Category for a group in contact. Designing the VKontakte community: the most detailed guide in RuNet for a group or public page

Let us remind you that all coins of all Eurozone countries are liquid means of payment in all countries, that is, in Italy you can pay with any euro coins from any other country.

This is one of the most beautiful coins minted in European countries and is quite a good gift for friends and acquaintances. And such a souvenir is very inexpensive, only 1 eur. In addition to the usual ones, on the Apennine Peninsula you can find 13 more commemorative coins in denominations of 2 eur, although the likelihood of stumbling upon them is low. You saw one of them, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights, at the beginning of this article.

All Italian metal money has its own design, and in the following table we will present you with the free choice of citizens of this country. Watch and decide for yourself whether you approve of the Italians’ choice or not.

Coins of 1, 2 and 5 cents, or as the Italians themselves call them “centimes,” are quite rare, since Italians like to round up prices. In Italian, “sento” means one hundred, hence the name. However, the word cent itself comes from the Latin “centum”.

In what form is it better to take currency to Italy?

We advise you to buy cash euros in Russia and travel to the Apennine Peninsula with them. Cash is always valuable and some retail outlets offer discounts to customers in this case, since a commission is charged for any transfer of money by credit card.

All terms of use Visa cards and Mastercard abroad, it is better to check with your bank in advance so as not to be surprised later.

Another problem that some tourists face is the blocking of cards when making international payments, since Russian banks are now suspicious of such operations. In this case, you will have to call your homeland and explain that you are in Italy and want to withdraw money from credit card, and pay for international negotiations.

Prices in Italy, what and how much it costs

Those who want to feast on small fee We wouldn't recommend going to Italy. The prices for operating expenses are quite high here. There is no “all-inclusive” here, and the room price usually only includes breakfast.

It is also worth mentioning that seaside resorts charge a fee for the use of sun loungers and umbrellas. You will have to pay 5 euros per day for a sunbed, and an umbrella will cost another 10 units of European currency. Tourists, accustomed in Turkey and Egypt to the fact that all this is given out for free, are often shocked by this.

Unpleasant moments, or what else they can charge you for

The first warning concerns shoppers. In 2005, a very strict law was passed to combat the spread of counterfeits. famous brands. If you purchase a counterfeit, you may well be arrested and fined, which can reach 10,000 euros.

Conclusions: always ask the seller for a receipt and keep it until the end of the trip. If you buy a counterfeit, the check automatically transfers you from the status of a violator to the status of a victim.

Next in a legal way Taking money from tourists is the “tourist tax”. It must be paid upon departure from the hotel; it will appear as a separate line on the invoice. Typically, it is 5 euros per night, but can be higher depending on which city you are staying in.

During the excursions, you will be offered many additional services, for example, in order to hear the guide well, you will be recommended to rent headphones, and the guides themselves try to speak more quietly so that the service is more in demand. Particularly relevant additional services in Venice.

Some cafes and restaurants include a service charge in the bill, usually 10%, which takes up a separate line on the bill. Information about additional services the restaurant likes to publish only in Italian, without even bothering to translate it into English. Be careful, there will be many contenders for your currency in your pocket in Italy.

Read our other informative articles about Italy ( links below).

Now, I will talk about how to make a VKontakte group interesting for people.

It's special important point in the development of the group. An interesting, holistic group will be more attractive to new visitors, and visitors will be much more willing to be added to the group’s subscribers, read the content you offer, like it, and share your content with friends.

People will be grateful for what you created. interesting group and will express their recognition in the form of: likes, shares, comments.

If the group is truly Cool, then 8 out of 10 visitors will naturally transform into subscribers, and if the group is boring and lifeless, then the probability of natural growth will drop to “0”.

By making the VKontakte group interesting for people, you will discover additional source increase in subscribers to your group.

But how to make a VKontakte group interesting?

1. Choose an interesting topic for the group

Choose a topic that will be interesting to people and that is popular on this moment or if the popularity of this topic is rapidly growing.

Also, an important role when choosing a topic for a group is played by Competition.

If there is huge competition for the topic you have chosen for your group, among other groups, if these groups have millions of subscribers, great content and high popularity. It will be extremely difficult for a young group to compete with such giants.

Therefore, choose a topic that high level popularity among people and low level of competition among groups.

As for the rapid popularity...

For example, if you organize a VKontakte group in advance for some series that has not yet been released, but which will become incredibly popular in the future. At the very beginning there will be no competition and you will have the opportunity to be the first in new topic. Next, you find a source of cool material for this series and always post fresh episodes. At the very beginning, when people look for a group on VK about this series, they will find your group and add to it, because you were able to predict what people would love in the future. In this case, you will open a huge source of new visitors for your group.

2. Create useful and high-quality content

Let your content inspire, develop, and give positive emotions.

Post every day about your group's topic.

