Computer repair at home. What do the sounds emitted by the BIOS through the system speaker of a computer with AMI BIOS indicate?

If your desktop computer has become unstable or has stopped turning on, check the documents to see if it has expired yet. warranty service. Before contacting a warranty workshop, you must make sure that everything is in order with the software and that the computer is not infected with viruses, since malfunction of the computer for the above reasons is not a warranty case and you will have to pay for this expensive service.

Some programs can restart the computer after an update if there is a checkmark in the settings that allows the computer to be restarted without notification after the update. If after the audit installed programs The computer continues to work unstably, which means that the reason lies in a hardware malfunction and repair of the material part will be required. This is a warranty case and it is better not to repair it yourself.

To prevent the computer from malfunctioning, any connections of connectors and blocks can only be made when the system unit is de-energized; you need to turn off the pilot or remove the plug from the 220 V socket.

The main reasons for computer instability

Malfunction of coolers (fan)

One of the most common computer breakdowns is the failure of cooling coolers due to a decrease in their speed or stopping. The processor heatsink can also become clogged with dust. So if everything is in order with the programs, then you need to first check the operation of the coolers.

Power supply failure

The second most common cause of computer malfunction is the failure of the power supply unit (PSU) of the system unit. A malfunction of the power supply may manifest itself as obvious or not obvious.

If there is an obvious malfunction of the unit, the computer does not show signs of operation when turned on, the coolers do not work and the LEDs do not light up. If there is a non-obvious malfunction of the unit, unstable operation of the computer, sudden system freezes, spontaneous reboots, and operating errors are observed.

The power supply is the most loaded part of the computer and in addition is exposed to instability in the power supply network in the form of voltage surges and natural ones during a thunderstorm. Therefore, it is recommended that during a thunderstorm, it is mandatory not only to turn off the computer, but also to remove the electrical and network Internet plugs from sockets. You can work on a laptop during a thunderstorm provided it is powered by a battery and connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi.

Malfunction of random access memory (RAM)

It is not uncommon for a computer to become unstable due to a malfunction. random access memory RAM. Even positive test results with special programs cannot 100% guarantee the serviceability of the memory, and reliability can only be verified by replacing a memory stick with a known good one. If there is more than one stick installed in the slots of the computer, then removing one at a time, you can thus perform a check. If the computer starts to work stably, it means that the removed memory stick is to blame.

Hard disk drive (HDD) failure

If the computer has been working for many years, then it is often the culprit Not stable operation computer happens HDD(Winchester). But, as a rule, if the hard drive malfunctions, even before the systems start to boot, a message about a disk read error is displayed. Sometimes the hard drive begins to make sounds uncharacteristic of its operation.

If the system boots and there is a suspicion that the hard drive is faulty, then you need to test it for bad sectors on the disks and set a ban on writing to these sectors. After a while, check again if new ones appear bad sectors, then the hard drive will have to be replaced.

There are programs that allow you to physical level Make a copy of the hard drive installed in your computer to a new one, of any capacity. Then you won't have to waste time on reinstallation programs and drivers.

Start button malfunction

I also had to deal with a completely unusual reason for the computer to randomly shut down due to a malfunction of the Start button. The fact is that if you hold this Start button on the system unit pressed for more than three seconds, then force termination system operation and computer shutdown. So, the contacts in this button periodically randomly closed and thus turned off the computer. For a long time I could not understand what the reason was until I thought of disconnecting the wires coming from this button from the motherboard.

Microcracks in motherboard tracks

And finally, the saddest case is a disruption in the stable operation of the computer due to microcracks formed over time in the tracks of the motherboard. They appear on some models of poorly designed motherboards.

Microcracks appear as a result of attaching the processor heatsink not to the socket into which the processor is inserted, but to the printed circuit board. Since the radiator is pressed with quite with great effort, the motherboard bends and microcracks form on the tracks, which leads to periodic contact failure. First, the computer begins to freeze periodically and eventually stops working completely.

Perhaps this design of mounting the processor radiator is not an accident, but was done with intent so that after completion warranty period consumers bought new motherboard or new system unit.

I have repeatedly encountered such malfunctions of motherboards. In some cases, modifying the radiator mounting helped, after which the computer began to work stably. If you open the system unit and find similar system radiator mounting, then I advise you to redo it, using my experience.

If your computer freezes when loading a system program

BIOS (Basic input-output system) is the primary software that is stored in a special chip on the motherboard. When you turn on the computer, the processor first accesses the BIOS and reads the “manual” from it. further action. The task of the BIOS also includes checking all the main components of the computer.

When you turn on a working computer, if there is a speaker in the system unit, always at the beginning of boot software One short beep sounds. Everyone is accustomed to this BIOS beep, and no one pays attention to it. One short beep means that automatic diagnostics of the performance of all computer units, carried out by the POST (Power On Self-Test) program embedded in Motherboard BIOS boards, was successful, all blocks are operational and ready for use.

