Monitor screen resolutions. Optimal monitor screen resolution

IN modern world everything is changing rapidly. Cameras of all models, from the cheapest point-and-shoot cameras to professional DSLRs, can shoot HD quality videos. This video is also possible for expensive models mobile phones. DVD video standards are a thing of the past.

Film studios are making new spectacular films with previously unavailable effects. The requirements for video and television equipment standards are also growing. Viewers want films made in more high-quality image, - they want to view them on wide screens, and not just on a computer monitor.

What is screen resolution TV 1920x1080

Screen resolution is what affects the clarity of the image. This is the quality of the pictures and text messages. Unit of measurement of resolution - responsible for the formation of the image on the screen. Today, when purchasing a TV with a plasma or LCD screen, you will probably come across the term Full HD - 1920x1080, which the seller will definitely tell you about.

These TVs are now in everyone big store, they are affordable, which is what buyers are looking for now. If you answer that you do not know this term, the seller will add that this sign is best recommendation for a TV, and a resolution of 1920x1080 is an indicator High Quality Images.

How to choose a TV

When you are choosing a TV, pay attention to the measurements measured in inches. One inch is about two and a half centimeters. But monitors with big screen demanding on the video card. That is, if you bought a modern twenty-four-inch diagonal monitor, then expect that your iron horse will slow down slightly.

Budget 18-19 inch monitors are only good for their price. And for those who love battle scenes on big screen, monitors with 27 inches diagonal are suitable.

Some people are now wondering why modern monitors so narrow and elongated. There is an explanation for this. For modern films there are standards for the shooting format. They are filmed like this, with an elongated and narrow image. If you watch a new movie or play a modern game on an old square-shaped monitor, the picture will be small, and not everyone will like it.

FullHD or HD Ready

On the packaging boxes of TVs, in addition to the FullHD inscriptions, you often find other inscriptions - HD Ready.

What's the difference?

In 2005, the European Association of Telecommunications Technologies and Information Systems adopted standards for new TV models that will display video with high quality parameters. They are divided into two categories: HD Ready and FullHD.

HD Ready supports the minimum resolution for this class - 720 lines, and FullHD, where the screen resolution is 1920x1080, is capable of handling video with 1080 lines.

This name was picked up by the Japanese company Sony when, in 2007, it named a number of its products as the FullHD brand. Other companies in this market segment began to call their products the same way.

Therefore, most of the liquid crystal and plasma television receivers of the FullHD class sold nowadays (translated from English as “ full resolution 1920x1080") screens have a screen aspect ratio of 16 by 9 and support videos with 1080 lines of image. Such images compare favorably in quality to a simple DVD; they are clearer and of higher quality.

So what is screen resolution, how do screen settings affect the picture we see on the monitor?

The TV screen, whatever it may be, plasma or liquid crystal, is a matrix that consists of pixels located horizontally and vertically of the screen. Their number is called matrix resolution. Screen resolution comes in many types, but the most famous ones are 1024x768, 1366x768, and many others.

Types of television signals

The highest resolution now is Full HD - 1920x1080.

Television signals also have a resolution that has not yet reached a common standard throughout the world. In the USA, for example, the type is called NTSC (with a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels). In European countries, PAL signals and SECAM signals with a resolution of 720 by 576 pixels are used.

The signal may also differ in frame rate: fifty or sixty hertz.

In every modern TV there is a processor that converts incoming signals to the standard that the TV matrix corresponds to. If the incoming signal and matrix were with one standard definition by pixels, the image would immediately be clear and of high quality. But, since signal standards are different in types, parameters and matrices, the TV must independently convert the signal in order to show a clear image.

Progressive and interlace scanning

The range in which TV channels broadcast is small. There is not enough space for everyone. The image transmitted by the channel can be formed in two ways. Progressive, which displays all frames completely (where the lines - even and odd - follow one another), and interlaced.

To save space on air, a scan was invented that reduces the frame rate by half. It was called interlaced. First, the first half of the frame is transmitted in odd lines, then the second half in even lines. Interlaced scanning would look blurry if there was no way to restore image quality.

