Rating of television cables. TV cable, which one is better to choose?

If you are doing repairs, among other things, the question arises of buying a television cable and, of course, the sacred “which TV cable is better?” There is a wagon and a small cart of various varieties on sale antenna wires, which differ in marking, name, thickness, characteristics, color, etc. Not to mention that for different types TV offers “its own” cables.

Let's be honest, this abundance sometimes baffles even specialists. Therefore, we want to tell you what cable is needed to connect the TV, and how to check whether the installation wizard offers the right type.

The structure of a television cable

The cables are arranged, in general, the same way. There is a main central core or inner conductor. The core is hidden in an insulating sheath, on top of which a screen and braid are laid. And the protective shell completes everything.

Note! A cable of this structure is also called coaxial. Thus, the cable for the TV is coaxial.

The internal conductor transmits the signal in all types of television and power for the converter in satellite TV. Therefore, it is made of copper or copper-plated steel. That is, the vein itself is steel, and on top there is a thin layer of copper, sort of like steel wires were dipped into a bath of molten copper. A pure copper core is needed only for the satellite; for the rest, a copper-plated steel core works great. Plus, the price of the cable is lower, but the quality is high.

The screen and braid act as protection against various interferences. The better they are made, the better the TV signal will be. The screen is made of aluminum foil and/or aluminum lavsan (screen), the braid is made of aluminum, copper or tinned-copper wire. The average protection factor or shielding factor is 60-80 dB, high starts from 90 dB.

The internal plastic dielectric reliably hides the central core, protecting it from damage. It also insulates from contact with the screen and braid. The outer sheath made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) covers the entire contents of the cable, protecting it from damage and external influences. For example, from water, dust, temperature changes and other troubles. After all, cables are often laid not only indoors, but also outdoors.

Brands and characteristics of antenna cable for TV

Coaxial antenna cable is available under different brands, the most commonly used of which are: SAT 50, SAT 703, RG 6, RG 59, DG 113, RK 75. All of them have a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms and are suitable for connecting one or more TVs. Now let's talk about each type in more detail.

RG-6 cable

The brand is Russian, but made in China. The central core is copper or steel with copper plating, thickness 1.0 mm, hidden in a sheath of foamed polyethylene. The cable has a foil screen, copper or aluminum braiding and a protective PVC sheath. The total thickness of the wire is 6-6.8 mm. Most often, the RG 6 brand is used for cable, regular and digital TV. This is the most inexpensive variety with a price per meter starting from 10 rubles.

Cable RK 75

Similar to RG-6 in terms of characteristics, produced in Russia. The central core is made of copper, thickness 1.0 mm, PE dielectric, screen made of copper braid or double screen made of aluminum lavsan and tinned copper (foil and braid). A cable with a single shield can be used for terrestrial and cable TV, and with a double shield it can also be used for a satellite dish inside a building.

Cable RG 59

A thinner version of RG-6 with a central core thickness of 0.5-0.58 mm and an outer diameter of 5.4-6.0 mm. Suitable for transmitting all types of signals, including satellite, but over a distance of 190 m. Due to the thinness of the main conductor, the signal in the cable attenuates 50% more, and the loss of image quality increases with each meter.

Attention! RG 59 and other analogues with a half-millimeter core are used for one television receiver. A fragile and thin conductor is more difficult to secure in sockets and connectors; it easily breaks if the wire is laid inaccurately and if the wire is strongly bent. And high attenuation “brutally” weakens the signal when connected in a serial circuit.

SAT 50 cable

Manufacturer: Italian company Cavel. The central copper core is 1.0 mm, the screen is reinforced, consists of two layers of foil and copper-tin braid, shielding coefficient from 60 dB. The conductor sheath is made of PEG dielectric, the outer one is made of PVC, cable diameter is 6.6 mm, kg. It can transmit all types of television signals - broadcast, cable, digital and satellite. Price per meter from 30 rubles.

SAT 703 cable

Also products under the Cavel brand. The central conductor is made of copper with a thickness of 1.13 mm. Screen made of two layers of aluminum-plastic foil and copper-tin braid, shielding coefficient from 80 dB, shell made of PEG dielectric and PVC, total thickness - 6.6 mm. It transmits all TV signals with high quality and is recommended for satellite TV, including outdoor installation. Price per meter from 40 rubles.

