Russian world present and future. Cosmos speaks Russian

Members of the so-called “Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people”, banned in Russia, who were going to organize a “foot march” to the peninsula, would definitely have canceled it, even if the coronavirus pandemic had not happened, State Duma deputy Ruslan Balbek is sure... . Russian parliamentarians in the first reading approved a draft law that establishes a new day of military glory, writes Parlamentskaya Gazeta. The authors of the document propose to move the end of World War II from September 2 to the next day - September 3.... . The volunteer movement has spread to all regions of Russia. Volunteers provide assistance to elderly people at risk of contracting coronavirus and people in self-isolation. According to the chairman of the Association of Volunteer Centers Artyom Metelev, participants in the All-Russian... . The Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow is going to create a center to help those sick with coronavirus, RIA Novosti reports. It will be organized on the basis of St. Alexius Hospital. In the Synodal Department of the Moscow Patriarchate for the relationship of the Church with society and the media... . Photographs of forty-seven exhibitions of the State Tretyakov Gallery are posted for free Internet access in the “Yandex.Collections” section. For the first time, the leading museum of Russian painting presented a complete photo archive of its exhibitions, TASS reports. In the photo archive... . The Prosveshchenie publishing house has published a new book by the famous historian and politician, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, chairman of the board of the Russkiy Mir Foundation Vyacheslav Nikonov, “Unconsciousness. “Who started the Second World War,” the press service reported... .

On June 21, 2017, the International Conference “Russian World: Present and Future” was held at the State Kremlin Palace (Moscow), dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the creation of the Russian World Foundation. Its participants included prominent public and political figures from Russia and abroad, famous scientists, writers and cultural figures, teachers of Russian language and literature, diplomats, clergy and journalists - Russian compatriots representing more than 80 countries of the world.
The meeting participants discussed issues of identity and consolidation of the Russian world, preservation of the classical heritage and development of the Russian language and culture.
The conference provided an opportunity for all participants not only to hear an authoritative assessment of leading experts, but also to express their opinions in the format of an open dialogue on current issues of the Russian-speaking community abroad.

The Russkiy Mir Foundation, created in pursuance of the Decree of the President of Russia of June 21, 2007, carries out activities to popularize the Russian language and culture abroad. Over the past decade, the foundation, on the basis of partnership, has opened more than 250 Russian centers and offices in 76 countries of the world, supported about three thousand grants and partnership projects of cultural, educational and linguistic orientation. Today, the foundation’s partners are about five thousand organizations and institutions in more than one hundred countries around the world. With the support and participation of the foundation, special scholarship programs are annually implemented for students, graduate students and young scientists, modern textbooks and multimedia teaching aids on the Russian language and literature are published, major international conferences and large-scale public events are held.
On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the Russkiy Mir Foundation received many congratulations and greetings.

“Behind this anniversary date is the fruitful, truly selfless work of the foundation, aimed at promoting the Russian language and the values ​​of Russian culture abroad, expanding humanitarian cooperation,” says the congratulatory message from Russian President Vladimir Putin. V.V. Putin’s greeting was read from the stage by Magomedsalam Magomedov, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. He also recalled that the Russian world is, first of all, a spiritual community. The community of all who are united by involvement in the fate of Russia.
First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Valentina Pereverzeva conveyed greetings from the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the head of the Ministry of Education Olga Vasilyeva. The Head of the Government of the Russian Federation wished that the current conference would become an effective platform for the exchange of experience and would give a start to new projects.

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Irina Yarovaya made a bright speech and read out a greeting from the Speaker of the Russian Parliament Vyacheslav Volodin.
Yarovaya is confident that the Russkiy Mir Foundation today is fulfilling a high humanitarian mission. “Russian World brings the truth,” said the deputy. At the same time, the Russian world does not impose anything on anyone, but cherishes its traditions and values, Yarovaya believes.
On behalf of the State Duma, Leonid Slutsky, Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on International Affairs, also spoke to the participants of the anniversary conference.
According to Slutsky, the Russkiy Mir Foundation is the main structure that ensures the preservation of the Russian language as a cementing phenomenon for the community of compatriots. He set the effective work of the fund as an example to other Russian organizations.

