Registration in dropbox. How to use dropbox and what is it? Registration in dropbox Setting up in the program

Dropbox is a modern workspace that helps you cut down on routine work and focus on what really matters.


Illustration by David McLeod
Photography by Davy Evans
Illustration by David McLeod
Photography by Davy Evans

Organize all your data without being distracted from your work process

With Dropbox, all your files are in one central place. They're easy to find and securely sync across all your devices, so you can access them anywhere, anytime. You no longer have to waste time searching for lost files.

Collaborate on presentations, layouts, and any other files.

Dropbox is designed for collaboration. Easily share large files created in PowerPoint, Photoshop, or Sketch with others. Everyone will have the correct version. And you will be on the same page. Finally!

Creativity without chaos in Dropbox Paper

Paper is a space where your team members can bring ideas to life. Discuss ideas, look for inspiration, share drafts. You can store everything from videos and images to audio and code in Paper.

5 minutes. reading

Updated: 09/09/2017

We continue to study the Dropbox service and in this issue we will talk about how to work with photographs and other images. The Dropbox service makes viewing images very convenient. It is equally convenient to share these images with other people.

Below you will find a video that will tell you in detail about all the possibilities and methods of working with pictures and photos. Below the video you will find a text version with screenshots.

The key benefit of Dropbox when it comes to viewing photos and any other images is that it makes it much easier to share with other people.

You save time because you have to make fewer movements to show pictures to other people. Let's look at a specific example. Let's say you have photos from your vacation that you want to show to your friends.

To do this, create another folder in your Dropbox folder, name it “Vacation” and copy the photos you want to show there.

All photos will be shown in a smaller version, but when you click on each photo, it will open in a larger size:

Under each photo there are control arrows that allow you to switch to other photos. This darkens the background, allowing you to focus entirely on the photo.

Please note that people who have a Dropbox account and those who do not have such an account can view photos in this way. An Internet connection is required to view photos.

Your friend can download these photos to his computer, either individually or all at once in a zip archive:

If you view photos through your Dropbox account on the Internet, then directly from there you can send the link to your friends, bypassing email, Skype, ICQ, social networks, etc.

To do this, in your account, right-click on the desired folder and select Access Link:

In the window that opens, enter your friend’s email in a special form and, if necessary, enter the text of the message:

Then click the Send button and that's it. Dropbox send your message to a friend's email. Next, he will click on the link in the letter and the photo demonstrator, which we discussed above, will open in his browser.

How can you use this interesting Dropbox feature in your life?

As I noted above, the Dropbox service allows you to save time. For example, previously, in order to send photos to my friends, I first needed to archive these photos and upload them somewhere, for example, to my server or some free file hosting service.

Or, for example, if there are a lot of photos or the archive is large, then the email sending option is immediately eliminated, because it will be difficult to attach a file of several GB to an email.

Accordingly, now I just need to copy the necessary photos to Dropbox on my computer and that’s it. The program itself will upload the photo data to its server and with one click of a button it will generate a link to this album or a specific photo.

For example, recently for the New Year I ordered an artist to make a cool caricature of my family from a photo. I contacted him through the social network Vkontakte, found out prices and terms, and then he asked me to send him photos.

I selected about ten good quality photographs, each weighing 3-5MB, and put them in a specially created folder in Dropbox. Then, in 2 clicks, I generated a download link and immediately sent this link via a message on the social network:

It took a few seconds to do everything, I mean copying the photo into a folder and creating a download link. Previously, I would have had to spend more time uploading these photos somewhere and then sending them to the artist.

Add a link to the photo in advertisements and forums

Another option for using the Dropbox service is posting photos on classifieds sites. For example, you decided to sell a fur coat and posted an ad on some free website or forum.

Not all sites allow you to upload and attach a photo to your ad. Therefore, in this case, it will be more convenient to attach a link to an album with photographs of the product you are selling to the text of your ad:

Add a link to the photo in blog comments

The same goes for blogs. It happens that you leave a comment somewhere with a question or problem. And you need to attach pictures, photos or a screenshot of your computer desktop to the message.

This is what it will look like:

Get access to scans of your documents from anywhere in the world

As you understand, there are a lot of options for using this service. Another option is to create a separate folder with scans of your documents. You can access Dropbox not only from your computer, but also from a tablet and even a smartphone running Android or iOS.

