modes are mixed up compared to older versions. Next version- Word 2010 (Microsoft Office 2010 package). It is planned to write these two versions over time and post them on this site as separate pages.

To work with some features of the package, additional programs may be required, for example, to work with inserting mathematical formulas, a program is required Microsoft Equation Editor, so you need this package to be installed on your computer. The Word package allows you to use quite a lot of files of various formats, but not all. To increase the number of formats, you need to expand the package with additional converter programs.

In the first part of the section, we will look at the basic operations of the package using examples - how to call text file on the screen for work, how to create/edit a document and save it in a file, etc. The second part contains basic commands package, and the third briefly describes the modes top menu. The best way mastering the package is practical work, when the user first gets acquainted with the basic operating modes of the package, and then tries other modes on his own, using the reference part of the book. Therefore, it is recommended to first create a document, print it and save it, then call it up, edit and save it, that is, try the basic operations of working with the package, and then begin to get acquainted with other capabilities of the package. The following chapters will help you with this, which briefly describe the main actions that can be performed with a document.

First steps in Word

Starting the program

To enter the Word editor, you can use the mode: Start →ProgramsMicrosoft Word with the icon shown on the left, move the mouse cursor to it and click the left mouse button. Another way to launch the editor is to find this icon on the table, if it is displayed on it, move the mouse cursor and double-click the mouse. Sometimes it is useful to set the package to start automatically when you turn on the computer. To do this, use the mode: Start → Settings → Taskbar and Start Menu→Menu setup →

When working with a document, it is recommended to use the save mode more often (File →Save), especially when you are dealing with complex document, containing a lot of graphics, so that if the power suddenly turns off or the program crashes, the latest changes will be saved.

Main components of the package main window

The appearance of the main window varies and depends on the user settings. Let's look at the most common appearance package in fig. below.

The package window consists of:

- top line or a title line that contains the name of the program (Document 6) running in this moment. There are window buttons along the edges, on the left - to call up a submenu for working with this task, and on the right - to open windows;

Strings main menu with the names of mode groups, to the right of which there are three buttons for working with the document;

Two lines with pictograms(standard and formatting), either of which represents the text modes described below;

- main window with the text of the document where the work takes place;

- vertical scroll line or scroll bar(to the right of the main window), which allows you to view those parts of the document that do not fit on the screen at the top and bottom;

- scale rulers indicating the document size vertically and horizontally;

- horizontal line or scroll bars(below the main window), which allows you to view those parts of the document that do not fit on the screen on the left and right;

- status line or status bars, where the current state of the editor is displayed.

In addition, in the main field there is a cursor in the form of a vertical line for entering text, a mouse cursor in the form of an arrow, and the end of the file in the form of a horizontal line.

Now you can work with the document. If you need to correct existing text, you must first call it from the file. To do this, you need to know the file name and the directory where it is located. How to download document text is described below.

If you have just started working with the program or have recently sat down at the computer, you can type small text several times, at least a few characters, and try to save them, then open this file, make new additions and print the resulting text.

Creating a document, typing text, and printing a document

Suppose you need to create a short letter and print it. Click on the open document button, which is located at the top left of the screen. To do this, move the mouse cursor, which looks like an arrow (), to this icon so that the point is inside the icon, and press and then release left button mice. The main document window will become white, in it, a vertical dash will blink at the top left, which indicates the keyboard cursor, that is, indicates the place where the symbols entered from the keyboard, that is, letters, will be located.

To get acquainted with the package for the first time, we will enter a few characters from the keyboard, for example, “Checking document printing.” In order to enter a capital letter “P”, you need to press the “ Shift" and, without releasing it, press the letter "p", enter the remaining characters without pressing " Shift" After entering this text, press the " Enter", and the cursor will move to the line below.

To print, you need to click on the button, which is also located on the top left (). If the printer is connected to a computer, a page will be displayed on which the text you have typed will appear.

When finished, you can use the File → Close mode, which closes the document. To do this, move the mouse cursor to the name File, then click on the left mouse button and quickly release it. From now on we will call this action “click”. So, click on the title “File”. After this, a menu with modes called File will appear on the screen, which is shown on the right. It contains several lines, each of which indicates a mode. We are interested in the “Close” mode. The panels in Word 2000 display only the basic modes. In order to display the rest, you need to click on the down arrow (), as a result the window shown on the left will appear. Click on the name “Close” with the mouse, as we did with the name File.

