Rating of social networks in the world. Instagram continues to grow

Today it is difficult to imagine how one can live without social networks created for communication, finding friends and like-minded people. In them you can post your own materials, including photos and videos, you can also comment on posts left by other users and leave your reviews. Some social networks also offer the opportunity to earn money, which is used by many who like to communicate online. Lately New networks are appearing on the Internet, but there are clear leaders whose popularity is growing every day, as evidenced by the number of active participants. The ranking of social networks in 2016 will help you do right choice, although many users use several of them simultaneously.

Top 5 best social networks in the world

If you have a sufficient amount of free time, like to communicate and get to know each other, you should pay attention to social networks, and do not forget that there is a lot of activity around real life. Remember how difficult it was to find a person a few years ago, today the situation has changed and, having registered in one or more networks, you will be pleasantly surprised to meet friends or relatives there, contact with whom it seemed hopelessly lost. Social networks can also help you find a group of people with similar interests, where you will meet like-minded people, communication with whom will give you a lot of interesting things. Social networks also help you find a job; you can even create your own online store. We offer a ranking of social networks in the world, which includes the top five:

As you noticed, we have proposed a rating of the world's most popular social networks, and you can make a rating of social networks in Russia in 2016. This will necessarily include the VKontakte network, which, in terms of visit statistics and the dynamics of growth in their number, is significantly ahead of Facebook, which is the undisputed leader in the world rankings. In third place in Russian rating the social network Odnoklassniki will be ahead of the popular Twitter in its main indicators. There are other networks such as LiveJournal, LiveInternet, Google+ and other social networks visited by Russians, but they are considered less popular.

Social networks have become a part of the lives of Internet users. Many people have no idea how they lived before they appeared. And now that's it free time dedicate to communicating with virtual friends. Therefore, startupers and developers are trying to create new ones, become leaders in the network and even overtake Facebook. Every year new projects appear, both for mothers and housewives, as well as for admirers of literature and music. Today there are six interesting social networks that are worthy of your attention.

And although it seems that existing social networks will always be popular, in reality this is not true. For example, not so long ago a social Instagram network and for short term it attracted a huge audience. By the way, instead of Instagram you can use an interesting online service. Around popular sites is gradually being created big number interesting online service ov.

New social network #1 - Bookish.

On the social network you can discuss your favorite literary works and buy books. The network was created with the support of large publishing houses - Simon & Schuster, Hachette Book Group and Penguin Group. The main goal of the project is to unite the author of the book and the reader. On the social network you can read excerpts from books, interviews with authors, as well as user reviews. If a user is interested in a book, he can purchase it; he just needs to follow the link to local stores or Amazon. The network interface is very convenient, which allows you to find the author you like by any means. But Bookish will only be useful for English-speaking users and “reading enthusiasts.”

The network database consists of two million books, as well as four hundred thousand pages with information about the authors.

New social network No. 2 - Fancy.

While this social network is popular in the United States, few people know about it in other countries. However, this service is growing quickly. And this is expected, since the creators and. Users are encouraged to search for unique items online, collect them in a specific location, and make purchases. Thus, the Fancy network is both a blog, an online store, and a community of like-minded people who follow fashion, buy designer items and jewelry, and also collect photographs of exotic countries. The user can not only exchange images, but also buy those things that are captured on them. There are not many visitors yet, only about 250 thousand registered users. However, the popularity of the network is growing, as the team has developed not only a web interface, but also mobile applications For iOS devices And .

New social network No. 3 - Icebergs.

For now, the service is just getting ready to launch, so if you want to become a member of the network, leave a request for testing. But it is not yet known when the project will start.

New social network No. 4 - Medium.

Twitter developers decided to open a new social network. It was created so that each user can evaluate their information contribution. That is, you offer content to the network, such as photos, and Medium collects similar data from other users. Anyone can add information or view it. The network issues messages by rating, and not in the traditional chronological order. The content is divided into collections, each with templates and themes for downloading materials. Authorization occurs via Twitter. Therefore, any microblog user can place a post in a thematic collection.

New social network #5 - Vine.