Lyubov Glebova, head of Rossotrudnichestvo, congratulated the Russkiy Mir Foundation on its 10th anniversary, and also read out a greeting from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
In turn, the permanent representative of the Republic of Crimea to the President of the Russian Federation Georgy Muradov conveyed congratulations from the head of Crimea Sergei Aksenov.
A pleasant gift for those gathered was the address of the crew commander of Expedition 52 to the ISS, Fyodor Yurchikhin, who conveyed greetings from aboard the space station and said that the Russian language “sounds in space” and is included in the training program for all cosmonauts.

Greetings were read:

  • from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
  • from the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev
  • from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S.V. Lavrov
  • from the head of Rossotrudnichestvo L. N. Glebova
  • from the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation O. Yu. Vasilyeva
  • from the Head of the Republic of Crimea S.V. Aksenov

On June 21, 2017, an international conference was held at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow « Russian world: present and future » , dedicated to 10th anniversary creation of a fund " Russian world" Its participants included prominent public and political figures from Russia and abroad, famous scientists, writers and cultural figures, teachers of Russian language and literature, diplomats, clergy and journalists - Russian compatriots representing more than 80 countries of the world. The conference was also attended by the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus' Russian Orthodox Church (Titov).

The President of the Dnieper Moldavian Republic opened the discussion Vadim Krasnoselsky, who recalled that exactly 25 years ago a peacekeeping mission began in Pridnestrovie. On June 19, 1992, Moldova sent troops into Bendery, killing several hundred people. As Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized, it was thanks to Russia’s intervention that the fratricidal war was stopped.

We chose the Russian world and this is our right,- Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized.

And today, along with the Russian and Pridnestrovian military, Moldovan and Ukrainian observers also participate in the peacekeeping mission. As a result of their consolidated decisions, not a single serviceman has died over the years. But the lands on the banks of the Dniester today continue to be at the center of clashes between the West and the Russian world, the president of the Dnieper Moldavian Republic is sure.

Congratulating the foundation on its 10th anniversary, Member of the European Parliament Tatiana Zhdanok noted how much has been done in this short time and how important it is that the foundation has not limited itself to only preserving the Russian language, but is making efforts to collect the Russian world. And this is happening precisely at the moment when the Western world is experiencing, if not a split, then a clear transformation:

Europe is left to its own devices as never before. We can say that she was awakened from hibernation. And the announced exit of Great Britain from the European Union became such an “alarm clock”“, noted Zhdanok.

And now, unexpectedly, the European Parliament has started talking about the fact that there should be no infringement on the rights of EU citizens living in the UK. According to Tatyana Zhdanok, there is a direct analogy with the citizens of the USSR, who, after its collapse, found themselves “abroad” and deprived of their rights, as happened in the Baltic states:

Western human rights activists have long believed that Russians have no rights. And now the problem of non-citizenship may affect them themselves,” the member of the European Parliament noted.

She also touched upon the problem of Russophobia. According to her, almost every day there are certain meetings and hearings in the European Parliament, where absolutely “rabid” rhetoric against Russia is heard. The parliamentarian believes that this needs to be resisted - for example, by uniting those people who understand Russia and believe in it. For the first time, the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus' of the Russian Orthodox Old Believers Church was present and spoke at the events of the Russkiy Mir Foundation Cornelius(Titov).

He began his speech with a quote from the great commander Alexandra Suvorova:

We are Russianswhat a delight! You really feel delighted that for thousands of years we have preserved the Russian soul, the Russian faith, and the Russian language, despite all the challenges. An Old Believer, even if he is a citizen of another state, cannot help but be Russian in spirit. He called the Old Believers the best part of his tribe Alexander Solzhenitsyn. At the beginning of the twentieth century, enlightened Russian society suddenly realized with stupefaction that the best people of Russia, many merchant and industrial dynasties, many cultural, scientific and artistic figures, as it turned out, were predominantly Old Believers. And the Old Believers themselves are the salt of the Russian soil.