However, if Computer BIOS will emit several short or long beeps, it will be difficult not to pay attention to this, despite the fact that in this case the software will not load. These signals are not random and by their combination and duration you can determine a computer malfunction.

How to determine the type of BIOS installed on your computer

In home computers, one of two types of BIOS is the most popular - Award or AMI, and for each type the same sound signal indicates different events. Therefore, to decipher the malfunction you need to know which BIOS type, Award or AMI installed on your computer. At the first moment the computer boots, a hint is usually given at the bottom of the monitor screen which key must be pressed several times to enter the BIOS, it can be one of two “DEL” or “F2”, usually it is “DEL”.

Logging into the panel BIOS management, You will see something like this.

The BIOS type is written at the top of the screen; Award is installed on this computer.

through the system speaker of a computer with Award BIOS

Table of beeps emitted by the BIOS through the system speaker of a computer with Award BIOS
Sound produced Decoding sounds
1 short The computer is working properly No action required
2 short Minor errors found. A message appears asking you to enter the BIOS You need to check the BIOS configuration and resolve any inconsistencies
3 long Keyboard controller error Check that the keyboard cord is securely connected to the system unit
1 long
+ 1 short
RAM (Random Access Memory) error Check that the RAM sticks are installed correctly, remove them and put them back in, and move them to a free slot.
1 long
+ 2 short
Video card error Check whether the video card is fully inserted into the slot on the motherboard and that the video card cooler is working
1 long
+ 3 short
1 long
+ many short ones
Error reading from BIOS Check the presence of a contact in the contact pad of the BIOS chip
Repeating series of short sounds The power supply is faulty
Repeating series of long sounds RAM fault Replace the RAM stick with a working one, or remove one of them if more than one is installed
A repeating series of short and long sounds Processor failure Check the functionality of the processor cooler and the reliability of the radiator mounting
The beep sounds continuously Power supply failure Check the output voltages of the power supply

What do the sounds made by the BIOS indicate?
through the system speaker of a computer with AMI BIOS

Table of beeps emitted by the BIOS through the system speaker of a computer with an AMI BIOS
Sound produced Decoding sounds Recommendations for troubleshooting
1 short The computer is working properly No action required
1 long
+ 1 short
The power supply is faulty Check the output voltages of the power supply
2 short RAM (Random Access Memory) parity error Disable parity check in BIOS
3 short Error testing the first 64Kb of RAM Increase the size of memory typings in the BIOS, if that doesn’t help, replace the RAM stick with a working one
4 short System timer malfunction
5 short Processor failure Check the functionality of the processor cooler, the reliability of the radiator fastening, remove and insert the processor, if it does not help, replace it with a working one
6 short Error initializing keyboard Check the connection in the connector is secure. Press the Num Lock button, if the indicator on the keyboard does not light up, then the keyboard is faulty
7 short Motherboard failure It needs to be replaced
8 short Video card memory error Video card replacement required
9 short Incorrect check sum BIOS Check the presence of a contact in the contact pad of the BIOS chip, flashing it may help
10 short BIOS write error Check the presence of a contact in the contact pad of the BIOS chip, the error is not critical and you can continue working
1 long
+ 3 short
Video card error Check that the video card is inserted all the way into the slot on the motherboard and that the video card cooler is working

If the computer does not turn on

You click the Start button, but the computer does not turn on. In order to understand the reason why the computer is not working, you need to analyze its behavior after pressing the power button. Several options are possible.

Complete absence of any sounds emanating from the system unit and the glow of the LED on the monitor. It is unlikely that the monitor and the system unit failed at the same time. It is necessary to check the presence of a power supply in the electrical outlet, the serviceability of the pilot, if present, for which it is enough to plug in a table lamp or any other electrical appliance into the outlet or pilot. Are the plugs inserted into the sockets, are the power cords connected to the monitor and the system unit, are the switches on the monitor and on the back of the system unit turned on. Most likely, you will find the reason and the computer will work.

The battery is low

The computer may not start if the lithium battery, which is a flat cylinder with a diameter of 20 mm and a thickness of 3.2 mm and is installed on the motherboard, is discharged. As a rule, a CR2032 or similar battery of the same size is installed. It is worth noting that the battery marking contains its overall dimensions.

The battery's job is to save the settings made by the user in the BIOS memory when power supply is not supplied to the computer and keep the clock ticking. A harbinger of the end of battery life is the failure of the clock and date readings after the next turn on of the computer.

Such a battery must be checked by measuring the voltage at its poles with a voltmeter. It must be at least 3 V. If the battery voltage is less than 3 V, then it should be replaced with a new one. If the voltage is more than 3 V, then you need to wipe the contacts in the battery compartment and the plane of the battery with alcohol. When installing the battery, the polarity must be observed. New battery usually lasts more than five years.

