Receiver gs 8306 software update. Free Tricolor TV firmware for viewing

Signal quality deterioration, incorrect setting Tricolor TV channels may indicate that the version software receiver is outdated. To eliminate control errors, get rid of operational problems and even expand the range of capabilities of the Tricolor TV GS-8306 receiver, you need to update the software. You can cope with this task without contacting a specialist; it will take about a third of an hour, a little knowledge of how to flash the equipment you have at home, and its subsequent configuration.

Preparing for a software update

Before flashing the receiver, you need to make sure that the device reliably receives the signal. Due to the fact that the software will be installed directly via satellite, any technical failure could be fatal for the receiver. For the same reason it is necessary to ensure uninterruptible power supply , otherwise it may not turn on the next time you start it.

If you are outside the city in windy weather, a thunderstorm, or during a given period of time there are periodic outages electricity, it is better not to risk it and postpone the procedure for a while.

How to reflash the receiver yourself

The firmware will take you about 20 minutes, but at this time you should not neglect the instructions and turn off the receiver or TV. The sequence of actions is as follows:

If you have doubts about your own abilities, as well as fears that the set-top box may no longer turn on due to an interruption in the data loading process, it is better to contact a service center.

The company’s specialists can not only reflash the receiver, but also produce equipment diagnostics. In this case, it is worth finding out in advance about the cost of the services provided and the timing of their implementation.

What will the new firmware version change?

The processes of information exchange and improvement of communication channels do not stand still. In order to improve picture quality and sound quality, developers are working tirelessly to create a new software environment. Although the devices in users' homes will remain old, timely update software is capable expand functionality and make the interface of the satellite set-top box simpler and more convenient.

Do not forget that the release is planned for 2017 new version Software for model GS-8306 Tricolor TV. This means you can’t miss the opportunity to have it in your home or dacha. satellite television improved quality.

Opportunities will open up for you:

  • sorting films by alphabet, genre and show time;
  • reading descriptions of films and TV series that interest you;
  • setting a timer to turn on selected viewing sessions.

Summing up

Now you know exactly how to update the software of your Tricolor GS-8006 receiver . Detailed instructions will certainly help you maintain correct operation equipment throughout its entire service life and do not waste money on specialist assistance. In addition, it becomes possible, without changing the device, to expand the functionality of the set-top box and change the interface, which with each new version becomes more intuitive, understandable and attractive.

  • ... 5-gs-8306/ photo of the GS-8306 motherboard. The required chip is circled in red. The 200-470uF x 16V capacitor is soldered “plus” to the 2nd leg, “minus” to the 10th - marked with dots in the photo. Before soldering, the capacitor must be discharged.

The numbering of microcircuit pins is always carried out counterclockwise starting from the key, this applies to both domestic and imported

  • Solder a 0.1 μF ceramic capacitor to the power supply contacts of the microcircuit (legs 2 and 10). It is also advisable to duplicate the electrolytes of each voltage converter and the input power with ceramics. PS: On the underwater forum of the same name (submarine), the idea with a capacitor was criticized...
  • Solder the wire from the minus of the microcircuit (10 leg) to the body. The screws securing the board to the case do not provide grounding for the board. Grounding to the body is provided by the nuts of the tuner connectors. Effect from this method no - verified!!!

Below are examples of resistance between the conductors in question.

The resistance between the 2nd leg “plus” of the microcircuit and the 10th leg “minus” of the microcircuit is 362 Ohm

Resistance between "plus"(2 leg chips)and tuner body

The resistance between the negative (10th leg of the microcircuit) and the tuner body is 9 Ohms

The resistance between the ground of the HDMI connector and the Tuner body is 9 Ohms (identical between the 10th leg “minus” of the microcircuit and the tuner body)

2. Problem with sound loss

  • Replacing the HDMI cable with a better one
  • Purchase anti-interference ferrite rings for the HDMI cable cm. . You can find it in radio stores or buy another HDMI cable with rings. In theory, the dependence on interference from other equipment connected to the power supply along with the receiver should disappear.
  • Grounding the receiver housing and the corresponding board. Solder the wire from tuner connector nuts to the HDMI connector housing)

3. Preventing processor overheating on new firmware and, as a result, unstable operation of the receiver

  • Installing a heatsink on the processor and flash memory chip
  • chip datasheet here - .

