The best radio station of the year. How Russian radio stations are mastering the Internet

When conducting an advertising campaign on the radio, it is necessary to check the current ratings of radio stations. For this we trust Mediascope (formerly known as TNS), which has been professionally researching media audiences for more than 20 years.

Reach Daily, %, Source: Mediascope, Radio-Index, Moscow, August-October 2018, 12+

Name Reach Dly, %
1 Autoradio 11,0
2 Europa Plus 9,5
3 Retro FM 8,9
4 Russian radio 8,5
5 Vesti FM 7,8
6 Radio ENERGY 7,7
7 Echo of Moscow 8,5
8 Radio Chanson 7,4
9 Road Radio 8,4
10 Radio Dacha 6,6
11 Our radio 6,0
12 Humor FM 6,0
13 Comedy Radio 5,3
14 Business FM 5,5
15 Radio 7 on Seven Hills 4,7
16 Lighthouse 4,7
17 Radio Monte Carlo 5,2
18 Relax FM 4,4
19 Love Radio 4,6
20 Maximum 3,3
21 Rock FM 4,2
22 Radio Jazz 3,8
Name Reach Dly, %
23 Hit FM 4,3
24 DFM 3,9
25 Like FM 4,2
26 Radio Star 4,3
27 Radio Russia 4,1
28 Silver Rain 2,6
29 Moscow speaks 3,3
30 Sports FM 1,4
31 KommersantFM 2,8
32 Radio Romantika 2,4
33 TVNZ 2,5
34 Children's Radio 2,8
35 Moscow FM 2,3
36 Radio Chocolate 1,9
37 Radio Best FM 1,9
38 Vostok FM 1,4
39 Megapolis FM 1,4
40 Spring FM 1,4
41 New Radio 1,4
42 Radio Culture 1,6
43 Taxi FM 1,6
44 Radio Russian Hit 2,1

Potential audience coverage and advertising effectiveness assessment indicators for radio stations of the Radiocity-Podmoskovye media holding:

The section above provides data for Moscow (unfortunately, Mediascope does not measure radio audiences in cities with populations of less than a million people).

However, the Moscow region, with a total population of almost 7.5 million people and a territory comparable to the size of an average European country, is a very attractive region from a marketing point of view.

We calculate the potential coverage of the holding’s radio stations based on objective data from Rosstat, Roskomnadzor, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation and other official state statistical platforms, as well as extrapolation of federal measurements from independent research companies Mediascope and Radio Index.

Reach Weekly (accumulated number of radio listeners during the week) – 1,660,284 people.

Monthly Reach (accumulated number of radio listeners during a month) – at least 3,500,000 people.

CPT for Reach (cost per 1000 people reached) throughout the broadcasting territory of the holding’s radio stations (package “All Moscow Region”) is:

  • for a 30 second video – 187 rubles
  • for a 20-second video – 131 rubles

CPT for Reach in the high season (summer season May-September) for the “All Moscow Region” package will be:

  • for a 30 second video – 124 rubles
  • for a 20-second video – 87 rubles

P.S. No. 1 Final real numbers in terms of audience, more than official statistics (the calculation does not take into account participants in transit traffic flows along Moscow Region highways, as well as residents of settlements in neighboring regions located in the local broadcasting area of ​​radio stations in the Moscow region).

P.S. No. 2 In order to extrapolate the rating data of Moscow radio stations to regional realities, it is necessary to take into account that the number of radio stations in Moscow is more than 50, and in the cities of the region there are usually no more than 10 radio brands per city. In this regard, the percentage of people listening to local radio stations in the region is much higher than the capital’s rating data. Therefore, the overall popularity indicators remain the same (leaders remain leaders), but the exact daily reach data (in %) differs greatly in big side. For objectivity, we recommend using a coefficient of at least 1.5.

A quick reference of terms for those interested in media planning:

  • Reach Dly% (daily) — accumulated daily number of listeners as a percentage.
  • Reach Dly (daily) - the accumulated daily number of listeners of a radio station in thousands of people.
  • Reach% (weekly) - the accumulated number of listeners of the radio station during the week as a percentage.
  • Reach (weekly) - the accumulated number of listeners of a radio station during a week in thousands of people.
  • TSL Dly (Time Spent Listening daily) - daily listening duration, in minutes, calculated only for radio station listeners.
  • TSL Wly (Time Spent Listening weekly) - duration of listening during the week, in minutes.
  • AQH% (Average Quarter Hour) is the number of listeners in an average 15-minute interval as a percentage.
  • AQH Share - share of listeners specific station among all radio listeners.