To remove the battery, you need to remove the side cover of the system unit (how to remove the cover is described in the article below), find the installation location of the battery compartment and move the metal retainer aside. After removing the battery, you may need to restore the BIOS settings and install current date and time.

Short circuit in the power supply circuit of the components

The computer is connected to the power supply, when you press the Start button, the power supply cooler impeller jerks, the impeller does not continue to rotate, and nothing else happens. This means that the power supply protection system is triggered due to the presence of an overload in the power circuit in any of the installed elements in the system unit or in the power source itself.

To determine the cause of the failure, it is necessary to open the system unit and sequentially disconnect the wires coming from the power supply, except for the wires connected to the motherboard. It's easier to start with disk drives. Before turning off the unit again, it is necessary to de-energize the system unit. Next, all cards are sequentially removed from the motherboard. After disconnecting the next device, they try to start the system unit. If the startup succeeds, it means that the culprit of the computer failure is the last disabled unit. If all units are turned off and the power supply does not start, it means that the source itself or the motherboard is faulty.

If you have the same power supply, even if it is of lower power, then you can temporarily connect it for testing without removing the standard power supply from the system unit, but simply disconnecting it from the components of the system unit.

From the power supply to the motherboard, supply voltages are supplied using a 20 or 24 pin connector and a 4 or 6 pin connector. For reliability, the connectors have latches.

In order to remove the connectors from the motherboard, you need to press the latch upward with your finger at the same time, applying quite a lot of force, rocking from side to side, and pull out the mating part.

To check the power supply, you need to completely disconnect it from all equipment, leaving only any that is powered by a four-pin connector or a Serial ATA connector, for example a hard drive or any disk drive.

If the connector has 20 contacts, then you need to connect the leads together 14 (the wire is green, some power supplies may have a gray wire, POWER ON) and 15 (black wire, GND).

If the connector has 24 contacts, then you need to draw up conclusions among yourself 16 (green, in some power supplies the wire may be gray, POWER ON) and 17 (black GND wire).

If the cooler works, then with a high probability the power supply can be considered working. To be completely sure, the source should be checked on a load block or another working system unit, and the motherboard should be tested in a workshop.

If, when you press the Start button and are sure that the supply voltage is supplied to the system unit, the computer does not show signs of life, then the power supply is definitely faulty and you need to replace it or try to repair it yourself.

How to open the system unit

Before disassembling the system unit, it is imperative to remove the cable supplying the 220 V supply voltage from the outlet, since while it is inserted, the system unit is under a voltage dangerous to human life. When carrying out any work on the system unit, you must first remove the power cord and insert it last when connecting. In order to gain access to the contents of the system unit, you must remove one of the side covers. Next, you need to unscrew the two screws (they are the top ones in the photo) that secure the cover. Push the cover towards you, the hooks will disengage in the grooves, and the cover will be released.

Visual troubleshooting of the system unit

After cleaning the system unit from dust and if the coolers are working normally, you need to carefully inspect the motherboard and the cards inserted into it. Particular attention should be paid when inspecting the appearance of electrolytic capacitors. In the vast majority of cases, the failure of the motherboard and power supply is associated with the failure of electrolytic capacitors.

Such a capacitor consists of two strips of aluminum foil twisted together through an insulating pad that is impregnated with electrolyte. This roll is inserted into an aluminum cylinder and sealed. From each strip a conclusion is drawn, one of which is connected to the plus and the other to the minus. Thanks to the electrolyte, the capacitor has a large capacity with small dimensions and is therefore called electrolytic.

In the event of an insulation breakdown, thermal energy is released, the electrolyte boils, and the pressure inside the capacitor increases sharply. To protect against explosion, notches are made on the end side of electrolytic capacitors. As the pressure increases, the housing swells or ruptures at the notch, and by this sign it is easy to find a failed capacitor. The main reason for the failure of capacitors is their overheating or exceeding the permissible voltage.

The photo clearly shows that the end of the left capacitor is flat, and the end of the right one is swollen and with traces of electrolyte leakage. This capacitor must be replaced. On the motherboard, electrolytic capacitors on the +5 V power bus fail more often than others, since they are installed with a small voltage reserve, only 6.3 V. I have encountered cases when all the capacitors on the motherboard on the +5 V power supply were swollen .

When replacing, I usually install capacitors along the +5 V power supply circuit, for a voltage of no less than 10 V, and along the +12 V supply circuit, at a voltage of 25 V. The higher the voltage the capacitor is designed for, the better, the main thing is that it fits in dimensions to the installation site. It is not difficult to replace a failed capacitor on the motherboard yourself.

