Russian language drupal 7. Installing Drupal - step by step instructions

Hi all! Today is a significant day - I open new section, dedicated free CMS Drupal! By tradition, the first article is devoted to installing Drupal. In addition, I will touch upon the issue of Russification of Drupal. As one great man said - LET'S GO!!!

Installing Russian Drupal

And so, installing Drupal is done in four steps, and it doesn’t matter whether you are working with local or remote hosting:

  • creation on the server new base data;
  • downloading the Drupal 7 distribution and the Russification file;
  • Drupal installation.

And now about each step in more detail.

Step #1. Creating a database.

The database is the brain of the future website, in which all information will be stored. When working with databases you need to be very careful. For any new Drupal site, you must create a separate database. When I first started working with , I inadvertently specified the same database for two WordPress sites. As a result, the second site simply overwrote the database, and all information from the first site was lost. Don't repeat my mistakes!

Paid hosting providers for creating databases provide a separate control panel. It is usually very easy to use, so creating a new database will not take much time. The main thing is to remember the name of the new database, user login and password for it - all this information will be useful for installing Drupal. If you ordered hosting designed for only one site, then the database was most likely created in advance, and technical support will provide you with information about it.

It happens that phpMyAdmin is provided for working with databases on the hosting. My blog is dedicated to studying phpMyAdmin.

As for , in it the creation of a database is carried out through home page http://localhost/denwer/.

Leave the “MySQL Administrator Password” field empty and fill in only the Database Name, user login and password.

Step #2. Downloading distribution files and localization files.

The second step is to download the Drupal distribution from the official website We download the latest version of the product, at the time of writing this article it is 7.15.

Since we will immediately install Russian Drupal, we will also need a localization file. You can download it from, just make sure that it matches the previously downloaded version of Drupal.

Step #3. Uploading files to the server.

To work with remote server will be needed ftp client. Personally I use . This ftp client is free, multifunctional, simple and reliable. So many epithets, but he rightfully deserved them all!

Unpack the archive with the Drupal distribution. We upload the resulting files and folders to the server in the root directory of our future site. There are a lot of files, so uploading them to the server will take some time. Thanks to the reliability of FileZilla, you will only lose time, not files.

In the case of Denver, the root directory for the site is created manually: in the /home/ folder we create a directory with the name of the future local site (say,, in the new folder /home/ we create the www directory - this will be site root directory. It is in the folder /home/ that we transfer the Drupal files.

Don't forget about the localization file; it should be uploaded separately to the server in the /profiles/standart/translations/ directory.

Step #4. Installing Drupal

When all preparations are completed and the first three steps are completed, you can proceed directly to installing Drupal. Open the browser and address bar Enter the URL of the site to be created. By pressing Enter, we get to the installation program.

1. Select profile. Check the first item Standard and click “Save and continue”.

2. Choose language. Select Russian and click “Save and continue”. Now all the remaining steps of the Drupal installation will be in the native Russian language.

3. Compliance check. Passes automatically if the server fully meets the requirements for correct operation Drupal and no errors are found, then proceed to the next step.

4. Installation of the database. In this section you should specify the name of the previously created database, user login and password.

5. Installation Profile and Installing Translations. Here the installation will take place automatically. All that remains is to watch the progress and wait for the transition to the next section.

6. Setting up the site.

Enter the site name and email. According to the recommendation, it is advisable that the address Email contained your site's domain.

Site maintenance account.

  • Username - enter the administrator login.
  • Email address—administrator's email address.
  • Password - be sure to monitor the strength indicator. If this is not a local site, but real internet resource, the password should be as strong as possible.

Select the country and time zone.

7. Completed. The translations are completed and the installation is complete. All you have to do is click “Visit your new site”.

On working hosting similar installation You won't find it anywhere anymore. Now in fashion automatic installation any popular CMS, and Drupal is no exception. For example, you can install Drupal in literally a minute, and you don’t need to copy any files to ftp. Everything goes as quickly and simply as possible.

Russification of English Drupal

Now let's look at how to Russify an already installed English version Drupal. To do this, we will need to download the same Russian language file with .po resolution that is used during the installation discussed above. The sequence of actions will be as follows.