In order to explain the method that forms the image, after the number of lines the initial English is written: “p” or “i”. For example: a resolution of 1920 x 1080p indicates that the picture was generated in a progressive way. And the 720i marking will mean that the video has 720 lines. And the letter i stands for the interlaced method. In order to indicate the format, the second-by-second frame size is indicated. When they say 1080p30, this means that there are thirty frames in this video, running per second. The higher the number of frames, the better and more detailed the picture looks.

Full HD requirements

TVs last generations display images of both scan types. Thus, a screen resolution of 1920x1080 and an aspect ratio of 16:9 must be present in Full HD TV. These are the standard requirements for this type to display the incoming video signal.

Therefore, a resolution of 1920x1080 would mean that the TV has 1920 horizontal dots and 1080 vertical dots. Such TVs will catch high quality signals accepted in the world (HDTV standards).

Tricolor TV, a commercial TV operator, has been offering a package since 2012 that includes twenty-five HD quality channels. Someday, such channels may be free for everyone.

If you have problems with your monitor, font or image is not clear, you need to understand that this changes due to the resolution value. For example, when the resolution is set to a high value, say 1920x1080, then objects will be clear. And a larger number of them will fit on the monitor. And with a low resolution, say 800 by 600, fewer objects will fit on the monitor, but they will look larger.

But this does not mean that you can set the screen resolution you like to 1920x1080. It may not be supported by your monitor or TV model. CRT monitors support a resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels or 800 by 600 and are suitable for all types. LCD monitors and laptop screens support high resolution. And they work with the look that is suitable only for their model.

Monitor big size corresponds to the same high resolution. It improves clarity and reduces image size.

How to adjust monitor resolution in Windows 7

To do this, go to the "Start" menu, then go to the "Control Panel", and then go to "Appearance" and "Personalization". Then go to the “Resolution Settings” of the monitor. Now expand the list next to “Resolution”, use the slider to set the resolution you need, then click the “Apply screen settings” button.

Late models of monitors, on liquid crystals, work with own resolution. It does not need to be configured - it is already recommended for this type. Such monitors are divided into two types: with a ratio of 16:9 and 16:10 and standard with a ratio of 4:3. If you compare them, widescreen has a larger width and horizontal resolution.

If you don’t know the monitor resolution, you can find it out from the reference book, on the manufacturer’s website, or from the EDID.

What is EDID

There is a data standard that provides information about the monitor and its parameters, where it was made, its resolution, size, color quality characteristics, and so on.

If you can’t find out by EDID, then how to set the screen resolution

What should you do if, when you connect a TV receiver with a large screen, the image does not fit and looks cut off at the edges? To solve the problem, you need to update your computer's video card drivers. After this, specify your model in the computer settings as the base, or main monitor. Then you need to make sure that the TV is connected to the computer via a digital connection, and also that there are no restrictions on it.

Install the Moninfo EDID program (it is available on the Internet). After that, check the resolution of your TV in it. If it is supported, that's good. If not, then you will have to edit the EDID and set the resolution yourself.

If the image does not fit

To deal with this problem, you need to turn off the Overscan option on your television receiver.

If this is a computer, then after the obligatory video card you need to click right click mouse on the desktop. If you have GeForce video card, then after that go to settings NVIDIA programs. If you have Radeon video card, then go to the program Catalyst Control Center. Then adjust the parameters using the slider in the “desktop” settings to the required value.

How to adjust resolution

First you need to disable EDID.

Then set the resolution to 1920x1080 in the screen properties.

Reinstall the video card driver (remove the old driver).

If the previous measures did not help, try reinstalling Windows.

I would like to hope that after this information, questions about how to set the screen resolution to 1920x1080 will be easier to solve.

Screen resolution is very important characteristic TV. Manufacturers invest a lot of money in developing screens with high resolution. Such developments are expensive and not all TV manufacturers are also manufacturers of LCD matrices. Many of them buy screens from companies that have been producing LCD matrices for a long time, and then use them in their TVs.

Screen resolution is measured in pixels and denoted as the ratio of the number of horizontal pixels to the number of vertical pixels.

For normal operation television broadcasting in different regions and, accordingly, the opportunity to sell your TVs in different countries Manufacturers are required to coordinate their developments in the field of increasing screen resolution. Therefore, international organizations have agreed on various developments in the field of television high definition and today there are several standards that everyone adheres to.