So far this service does not look like a full-fledged social network, but perhaps it will soon become so. On this moment this app is for mobile devices, with which you can create short six-second videos. This service was acquired by Twitter back in October last year, but it only launched in January 2013. About 100 thousand users use the service. But he also liked it to corporative clients. Popular brands are starting to take a closer look at the new service.

New social network No. 6 - Zeen.

Interesting video about new social media.

We present data from a regular study of the active audience of social networks in Russia, winter 2015-2016.

The study presents data on the audience, age, gender and regional distribution of authors of social networks in Russia. The study includes data on the most popular authors and groups for each social network.

The main focus of the study is on the active (writing) audience, as we study social networks as a means of public communication and their influence on the formation of public opinion.

Basic data is presented below, presentation full version research “Social networks in Russia, winter 2015-2016”, including the Top 20 authors and groups in social networks, is available at the link.

Social media activity

One of key indicators The “vital activity” of a social network is the number of “speaking” users who openly express their position through public messages on social media. There were about such active authors in Russia in December 2015 37 million man, they generated 588 million messages per month. Active authors creating public content make social networks a relevant indicator of public sentiment, allowing one to catch “living” social problems at the very beginning of the formation of significant trends.

VKontakte is the leader in the number of Russian authors writing. - 18.8 million unique authors. Instagram, which is next in second place, has incredible growth rates; in December, this network recorded 10.6 million authors, almost 5 times more than in the spring of 2015. Third place - Twitter - the number of active authors here continues to decline, in December a little more than 1 million people

When it comes to the number of messages posted on social media every day, there is no such drastic change. In first place, as before, is Vkontakte, in second is Twitter, then Instagram and Facebook.

Twitter traditionally leads in terms of engagement, although the average number of messages became slightly lower in the winter - there are an average of 90 messages per month per active author on this network. Second place - LiveJournal - on average, 49 messages per author, third - Facebook - 39 messages per author. VKontakte and Odnoklassniki are very close in this indicator - 15 and 14 messages per author, respectively.

Social media audience

According to TNS, the monthly audience of most social networks has decreased slightly, but there are also sources that have shown growth. Thus, the VKontakte audience stopped at 46.6 million people, second place - Odnoklassniki ( 31.5 million Human). Facebook audience in December 2015 amounted to 21.7 million people, My World is located nearby - 16.6 million people and LiveJournal, with an audience 15.2 million people By December 2015, the Instagram audience increased by 2 million and amounted to 12.3 million people The Twitter audience remained virtually unchanged and equal 7.7 million people

Statistics for Russia for each social network

Monthly audience - 46.6 million people, 40% of whom are 18,8 million — showed public activity.

As for the age structure of VKontakte authors, one can note an increase in the number of authors aged 25-34 years old, their share was 32.1%, a slightly higher share of authors aged 18-24 years old - 32.3%, authors under 18 years old - 24%, over 35 years, only 11.6% of active authors.

The geographic distribution of VKontakte authors is smoothly redistributed towards more uniform regional penetration - St. Petersburg is in first place with a network penetration level of 31,7% , on the second - Moscow with 23% registered population, then the Murmansk and Kaliningrad regions and Sevastopol - 19.4%, 19.3% and 18.8% population activity accordingly.

Instagram's monthly audience in November 2015 was 12.3 million people, and the number of active authors is 10.7 million Human.

Instagram remains the most feminine of all social networks in Russia; in the winter of 2015-16, 77.1% of active authors were representatives of the fair sex.

The penetration level on Instagram has remained virtually unchanged - they are still in the lead Leningrad region - 38% population, Moscow - 22,3% population and the Sakhalin region - 17,2%.

In the age structure of Facebook, the categories from 25 to 34 years old and 35-44 years old are still leading - their share was 35.3% and 32.6%, respectively. 6.1% of authors are under 24 years of age, and a total of 26.1% of authors are over 44.

It is worth noting that Facebook remains a unique social network in the Russian Federation both in terms of the age structure of its authors - more than 65% of whom are aged 25-44 years, and in terms of public content is a network primarily focused on business contacts and businesses.

The gender distribution of the Russian-speaking part of Facebook continues to shift towards the weaker sex ( 58 % of authors).

The geographical cross-section demonstrates stability - most regions retained their positions: Moscow - 6.4% of the population, Altai - 3.75%, Yaroslavl region - 3.2%.

