Guys intitle all user publications previous. Will the person see that I watched his “story”? How to merge photos and videos into one “story”

It would seem that Facebook has already made it much easier to manage your privacy settings, but numerous questions and complaints still continue to come. On and in the comments we receive questions of the same content almost every day: “ How to hide a post from everyone?«, « I don't want to be found in searches«, « How to close your page?" and others.

We will not consider all the possibilities of privacy and write an online manual. You can easily find all this in help center Facebook. We’ll just try to highlight the most popular questions and give the most concise and understandable answers.

Post Visibility

The most popular question. But in fact, everything is elementary. We can do it visible publications for these options:

  • Visible to everyone
  • Visible to friends
  • Visible to friends except acquaintances
  • Visible only to me
  • Visible for people list
  • Visible to everyone except the People list

Settings: go to SettingsConfidentialityWho can see my content?

And choose the marker you need. If you want to set visibility for a separate list of users, then select User Settings.

Please note that these settings will only apply to new posts, but to apply them to old posts, click the button Limit access to previous publications. You can also set the visibility scope for each publication separately (directly in the timeline).

Chronicle visibility

The second most popular question is: “ How to make a chronicle invisible?". Unfortunately (or rather, to the article), you cannot be invisible on Facebook. You can hide/unhide posts, photos, personal information, but not hide the entire profile. The only option is to remove the chronicle from search results.

Settings: Confidentiality

Annoying users

Facebook is not VKontakte, there is much less spam and a higher culture of communication, but sooner or later you will still meet characters who will try to sell you some product, invite you to another business training, or are simply annoying stupid questions. Spam can be combated by strengthening filtering or even by a personal ban.

As you know, there are two folders in Facebook personal messages. First - Inbox, second - Other. It’s clear with inboxes, but others are something like a “spam” folder in postal services. Switching the filter to mode Enhanced filtration, you will receive messages in the folder Inbox only from your friends. Everything else will fall into Other without any notification.

Another one useful feature- this is a complete blocking of the user. Add his name to the input field (as in the screenshot below) and forget about his presence.


You cannot contact the Facebook administration directly (via email, phone, etc.). There is a feedback form for this.

Imagine being able to collect and analyze competitors' marketing ideas without conducting a full audit of their websites. Isn't it great? Just think of the possibilities this will open up for your online marketing and promotion. By knowing what your competitors have up their sleeves, you can create more relevant content, get more organic traffic, and increase conversions.

Sounds good, doesn't it? Then pay attention - we offer a secret weapon that allows you to spy on your competitors' ideas in a matter of seconds. This weapon is 100% free - any player on the market can use it. You probably know what we're talking about. And you probably use this platform every day. Because the secret weapon we're talking about is the operators.

What are search operators?

Operators Google search are commands and symbols that limit or expand your search space. They can be used for almost any purpose, including competitor research. If your competitors are not well-known enough to immediately appear at the top of the search results, then traditional search will not be very useful - it will take a lot of time to scroll through the results.

When you need to limit your search space, search operators can help you. They are useful for SEO, content marketing and many other areas. And, unlike specialized programs and utilities, search operators are available to everyone right in the search bar.

Let's imagine that you are a small web studio that helps marketers and plans to provide services for working with cheap or free DIY services like Canva. How to quickly study their content, marketing strategies and audience?

Analyzing an entire site is an overwhelming task. Of course, you can simply search for “Canva competitors.” But the volume of output for such a request cannot be analyzed carefully:

You'll get too many results - 221,000 links to be exact. You'll spend hours scrolling through their rows to find the information you need. How to immediately get a summary of the most relevant sites for a request? This is where search operators will help you.

When in doubt, use chains of command

Search operators can be difficult to use. Sometimes it is easier to add one or two additional statements to achieve the goal.

Command chains allow you to use multiple search operators to improve search results. No matter how you use them, search chains can help you get to the data you need faster.

Now let's go.

Command 1: site:

site: is basic command, which will launch a search on the competitor’s site. The team limits search results to one site, which will make the results more relevant. Let's say we're exploring a Canva website and want to analyze its pages. We can go directly to the resource and study it manually, but this will take time.

Another option is to type “” into Google. This is what you get as a result:

Please note that all results are only from the site we need. You don't have to scroll through advertisements, articles, forum threads and other information on third party resources. You have received a short list of pages of one site. By quickly scanning this list, you can get ideas for your own projects.