For example, recently I, as an individual entrepreneur, went to pay contributions to the Pension Fund. At the Pension Fund itself they gave me the details of their accounts and then I went to a bank teller located nearby.

The bank asked me to give my TIN. I remember the same passport by heart. When I was applying for a mortgage, when I had to sign hundreds of documents, I remembered my passport details well, but I don’t remember the TIN.

Dropbox came to the rescue. I logged into my account via phone and opened a scan of the TIN in jpg format.

I looked at the number and immediately reported it to the operator. Previously, I would have had to return home because of this. Imagine how much time I would have to lose.

Take screenshots of your computer desktop and upload them automatically to Dropbox

Another useful feature of Dropbox is the ability to save screenshots and show them to other people. A screenshot is a snapshot of your screen, your monitor. This is a snapshot of what's currently happening on your computer.

Sometimes it happens that you cannot figure out a program or something does not open, does not work, does not start, etc. If you know a computer geek, you usually call and ask him to come to you to help.

Now there is no need to call your friend to your place. Any problem with computer settings can be solved remotely. One option is to take a screenshot.

Contact your friend through social networks, Skype or ICQ. Take a screenshot of your monitor, or more precisely of the problem that you cannot solve. Then send a screenshot to your friend. He will look at it and tell you how to fix it.

For example, if I want to change or add something on my website, then I talk to the freelancers who help me implement it through screenshots.

I give them what I want. Let’s say I want to install a panel with social media buttons on my website, which I saw on I take a screenshot and send it to the freelancer.

How often do we come across a situation where we urgently need to obtain various information, but this is impossible to do because you forgot a disk, flash drive or external HDD at home! But there is a way out, and quite a convenient one, and this is - Dropbox service. Registered users use it to store, transfer and share data.

The service provides up to 2 GB of memory for free, but for each attracted participant you will receive 250 MB. If you immediately need more memory, then for additional funds you can buy it During registration.

It should be noted that Dropbox is only in English for now, but this will not be a barrier, since registration is quite simple, and if you use the Google Chrome browser, you will not have any problems at all, since it automatically translates the page into Russian.

Registration in the dropbox service.

So, let's proceed to the registration itself. To do this, follow the link

To begin with, we should download client, to do this, click on “Download Dropbox”, in the window that opens, select “Save file”.

Launch the saved file. After which, the installation window pops up, feel free to click “Install”

Run the file

Here you should select “I d’ont have a Dropbox account”

and click continue. This will be followed by registration on the Dropbox service.

In the next field, fill in the name (you can enter any), emal and enter the password twice (to eliminate errors), check the box that you agree with the rules of the Dropbox service and click “Next”.

In the next field, select how much storage you will need (2 GB is provided for free, for 50 GB you will pay $10, for 100 GB - $20), select 2 GB for free and click “Next”.

On the next page, select which mailbox you want, “Regular” or “Advanced” (with the ability to synchronize). As an example, select “Normal”

The pictures show where the Dropbox folder will be located on your computer, what regular files are stored in it, it shows that the Dropbox icon is located in the tray() of your computer, it shows how you can make Dropbox folders public and the last stage is to launch Dropbox .

After which you are transferred to the Dropbox folder,

where regular files are saved, after reviewing them, you can start setting up your storage in Dropbox. OK it's all over Now! Registration on the service is completed, the client is installed, and now you can forget about flash drives, disks and external HDDs, because Dropbox is always yours. Your friends can enjoy the photos, music, and videos you share in your shared Dropbox package.

How to use dropbox?

Now we will configure the service for convenient use. To go to the Dropbox page, just click on its icon located in the tray.

Then you go to the browser page,

where you need to enter your enamel and password. You are redirected to a page where Dropbox offers to invite as many of your friends as possible, this can be done through, through, Yahoo, etc. Your referral link is also provided, by clicking on which everyone can register, and for each new user, Dropbox will add 250 MB.

By selecting the drop-down menu at the top right

you will see Settings, Installation, Upgrade and Exit from Dropbox.

To begin, select Settings.

In the "Information Account" you will see how much unused space is left.

In “Account Settings” you can change your password and name.

In the “My Computer” tab, you will see all your connected devices (home computer, work computer, mobile phone, tablet)

You will be able to rename the devices or disconnect them.

All registered friends will be displayed in the “Bonus Space” tab.