Odnoklassniki, as before, remains primarily a platform for interpersonal communication. The network's monthly audience is 31.5 million people, while public activity in groups is demonstrated by only 1.1 million authors.

In Odnoklassniki, as before, the bulk of active authors are in the age group of 24-34 years old - 26.6%. Almost equal shares fall on the groups 35-44 and 55 and older - 20.7% and 20.9%, respectively. There are only 15.8% of active authors under 24 years of age.

In November 2015, the Twitter audience was 7.7 million people, and the number of active authors is 1 million people.

On Twitter, the share of men among authors continues to grow; in December 2015, the share was already 51.6%. A year ago, in December 2014, men on Twitter were 45.6%, and in the spring of 2015 - already 50.6%.

In terms of Twitter penetration, the leadership remained with St. Petersburg - 2.1%. Almost the same penetration was recorded in Moscow - 2% of the population. The third place was taken by the Novosibirsk region, penetration there was 1%.

The network's monthly audience decreased by 10 million people and amounted to 16.6 million, and the number of active authors is 830 thousand people.

The gender structure of My World has practically not changed, 41,8 % of men and 58,2 % women.

LiveJournal remains a platform for those who like to “read, not talk”: from 15 million people monthly audience, only active 111 thousand authors.

The age structure of LJ is stable, the largest share of authors falls in the groups of 18-24 years old - 37.2% and 25-34 years old - 35.8%.

Comparison of socio-demographic characteristics of authors

Over the past six months, social media has managed to mature, the proportion of authors under 18 years of age has decreased, authors aged 18-24 and 25-24 years predominate in LiveJournal and VKontakte, in other networks - authors aged 25-34 and 35-44 years old.

For Twitter and Instagram, there is no data on the age of active creators.

Trends and Forecasts

  1. There is a significant increase in activity in the Russian segment Instagram. Moreover, the majority of Instagram authors are active users of other social networks - the share of cross-posting from Instagram to other social networks exceeds 50% of messages.
  2. The Russian part continues to grow Facebook. Moreover, this growth is observed primarily in the region business contacts and business. Facebook's share when analyzing business topics often accounts for more than 30% of the total volume of social media data on the topic.
  3. Active growth continues review sites- both in terms of the number of new reviews and traffic.
  4. The Russian part is slowly losing activity Twitter. At the same time, the activity of spam bots on Twitter is also decreasing, but nevertheless it still accounts for more than 30% of the flow.

Basic research terms:

Message - any open (public) post - in status, on the wall, in groups, comments, etc. Messages in personal correspondence or in the “friends only” mode are not taken into account.

Audience - the number of people who visited the site at least once a month.

We present data from a regular study of the active audience of social networks in Russia, winter 2015-2016.

The study presents data on the audience, age, gender and regional distribution of authors of social networks in Russia. The study includes data on the most popular authors and groups for each social network.

The main focus of the study is on the active (writing) audience, as we study social networks as a means of public communication and their influence on the formation of public opinion.

The main data is presented below; a presentation of the full version of the study “Social networks in Russia, winter 2015-2016”, including the Top 20 authors and groups on social networks, is available at the link.

Social media activity

One of the key indicators of the “vital activity” of a social network is the number of “speaking” users who openly express their position through public messages on social media. There were about such active authors in Russia in December 2015 37 million man, they generated 588 million messages per month. Active authors creating public content make social networks a relevant indicator of public sentiment, allowing one to catch “living” social problems at the very beginning of the formation of significant trends.

VKontakte is the leader in the number of Russian authors writing. – 18.8 million unique authors. Instagram, which is next in second place, has incredible growth rates; in December, this network recorded 10.6 million authors, almost 5 times more than in the spring of 2015. Third place – Twitter – the number of active authors here continues to decline; in December, slightly more than 1 million people

When it comes to the number of messages posted on social media every day, there is no such drastic change. In first place, as before, is VKontakte, second is Twitter, then Instagram and Facebook.

* Odnoklassniki - data on Top 100,000 groups

Twitter traditionally leads in terms of engagement, although the average number of messages became slightly lower in the winter - there are an average of 90 messages per month per active author on this network. Second place - LiveJournal - on average, 49 messages per author, third - Facebook - 39 messages per author. VKontakte and Odnoklassniki are very close in this indicator - 15 and 14 messages per author, respectively.

