The highest traffic on VKontakte time. Who's on Instagram? Best time to post on VKontakte

No matter how much the owners of public spaces on social networks would like it, there is no clear best time to publish posts. This depends on many factors, the most significant of them: type social network, the audience of the group or public, the topic of the public and much more.

The ideal publication time for one public page or social network as a whole may be completely inappropriate for another similar resource.

Optimal time to post on VKontakte

When posting on the VKontakte social network, you should take into account the following factors: the time when the social network’s traffic is maximum, the topic of the public in which the post will be posted, the characteristics of the public’s audience (age, interests) and other smaller features.

With the time of maximum traffic on VKontakte, everything is extremely simple, the largest online is from 19 to 21 hours Moscow time. This time is ideal for most publics, but not for everyone. For example, in different public pages designed for teenage audiences, attendance times differ in general. In such public pages, it is best to post during the daytime, because that’s when VKontakte is located greatest number teenagers

There are also public pages designed for an audience of a specific region or time zone. For example: public pages with local news or other similar groups. In this case, you should focus exclusively on local time.

Optimal time to post on Odnoklassniki

In general, all recommendations for publishing posts will be approximately the same as for the VKontakte social network. These resources have the same audience, so there will be virtually no differences in publication time.

The best time to post on Facebook

With the social network FaceBook, everything is somewhat more complicated, since Russian-speaking users make up only a small part of the entire audience of this resource. Therefore, when publishing your post, in addition to the previously listed things, it is worth considering many new factors that are absent in exclusively Russian-language social networks.

If you look at the audience in general, then the time of greatest attendance begins at 13:00 and ends at 15:00 Moscow time. It is better to post English-language posts at this time. Also, the period of greatest traffic on Facebook is perfect for publishing posts that do not contain text (various pictures, songs, music videos) on English-language public pages.

With Russian-language posts, you should follow the same tips as for Russian social networks (Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki). The overwhelming majority of Russian-speaking Facebook audience visits the site at the same time as VKontakte with Odnoklassniki.

Optimal time to post on Twitter

Twitter is less demanding when it comes to posting times. In this social network, high traffic lasts much longer than in most other similar resources. But even taking this into account, you should not publish your posts at random.

You should definitely not post at night; at this time, traffic to the resource is almost minimal, which makes publishing a pointless exercise. More special recommendations by posting on Twitter no. Many tips that apply to other social networks can also be applied to Twitter.

Optimal time to post on Instagram

First of all, the time of publication on Instagram depends on the number of your subscribers. If you have no subscribers other than your friends, you should publish at a time that is convenient for them. You don’t even have to try to publish posts during times of peak traffic on Instagram; site users only view posts by popular personalities, and they simply won’t visit your publications. At the same time, your friends may find it inconvenient to view such publications.

If you were able to gain an impressive number of subscribers (at least several hundred), you should start publishing posts during the time of the highest traffic to the site (approximately from 10 to 20 Moscow time). This will increase the number of views of your photos, which will have a positive impact on the development of your Instagram account.

General tips for posting.

  • You can determine the approximate publication time by looking at popular public pages. You need to find a popular public page with a similar topic and choose the same publication time for your public page.
  • Don't be afraid to post at different times of the day. Through trial and error, you can achieve results that most of the most popular resources cannot achieve.

When is it better to place advertisements or important viral posts in VKontakte communities? Even Google cannot answer this question. Seriously. I have been monitoring publications on this topic for several months now - and not a single one contains a clear answer that could be applied in practice without reservations.

The answers come down to the following options:

  • Everything is very complicated, it takes a long, long time to test; but in general - depending on your luck.
  • We analyzed N communities and concluded that maximum activity occurs at such and such hours.
  • The maximum audience on the social network is at 19-21 hours, it is logical to try to get into this “prime time”.

All these theses are true to some extent. But, I repeat, using them in practice is difficult. It's easy to understand that:

Long-term testing- this is a waste of money and time, and by the end of the period everything can change. Social media is dynamic and fickle.

Average data by community is the average temperature in the hospital. And each community is individual, even publics that are similar in type and overlap in audience differ in the return on advertising.

Maximum audience encourages public page owners to compete for it; during prime time, the number of publications and their competition in the user’s feed increases. The records quickly descend into depths to which they may not be able to reach.

What to do? When to publish?

The cats are amazed: you can do without them in SMM, with a dry analysis!

It's obvious that you need to use a method that would allow you to take into account the individual distribution of activity for a specific public, Moreover, a relatively short period of time should be analyzed.

Not finding such a method on the Internet, I set about developing my own. The result of this work was the creation of an online service that automates the process.

The idea behind it is quite simple:

We are collecting a series of posts for Lately, determine the number of likes and reposts for each post, and then count median value of responses for each hour on weekdays. This is how we get the most active time.

