Parental control in contact. Antivirus control


Open "Control Panel" and select "Add or remove accounts", enter a name, select " Regular access" and click the "Create account».

Open the created user account and select "Set parent" control", then select the created user account again. The settings window will open.

To limit the user by time, click on the “Off” item. opposite the line “Time limits”. In the window that opens, set the time intervals during which this user will be prohibited from logging into the system and click OK.

You can restrict access to games by limiting them by category. Click "Off" opposite the line “Game Categories”. In the window that opens, enter necessary settings by access restrictions and click OK.

You can restrict access to certain programs (not just games) by clicking “Off.” opposite the line “Restriction on launching programs”. A list of all programs installed on the computer will open. Select the ones you want to deny access to and click OK.

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Parental control needed to regulate children's computer use. For example: You can set time periods during which children can use the computer. You can also set permission for which games to enable parental controls. 1. You need to open the “Parental Controls” section. To do this, click the “Start” menu -> “Control Panel” -> “Parental Controls”. 2. Now, select the user for whom you want to set parental controls.

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Windows 7 RAM test. How to change folder where to Windows installs default programs. How to adjust screen brightness in Ubuntu. How to download music from Contact. Home » Windows » How to install parental controls in Windows 7. Darel, please help!!! I used to constantly get an error when entering the parental control menu, but once I turned off parental control and after a while I wanted to install it again, but it’s no longer installed, it gives an error and immediately crashes, even I don’t have parental controls...

Hello dear friends! In this short article I want to tell you how to install parental controls for android, be it a phone or a tablet. I won’t write too much unnecessary stuff, let’s get straight to the point.)) And so download the program Parental Control With Google Play according to this Link, the program is free, of course there is a paid part, but the free one is enough for us. I would like to note right away that I looked at many similar programs for parental control on the phone, but I settled on Parental Control. It is free, quite easy to use, convenient and simple interface, minimum settings.

After installation, open the program and in the window that appears you will need to set a PIN code that only you will know. This is necessary to access all applications and settings of your phone or tablet, so that you can change settings and allow access to applications and Internet access.

In this window, enter your email; if you suddenly forget your PIN code, it will be sent to you by email.

This window contains all the settings of the Parental Control program. As you can see, everything is quite simple and clear, with a minimum of settings. I didn’t go deeper and study the tabs with the “Tracking” and “Management” settings, I just don’t need it, those functions are quite enough to control a child using a phone or tablet.

Open the "Statistics" item - This item will show all applications and actions where your child went and what applications he tried to open.)))

The next item is “Settings” - This item contains only three settings items.

  1. Prohibit deletion - The application cannot be deleted while this option is enabled, enable this option.
  2. Stop protection - Do not change anything in this setting.
  3. Change PIN code - It’s clear here, in this setting you can change the PIN code.

There are two more items in the main program window.
1. General category- You can simply add all applications to access in one general category.

2. New category- You can create a category with any name and place certain applications into it for access. To write a new category name, click on the pencil in top corner next to the cart and enter a new name. Next, click on the "Add application" tab, a window will open with all installed applications on your phone or tablet, check the boxes for the apps you want to share access to.

3. The next tab “Restrictions” - Everything is simple here, you can set the time and on what days access to permitted applications and games, as well as access to the Internet, will be allowed.

And so, as you can see, working with the parental control program on an Android phone is quite simple. After installing the program, all applications, games, Internet access, SMS, contacts, etc. will be blocked and a window will constantly appear where you will need to enter a PIN code. Select on your phone, for example, the “Contacts” group, enter the PIN code and click on “Add” to the category. If you did not create a category, then simply select “General category”, thereby allowing access to the “Contacts” group. Add all those groups using the same scheme that you want to open access to for your child.

That's all friends, as you noticed, creating parental controls on an Android phone or tablet is quite simple. If you liked the article, share it on social networks, write reviews in the comments, ask questions on the “Questions/Answers” ​​page and in the comments. Good luck to everyone and see you again!!!

The article discusses ways to organize parental control over PC operation using standard Windows functions And additional programs. The main condition for all the considered methods of limiting computer work is complete freeness!