4. To ensure that channels do not disappear after turning off the receiver:

1) you need to enter the receiver setup menu.
2) reset the receiver settings to factory settings.
3) after rebooting the receiver, the receiver setup menu will appear.
4) select the operator " Tricolor TV".
We go to the point " change antenna settings"Next select antenna No. 1 and point change, after that you get to the point antenna tuning, then change the frequency 10750 to 10751 in both windows (by numbers on the remote control) and press the save button, then press search for channels and scan them.
For search federal channels with time shift +2 you must select a search region" Moscow +2" instead of " Moscow 0".

PS When selecting regions "Basic" or "Ural" channel search will not be carried out.

Digital Satellite HD Receiver

IMPORTANT!!! The Stingray firmware for this receiver model with a weak processor is very unstable - possible problems:

  • loss of picture and sound
  • flickering when turning on electrical appliances and lights
  • Freezing and slow channel switching
  • spontaneous reset to factory settings when power is turned off
  • loss of signal from the antenna

Return previous version Software via USB will not be possible. PS (Only by unsoldering the flash memory and flashing it in the programmer)

Before updating, read the instructions in the archive.

Unofficial software:

Compared to previous software versions:

  • The operator selection menu has been modernized.
  • Implemented new interface“Status” menu, which simplifies working with this menu.
  • Improved general work receiver
  • An information block has appeared containing a description of the main methods of payment for Tricolor TV services.

Based on comments from user vale9041 from the forum

It is now possible to remember the receiver settings through standby mode, even if it was disconnected from the power supply.

The procedure is as follows:

If you have just created favorites and turned off the receiver with the power cord, then turned it on again, the receiver will switch to the tricolor channel, return button with two circular arrows (the so-called LAST) we will find ourselves on the first channel created in the favorite.

If, when viewing a favorite, we switch the receiver to standby mode using the remote control, then turn it on again, then later, when you disconnect the receiver from the network with a cord and turn it back on, the return button will return it to the favorites of the channel in which you switched it to standby mode from the remote control. That is, the standby mode serves as memorization.

The same can be done with the volume... If you set the volume to maximum and switch the res to standby mode, then the next time you turn on the res will be maximum volume. But this is provided that in the future you will turn off the power supply with a cord from the outlet.

you can do the same so that the receiver remembers the general list of channels in one column or three columns wide (view)...that is, the standby mode is remembering what we want...

Past releases

Compared to previous version of GS8306 receiver software / GS8305, the following changes have been made to version 1.0.49:

  • Improved algorithm automatic search channels "Tricolor TV".
  • The ability to delete the list of TV channels and radio channels that are generated by default in the “All TV” and “All Radio” lists has been removed.
  • At initial setup channel number “0” is displayed.
  • The indication of button presses in StandBy mode has been removed.
  • When you first switch to the list of radio channels, the receiver turns on radio channel number “0”.
  • EPG operation optimized
  • Implemented work with right polarization.
  • TV Mail service. The “Delete mail” button has been renamed to “Delete mail”.
  • List of channels. The "Width" function button has been renamed to "View".
  • Fixed incorrect message in HDMI mode “Volume scale timeout”. In version 1.0.049, the inscription looks like: “Volume scale display time.”
  • Confirmation dialogs are implemented from left to right (“YES” - “NO”, default cursor is on “NO”).
  • Improved operation of the Tricolor TV Cinemas service
  • Improved receiver compatibility with TVs when connected to them via HDMI interface

Receiver firmware via USB service port

The GS-8306 does not have an RS-232 (COM) port, but it does have service USB, it is stitched through it. For the firmware we need the usual USB flash drive, And latest version firmware file for the GS-8306 receiver which you can download higher .

You can check which version of receiver software you have installed in the Main Menu

DRE Info>Status

Firmware order:

1. File ssu_gsc_stb.upg copy to USB flash without renaming.

2. Insert the USB flash into the receiver and reboot the receiver using power, this can be done by pressing a button "stand by" on the front panel of the receiver. As soon as the power is turned on, the firmware process will begin, this will be indicated by a corresponding message on the TV screen.

Now all that remains is to wait for the process to complete. When the firmware is completed, a message indicating successful firmware will appear on the TV screen.