Since text has been typed in the document, the following request will appear on the screen: “ Save changes to Document6? In this case, the document name (Document6) is taken by default, since we have not yet specified a different name. After initial installation The package file name will be “Document1”, then “Document2” and so on. They will be located in the default directory for the package.

You can click on the “Yes” button, and a document called “Document6” will appear on your hard drive and the typed text will be saved in it. If you click on the “No” button, you will exit the adjustment mode of this document, the text will not be saved and the file will not be created. This mode is used when the typed text will no longer be used. When you click on the “Cancel” button, you will again switch to the mode of working with this document, and the file is not written to disk.

Create a document, print and save under a new name

Suppose you need to create a document, which is shown in the figure on the right.

To do this, first create a document by clicking on the open document button, then enter the text of the application, and then proceed to formatting the document.

After entering the text “Manager of Ozon LLC” you need to press the key Enter. Here and below, the name of the key is in italics (italics) without quotation marks. After entering the second line, we will also use the key Enter and press it again to separate the header of the letter from its name. Next, enter the text “Application” and press the key again several times Enter. This way we will type the text of the entire document.

When typing text, you can mistakenly press the wrong key. To delete the character you just entered, you need to press the key Backspace, which deletes the character to the left of the cursor position (vertical flashing line). If several incorrect characters are entered, you can press this key several times, or you can press and hold it until all unnecessary characters are deleted. After entering the text, it will look like the figure on the left.

The text doesn't look very nice because there is no formatting applied to it. First, let's increase the font size by selecting it using the mode Edit →Select All. Hereinafter, we will understand this action as follows: first, click on the name Edit in top line modes, then in the menu that appears – Select all. The text characters after this operation will be displayed on the screen in white and the background in black. Next, place the mouse cursor on the downward-facing arrow in the font size setting mode (). After clicking on it, a board will appear below with numbers corresponding to the font size. If there isn't the right size font (in our case - 13), then enter it from the keyboard and press the key Enter.

The next step is to align the text. To do this, place the cursor on the top line of text and click on the button align text to the right border (), and do the same for the second and last line. Now place the cursor on the word “Statement” and click on the centering button (), select the main text of the statement, click on the text alignment button (). Without deselecting the main text, let's set an indent. To do this we use the mode: Format →Paragraph… →Indents and spacing →first line:(indentation) and to: (0.9). This means that in the Format menu you need to select the Paragraph... mode in the menu that appears, then a window will appear in which you specify the tab Indents and spacing. In the window that appears, you need to select the mode indentation in the field the first line: and on the right in the field on: set the value to 0.9. This can be done in two ways: 1. place the cursor in the field at:, to do this, move the mouse cursor there and click the left mouse button, then enter from the keyboard desired value or 2. Click the up or down arrows to the right of the field until the desired value appears.

At the end of the adjustment, select the text “Statement”, for which we place the cursor to the left of the “Z” symbol, click on the left mouse button, and without releasing it, move it to the end of the word (to the right of the “I” symbol), then release the left mouse button . Next, click on the bold button (). The text is ready for printing; you can print the document by clicking on the corresponding button ().

At the end of the work, we will save the document in a file, for which we will use the mode: File →Save As. In the window that appears, in the File name: field there is a name that the program takes from the first line of the document, and it is highlighted and you can leave it, or, if you want to name the document something else, enter it from the keyboard, then click on the button Save . This will complete the work with the document. To remove it from the screen, you need to use the mode File → Close.

Correction and saving in another file

Let's assume that you need to rewrite the application, indicating a different name of the organization. To do this, first call the file using the File → Open mode, the window view of which is shown in the figure on the left.

The main window of the mode contains the names of the files in the directory. To select the desired file, move the cursor to its name and left-click, after which the file name will appear in the File name: field. Now you need to click on the Open button and then you can start editing the document. You can open the file by double-clicking the mouse, that is, moving the mouse cursor to the name the desired file and double-click and release the left mouse button. This action is called double click mouse on the selected file name.