But there is one drawback in the example above: we have narrowed the search to one site, but the results are still quite large. We need to add a few more conditions to the request. Let's imagine that your company places a special emphasis on creating infographics. In this case, simply add the request “create infographic” after the site: operator and the site address. Here's what it looks like: " create infographic."

As a result, you will receive far fewer links. In our example, the search engine returned only 21 pages. Now you can explore materials relevant to your business interests.

Strictly speaking, if you searched for “Canva” and “infographics,” you would get the same results. But you would have to wade through dozens and dozens of irrelevant pages. This is why the site: operator is so useful. It significantly narrows the search and helps you get faster necessary information.

Command 2: intitle: or allintitle:

Let's consider two commands that perform approximately the same function. The intitle: and allintitle: search operators search for pages that have the search terms you select in their “title” field. These operators are great for finding exact phrases in the titles of pages, articles, or landing pages.

Let's say you run a search for "infographic templates":

That's better - only 52,700 pages. But the problem is that even this issuance is not narrow enough. And, if you noticed, now the command only accepts the first word of the request - “patterns”. Let's reformulate it slightly and include the entire query in the search.

Now we have 3300 pages - great progress! We would get the same result if we used the command “allintitle:infographic templates” instead of the cumbersome “intitle:intitle:infographic templates”. Allintitle operator: searches the entire phrase using page titles.

So, we have eliminated 99% of irrelevant sites and can now calmly study the results that are most interesting to us. But the results can be narrowed down even further by adding the site: operator. For example: “allintitle:infographic templates”. Combining two operators will allow you to narrow the search volume to just a few links.

This will allow you to receive extremely specific and relevant materials on the topic that interests you.

Command 3: intext: or allintext:

The intext: or allintext: operators also allow you to find a word or phrase, but only in the body of the page, not in the title. The allintext: operator, like the allintitle: operator, searches for entire phrases, eliminating the need to preface each word with an intext: command.

These teams provide even deeper insight into competitors' content. This is especially useful in researching their sites' SEO strategy and learning how search engines categorize their pages.

Now search results are completely based on specific words and phrases. But we continue to narrow the search field and return to the site: operator, since we are interested in the content of a specific site:

We again received a small output - only 34 results. Now all you have to do is select the best articles, read them and borrow the most profitable ideas from your competitor.

Command 4: Exact Search with Quotes

Another method of finding exact matches of a word or phrase. This command is especially useful for research key expressions on a competitor's website.

By enclosing your query in quotation marks, you will find exact matches - unlike regular search results. Let’s see how this works using the phrase “infographics for marketers” as an example.

So, the service is not promoted directly for this keyword. On the one hand, this is bad - we will not be able to find out how Canva works with this audience. On the other hand, we have a chance to offer our own solution to audiences not reached by Canva's marketing. Do you think you would have come up with such a business idea without knowing smart search techniques?

Command 5: exclude words (-) or add words (+)

Sometimes during the competitive analysis process you will need to exclude or add certain expressions to get the results you want. In such cases, use the (-) or (+) symbols to add or remove specific words from the search.

For example, you need to find information about infographics, but you don't want to see too many examples. Then we exclude the word “examples” from the output and this is what we get:

We received lots of links to resources about infographics, with specific tips and tutorials, but without annoying examples.

As you may have guessed, the (+) sign, on the contrary, includes the word in the search. We use it to find infographics about content marketing. Here's the basic search:

Team 6: Related:

The last search operator in this collection returns sites similar to the domain of a given resource. Once you've examined your main competitor's website, you can check who else is active in your market. This will make it easier to avoid overlaps and stand out among similar offers. Let's go back to the Canva tool and see if Google can find sites with a similar model?

Only 9 results! That's how you got it additional list resources worth exploring in the future.


If you're stumped when developing a digital marketing strategy, just take a look at what your competitors are doing. But traditional methods search may not be given quick results. Therefore, learn to “Google” like a pro - using search operators. These commands will allow you to filter results by site, title, text, and even find sites similar to a competitor’s resource. This way you will reduce the search area from millions of links to a few dozen of the most important pages.