Resolution Formats

Today, international organizations, such as the American ATSC and the European ETSI, have defined standards for the distribution of high-definition television. And TV manufacturers have introduced these standards into television receivers for compatibility with all regions. Currently the main standards are:

  1. 1) 720r. Resolution 1280x720 pixels, progressive scanning, frame rate can be 50 or 60 Hz, frame format 16:9.
  2. 2) 1080i. Resolution 1920x1080 pixels, interlaced scanning, frame format 16:9, frequency 50 or 60 half-frames per second, which corresponds to 25 or 30 frames.
  3. 3) 1080p. Resolution 1920x1080 pixels (2.07 MP), interline scan, frame format 16:9, frame rate 24, 25, 30, 50, 60 Hz.
  4. 4) 2160p. Resolution 3840x2160 pixels (8.8 MP).

Difference in standards

Striving to get the most quality signal on the TV when transmitting over a distance led to the appearance various standards tele-signal decomposition in different countries. The main characteristics of signal decomposition are the number of lines, frame rate and type of vertical scanning.

Basic transmission standards TV signal are European PAL and SECAM, as well as American NTSC system. European systems use 625 lines, and American systems use 525 lines. These standards were invented at the beginning of the era of CRT televisions, and this fact must be taken into account. For example, the number of lines 625 is not fully used to form an image on a kinescope screen. Indeed, in the system of deflection coils it is necessary to provide time for the reverse movement of the beam, and therefore only 576 lines were actually used to form a visible frame. It is this number that is shown in the digital television screen resolution of 720x576.

The frame rate in old TVs was selected depending on the frequency of the current in the power supply network. For Europe 50 Hz, and for America 60 Hz. With this choice, it is easier to build TV scan generators.

All these restrictions on decomposition standards still exist today, because we have to implement compatibility between old and new TVs. But for digital devices (LCD and OLED) such restrictions are not necessary due to their design features. A new standard high definition television HDTV uses only digital transmission signal and it does not need to use lines for service pulses, therefore, the number of lines indicated in the name of the standard is the same that forms the picture on the screen. This signal decomposition standard contains 720 or 1080 lines, a frame rate of 50 or 60 Hz, and the scan type can be interlaced or progressive.

When designating a standard, a notation is used that indicates the number of lines of the signal, the type of scan is progressive (“p”) or interlaced (“i”), and the frame rate can be indicated through a slash. Progressive scanning means that all the lines of the image are written to the screen at the same time, and interlaced scanning means that the even lines are updated first and the odd lines are updated in another half-frame. Progressive scan is better and is what is mostly used today.

Throughout the development of television, the following types of television signal decomposition have been used:

  • LDTV – low definition television (240p, 288p);
  • SDTV - standard definition television (480i - NTSC, 576i - PAL);
  • EDTV – high definition television (480p, 576p, 720p);
  • HDTV – high definition television (1080i, 1080p);
  • 4K UHDTV – ultra high definition television (2160p).
  • 8K UHDTV – ultra high definition television (4320p).

The beginning of high definition television

Developments in the field of increasing the resolution of television pictures appeared with the introduction electronic methods signal processing. And this happened back in the 30s of the last century. Then they abandoned mechanical scanning, and it became possible to increase the number of lines on the screen. But on an industrial scale, the development of high-definition television (HDTV) began with the introduction of large-format cinema.

This happened in the 1950s, when television was developing at a rapid pace and, fearing competition, the film industry switched to wide-format films to protect itself, because they were more convenient to watch in the cinema. Such films were poorly displayed on simple kinescope television screens, and then television manufacturers began to develop high-definition television, which could perfectly transmit wide format to television screens.

But at that time, development stopped due to the need to use CRT screens with a large diagonal. The production of such displays for the mass consumer was not economically profitable. And only with the development of liquid crystal and plasma screen technology in 2000 did it become possible practical use developments in the field of high definition television (HDTV).

To implement HDTV, transmitters and receivers were developed, high-resolution screens were created, HD DVD and Blu-Ray media, HDMI and DVI-D data transfer interfaces were developed. According to the standard adopted in Russia, high-definition television includes 16:9 widescreen image signals with a resolution of 1920x1080. If the frame has a 4:3 ratio, then the resolution will be 1536x1152 pixels. This is how the HDTV standard came into being.