With the support of President Putin, we are planning a number of measures to ensure that this celebration of the Russian spirit acquires a Russian, and possibly international, scale,- the bishop emphasized.

In his speech, Metropolitan Cornelius read a poem by the poet from memory Nikolai Nekrasov about the Old Believers:

A handful of Russians were exiled
Into the terrible wilderness, for the split.
They were given freedom and land;
A year has passed unnoticed.

The commissars are going there,
Lo and behold, the village is standing there,
Rigs, sheds, barns!
The hammer is knocking in the forge...

We visited again a year later,
A new miracle has been found:
Residents collected bread
From a previously barren land...

So gradually, over half a century,
A huge planting has grown -
The will and work of man,
Wonderful wonders create!..

The audience warmly received the Metropolitan’s speech, this became a clear indication of how interesting the topic of the Old Believers was to those present.

I am very grateful that our Motherland is doing everything possible to unite us. Let us together, as half-blooded Russian people, support each other and look for ways to revive our homeland Russia,” the head of the Old Believer Church finished his speech.

Chairman of the Board of the Russkiy Mir Foundation Vyacheslav Nikonov promised that the 400th anniversary of Archpriest Avvakum could be one of the events of the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

The Russkiy Mir Foundation, created in pursuance of Decree of the President of Russia from June 21, 2007, carries out activities to popularize the Russian language and culture abroad. Over the past decade, the foundation has opened more than 250 Russian centers and offices in 76 countries of the world, order was maintained three thousand grant and partnership projects of cultural, educational and linguistic orientation. With the support and participation of the foundation, special scholarship programs for undergraduates, graduate students and young scientists are annually implemented, modern textbooks and multimedia teaching aids on the Russian language and literature are published, major international conferences and large-scale public events are held. The active partners of the Russkiy Mir Foundation are foreign Old Believers in their places of compact residence, and the most active of them is the community chaired by Theodora Silviu. The past anniversary conference of the Russian World clearly showed that further multilateral cooperation between the Russian World Foundation and the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church has development potential.

The Russkiy Mir Foundation celebrated the 10th anniversary of its formation in the State
Kremlin Palace. Moscow, June 21, 2017

On June 21, the Russkiy Mir Foundation celebrated the 10th anniversary of its formation at the State Kremlin Palace and invited compatriots from 80 countries to the international conference “Russian World: Present and Future.”

On the occasion of this significant date, President of Russia Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the compatriots of the Russian World Foundation. It was by the Decree of the Head of the Russian State on June 21, 2007 that the Foundation was created, designed to popularize the Russian language and national culture abroad. “I am confident that “Russian World” will continue to play an important, unifying role for everyone who cares about Russia, who maintains a spiritual connection with it, feels involved in its future, will continue its multifaceted activities aimed at implementing patriotic, educational, informational and educational projects, to strengthen our relations with compatriots, increase intercultural contacts,” the President of Russia noted in the greeting to the participants of the celebration. Over the past 10 years, through the efforts of the Foundation, more than 250 Russian Centers and Cabinets of Russian language and literature have been opened in 76 countries. In addition, about 3 thousand grants and partnership projects of a cultural, educational and linguistic nature were supported. In the world today, about 270 million people speak Russian. Disputes and debates around this figure still do not stop; they continued in a friendly manner during the grand opening of the conference.

Following a ten-year tradition, participants and guests of the Russkiy Mir Foundation were greeted by Vyacheslav Nikonov and Lyudmila Verbitskaya. President of the Russian Academy of Education, head of the board of trustees of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, Lyudmila Verbitskaya, called the creation of the foundation in June 2007 a “historic event.” Vyacheslav Nikonov, chairman of the board of the Russkim Mir Foundation, head of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, emphasized that “nothing has been done for the Russian World until everything has been done.” Greetings to the forum participants were sent by the Chairman of the Russian Government Dmitry Medvedev, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva, the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin, a member of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Irina Yarovaya, the head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov. A special address to the conference delegates was made from space.

Space speaks Russian!