What to do when you have analyzed your competitors and compiled a “ semantic core» of the most promising keywords and are you ready to launch a campaign? Don't forget to accept the targeted incoming traffic flow on it.

Over the past few years, many articles have appeared that warn that hackers (or crackers, if you prefer) are using the Google search engine to gain access to files that they are not supposed to have access to. What I I'll tell you, maybe someone has been using it for their own purposes for a long time, but I was always interested in finding out for myself how it works.In 2001, James Middleton wrote an article for, which discussed the use by hackers special words V search engine google to find important banking information:

"In a message in one of the security conferences it was said that by entering "Index of / +banques +filetype:xls" into the search bar, you could eventually get hold of important / secret Excel tables from French banks. The same technology can be used to search for password files."

Another article that appeared on describes how Adrian Lamo, hacker Often featured in computer crime reports, he used Google to gain access to the websites of large corporations.

"For example, by entering the phrase "Select a database to view" - a common phrase used in FileMaker Pro database interface" - Google returns approximately 200 links, most of which lead to a page with access to FileMaker for all users."

Similar articles continued to appear on the internet. United States Government and Military websites were also vulnerable because scripts used by admins could be easily found with using google. Medical records, personal notes - everything could unexpectedly end up in the hands of users of this search engine. But the articles never described how Google could be used for “such” purposes. Even an example of the line that I entered hacker was not made available to a wider audience. After the last time I read such an article, I decided that it was time to figure it out myself - does Google really allow you to do everything that has been mentioned so many times in various reports. Next text is the result of my research.


In fact, the theory is very simple. To get the information you're interested in, you need to try to imagine what files that information might be in, and then just try to find them. (For example, try searching for *.xls files). Or you can take a more interesting approach - think about what software installed on the attacked machine, provides the ability to perform the tasks you need, then enter the critical/dangerous files of this software into the search bar. An example would be a content management system. You need to research this system, find out what files it includes, and then use Google. But let’s return to the database example discussed just above. You know that the "view database" line is on web pages that you shouldn't be able to access. Therefore, you just have to find the pages that contain this string or find out that, for example, the “view database” option refers to the page “viewdbase.htm”, that is, you will need to enter it into the search bar.

The most important thing is to clearly set a goal and know what you want to find. Only then can you use Google.

Google Search Options

Google allows you to search for special types of files, that is, as a search result, you do not get html pages (web sites), but, for example, a file Microsoft Excel. Here's what you need to enter in the search bar:

Filetype:xls (for excel files) or filetype:doc for Word files.

It will probably be more interesting to find *.db and *.mdb files. You can search for other file types as well. The first thing that comes to mind is *.cfg or *.pwd, *.dat files, etc. First, think about which files may contain valuable information.

Another useful option when searching is inurl: an option that allows you to search for specified words in a url. This gives you the ability to search for the directories you need.

Example: inurl:admin The search result will be websites that have the word "admin" in the url.

Index of

The "index of" option is also not fully thought out Google developers, but it will be very useful to us. If you use the "index of" option, then as a result, Google will show you a directory listing on the server. Here's an example:

"index of" admin or index.of.admin

The result will be a listing of multiple "admin" directories.

The "site" option allows you to show search results only for a specific domain or site. For example, you can search on all .com or or .nl sites, or on just one site. It will be very interesting to search on military and government sites. Here's an example search string:

Site:mil or site:gov "board"

Intitle is another interesting option. She lets you search html files whose title contains the word or combination of words you need. The search string will look like this: intitle:word_here. You can find out what words are in the title of, say, the same content management system, and then search for these words in google using the Intitle option. As a result, you will have access to similar systems on other sites.

The Link option allows you to find out which web pages have a link to the site you specified. As described in the book "Hacking Exposed Third Edition", we can also use this option for our own purposes.

Combining options when searching

All of the above options may or may not be known to you. In any case, using them, we will get an interesting result. The fact remains that Google shows its magical power when we begin to combine these options with each other. For example, you can try searching for this: filetype:xls "restricted" or this: site:mil filetype:xls "password" or maybe this: site:mil "index of" admin

(These examples are just off the top of my head and I don't know if Google will turn up anything interesting. You need to find a combination of options to get the expected result).

