Reproduction of articles, Generating The Web program. How it works? Saving breeding results

The uniqueness of the text is the most important requirement that search engines place on any website. And although some successful web resources consist of copy-paste (copied material), they are the exception rather than the rule.

With the falling prices for hosting services and the advent of free blogging platforms (BlogSpot, LiveJournal, Blogger, etc.), webmasters had the idea: “why not promote not one site, but several at once?” For example, you can create one main web resource and a group of others that support it (satellites). They could link to the main website, thereby improving its position in search engines. But such a “satellite network” also needs unique content. Where can I get it? a large number of identical and at the same time unique articles? The problem is solved by text generation.

Retrieving from one text large number unique articles that are similar or close in meaning to each other is called text reproduction. By replacing words in the main article with their synonyms and combining various options their combinations, you can obtain a sufficient amount of material for the satellite grid.

Text generation – this is the reproduction of one article into several unique copies, usually similar in topic.

The quality of articles resulting from reproduction will largely depend on the generation method, the program used and the experience of the person accompanying the process. Reproduction is based on replacing the words of the main article with synonyms. The more synonyms, the more unique the output texts will be. And the better quality they are selected, the more “readable” the result will be.

Big number unique texts is obtained through combinations of various synonyms with each other. And since uniqueness is checked using phrases of a certain length (this is called shingle), then achieving its high meaning using combinations of synonyms is quite simple. To better understand the principle of determining the uniqueness of text, read.

1.1 Why is text generation needed?

Obviously, the main purpose of reproducing texts is receiving a large number of unique articles . Everything else follows from this basic generation task.

Generation is one of the ways to get unique and free (in most cases). After all, not every webmaster is willing to pay money to fill his Internet projects. If there are a lot of the latter, then purchasing content will cost a lot of money.

On the other hand, if you run a group of sites on the same topic, then writing the same article for them is extremely difficult. You can, of course, choose some ready-made article and rewrite it () several times, but after 5-10 copies of rewriting, a person runs out of imagination, and the work slows down. What if you need a hundred identical articles for 100 sites? In this case, generation is not only cheap, but also very in a convenient way get content.

Another case when the reproduction of texts is useful is associated with the announcement of a site article in popular services. Let's say you need to write 10 announcements on new article, which you posted on the site. These ten announcements will be posted on other resources to receive links and new visitors from them. But the effectiveness will be much higher if all these announcements are unique to each other. Again, generation comes to the rescue.

There are also disadvantages to multiplying texts, but they are disadvantages not for webmasters, but for the Internet. The fact is that the quality of any generated content will always be lower than that of an article written by a person. Thus, the Internet is clogged with “garbage” texts of low quality, which is not very good.

1.2 Generator syntax

To reproduce the text, you first need to prepare a small template, which will be reproduced later. It’s not difficult to create one; you just need to know some of the nuances of generation. Whatever program you decide to reproduce text, they all support two standard operator:

  • ( ) – open and close curly braces, used to create synonym blocks.
  • I is a vertical bar (not uppercase letter“i” or lowercase “L”, which look the same), this symbol is used to separate variants of synonyms from each other.

The design is as follows:

(option 1.1|option 1.2|…|option 1.n) (option 2.1|option 2.2|…|option 2.n) … (option m.1|option m.2|…|option m.n)

Thus, we received a template consisting of m number of blocks. Each block contains the nth number of synonyms.

An example of a small template could be like this:

(Generation|Reproduction|Obtaining) high-quality (texts|texts for the site|articles|unique articles) (by|using|using) (synonymizer|program|service).

As a result of reproduction will be obtained various combinations text, one of which may be the following (random selections):

  1. Reproduction quality unique articles using the program .
  2. Generation quality texts for the site using a synonymizer .
  3. Generation quality articles using the service .

All these phrases obtained after generation will be unique relative to each other, which is what we need. The more synonyms and blocks are used, the more unique the texts will be or the greater the number of them that can be generated.

Please note that not all words of text need to be enclosed in blocks. For example, a period and the word “quality” are placed behind curly brackets, i.e. are outside any block. This means that they will be used in all generation options. This, by the way, is noticeable in the example above (in bold).

In each specific program Other, “own” operators can be used, but these two are standard for all services.