The best option is 1 – 10 posts per day.

The more interesting the posts are, the better.

When creating posts, it is very important to determine their style. Will they be Entertaining, Educational or Informative.

Also determine what type of content you will submit these posts in:

  • Infographics
  • Video
  • Books
  • Articles
  • Funny pictures
  • Something other.

Thus, if you decide to post mainly educational content in your group, then your posts will consist of: articles, educational videos, infographics, books and everything like that.

3. Create a warehouse with the most useful information

For example, you have 10 wonderful books on the topic of your group. Then in the “Photo Albums” section you can create a “Book Warehouse”. By building a strong collection of books, your group will become an especially valuable place for people looking for similar material.

Then the group will be of particular value to users.

Imagine if you have in your warehouse Best collection of books on any topic, this will significantly highlight your group, it will become more complete and valuable.

Also, you can create any warehouses you can think of:

Best books

Best infographic

Movies on the topic


Training video

The next thing is what will make the VKontakte group even more interesting.

4. Create a Design and full Description for the group

Come up with an interesting avatar for the group and make a full description of what your group offers to people.

As a result, if you publish Cool posts, fill the group with useful “Warehouses” and make an excellent Avatar Design along with full description to the group. The group, in this case, will look alive and full. She will have her own special style, which will naturally attract new subscribers.

Now you know how to make a VKontakte group interesting.

I wish you a great mood.

VKontakte groups have long become more than just places for communication and dust collectors for the thoughts of the creators. They sell, and how! In improvised VK online stores you can keep track of company news, promotions and discounts. But feeding the client only information marked “SALE” is bad form: they will unsubscribe. How to diversify the VKontakte group using contact marketing? We have made a selection of ideas that will help generate keen interest in the group and the product.

1. Useful tips

Of course, related to your products. In a group that sells flowers, you shouldn’t talk about the rules for choosing plumbing fixtures. But a couple of phrases about how the bouquet will live longer if you cut the stems diagonally before putting it in water will catch “likes” and make the user feel: “Yes, they care about me.”

2. Interesting facts

People love to receive interesting information: they caught a new fact and put it in a box of erudition - nice! Therefore, do not miss the opportunity in a group dedicated to clothing to tell that jeans were created by a poor man and the son of a tailor, Levi Strauss - he sewed them from canvas and began selling them to gold miners. It’s interesting and will give you something to show off to your friends.

3. Instructions for use

People are lazy and not everyone wants to come up with something on their own. Why don't you give him entire collections of instructions on how to use your product in interesting ways? In clothing groups you can create complete looks from items and accessories. Or give your clients a master class on floristry or repurposing old shoes into a designer hand-made trend. Or - instructions for installing a washing machine.

4. Inspirational phrases and thoughts

Noticed: a short remark that “You only have to trust your heart, your mother and the music” can cause a stir among 15-year-old dreamers. Anyway, motivation is God modern society. Therefore, do not neglect the opportunity to inspire clients. Even if you sell microwaves.

5. Quotes from the greats about your product

Do you remember Oscar Wilde saying something about armchairs? But he spoke about comfort: “Comfort is the only thing that civilization can give us.” Well, who can argue that it’s not about upholstered furniture?

6. Holidays

Every day is a holiday! International Thank You Day, Parrot Day, or even World Left-Handed Day. Congratulate your customers every day and give them a smile or the opportunity to congratulate a neighbor - joy will be associated with you, and the group will become an informant about holidays. Friday, by the way, is also a small holiday.

7. Polls

On abstract topics - “How are you going to spend the weekend” or on the most thematic ones - “What material of shoes do you prefer?” People are interested to see what else their fellow tribesmen think. Well, it’s a dirty trick to click on the “View answers” ​​option. By the way, in the case of the last survey, you will also receive information about activity in the group and the balance of opinions that prevail among users.

8. Videos – humor, films, tips

Actually, don't neglect visual effects. Users can be entertained with KVN selections, funny videos, the same video instructions, which, by the way, you can film yourself - the more expensive the recording. You can also recommend films. Just like that - on topic and without: clients are people too and love movies.

9. Music

Yes, you can post it too. Goes especially well with beautiful pictures. Imagine - a photograph of a refrigerator, and under it a song - “And you are as cold as an iceberg in the ocean...” Or simply - wishing customers good morning - and cheerful dubstep :)

10. News and events

Information about fashion shows is in the group dedicated to clothing. Or about upcoming IT conferences - in a group dedicated to software sales. Inform people about what's happening in your city if location matters to sales.

11. Real activities

That is, your body movements in the real world. Talk about your team - in a non-boring way, with humor - help people get to know you. Take photos of the happy owners of your product and do a short interview - a couple of lines for a VK wall will be just right! Organize promotions and also talk about them in the group.