After opening the document, you need to place the cursor in front of the text “LLC” and click the mouse, that is, press and release the left mouse button. To delete text to the right of the cursor, use the key Del. Click it and wait until the name text disappears, after which you can enter a new organization name.

When finished, you can save the document in the same file using the following mode: File →Save and File →Close, or just one mode File →Close, but a window will appear on the screen asking whether you need to exit the mode, as indicated above. If you need to save a document in another file so that the original document also remains, then use the

Microsoft Word is by far the most used word processing program. Its popularity can be explained by the fact that it has a well-thought-out architecture, extensive capabilities and is relatively easy to learn. It is suitable for typing and printing text, as well as for more complex tasks, such as decorating text with pictures and inserting tables.

The book you are holding in your hands will help you understand the intricacies of the newest version of the popular text editor– Microsoft Word 2007. With its help, you will learn how to perform tasks of varying complexity and learn about new work techniques.

Book structure

The book consists of 11 chapters. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific problem and contains step-by-step instructions for solving it. Thus, training is based on repetition of examples described in the book, which allows you to consolidate the presented theoretical material. Much attention is paid Microsoft settings Word, useful functions, which are contained in numerous program menus and therefore are not always obvious to the user.

It is better to start studying the book from the first chapter, since the presentation of the material is built on the principle of “from simple to complex.” Therefore, having opened the publication in the middle, you may, for example, not understand the meaning of this or that term, which the authors freely use, knowing that this material has already been covered. On the other hand, in this case, you can always return to the chapter in which attention was paid to material that was incomprehensible to you.

The book is adapted to self-study and besides detailed descriptions actions taken contains a large number of illustrations, as well as explanations and useful tips.

The first chapter is about installation Microsoft package Office, and in particular Word programs. It is necessary to pay attention to this topic, since the ability to install the program correctly is a necessary condition successful work with her in the future. Such complex program, like Microsoft Word, contains a large number of components, and if during the process it turns out that any of them is missing, you can always install it additionally in order to work with the program most effectively.

In the first chapter you will also find basic information about the Word interface and how to customize it.

Chapters 2–4 cover the basics of working with documents. After studying them, you will learn how to quickly perform basic operations with text, enter and edit data, and give documents a neat appearance using proper formatting.

Chapters 5–8 focus on special Microsoft capabilities Word. They tell you how to work with tables, graphic elements, hyperlinks. These chapters, unlike the first four, are optional. The capabilities described in them are needed to perform specific tasks. You can decide for yourself whether it is worth studying these topics in detail or whether it is enough to just familiarize yourself with them superficially.

Chapter 9 is about macros, which are a powerful tool automation of work in Microsoft Word, so mastering this topic will help you work in the program much more efficiently and feel like a real professional.

Chapter 10 covers preparing documents for printing and printing them.

After studying it, you will learn not only how to work with documents on the monitor screen, but also how to print them. The documents you create will not need to be reprinted due to the inability to read text or numeric data, because you will learn how to simple steps achieve the desired position of the document on the sheet of paper.

Chapter 11 describes reference system Microsoft Word and provides answers to questions that Word users often have.

Who is the book intended for?

The book is intended primarily for users who have experience in the Windows operating system and its main applications, but are not yet familiar with the Microsoft Word program. The publication will become your faithful assistant in learning the application and will allow you to pass full course Word training, from basic concepts to complex tasks. For the most effective assimilation of the material, it is recommended to work with the book sequentially, from the first chapter to the last, and be sure to complete all the exercises. Each exercise helps you acquire new skills, as well as consolidate those acquired.

At the same time, the book will be useful for those users who are already familiar with the Microsoft Office environment, and the Word program in particular, but would like to deepen their knowledge or study new version applications. They may be interested in theoretical material and useful tips, and such readers are not required to complete the exercises.

From the publisher

Send your comments, suggestions and questions to: [email protected](Peter publishing house, computer edition).

We'd love to hear your opinion!

Kultin N. B.

K90 Word 2007. The essentials. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2007. - 176 p.: ill. + Video course (on CD-ROM)

ISBN 978-5-94157-993-8

The book is practical guide for beginners on solving common problems in Microsoft Office Word 2007: typing and formatting text, working with tables, illustrations, business graphics. Attention is paid to working with templates and forms, and collective work with the document. The book is distinguished by its accessible presentation, practical orientation, and a large number of illustrative examples. The included CD contains a video tutorial on the basics of Microsoft Office Word 2007.

