Homemade stand from old CDs. Homemade stand from old CDs How to make a stand from disks by hand

So, I got together and created a master class.
If anything is unclear -

So, we will need:

Seven discs, -
a hacksaw (a jigsaw, a hot nail, or a husband with a grinder:-) to choose from),-
2-3 sheets from a school notebook in a box (for drawing templates) -
the drawing tools themselves (pencil, pen - whichever is more convenient for you).-
sandpaper or file for finishing edges.

We trace the disk on paper outside and inside. Inscribe in the larger circle
square. This will be the basis of all templates. Further in the photographs there will be
It’s clear that there’s still some work left to do.

2. Cut out the templates and use
awl, transfer the key points to the disks. Then, on the disks themselves
we connect these points and get cutting lines.

a) This is
the central part, let's call it A. Cut it out on one disk.
Central part B. Also in a single copy.
c) Bottom (let’s denote B just in case).
One detail.
d) Lateral
part D. They must be made on two disks.
e) And the last, side part D, too
two details. (in general, it is cut one to one as the central part
Ah... just now I noticed, so you can just cut out three
central parts A).

3. Now take a hacksaw,
jigsaw (this time I made holes with a hot piece of jigsaw blade - it seemed to me
more convenient) and proceed to cutting along the intended lines. Must
it will turn out like this:

- it turned out that on some discs the shiny layer does not adhere well... But I didn’t know this...

Here is the finished bottom:

so that after assembly the structure does not “crook” and lasts longer,
the thickness of the cut should not be thinner than the thickness of the disk, and you need to cut as
straighter lines possible - no bends or waves.
And one more note: The discs are a fragile structure in some places and can burst during cutting. Therefore, place the disc so that it protrudes just a couple of millimeters beyond the working surface (beyond the edge of the table on which you are sawing) and hold it tightly!

4. Edges
We process the cuts with sandpaper or a file so that there are no burrs.
After finishing the edges, I coated one side of the discs with silver paint.
from a spray can so that inscriptions and drawings on the discs are not visible.
I didn't paint the shiny side - it's already beautiful.

5. Now
we collect:

a) We connect the central part A with the central part B:

We insert side panels D into the remaining cuts on the central part B:

We connect the resulting structure with the remaining sidewalls G:


like this

almost ready, only the bottom is missing:

(this is the view from below)

d) Put on bottom B:

Turning it over


fill . This is what happened!

assistant and part-time owner of the legs that flash on

Happy creativity everyone!

PS: If you will be sawing at home (on a table, stool, etc.), place a cloth under the disc so as not to scratch the shiny surface of the disc with sawdust.

And if you burn out these slots, then place something like corrugated cardboard from a junk drawer under the disk (so as not to burn out the table surface at the same time).

And then I came up with an idea!

It was decided to make a mug stand for my desk at work. It turned out like this:

The idea is clear from the photographs. We take three corks and two CDs (I took the first discs I came across from the “CD Trash” box at my work, but, in principle, you can choose a disc with a very impressive picture - experiment).

On the corks, we make cuts across half the diameter of the cork at the place where it was cut.

I used a hacksaw. The cuts were made just to the depth of the hacksaw blade.

Of course, it is not necessary to use only two disks; you can use more.

When using three plugs, the stand is always firmly on the table (the three points describe a plane).

Therefore, cutting accuracy was not very important. If you are going to use more than three plugs, then you must carefully try to make cuts at the same distance from the base of the plugs, otherwise the stand may wobble.

In principle, there is no need to glue anything, because if you use a hacksaw for metal, the thickness of the cuts is such that the disc is inserted with tension and stays there very securely - it can easily hold a mug of tea:

And if the disks are not glued, then from time to time (or as they wear out/scratch) they can be changed. Such “replaceable panels” are obtained :-).

I used corks simply because I had them. In principle, anything can be used as supports.

Turned supports made of aluminum or stainless steel (if special equipment is available) would look especially cool. But if that goes for it, then the discs can be replaced with real glass.

But I had an idea to make a cool thing from scrap materials that are usually thrown away.

Of course, you can complement this idea, for example, with bright LEDs installed inside, between the disks.

And if you install a switch that will be triggered when something appears on the stand, then you can make the LEDs start blinking, and when the load is removed, they just light up (or don’t light up). In short, a huge field for creativity.