Social media audience

According to TNS, the monthly audience of most social networks has decreased slightly, but there are also sources that have shown growth. Thus, the VKontakte audience stopped at 46.6 million people, second place – Odnoklassniki ( 31.5 million Human). The Facebook audience in December 2015 was 21.7 million people, My World is located nearby - 16.6 million people and LiveJournal, with an audience 15.2 million people By December 2015, the Instagram audience increased by 2 million and amounted to 12.3 million people The Twitter audience remained virtually unchanged and equal 7.7 million people

Statistics for Russia for each social network

Monthly audience - 46.6 million people, 40% of whom are 18,8 million - showed public activity.

As for the age structure of VKontakte authors, one can note an increase in the number of authors aged 25-34 years old, their share was 32.1%, a slightly higher share of authors aged 18-24 years old - 32.3%, authors under 18 years old - 24%, over 35 years, only 11.6% of active authors.

The geographical distribution of VKontakte authors is smoothly redistributed towards more uniform regional penetration - in first place is St. Petersburg with a network penetration level of 31,7% , on the second - Moscow with 23% registered population, then the Murmansk and Kaliningrad regions and Sevastopol - 19.4%, 19.3% and 18.8% population activity accordingly.

Instagram's monthly audience in November 2015 was 12.3 million people, and the number of active authors is 10.7 million Human.

Instagram remains the most feminine of all social networks in Russia; in the winter of 2015-16, 77.1% of active authors were representatives of the fair sex.

The level of penetration on Instagram has remained virtually unchanged - the Leningrad region is still in the lead - 38% population, Moscow – 22,3% population and the Sakhalin region – 17,2%.

In the age structure of Facebook, the categories from 25 to 34 years old and 35-44 years old are still leading - their share was 35.3% and 32.6%, respectively. 6.1% of authors are under 24 years of age, and a total of 26.1% of authors are over 44.

It is worth noting that Facebook remains a unique social network in the Russian Federation both in terms of the age structure of its authors - more than 65% of whom are aged 25-44 years, and in terms of public content - it is a network focused primarily on business contacts and businesses.

The gender distribution of the Russian-speaking part of Facebook continues to shift towards the weaker sex ( 58 % of authors).

The geographical cross-section demonstrates stability - most regions retained their positions: Moscow - 6.4% of the population, Altai - 3.75%, Yaroslavl region - 3.2%.

Data on Odnoklassniki is presented for Russian authors in the Top 100,000 groups.

Odnoklassniki, as before, remains primarily a platform for interpersonal communication. The network's monthly audience is 31.5 million people, while public activity in groups is demonstrated by only 1.1 million authors.

In Odnoklassniki, as before, the bulk of active authors are in the age group of 24-34 years old – 26.6%. Almost equal shares fall on the groups 35-44 and 55 and older – 20.7% and 20.9%, respectively. There are only 15.8% of active authors under 24 years of age.

In November 2015, the Twitter audience was 7.7 million people, and the number of active authors is 1 million people.

On Twitter, the share of men among authors continues to grow; in December 2015, the share was already 51.6%. A year ago, in December 2014, men on Twitter were 45.6%, and in the spring of 2015 - already 50.6%.

In terms of Twitter penetration, the leadership remained with St. Petersburg - 2.1%. Almost the same penetration was recorded in Moscow – 2% of the population. The third place was taken by the Novosibirsk region, penetration there was 1%.

The network's monthly audience decreased by 10 million people and amounted to 16.6 million, and the number of active authors is 830 thousand people.

The gender structure of My World has practically not changed, 41,8 % of men and 58,2 % women.

LiveJournal remains a platform for those who like to “read, not talk”: from 15 million people monthly audience, only active 111 thousand authors.

The age structure of LJ is stable, the largest share of authors falls in the groups of 18-24 years old - 37.2% and 25-34 years old - 35.8%.

Comparison of socio-demographic characteristics of authors

Over the past six months, social media has managed to mature, the proportion of authors under 18 years of age has decreased, authors aged 18-24 and 25-24 years predominate in LiveJournal and VKontakte, and in other networks - authors aged 25-34 and 35-44 years old.

For Twitter and Instagram, there is no data on the age of active creators.