Examples; Practical Material

Special file types: *.xls, *.doc, *.pdf *.ps *.ppt *.rtf

To begin with, try searching for those files in which you think the information you are interested in is located. For me, the obvious choices were the following:

Password, passwords, pwd, account, accounts, userid, uid, login, logins, secret, secrets. Of course, I searched for all these words with the extension *.doc, *.xls and *.db

So the first interesting results appeared, especially if you search for files with the *.db extension. Is it true, passwords I also found it in *.doc files.


Admin.cfg, in most cases, configuration file admin. Many software developers also use names like "config", "admin" or "setup". Often these files contain sensitive information and therefore should not be accessible to most people. I tried searching for the admin.cfg file using next line search:

inurl:admin.cfg "index of"

As a result, Google returned a lot of files, some of which were very interesting;). For example, I found a file:, which contained passwords One password was from the database, which was located at: The database contained confidential information from the company's clients. I decided to contact this company and tell them about the vulnerability. The people there turned out to be friendly and said that they would try to fill the gap in the near future.


Some time ago, while I was working on this article, I visited the website:

It was written there that “webadmin” allows you to remotely edit the contents of a website, upload files, etc. Control center main page ( control center) webadmin is called "webeditor.php". Obviously my next step was visit google and using the "inurl" option to find webeditor.php pages. Here's what I entered in the search bar:


and this is what I found:

Access to all these files was unrestricted, and all because the site owners did not bother to install (correctly) protection using .htaccess. An error like this allows absolutely any Internet user to replace web pages on the server, and, consequently, deface the site. The ability to upload your files makes it possible to get full access to the server.

After browsing these sites, I noticed that the file that allows you to upload files is called "file_upload.php". Then Google comes into play.

Here's a good example:

The script allows you to modify files as in the previous examples, including index.php. In theory, any interested person can change an existing one or upload his own script to the server and execute it. I don’t think it’s worth mentioning the consequences.

Information about customers, the ability to change prices for goods, etc. were available here.

Site Content Management Systems

Site content management systems are programs that allow web masters edit, change the content of a website. The same applies to panels web management sites. The bottom line is that you need to determine which files are key in this product. This file could be "cms.html", "panel.html" or "control.cfg".

Frontpage Server Extensions HTML Administration Forms

"You can remotely administer FrontPage Server Extensions from any computer connected to the internet using FrontPage Server Extension HTML Administration Forms."
Here's what Microsoft documentation says about it. This means that users who have access to these forms can perform some administrative functions remotely. This means that forms must be well protected from unauthorized users. Well, how about looking for such forms on the Internet? The first thing we need to do is figure out what files this one is using. software A quick visit to the Microsoft website or a glance at the FrontPage documentation will show that home page All admin forms are "fpadmin.htm". This is the file we will be looking for. But first, we must correctly select the options that will be used in the search bar in order to get the result we need. If the default installation is carried out, then all files are placed in the "admin" directory. Remembering everything we've learned about google options and search theory, a search string like:

inurl:fpadmin.htm "index of" admin or inurl:admin/fpadmin.htm

And here are the results obtained from the search:

Here's what else is written in the FrontPage documentation:

"For security reasons, HTML Administration Forms are not active immediately after installation, which will not allow you to remotely administer FrontPage from a web browser."

This means only one thing - some links that the search engine gave us google system, may turn out to be useless and there is only one way to check their functionality - try using some administrator functions and see the result. I decided not to go that far so as not to break the law. But I'm not here to teach you good manners, at least Today.

Freesco Router

Freesco router software for Linux installs by default small browser, which allows owners to control the operation of the router via http protocol. By default, login and password for the control panel - "admin". Many freesco users do not know about this. You can search for Freesco routers control panel using the following line:

intitle:"freesco control panel" or "check the connection" these words are either in the page titles or on the pages themselves. It all comes down to one thing - you must study software find those parts of it that are responsible for something important (the same admin page) and compose a line, using which you will gain access to these same parts.