If you find and replace swollen capacitors, then most likely the cause of the unstable operation of the computer has been eliminated. You need to connect all the connectors and check its functionality. If appearance parts of the system unit available for review do not raise suspicions, then it is necessary to check the condition of the power supply capacitors. It's possible that you'll have to take care of it

How to repair your computer yourself? Not all users, in the event of a breakdown, are ready to give the faulty device to a service center or use the services of specialists who repair computers at home. Many people try (with varying degrees of success) to figure out the breakdown and fix it without the intervention of outsiders. If you dare to repair your computer yourself, you need to know the basic principles of its operation. By the way, Scott Mueller’s wonderful book “PC Upgrades and Repairs” can help you with this. It is accessible and in simple language topics such as the history of the emergence and development of computers, the evolution and design of processors, the principles of operation of motherboards, hard drives and other equipment, and its modernization are described.

Computer repair begins with diagnostics

To successfully repair a computer, it is advisable to have a good knowledge of the hardware. The book described above will help you with this. Possession of at least some assembly skills and repair practice electronic technology will also come in handy. And finally, the most important thing: you need to have a head on your shoulders and preferably not an empty one. When repairing a computer, you will have to analyze, compare, draw conclusions, think... If you are not inclined to this or consider yourself a born humanitarian, it is better not to try.

I consider it necessary to emphasize that computer repair is the prerogative of engineers. To avoid further hardware damage or data loss, PC diagnostics and repairs should only be performed by experienced IT professionals.

Computer repair must begin with diagnostics. Competent diagnosis is already a half-solved problem! For diagnostics faulty computer you will need utilities such as Memtest (memory test), ViktoriaHDD (test hard drive), AIDA64 ( general information about the system, stress tests, component temperatures). I will provide download links for each in the section corresponding to their application.

Brief table of main computer faults

If you are repairing a computer yourself for the first time, a short table of faults will be a good help. You will have to analyze the appearance of the components, the sound signals of the computer (BIOS POST signals). It should be noted that sometimes even a working computer may not produce any POST BIOS sound signals due to the absence of a speaker (also called a “beeper”) connected to the “SPEAKER” contacts on the motherboard.

Sometimes it is tightly soldered to the motherboard, sometimes, being connected via a cable, it is hidden in other wires going to the front panel.

If you have taken on computer repair yourself or decided to do it on a professional basis, an extra speaker, also known as POST Speaker, will not hurt you.

Repairing a computer: fault table and BIOS beeps

Malfunction Cause Elimination
One short beep The computer is working properly
The computer does not turn on, the coolers in the power supply and on the processor do not spin up, there are no sound or video signals. The power supply is faulty. The motherboard is faulty. Computer repair should start with connecting known to be good power supply to the MP and check the start. Otherwise, the motherboard (MB) is faulty.
The computer turns on for a couple of seconds, the coolers spin up, but immediately stop. The processor overheats, thermal protection is triggered. The cooler does not fit tightly to the processor.
K.Z. along power lines.
Computer repair must begin by removing the processor cooler. It is necessary to check its pins (latches that are inserted into the motherboard) for cracks. Replace the thermal paste, install the cooler by pressing each pin tightly until it clicks. If it doesn’t help, there is a high probability of a motherboard malfunction.
The computer turns on, the coolers spin up, but there is no signal on the monitor. There are no sound signals. The monitor is known to be good. The random access memory (RAM) or motherboard is faulty. Very rarely - power supply (in the case of using Nouname PSU even if the issuing PowerOK is faulty). Remove the memory modules (RAM) from the connectors. If, the next time you turn it on, the BIOS speaker gives signals indicating a malfunction (repeated long ones), there is every chance that the motherboard is working. Replace the RAM module (one of the modules, or a known good one).
The computer does not turn on. Sound signals are heard: one long, two short. Video card is faulty In this case, computer repair comes down to installing a known-good video card.
The computer does not turn on. Sound signals are heard: three long, repeated long. The computer's RAM memory is faulty. Install a known working RAM module and check the computer starts.
“Siren” is short and long. Processor faulty Replace the processor.

Computer RAM RAM

How the appearance of computer RAM modules has changed. Top down:

1. SIMM 30 pin 1 Mb
2. SIMM 72 pin 4 Mb
3. SIMM 72 pin 8 Mb
4. DIMM SDRAM 168 pin 128 Mb
5. DIMM DDR SDRAM 184 pin 1 Gb (chips are located on 2 sides)
6. DIMM DDR2 SDRAM 240 pin 1 Gb

The first three “to be found in nature” are already unrealistic, 4 and 5 on the list can often be found on old PCs, the last DDR-II is a modern, but already outdated memory module. At the time of writing this article, DDR-III type modules are actively used and DDR-IV prototypes already exist. When repairing a computer, you should know that memory modules, like other electronics made using MOS technology, are afraid of static electricity. When manipulating RAM, it is advisable not to touch either the contacts of the microcircuits or the contacts of the module itself.

Typical RAM faults:

  • Messages: “Memory accessed address x0xxxxxxxx and cannot be Write”
  • Blue screens with error: STOP 0x0000008e or STOP 0x00000050 PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA
  • No image on the monitor
  • No image on the monitor accompanied by repeated long beeps

The first step in computer repair is a RAM test.