In Russia, radio is in second place in popularity after television, covering more than 2/3 of the audience. Radio networks allow you to find out last news, taking place in the world, and also give listeners their favorite music.


Opens the rating of the most listened to radio stations in Russia. In 2015, “Radio Dacha” became the laureate of the National Award “Radiomania - 2015” for professional excellence and the most significant increase in audience among Russian music radio stations in the 2018-2019 season. In November 2016, the radio network celebrated its tenth anniversary. Broadcasting is carried out in all million-plus cities in the country.


A popular radio station in Russia, broadcasting music in the format of Russian rock. The audience of “Our Radio” in the country is 2.5 million listeners per day. Weekly audience - 6.5 million people. The radio network organizes the “Invasion” festival, and also broadcasts the “Chart’s Dozen” rock chart and presents the award of the same name. Over the years of its existence, Nashe Radio has achieved wide popularity and all-Russian broadcast coverage, shaping listeners’ understanding of Russian rock music in accordance with its format. With the help of “Our Radio,” many previously little-known performers from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Estonia, and Latvia became popular. The station began broadcasting in 1998.


One of the most popular radio stations in Russia in 2018-2019. Its main format consists of programs with humorous content. The musical format of “Humor FM” is limited to light pop music, since the musical component of the radio station should not prevail over the humorous one. The station cooperates with the portal “Anecdote. Ru" and other Internet resources, as well as the TNT channel.


It is one of the ten most popular radio stations in Russia today. About 10 million people listen to radio every day, about 23 million weekly. Today the station sounds in more than 670 cities of Russia, as well as on all major highways and highways of regional and local importance. “Road Radio Stars” is the largest off-air project of the Road Radio radio station. In April 2012, the radio station for the first time held the presentation of the People's Prize at the Ice Palace of St. Petersburg. From that moment on, this event became traditional and annual. Traditionally, the TV version of the festival is broadcast on New Year's Eve by Channel Five.


The most popular information and talk station in Russia. The weekly audience of the radio station in Moscow is about 2.2 million people, and in the Russian regions as a whole - about 7 million people. “Echo of Moscow” is the most quoted radio station, ahead of all TV channels and all magazines and second only to a number of newspapers. According to some observers, both in Russia and in the West, Echo is the only truly independent media outlet in Russia and the only proof that freedom of information still exists for the masses.


Included in the ranking of the most popular Russian radio networks in 2018-2019. Appeared on radio at the end of 2000. The unique genre offered by the radio station attracted the attention of a huge audience both in Russia and abroad, but the real “Radio Chanson” broadcasts only in the territory Russian Federation and online at Today, more than a million people listen to Chanson every day in Moscow alone and 8 million throughout the country.


It is the first non-state commercial station in Russia. The radio occupies one of the leading positions among similar radio networks. Broadcasting is carried out both in Russia and the CIS countries. You can tune in to the radio station in more than 300 cities. Average age The radio station's audience is 18-35 years old. “Europe Plus” broadcasts both Russian and foreign music.


Opens the top three most popular radio stations in Russia for 2018-2019. Soviet and foreign music from the 70s and 80s is played on air. last century. Retro FM broadcasts in almost all Russian cities And populated areas, as well as in 8 foreign countries. “Retro FM” is known for its non-standard on-air and off-air projects, including the annual “Space Week” with the participation of heroic cosmonauts of the USSR era, trips of listeners to visit world stars, “Cruise Retro FM” in the company of favorite Russian and foreign artists and the famous “Retro FM Party”, taking place in more than 20 cities of Russia.

Wide music format, bright image, original programs and promotions have made Retro FM one of the leaders of Russian radio broadcasting, uniting several generations of listeners. Every day the radio station plays the most The best music 70s, 80s, 90s - time-tested and beloved golden hits.


One of the most frequently listened to radio stations in Russia for 2018-2019. Its network includes more than 1,300 cities in Russia and other countries. Business card"Autoradio" is an international music festival "Disco of the 80s", which annually gathers great amount fans in major cities of Russia. The station began broadcasting in 1990.