If it is difficult for you to master this syntax, you can use the services of copywriters by ordering a rewrite or a template for reproduction on.

2. Online services for text generation

Using online services to reproduce articles is not the most best idea. The problems are related to the limited functionality of these resources, which makes their use extremely inconvenient. Use online services if you need to reproduce the text only once. This will be easier and faster than installing the program on your computer.


There are quite a few services that allow you to reproduce text online. One of the most convenient options may be the resource.

The prepared template must be placed in a special form, as shown in the screenshot below.

It also shows how to set the required number of text options, and where the button for copying the results is located. When you click on it, the result will be saved to the clipboard, after which you can paste it into any convenient document (for example, notepad or Word).

It is noteworthy that this resource also contains a synonymizer. To use it, you need to go to the “SYNONYMIZER” tab located at the top of the screen. Then the required text is inserted into a special form, and after clicking on the “Process” button you will see the result. Now, when you hover over the highlighted words, you can select suitable synonyms for them.

The synonymizer is not very convenient, but you can use it.


Less good example free online service for reproduction of articles - this is the site. Unlike the previous example, here you can preview the results. This makes sense because... Reproduction of text in this service takes much longer.

Everything is similar here: you need to add the prepared template to the form, and then select the required number of copies. After this, after some time, the options will be generated, and you will only have to copy the copied text.

Interface of this service not very convenient, it is much better to use specialized programs to reproduce articles.

3. Programs for duplicating articles

If you plan to frequently reproduce texts, then it is easier to download the program once to your computer and use it in the future. This is much easier than constantly visiting the sites of online generation services. The functionality of the programs is more powerful, and the usability is more convenient.

3.1 GeneratingtheWeb

In my opinion, the most best program for the reproduction of articles. Both English and Russian versions are supported. You can download it.

The program contains a built-in synonymizer, so if necessary, you can select synonyms for some words.

Before starting generation, it is better to first make sure that the template syntax is correct. After this is done, feel free to click on the “Generate!” button.

In this post I will talk about a wonderful program for high-quality reproduction of articles. The program is free, has a Russian version, and has many settings and functions.

I’ve been meaning to use article promotion for a long time, but I finally found the time and started. Writing a unique article for each directory is not serious, but articles should have a certain uniqueness. It was necessary to qualitatively reproduce several articles for publication. Tried several programs for reproducing articles and settled on the program Generating The Web . I’ll tell you about it in this post.

Generating The Web Program It can do a lot, even though it is free. Main functions of the program:

— generation/reproduction of texts;

- synonymize;

— placing links with the desired anchor;

Synonymize articles with Generating The Web program

Synonym databases

Let me start with the fact that the program already has a built-in synonym database and it is possible to use your own synonym databases. You can load up to 5 user synonym databases. There are 3 types of synonym databases:

— built-in database of synonyms (comes with the program);

— a database of recently used synonyms (self-learning database);

— user databases (up to 5 any synonym databases).

To select synonym databases that will be used for synonymization, select Dictionaries in the Synonyms menu.

The dictionaries window will appear.

Select the ones you need.

Synonymizer operating modes

Generating The Web has two synonymization modes. This is standard mode and group mode. Both modes are discussed in more detail below.

Standard synonymize

To add synonyms in standard mode, select Synonyms => Show synonyms from the menu. All synonyms will be highlighted gray. Hover over the word you want to replace with synonyms and click right click. Select "Show synonyms" from the drop-down menu.

A window will appear with a list of synonyms to replace. Unnecessary synonyms can be removed. You can add your own synonyms. After editing the synonyms, click “Replace with synonyms” and the words will be added to the text in the form of the construction “(Word|Synonym 1|Synonym 2)”.

Group mode of synonymizer operation

To work in group mode, select Synonyms => Group mode from the menu. The group mode working window will appear. All synonyms will be highlighted in gray.

You can add synonyms to all found words, or you can add just some words.

To add all words, right-click in the program workspace and select “Add all found”.

For adding individual words, right-click on the desired word and select add to list, or place the cursor on the right word and press F3.

Added words will be highlighted green. All selected words will appear at the bottom of the program window and they can be edited by adding new synonyms and removing unnecessary ones.

Click apply and all selected synonyms are added to the text.