The median value is used, not the mean. This allows us to partially get rid of the “average temperature in the hospital” effect. You can read about what a median is on specialized resources. Here, for understanding, I will give good example from Wikipedia:

Let's say there are 19 poor people and one billionaire in one room. Everyone puts money on the table - the poor from their pockets, and the billionaire from his suitcase. Each poor person contributes $5, and the billionaire contributes $1 billion (109). The total is $1,000,000,095. If we divide the money equally among 20 people, we get $50,000,004.75. This will be the arithmetic average of the amount of cash that all 20 people in that room had.
The median in this case will be $5. This can be interpreted as follows. Having divided our company into two equal groups of 10 people, we can say that in the first group everyone put no more than $5 on the table, and in the second no less than $5. In general, we can say that the median this is how much the average person brought with him.

We're done with theory, let's move on to practice.

How to use the SmmUp service: examples

Placing the tool in general access I was primarily focused on SMM specialists, who already understand everything. Therefore, the site provides data, not advice, a fishing rod, not a fish. However, judging by the questions that arise, some clarifications need to be made. Let's feed the analyzer a few links and try to understand what its responses mean in each case. All screenshots are clickable.

First, let's look at some public page with quotes and beautiful photos. This is an ideal, almost laboratory object for study: posts are published frequently, the content is homogeneous and arouses keen interest among its audience.

Everything is pretty obvious: optimal time accommodation 16-18 hours. Please note that 17 hours - the period located exactly in the middle - is not included in the chart. This is evidence that relatively few posts are posted in the community between 5 and 6 p.m. This indirectly confirms the reliability of the analysis: fewer posts - more attention to each of them! Obviously, it is more profitable to be located closer to the beginning of the interval, that is, before 17:00, and not after. The natural delay in the release of posts is only to our advantage.

Let's pay attention to the large news public.

The picture is quite expected: the most popular posts are those published in the morning: when people look at world news (what happened there overnight?). It's expected, but without an analyzer we could have set it at 8 or 7 o'clock, and we would have missed the mark.

There are also two less pronounced (since they do not coincide with reposts) spikes in the evening. It is significant that the night hours, which are sometimes among the leaders of other public sites, show average indicators here, and 15 o’clock is characterized by a minimum of activity. Why is that? It’s simple: RIA Novosti’s audience is more mature than many other public sites; These are people with traditional working hours. They go to bed earlier compared to young people, and also switch to TV more often in the evening. Well, 15 o’clock is the afternoon, office workers are trying to do a little work with fresh energy.

Another news public, with similar but different dynamics.

IN work time There are no peaks in popularity.

Let's watch an entertaining public.

Clear peaks of popularity at 16 and 22 hours. The interval of 16 - 17 hours looks more profitable, since there are no periods with low activity next to it.

Recently, I set out to find out what time I should publish posts on VKontakte in order to get maximum coverage. To find out, I did some research.

We will talk about groups of copywriters. Other areas have their own audiences with their own preferences and schedules.

Theoretical part

Interested subscribers regularly come to the group to read new posts. There is no point in adapting to them. The more interesting you write, the more more people will remember the community and view its wall.

But you can influence the number of people who see the post in the news. To do this, you just need to publish content when a lot of your subscribers are online. or just before rush hour. These are the indicators I measured.

Let's experiment

For experiments, I chose 3 communities: Overheard | Copywriting, My blog Web.txt and Panda Copywriting (the liveliest of the major groups). Goal: determine the time with the maximum number of online copywriter subscribers.

The study lasted a week - from July 14 to July 21. Every hour, starting at 9 am, Alexey and I checked online in these three groups and entered the indicators into a table.

In total I made 7 simple tables

And then I calculated the average values, divided the results into groups: from the warmest (peak online) to the coldest.

Everything was calculated according to Moscow time.

1pm is the busiest time

Early in the morning people are still sleeping - there is no point in publishing posts. The revival begins at noon, reaches a peak value by 13-00 and lasts for another 4 hours. high level. After 5 p.m., working copywriters go home - the online service drops. And at 21-22 o'clock people come in again.

What conclusions can be drawn from this:

  • The best time to post is just before the lunch rush. For example, at 12-30.
  • The next post can be published immediately after lunch - online will be large for a few more hours.
  • Publish evening posts around 20-30 - before the night peak.

Days of the week

At the same time, I will share the results by day of the week. This will be useful for those who do not write posts daily.

Weekends are always terribly slow

Of course, statistics based on one week's results are not very accurate. Therefore, I do not advise you to listen to her too much. Now I'm working on automating measurements. When everything is ready, I will collect evidence in a couple of months - and then I will publish new, more accurate data.

But here the statistics of the Overheard group come to my aid. There people offer content themselves, new posts appear regularly throughout the day. And we can look at activity statistics by day of the week.

Activity chart in Overheard | copywriting for the last month

Do you see the "pits"? It's the weekend. Don't post anything important on the weekend. Nobody will read this. The coolest content should be released on Monday-Tuesday. Then you will get maximum coverage and the group will grow faster.