When purchasing a new monitor for your system unit consultants at any electronics store may ask you what screen resolution you prefer for your monitor. For those to whom such a question may seem like something from the Chinese literacy section, let’s break it down. So.

What is screen resolution?

Let's start with what the image that we see on the monitor is. Any picture is assembled from special points - pixels. To somehow understand what we are talking about, let’s draw an analogy with embroidery. From monotonous crosses different color the result is some kind of picture or pattern. So here, pixels are like crosses on embroidery, only they are much smaller and tightly pressed against each other, so there is no feeling that the image consists of individual dots, but looks whole. In addition, they are able to take on different colors as required by the situation. Thanks to this, we watch movies, pictures, switch different windows and instantly see the corresponding changes on the monitor.

Pixels - nowhere without them

Pixels can be square or in some cases rectangular. There was even a wave of replacement of the beloved square monitors with more elongated ones, which sometimes stretched the images too much. But more on that later.

It is the number of these same pixels per unit length, or in other words their density, that determines the resolution of monitor screens.

Screen Resolution Options

The main parameters of monitor resolution are height and width. So, if you go to the control panel on your computer and go to the screen settings section, you can go to this window (this particular window is for operating system users Windows systems 7), which you will see in the photo below.

IN in this case the monitor has installed maximum resolution 1366 x 768 pixels. What does it mean? This means that the width from the left to the right sides of the monitor is 1366 pixels, and from top to bottom - 768. This is the optimal resolution of the monitor screen, given as an example, in which information from the screen will be transmitted as clearly and conveniently as possible for a person with normal, normal vision.

We also see that the monitor can be set to another, lower resolution. By reducing the width to 1024 pixels, for example, images can be made to appear more stretched. That is, in fact, the physical number of pixels that determines the resolution of the monitor screen does not change, it remains the same, but the display of images will be the same as it would be with a different resolution.

The most popular screen formats

The shape of pixels was mentioned above, so let’s look at this issue in more detail.

Previously, and we are talking about a hundred years since the appearance of the first films, all monitors of the first models of televisions and computers had a 4:3 format. Even when there were no televisions yet, silent films were shot in this format. What do these numbers mean? This is the aspect ratio of the display element, one might say the ratios of the height and width of the monitor. So, the dimensions can be as follows: 16:12 = 4x4:3x4, 40:30 = 4x10:3x10. Analogue TVs for the most part have this particular format and, accordingly, analogue TV shows are also “fitted” to fit the 4:3 frame. This also includes the 5:4 format. It is also more “square”, and is used in the production of computer monitors. But gradually he burst into life new format 16:9, which gave rise to a new image size, and the screen resolution of a widescreen monitor appeared, constantly being modernized and changing in parameters.

Widescreen broadcasting: convenient or profitable?

The new trend was advertised for its convenience. So, a person should perceive information better on the sides of the monitor than on the top and bottom. But we must not miss the point that widescreen monitors are cheaper to produce. Yes, yes, if you take 4:3 and 16:9 monitors, which have equal diagonals, it turns out that their area is different. A 4:3 screen will have more room to work with than a 16:9 screen, but a wide monitor will require fewer resources to produce than a square one. Many opinions have been expressed both for and against widescreen monitors, and both have their pros and cons. For those people who started their acquaintance with by computer means In the days of 4:3, wide screens are awkward and take a long time to adapt to.

So, when working in office programs type Microsoft Word at the same scale, 5:4 monitors will be able to display more lines than their widescreen counterparts. You don’t need to constantly move up and down the sheet to find some information; you can see the entire sheet, and at the same time you won’t lose much in the readability of the text. Wide monitors stretch the “square” image, causing round things to become oval, stretching the faces and bodies of characters on the screen. Fortunately, they are working on all the problems. So, on a 5:4 monitor you can view a widescreen movie, only black margins will be added at the top and bottom so as not to cut off part of the image. Similarly, on a wide monitor, you can make sure that the picture has its original parameters and does not spread across the entire screen area. IN computer games developers are adding the ability to support different formats etc. But what is still important is that the wide format is primarily beneficial for the manufacturer, and it is constantly being imposed on us, reducing the production of square screens. “Do you want a 5:4 monitor? But this is unfashionable, no one buys these anymore!” Of course, he doesn’t buy it, because everyone is chasing fashion, not really thinking about convenience. And the funny thing is that screens with 4:3, 5:4 formats are cheaper than models of wide-format monitors, the production of which uses less material, and which, logically, should cost less. But let’s return to the issue of monitor screen resolution.