By selecting “Getting Started” you will be taken to the next page

The menu on the left contains File Sharing; Events – what events happened with your participation. Links, by selecting which you can create a link to any file or folder in Dropbox. These links can be sent to anyone (even non-users) for viewing. And a quest from Dropbox to receive additional bonuses.

By selecting "Upgrade" from the drop-down menu, you can increase the size of Dropbox for an additional fee.

That's all for the basic Dropbox settings.

All I can do is wish you terabytes on the Dropbox service, so that you can always communicate with your friends and keep abreast of their events, as well as store, synchronize and share your files online.

Now you don’t have to worry about losing or breaking your flash drive, Dropbox will save all the necessary information for you!

The problem of free hard drive space worries many PC users, and each of them finds their own solution. You can, of course, get external hard drives, flash drives and other gadgets, but it is much more expedient, and even more profitable from a financial point of view, to use cloud storage for storing information. Dropbox is just such a “cloud”, and it has many useful features in its arsenal.

Dropbox is a cloud storage in which any user can store information and data, regardless of their type or format. In fact, it turns out that files added to the cloud are stored not on the user’s PC, but on a third-party service, but they can be accessed at any time and from any device, but first things first.

Immediately after installing Dropbox on a computer and registering in this cloud service, the user receives free 2 GB of free space for storing any data, be it electronic documents, multimedia or anything else.

The program itself is integrated into the operating system and is a regular folder, with only one difference - all elements added to it are instantly uploaded to the cloud. Also, the application is integrated into the context menu, so you can conveniently and quickly send any file to this storage.

Dropbox is minimized in the system tray, from where it is always convenient to access the main functions and configure settings at your discretion.


Of course, 2 GB of free space for personal use is very little. Fortunately, they can always be expanded, both for money and by performing symbolic actions, more precisely, inviting your friends/acquaintances/colleagues to join Dropbox and connecting new devices to the application (for example, a smartphone). This way you can expand your personal cloud up to 10 GB.

For each user who connects to Dropbox using your referral link, you receive 500 MB. Considering the fact that you are not trying to sell them Chinese cosmetics, but are offering a really interesting and convenient product, most likely they will be interested, which means you will have more space for personal use.

If we talk about purchasing free space in the cloud, then this opportunity is provided exclusively by subscription. Thus, you can purchase 1 TB of space for $9.99 per month or $99.9 per year, which, by the way, is comparable to the price of a hard drive with the same capacity. But your storage will never fail.

Constant access to data from any device

As already mentioned, files added to the Dropbox folder on a PC are instantly uploaded to the cloud (synchronized). So, you can access them from any device on which the program is installed or the web version (there is such an option) of this cloud storage is launched.

Possible application: While at home, you added photos from a corporate event to your Dropbox folder. When you come to work, you can open the application folder on your work PC or log in to the website and show these photos to your colleagues. No flash drives, no extra fuss, a minimum of actions and effort.


Speaking about constant access to added files, we cannot fail to mention such a nice feature of Dropbox as its cross-platform functionality. Today, the cloud program can be installed on almost any device running a desktop or mobile operating system.

There are versions of Dropbox for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, Blackberry. In addition, on any device connected to the Internet, you can simply open the web version of the application in your browser.

Offline access

Considering the fact that the entire operating principle of Dropbox is based on synchronization, which, as you know, requires an Internet connection, it would be stupid to be left without the desired content in case of Internet problems. That is why the developers of this product also took care of the possibility of offline access to data. Such data will be stored on the device and in the cloud, so you can use it at any time.


In this way, you can not only work together on any projects, but also track all changes made, which, by the way, can always be canceled if necessary. Moreover, Dropbox stores a month's history of user actions, providing the ability to restore at any time what was accidentally deleted or incorrectly edited.


Apart from the owner of the Dropbox account, no one has access to the data and files stored in the cloud, the only exception being shared folders. However, all data entering this cloud storage is transmitted over a secure SSL channel with 256-bit encryption.

Solution for home and business

Dropbox is equally good for personal use and for solving business problems. It can be used as a simple file hosting service or as an effective business tool. The latter is available with a paid subscription.

The possibilities of Dropbox for business are almost limitless - there is a remote control function, it is possible to erase and add files, restore them (no matter how long ago it was deleted), transfer data between accounts, increased security and much more. All this is available not to one user, but to a working group, to each of which the administrator, through a special panel, can grant the necessary or required permissions, in fact, as well as set restrictions.