1. Go to the “Modules” section, check the “Locale” module and save the changes by clicking the “Save configuration” button at the very bottom of the page. This activates the module responsible for selecting the language.

2. Next, open the “Configuration” section and go to “Translate interface”. There are four tabs on the top right, we need the third one from the left - “IMPORT”. In the “Language file” item, click Browse and select the localization file with the .po extension from your computer. In the “Import into” item, select Russian. Click the “Import” button and the language will download automatically.

3. It remains to make Russian the default language. Returns to the “Configuration” section, but this time we go to “Languages”. In the Default column, put a tick in the second column corresponding to the Russian language and click “Save configuration”.

Oh miracle! The Drupal admin panel is becoming entirely in Russian!

Now that the site has Homepage, it can already be filled with material - place texts, images, videos, etc. But before moving on to filling the resource with content, it will be necessary to localize it (in our case, simply translate the site into Russian). Putting this into practice is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

One of the disadvantages of Drupal is that it automatically offers to download from the Internet and install translations in manual mode. This is a routine and lengthy process. But, fortunately, it can be automated. To do this, you will need to expand the functionality by installing an additional module.

If you are installing a site on Denwer, then before you start Russifying the site, I HIGHLY recommend that you familiarize yourself with possible problems during the Russification of Drupal on Denwer, described at the end of the article Installing and solving typical problems when installing Drupal 7 on Denwer. Let's get acquainted with Drupal 7. This can save you a couple of hours of time and a lot of nerves.

Now, in fact, we move on to the process of Russification. In the browser you will need to open the project page called “Localization update". Here you need to download the most new version module that will be used for Drupal and install the module. (more about possible ways Installing modules You can read in the article All methods of installing and correctly removing modules in Drupal. Let's get acquainted with Drupal 7.).

After installing it, we go to the modules page and perform the following steps:

Now you can complete the next step - go to the “Configuration” section. At the bottom of the page in this section there is a section called “Reginal and Language”. In this section, follow the “Languages” link to the corresponding page.

On this page you need to select the section called “Add language” and in the window that opens, select Russian from the list. Now we save the settings again.

Thanks to what we have already connected automatic update translations, immediately after this action, all Russification files that your site needs will be automatically imported to this moment, but the site itself will not be Russified yet.

Once the import of files is complete, we will be back on the Languages ​​page. Now we need to activate the Default checkbox for the Russian language and save the new settings again.

If everything was done correctly, then after saving the settings your site will already be in Russian.

If you are not planning a multilingual site, you can immediately deactivate English language and save the configuration again.

Advice for the future - after updating the modules on Drupal, go to the section Configuration - region and language - interface translation - update.

Scroll down the page and click the “update translations” button.

Congratulations. Now your site is Russified and you know how to ensure that you always have the most latest versions translations of modules and core for Drupal 7.

Installing Drupal 7 is not much different from installing the sixth version. We put:

Drupal 7.x system requirements

Installing drupal 7.x

  1. We create a database on the server, if necessary, a database user with all rights and his password.
  2. Download the latest version of Drupal from the official website. For now latest version drupal 7.12, I will install it.
  3. We unpack the archive onto your computer and read INSTALL.txt with all installation recommendations and maybe you will no longer need to finish reading my article.
  4. Download the Russian translation of the kernel for the version of drupal we need from the translation server Format: All in one file. We receive a file with the translation of drupal-7.12-ru.po
  5. Upload the contents of the drupal-7.12/drupal-7.12/ folder to the server
  6. Create a files folder in the /sites/default/ folder, set write permissions on it to 777
  7. Copying the file /sites/default/default.settings.php, renaming it to settings.php and pasting it back into /sites/default/ is no longer necessary, unlike the six. If you have appropriate rights to the default folder, the file will be created automatically during the installation process.
  8. Place the Russian translation file in the folder profiles/standard/translations/. Thus, we Russify Drupal during installation. If you don’t do this right away, it’s okay, you can Russify it later.
  9. Open the .htaccess file and write 4 lines at the very top:
    php_value error_reporting 7
    php_value memory_limit 32M
    RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) ^http://www\.vash-site\.com/$
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    If the hoster allows it, then in the line “php_value memory_limit 32M” replace 32M with 96M or 128M. This is how much memory is needed for modules working with images.
  10. We launch the site in the browser. At this stage, errors 500, 430, etc. are possible. In this case, check the rights to the folders.
  11. Follow the guide to installing drupal. He will check the server settings and write permissions, if everything is out of date, he will move on to the next step.
  12. Communication with the database. Fill out the form. Database name: database_name, Database username: database_user login, Database password: database_password. Click Save and Continue
  13. Fill in the information regarding the site and account administrator.
  14. We change the permissions /sites/default/settings.php to 444 for security purposes.