Inserting links in texts

Automatic placement of links allows you to replace words in the text (aka anchors) with links during generation, in accordance with the set options.

To add links, you need to check the box “Place links” in the “Source text” tab. After this, the “Links” tab will appear.

The program supports two independent groups of links, for each of which you can apply different settings.

For automatic placement links you need to add a list of links in the format “URL [anchor1; anchor2; anchor3; ...]".

You can configure the number of links in the text, the frequency of links, the method of selecting links and other settings.

Text generation

To generate texts, the program uses the following constructs:

Generation of searches:

{ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 }

Generating permutations

Simple permutations:

[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]

Permutations with the same separator:

[<,> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]

Permutations with different delimiters:

[<,> 1 | 2 | 3 < и >| 4 ]

The program also allows the use of constants, variables and included files:

Using variables:

#set %VAR% = SomeValue

Using constants:

#const = (const1 | const2 | ... | constN)

Using include files:

#include "full path to file"

Generation results settings

Available following settings generation:

— text length from and to;

— maximum number of output texts;

— generation in order or randomly;

— auto-correction of texts;

— deleting similar texts;

- placement of links.

Filtering by uniqueness of generated texts

Very useful setting programs. Allows you to configure the uniqueness of the output texts. Filtering can be done during generation or after generation.

Text filtering can occur in two ways:

— Removing exact matches.

Completely matching options are removed (no additional settings, removal occurs very quickly).

— Removal using the shingle method.

In this case, you need to indicate the length of the shingle (the number of words in the shingle) and the maximum allowable percentage of text similarity. The following rules apply here:

— The shorter the shingle length, the more unique the options remain after filtering.

— The shorter the shingle length, the slower the options are sorted.

— The higher the maximum percentage of similarity, the more texts remain after filtering.

Filtering using the shingle method does not take into account HTML tags. Filtration occurs quite slowly.

Hotkeys for inserting characters

To insert the main characters used for generation, you can use hotkeys. To see a list of hot keys, right-click in the program workspace and select insert symbol. The symbols and the corresponding hotkey for inserting the symbol will be described there.

Saving breeding results

In addition to all of the above, the program has a good help document, which describes in detail all the features and settings of the program with examples.

Using this program for duplicating articles, the output can be high-quality duplicated texts of the specified degree of similarity with minimal time expenditure. It's rare to see free software of this level. Thanks to the developers.

Download latest version programs for reproducing articles can be found on the developers’ website

For external site optimization, or rather for article promotion, a lot of unique content is required. Today I will talk about how to get it with minimal time and financial costs. Namely, I will tell you about what it is reproduction of articles and I'll show you programs for duplicating articles who will help us (let robots work hard, not people).

It's no secret that a site's position in search engines and its other statistical data depend not only on the unique and useful content, but also on the number of links leading to it. Links like unique content You can buy it, and you can also get it by registering on forums, commenting on others, and so on.

But these options are less effective than before, because today search engines they love natural links, those that are surrounded by unique thematic content, and not all sorts of profiles and comments. We can get them by reproducing articles from our resource, that is, we will use the method of promoting and promoting the site with articles, which Lately has become very popular among optimizers. A short video on the topic of article promotion:

You learned about the benefits of article promotion. Based on this information, it should be clear to you that it is difficult to do without duplicating articles when we're talking about about large-scale promotion. It will be even more difficult to do without programs for duplicating articles (even a hundred people cannot compare with their speed).

This is a process as a result of which an article, available in a single copy, is transformed into several articles of the same content, the same topic, close in level to the original one. Moreover, each of the final . Such articles are created for placement in article directories in order to obtain external thematic links to the site and increase reference mass.

To obtain the greatest effect and increase the link mass, it is necessary to place several dozen different articles in various directories, which will be obtained through reproduction.

The easiest way to get a lot of articles is to rewrite your posts (make unique copies of them). But I don't suggest you write them yourself, as it takes a lot of time. An automated solution has long been found, good people Programs have been written to reproduce articles. Although hand-created texts are always of better quality.

When using such a program to reproduce articles, you can get several hundred unique posts from one single piece, while applying much less effort if this process was carried out manually. I will offer you programs that work not only with text synonymization (replacing words with synonyms), but also allow you to change the structure of the entire sentence. My choice is due to the fact that Yandex has recently begun to trust synonymized texts less and less.