3. After the message allowing you to remove the USB flash appears on the TV screen, remove the USB flash.

IMPORTANT! It is not recommended to remove the USB flash before the corresponding permission message appears on the TV screen, otherwise the receiver will be damaged.

Rollback to earlier version is not possible, you can replace the software in the receiver with either current version, or to a newer one.

If the firmware does not work, then:

We format the flash drive in FAT or FAT32 using any utility, for example from HP for flash drives, but not in Windows, like click right click mouse on a flash drive and the format may not help.

We upload the file to the flash drive.

We insert it into the switched-on receiver, wait for less than a minute and turn it off with the button on the device, you can immediately turn it on with the same button.

After 10 seconds, maximum 30, a message will appear indicating that the firmware is being updated.

If the message does not appear and the standby indicator begins to flicker, then the firmware has not started.

Software update for GS 8305 and GS 8306 receivers via satellite

On March 11, 2013, a software update for the GS8305 and GS8306 receivers will be launched from EutelsatW4/W7 (36A/36B) satellites, aimed at improving and improving the performance of this receiving equipment. Tricolor TV subscribers will be able to update the receiver software at any time from March 11 to April 8, 2013.

Before starting the update, write down the current software version by going to “Menu” -> « DRE Info" -> "Status". Once the update is complete, the receiver software version should change to 1.1.001 . New software will be downloaded from the air.

ATTENTION! Never turn off the power to the receiver until the update procedure is complete! Otherwise, the receiver may fail!

To update the receiver software, follow these steps:

1. Unplug the receiver's power cord from the outlet, and then plug the receiver back in.

2. Switch the receiver to the Infochannel Tricolor TV channel.

3. After a few seconds, the following message will appear on the screen indicating the need to update the receiver software:

When of this message select the “YES” option and press the “OK” button on the remote control.

Attention! If a message about the need to update the software does not appear on the TV screen within 5 minutes, you need to reset the receiver settings to factory settings (“Menu” - “Settings” - “Factory settings” - “OK”).

4. After agreeing to the update, service messages about the process of updating the receiver software will begin to appear on the screen. The type of messages is shown below. The software update takes about five minutes.

Attention! During the software update, do not turn off the power to the receiver! Otherwise, the receiver may fail!

5. Once the software update is complete, the receiver will reboot and turn on in the “Setup Wizard” mode.

6. At the first step of the “Setup Wizard” you will be asked to select the menu language and operator. You must select “Tricolor TV Center”, only after that you can proceed to the next step.

7. After finishing the search for TV and radio channels "Tricolor TV", you need to make sure that the receiver software version has changed to 1.1.001 . To do this, go to « Menu" -> « DREInfo" -> "Status" and check the value in the third line. If the receiver software version has not changed, you need to turn off and turn on the receiver on the Infochannel Tricolor TV channel and repeat the update procedure.

8. At this point, the software update of the receiver and module is completed, your receiver is ready for further work.

You can watch a training video about updating the software on the training TV channel “Teleinstructor” and in the “Video Instructions” section on the Tricolor TV website.

Description of the new software version:

New software is designed to increase the level of security receiving equipment and ensure the stability of its operation, as well as make it easy to use when watching TV channels and using additional services"Tricolor TV" is more convenient.

New functionality has been added to the software in the interface of the Tricolor TV Cinemas package. Some buttons have received additional functions, for example, pressing the Red button brings up a description of the selected film, Green - options for sorting the list of films (alphabetically, by genre, by upcoming shows, by newness in the schedule), Yellow - a list of films for which the timer was set, Blue - a list films that will be available for viewing the next time the repertoire is updated.

For the convenience of subscribers, the “Status” menu has been redesigned. After the update, the subscriber will have two options for displaying information:

Brief (contains the most frequently used data, including information about the ID number) - displayed when you go to the “Status” menu item;

Advanced (contains all information about the receiver) - called by pressing the Red button (“F1” or “i”) on the remote control while in the “Status” menu.


Question: Why do I need to update the software?

Answer: The new software version for the GS8305 and GS8306 receivers features new, more user-friendly interface package "Cinemas "Tricolor TV", the "Status" menu has been redesigned, and changes have been made to system settings receiver, which increases the stability of its operation.