In 2000, the radio station had its own chart - “National Hit Parade”, as well as a morning show - “Operation Morning”, hosted by Murzilki International. “Autoradio” is a multiple winner: winner of the international professional award “NAB 2005 International Broadcasting Excellence Award”, multiple winner of the professional award “Radiomania”, etc.

1. Russian radio

« Russian radio» tops the rating of Russian radio stations 2018-2019, as one of the most popular today. A feature of the station from similar ones is the broadcast of songs exclusively in Russian. Broadcasting takes place in some CIS and foreign countries. The radio began broadcasting in 1995, and a year later it established the Golden Gramophone folk music award, held annually in the Kremlin.

Ten years later, a television analogue of Russian Radio, RU TV, appeared. In 2010, the radio station was included in the Guinness Book of Records for hosting a 52-hour show “Russian Peppers” non-stop with Vadim Voronov, Alisa Selezneva and Sergei Melnikov. In 2015, the radio again entered the book of records, winning in the category “longest team show on radio.” “Russian Peppers” spent 60 hours on air.

The next publication based on the Rospechat report on the state of the radio industry in Russia is devoted to studying the characteristics of the audience of radio listeners. Given as General characteristics, as well as audience preferences, important when planning advertising campaigns

The main characteristics of the radio audience in Russia in 2015 were compiled based on TNS data collected in cities with a population of 100 thousand or more people. and more ages 12 years and older.

The size of the radio audience in Russia continues to remain significant. On average, 64% of the population accessed the radio at least once a day, and 89% at least once a week.

General indicators of radio listening in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in the cities of the measurement zone aged 12 years and older in general in 2015.

Russians continue to listen to the radio quite actively. The average daily radio listening time was 252 minutes or 4 hours. 12 min. This is comparable to the average daily television viewing time.

In 2015, on average, 11.4% listened to the radio every quarter of an hour in Moscow, 11.8% in St. Petersburg, and 11.2% in the cities of the measurement zone. 64.1% listened to the radio at least once a day in Moscow, 66.9% in St. Petersburg, and 64.0% in the cities of the TNS measurement zone. At the same time, on average per day, those who turned to the radio listened to it in Moscow for 257 minutes, in St. Petersburg - 255 minutes, in the cities of the TNS measurement zone - 252 minutes.

Dynamics of changes in the average daily coverage of the total radio audience in 2010-2015. in Russian cities 100,000+, Moscow and St. Petersburg. TNS data: ages 12 years and older

If we compare the indicators of the total radio audience for the period from 2010 to 2015, then in Moscow and St. Petersburg the number of listeners has decreased. Thus, the average daily coverage of the Moscow audience decreased over the specified period from 69.6% to 64.1%, i.e. by 5.5%, in St. Petersburg by 4.6% - from 71.5% to 66.9%.

Demographic structure of the total radio audience in Moscow, St. Petersburg and cities with a population of 100 thousand people. and more

In Moscow in 2015, as before, there is a slight predominance of men (51.0% of men versus 49.0% of women). By age, in the selected cohorts the most numerous is the audience aged 60 years and older (22.1%), and the least numerous is from 12 to 19 years (4.9%). In terms of education level, people with higher education (64,1%).

In St. Petersburg, the demographic distribution of the general audience looks a little different. The structure of the audience is slightly dominated by women (47.4% men versus 52.6% women). According to age distribution in general structure The audience has a higher proportion of older people (22.5%). Listeners with higher education in the structure of the total radio audience in St. Petersburg accounted for 55.4%, with secondary education - 40.5%.

In Russian cities with a population of 100 thousand people. and more in the structure of the general radio audience there is an insignificant predominance of women (49.9% of men versus 50.1% of women). In age groups, the largest share was made up of representatives of the group 30-39 years old (21.2%). There were 52.8% of students with higher education, and 41.9% with secondary education.

The number of people who listen to the radio in the car at least once a day was slightly higher than those who listen to the radio at least 5 minutes a day at home - 32.8% and 28.2%, respectively. However, the duration of radio listening turned out to be higher at home: the average daily radio listening time in a car was 128 minutes. (2 hours 2 minutes), while at home this figure was 208 minutes. (3 hours 28 minutes). But radio is listened to the longest at work - an average of 342 minutes. per day (5 hours 42 minutes).