The total penetration of computers and the Internet into every home began around the mid-2000s. And with it came a number of problems that needed to be solved. There were especially many of them among users with children...

Modern children, seeing their parents constantly sitting at a PC or tablet, begin to show interest in computer technology, almost before they start talking! Not giving a child what he wants is tantamount to a disaster with crying and accompanying hysterics :) Therefore, it is better not to prohibit children from “communicating” with the computer, but limiting this “communication” to a level that is safe for children and the PC itself.

Based on numerous requests from our readers and as answers to frequently asked questions regarding the “child and computer” problem, I bring to your attention an article about free organization parental control on your own!

Creating user accounts

The less on the computer third party software- all the better. This is an indisputable fact. Therefore, before installing anything, try to find out whether it will be sufficient for your purposes and regular funds Your operating system.

To better imagine what we need from parental control, let’s highlight its main tasks:

  1. Schedule of allowed time intervals for computer operation.
  2. Manage launch and installation permissions various programs or games.
  3. Control over visits to Internet resources.

As we see, ideally, we should ultimately create something like a partially isolated environment in which a child could work, but in such a way as not to harm either the system or his psyche. For this, the user account mechanism, which is embedded in any, even the oldest of today, is ideally suited for this purpose. popular Windows- XP.

Creating an account for your child is quite simple. You need to go to the Control Panel (via the Start menu or the Computer icon in Windows 8) and find the “User Accounts” section there. In the window that opens, we will need to activate the guest account (if it is disabled) and set the parameters for logging into it.

The only thing that can cause minor difficulties is creating a new profile in Windows 8. Here we will need to click on the link “Change an account in the Computer Settings window” and create a new user (the “Child” profile, which does not require entering Email) already in the Metro interface:

After creating a new account, your child will be able to log into the system using his own password (the password can be disabled later) and work with his own set of programs installed only for him. However, nothing will prevent him from going to Drive C and directly launching everything he wants from the Program Files folders and the like... Therefore, the account requires further configuration.

Blocking access to programs and important files

Special and easy-to-use tools for parental control (we will discuss them below) were introduced only in Windows 7. Before that, Windows Vista the module was also implemented, but it worked very poorly, and in Windows XP (and before) it did not exist at all! However, some things could be configured there too.

For example, restrictions on the launch of certain programs and files could (and still can) be in the subsection " Local politics Security", which is located in the "Administration" section of the Control Panel:

In the window that opens, on the left side we need to expand the “Policies” section limited use applications" and select the "Additional rules" subsection. Next, in the right part of the window, call right click mice context menu and click "Create path rule". The rule editing window will open, in which you can specify the path to the application or document that you want to block, and then select the access level for it (unrestricted, with standard rights, or denied).

We apply the changes and now, when you try to access a blocked file, the system will issue a notification that the resource is blocked. Similarly, you can create rules for specific areas of the Internet or specific files by their hash (this is already in the area of ​​advanced settings and is optional).

Blocking access to sites

So, we figured out the blocking of programs. Now let's try to solve something with Internet access. There are much more opportunities here. In addition to the above-mentioned method of restricting Internet zones through managing restriction policies, one of the most convenient ways I think there is a way to block access to a site using the HOSTS file:

Located this file on your system disk(usually Drive C) in the Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder and does not have any extensions other than the name “hosts”. If the file of the same name with EXE extension or TXT is present, it means that it is the result of the activity of some virus and it must be destroyed immediately!

Open the HOSTS file using standard Notepad(Open with - Select program... - Notepad). By default, it contains a small comment header and only one entry: localhost (everything below, if any, should be deleted if you did not make the edits yourself). The first number is the IP address of the desired resource, and the word separated by a space (or better yet, a tab) is the name by which this address will be available in the browser.

Here, for clarity, we will have to make a small digression. The fact is that we are used to visiting sites, writing down their names.. By entering this entire word into the search or address bar browser, we will be taken to the desired web resource. However, in reality everything is somewhat more complicated...