Additional Tips

    • Remember, English is the most common language on the Internet, but it is not the only one. Try searching for words or lines from your native language or French or German etc. For example, "beeheer" means "administration" in German.
    • You can use strings from the list of vulnerabilities of any security scanner. For examples you can go here:
    • Try looking for the files "" or "mysql.cfg" - they may contain database login-password combinations MySQL Try using words in the search bar PHP SQL mySQL etc.
    • Try these combinations: inurl:admin "index of" "database" or inurl:phpmyadmin "index of" or inurl:mysql "index of" intitle:index.of or intitle:index.of.private (=intitle:"index of private")


The Internet is a network to which hundreds of thousands, or even millions, are connected. web servers and in theory, you can get access to any data, of course, if it is not properly protected. Both software developers and end users should pay more attention to the default security configuration and security policy. After all, there will always be people who make mistakes, install everything by default, use poorly protected software and they don’t worry about it at all or still believe that nothing will happen if they put it all in this form on the Internet. But there are still curious individuals who like to find interesting information not for prying eyes. Google can help you a lot in such matters, and it's not at all difficult.

Each article published by us on a website made on WordPress has a set of standard details, which are the author of the post and the date of publication. In this lesson we will learn how to remove the publication date, link to the author, or the name of the author himself. The topic is important because it helps to avoid duplication of pages and content, which will significantly help us in search engine promotion.

Editing the date display and removing the link to the author of the article are site optimization processes; the more such changes you make, the more profit you will get in the end.

Article navigation:

Why is it bad to have a link to the author of the publication?

First, let's find out why we need this and whether we need it at all. Link to the author of the article It can be useful when there are many authors, but when we are the sole owner and author of articles, then it not only does not bring benefit, but also harms our site.

Imagine a situation that, by the way, very often occurs among beginners when working with WordPress; on our blog there are 100 articles by the same author. And naturally, all 100 articles have their own page with unique content. What happens when we follow the link to the author of the article? The information available about him and... all his articles in the form of announcements will be revealed to us. It turns out that we have 100 unique posts and one author page that duplicates all our pages and their text.

From point of view search robots this will be considered copying the content on the site pages, which will cause the search engine to distrust your texts since they really don’t like the same text. Your articles may completely fall out of their index, which is absolutely not what we want.

How to remove the link to the author of an article and the date of publication in WordPress?

We can also look at all the procedures below in video lesson on this topic:

Our WordPress sites are built based on the template we choose. we studied in another lesson. Our pages are formed on the fly and consist of small parts program code. How can we find the area that interests us so that we can change it further?

First, let's open our page with the publication. Then we move the cursor over the element we are interested in and look at its code.

Depending on what browser you use, you will see the source of the page for viewing and highlighted in the place we were looking for.

So, let's look at everything in order:

  1. The main block containing the title of the article, date, author and link to his articles.
  2. Div class=”entry-meta” is exactly the layer that interests us at this stage.
  3. Span class="author vcard" is also a block element more low level which contains our link.
  4. The link itself.

Having found out the names of the classes of the code blocks we need, we proceed to the next step.

Removing the link to the author of the article and the date of publication in WordPress

In order to remove article author's link, open the editor of our theme with, which we discussed earlier. Better yet, download the index.php and content.php file from our hosting so that you can restore our theme if necessary.

We open the index.php file from the editor and look for the divs we need, if we haven’t found any, open the content.php file and find them there. It all depends on how the theme developers configured it.

The files can be named differently, so you need to know how to find what you need, go to the editor, press the key combination Ctrl + F and enter the desired name into the search.

After we have found the block class we need, we analyze the entry inside it.

When we have found the div we are interested in, in our case it is div class = “entry-meta”, which contains our date and author of the article, we need to decide what exactly we want. If we want completely remove the date and author when publishing then we simply delete the code fragment highlighted in the square, save our file and forget about this problem.

There is also an alternative, more, which is written about in a separate article. If you have problems with the search, I recommend trying the search through the editor.

How can we see our date and author outputs php function generate_posted_on() which we should find in another file, in my case it is template-tags.php in yours it may be a different file and you will have to go through all the files in search of a description of the function, in the same way as we looked for the div class.

Found it? Well done, now we are interested in the function itself. If we want to delete the publication date, then we delete the fragment highlighted at number one; if the date does not interest us, then we move on to the second fragment and parse the code.

If you are well versed in the code then you can change the function itself, but this is highly not recommended.


Should you completely remove the post date and author on your WordPress blog?

The answer is clear, NO. The thing is that the date and the author of the article participate in the formation of the page structure. In other words, by completely removing the date and author, you will lose two necessary elements structuring the data so necessary for your site. These are not words out of thin air, the availability of this data is monitored search engines, and alert you to the need for their presence.