Cable DG 113

Manufactured by Cavel, technical indicators are similar to the SAT 703 brand, but the shielding coefficient of DG 113 is higher and starts from 90 dB. This ensures high-quality transmission of high-frequency signals without interference. Excellent cable for indoor satellite dish. The most expensive antenna cable. The cost of a meter starts from 65 rubles.

So many options - which TV cable is better?

Based on experience with low current, we recommend taking a high-quality CAVEL cable. The Italians ate the dog in the production of antenna wires for 47 years of work. And the brand has become a reference all over the world. Of course, such a cable costs more, but it is always 100% worth the investment.

Satellite, cable, digital TV - which cable to choose

Surely you are interested in:

  • what antenna cable is needed for digital television;
  • what tv cable would be better suited for cable TV;
  • Which TV wire It's better to take it for a satellite dish.

From practice we know for sure that dividing into so many types of television and selecting a cable for each is a waste of time and money. The reason is simple, the frequency of channels, regular terrestrial, digital TV and cable channels, are not very far apart and fit in the range from 49 to 800 MHz.

This gap is qualitatively “closed” by all types of cables of the brands SAT 50, SAT 703, RG 6, DG 113, RK 75. And if the total length of the television wiring is up to 20-30 meters, then the signal attenuation is practically not felt. Even RG 59 copes well with work in a star circuit or when connecting one TV.

! Feel free to choose one type of cable for digital, terrestrial and cable television.

And to the question: which television wire is better for digital or cable TV? — let’s answer this — any of the Cavel cable family will give a 100-point head start to other brands. But, if you need to “fit” into a budget option, RG-6 is also suitable.

Antenna wire for satellite television

Satellite channel broadcast frequencies are higher and are measured in thousands of megahertz. The cable must transmit them without significant losses, which are noticeable in the high-frequency range and grow rapidly with each meter. Plus, there is a transmission of special pulses and supply current for the converter local oscillator.

Besides, satellite channels are more sensitive to electronic interference, which means that effective cable shielding is required. The stability of the outer shell is also an important thing. The satellite dish is located outside, and part of the wire will be on the street. And there all the delights of the weather and precipitation will begin to actively age and destroy the shell

Therefore, choose high quality cable with less attenuation, durable copper core, excellent screen and reliable shell with carbon protection.

! We recommend antenna wire for satellite television grades SAT 50, SAT 703, DG 113 or their analogues.

The best option

Without antics and dancing with a tambourine, let’s say that a high-quality branded Cavel television cable is a super-optimal option in terms of price-versatility. You get much more than just excellent technical specifications and beautiful picture on TV.

  1. Workmanship. The branded cable is an order of magnitude higher than the budget analogue. For example, in inexpensive assortment (especially made in China) it is very easy to pull out the cable stuffing from the sheath. With the luxury Cavel cable, you will be tortured to tear off even a small piece of “skin”.
  2. Versatility of installation. The branded wire is thicker, stronger, and fits perfectly under the plaster like in a cable channel. And when installed externally inside the plinth, Cavel easily withstands mechanical stress.
  3. Reliability of contacts. All connections with sockets, plugs, etc. good contact, when using a proprietary Cavel cable. Because it is made of high quality materials.

Let's sum it up

The online store site offers an assortment of antenna cables from the affordable Russian RG 6 to the branded Italian Cavel. As well as accessories, electrical and television sockets.

We answer any questions about TV cables and accessories. We select a complete set for a turnkey home TV network.

Call and ask! Phones

Even best antenna will not do its job if you are using a low quality TV cable. And combined with its poor installation, problems with proper reception of television signals will certainly arise. As a rule, information about it is included in its specification or printed directly on the outer shell. However, we cannot always verify this data, and sometimes even this information is not always reliable! How can you figure out which TV cable is better? All you need is basic knowledge and a little observation - below we offer 7 practical ways.

Coaxial cable consists of several components that determine its properties and quality. It consists of two conductors, the axes of which are combined, that is, they coincide. This is the principle of coaxiality (alignment). The outer conductor serves as a shield for the inner conductor.

How it works

The standard structure of a coax is as follows: a metal core (usually a copper conductor), a dielectric made of polyethylene or Teflon (rarely), an outer conductor: a braid of intertwined wires (an option is an additional metallized layer, foil and copper braid), a PVC sheath.