On the Internet, all websites can be visited directly by entering their unique IP address, which consists of a series of four three-digit numbers separated by periods. However, such combinations are difficult to remember, so in order to a common person could gain access to the necessary web resources in a form that was understandable to him; special DNS servers were invented (abbreviated from the English “Domain Name System” - “domain name system”). They store in their databases the correspondence between the site’s IP address and its name, due to which they allow the user not to memorize real addresses, but to use so-called aliases of web pages.

So, returning to our hosts file, I will say that it implements the DNS functionality on each individual computer. At the same time, it has priority over the external DNS server, therefore, if you register your redirection in it, it will work before accessing the web. Therefore, we will use this useful property of the HOSTS file and add a simple line like: That's it - goodbye Kontaktik :) We redirected it to the local host and now our child, whenever he tries to log into VKontakte at the specified address, will see an empty one White screen! We do the same with any sites that we want to close.

However, you will say, this method is quite troublesome. What if a child wants to watch something on the Internet that is not intended for children under 16? What now to look for and add to the list of addresses of all porn sites?!! You shouldn’t do this :) Such lists have long been created for us, and we just need to connect them.

This method is also based on the way DNS servers work and consists in using an alternative DNS by default instead of the one provided by the provider. In our latitudes, I would recommend using DNS services from Yandex, specifying its "Family" mode as the default server. To do this, go to the Control Panel in the "Network Connections" section (or "Network and Sharing Center" shared access" - "Changing adapter settings" in new versions of Windows), we will find our network card, which receives the Internet signal, and call its Properties:

In Properties, go to the very bottom of the list and double-click on the line “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCI/IPv4)”. The properties window will open network connection, in which we need to activate the option “Use the following DNS server addresses”. After this, we can set the primary and alternate DNS in the appropriate fields. For main enter , and the additional one is . Now, when your child tries to access a bad resource, he will be given something like this page in any browser:

Using the Task Scheduler

The final touch to the “portrait” of the implementation of universal parental controls (more precisely, restrictions) will be an example of using the standard Task Scheduler to schedule a computer shutdown at a given time.

You can enter the Scheduler, as well as other sections of the settings, through the Control Panel - "Administration". Open the Task Scheduler and click the “Create task” button. A window will open with general settings new task:

Here we need to set a custom name for our task, and also indicate for which account it will be applied. To implement the latter, you need to click the “Change” button to the right of the field where account information is displayed and in the window that opens, enter the name of the account that we need.

The second step is to specify a schedule. To do this, go to the “Triggers” tab and click the “Create” button:

Here we need to indicate that the task must be performed “Daily”, and then set the exact time when the task will be triggered. The remaining parameters can be left untouched. All that remains is to click “Ok” and go to the “Actions” tab:

Create a new action of the “Run a program” type and in the “Program or script” field write the console command to shut down the computer - shutdown. Below there is a field for entering command parameters (“Add arguments”). Here we will enter a mandatory flag for complete shutdown(-s) and, if desired, additional keys separated by a space, such as a timer in seconds until the PC turns off (for example, 30 seconds: -t 30) or a comment that will be displayed on the screen (-c "ATTENTION!!! Computer will shutdown in 30 seconds!!!"). Now we save our task and at the appointed time it will definitely turn off the computer, no matter how eager your child is to watch another cartoon or complete the level of the next game :)

In principle, with the help of the Task Scheduler you can create many “miracles”. It all depends on your ingenuity :)

Standard parental controls

As we can see, it is possible to implement good protection of a child from the influence of a computer and a computer from the machinations of a child using almost any Windows versions. However, the above methods require parents to understand some of the nuances of the settings and some technical knowledge. If you don’t have an old XP or Vista, then it will be easier and faster for you to organize everything using the standard parental control module.

Since I don’t have the “Seven” at hand, I propose to consider the operation of the module on Windows example 8.1 (especially since this module has undergone major changes in the G8).

First of all, we must create a child account (as described above). Now in the Metro interface we need to go to the “Accounts” - “Other Accounts” section and there select the account we need, over which we want to gain control, and then click the “Manage Family Safety settings online” link:

Clicking on the link will redirect us in the browser to the Microsoft website, where we will need to log into our account. After this, we will see a list of accounts with the “Child” type. Select the one you need by clicking on it and go to the next screen:

I don't think it's possible to get confused here. All items are conveniently sorted and provided with brief explanations for greater clarity. By default we have the following settings:

  1. Web filter. All sites are allowed except adult sites. Enabled.
  2. Time limit. Turned off.
  3. Application restrictions. It is forbidden to delete everything installed programs. Turned off.
  4. Game restrictions. Turned off.