Article Clone Easy

Article Clone Easy, a program for duplicating articles, belongs to the category of free software (they don’t ask for money for it). It is not only freely distributed, but also supports Russian and English language, which makes it possible to reproduce articles in English, and of course, there is an English and Russian database of synonyms, which will be necessary when the vocabulary is depleted. And, most importantly, in addition you receive an instruction manual. Although they are all more or less similar to each other.

In order to get several options for one sentence, you must use the following formula

(one synonym | two synonym | three synonym | four synonym)

For example, there is a sentence: Petya ate sauerkraut with a spoon. From it we need to get two or three versions of this sentence with keyword“ate” or replace it with a synonym. To do this, we write the following formula.

(Petya|Vanya|Arthur) (ate|ate|consumed) (sauerkraut|cabbage soup|pasta) (spoon|fork|hands)

As a result we get:

Generating The Web

The Generating The Web article reproduction program, like the previous version, is very easy to use, accessible to any user, has a large number of different tools in its arsenal and is freely available.

This program is noticeably inferior in functionality to the previous ones, but, as practice shows, it is SEO Anchor Generator is best used to prepare an article for generation. She doesn't demand pre-installation on a computer, works quickly and practically does not consume system resources. In addition, it has a beautiful and at the same time simple interface.

After you have completed duplicating articles, you should read the resulting versions in order to eliminate minor mistakes that the computer can make (it does not understand human speech well).

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The other day I started actively working with articles, as promised, I think I’ll test it in practice this method work, and this is not only to, but rather simply to bring the project to the top. The subject of this experiment is a site about the game Gothic 4. I'm going to prove it potential buyers, that there are good prospects there, given that the peak of popularity of the game (or rather simple) will begin in late autumn + all winter. Therefore, it is a good idea to prepare the foundation for this business now. Generally a niche computer games- very interesting, there are positive aspects, I’ll tell you about it someday. So, let’s return to the topic of the post - you can post articles both on paid platforms and on the Internet free options— blog hosting services, services that offer to create your own simple website and host them, plus, of course, article catalogs.

But for this you need source material - the actual articles. The effect of identical texts is minimal, it’s good when each of the published notes is more or less unique. Therefore, a mandatory point of such promotion is the generation of texts from one unique couple of hundreds of similar, but not identical materials. For Gothic I decided not to risk it and ordered this service from one person on Serch who does this - for 55 articles I paid 14 bucks (1.4 wmz for 100 characters in an article). In principle, the texts turned out to be very good, I’m pleased with the result, all that remains is to find out how they will be received by the PS :) Anyone interested in contacts - write to ICQ.

However, there is a second method - to do everything yourself. There are some on the net programs for duplicating articles, which, in principle, make it possible to achieve also very good results. To be honest, I have been interested in this issue for quite some time; I once tried to study the text generation module in AllSubmitter, but its interface was so cumbersome that it turned out to be not so easy. But, since now the issue with articles has become quite acute, I had to look on the Internet and blogs for other software to solve the problem. And I found it.

SEO Anchor Generator

Firstly, thanks to the author of the blog Shakin for his article on how to make thousands from one article, where he talked about his experience with a program called SEO Anchor Generator .

Although it is not positioned as an article generator, and is suitable for descriptions, anchors, its can be used. The main features are quite standard for this type of program:

  • support for 3 types of constructions (enumeration: (x1|x2|x3), permutations: , permutations with separator: [+separator+x1|x2|x3];
  • support for nested syntax;
  • syntax highlighting, brackets;
  • restrictions on the length of lines, the number of results.
  • error correction: multiple spaces, capital letter in a word after a period, adding spaces after punctuation marks, etc.
  • mixing results;
  • deleting identical lines;
  • saving generated lines to a file, or copying to the clipboard.

This text generation program is free. To get started, if you have never reproduced articles, I recommend reading the documentation and trying out the program using simple designs. In addition, this will help you get used to the interface and understand the many settings.

Generating The Web

A little later I found another very interesting program from a company that develops SEO software - Generating The Web. It is also distributed absolutely free, but here she has more opportunities than the first.