For Beginner Word Users

UDC 681.3.06 BBK 32.973.26-018.2

Publication preparation group:

License ID No. 02429 dated July 24, 2000. Signed for publication on March 23, 2007.

Format 70 1001 /16. Offset printing. Conditional oven l. 14.19. Circulation 3000 copies. Order No.

"BHV-Petersburg", 194354, St. Petersburg, st. Yesenina, 5B.

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ISBN 978-5-94157-993-8

© Kultin N. B., 2007

© Design, publishing"BHV-Petersburg", 2007

Preface........................................................ ........................................................ ........

Chapter 1. New document................................................... .......................................

Launching Word .................................................... ........................................................ ..........

New document................................................ ........................................................ ....

Reference Information................................................ ........................................

Typing................................................ ........................................................ ........

Letters................................................. ........................................................ ...............

Uppercase and lowercase letters.................................................... ............................

Deleting an erroneously entered character.................................................... .........

Space................................................. ........................................................ .............

Numbers and special characters.................................................................... ........................

Full stop and comma........................................................ ........................................................ .

Dash and hyphen......................................................... ........................................................ .....

Go to new line................................................................... ......................................

Symbols........................................................ ........................................................ ..........

Spell check................................................................ ....................................

Error correction................................................ .........................................

Text input mode................................................................... ............................................

Scrolling text........................................................ ...............................................

Typing rules................................................................... .......................................

Saving a document........................................................ .........................................

Shutting down......................................................... ...............................................

Chapter 2. Editing a document.................................................... ...............

Beginning of work................................................ ........................................................ .....

Editing........................................................ ........................................................ ...............

Inserting a letter, word.................................................... ...........................................

Adding a paragraph................................................... ...........................................

Removal........................................................ ........................................................ ..........

Replacement................................................. ........................................................ ..............

Operations on fragments......................................................... ........................................

Selecting a fragment................................................... .......................................

Moving a fragment................................................... ...................................

Copying................................................... ........................................................ ....

Saving a modified document................................................................... ....................

Chapter 3. Document Formatting.................................................... ................

Font................................................. ........................................................ .............

Paragraph................................................. ........................................................ ...................

Characteristics of a paragraph................................................... ....................................

Formatting........................................................ ...............................................

List................................................. ........................................................ .............

Numbered list................................................... .......................................

Bulleted list........................................................ ....................................

Style................................................. ........................................................ ...................

Style Sets........................................................ ........................................................ .

Paragraph style (formatting paragraphs)................................................................. .............

Text style................................................... ........................................................ .....

Cancel formatting................................................... ...................................

User style................................................... ...........................................

Changing the style................................................... ...................................................

Pagination of a document................................................................. ...........................

Pagination................................................ ...............................................

Chapter 4. Printing................................................... ........................................................ ....

Page settings................................................ ............................................

Page size........................................................ ...................................................

Page orientation................................................... .......................................

Fields........................................................ ........................................................ .............

Preview................................................ ...................................

Printing a document........................................................ ........................................................

Chapter 5. Tables......................................................... ........................................................

Inserting a table........................................................ ........................................................ ..

Entering text into cells.................................................... ...............................................

Column width................................................... ...................................................

Formatting the table................................................... ....................................

Changing the font........................................................ ............................................

Horizontal alignment................................................................... ...........................

Vertical alignment................................................................... ...............................

Text direction................................................... ...........................................

Boundaries........................................................ ........................................................ ..........

Shading......................................................... ........................................................ ..........

Design template................................................... .........................................

Changing the table structure........................................................ ............................

Adding Rows and Columns................................................................. ............................

Deleting rows and columns................................................................. ...................................

Merging cells................................................... ............................................

Sorting................................................. ........................................................ ..........

Deleting a table........................................................ ...................................................

Diagrams........................................................ ........................................................ ..........

Constructing a diagram................................................... ....................................

Chart setup................................................... .......................................

Changing data........................................................ ...........................................

Changing the chart type................................................................... ...............................

Chapter 6. Graphics................................................... ........................................................ .