Trends and Forecasts

  1. There is a significant increase in activity in the Russian segment Instagram. Moreover, the majority of Instagram authors are active users of other social networks - the share of cross-posting from Instagram to other social networks exceeds 50% of messages.
  2. The Russian part continues to grow Facebook. Moreover, this growth is observed primarily in the field of business contacts and business. Facebook's share when analyzing business topics often accounts for more than 30% of the total volume of social media data on the topic.
  3. Active growth continues review sites- both in terms of the number of new reviews and traffic.
  4. The Russian part is slowly losing activity Twitter. At the same time, the activity of spam bots on Twitter is also decreasing, but nevertheless it still accounts for more than 30% of the flow.

Basic research terms:

Message - any open (public) post - in status, on the wall, in groups, comments, etc. Messages in personal correspondence or in the “friends only” mode are not taken into account.

Audience - the number of people who visited the site at least once a month.

A personal consultant will conduct a demonstration and help you test the system based on your business goals.

Focuses on an active (writing) audience. The publication presents data on the audience, age, gender and regional distribution of authors of social networks in Russia. Data on the most popular authors and groups of the most popular social networks is also included.

Social media activity by source type

The number of “talking” authors in November 2016 was 35 million and 698 million messages were generated. 71.8% of the volume of all public content comes from social networks (504,940 publications). In 2nd place are video content sources (YouTube and Vimeo) - 12.7% of the total volume of public content, and Twitter moved to third place, its share was 8.7%.

VKontakte has 13,278,000 active authors; in November they published 317,508,100 messages.

There are 4,645,700 active creators on Instagram, with 78,185,400 posts published in November.

In the Russian segment of Facebook there are 1,021,700 active authors, 50,909,500 messages were published in a month.

LiveJournal remains a platform for the production, but not the consumption, of content. There are 196,200 active authors here, and 6,743,500 posts. Fewer than on other sites, but more viral and spreading far beyond the source.

Social media trends in Russia 2016
1. A significant increase in the activity of thematic (“club”) forums and public channels in messengers.
2. The growth of video content and broadcasts in almost all social networks. The activity of the Russian segment of Youtube has increased. On Instagram, the share of videos averaged 7%, and among viral content – ​​more than 50%. On VKontakte, the most popular authors are video bloggers.
3. VKontakte and Instagram launched “ smart tapes”, which determine the interests of users by their activity and adjust the news feed to them, similar to the Facebook feed. Such feed generation algorithms have enhanced the effect of an “information bubble-shell” that locks people into their own beliefs.
4. Rapid growth in the activity of spam bots. It is significant that growth is observed in several social networks at once - LiveJournal, VKontakte, Facebook, and the topic of spam in them correlates.
5. The predominance of social media over classical media in terms of the level of influence on public opinion. Brexit, elections in the USA, a referendum in Italy - these are cases showing the decisions of large communities of people contrary to the “official information” of the media.
6. FakeNews and the need to check information for accuracy. The desired speed of issuing information for the media and social networks is so high that there is no time left to check publications. In 2017, the industry must find a solution to counter this trend.
7. The Russian part of Facebook has become practically Moscow - 50% of the authors are from Moscow.

How the data was obtained:

Brand Analytics collects and indexes All public messages social networks in Russian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Kazakh and some other languages, as well as data of their authors.

To highlight data around the country For each social network, the percentage of geo-determination is taken into account: the number of messages that have geographic data is divided by the percentage of messages with geo-data. Likewise for authors.

For determining geography: Data is taken from author profiles, geo-tags of messages, as well as message texts. Geo-dictionaries for all social networks are unique and expanded with all variants of spelling toponyms, including “custom” ones.

For determining gender: data taken from author profiles and supplemented with gender data obtained through linguistic analysis of the author's first and last name.

For determining age: data taken from author profiles.

Data for Odnoklassniki is not included, since the API of this social network does not allow such research.

Basic research terms:

Message– any open (public) post - in status, on the wall, in groups, comments, etc. Messages in personal correspondence or in the “friends only” mode are not taken into account.

Engagement Index(EI) is an indicator of the audience’s reaction to the author’s publications. It is calculated as the sum of comments, likes and reposts to all the author’s publications for a month.

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