Problems in choosing the optimal resolution

The fact is that the abundance of manufacturers who decide for themselves which expansion is best for them puts the consumer in a difficult position. There are more than three dozen different video standards that are characterized by different resolution and different aspect ratios. Let's say the XGA video standard has a resolution of 1024 × 768 (786k) or 640 × 480 (307k), with an aspect ratio of 4:3, when the VGA standard has four acceptable resolutions (640 × 480, 640 × 350, 320 × 200, 720 × 400 ) with appropriate aspect ratios (4:3, 64:35, 16:10, 9:5). The WHUXGA video standard today has greatest number pixels – 7680 × 4800 (36864k), and it is widescreen – 16:10. But how to choose exactly the one that will suit a particular user?

What to consider when choosing a monitor resolution

The maximum resolution of the monitor screen is often optimal for working on a computer. It can be manually changed to one of those available in the list of resolution settings.
Since the issue of screen resolution is relevant for both televisions and computers, which are fundamentally different devices(although a TV can also be connected to a PC as a monitor), we will consider the optimal parameters separately for both types of devices.

TV: ease of viewing

Standard definition analogue television, a monopolist in its field for some time, has always had an aspect ratio of 4:3, and only relatively recently has the 16:9 ratio begun to appear, which is positioned as a high-definition image - digital television. We are now exactly at the stage when the transition from one standard to another is taking place, and how long this process will drag on is completely unclear. Some countries have long switched to a new, more convenient and high-quality digital format, but in the domestic open spaces this can be expected for a long time. Therefore, you can buy a newfangled widescreen TV, almost all models of which provide a function for adjusting the resolution of monitor screens. After carefully studying the instructions, the user will be able to decide for himself how to view a square picture on a rectangular monitor - stretch it to fill the entire monitor, or add a black frame on the sides to maintain the proportions of the original image.

PC monitor - a dilemma for gamers

If a gamer chooses a monitor, then he must first familiarize himself with the requirements for the preferred game/games, and then, based on this data, summarize which monitor screen resolutions are best suited for this. It’s impossible to say unequivocally “this model is ideal for all games in the world.”

Watch the news in Odnoklassniki - is it worth bothering with choosing a resolution?

If you use a PC to work in office programs or just to view mail, news feeds in in social networks etc., you need to choose solely according to personal experience or consult with an experienced user who can explain to you all the points of interest.

This also includes the screen resolution of the laptop monitor. It is likely that for its transportation it will be more convenient (purely physically) for it to be rectangular and compact, so as to fit into a backpack or bag. On a rectangular monitor, it is convenient to open two windows at once, when a 4:3 or 5:4 monitor gives you more space to view and work on one document.

Have you ever found yourself in the following situation? The boss or customer wants to know what size your design will be when printed, but the monitor doesn't show the actual size. All you have to do is adjust the layout using a ruler using a magnifying glass, and apply the leaves to the screen. After this article this will end!

Monitor resolution is measured in pixels

When talking about permission, terrible confusion constantly occurs. Resolution in Photoshop refers to the number of pixels per square inch; monitor resolution refers to the number of pixels across the width and height of the screen. What about camera resolution or camera resolution?

The reason for the confusion is mistranslated terms in English. People constantly confuse the words resolution and dimension. You shouldn’t blame them for this; the meaning is really very similar.

But now we are talking about monitor resolution. The resolution of your monitor refers to its width and height in pixels. And no more.

When I studied at school, computer monitors had a resolution of no more than 800 by 600 pixels. And this was considered quite good. Some lucky people had 1024 by 768 pixel monitors. These, of course, were considered the coolest in the entire school.