  1. internal conductor, affects the quality of signal transmission;
  2. dielectric - a layer of plastic;
  3. metallized layer (a combination of copper and polyester or a combination of aluminum and polyester);
  4. metal braid, the denser its weaving, the higher the quality;
  5. outer shell for protection against moisture and radiation, on it you will find the manufacturer's markings.

Where is it used?

Coaxial cable is used for:

  • signal reception - TV, FM radio;
  • Signal transmission: from 1.8 MHz to 3 GHz;
  • for high frequency connections between devices;
  • in data transmission networks, in measuring instruments.

Which cable is best to use for TV? Definitely high quality. Quality is a parameter that cannot be neglected, especially when it comes to digital signal reception. Here is the relationship: if you good welcome, but the signal is not important, the transmitted image will be distorted. Conversely, high-quality transmission will not make up for poor quality reception.

Coaxials, as they are often called, are characterized by generally accepted criteria:

  • resistance (Ohm);
  • the amount of signal attenuation (losses at 10, 100 and 1000 MHz, indicated in dB per 100 m);
  • permissible power or maximum operating voltage (kV);
  • wave propagation coefficient.

Choosing a television cable will also be correct based on the following characteristics:

  • cable cord diameter (mm);
  • flexibility;
  • dielectric material;
  • material of the outer insulating layer.

The most common coaxial cable for use in apartments is flexible and has a diameter of 6 mm. And this is justified: problems can arise with rigid cables if their installation requires small bending radii.

Large diameter coaxial cables are designed to transmit higher powers. Their black outer shell indicates that they are for outdoor use because they are protected from damaging ultraviolet rays. Cable products with white coating are used indoors as they prevent combustion.


When you buy a domestic product, there are usually no difficulties with its designation.

  • RK - radio frequency cable;
  • 75 - conductor resistance 75 Ohm;
  • 4.8 - diameter;
  • 34 - the first digit shows the insulation group, heat resistance category. The second digit is the serial number of the development;
  • TU - technical manufacturing conditions.

But the markings of imported cables can confuse you. Meanwhile, here is the definition of Western standards:

  • DELINK - manufacturer;
  • SAT-752 - name;
  • Cu/Cu - material of the central conductor and braid (Cuprum - copper);
  • 1.13 - thickness of the central core;
  • 0.12*64 - thickness and density of the braid;
  • Cu-foil - full copper;
  • Coaxial cable - coaxial cable;
  • 75 OHM - conductor resistance 75 Ohm;
  • ISO 9001-2000 - certificate of conformity.

Choosing quality

So how will you check the cable quality? According to the following seven signs!


External insulation not only resists external influences and mechanical damage- what it is made of largely determines the properties of the cable wire.

The most commonly used polyvinyl chloride coating for cable cords. You can choose them for wiring in the apartment. The coating made of light-stabilized polyethylene distinguishes the cords for outdoor use. In addition, outdoor cables have a protective gel-like layer against weather conditions and sun rays. By removing a section of insulation, you can see if there is a gel-like lubricant underneath that protects the inner surface of the cable from moisture.

Outer shell strength

Just try removing the outer layer by hand. If the PVC or PE coating is weak and easily slides off the braid or foil layer, lengthening and stretching, this no longer guarantees sufficient cable strength.

Quality of the shielding layer

The shielding layer is aluminum or copper foil wound onto a dielectric. Its task is to protect the signal passing inside the cable from external signals. electromagnetic waves which may cause interference. It also prevents the signal from leaking out to prevent it from weakening. For both conditions to be met, the foil must be glued to the dielectric layer. This can be easily checked by removing part of the shell and examining the shielding layer. If the foil moves freely along the dielectric layer, this means that it was not glued, which means that during installation, when you need to bend the wire properly, the film will slightly open the dielectric and create an unprotected “gap” through which signals will penetrate.

Braid density

The most common braid is a copper or aluminum mesh made of wire with a diameter of about 0.12 mm. The higher the braid density (more wires), the higher the electromagnetic density of the cable. This is another barrier to protect the transmitted signal from interference.