Question: Why information window“Status” began to look different? Where did some of the items that were there before go?

Answer: For the convenience of subscribers, the “Status” menu has been redesigned. Now you have two options for displaying information: short (contains the most frequently used data, including information about the ID number) and extended (contains all information about the receiver).

Question: Why did they change? function buttons in the interface of the Tricolor TV Cinemas package?

Answer: The new version of the software has implemented additional features interface of the Tricolor TV Cinemas package. Now, by pressing the Red button, you can read the description of the selected movie, Green - select one of possible options sorting the list of films (alphabetically, by genre, by upcoming shows, by newness in the schedule), Yellow - to see the list of films for which the timer was set, Blue - to see the list of films that will be available for viewing the next time the repertoire of the "Cinema Halls" package is updated "Tricolor TV". Also in the new version of the software, it is possible to display the interface of the “Tricolor TV Cinemas” package when you click on the “Order a movie” or “Split File” button when watching/listening to any television or radio channel, and not just, as was previously the case , when watching the TV channel "TV.Poisk".

Somehow it turns out that after last update Firmware for the GS 8306 receiver up to version 1.9.160, the previously normally working receiver becomes somehow uncontrollable. If, of course, it happens at all. After all, many receivers cannot withstand the process of flashing to version 1.9.160 and stop turning on. The same receivers that still completed the firmware procedure are buggy on the new firmware in different ways. They may freeze when watching, freeze when switching channels, display a “no signal” message, or display out-of-sync audio and video streams. And in general, do a number of other things dear to the heart. And having received such a receiver after flashing, you can decide that it is simply broken. But common sense dictates that it just worked perfectly on the old firmware, which means that the problem is not in the hardware component of the GS 8306 receiver.

What can happen to the GS 8306 receiver after updating to firmware ver. 1.9.160

1. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 does not turn on after update

In such a situation, it can be assumed that the firmware was not completed completely. It means that old firmware has already been erased, and the new one has not been loaded into the receiver’s memory. In this situation, the receiver turns, as they say in slang, “into a brick.” Similar problem solved either by replacement motherboard receiver (which is quite expensive and difficult to find a replacement board), or by separately flashing the receiver's flash memory chip with new normal firmware. To perform separate firmware, you need to unsolder the flash memory chip of the GS 8306 receiver, then use the programmer to “fill” the new flash memory necessary firmware and finally solder the flash chip to the receiver board again. In the presence of necessary equipment and experience in handling it, the entire procedure takes 50-60 minutes.

2. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 does not show via hdmi

In the new firmware 1.9.160, the active video output control mode has been updated. If previously the active video output on the receiver was selected using the “in” key. sing" on the remote control, pressing which alternately activated either the 3RCA (tulip) or the HDMI video output, but now the receiver has learned to independently determine which video output to make active. But in order for the mechanism automatic detection active video output worked correctly, it is recommended to connect the 8306 receiver to the TV at a time with only one cord. If both 3RCA and HDMI cords, then the receiver may not understand which video output to activate.

Another important aspect is changing the operating mode of the LED indication on the front panel of the receiver. Now the uniform glow of the top LED means that the receiver is in standby mode and to start viewing it still needs to be turned on using the remote control (on firmware up to 1.9.160, the glow of the top LED meant that the receiver is turned on and working via the 3RCA output)

3. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 produces a pink picture

There are videos on YouTube that show how wonderful the picture from the gs 8306 looks in pink. This bug is associated with the update to 1.9.160. The problem is temporarily resolved by resetting the receiver to factory settings and searching for channels again. But then it appears again. The problem can be completely eliminated by updating the receiver to a different software version.

4. Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 constantly freezes after flashing the firmware

The reason for this is presumably the same firmware. Which presumably has greater load per processor than the previous version. Eliminating such a problem again leads to the need to replace the firmware.

5. The Tricolor TV receiver gs 8306 after updating it often loses the signal and writes no signal.

Also, the problem under consideration can be expressed in the fact that when searching for channels, a random number of channels is found; if you’re lucky, the receiver can find 86 channels, after a minute 140, and after another minute 57. Possible Solution in such a situation - a change in the local oscillator frequency by 1 Mg up to a value of 10751 MHz (both the upper and lower frequencies of the local oscillator). We performed this frequency increase on several receivers, after which the receiver began to operate more stably and stopped losing signal.