Another option for a homemade CD stand:

To work you will need:

1. 4 CDs.
2. 3 old, crumbling, unnecessary 3.5" floppy disks.
3. Superglue (or best of all, dichloroethane).
4. Some medium-grit sandpaper.
5. Liter PET bottle.
6. Sewing needle.
7. Gas lighter.

1) Take an old CD and cut it along the line as shown in the picture.

The CD must be bent so that the protective side of the CD (with the picture) is on the outside, and the working side is inside the resulting corner.

The disk bends like this: we place it (protective surface up) on the edge of a table, stool, board or something like that.

Condition: the end must be perpendicular to the surface.

2) Begin to gently warm the CD along the fold line with a lighter. When the plastic softens, bend the disc along the edge.

3) Repeat the above procedure with 2 more CDs to get 3 bent CDs.

4) Use sandpaper to remove the protective layer of paint and aluminum coating from the bent parts of these disks.

5) Using a heated needle, make holes in the disks as shown in the figure.

6) Glue 3 disks to the fourth one with superglue. You need to glue it to the working surface of the fourth disk.

Tip for gluing CDs:

While the glue dries, we pick out the floppy disks and take out the springs from the sliding protective covers.

After the glue has dried, insert these springs into the holes made with a needle.

7) Cut off the bottom of the PET bottle and insert it inside our structure.

8) And we get a ready-made stand of CDs for pencils, pens and other stationery.

Stand for pens made of disks + MK

So, we will need:

Seven disks, - a hacksaw (a jigsaw, a hot nail or a husband with a grinder:-) to choose from), - 2-3 sheets from a school notebook in a box (for drawing patterns), - the drawing tools themselves (pencil, pen - whichever is more convenient for you) . - sandpaper or file for finishing edges.

1. Trace the disk on paper outside and inside. Inscribe a square in the larger circle. This will be the basis of all templates. Further in the photographs you will see what remains to be completed.

2. Cut out the templates and use an awl to transfer the key points to the disks. Then, on the disks themselves, we connect these points and get cut lines.

A) This is the central part, let's call it A. Cut it out on one disk.
b) Central part B. Also in a single copy.
c) Bottom (let’s denote B just in case). One detail.
d) Side part G. They must be made on two disks.
e) And the last one, side part D, is also two parts. (in general, it is cut out one-on-one as the central part A... I just noticed, so you can just cut out the three central parts A).

3. Now we take a hacksaw, a jigsaw (this time I used a hot piece of blade from a jigsaw to make holes - it seemed more convenient to me) and start cutting along the intended lines. It should look like this:

- it turned out that on some discs the shiny layer does not adhere well... But I didn’t know this...

Here is the finished bottom:

Note: so that the structure does not “crook” after assembly and lasts longer, the thickness of the cut should not be thinner than the thickness of the disk, and you need to cut as straight lines as possible - no bends or waves. And one more note: The discs are a fragile structure in some places and can burst during cutting. Therefore, place the disc so that it protrudes just a couple of millimeters beyond the working surface (beyond the edge of the table on which you are sawing) and hold it tightly!

4. We process the edges of the cuts with sandpaper or a file so that there are no burrs. After finishing the edges, I covered one side of the discs with silver spray paint so that the inscriptions and drawings on the discs would not be visible. I didn't paint the shiny side - it's already beautiful.

5. Now we collect:

a) We connect the central part A with the central part B:

b) We insert side panels D into the remaining cuts on the central part B:

c) We connect the resulting structure with the remaining sidewalls G:


and like this

The stand is almost ready, only the bottom is missing:

(this is the view from below)

d) Put on bottom B:

Turning it over

PS: If you will be sawing at home (on a table, stool, etc.), place a cloth under the disc so as not to scratch the shiny surface of the disc with sawdust.

And if you burn out these slots, then place something like corrugated cardboard from a junk drawer under the disk (so as not to burn out the table surface at the same time).

The time of CDs has almost passed, many people still have a large number of them - music, films, cartoons, outdated computer programs - with images on them of characters from fairy tales and films, flowers, graphic pictures.

They sparkle and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow on the one hand, and on the other they have beautiful designs. You don’t feel like throwing them away - and there’s no need to, you can use them to make a lot of original, beautiful and useful things for your home.