At first glance, the density of the weave is difficult to assess. Pay attention to the interweaving of the hairs, at what angle? If they are laid freely, longitudinally, then we are dealing with a thin braid. And vice versa, if they form a dense mesh that covers the entire wire, then the braid coating is dense, “airtight”. The signal will be under reliable protection.

Dielectric check

The dielectric is a polymer layer made mainly of polyisobutylene. It is important that this material is foamed physically. Chemical foaming does not have a long-term effect - after a few years the dielectric will collapse. A fragile dielectric means there is a 100% risk of displacement of the central core and loss of coaxiality. You cannot use such a wire for.

Unfortunately, the nature of such foaming is difficult to analyze without special tools. But is it possible to check whether the dielectric is dense and whether it is well “welded” both to the core and to the foil (screen)? It has key value when bending the cable and determines its permissible bending radius.

Coax class

The cable class characterizes the degree of electromagnetic leakage. The higher the class, the greater its density and resistance to external interference. Higher tightness is achieved by choosing the type and number of screens and braids used. Cable wires are distinguished:

  • two-layer – two layers inside: foil + braid;
  • three-layer – foil + braid + foil;
  • four-layer – braid + foil + braid + foil.

Of course, the greater the number of layers, the greater the electromagnetic density, the higher the class and quality of the cable wiring. To choose the right television cable, you need to see what class we are dealing with. It is enough to “clean” it layer by layer, reaching the dielectric.

Core type and thickness

The type of inner core and its thickness are directly related to the signal attenuation in the cable. Low attenuation cables maintain adequate signal quality throughout the entire length to the receiving device.

Coaxial cores can be made of copper or copper-plated steel. Copper has better conductive properties and reduces resistance electric charges. Therefore, it is more often used in various types cables In turn, the diameter of the wire increases the active conducting surface and reduces the resistance to these charges.

If the core is soft and does not change color after a small scrape or cut, you can be sure that you are dealing with copper wire. However, if the center wire is rigid, and after cleaning the top layer of copper the silver color of the steel clearly appears, then you have a copper-plated wire.

Let's sum it up

If the time has come to choose, it is better to choose the cable that fulfills all the mentioned conditions:

  1. the thickness of the inner core exceeds 1 mm;
  2. the shielding film is glued to a physically foamed dielectric;
  3. has triple or quadruple insulation;
  4. braid density of at least 64% (densely spaced wires with a thickness of at least 0.12 mm);
  5. the coating of the outer insulating layer is adapted to the purpose of the cable;
  6. the maximum attenuation at frequencies of 862 MHz and 2150 MHz is respectively lower: 21 dB and 32 dB (parameter for 100 meters of wire).

By choosing an antenna cable according to these rules, you can be sure that you are dealing with an excellent quality product that you can count on for both analog and .

To connect your TV to cable or an antenna, you need to buy special cable, process its ends and put on special plugs. If all the preparatory steps for connecting the TV are carried out incorrectly, analogue channels, like digital ones, will show a low-quality picture with a poor image and interference. This will happen because the antenna cable for the TV is losing signal somewhere or the installation was made incorrectly.

Selecting a TV cable

Select quality and necessary materials to connect a TV is the most important undertaking. Even the most advanced and modern source signal and correctly inserted plugs cannot guarantee a high-quality picture if the wrong TV cable is used. Therefore, the question arises of how to choose the right television materials to connect to.

How to choose an antenna cable for your TV?

Before you go buy everything you need, you should understand the principle of operation of high-frequency current in a cable. In a home power network, current flows in the wire over its entire cross-section. The TV signal flows through the antenna conductor in a completely different way. Everyone knows how water is squeezed out washing machine: how high speed rpm, the stronger and faster the water is removed from the laundry under the influence of centrifugal force. As an example, we can also cite one of the moments of childhood when we were riding on a carousel, and how this force pressed us into the back of the chairs, pushing us out.

The antenna cable for a TV works in the same way, or more precisely, the signal current that moves in it. The higher frequency signal, the closer to the cable surface it is distributed. If a current with a frequency of 1000 MHz is passed simultaneously through a 10 mm copper wire and a copper tube with a wall thickness of 1 mm, then the losses will be the same. Therefore, in the military and space technologies for production antenna cables use thin layers of gold or silver, which prevent severe signal loss. This is a very expensive method and is not used at home.