Installation completed.

After installing Drupal, many may have a problem understanding the settings in English, especially since there are so many settings, and at first it is absolutely impossible to figure out what and why. Therefore, I decided to tell you how to change the language to Russian.

To get started, click on the menu on the left administer- this is what ordinary mortals call “admin panel”. All the site settings, or rather links to them, will always be there. We are interested in the section Site building- link modules.

There are currently 2 sections here - Core optional And Core required. Each of them combines modules built into drupala core. Without last section working with Drupal is not possible, but the first one can and should be changed to suit your needs, which is what we will do now. By the way, it is always better to disable modules that you do not use rather than simply removing them from the working site using some settings, because because of large quantity When modules are enabled, the site's performance is lost, and it begins to load pages more slowly, and in extreme cases, it even freezes.

So, we are interested in the module Locale- he is responsible for translating the text on the site. Find it and check the box next to it:

Press the button Save configuration at the bottom of the page.

Let's go back to the admin panel. Now at the bottom of the section Site building there is a link Translate interface, press it.

As you can see, only English is included in the standard Drupal core. Well, let's fix it - select the link Import in bookmarks (in Drupal they are called tabs, get used to it).

Now we need to upload the file with the translation. You can always download the latest version of the translations, but I offer you the translation that I always use myself - you can download it. If you download the file from the first link, it is better to choose the format " everything in one file" for easier import.

We upload the file as follows:

Save. Drupal may need time to translate the entire interface. Therefore, if suddenly an error appears that more than 30 seconds have passed and Drupal did not have time to complete the action, then simply refresh the page - the translation of the interface will continue from the point where the connection was broken.

Go to the admin panel again( Finding the section Site configurations and looking for a link Languages(by the way, it also appeared only after turning on the module Locale), we go along it.

Here we switch the field value Default from English to Russian and click Save configuration

Congratulations, the site has been translated. Now you can not only install Drupal, but also work with modules. Working with the site on at this stage it's over for us. In the next lessons we will be closely involved in creating templates for Drupal 6. In the meantime, I would recommend surfing the site yourself and at least delving a little into general construction drupala. It would also be a good idea to create several articles so that we can see the result in the process of creating a topic. This is done here - For now, it’s better to choose a material to create Story- it is displayed by default on home page, which should be erased standard message after installing drupala.

Default CMS Drupal (Drupal) It is supplied only in English, but it can be Russified. Let us describe the sequence of actions for Russification CMS Drupal. The example uses CMS Drupal 7.41.

1. Download Russification.

Now we need to unpack this archive into the root directory of the site public_html. The easiest way to do this is with File manager . To do this, go to Account Control Panels, go to the directory public_html your site and select from the menu File -> Upload Files. In the window that appears, click Browse and indicate the path on your computer to the archive with Russification, click . The archive has been uploaded. To unpack it, click on it right click mouse and select " Unpack archive". Path we don't change , press OK. Done, Russification files are uploaded. Now let's move on to the settings in the site's administrative panel.

2. Settings in the administrative panel.

In the administrative panel, go to the section Modules(http://site_name/admin/modules), enable the module Locale. Attention! Check that the module is enabled Content translation. If it is disabled, enable it in the same section.

Next we go to the section Configuration(http://site_name/admin/config) and at the very bottom go to the subsection Languages(http://site_name/admin/config/regional/language). Click Add language, select from the list Russian(Russian) and confirm this by clicking on Add language. It takes us back to the section Languages, where you need to switch DEFAULT on Russian and press Save configuration.

Ready, Drupal works in Russian! By the way, when installing CMS Drupal from our Account Control Panels in the section using the auto-installer, it is already installed Russified version.

Good luck! If you have any questions, please write us a ticket from Account Control Panels, chapter " ".