Roscosmos cosmonaut, commander of the crew of the 52nd expedition of the International Space Station, Fyodor Yurchikhin, addressed those gathered at the State Kremlin Palace live. A man of a heroic profession, he succinctly recalled the key stages of space exploration, which began with a Russian word, Russian speech. According to Fyodor Yurchikhin, 60 years ago, on October 4, 1957, the space age of mankind began with the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. “Many glorious milestones of the first steps in the exploration of outer space were set by our compatriots - pioneers,” the cosmonaut noted. - The first man in space, the first woman astronaut, the first spacecraft flight to the Moon, the first soft landing on Venus, Mars, the first multi-seat spacecraft, the first spacewalk, the first orbital station - how many more such significant pages will be written in history cosmonautics in Russian"?!

The cosmonaut emphasized: “We are rightfully proud that the Russian language has firmly entered into space usage and has become an integral part of the linguistic environment of other peoples - “Sputnik”, “Lunokhod”, “Mir”, “Vostok”, “Soyuz” - this is far not a complete list. They speak different languages ​​in space, and Russian is one of the main space languages.” According to F. Yurchikhin, all cosmonauts and astronauts on board the ISS speak a mixture of Russian and English. “Since 1995, when Norman Thagard became the first American to fly into space on a Russian spacecraft, the Russian language has been mandatory in cosmonaut training. Cosmos speaks Russian. It’s just happiness that our efforts to study the Russian language unite people on Earth and beyond,” concluded Fyodor Yurchikhin, Russian cosmonaut, commander of the ISS Expedition 52 crew.

“Let’s preserve the meanings that unite us”

State Duma deputy, member of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Irina Yarovaya spoke about the need to preserve those greatest, “meanings that unite us, which have preserved and will preserve for centuries the Russian world and our glorious Fatherland.” She recalled that representatives of the Russkiy Mir Foundation from different countries gathered for a conference on the eve of the greatest date - the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. “It was on June 22, 1941 that fascism decided that it could encroach on the Russian world, declare war on the Russian world, and the multinational Russian people, united by the Russian language, common culture, tradition, and united Fatherland, stood up to defend not only themselves, but the whole world from fascism,” emphasized Irina Yarovaya. A deputy of the State Duma, addressing the forum participants, expressed regret at how the sacred memory that “it was the Russian world that shielded the whole world from fascism sacrificially and courageously, courageously and selflessly” is increasingly being lost.”

“Women and children, old people, men and women - all the peoples of great Russia stood up to defend not only their father’s home, but also to defend Europe, which bowed its head to fascism, which considered it possible to “get on its knees.” Perhaps this is the difference between the Russian world - that it “does not kneel.” According to Irina Yarovaya, “the biggest deficit in the world today is the deficit of truth.” “Hence the lack of justice, the lack of creative interaction,” the deputy noted. “It is the Russian world that today fulfills the greatest humanitarian mission - a security mission for all humanity, offering the truth about how today the people of any state can and should build their lives - only relying on their cultural identity and their national sovereignty.”

Irina Yarovaya stated that the Russian world “never imposes anything, but preserves what it has itself - its soul and its language, its traditions, its right to tell the world the truth and its right to defend itself and its father’s house.” Today it is protection from terrorism, from information wars, from the imposition of crafty decisions in favor of justifying what violates primordial traditional values, including family values. “Therefore, without exaggeration, we can say that the Russian world today is in the ranks of ensuring national security, in the ranks of general humanitarian human values,” Irina Yarovaya emphasized.

The forum was attended by those who consider it necessary to resolve issues of identity and consolidation of the Russian World, issues of preservation and development of the Russian language and Russian culture - the cementing foundations of the Russian World and propose solutions. Over these ten years, fresh forces, the younger generation of compatriots, have poured into the Russian world - all the more interesting was the multilateral dialogue during the plenary session and thematic discussions at the round table. They were attended by government officials at various levels, deputies of the State Duma, representatives of the Administration of the President of Russia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, heads of the largest domestic and foreign universities, public and political figures of the Russian diaspora, clergy, scientists, honored artists of the country, writers, diplomats, workers libraries, journalists. In a conversation with a columnist for International Affairs magazine Many of the forum participants shared their thoughts on different approaches to solving this or that problem, and their conclusions about the role of the Russian language in the world.