If you have more than one RAM module, try connecting them one by one - the system will boot successfully with good RAM. To repair your computer yourself, in particular for testing RAM, you will need a bootable version of the MemTest utility.

You should download the iso image Memtest programs from the site www.memtest86. com and burn it to disk. Boot from the created disk (you may have to change the boot priority in the BIOS settings) and test the RAM. If the RAM is working properly, the bottom of the screen (see photo above) will remain blank, without any messages.

To repair a computer, you need to know what the connectors and interfaces look like.

Anyone who decides to repair a computer themselves, with their own hands, must be able to distinguish between all kinds of hardware interfaces.

Computer motherboard chipset

The motherboard connects the main components of the computer using a chipset (bridges) and buses (conductors on the board). Below is a diagram of a motherboard (already outdated architecture, but found everywhere) for an Intel processor. The processor and the northbridge chip (MCH) are connected by a high-speed FSB bus. Its frequency is set by a special generator (Clock). The processor frequency is obtained by multiplying the FSB frequency by the processor multiplier value. Intel Celeron 1000MHZ = 100×10 (where 100 is the FSB frequency and 10 is the processor multiplier). The bus frequency can be raised and the multiplier increased, overclocking your PC.

An example of a block diagram of a modern motherboard for a hybrid AMD processor A-Series. North Bridge completely “moved” into the processor crystal.

Computer motherboard diagnostics

One day two administrators were traveling on a bus. Here one says to the other: “Can you imagine, my mother died yesterday!” Second: - Well, what about you? - Well, what about me? I took my brains out and threw them in the trash... There is silence in the cabin...

If you are reading this article, then you can assume that do-it-yourself repair The computer is still something new and unknown for you. Therefore, for informational purposes, here is a photo of the motherboard (in this case, Gigabyte) on which the most important nodes and connectors.

Main components and connectors of the motherboard

Sign of a faulty motherboard - complete absence POST BIOS self-test sound signals (with no RAM) and no video signal on the monitor. When repairing computers, you can often encounter the phenomenon of short circuit protection of the power supply: when you press the Power button, the processor cooler spins up for just a couple of seconds and the computer reboots. And so cyclically. An external inspection can also reveal swollen electrolytic capacitors or a “fired” south bridge chip.

Swollen capacitors and “fired” mosfets (transistors)

Self-repair of the computer motherboard must be carried out using the appropriate tool: digital multimeter, soldering iron with a power of no more than 25W, hot-air / IR soldering station (for re-soldering mosfets, chips).

DIY computer repair: hard drive diagnostics

Typical hard drive failures:

  • Windows tries to boot, but the computer goes into reboot
  • BIOS message "Missing boot device"
  • Uniform clicks (clattering) coming from the system unit

When diagnosing and repairing a computer, it is necessary to distinguish between types hard drive malfunctions disk:

Type of malfunction Cause Solution method
The computer turns on, Windows does not boot, the screen says “Reboot” and select proper boot device" The power and signal cables going to the hard drive came loose and were damaged. The hard drive is faulty. Check cable connections and replace with new ones. Otherwise, the hard drive is faulty.
The computer turns on, Windows does not boot, the screen says “Reboot and select proper Boot device”, the hard drive makes loud knocks and clicks. The hard drive is faulty. The hard drive is faulty. Replace with a new one.
Windows shows when booting blue screen with the message ERROR 0x0000007B "Unmontable_Boot_Device" and reboots again and again The appearance of bad blocks on the surface of the hard drive Boot the computer from the ViktoriaHDD disk and perform Remap (F4 key)

A program for diagnosing and repairing a computer hard drive - ViktoriaHDD

Viktoria HDD - professional computer help your hard drive at home. The program was written by a talented Belarusian programmer and is designed to assess the condition of your PC’s drive and repair its surface - Remap.

Using this program, you can find out the state of the electronics and mechanics of the drive (for SSD drives this utility is not suitable). ViktoriaHDD copes well with the surface repair function (Remap) by replacing broken, unreadable sectors with serviceable disk platters from the reserve (Remap is called by pressing the F4 key). Many users, when attempting to repair a computer on their own for the first time, mistakenly believe that programs like ViktoriaHDD or MHDD “close” themselves. bad sectors disk. I consider it necessary to clarify that the remap utilities themselves do not perform remap - they “dragonize” the disk controller by trying to re-read the suspicious sector many times, forcing it (the disk controller), thereby recognizing the sector as faulty and replacing it with a backup one according to its internal algorithms.

On the hdd-911 website. com you can download both a bootable version of the program for repairing the surface of a computer disk, and a version for Windows.

We repair the computer ourselves. Spontaneous shutdowns

When repairing computers, I often have to deal with tightly clogged radiator coolers. Spontaneous shutdowns computer problems may be associated with overheating of the cooling system (CO) of the processor or video card. In such cases, it helps to dismantle the cooler, clean it from dust, apply thermal paste and install the cooler back.