Due to the fact that the TV signal in the cable is small, it is impossible to measure its frequency at home without expensive equipment. Only after connecting the cable will it be possible to determine the quality of the transmitting signal.

Antenna cable for TV. Which one is better to choose?

Today, the electronic goods market offers various materials for connecting to a signal source, the cost of which varies over a wide range. All of them differ from each other not only in price, but also in quality of execution. The most popular and widespread is the coaxial antenna cable for TV, which is presented by different manufacturers and stamps. This cable is successfully used for working with analog and digital television signals and even for high-frequency satellite antennas. The cable marking indicates the amount of signal loss.

Choosing the right material

What is the best antenna cable for TV? Experts advise that when purchasing it, pay close attention to the markings on the surface of the cable. It must have a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms. All television devices are designed for such parameters.

The diameter of the cable sheath cannot be less than 6 mm. The core and braid must be copper. Cables of the SAT 703B and DG 113 brands have these characteristics. But the RG 6U brand has a steel central core, which is electroplated with copper, aluminum foil is used for the screen, and a copper alloy is used for the braid. This antenna cable for a TV is a budget option. Thus, it becomes clear what material should be taken to connect to the signal source.

Connection process

To connect to the TV, you do not need to invite special workers. Everything can be done on your own if you follow the recommendations.

Analog and digital signal in the cable is only thousandths of a volt, so connecting the antenna cable to the TV is not dangerous for humans. It can be easily cut, and the other end can be included in the device. It is also absolutely safe if a short circuit occurs between the core and the screen film.

Install the plug on the cable

Plugs sold can be of three types depending on the diameter of the cable. Therefore, when purchasing this device, you need to check that it fits the antenna wire. Most experts advise purchasing an F-plug, as it matches signals coming from analog and digital sources.

How to connect an antenna cable to a TV? This technology is very simple. First, you need to separate the cable itself, wrap the screen film, you don’t have to do this, but the plug holds tighter in the first case, and screw on the connector.

In order for everything to work out neatly, you should carefully cut the top layer of the cable with a stationery knife, being careful not to damage the screen film. The incision should be several centimeters long.

After the cut top part it is bent and cut off, as it is no longer needed. The foil and braid are wrapped back.

There is one secret that many people do not know: aluminum foil is treated with a thin layer of plastic on the inside for strength; it is impossible to clean it. If you put a nozzle on it, the contact will be very poor. To prevent this from happening, you should fold the turned foil (its half) back. Thus, the conductive layer will be on the outside.

There are cases when the diameter of the plug is larger than the wire. Therefore, how to make an antenna cable for a TV so that the attachment does not fall off and the signal quality is not impaired? To do this, wrap the end of the cable with electrical tape, then the plug will not go anywhere on its own.

Then the insulation of the core is removed, a nozzle is put on the foil or electrical tape, a part of the unnecessary core that exceeds 3 mm is bit off with pliers, and that’s it - the cable for connecting to the TV is ready.

Sometimes the design of the TV or its location does not allow you to connect the antenna directly. In this case, there are plugs on sale that are bent at 90 0, which are perfect for any position.

Old types of attachments

Before the advent of all-metal plugs, attachments of a different design were used. They also did not need soldering, but they were put on a little differently. First, the upper metal part was unscrewed from the plastic base. Then the main body was put on the antenna cable for the TV, the winding with the screen was trimmed and the rest of the plug was screwed on top.

If you don't have any attachments on hand

It often happens in life when you need to find something, but it’s not there. It happens that you urgently need to connect your TV to the antenna, but you don’t have a plug at hand. Is it possible to get out of this situation? Of course, you can, because the cable can be connected without an attachment. To do this, remove the top cover of the cable, 5 centimeters long, unscrew the screen, remove the insulating material and bend the core into a loop. It is advisable to wrap the foil with electrical tape.

To prevent the wire from falling out of the socket, fix it with matches or toothpicks.

Bad signal

There are times when there is a sharp deterioration in the image quality of the picture. For this there may be different reasons, the most common of which is cable damage. How to fix the antenna cable for a TV if a break has been found? After all, here you cannot do as with an ordinary wire: twist the break together and insulate the twisted area.

To get out of this situation, there are special metal connectors on sale, similar to the plug that is connected to the TV. Having found the location of the damage on the cable, it is divided into two parts. Each part is cleaned as described above (as when preparing the wire for putting on the nozzle). After preparing the cable parts, they are inserted into the connector and tightened with a special nut.