Why remove the author link in WordPress?

By removing the link, you are “killing” several birds with one stone. Firstly, you delete a page you don’t need, which will definitely create duplication of content, secondly, you lose the unnecessary movement of weight from one page to a completely unnecessary author’s page.

That's all I wanted to tell you in this, if you have any questions, write, we will definitely help.

Good day. Today we’ll talk about protection and access to CCTV cameras. There are quite a lot of them and they are used for different purposes. As always, we will use a standard database that will allow us to find such cameras and select passwords for them. Theory Most devices are not configured or updated after installation. Therefore our the target audience be located under the popular ports 8000, 8080 and 554. If you need to scan the network, it is better to immediately select these ports. Method No. 1 For a clear example, you can look at interesting queries in Shodan search engines and Sensys. Let's look at a few illustrative examples with simple queries. has_screenshot:true port:8000 // 183 results; has_screenshot:true port:8080 // 1025 results; has_screenshot:true port:554 // 694 results; Like this in a simple way you can access a large number open cameras that are located in interesting places: shops, hospitals, gas stations, etc. Let's look at a few interesting options for clarity. Doctor's waiting room Private somewhere in the depths of Europe Class somewhere in Chelyabinsk Shop women's clothing In this simple way you can find quite a lot of interesting objects to which access is open. Don't forget that you can use the country filter to get data by country. has_screenshot:true port:8000 country:ru has_screenshot:true port:8080 country:ru has_screenshot:true port:554 country:ru Method No. 2 You can use the search for standard social networks. To do this, it is better to use page headers when viewing images from cameras, here is a selection of the most interesting options: inurl:/view.shtml inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode= inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=Refresh inurl:view/index.shtml inurl:view/ view.shtml intitle:”live view” intitle:axis intitle:liveapplet all in title:”Network Camera Network Camera” intitle:axis intitle:”video server” intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl intitle:”EvoCam” inurl:”webcam. html” intitle:”Live NetSnap Cam-Server feed” intitle:”Live View / - AXIS 206M” intitle:”Live View / - AXIS 206W” intitle:”Live View / - AXIS 210″ inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis intitle: start inurl:cgistart intitle:”WJ-NT104 Main Page” intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/ intitle:snc-cs3 inurl:home/ intitle:snc-rz30 inurl:home/ intitle:”sony network camera snc-p1″ intitle:”sony network camera snc-m1″ intitle:”Toshiba Network Camera” user login intitle:”i-Catcher Console - Web Monitor” Reaping the benefits and finding the airport Company office Add another port to the collection and you can complete Method No. 3 This method is the target. It is used when we either have one point and need to guess a password, or we want to run a database using standard passwords and find valid results. Hydra is perfect for these purposes. To do this, you need to prepare a dictionary. You can run and search standard passwords for routers. Let's look at specific example. There is a camera model, DCS-2103. It occurs quite often. It works through port 80. Let's use the relevant data and find necessary information in shadan. Next, we collect all the IPs of potential targets that are interesting to us. Next, we create a list. Let's collect a list of passwords and use it all using the hydra utility. To do this, we need to add a dictionary, a list of IPs to the folder and run the following command: hydra -l admin -P pass.txt -o good.txt -t 16 -vV -M targets.txt http-get There should be a file in the root folder pass.txt with passwords, login we use one admin with the -l parameter, if you need to set a dictionary for logins, then you need to add a file to the root directory and register it with the -L parameter. The selected results will be saved in the file good.txt. The list of IP addresses must be added to the root directory with the targets.txt file. The last phrase in the http-get command is responsible for connecting via port 80. Example of the program Entering the command and getting started At the end I would like to add some information about scanning. To get network numbers you can use an excellent service. Next, these meshes need to be checked for the presence of the ports we need. I won’t recommend scanners, but I will say that it’s worth moving towards such and similar scanners as masscan, vnc scanner and others. You can write it based on the well-known nmap utility. The main task is to scan the range and find active IPs with the necessary ports. Conclusion Remember that in addition to standard view You can take more photos, record a video and download it for yourself. You can also control the camera and rotate it in the desired directions. And the most interesting thing is the ability to turn on sounds and speak on some cameras. What can I recommend here? Put strong password access and be sure to forward the ports.