Drawings........................................................ ........................................................ ...............

Inserting a picture from a Microsoft collection .................................................................... ..........

Inserting a picture from a file................................................... ...................................

Image settings......................................................... ....................................

Creating a drawing................................................... ............................................

Start................................................. ........................................................ ............

Drawing a figure................................................... ...........................................

Changing the size of a figure................................................... ............................

Moving a figure................................................... ....................................

Deleting an element................................................... ...........................................

Changing an element................................................... ........................................

Circuit................................................. ........................................................ ............

Filling......................................................... ........................................................ ..........

Text................................................. ........................................................ ..............

Overlaying elements........................................................ ....................................

Grouping................................................. ...................................................

Net................................................. ........................................................ ..............

WordArt......................................................... ........................................................ .............

SmartArt................................................... ........................................................ .............

Chapter 7. Templates and forms.................................................... ................................

User templates........................................................ .......................................

Creating a template........................................................ ...........................................

Creating a document based on a template................................................................... ..........

Form................................................. ........................................................ .............

Word Templates................................................... ........................................................ ..

Chapter 8. Reviewing.................................................... ...................................

Change fixation mode................................................................... ................................

Review......................................................... ........................................................

Committing changes........................................................ ...........................................

Displaying changes................................................... ....................................

Chapter 9. Subject index.................................................... .......................

Footnotes........................................................ ........................................................ ...............

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ ......

Subject index................................................ ....................................


The rapid development of information and communication technologies has led to the fact that an increasing number of people use computers not only to perform their official duties at work, but also at home, in Everyday life. Computers are used by everyone: schoolchildren, students, scientists, employees and managers of firms and enterprises.

Computers are most widely used to solve office tasks: typing and printing texts (from simple letters and abstracts to serious scientific works, consisting of hundreds of pages containing tables, graphs, illustrations), calculations, and work with databases.

Historically, most users work in the operating room Microsoft system Windows also uses the Microsoft Office package to solve office tasks. And this is not surprising, because the programs included in the package allow you to solve almost any problem.

Microsoft is constantly working to improve its software products, expands their capabilities, makes them more convenient and friendly.

Microsoft Office 2007 is latest version Microsoft Office package. The package is based on:

Microsoft Office Word 2007 - text editor;

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 - table processor;

Microsoft Office Access 2007 - database management system;

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 - program for preparing and conducting presentations;

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 is an email program.


Microsoft Office Word 2007 is word processor(which is often called simply a text editor), in other words - computer program, designed for working with documents (this is what the texts the user works with are called). Using Microsoft Office Word 2007 you can quickly type and print required document(for example, a letter, article or report). A Microsoft Word document can contain illustrations, tables, and charts.

Microsoft Office Word 2007 is designed to work on the Microsoft operating system Windows Vista, but can also work in Microsoft Windows XP.

The book you hold in your hands is not Microsoft description Word 2002 and not a reference book. This is a guide to solving common problems that arise while working with Microsoft Word. The purpose of this book is to teach you how to effectively use Microsoft Office Word 2007 to solve common problems.

The book is addressed to beginners Microsoft users Word (namely Word, not personal computer). This assumes that the reader already has basic computer skills, knowing, for example, how to open a folder and run a program.

In order to learn how to work with Microsoft Word and make the most of its capabilities, you need to solve specific problems. Work actively with the book. Apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Enter examples into the computer. Don't be afraid to experiment and make changes to the examples. The more you do on your own, the more you will learn.

new document

To receive a document printed on a printer (for example, a letter, article or abstract), you need to launch Microsoft Office Word 2007, create a document (in the simplest case, type text), save the document on disk and then print it.

Launching Word

In order to launch Microsoft Word 2007, you need to click on the Start button (a list of programs that the user has worked with in Lately) and in the menu that appears, select the Microsoft Office Word 2007 command (Fig. 1.1).

If the Microsoft Office Word 2007 command is not in the list of programs, then you need to click in the All programs line, expand the Microsoft Office group (click in this line) and select the launch command there (Fig. 1.2). Please note that Windows analyzes the user's actions and adds the names of programs that the user frequently works with to the list that appears as a result of clicking the Start button. Therefore, the next time Word can be launched by selecting the appropriate command in the Start menu.