If the length is not enough

Wire extension occurs in the same way. Many people have found themselves in a situation where they moved furniture with a TV or re-hanged it if it was wall-mounted, and now there is not enough cable to connect. That’s why the question arises about how to extend the antenna cable for a TV.

In the same way, take a connector and increase the required length. However, there are a couple of “buts” that you need to know:

1. When extending the cable, it is advisable to buy exactly the same brand of wire that is on this moment available. Under no circumstances should you use a cable with less markings. Otherwise, the signal quality will deteriorate.

2. When extending and connecting a television cable, even if everything is done carefully, the image quality may drop somewhat. No matter how well the connectors are screwed, a break in a solid core will still affect the signal for the worse. But this also depends on the transmitting source: if it is strong enough, then breaking the cable and its subsequent connection will not affect the quality of the picture.

Connecting multiple televisions

Connecting several televisions to a network or antenna that transmits an analog or digital signal is not difficult. The only thing is that you will need to put on not one plug, but several. For this purpose, you can buy a special splitter, popularly called a “crab” or “splitter”.

This device has one input for the antenna and several outputs for other wires. In order for the “crab” to function correctly, all its outputs are connected to television devices. If there is a pair of outputs, then connect two devices, if there are three, then to three TVs. There should be no free exits. If there is an unused connector left, you should put a plug on it, but the signal quality will decrease. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a “crab” with as many outputs as required to power the devices.

Experts emphasize that when connecting a cable through a “splitter,” the signal quality will still be lower, even if some TV does not work. This occurs due to the loss of current in the “crab” itself and the additional wire. There is even such a table:

Two TVs are connected - signal loss - 30%.

If the incoming analog or digital signal is already weak, then the image quality will drop sharply due to the connected “crab”. Thus, the more devices are connected, the worse the television picture will be. However, in cities where there are signal sources nearby, which in addition pass through special amplifiers, such problems practically do not occur. Residents of rural areas may encounter similar difficulties, and only if they still have not a satellite dish, but a simple analog antenna.


If suddenly after connecting the “crab” the signal became worse, then you can put a special device in front of it - an amplifier TV signal. Such a device is separately powered electrical network. It should be placed as close to the antenna or TV as possible. There are models of such devices that have several outputs. They are installed if you need to connect a certain number of television sets.

Bottom line

In conclusion, I would like to add that knowledge of how to choose an antenna cable for a TV and the ability to install it correctly are the most important points in connecting the antenna to the receiver. To do this, you should buy a good and high quality wire. Nowadays, in many houses and apartments, television cables are hidden in the wall, in the Western style, with only a special outlet for the antenna. And this is very good, since the cable is not noticeable and is safe and sound without damage.

If this cannot be done, then it is recommended to at least close the wire in a special plastic box. After all, if it gets damaged, the image quality will drop. It is better to avoid this, so as not to later pull a new cable or install connectors, which can also affect the loss of signal.

Until now, the signal to many TVs in our apartments is supplied via cable. Neglect of its choice can negatively affect the image even if installed correctly. To avoid such troubles, it is not enough to measure the length required for connection. Before purchasing, you should find out how to choose an antenna cable.

IN technical documentation a television or antenna cable may be designated as coaxial (coaxial). The term characterizes the principle of its operation, when both conductors (central core and braid) provide transmission in one direction across the entire cross-section width (the “standing wave” effect), which reduces radiation losses to a minimum.

Its design is standard and in most cases includes four layers:

  1. central vein,
  2. polyethylene foam insulation,
  3. external conductor screen made of aluminum foil and braid,
  4. shell made of polyvinyl chloride.

Available on the market big choice cable products of imported and domestic production, different prices. A budget option increases the risk of low-quality television broadcast; the choice of expensive products is not always justified from a technical point of view. The performance characteristics of an expensive cable may not be much higher than that of an average-cost analogue. It is much more important to study the basic technical specifications proposed purchase:

  • resistance and attenuation,
  • core material,
  • braid composition and density,
  • shell quality,
  • diameter.