Snap the pins diagonally until they click.

When installing the processor cooler, you need to press the plastic pins diagonally (A1<—>A2, B1<—>B2) until a characteristic click occurs. Don't forget to connect the fan connector to the mating part on the motherboard labeled CPU Fan.

Computer turns off while gaming

Clogging of the cooling system with dust and, as a result, high temperature GPU Video cards (GPU) are one of the common reasons why the computer turns off during games.

Dust in the cooling system is the reason why the computer turns off during gaming.

Due to the dense layer of dust, the cooler cannot supply cold air to the CO radiator. Cooling suddenly loses efficiency GPU temperature starts to grow.

The AIDA64 program will help you monitor the temperature of your video card processor.

The video card cooling system is easy to clean with a regular brush. It is not necessary to dismantle (tear off the GPU crystal) the metal radiator itself.

AIDA64 - a program for obtaining information about computer hardware

To know full information The AIDA64 program will help you learn about all the components of your computer. In the process of computer repair, it is often urgently necessary to know the temperature of a particular unit under load or to check the stability of the computer under long-term loads on the entire system at once or a separate unit. AIDA64 (formerly Everest) indispensable tool collecting information and diagnosing a computer.

You can download the Aida64 program from the official source at www.aida64. com

Forum dedicated to computer repair

I hope that this article is about how to repair your computer yourself will help you deal with malfunctions without problems and snags, but if you still have questions, you can ask them at.

DIY computer repair.


A modern computer is a very complex device that requires enormous skills in handling it. Before you start picking up a screwdriver, you need to do a full test of your computer. How to do it? This matter is extremely important and requires certain skills in work. But even a user from the “teapot” section is capable of this.

First of all, all computer failures can be divided into software and hardware. Software failures are those that are associated with any malicious or spyware on your computer. Those. All various viruses. Hardware failures are related to hard drive, motherboard, processor, and video card, etc.

But how to identify the cause of the breakdown? It's simple. If you notice some kind of “freeze” or “slowdown” of the computer in any one program (not in all, when at this time other programs are working properly). But if “braking” occurs during the operation of any program, then you need to use special programs, which are called utilities.

What is a utility? A utility is a program that expands the standard capabilities of a computer: hardware, operating systems. Designed to test your PC's problems. Usually it can be downloaded freely on the Internet by entering the appropriate query into a search engine.

But which utility is best to use? For example S&M

You must first download this utility and then configure all PC testing items. Place plus signs next to the item being tested (video card, hard drive, etc.) or on all PC items at once. Instructions will help you install and use this utility; they will explain to you all the testing setup points. I would like to add that this utility will definitely identify a problem in the RAM or video card. 100% guarantee.

In order to monitor changes in the temperature of system components, you can use a utility such as MBM5.

This program is launched in conjunction with S&M, and the entire system is tested in turn.

Check the hard drive for testability using the utility MHDD.

But it is worth adding that this utility runs only from a floppy disk. A standard program may be suitable as a replacement for this utility.

For check proper operation video card, you need to use the video adapter configuration utility. An example of such a utility is RivaTuner.

With its help, it is possible to reduce the GPU and video memory frequencies to a minimum.

Thus, if you follow all the instructions in this article, you can almost easily diagnose your PC without going into the jungle of incomprehensible technology.


It should be understood that disassembling a computer is an extremely serious matter.

To disassemble the computer system unit, first of all, you need to disconnect all external cables. It is desirable that the lighting is at the same level.

To disassemble the computer system unit, you need to open the computer case. Most cases open quite easily.

An approximate procedure for disassembling the computer system unit:

  1. 1. Disconnect all computer cables. This is extremely important. This can harm your health and life. Don't forget to complete this plan item!!!
  2. 2. Remove all boards. Those. remove, disconnecting in sequence.
  3. Remove all memory sticks. Those. extract in a certain sequence.
  4. Remove the motherboard, cooler, processor.
  5. Remove the drive and power supply.

That is, your task is to extract everything. But based on the drawing, you should leave something. These parts come out quite well, you don't need to use any tools other than a screwdriver.

Congratulations! You have completed your task!

By following these rules, you will easily learn how to easily handle even such a complex mechanism as a computer. But why disassemble the computer? The answer is simple. If you experience hardware failures, you immediately need to figure out their causes by disassembling this device. The second reason is “iron friend hygiene”. It is recommended to periodically disassemble the computer (system unit) to avoid serious damage, which will entail the “death” of your comrade.

So, let’s summarize everything that has been said and clarify more precisely all the points of the plan:
What you will need to disassemble the device: a Phillips screwdriver.

Step 1. To start disassembling, you need to turn off the computer. Sometimes this action is missed, which leads to negative consequences.

Step 3. To remove the unit cover, you need to CAREFULLY inspect the entire system unit and find the mounting points for the casing. Hint: they are usually located at the back, but there are cases when you need to remove the front panel).