The Microsoft Office Word icon can be placed in top part Start menu and panel quick launch. For the Microsoft Office Word icon to appear at the top of the Start menu, you need to click on the Start button, expand the Microsoft Office list, position the mouse pointer at Microsoft string Office Word 2007, click right click mouse and select from the menu that appears Getting started with Microsoft Office Word 2007

Word 2007 is the most popular application program. This program is designed to create and process text documents. User Interface Word 2007 differs from the interfaces of Word 97 - 2003. The Word 2007 environment can be found on the page.

The foundation of the Word 2007 environment is visual aids(commands in the form of buttons, fields for entering information or menus) located on Lente. These tools are designed to manage the content of a document during its creation and processing. The Word 2007 environment is designed taking into account all stages of the document creation process: text entry, editing, formatting, and so on, which ensures effective work with the application. The ribbon consists of tabs containing the following controls: user interface as groups and teams.

It should be noted that the Ribbon consists of 9 standard built-in tabs. The spines of these tabs are displayed in the Word 2007 application window: Home, Insert, Page Layout, Links, Mailings, Review, View, Developer and Add-in. By default, only 7 built-in tabs open. Additionally, you can activate the built-in Developer tab. To do this, click on the "Panel Settings" button quick access" located to the right of the panel.

In the menu that opens, select “Other commands”, the “Default for template” window will open, in which, by clicking on the Basic command, you can check the box: Show “Developer” tab on the ribbon. Another tab "Add-on" appears on the ribbon only after loading the add-on previous versions Word.

In addition, Word 2007 uses contextual groups of tabs that appear on the Ribbon when working with a specific object in a document, for example, when working with pictures, tables, etc.

You can also add your own (custom) tab with a group of commands to the ribbon, or create your own tabbed ribbon. This requires knowledge of the basics of the language. VBA programming and XML markup.

You can launch the Word 2007 application in one of the following ways:

  • Click on the Start button and select Microsoft Office Word 2007 from the main menu;
  • click on the Microsoft Office Word 2007 icon located on the Quick Launch panel;
  • double click on the shortcut Microsoft applications Office Word 2007 on the desktop.

In addition, you can launch Word 2007 by opening one of the Word 2007 documents (files).

When you start Word 2007, an application window opens (Fig., in the document window (in the editing window) of which an empty Document 1 is displayed. By default, the application opens on the Home tab, which displays all the required tools for entering text or inserting text from the clipboard, editing and formatting it.

If you open several documents in Word 2007, each document opens in its own window. The transition between windows is carried out using soft keys on the taskbar or using the "Go to another window" command on the View tab.


Blank Document 1 (Fig. is based on the global (general) template Normal (Normal.dotm), a template without content, i.e. on a blank template. A template is a model or pattern for creating a new document. IN Word templates are used to store information about document formatting.

By default, all documents in Word are created based on the Normal template (Normal.dotm). An integral part templates are styles. Style as a template element is intended for the external design of a document and its paragraphs.

The Normal.dotm template defines the basic structure of the document and contains the document settings, and the text is entered in the Normal style (Express style), in which the basic paragraph formatting parameters are set: font - (Calibri - default) + Body text, character alignment - Left edge, line spacing- multiplier 1.15 in., interval After paragraph - 10 pt., prohibition of hanging lines.

Express styles are sets various options formatting that appears as thumbnails in the Quick Styles gallery. When you hover your mouse over a Quick Style thumbnail, you can see how the text selection or paragraph where your cursor is positioned will take on the formatting you select.

You can use the following types of templates to create a document:

  • Empty and last;
  • Installed templates;
  • My templates;
  • From an existing document;
  • Microsoft Office Online (templates from the Internet).

To create a document based on a template, click on the "Office" button and select the Create command. A dialog box will open (Fig., in which you need to select the required template and click on the Create button.


In Word 2007 you can create custom templates, which are displayed in the "Create" dialog box on the "My Templates" tab.

Microsoft Word is a text editor that can be part of the Microsoft Office suite or a program installed separately on your computer. The program can be used to record letters and various types documents, which may include graphics and images. This guide explains how to open Microsoft Word, launch, create, and save new document using the operating room Windows systems 7.