The program performs all the basic tasks for reproducing the articles that I said came out - rearrangements, searches, correcting errors in the results, restrictions on the number of generated options, etc. I will just point out its differences:

  • permutation with different separators - , in the end we get, for example - 2, 3, 1 and 4.
  • use of variables (#set %VAR% = SomeValue) - variables come before the text and help make the construction more readable.
  • saving results in one or several files; when saving generated articles, you can select any convenient separator in one file.
  • Arranging links in the text!

Separately, two very unique features should be noted.

Synonym substitution using external dictionaries! — 2 dictionaries are built into the program, plus you can connect custom dictionaries. Moreover, if you add synonyms to the text, they are saved in the so-called “base of recently used synonyms” and then used in new tasks.

Removing duplicates using the shingle method— in addition to exact matches, there is such an interesting method that allows you to get the highest quality unique duplicated articles. As parameters, you specify the length (number of words) of the shingle and the percentage of text similarity. For example, I set the shingle to 3, similarity 10%, as a result of which, out of several million options, I received about 50 articles that met the requirements.

That is, the shorter the shingle length, the more unique the results and, of course, the longer the processing will take. The higher the percentage of similarity, the more texts you will have after filtering. The process takes a lot of time, but I rely on the quality of the articles, so I’m not particularly worried about the “long” time. The algorithm of my work is as follows— I break the text into small paragraphs, after which I begin to add options for enumeration and rearrangements to each of them. Then I start text generation and move on to the next piece of the article - while I’m doing it, the results from the past will be ready. Then I upload all this into several files - for example, I got 3 files for 3 paragraphs of text. Well, in the end, randomly from different files I'm combining the final version.

Just like that :) In my opinion, the results turned out to be quite good. So, if someone needs to reproduce the text, I could take on this work :) It’s better, of course, for you to figure out the program yourself - spend a couple of hours (even days) on it, but in the end the knowledge will turn out to be very valuable.

Who uses what other programs to reproduce articles? Or do you order services?

P.S. You can also order reproduction of the article from the Textprom company, it is convenient and of high quality.

P.P.S. Guard. Cool estimate program - expert estimate.
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Often we have to face the task of one way or another reproducing or generating some content. This could be, for example, texts of links for promotion and purchase in exchanges like Sapa, or in auto promoters like. Especially the latter, as a rule, generate heresy themselves. You can read applications on sap endlessly :)

You may also encounter the problem of duplicating articles for posting on article exchanges or somewhere else. One way or another, it all comes down to synonymizing. A wonderful tool will help us curb this simple process. free program Generating The Web.

Let's see what I mean. Synonymizing is the reproduction of content through synonyms. For each word in the presentation or link text, we select a bunch of similar ones in meaning, and then create new assumptions or link texts. It looks something like this:

As you can see, synonyms are separated from each other by the sign | and taken to braces(). This is the format for presenting the source material for the program. If we now click the “Generate” button, we will get something like this:

As you can see, there are a ton of options. But many of them will be too similar. Fortunately, the developers provide an option to clean up the resulting phrases. You can delete phrases by , specifying the maximum percentage of similarity allowed, or simply complete duplicates:

If we activate the filter indicated above, we will get only 5 options at the output. Naturally, you can reproduce not only phrases or link anchors, but also entire paragraphs and articles! To do this, you need to make a large, high-quality template, GTW will do the rest for you.

What else is good about this program? Convenient syntax highlighting, well, you've already seen that. You can set limits on the length and number of generated options. There is a convenient text auto-correction settings panel that allows you to do anything:

In addition to enumerating synonyms, you can rearrange them and generally mess around with text fragments in any way. True, you will have to use more complex syntax. For more details, see help.

There is a convenient mechanism for using constants and working with files. Moreover, you can use constants in files too! In fact, this thing can practically work wonders :)

And we’re especially pleased with the convenient saving options that allow you to save received articles in the desired format or with the desired separator:

Together with and Generating The Web can become a powerful assistant in website creation.

You can download GTW yourself and familiarize yourself with all the functions of the program without any problems, fortunately it is free, there is a Russian interface and detailed help. On my own behalf, I will add that this thing will help every optimizer for multiplying link texts and copywriters for multiplying articles.

Happy synonymizing!