Time has passed, today my parents have an average monitor with a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels. What does this mean in terms of in simple language? This means that in 10 years our monitors have received an additional 1000 pixels in height and width. But their physical size remained approximately the same. The monitors haven't doubled in size. Perhaps they diverged a little in width. Widescreen, you know. But the resolution also changed the proportions.

So how many pixels are there in one inch of your monitor?

How to calculate the actual size on the screen?

Photoshop and sleight of hand will help answer the above question. Have you ever encountered a scrupulous customer who wanted to understand how much space your sticker, flyer, cover or postcard will actually take up? However, the product did not go to print, does it exist only in the monitor?

In this situation, you are trying to explain that the sizes do not match, but approximately... and start guessing the size with the tool Magnifying glass, checking it with a ruler placed on the screen. Okay, I admit, I did this when I first started working.

In computing actual size The Magnifier Zoom Tool will help you. Select the magnifying glass in Photoshop and in the settings panel, click the Print Size button. This button shows the actual print size of your graphic.

And if everything is correct, you will get a complete mismatch with the actual printed size. That is, yes, the button will do something, increase or decrease the graphics. Unfortunately, not in printed size, but in some kind of fictitious size. Looks like it's not working? Or not?

Mysterious 72 and 96 dpi

You've probably come across these two meanings. 72dpi, or more precisely 72 ppi (pixtels per inch). Theoretically, this means that your monitor has 72 pixels per inch. In practice, this would be true if it were 1985. A little later, monitors improved their pixel performance. The screens were able to fit as much as 96 pixels per inch. This is so small that looking at the monitor you can still distinguish the pixels.

Today, monitors have vastly different resolutions and ability to fit pixels per inch. This number varies from 90 to 120 pixels per inch.

When we create new area in Photoshop, the program prompts us to set the resolution of the work area. The default value is 72. However, if you select a preset layout for web graphics, the value will change to 96. Both values ​​​​mean absolutely nothing. This will not affect the workspace in any way. The monitor displays as many pixels as the pixels installed in its operating system in width and height.

If you made a website 1280 pixels wide, be prepared for the fact that it will not be able to display correctly on monitors with a resolution of 800 pixels in width, although such monitors are no longer available.

The question is, if permission does not affect anything, why is it needed at all? It is needed primarily for printing and preparation for printing. There, the number of pixels per inch is extremely important, as it determines the quality of the image on paper.

In web design, resolution also affects the ratio of some physical parameters. Roughly speaking, on the View > Ruler line, in one inch you will have 96 pixels instead of 72. The font size ratio will also change. Time New Roman 12p at 72 pixels and Time New Roman 12pt at 96 pixels are fonts different sizes. Because Pt is a point physical size, and is based on physical quantities, and the visual size of a physical quantity depends on the associated resolution size. In our case it is different. That is, 12p letters at 96 pixels of resolution are greater than at 72x.

Otherwise, set it to at least 1ppi, as long as you prepare the layout for the screen, it doesn’t matter at all, considering that the ratio of resolution to the size of the work area can be calculated in a matter of seconds.

How to measure a flyer on a monitor?

So how do you measure the actual resolution of a monitor, and why does the Print Size button not work? Don't worry, everything is under control. The button does not work due to incorrect settings permissions. Artifacts of the past 72 or 96ppi have crept into the resolution settings. You need to set the real resolution of your monitor and then everything will be as it should.

It is important to understand that the monitor supports several resolutions at once. For example, the one I'm working on now supports sizes from 800 by 600 to 1920 by 1080 pixels. The latter is of course set by default.

It is important to understand that with a size of 800 by 600 pixels there will be one number of pixels per inch, and with a resolution of 1920 by 1080, it will be completely different. Much bigger. Of course, the most important thing for us is better resolution, which your monitor can support, and not the worst. We will build on it.

How to find out the resolution of your monitor

The resolution of your monitor should be written in the technical data sheet of the monitor. Most often it is impossible to find it. IN technical specifications The real resolution is also not always written. Moreover, even the width and height dimensions are not always written. For your old Samsung I found the dimensions taking into account the plastic edging, but this is not at all what is needed. You want pure screen size and nothing more.

If you can't find the dimensions or resolution, move on to plan B, stick and rope. Take a ruler and measure the monitor's width and height. I measured the LG monitor on which I am writing this article, it turned out to be 48 by 27 cm.