Don't be afraid that something might not work out or go wrong. This program was created for users, and it is thought out to the smallest detail to make it as convenient as possible for you to use it. And of course, the main thing in every task is training, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. If you accidentally clicked the wrong one, in the left top corner there is always a curved arrow that allows you to cancel last action. You can also do this using the Ctrl and Z key combination.

One last piece of advice before you start detailed instructions for using a Windows text editor - . This is especially important when working with large texts or serious documentation. Anything can happen: the electricity may be cut off, the laptop may discharge and turn off, and no one is immune from breakdowns. Lose important files and then spending hours restoring them is not the most pleasant experience. All you need to do is click on the floppy disk in the upper left corner from time to time.

The program can be found in the Start menu under Microsoft Office. Follow these step by step instructions to launch the document in Microsoft Word.

Program navigation

How to select (highlight) text

Selecting or highlighting text allows you to change the selection in terms of style, font and/or color, and even replace words if necessary. Follow these step-by-step instructions to select text in your document.

Step 1. The mouse is used to select text. The pointer will change as you move it.

Step 2. Move the pointer to the beginning of the desired fragment. Click and hold the left mouse button. While doing this, move the pointer to where you want to stop the selection. As you move the mouse, the text will be highlighted. When you are finished with your selection, release the left mouse button.

The selected text can now be formatted or changed.

You can copy text using the Ctrl+C keys. Delete text - Backspace.

Changing the size and font

The following steps can help make your writing more interesting and engaging. The text can be changed in different ways.

Text alignment

Sometimes the document you are creating may require a different arrangement of paragraphs. By default, text is aligned left. However, text can be aligned to the right or center.

On a note! Select all text Ctrl + A.

You can change the selected text using a combination of keyboard shortcuts, which is sometimes easier:

  1. Center - select text, click Ctrl key+ E.
  2. Align to the right - Ctrl + R.
  3. Fit width - Ctrl + J.
  4. Left - Ctrl + L.

How to make text bold, italic, or underline

The ability to change the font style can make your document more interesting. Various styles text, such as bold or italics, can make it stand out. Underlining can be useful for headings.

  • bold - Ctrl + B;
  • italics - Ctrl + I;
  • underline - Ctrl + U.

Copy and paste

There is no need to talk about the importance of these two functions. They save our time significantly and allow us to insert without retyping it, as was the case in the days of typewriters.

This can also be done using hotkeys. Everything is the same as last time: press Ctrl and C at the same time to copy the text, and Ctrl and V to paste.

How to Create a Numbered or Bulleted List

Using numbered or bulleted lists can help highlight elements or show important steps, hierarchy or sequence of something.

To stop adding new elements and return to standard text, click the numbering icon again at the top of the document.

A bulleted list is created using the same principle, the only difference is 1 step. Instead of the “Numbering” button, click on the “Markers” button, it is located to the right.

There is another way to create a list. First, the user enters all the list items, each one must be new line. When all the items have been typed, select them all and click either on the numbering or on the markers, depending on what kind of list you need.

You will get the same result. This different ways and there is no right or wrong here, the main thing is that the goal is achieved. Use the method that is convenient for you.

They help to structure information and present it in a more comprehensive manner. presentable form. You can't do without this skill.

  1. Step 1. IN top panel tools, go to the “Insert” tab.
  2. Step 2. Click on the table icon. A window will open in front of you in which you need to select the number of cells. This can also be done by entering the numbers manually. To do this, in the panel that appears, click on the “Draw table” area.

All you have to do is fill out the fields. If you suddenly need additional rows or columns, you don't have to redo the whole thing. Left-click in the table area. In the menu that appears, click “Insert” and select the appropriate option.

This basic knowledge should form your basic principles for working with text. Let's highlight the main ones:

  1. The text is entered where the blinking cursor is located and nowhere else.
  2. To change a character, word, line, paragraph, or entire text, you first need to select it. It is necessary that the computer understands what exactly it must perform actions on.
  3. Once you select the text, you can do whatever you want with it. You can practice, select a fragment and alternately click on the buttons located on the “Home” tab. You'll notice which features can be used together and which are mutually exclusive.
  4. Don't forget to save your changes to protect yourself.
  5. Use those methods of solving the problem facing you that are convenient for you.

Video - Word for Beginners