Step 4. The easiest part. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew all the screws and remove them. It is very important to save them so that you can build your computer later.

Step 5. Remove the casing (walls).

Step 6. Bravo! You have access to a computer!

Step 7. To begin disassembling your computer, review the plan at the beginning of the article again.

I wish you success in such a difficult task!

What to do if your computer breaks down? Don't have the means or desire to contact the service? There is an exit! Even if you are a “you” with a computer, don’t despair!

It is worth mentioning that most of all PC breakdowns are fixed in one way. I suggest you familiarize yourself with them all:

Step 1. We repair the computer in the so-called “safe mode”.

Safe mode A PC is an opportunity to get into the operating system itself (for example, Windows) if it malfunctions or fails. What to do if Windows normal method does not start?

There is an exit!

First, we start the computer and then press the F8 key until the “Menu” sign pops up additional options loading windows".

Secondly, select Safe Mode and press “Enter” to continue the operation.

Thirdly, you need to choose the operating system you are using. It's easy because all you have to do is select your operating system, which you usually use. After that, press Enter.

Fourthly, we wait for the download. Select a user to log in to the system.

Bravo! You entered safe mode yourself.

Step 2. Restoring the operating system.

If the PC begins to act up, then in this case it is appropriate to apply a system restore. What it is? This is a return to the previous system operation that you had some time ago.

1. Click on the menu “ Start", select in it: “ All programs > Standard >Service> System Restore". A window will pop up “ System Restore"click" Next» >

2. In the calendar on the left, select the number we need (it is highlighted bold font), after you have selected the date you need, press the button Next >

4. Bravo! The computer begins the recovery process. We wait patiently for it to reboot.

5. As soon as the system boots, it won’t take long for you to see a window with a message stating that system recovery is complete, click on OK.

System Restore is complete! Congratulations!


If you have a problem that you cannot start the operating system, I’m ready to make you happy, the key F8 will save you! This is very effective method. And now more about it:

  1. While your computer is booting, click on F8(you don’t have to wait for the computer to boot, just press this key periodically until you reach the goal).
  2. A menu will appear shortly. In it, using the arrows on the keyboard, we look for the line called “ Loading Last Known Good Configuration" and then click on Enter.
  3. A menu appears - select: operating system to launch, just press the key Enter.

Bravo!We have achieved our goal!

This article presents just a few methods for repairing your computer. We have selected the most effective ones for you! Use it with pleasure, gain experience, we are sure you will succeed!


Well, we proceed to the final operation - this is assembling our PC. If you understand how to disassemble a computer, then assembly will be just a piece of cake for you! Assembly = disassembly, but vice versa. But still, methods for assembling a computer are offered to your attention. We hope you find them useful! We wish you success!

When starting assembly, you should pay attention to your strength when connecting connectors, installing individual items, and tightening screws, because there is a danger of damaging the tracks on the board or accidental breakage. First of all, you need to remove the electrical charge from yourself. During assembly, it is strictly not recommended to drop things and assembly items. This is extremely important point! These actions can lead to damage to items during processor assembly. There are quite a few sharp parts inside the system unit, so you should be careful and vigilant. Do not connect the power cord to the electrical outlet until the end of assembly.

A processor is a computer part with contacts on one side of the part. It is difficult to confuse this device: only this device is located in the software interface and on the motherboard. Before starting work, carefully examine the processor, being careful not to touch the contacts with your hands.

Well, now separate the fasteners on the motherboard and place the processor in front of you. Find it on one of the edges software interface icon in the form of a slope and carefully install the processor.

Installing the RAM strip.
There are many inputs on the motherboard, but they differ in that there are usually 1-2 pairs of them and a few at the ends.

We install the motherboard into the system unit case itself.
Summarize. We have a motherboard with a processor, cooler and RAM. All that remains is to mount it into the system unit.

Install the hard drive, drive and video card.

The drive and hard drive are easy to install. Try it yourself. To install new drives and hard drives we use the SATA port. Connection cables are often included with the motherboard.

Installing the power supply.

The power supply is a metal box where the wires are located to connect the rest of the computer. When installing the power supply, do not forget to attach it to the case. There is an area in every case that is used intentionally for the power supply. Screw the power supply so that side panel With network input turned out to be outside, and the panel with the wires was inside.

Thus, we have completed this long but interesting process and can breathe freely! A computer is a delicate thing that requires enormous effort, but then it will repay you with the same diligence that you put in!
We have completed the final stage of performing basic computer operations.

Congratulations, we have done our own computer repair.

Hello dear readers of the blog site

While working on a personal computer, few people think about it. technical condition. The user is far from thinking about whether the power supply is sufficient for the connected devices, whether the expansion cards are securely screwed in, and about basic prevention.