What to do if the GS 8306 does not work, but you don’t have the slightest desire to repair it or replace it with a new one?

If only 20 main federal channels are sufficient for television viewing, it will be possible to switch to receiving digital terrestrial television. Reception of digital terrestrial television broadcasts is available in large quantities settlements Russian Federation. As of December 1, 2016, digital terrestrial television broadcast in open mode and it can be viewed without subscription fee. But it is important to understand that satellite antenna not suitable for digital reception air signal, which means for confident reception signal will have to be set to normal terrestrial antenna(internal or external), as well as purchase a digital DVB-T2 receiver (this is the case if there is not one built into the TV itself)

GS 8306 - how to return to the previous software version after updating to 1 9 160

Rolling back the software of the 8306 receiver from version 1.9.160 to the previous version is possible only with the help of a programmer - the flash memory chip containing the firmware is unsoldered, placed in the programmer, flashed with the selected firmware and soldered back to the receiver board. Roll back to previous versions using USB storage and the firmware will not be released on it - the new software does not allow updating to previous versions.

These are the thoughts that have accumulated regarding firmware 1.9.160 for the GS 8306 receiver as of December 1, 2016, from the date of its release - September 27, 2016.

What are the prospects for the GS 8306 receiver? To the landfill? For replacement?

In the event that the developer releases a new corrected firmware for the GS 8306 receiver, the prospects for this receiver are no worse than the prospects for other HD-class receivers for tricolor TV. About the need for release new firmware for GS 8306, our service center specialists have already informed the technical support of the tricolor TV operator by phone. 8-800-500-0123. Other tricolor TV users can do this too. If new software for the receiver does not appear, its operation may cause some difficulties.

ATTENTION! If your receiver does not find channels, then the setup instructions

Current (latest) software version dated September 27, 2016

Never turn off the power to the receiver until the update procedure is complete! Otherwise, the receiver may fail!

It will be impossible to return the previous version of the software!

Software update via USB drive (flash drive)

If your receiver is not connected to satellite dish, then you can update the software via a USB drive. Before downloading software to a flash drive, it must be formatted in FAT32. In the downloaded files you will also find detailed instructions on installation.

Software update via satellite

To update software via satellite, the receiver must be connected to a configured satellite dish.

Updating the receiver software consists of 2 stages and takes about 20 minutes.

After each update step is completed, the receiver will automatically reboot. Upon completion of all update stages, the Setup Wizard will launch.
Do not turn off or reboot yourself receiving equipment until all 2 stages of the update process are completed!


1.Search for Tricolor TV channels. To do this, enter the menu, select “Tricolor TV” and press OK on the remote control. Next, select the “Yes” option and press the “OK” button on the remote control. At the end of the search procedure, save the found channels.

2. Unplug the receiver's power cord from the outlet, and then plug the receiver back in.

3. Switch the receiver to information channel 333.

4. After a few seconds, the following message will appear on the screen indicating the need for a software update:

When this message appears, confirm the start of the update by selecting “Yes”.

5. After agreeing to the update, the receiver will switch to bootloader mode, and service messages of the first stage of the software update will appear on the screen. The type of messages is shown below:

6. Upon completion of the first stage of the update, the receiver will reboot, after which the second stage of the software update will be launched.

7. Upon completion of all stages of the update, the receiver will reboot and turn on in Setup Wizard mode. As you go through the steps of the wizard, you will be asked to select the menu language and set the displayed time. Select an operator and region, and also search for channels.

8. After going through all the steps of the Setup Wizard, go to “Menu”, select “Status” and make sure that the receiver software version has changed to 1.9.160.

9. At this point, the software update of the receiver and module is completed, and the receiver is ready for further operation.

Video instructions for updating the software of receivers models GS 8305, GS 8306

How to update the Tricolor channel list on the GS 8305, GS 8306 receiver

To find new channels, do the following:

Why do you need to update the channel list?

Updating the channel list may be required in several cases:

1. To find new Tricolor TV channels that are not on your receiver
2. After carrying out maintenance work on the satellite
3. When initial setup equipment
4. When changing broadcast parameters (changing frequencies) of some channels
5. Preventively twice a year