Distribution of the total radio audience in 2015 by listening location in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Russian cities with a population of 100 thousand or more people. and more aged 12 years and older

Proportional distribution of average daily radio listening time by place of radio listening in cities of the TNS measurement zone in 2015 at the age of 12 years and older

If we take the average daily time of all radio listening as 100%, then 36.0% of this time is spent on home listening and 25.8% on car listening. Listening to the radio at work takes up an average of 27.0% of the average daily radio listening time, and 11.2% of the time in other places.

In 2015, as in the year before, Russians listened to the radio more often on weekdays than on weekends. The peak audience on weekdays was from 10:00 to 13:00, on weekends - from 11:00 to 13:00. The indicators for Moscow are approximately the same (with a slight difference).

Average daily distribution of the total radio audience in 2015 in Moscow aged 12 years and older on weekdays and weekends. TNS data

The figure shows that, firstly, on weekdays the size of the total radio audience during the day is on average higher. Secondly, the maximum audience on weekdays falls on the interval 10:00-11:00, and on weekends - on the interval 11:00-12:00. The minimum is observed between 2:00-4:00 am.

The largest share of the audience is in Russian cities with a population of 100 thousand or more people. and more aged 12 years and older had “Europe Plus” (8.8%), “Russian Radio” (7.5%) and “Road Radio” (7.5%). In Moscow, the leaders in terms of audience share were Ekho Moskvy (6.2%), Radio Chanson (4.5%) and Radio Russia (4.5%). In St. Petersburg - “Radio Russia” (9.3%), “Dorozhnoe Radio” (8.5%) and “Europe Plus” (5.7%).

Average audience share of radio stations (AQH Share), measured in Moscow in 2015 (age 12+). TNS data. The first twenty positions are shown

The largest increase in the audience share in 2015 compared to 2014 was in Russian cities with a population of 100 thousand or more. and more (aged 12 years and older) were demonstrated by the radio stations Vesti FM (+1.1%), Radio Dacha (+0.4%), Mayak (+0.3%) and Business FM" (+0.3%); in Moscow - “Comedy Radio” (from 1.7% in 2014 to 2.1% in 2015), radio station “Komsomolskaya Pravda” (from 0.6% to 1.0%) and “Our Radio” (from 3.0% to 3.4%). In St. Petersburg, the largest increase in audience share was 0.4% for radio stations Europe Plus (from 5.3% in 2014 to 5.7% in 2015) and Business FM (from 1.7% to 2 ,1%). The share of the audience of three stations increased by 0.3% - “Mayak” (from 2.5% to 2.8%), “Radio ENERGY” (from 1.5% to 1.8%) and “Retro FM” (from 4.2% to 4.5%).

Changes average annual audience share of radio stations (AQH Share) broadcasting in Moscow in 2015 compared to 2014 (age 12+)

Here are the figures for radio stations measured in Moscow continuously during 2014-2015, whose audience share changed by 0.2% or more.

The greatest losses in audience share in 2015 compared to 2014 were in Russian cities with a population of 100 thousand or more. and more aged 12 years and older were recorded at the radio stations “Europe Plus” (-0.8%), “Avtoradio” (-0.5%) and “Police Wave” (-0.5%). In Moscow - at the radio station "Echo of Moscow". Its audience share decreased by 0.9% (from 7.1% to 6.2%). The audience share of Radio Best FM decreased by 0.4% (from 1.3% to 0.9%). Four stations each lost 0.3% of their audience share - Mayak (from 3.0% to 2.7%), Radio Dacha (from 3.8% to 3.5%), Russian Radio (from 4.7% to 4.4%) and “Hit FM” (from 1.2% to 0.9%). In St. Petersburg, Dorozhny Radio’s share of its audience decreased by 0.8% (from 9.3% to 8.5%). The audience share of Radio Record decreased by 0.6% (from 4.9% to 4.3%), by 0.3% for Radio Baltika (from 1.3% to 1.0%) and at Radio Russia (from 9.6% to 9.3%).

In terms of average weekly audience coverage (listened to at least once a week) in Russian cities with a population of 100 thousand or more people. and over the age of 12 years and older, the leaders were Avtoradio (38.9%), Europe Plus (37.9%) and Road Radio (36.4%); in Moscow - Avtoradio (30.8%), Retro FM (26.4%) and Russian Radio (26.4%); in St. Petersburg - “Dorozhnoe Radio” (47.2%), “Europe Plus” (31.5%) and “Retro FM” (28.3%).