It all starts from the moment of failure personal computer. This happens suddenly and at the most necessary moment, when you urgently need to print the most important document, your PC refuses to turn on. In order to be prepared for emergency situations and as soon as possible To help solve difficulties, it is necessary to learn the basic techniques associated with troubleshooting. In order to localize the cause of the failure, it is necessary to perform a number of actions.

1. Check the connections of the power cord to the network and to the system unit.

2. Check the connections of the monitor to the system unit and to the electrical network. When connected to the network and the computer is turned off, the indicator on the monitor should glow.

3. If the PC does not turn on successfully, then you need to turn off all devices as much as possible, leaving only the monitor, keyboard and mouse. If no image appears on the display and the computer appears to be turned on, i.e. If the indicators on the system unit case flicker and the characteristic familiar sounds of fans and other devices are heard, then a number of actions need to be taken. Turn off power. Remove the left side cover of the system unit case. Remove the video adapter. Use an eraser to clean the contacts and install the video card back into the PCI-Ex slot. If there is no positive image output to the monitor, you need to remove the video adapter from the motherboard and connect the monitor interface cable to the integrated video card. If a familiar boot picture appears on the monitor after turning it on, then it’s time to change (or upgrade) the video card.

4. In the case when, after turning on the power, the system fans begin to rotate, and the small speaker is on system board makes a characteristic squeak, then the problem is most likely in the RAM. If more than one bracket is installed in the slots on the motherboard, then you need to remove it as much as possible, leaving one. The procedure of cleaning contacts with an eraser can lead to positive result. Using a brute force method, it will not be difficult to identify a non-functioning RAM strip.

5. It is quite common for a personal computer to not react at all when pressing the Power button. There are several possible options developments of events. No contact with electrical network(the plug is not inserted tightly), or the power cord is broken, or there is a malfunction in the power supply. Failure of the power supply is a common reaction of the system unit to power surges, as well as the connection of devices that consume more power, specified in the characteristics of the existing power supply. Modern practice shows that replacing the described element is a more economical and reliable option than repair.

6. If the personal computer turns on, but operating shell is unstable, startup applications are slow, then the solution most likely does not lie in the hardware. The data on the hard drive, like any device, needs to be prevented. Periodic defragmentation of data, cleaning the registry, and even reinstalling the operating system will not be superfluous. By devoting a little time to preventive measures, you will save yourself from periodic system freezes and PC workload. Having an understanding of the features of the basic elements of a personal computer, you can easily solve the difficulties that arise, or avoid them altogether.

Computers are constantly working, the system and programs are updated. Due to our actions, or due to errors in programs, or maybe from the consequences of viruses, the system may begin to fail. Of course, almost any problem can be solved with someone’s help or.

Many people want to do their own computer repair, but there are 5 things that you should not do if you do not have experience, or at least 100% accurate instructions on how to do it correctly. Instead of solving the problem, it may get even worse. There's a lot on the Internet various information, both in the form of articles and step-by-step video instructions. But a computer is a complex device, so some things should be done only if you are completely confident that you are doing the right thing.

5 things you shouldn't do without experience

  1. Editing the system registry. Windows Registry is a complex database with a hierarchical presentation of information. It stores all the settings and parameters of the operating system, installed programs and equipment. Stable and correct work systems directly depend on the registry. Corrupt or incorrect data in the registry can lead to system crash. If Windows stops loading or starts to work worse after manipulating the registry, use.
  2. Removing files from system folders. In general, Windows warns you that you are entering system folders, and by default their contents are not displayed (if you use standard Explorer). But sometimes you need to delete or change files to solve a specific problem. But without special knowledge or correct and detailed instructions, it is better not to go there. There is a high risk of getting a broken system, and restore points may not help.
  3. Don't dig into the system unit. I'm not saying that under no circumstances should you open the system unit. You just need to clean it from dust, add a memory stick or replace the video card. But some people try to replace the motherboard or cooling system on the central processor or video card, and then cry that nothing works. Computer components are very fragile and capricious things that are afraid of static tension and awkward movements. A step to the left, a step to the right, and at the exit we have a non-working computer, or even smoke. If you can try what you are confident in, and leave the rest to the specialists.
  4. Don't play with the BIOS. In addition to the operating system, the computer has another “mini-OS” that controls the computer up to Windows boot. BIOS controls central processor, fans, hard drives and other devices, and also stores parameters of their operating modes. Incorrectly changing BIOS settings can lead to complete system inoperability, or to minor problems such as slow work or unavailability of some devices. Do you need it?
  5. Command line manipulation. As many people know, command line This powerful tool control the behavior of the operating system and other programs, but only with skillful use. If you start to execute commands, especially those related to change file system or other data, you must be absolutely sure that you are doing everything correctly. Otherwise, you may find yourself face to face with a more serious problem than you had before. And this is really bad.

Do not attempt to repair your computer yourself unless you are knowledgeable or have specific instructions. It's better to ask a friend or friend for help. computer technician for little money, or at least use it. For novice users, I advise you to watch a video on the program for optimizing computer operation and solving problems.