Elena Kore-eda is the founder and director of the Tokyo School of Russian Language, Literature and Arts “Lingvadar”, founder of the “Living Russian Word” festival, vice-president of the Business Council of Compatriots in Japan and head of the Gotayo Trading House.

Japan Tokyo. Elena Kore-eda is the founder and director of the Tokyo School of Russian Language, Literature and Arts “Lingvadar”, as well as the founder of the “Living Russian Word” festival, vice-president of the Business Council of Compatriots in Japan and head of the Gotayo Trading House.

“I believe that the main problem in the development and spread of the Russian language in Japan is its lack. The Russian language is now in great demand in Japan. Since both countries - Russia and Japan - are aimed at maximum rapprochement, integration, and an increase in implemented projects on both sides. Business circles, both in Japan and in Russia, today are interested in professionals who speak both languages ​​at the highest level - Russian and Japanese. Since September, we have opened a new educational course at our Educational Center, which will be called “Russian language in the business environment of Japan.” We prepare our graduates, these are children who are over 12 years old, to enter a big life. They master the Russian language that will be in professional demand in Japanese business circles. Therefore, I believe that the main problem is the correct presentation of knowledge about the language, which will give our children the opportunity to begin using it effectively immediately after completing our courses and at the moment they receive knowledge.”

Alexander Trubetskoy is co-chairman of the presidium of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, head of the Association for the Memory of the Imperial Guard, created in France in the 20s. guards officers, and is a member of the movement “For Local Orthodoxy of the Russian Tradition in Western Europe.”

France Paris. Alexander Trubetskoy is co-chairman of the presidium of the Russian World Foundation, head of the Association for the Memory of the Imperial Guard, created in France in the 20s. guards officers, and is a member of the movement “For Local Orthodoxy of the Russian Tradition in Western Europe.” “I came to this solemn event at the invitation of the Russian World, which I have supported since it existed. The Russian World Foundation for me is a continuation of the Russian idea that Solovyov, Berdyaev, Ilyin and many other Russian thinkers wrote about, who viewed Russia not as an ordinary people, but as a people - the bearer of the Russian idea, the Russian world. I will also add the words of Ivan Bunin, who himself was an emigrant of the “first wave”, analyzed the fate of the Russians who found themselves without Russia. And he said a very good phrase that “we should not consider ourselves in exile, we are in the message.” And so it turned out that we are envoys of the Russian world and the Russian idea wherever we live.

As for the attitude of the younger generation of foreign compatriots to the Russian language, one can note a tendency to study the Russian language, a desire to know it in order to communicate freely. I have many examples where young people strive to return to Russia, get married in Russia, live and work in Russia, even if one of the spouses is Russian or provided that both are foreigners, but one of the spouses is a quarter Russian blood. So, not everywhere there is Russophobia, there is sincere love for Russia.”

Alexander Chepurnoy is the president of the Russian House Association in Alicante.

Spain, Alicante. Alexander Chepurnoy is the president of the Russian House Association in Alicante. “Russian House” was organized in 2012. Our movement - Russian compatriots - began in 2004 with the organization of the Association of Emigrants from Eastern European Countries “Alicante in Russian”. Over the years, we have grown stronger, gained experience and are now carrying out large projects. In particular, I am the coordinator of a Russian-language European project, in which several countries (Germany, Finland, Spain) participate, and Spain is the coordinator. I am a member of the City Council for Emigration of the city of Alicante and I know that our compatriots are implementing serious projects. For example, a month ago we erected a monument to Yuri Gagarin in Alicante - this is a bronze bust with a pedestal at the entrance to the Polytechnic University of the Province of Alicante - a beautiful pedestrian alley leads to it. Assessing this project from a metaphysical point of view, we can say that we have established a “point of Russian power” in our city - this is very symbolic for the province of Alicante, since there has been a kind of boom among Russian citizens here for the last four years. Now we can solve strategic problems for our diaspora, because if we lobby its interests, we need numbers. And over the last four years, we have the fastest-growing diaspora; in terms of the number of people arriving for permanent residence, we are even ahead of North Africa and Latin America.”