In addition, it is very easy to work with them - they already have the correct circle shape, which in some crafts will only need to be slightly changed in order to give the future product or decoration the desired look. At the same time, they are easily cut with ordinary office scissors and glued to a surface made of almost any material.

It happens that some home interior items have lost their appearance, it is not possible to replace them with new ones, or it is simply a pity to throw away an old favorite thing that has served faithfully for many years. Discs will help give things a new life.

For example, you can decorate an old mirror with them, making an original frame from pieces of different shapes and sizes that sparkles and shimmers in the rays of sunlight from a window or in the light of an electric lamp with all the colors of the rainbow.

You can make a beautiful frame for a photo, decorate the edges of the cabinet drawers with a mosaic of pieces of disks.

Frame for mirror or photo

You will need a lot of disks, scissors, paints, glue, thick cardboard, colorless transparent varnish.

First you need to cut out a frame from cardboard in the shape and size of a mirror or photo. Then cut the disks into pieces of different shapes - squares, irregular quadrangles, rhombuses, triangles.

Take glue and stick the figures onto the frame so that there is a distance of one or two millimeters between them. As a result, the frame will have a mosaic of iridescent geometric shapes.

When the glue has dried and the figures cut out from the disk have stuck well, use black ink or paint to carefully and carefully go over the joints of the figures. After this, the frame is coated with transparent varnish, allowed to dry and mounted on a wall with a mirror or photograph.

Mirror frames made from discs look mysterious and original.

If the apartment has interior doors with glass, the glass can also be covered with a mosaic of discs. In this case, there is no need to paint the joints between the pieces, but simply cover everything with transparent varnish, then there will be a feeling of light and space.

Clock made from disks

An option is to purchase a clock mechanism with hands or remove it from an old clock, lay clocks of any configuration on the wall with disks, gluing them to the wall, and strengthen the clock mechanism in the middle.

Decorating walls with discs

On the wall in the room or in the kitchen, you can lay out an interesting composition from disks with beautiful pictures selected by theme. Or you can use them to create your own painting.

To do this, you need to take the disks and paint their shiny side with black ink; when the ink is dry, mark the lines of the future image along it, and then go over them with something sharp - a thick needle, a special scraper or a sharp knife with a thin blade and a sharp tip.

Iridescent lines on a black background will look very beautiful - you can draw anything you like: unusual birds, flowers, an abstract design. And hang the discs on the wall in any order.

Decorating the kitchen with discs

In the kitchen, discs can make an unusual “apron” in the work desk area. It will look extremely original, and in terms of performance properties the discs will not be inferior to tiles - they are just as easy to clean from splashes of grease and juice from vegetables and fruits.

The principle of working with them is the same as with frames for mirrors and photographs - just stick them on the wall.

Whether for a room or a kitchen, you can make a mosaic panel from disks by gluing pieces of the desired shape and color onto cardboard, and then covering the composition with transparent varnish.

Household items made from discs

The discs will make an excellent hot plate. In this case, the disk will play the role of the base; you need to put a nice cover made of fabric on it, and the stand is ready.

It would be original to update the tabletop of a coffee table with cut pieces of disks. To do this, cut them, fix them on the tabletop using a plasticizer in any order or by making a pattern out of the pieces, and then fill the tabletop with a thin layer of transparent varnish, making it even.

The coating will be durable. The tabletop will sparkle and shimmer beautifully.

You can make a holder for women's earrings from two disks and a thick tree branch.

The core of the stand is made from a smoothly processed branch, ground to the diameter of the hole in the center of the disks, one disk will be the base, the second shelf, make holes in it and insert the earrings into them.

How to decorate a suburban area with discs

There is room for creativity and imagination. For example, you can make a flower bed out of old car tires and wheels by decorating the outer surface of the tires with a mosaic of shiny pieces.

Or you can cut a peacock out of a rubber tire, and make a tail from whole round disks - to do this, you need to glue them in pairs with their shiny sides facing out, and then make them into a large triangle-tail, gluing the pairs of glued blanks overlapping.

On a country fence made of disks you can depict a huge iridescent caterpillar. You can paint the disks to look like a ladybug - red paint, make spots with black and draw a head, and plant them on fruit bushes and trees.