1 inch = 2.54 cm That is, my monitor is approximately 19 by 10.5 inches. I round because special precision is not needed here. And what kind of accuracy can we talk about when measuring a monitor with a ruler?

The resolution on the monitor is set to 1920 by 1080 pixels. Divide the width of 1920 by 19. Rounded, we get 100. Dividing 1080 by 10.5 gives the same amount. That's all, the real monitor resolution is 100ppi.

That is, on 1 inch of a monitor, with a resolution of 1920 by 1080, about 100 pixels fit.

Adjusting resolution in Photoshop

Finally, how to customize the Print Size button in Photoshop? Go to settings Edit > Preference. Open the Units & Rulers tab. In the dialog box, in the Screen Resolution setting, change the fictitious resolution to the correct one. In my case, 100. That's it.

Now try creating an A4 sheet with a resolution of 300dpi. Let's say we are preparing a leaflet for printing. Find a real A4 piece of paper on your desktop. In Photoshop, click the Print Size button. Place the piece of paper on the screen. It is done.

Now, to the customer’s question, “what size will it be in real life?” you don’t have to draw in the air with your hands, you don’t have to adjust the screen according to the ruler, you don’t have to touch it to a piece of paper and talk, but this. Just click on Print Size. Photoshop will show everything itself.

I hope this article was useful to you and successful experiments in printing!

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When purchasing a new monitor for your system unit, consultants at any electronics store may ask you what screen resolution you prefer for the monitor. For those to whom such a question may seem like something from the Chinese literacy section, let’s break it down. So.

What is screen resolution?

Let's start with what the image that we see on the monitor is. Any picture is assembled from special points - pixels. To somehow understand what we are talking about, let’s draw an analogy with embroidery. From monotonous crosses of different colors, the result is some kind of picture or pattern. So here, pixels are like crosses on embroidery, only they are much smaller and tightly pressed against each other, so there is no feeling that the image consists of individual dots, but looks whole. In addition, they are able to take on different colors as required by the situation. Thanks to this, we watch movies, pictures, switch different windows and instantly see the corresponding changes on the monitor.

Pixels - nowhere without them

Pixels can be square or in some cases rectangular. There was even a wave of replacement of the beloved square monitors with more elongated ones, which sometimes stretched the images too much. But more on that later.

It is the number of these same pixels per unit length, or in other words their density, that determines the resolution of monitor screens.

Screen Resolution Options

The main parameters of monitor resolution are height and width. So, if you go to the control panel on your computer and go to the screen settings section, you can go to this window (this particular window is for users operating system Windows 7), which you can see in the photo below.

In this case, the monitor has a maximum resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels. What does it mean? This means that there are 1366 pixels across the width from the left to the right sides of the monitor, and 768 pixels from top to bottom. This optimal monitor, given as an example, in which information from the screen will be transmitted as clearly and conveniently as possible for a person with normal, normal vision.

We also see that the monitor can be set to another, lower resolution. By reducing the width to 1024 pixels, for example, images can be made to appear more stretched. That is, in fact, the physical number of pixels that determines the resolution of the monitor screen does not change, it remains the same, but the display of images will be the same as it would be with a different resolution.

The most popular screen formats

The shape of pixels was mentioned above, so let’s look at this issue in more detail.

Previously, and we are talking about a hundred years since the appearance of the first films, all monitors of the first models of televisions and computers had a 4:3 format. Even when there were no televisions yet, silent films were shot in this format. What do these numbers mean? This is the aspect ratio of the display element, one might say the ratios of the height and width of the monitor. So, the dimensions can be as follows: 16:12 = 4x4:3x4, 40:30 = 4x10:3x10. Analogue TVs for the most part have this particular format and, accordingly, analogue TV shows are also “fitted” to fit the 4:3 frame. This also includes the 5:4 format. It is also more “square”, and is used in the production of computer monitors. But gradually the new 16:9 format burst into life, which gave rise to a new image size, and the screen resolution of a wide-format monitor appeared, constantly being modernized and changing in parameters.

Widescreen broadcasting: convenient or profitable?