Marina Bort is the executive director of the Society of Russian-Speaking Parents and Teachers of Berlin.

Germany, Berlin. Marina Bort is the executive director of the Society of Russian-Speaking Parents and Teachers of Berlin. “We have been participating in the activities of the Russkiy Mir Foundation for the last seven years and know the Foundation well; we have repeatedly received grants from the Foundation. Two years ago, we opened 11 Russian centers in Berlin on the basis of our organization. The efficiency of their work is very high. Our center specializes in disseminating knowledge and experience in supporting children's bilingualism. Our organization was the organizer and creator of a series of German-Russian kindergartens. We already have eleven of them, plus two international schools named after M.V. Lomonosov. As part of the Russian Center in Berlin, we help other public organizations in the diaspora organize new structures, distribute and support the opportunity to master the Russian language. At the same time, not on the basis of attending two-hour courses a week, but we offer them, within the framework of institutes and schools, starting from kindergarten, to spend their lives mastering the Russian language in parallel with the one they use in their environment. The Russkiy Mir Foundation finances the work of the Russian Center in Berlin, and all our structures are funded by the German state.”

David Gotsiridze - Director of the Institute of Russian Studies at Tbilisi State University, Member of the Presidium of MAPRYAL, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Education, President of the Georgian Academy of Education, General Secretary of the Association of Russian Studies of Georgia.

Georgia, Tbilisi. David Gotsiridze is the director of the Institute of Russian Studies at Tbilisi State University, Member of the Presidium of MAPRYAL, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Education, President of the Georgian Academy of Education, General Secretary of the Association of Russian Studies of Georgia, Doctor of Philology, Professor and represents Georgian Russian scholars at the forum in the Kremlin. " Thank God, the period when the problem of the Russian language in Georgia was acute has passed. In fact, the situation was artificially escalated under Saakashvili. The Russian language in Georgia is studied in schools, people speak it. But, as throughout the world, the imperialization of the English language is taking place. I believe that the Russian language has the greatest chance of gaining its worthy positions, since the older generation of Georgians is engaged in intensive propaganda of the Russian language, holding various events - competitions, olympiads, readings. In Georgia, we have achieved virtually the maximum in terms of the role and significance of the Russian language.”

Among the conference participants there were many Muscovites - heads of state and public institutions and organizations. Among them is Tatyana Blinova, head of the department for long-term development of the Russian State Library (RSL). " We cooperate with the Russkiy Mir Foundation; we had joint projects to open virtual reading rooms of our library in the representative offices of the Russkiy Mir Foundation,” Tatyana Blinova told International Affairs. - I hope that the project will be resumed and we will be able to provide access to the collections of the RSL library to our compatriots who are abroad and visiting the representative offices of the Russkiy Mir Foundation in their countries. Our cooperation was very successful - we worked with the CIS Interstate Cooperation Foundation and crossed paths with representatives of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, visiting countries of our mutual interest. The RSL stores a significant collection of Russian-language materials, and, of course, our compatriots will be interested in having access to the library’s electronic resources at a distance.”

Following the results of the international conference “Russian World: Identity and Consolidation”, a Resolution was adopted. In it, in particular, it is noted that all forum participants “understand the Russian world as a unique civilizational phenomenon, a spiritual community of people who, regardless of their nationality, religion and citizenship, are united by a love for Russia, an interest in its history and culture, in the Russian language , involvement in the fate of Russia, which was, is and will remain the heart of the Russian world.” The resolution also contains a number of intentions, such as “increasing support” for promoting the Russian language and literature abroad, including at the state level. “Expand the information space of the Russian World” by conveying the truth about Russia. “Pay special attention to educational programs” for children of compatriots abroad. Support the Russian-speaking youth movement. In general, this is a program for the decade ahead, and to implement it we must “do everything,” as the head of the board of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, Vyacheslav Nikonov, emphasized in his welcoming speech.