New Year's decorations from disks

Due to the fact that the discs shimmer in the rays of light with all the colors of the rainbow, they will make beautiful snowflakes for the New Year holiday - they are easily cut with scissors, you can cut out the most intricate pattern. You can hang snowflakes on the Christmas tree and on the walls.

You can cut the disks into small pieces, thickly cover an ordinary ball with them and hang it from the ceiling on a thread - it will rotate and sparkle, reflecting the lights of New Year's garlands.

The application can be very different. You can use discs to make an interior curtain similar to a bamboo curtain - assemble the discs on long threads. They can make an ultra-modern necklace, a refrigerator magnet, a vase, a candlestick, a stand for ballpoint pens and pencils, a box, or even decorate a summer bag.

Unneeded CDs are an excellent material for creativity, a way to spend leisure time - making certain things from them, and an opportunity to decorate a house or cottage in an original and unusual way without spending a lot of money.

Photos of ideas for fake CDs

Nowadays, information carriers such as CDs are gradually fading into the background. Don’t rush to throw away iridescent circles that have become unnecessary; they can become an excellent material for creativity.

Second life for discs?

There are many ways to give a second life to old CDs, in this article you will see some of them. Crafts made from CDs can be an excellent solution for the interior and garden, or simply help you have an interesting time while developing creative thinking.

Creative people have long invented a huge number of options for beautiful crafts from CDs for children and adults; all you have to do is reproduce their ideas, and maybe come up with your own.

Throwing away such wonderful and interesting material is a huge mistake. Using CDs you can make unique interior items, original and stylish gifts, decorations for your dacha and garden: whatever your heart desires and whatever your imagination and perseverance is enough for.

Check out some ideas for creative uses for old computer disks and create some wonderful new things with your own hands!

LED lamp

If you urgently need a new original lighting device, old disks will come to the rescue. This craft can be used both in the home interior and in the country.

You don’t need any special materials for this work: the main condition is just to use a little imagination and patience.

Be sure to follow our detailed step-by-step instructions:

You will need 12 scrap disks, a protractor, metal staples or paper clips, a lamp socket and a thin drill bit.

First, we divide one of the disks into five identical segments. For these purposes, use a protractor: the angle between the segments should be approximately 72 degrees. This disk will serve as a stencil for the rest.

On the segment line, approximately 3-4 millimeters from the edge, drill five small holes. Next step: put the remaining disks in a stack and using the first disk (placing it at the very top of the stack) make exactly the same holes in the others.

In order for the craft to be strong and hold well, you will need support rods. Ballpoint pen rods are ideal for this: insert the rods needed to act as guides into the holes you just made.

If you used a really thin, proper drill bit, you won't even need to fix the holes: they'll fit perfectly.

The lamp is almost ready, now we attach the remaining disks to the structure with brackets.

Now all that remains is to work with the light: the last step is to screw the desired lamp into the socket.


If you've been sorting out old boxes at your dacha and found a lot of unnecessary discs, there is a great way to use them to benefit the beauty of your yard. Crafts made from disks for the garden look very original and interesting, in addition, they are incredibly easy to make.

In this mini-lesson, I suggest making small flowers from discs to decorate a garden, vegetable garden or yard at the dacha.


The tools for this craft do not require anything unusual: the right number of disks (it all depends on how many flowers you are going to make), a candle, scissors and paints to make the flowers more vibrant.

The manufacturing process does not require special skills, it is very fast, but at the same time it will captivate you from the first second.

All you need to do is carefully melt the disks over a candle (remember safety precautions: it is best to do this indoors and have some water nearby to put out the fire in case of danger) so that the plastic goes into beautiful waves, similar to flower petals.

I offer step-by-step instructions for making a beautiful rose from disks:

  • First you need to cut the disk evenly along the entire length of the radius and heat one edge of the cut over a candle.
  • Once the plastic is warm and soft, take a pair of pliers and use them to turn the edge slightly to the side.
  • Slowly turn the disc over the flame and continue bending the molten fragments.
  • At the end you should get a small spiral, which will become a rosebud.
  • You can paint it any color, attach a wire stem, cut leaves from other leaves and form a whole flower bed! It all depends on your imagination.

So, today you learned how to make some simple crafts from old CDs. I hope you found this lesson useful and learned a lot from it.


Photos of crafts made from disks


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