Marking on the outer covering

Many of these criteria can be determined from the information posted on the shell. It is applied every meter, and its presence is mandatory. According to the standard, the data is indicated in the following order:

  1. manufacturer,
  2. brand in alphanumeric designation,
  3. number of screen conductor cores,
  4. quality,
  5. wave resistance,
  6. footage

On the shell it may look like this: CABLETECH RG-6U/48 HIGH QUALITY COAXIAL CABLE 75 OHM 0.66 M. More detailed information can be extracted from the technical documentation included with the cable.

Characteristic impedance

Any television device used in everyday life is designed for a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms. The purchased television cable must have appropriate resistance. If this indicator is higher, the quality of the broadcast will deteriorate significantly or it will be unsuitable for transmitting a television signal. Along with resistance important characteristic is the attenuation at the corresponding frequency and length. The lower this indicator is, the better the television broadcast will be.

Center conductor

The conductor material has a direct impact on the signal. Manufacturers use copper, copper-coated or tin-coated steel to make it. The preferred option would be a copper core, which is guaranteed to provide excellent reception, but will be more expensive. A steel conductor has a lower price, but the transmission may not be the best. The material of the conductor can be easily determined by the cut; for a steel core it will be silver in color.

The thickness of the core affects the television image and its transmission range. A larger diameter will mean less resistance, which means a greater transmission range without interference or loss of stability. Back side thickening is a decrease in flexibility.

A single-core cable is usually used to connect the antenna. If it is expected a large number of bends horizontally and vertically, then you can use multi-core with greater flexibility and resistance to metal fatigue. In this case, the signal quality may suffer.

Braid material and density (conductor-screen)

The best material for its manufacture is copper. It is most effective in protecting the signal from external electromagnetic interference. Next important indicator there will be a number of fine hairs in the braid, intertwined in a certain way. The greater their number, the less external interference the design transmits and the better the television broadcast. The maximum number of such cores in a braid can reach up to 100.

A sign of a quality product will be the presence of an aluminum foil screen under the braid. It protects conductors from mutual interference and internal interference. In technical documentation, the effectiveness of the conductor-screen is designated as noise immunity. For good antenna cables it should be at least 80%.

Shell quality

The outer shell is usually made of elastic plastic and protects the internal structure from damage. The insulation must be solid, resistant to external influences, and moderately elastic to allow bending without damaging the outer layer. It is not difficult to check it, just try to pick off the shell with your fingernail and if there is even a slight detachment of the insulation, then it is better to put such a product aside.


In the store you can purchase products of different thicknesses. The value of this indicator has a direct impact on the permissible bending radius. A cable with a diameter of 6 mm usually has a bend of 70 mm; its counterparts with a smaller diameter bend with a smaller radius. This indicator should be taken into account if the laying perimeter is too complex, with a large number of bends and narrow openings. But for wiring from the antenna to the TV under standard conditions, a thickness of at least 6 mm is recommended. It is better suited for connection with standard connectors and sockets, and installation is not much more difficult than working with a thinner analogue.

When switching to digital TV broadcasting or installing a satellite dish, many of us are faced with problems that did not exist before. For example, the inability to configure the receiver to separate channels, ripples on the screen, unstable image.

As a rule, the root cause lies in the discrepancy between the parameters of the old line and the new operating conditions, namely, the discrepancy between the frequencies of the signal sources and its characteristics. Therefore, the television cable needs to be changed. What you should buy, which type of television cable is better - the article will help you independently understand all the intricacies of the purchase issue.

Immediately choosing a television (coaxial) cable by color, thickness, examining its cut, trying to determine the structure of the product is a pointless and futile matter. Before going to the store, you need to clarify some features of the line laying and the TV broadcast itself. Only then will it become clear which products are for local conditions is the best.

General information about television cable

What is taken into account:

  • Format of the received television signal (digital or analog).
  • Number of connected TV receivers.
  • Cable laying diagram - route length, number of turns, presence of areas located outside the building, type of wiring (hidden or closed) and a number of other nuances in relation to your home (apartment).

Design features of coaxial cables

For all types of products, the structural composition is identical: outer shell – screen (usually two) – internal filling(dielectric) – central core.

Now, having decided on all the features of installation and signal reception, you can make a purchase quite consciously.

Criteria for choosing a television cable

The characteristic impedance of all cables (regardless of the manufacturer) for connecting TV receivers is 75 Ohms.