If desired, you can change each group of settings according to your requirements simply by setting your parameters. For example, you can completely prohibit downloading files from the Internet, set a time limit for working on a PC or specific hours when the user will not be able to turn it on, and also prohibit running all games.

To monitor your child’s work on the PC, there are two sections: “Action Report” and “Requests”. The first one displays in the form of an event calendar what programs and sites your child visits, and the second one displays a list of requests for sites prohibited by the web filter, which can be unblocked manually if desired.

The advantage of the cloud-based implementation of parental control is that you can receive information about your child’s activities at any time and anywhere there is Internet access. However, not everyone may find it convenient to constantly visit the site... Therefore, Windows 8 also provides a not entirely explicit way to manage Family Safety locally. To activate it, go to the Control Panel and select “Family Safety”. In the window that opens, you need to click the “More details” button under all the text and there activate the link “Remove your computer from the Family Safety website”:

A list of accounts on our PC will open in front of us. Click on the one you need and get into local panel Family Safety management:

This window is similar to the Family Safety management window in Windows 7 and contains, in principle, all the same settings as the web version of parental controls, which we discussed above. The hierarchy of parameters is a little more confusing than in the web interface, but I think it won’t be too difficult for you to figure out what to look for and where.

By the way, if you decide to use online settings again, you can return to them at any time. The only limitation is that when you switch again you will have to reconfigure the security settings...

Free parental control software

It's sad, but completely free comprehensive programs neither we nor the West have any for parental control... However, there are separate utilities that allow you to implement one or another direction, similar to the standard Windows Family Safety.

While working at school, at one time I searched for quite a long time similar programs and now almost all of these studies can be found on our website. For example, to block launch certain programs and opening unwanted sites, you can successfully use the Writer utility:

This program allows you to keep a log of the opening and closing of any windows in Windows while saving their titles. Using the same headers, you can block windows from launching, thus preventing you from launching an unwanted game or opening a site that you consider harmful to your child.

For children, a mini-program called Terminator is also a mega-effective solution for discouraging the desire to play a game you hate. This program does not even have an interface, but it allows you to create significant inconvenience for those who launch one of the applications or games that are included in the INI configuration file. While the program is running, the mouse will behave unpredictably, the keyboard will periodically “press” arbitrary keys, and distortions in the color and shape of objects may appear on the screen. In short, that's it :) If your computer is broken, you need to take it in for repairs;)

To block Internet sites and all kinds of unwanted content, you can install the program NetPolice Lite:

This program is a stripped down version paid system NetPolice traffic control. However, its basic functionality is quite sufficient for everyday use. NetPolice Lite fully filters content unsafe for children and can simultaneously be used to block up to 5 inappropriate sites for one user account (in paid version there are no restrictions on the number of blocked resources and the number of accounts).

Similar, but completely free (by at least, on this moment) is a program called Internet Censor. The program is not yet covered on the pages of our website, however, it is in the list for description. With its help, you can organize Internet access for children based on the “white list” principle. That is, the child will be able to visit only sites allowed in the program - all others are blocked! At the same time, the Internet Censor himself also password protected and you can disable the protection only if you know it.


In Windows (especially in modern versions) there are many hidden useful tools, which make it possible to implement various tasks without the use of third-party software. For example, starting with Windows 7, the system has a BitLocker component, which allows you to create an encrypted partition on your hard drive that is as burglar-resistant as paid programs encryption. Or the AppLocker module in professional versions, which makes it possible to flexibly and conveniently manage rights to run certain programs for different users. And the same "Family Safety" ...

Microsoft is slowly but surely moving towards increasing the number of useful standard features of its OS, which will be in demand not only by various system administrators, but also ordinary users. Therefore, if you have Windows 7 or 8, then you can solve almost any problem regarding parental controls and limiting the rights of different accounts using standard tools, built into the system.