  • An effective means of storing any information and data with the ability to constantly access them from any device;
  • Profitable and convenient offers for business;
  • Cross-platform.


  • The PC program itself is practically nothing and is just an ordinary folder. Basic capabilities for managing content (for example, opening public access) are present only on the web;
  • Small amount of free space in the free version.

Dropbox is the first and probably the most popular cloud service in the world. Thanks to it, you will always have access to data, the ability to share files with other users, and even collaborate. You can come up with many options for using this cloud storage for both personal and work purposes, but ultimately it is the user who decides. For some, it may be just another folder, but for others, it is a reliable and effective tool for storing and exchanging digital information.

Among the wide variety of cloud services, Dropbox has always stood out as a pioneer in its niche. Blue Box is still a recognized leader, although competitors have been nipping at their heels for a long time.

The main advantage is prevalence and integration. Sharing data via Dropbox is one of the first items on the checklist of most mobile content creators. No matter how much space is given in or Yandex, without the support of cloud services by developers of other applications, this is of little use.

Dropbox's prices for expanding cloud space are not the most affordable. with competitors on all counts.

Gone are the days when Dropbox generously awarded gigabytes for installing a child application or testing a new feature. Now you can upgrade your account only through a referral program, but where can you find 32 friends who still do not use this most useful invention of mankind?

There are special schemes for creating fake accounts by substituting MAC addresses of a network card or registering via VPN, but Dropbox is also no fool, and over time all such scams are covered up, and the resulting space is taken away.

There is an easy and legal way to find “friends” to connect to the cloud.

I'm ready, what should I do?

1. First, you need to go to your account settings and see how much space you can still get for attracting referrals. The list will display all received cloud bonuses, for example, 1 GB for connecting a dead Mailbox or several portions of 500 MB for old friends.

Dropbox rewards a total of 32 referral accounts. You need to figure out how many more invitations you need.

2. We receive our referral link, through which attracted users must register. To do this, go to a special service page.

3. Now register on the Socialtools website. This is an online exchange for all kinds of tasks and orders.

When creating an account, we indicate that we are an employer.

4. We are creating a new company. We call it “Register with Dropbox (registration)”. Next, fill in all the required fields. We do not limit the potential circle of performers. In the Sites section, add “Other tasks” and “Registration on the site.”

As an algorithm, we indicate a similar sequence of actions:

1. Follow the link your_referral_link
2. Register using an email address that you have not previously registered a Dropbox account with
3. Download and install Dropbox on your computer
4. Confirm your registration by replying to your incoming email.
5. Log in to the application using the specified data
6. Upload any file to your Dropbox folder
Be sure to follow the link provided to register!

Below we fill in the “How to confirm completion” field. Ask to send the e-mail to which registration was carried out and a screenshot of the running program.

5. All that remains is to choose the cost of payment for one task completion and top up your account with the required amount.

Here it is quite possible to indicate the minimum possible 10 rubles. You will be surprised, but there are many people on the exchange who want to complete a trivial task for such a reward. Many performers only replenish their wallet by registering on sites and services.

From my own experience, I will say that it is quite possible to wait for the required 25-30 referrals in 4-5 days. If you increase the cost of execution to 15-20 rubles, things will go even faster.

There is one little secret. You should not immediately declare the entire required number of repetitions of tasks. Specify 8-10 times, and then daily extend the task for another 5-7 executions. This way the campaign will not get lost among others and will regularly rise to the top.

Now what

All you have to do is wait and check the task once a day. If the performer does everything correctly, a notification from Dropbox will be sent by email. You just need to find the email from the letter among those sent by the performers and confirm completion. The specified amount will be withdrawn from the account.

Unfortunately, not all performers are attentive and punctual; many decide to skip some steps at their own discretion. In this case, Dropbox will tell you at what stage the hitch occurred. It will be possible to write this in correspondence and ask the performer to complete/correct something.

The statistics on my task are as follows: 28 people successfully completed it (9 of them completed everything the first time without errors, the rest completed the task based on promptings) and another 22 performers were unable or did not want to carry out the procedure to the end. Many did not confirm registration by email, did not install the application, or did not use the referral link at all.

It’s a pity that almost half of the users who started the task were unable to complete this simple procedure, because then all this would have taken less time.

If there are not so many performers, you can increase the price for execution.

This is how you can upgrade your Dropbox account in a few days at minimal cost.