June 21, 2017 was held at the State Kremlin Palace (Moscow) International conference “Russian World: present and future”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the creation of the Russkiy Mir Foundation. Its participants included prominent public and political figures from Russia and abroad, famous scientists, writers and cultural figures, teachers of Russian language and literature, diplomats, clergy and journalists - Russian compatriots representing more than 80 countries of the world.

The meeting participants discussed issues of identity and consolidation of the Russian world, preservation of the classical heritage and development of the Russian language and culture.

The conference provided an opportunity for all participants not only to hear an authoritative assessment of leading experts, but also to express their opinions in the format of an open dialogue on current issues of the Russian-speaking community abroad.

The Russkiy Mir Foundation, created in pursuance of the Decree of the President of Russia of June 21, 2007, carries out activities to popularize the Russian language and culture abroad. Over the past decade, the foundation, on the basis of partnership, has opened more than 250 Russian centers and offices in 76 countries of the world, supported about three thousand grants and partnership projects of cultural, educational and linguistic orientation. Today, the foundation’s partners are about five thousand organizations and institutions in more than one hundred countries around the world. With the support and participation of the foundation, special scholarship programs are annually implemented for students, graduate students and young scientists, modern textbooks and multimedia teaching aids on the Russian language and literature are published, major international conferences and large-scale public events are held.

On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the Russkiy Mir Foundation received many congratulations and greetings.

“Behind this anniversary date is the fruitful, truly selfless work of the foundation, aimed at promoting the Russian language and the values ​​of Russian culture abroad, expanding humanitarian cooperation,” says the congratulatory message from Russian President Vladimir Putin. V.V. Putin’s greeting was read from the stage by the Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Magomedsalam Magomedov. He also recalled that the Russian world is, first of all, a spiritual community. The community of all who are united by involvement in the fate of Russia.

First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Valentina Pereverzeva conveyed greetings from the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the head of the Ministry of Education Olga Vasilyeva. The Head of the Government of the Russian Federation wished that the current conference would become an effective platform for the exchange of experience and would give a start to new projects.

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Irina Yarovaya gave a bright speech and read out a greeting from the Speaker of the Russian Parliament Vyacheslav Volodin.

Yarovaya is confident that the Russkiy Mir Foundation today is fulfilling a high humanitarian mission. “Russian World brings the truth,” said the deputy. At the same time, the Russian world does not impose anything on anyone, but cherishes its traditions and values, Yarovaya believes.

On behalf of the State Duma, the participants of the anniversary conference also spoke Leonid Slutsky, Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on International Affairs.

According to Slutsky, the Russkiy Mir Foundation is the main structure that ensures the preservation of the Russian language as a cementing phenomenon for the community of compatriots. He set the effective work of the fund as an example to other Russian organizations.

Congratulated the Russkiy Mir Foundation and the head of Rossotrudnichestvo on its 10th anniversary Lyubov Glebova, who also read out a greeting from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

In turn, the permanent representative of the Republic of Crimea to the President of the Russian Federation Georgy Muradov conveyed congratulations from the head of Crimea Sergei Aksenov.

A pleasant gift for those gathered was an address from the commander of the crew of Expedition 52 to the ISS Fedora Yurchikhina, who sent greetings from aboard the space station and said that the Russian language “sounds in space” and is included in the training program for all cosmonauts.

Conference program

08:30–09:55 – registration of participants

09:55–11:00 – opening ceremony of the conference

11:00–12:15 – panel discussion “Russian World: Identity and Consolidation” (moderator – Nikonov V. A.)

12:15–12:45 – break

12:45–14:00 – panel discussion “Texts of the Russian World: classics and modernity” (moderated by L. A. Verbitskaya)

14:00–15:30 – lunch break

15:30–17:00 – speeches by conference participants in the “Open Tribune” format (moderators Nikonov V. A., Verbitskaya L. A.)

17:00–18:00 – festive greetings on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Russkiy Mir Foundation. Concert.

18:00–19:00 – departure from Vasilievsky Spusk to the river pier (Taras Shevchenko embankment, Hotel “Ukraine”), boarding the ships of the Radisson Royal flotilla

19:00–21:30 – walk along the Moscow River and dinner on the boats

21:30–22:30 – departure to the Izmailovo hotel