The new trend was advertised for its convenience. So, a person should perceive information better on the sides of the monitor than on the top and bottom. But we must not miss the point that large-format production is possible. Yes, yes, if you take 4:3 and 16:9 monitors, which have equal diagonals, it turns out that their area is different. A 4:3 screen will have more room to work with than a 16:9 screen, but will require fewer production resources than a square one. Many opinions have been expressed both for and against widescreen monitors, and both have their pros and cons. For those people who began their acquaintance with computers in the days of the 4:3 format, wide screens are inconvenient and require a lot of time to adapt to it.

So, when working in office programs like Microsoft Word, at the same scale, 5:4 monitors will be able to display more lines than their widescreen counterparts. You don’t need to constantly move up and down the sheet to find some information; you can see the entire sheet, and at the same time you won’t lose much in the readability of the text. Wide monitors stretch the “square” image, causing round things to become oval, stretching the faces and bodies of characters on the screen. Fortunately, they are working on all the problems. So, on a 5:4 monitor you can view a widescreen movie, only black margins will be added at the top and bottom so as not to cut off part of the image. Similarly, on a wide monitor, you can make sure that the picture has its original parameters and does not spread across the entire screen area. In computer games, developers add the ability to support different formats, etc. But it is still important that the wide format is primarily beneficial for the manufacturer, and it is constantly being imposed on us, reducing the production of square screens. “Do you want a 5:4 monitor? But this is unfashionable, no one buys these anymore!” Of course, he doesn’t buy it, because everyone is chasing fashion, not really thinking about convenience. And the funny thing is that screens with 4:3, 5:4 formats are cheaper than models of wide-format monitors, the production of which uses less material, and which, logically, should cost less. But let's get back to the question

Problems in choosing the optimal resolution

The fact is that the abundance of manufacturers who decide for themselves which expansion is best for them puts the consumer in a difficult position. There are more than three dozen different video standards, which have different resolutions and different aspect ratios. Let's say the XGA video standard has a resolution of 1024 × 768 (786k) or 640 × 480 (307k), with an aspect ratio of 4:3, when the VGA standard has four acceptable resolutions (640 × 480, 640 × 350, 320 × 200, 720 × 400 ) with appropriate aspect ratios (4:3, 64:35, 16:10, 9:5). The WHUXGA video standard has by far the largest number of pixels at 7680×4800 (36864k) and is widescreen at 16:10. But how to choose exactly the one that will suit a particular user?

What to consider when choosing a monitor resolution

The maximum resolution of the monitor screen is often optimal for working on a computer. It can be manually changed to one of those available in the list of resolution settings.

Since the issue of screen resolution is relevant for both TVs and computers, which are fundamentally different devices (although a TV can be connected to a PC as a monitor), we will consider the optimal parameters separately for both types of devices.

TV: ease of viewing

The standard definition monopolist in its field for some time has always had an aspect ratio of 4:3, and only relatively recently has the 16:9 ratio begun to appear, which is positioned as a high-definition image - digital television. We are now exactly at the stage when the transition from one standard to another is taking place, and how long this process will drag on is completely unclear. Some countries have long switched to a new, more convenient and high-quality digital format, but in domestic spaces this can be expected for a long time. Therefore, you can buy a newfangled widescreen TV, almost all models of which provide a function for adjusting the resolution of monitor screens. After carefully studying the instructions, the user will be able to decide for himself how to view a square picture on a rectangular monitor - stretch it to fill the entire monitor, or add a black frame on the sides to preserve the proportions of the original image.

PC monitor - a dilemma for gamers

If a gamer chooses a monitor, then he must first familiarize himself with the requirements for the preferred game/games, and then, based on this data, summarize which monitor screen resolutions are best suited for this. It’s impossible to say unequivocally “this model is ideal for all games in the world.”

View news in Odnoklassniki - is it worth bothering with choosing a resolution?

If you use a PC to work in office programs or simply to view mail, news feeds on social networks, etc., you need to choose solely based on personal experience or consult with an experienced user who can explain to you all the points of interest.

This also includes the screen resolution of the laptop monitor. It is likely that for its transportation it will be more convenient (purely physically) for it to be rectangular and compact, so as to fit into a backpack or bag. On a rectangular monitor, it is convenient to open two windows at once, when a 4:3 or 5:4 monitor gives you more space to view and work on one document.