For everyone else, I recommend producing more fine settings your Windows and arm yourself additional utilities. Correct selection third-party tools will allow you to implement parental controls just as well as in new OSs (and maybe even better).

I wish you all success! Let the computer bring only benefits to your child :)

P.S. Permission granted to freely copy and quote. this article provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

All parents are responsible for their children. Protecting your child from scratches and abrasions is one thing, but preventing the harmful effects of the dangers and temptations that the Internet poses is quite another. Mocking and humiliating messages, adult chat rooms and pornographic sites, just useless “hanging out” on the Internet - all this is causing increasing concern among modern parents.

It's easy to impose restrictions on the use of a home computer, but if you bought your child a smartphone, then everything becomes more complicated. Of course, this is an interesting and necessary thing, but in order for the device to be safe, it is necessary to monitor for what purposes the child uses it. The Internet provides access to a huge amount of new information and direct communication, but children cannot always separate the useful from the harmful.

Children are reluctant to talk about with whom and what they communicate, how long they spend on the Internet and on what sites, but caring parents understand that this ostentatious independence and independence can have unpleasant consequences.

Ours displays all the information from the child’s smartphone to the computer or mobile device parents.

Because Talking on the phone is now used less and less by children, we recommend monitoring children’s lives in the following areas:

Facebook and VK control

A program for monitoring a child’s phone sees all viewed pictures and photographs, personal and public messages on Facebook or VKontakte. All this data is accompanied by the date and exact time sending and receiving (example). Pro-X app saves all information, so deleting messages will not hide unpleasant facts from you.

Skype recording

Skype has long been replaced for many telephone communication thanks to its ease of use and freeness. Parental controls on mobile phone records all calls and messages made and written through this messenger. New contacts that your child adds will not be hidden from you either.

Whatsapp interception

WhatsApp - another one constantly active application, through which children exchange messages, images and videos. Of course, their content may also contain danger, so our application allows you to control WhatsApp correspondence. A child can delete data from a smartphone, but it will remain on your device.

SMS tracking

Of course, we must not forget about the usual SMS messages: they can also contain suspicious messages. The program saves their contents on your computer or smartphone so you can take action if you find something potentially dangerous.

GPS Parental Control

Teenagers often check-in themselves in public places, but Pro-X monitors their movements outside public spaces. If a child told you that he went to visit a friend, but shows that he deviated from the route, this is a serious reason to worry and respond to such a trick in a timely manner.

Web history tracking

All browsers store information about which sites the user has visited. Monitoring a child’s smartphone allows you to monitor Internet activity at an advanced level: it also shows when the child visited a particular site, which links he followed and what content he viewed.

Sharing media files

Modern smartphones allow you to send images and videos even without the Internet. The parental control utility monitors these transactions in the same way as SMS: you will know the date and time of sending, as well as the recipients.

Parental control on the phone - modern solution in the Internet era.

What does your child do on the Internet? If you are concerned about this issue, know that you are not alone. According to a survey, more than half of children hide their online activities from their parents.

Approximately every third child remains silent about what they do on the Internet. At the same time, 73% of children feel unprotected and want to talk more about cyber threats with their elders. Especially for caring parents, Rostelecom offers a solution that can protect their child on the Internet.

Rostelecom's service - Parental control "Kaspersky Safe Kids" - will protect your child from negative influence Internet, limit or prohibit access to dangerous content, organize control over the time of use of devices. The service works on a laptop, home computer or smartphone.

For example, if you install the application on your smartphone, you will always be aware of who and how your child communicates, no matter where you are. Be aware of changes in the list of VKontakte friends, about suspicious groups in which your child is a member, receive notifications about your child’s calls and SMS.

Rostelecom's parental control can track the location of your child and send prompt notifications about his activity. Set the perimeter on the map within which he should be within certain period time, and if the child leaves the safe perimeter, receive an instant notification.

Only for users of Internet services of the Rostelecom company, when you sign up for an annual subscription, two months as a gift free use. Monthly subscription - 99 RUR/month. The first month after activation is free, then automatic paid renewal. More details at