Average weekly audience coverage (listened to at least once a week) in Russian cities with a population of 100 thousand or more. and more aged 12 years and older

Note. The sign “*” means there is no data in the city in question for the specified period
TNS Radio Index data - Cities. January - December 2015 Population of cities 12 years and older

The largest increase in average weekly audience reach in 2015 compared to 2014 was in Russian cities with a population of 100 thousand or more. and more (aged 12 years and older) were shown by the radio stations Vesti FM (+2.7%) and Radio Dacha (+2.1%); in Moscow – “Comedy Radio” (+3.2%), “Vesti FM” (+2.9%) and “Business FM” (+1.7%); in St. Petersburg - the largest increase in average weekly audience coverage was recorded for Radio ENERGY - by 1.2% (from 9.8% in 2014 to 11.0% in 2015). The growth of this indicator for other radio stations did not exceed 1%.

The largest decrease in average weekly audience reach in 2015 compared to 2014 was in Russian cities with a population of 100 thousand or more. and more (age 12+) were recorded by “Radio Chanson” (-1.9%), “Europe Plus” (-1.7%) and “Police Wave” (-1.3%); in Moscow - at the radio station "Echo of Moscow" - by 1.6% (from 18.6% to 17.0%). A decrease of 1.5% was observed at Mayak (from 17.0% to 15.5%) and Retro FM (from 26.4% to 24.9%); in St. Petersburg - the largest decrease in average weekly audience coverage was recorded for Radio Baltika - by 2.1% (from 13.5% to 11.4%). The average weekly coverage of Eldoradio decreased by 2.0% (from 21.1% to 19.1%), by 1.7% by Avtoradio (from 28% to 26.3%) and by 1.6 % - at “Road Radio” (from 47.2% to 45.6%).

If with television broadcasting Everything has been clear for a long time - even those who watch it scold him - but with the radio things are noticeably more cheerful. It accompanies us literally every step of the way. Everyday life: at home, at work and during leisure. Radio stations allow us to find out not only the latest news, but also enjoy our favorite music.

And the Moscow region operates on the extended FM range from 87 to 107 MHz. About 42 stations were able to fit there quite successfully. Tastes, of course, are different for everyone, but the abundance of channels is enough even for the most demanding music lovers.

  1. "Autoradio".
  2. "Russkre radio".
  3. "Retro-FM".
  4. "Europa Plus".
  5. "Radio Chanson".
  6. "Echo of Moscow".
  7. "Radio Energy".
  8. "Humor-FM".
  9. "Business FM".
  10. "Road Radio".

"Avtoradio" - 90.3 MHz

The Avtoradio broadcast network is designed for one and a half thousand cities in Russia, including Moscow and the region. Almost all popular radio stations in Moscow have some of their own characteristics and features, but unlike most, the scale of Avtoradio’s events is simply amazing. Thus, every year, under the name of the radio station, a grandiose event is held - “Disco of the 80s”, where crowds of fans from all over Russia gather. The event amazes with its enchantment, scale and has an excellent ambience in the style of the 80s.

The voice of Avtoradio was first heard in Perm in 1990. And after a couple of years, the radio station received broadcast status, and rushed to conquer all of Russia as a source and media outlet. Three years ago, to celebrate the 20th anniversary in Moscow, Avtoradio came to the celebration Russian stars and foreign performers, famous politicians, athletes and actors. The anniversary marathon lasted almost eleven hours, and huge sums of money, gifts and other significant prizes were raffled off.

"Russian Radio" - 105.7 MHz

The second most popular channel and silver on our list representing Moscow goes to Russian Radio. Main feature This station broadcasts exclusively in Russian, that is, no Western songs, only domestic speech and music.

All Moscow radio stations went through a difficult and thorny path before reaching the peak of their popularity, and Russian Radio was no exception. Its first broadcast was released back in 1995, and initially everything was broadcast in test mode.

A few months later, the first advertisement appeared, and the creators of the radio made the right decision by inserting phrases from Nikolai Fomenko into each advertising block, who ridiculed our realities in a humorous manner. A few years later, Vadim Galygin replaced Fomenko, and after him Dmitry Nagiyev established himself as a humorous commentator.

In 1997, the Golden Gramophone award was established. She was recognized by all radio stations in Moscow and Russia. The award ceremony is held every year in the Kremlin, and the winners of the award are selected based on the results of voting by radio listeners.