I think that I will not reveal any secrets in this article and everyone who has even a little experience with creating something commercial should know all this or, at least, guess about these things, since they are logical and understandable.
I’ll say right away that the largest public that I have is a public with a little more than 300 thousand subscribers, it’s up to you to decide whether my advice is worth your attention or not.
An article for those who want to create public pages and VKontakte groups.

Interesting or unique idea
Coming up with a unique idea for a public page is, on the one hand, difficult, since there are a lot of public pages on a bunch of topics, but on the other hand, it’s easy, since most public pages and groups simply copy ideas. Since you will continue to live with this community and invest energy and money in it, it is better to approach the issue in detail. You can choose something that you are good at.
There is no point in creating another public page with vanilla quotes or a group with aphorisms. Don't waste your time.

Unique content and content
99.99% of all VKontakte communities, in my opinion, simply copy content from each other or from Internet sites, which reduces the value of such communities to a minimum. The better and more unique your content, the easier it will be for you to promote your group or public.
And to do this, you either have to understand the topic yourself, or be able to do something and talk about it, or you have to pay for it.
Moreover, if you have unique content, promotion will be quite simple if the content is interesting to people.

Investments and money
Without this, most likely, you can’t go anywhere, if you create a public page only on your own, creating content yourself, then maybe you won’t need money, except for promotion. But in this case, you don’t have to spend it at all. Just promotion and promotion will happen naturally.
If you are not endowed with special talents or skills or knowledge, then you will have to spend money on:
- content
- for promotion

These will be the two main expense items that you will have to fork out for. It’s difficult to say about the required budget, because you can start with empty pockets, or you can start with a couple of tens of thousands of evergreens.
But I would recommend having at least 3-5 thousand conventional units in reserve.

You will have to work one way or another, and the only difference is that if there is more money, then you will have to work less, and if there is less money, then you will have to work more. Count on at least 2-3 hours a day. You can do more if you want faster and more powerful results.

The advantages of social networks, including VKontakte, are enough quick effect from your actions, compared to ordinary sites and Internet projects. However, now is not exactly the stage of development of the industry, in my opinion. humble opinion so that everything happens as quickly as a year ago. This means that you need to prepare for at least 6-12 months, until any tangible results are achieved.

Bottom line
I have listed the main points that are important to pay attention to if you want to create public pages or VKontakte groups and then make money from them. If everything matches in them and everyone is given decent attention, then I think that you will be able to create a popular community, which may well reach a million members, although, as I said, I don’t have such a community yet, and the maximum is about 300k.
On the other hand, at the moment, I myself am not sure that creating communities on social networks is rational, since with the same approach, it is quite possible to create websites and Internet projects that are more promising.

Interesting and relevant ideas for creating a group in VK.

In fact, it is easier to talk about topics that are less in demand in social network In contact with. Of course, these are primarily shops. There are so many of them that sometimes it seems as if every fifth VK user has a similar group. Friends are always added with hairstyles, shoes, clothes or things self made. Such VK shops do not inspire much trust; it is difficult to fill a group, much less monetize it.

The second annoying contingent is photographers. Almost everyone who bought themselves a more or less normal camera considers themselves professional photographers and shouts about it all over the social network.

The third topic is jokes. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with laughing and this is fair. But, as practice shows, all such communities steal records from more or less popular communities, and, in the end, everything is the same for everyone, only arranged in a different order. It is very difficult to promote such groups from scratch.

As for other ideas, it all depends on your imagination. The main thing is how you will " care» behind your group and maintain the interest of subscribers. But first, they need to be attracted.

Let's talk about one thing the original way promoting a new group through posts, indicating the person’s name.

How to promote a community through pictures and posts on other people's accounts?

Fill your group active subscribers, and you can flatter them a little in the following way. It doesn’t matter whether the person is a photographer or a fisherman, the main thing is that his hobbies coincide with the theme of your group.

Where you look for it depends specifically on you. You can delve into the search, in communities, in your friends - it doesn’t matter. As soon as you have found a suitable candidate (for example, the person loves funny jokes and your group is just about this), go to her wall, album, video or saved photos. Find one or two worth recording and copy their link to your group, not forgetting to indicate i d by the author.

In fact, you can insert any records this way: text, videos, pictures. To do this you need to take a few simple steps:

For text:

  1. Copy the user's quote and paste it into your message.
  2. Author *id(number)».
    The user's news feed will display something like the following information: “Such and such a user or group posted such and such a post with your name.”
  1. We copy the link with the picture from the user’s page.
  2. At the very beginning, insert the text “ Author * id(number)».

This scheme works even with posts that were posted by the user on someone else’s behalf (i.e. they reposted).

Of course, you can try to automate the process of adding pictures and videos by specifying, for example, several pages from which you need to periodically take entries. But there is little point in this, and there is a lot of work. All the same, user participation is necessary to select posts that are relevant in meaning, otherwise the program will simply repost everything.