Social poll

I conducted a survey with almost 200 people. The purpose of the survey is to find out at what time people prefer to view the news feed.

Most often the feed is scrolled in the morning and evening

Conclusion: publish evening posts (at approximately 20-00) - great idea. Firstly, there is a good online presence in groups at this time. Secondly, people are already free from work and ready to read your content. Thirdly, almost no one writes at night - so in the morning your publications will still be closer to the beginning of the news feed.

Of course, 200 people is very little. Don't take this survey too seriously.


I repeat. I conducted research in copywriting groups. It only applies to copywriters. If your the target audience- not copywriters - do not use this data. They may not work for you. It’s better to take a week and monitor your subscribers - it will immediately become clear to you when the content should be released.

What can be learned from the study:

  • The best time to post is before lunch. This way you will get maximum coverage in the news.
  • Second place goes to the evening - 20-21 hours. The online presence is good at this time, and your publications will still be visible in the morning.
  • Don't post anything important on the weekend - your coverage will be minimal.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope my little research will help you increase your reach.

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The success of material posted on social networks largely depends on the time of publication - different audiences have different preferences, daily routines, work schedules, and so on. There is no exact answer to the question of when is the best time to post on certain social networks. But there are numerous resources that can help you find the right time for you and your goals. has compiled a short guide, which we offer you in an adapted version.

Best Time to Post on Twitter

Since Twitter is a constant stream of information, choose right time It may seem like high art to post a post here. The half-life of a single tweet is 24 minutes - that's 4 times less than a Facebook post - meaning your window of opportunity is very narrow.

2. Be involved in social media– Knowing the right time to tweet from your company's Twitter profile starts with social media engagement.

GoldCoach SMM specialist Andrey Dovgy spent more than a year analyzing when it is best to publish posts on Instagram, Facebook and VKontakte so that as many people as possible can see them. Based on the results, he created a cheat sheet that he uses every day in his work, promoting GoldCoach products and our brand on social networks. © Olga Lutsenko.

From the cheat sheet you will learn when to publish posts on social networks to get more clients.

Time to post on Facebook

Subscriber age: 25-50 years.
Number of subscribers: more than 1.5 billion people.

Who's on Facebook?

A platform for specialists, politicians, aspiring and existing entrepreneurs, people who are looking for new business and work opportunities.

Facebook is also a platform for creative people to communicate.

Expensive products, original branded goods (not copies), information products, TOP-segment services (beauty salons, personal care, sports passes), paid books, expensive tours.

Best time to post on Facebook

10-12 am and 8 pm. Peak times are 10am and 8pm.

Necessarily Post on Sunday at 9-11 am.

Worst time to post on Facebook

From 12 to 16 o'clock and until 9 o'clock in the morning.

Avoid post on Monday morning until 10-11 am.

Time to Post on Instagram

Subscriber age: 25-45 years.
Number of subscribers: more than 500 million people.

Who's on Instagram?

In social Instagram networks those who have something to show in photos and videos are sitting: travelers, beauty salon masters, movie stars, fashion stars, music stars, online store owners, models, screen stars, fitness trainers, successful entrepreneurs, “majors” - everyone who has what to show in photos and videos. More than 70% women.

What products are best to promote on this network: clothes, all goods for status - phones, accessories, everything related to fashion. Products and services for women.

Best time to post on Instagram

At 10-12 o'clock and 18-19 pm.

Necessarily Post on Wednesday and Thursday at 6-8 pm.

Worst time to post on Instagram

Before 9 a.m., 1-5 p.m., after 10 p.m.

Avoid post on Sunday and Monday until 10 am.

Time to publish posts on VKontakte

Age of subscribers: different, the most active users are 15-30 years old.
Number of subscribers: more than 390 million.

Who is on VKontakte?

The social network VKontakte is populated by young people who are eager to communicate, actively listen to music and want to keep track of updates in the lives of friends and acquaintances. There are also businessmen, but there are few of them yet. Now this network is considered a social network of “schoolchildren”, but those who were schoolchildren in 2006 are now earning money and are ready to spend it on their favorite social network.

What products are best to promote on this network: inexpensive clothing, copies of branded goods - clothing and equipment, tourism. It's good for young performers to promote.

The best time to post on VKontakte

8-9 am, 12 noon, 6-7 pm.

Necessarily publish posts on Saturday at 18-19 hours.

The worst time to post on VKontakte

From 21 to 6 am, from 12 to 16-17 hours.

Avoid post on Monday until 9 am.

What and when to publish

In the morning time- short entertaining posts.

In the morning, people haven’t really woken up yet and at the same time they are in a hurry. They don't have the time or desire to read a lot. Therefore, short notes and pictures work well at this time.

Day and evening- a time of serious posts in which there are “many letters”.

After 12 o'clock, people are already “turned on”, digest information better and are not in a hurry, so they can devote time to long notes.

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