"Retro-FM" - 88.3 MHz

Bronze is awarded to Retro-FM, which plays musical compositions from the 70s, 80s and 90s of the last century. The station began operating at the end of 1995 and is aimed at the age group from 30 to 50 years.

All radio stations in Moscow and Russia have their own listeners, but the number of Retro-FM fans is simply amazing - 8 million people, which is almost 12% of the entire population of the country.

"Europe Plus" - 106.2 MHz

The station broadcasts mainly for teenage and similar audiences (from 16 to 30 years old). Radio stations in Moscow and the region can envy the territory that Europe Plus is able to cover. Broadcasts are conducted not only for the capital and Russian listeners, but also for the former CIS and other nearby countries.

It would be worth noting that the station ranks first in terms of cost of advertising units.

Everyone recognizes the scope with which Europe Plus operates. She is a partner and organizer of concerts of such famous stars as Sting, Madonna, Timberlake, and Beyoncé. A few years ago, the radio station signed another good partnership contract with the group U2, whose concert was held recently in Moscow.

"Radio Chanson" - 103.0 MHz

As already mentioned, many radio stations in Moscow have their own original chips and musical images, but they are still far from reaching the level of Radio Chanson. More than a million people wake up and go to bed with the waves of this radio. Throughout Russia, this figure is naturally higher, but here’s what’s noteworthy: the main audience of Radio Chanson, in theory, should be male, but judging by the statistics, more than 47% of listeners are women.

The channel airs thematic programs and musical compositions marked “chanson”. Conversations are held with famous bards, performers of urban romances and other authors of folk art. The high-quality radio station is loved not only in Russia, but also in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

"Echo of Moscow" - 91.2 MHz

“Echo of Moscow” gained its fame thanks to the events that occurred in August 1991. In those difficult times for the country, the channel became the only radio station that opposed the State Emergency Committee. In principle, little has changed since then. “Echo of Moscow” is still considered independent not only by listeners, but also by outside critics.

Speaking in words general director station, A. Venediktov, “Echo of Moscow” is a place where you can freely discuss, analyze and express your (and any) point of view.

The radio has the status of a closed joint stock company, where most of the shares are in the hands of Gazprom-Media Holding, and the rest are distributed among the employees of the station itself - hence the “frequency” of opinions.

"Radio Energy" - 104.2 MHz

One of the most popular French stations is also loved by Muscovites. Broadcasting on our territory began about ten years ago, after Radio Energia acquired a license to use the brand.

The airwaves are filled mainly with active and youth musical compositions, so the station has the appropriate age group - from 16 to 30 years. On air you can hear brief news and latest news modern musical trends.

"Humor-FM" - 88.7 MHz

The main priority for this radio was and remains humor. The station began broadcasting about 11 years ago, replacing Radio Disco, which had lost its former popularity.

On the air of the radio station you can hear light pop music, diluted with all kinds of jokes and anecdotes. For an inexhaustible stream of new jokes, the radio station “Humor FM” has established close relationships with the TNT channel, popular Internet resources like “AnekdotRU”, and, of course, with the radio listeners themselves, who send an endless stream of new jokes through telephone communication and SMS.

Many Muscovites speak very warmly about the radio station “Humor-FM”, because it is practically the only channel where you can escape from the boring city bustle and trashy news.

"Business FM" - 87.5 MHz

This station is purely business in nature and features fresh and reliable stock market news, exchange rates, business press monitoring and other business information.

“Business FM”, judging by the reviews of critics, is that rare case when its slogan: “First Business Radio” does not lie. The station is especially proud of its “instant news” concept, which is released as quickly as possible, and without waiting for the main news block.

"Road Radio" - 96.0 MHz

The rating of radio stations loved by Muscovites is closed by an equally significant channel for car owners - “Road Radio”. In addition to Moscow, it sounds in more than five hundred of our cities and on all major highways. By the way, some particularly meticulous listener calculated that the total length of roads where you can hear “Road Radio” exceeds 1,000,000 kilometers.

Radio came to Moscow from St. Petersburg and Kirishi about 12 years ago. The radio station broadcasts popular chanson compositions, urban romances, music of the last century and dilutes it all with light pop music along with important information about events happening on the roads. Also on the waves of Road Radio you can find out the latest weather forecast, important news and take part in numerous quizzes and surveys.