Outer shell

Either PE (white) or PVC (black). You need to see how dense it is. The greater its thickness, the stronger and more durable the cable. But there is also a disadvantage of this choice - the difficulty of bending the cable. Its radius will be limited, since it entirely depends on the size of the cable cross-section.

Screen (external conductor)

It can be either foil or aluminum film + braid. In older modifications of television cables there was only one screen, and was made only of braided wire. Similar products can still be found on street stalls and flea markets. Low price, of course, is attractive, but you need to understand that the cable in this design is definitely not designed to receive a television signal in digital format, especially from a satellite dish.

The absence of a shielding foil layer in the cable is a clear sign of low-quality products. An abundance of interference on the receiver screen, TV broadcast failures, signal distortion and a number of other defects are guaranteed.

Central vein

It can be either copper or alloys (most often steel), but coated with this metal. The first option is preferable, since there is practically no signal distortion in such a cable. You need to pay attention to the thickness of the core (from 0.3 to 1 mm). IN in this case, the more, the better, since this parameter is associated with the attenuation coefficient of the electromagnetic waves (inverse relationship).

Cable thickness

The range of products is quite large. Experts note that you should not purchase a cable with a cross-section of less than 3.5 mm for household use. A TV connected to such a line will only receive signals in the meter range (ORT, RTR, NTV and a number of others). In fact, the choice of channels is sharply limited.

To watch programs broadcast via satellite dish or in the UHF range, you will have to install additional equipment. It is unlikely that such expenses when organizing “household television” (and paying for the services of a master) can be called justified.


There are quite a lot of them. The peculiarity of television cable products is (as experts note) that even the presence of a certificate for a product does not guarantee it High Quality. The most common markings are: SAT 50 (703B), RG 6U, DG 113.

Examples include such manufacturers as Commscope, Mediaflex, Cavel, Belden. Today their cables are the best, and if you have a choice, it is advisable to purchase from this list.


Here it is briefly - high-quality television cable for less than 10 rubles per pip. m. cannot cost.

The longer the television cable route, the thicker it should be (due, as already noted, to the attenuation of the TV signal). For example, if the antenna is installed directly outside the window, on a loggia, then 6 mm is sufficient. When connecting the cable to the roof of the house, you should purchase products with a larger cross-section.

When choosing a cable, you need to take into account the features of its installation. If there is a utility line next to it that creates an EM background (electrical wiring, powerful signal lines), then it is advisable to purchase a cable of greater thickness (at least 10 mm), and with the most reliable protective sheath. Otherwise, failures in signal reception, interference, and interference cannot be avoided.

Since the times of the “land of Soviets”, a cable under such a popular brand has been known (and before it was the only one in retail sales), like RK-75. Home craftsmen, often out of habit, focus on it. It is worth saying that this is not The best decision, especially since there is now a choice.

Reason – great importance attenuation coefficient. It can provide a good image on the TV screen and sound only if the reception is organized at indoor antenna, that is, with a short line length. In other cases - output to a balcony, roof - problems will constantly arise with the stability of the TV signal, especially when switching channels.

TV cable You should always take it with a small margin in length. There are plenty of reasons. Firstly, sometimes the signal disappears if there is damage at the points where the line is connected to the splitter (when connecting several TV receivers), and you have to re-cut the cable.

Secondly, often updating the interior consists only of reinstalling the furniture, including the TV receiver. In this case, the extra length will definitely not be superfluous.

There are cables on sale that are specially impregnated during the production process. They are ideal for laying outside buildings (overhead lines, buried routes). When planning a purchase, it is worth considering this feature of this modification.

If you look at the materials posted on thematic forums, most positive feedback falls on cable brand CAVEL (Italy). This is not an advertisement, but a statement of fact. Many users note a number of advantages of this product, which position it favorably against the background of analogues.

  • Higher quality internal filling (foamed dielectric).
  • In the production of coaxial cables under this brand, only pure copper is used.
  • Increased moisture protection.
  • Large selection of products.
  • The minimum attenuation coefficient that does not change under the influence of external factors(humidity, temperature).
  • Service life (guaranteed by the manufacturer) is at least 15 years.


To connect television receivers in a house (apartment), you need to choose a cable:

  • cross-section – within 6.5 ± 0.5 mm;
  • by the number of screens – two;
  • by manufacturer.

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