Browser extensions for making money automatically. Which Safari extensions to install on Mac

Nowadays, you can choose from a variety of browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, etc.
Each browser has its own advantages and features, for example, Firefox differs very favorably from others by the ability to fully adapt to the user's conditions through the use of additional software modules and extensions.
This property is especially important for Mac OS X users who decide which of the most functional browsers to prefer - Firefox or Safari.
However, Safari also supports additional modules. Although the choice of plugins is not at all as wide as for Firefox, among them it is quite possible to find something suitable.

We offer you a selection of 20 useful plugins for Safari for OS X.

Note that many plug-ins are connected via SIMBL (Simple InputManager Bundle Loader), which is essentially a compact mechanism to help developers apply their programs as plug-ins to various OS X applications.

You can for free. If any of the modules described below run through this mechanism, simply install SIMBL by placing the module file in your "~/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/" folder, and be sure to read the instructions for using each such additional module.

Firefox used a very famous module called Foxmarks. It still works, but has now been renamed Xmarks, and with the name change its scope has expanded - it now also applies to Internet Explorer and Safari browsers.
Xmarks will help you synchronize your bookmarks on many computers, eliminating data discrepancies, and you can also view them online.
If you use multiple computers and want to easily save your bookmarks across all your PCs, Xmarks is what you need.

2. Pith Helmet

PithHelmet is a blocker that, however, serves as a barrier not only for web advertising. PithHelmet allows you to block the playback of Flash movies, Shockwave objects and annoying midi signals. Customize the filter as you wish. This module does not yet work in the Safari 4 beta browser.

3.DeliciousSafari is a service that allows you to combine your bookmarks into a separate online array and send them.
You can also tag your bookmarks for easier viewing. The additional DeliciousSafari module is fully integrated into the structure of the service, helping you bookmark the sites you need without opening the web page itself.

4. Safari Tidy

This module will be very useful to you when certifying the program. When in running mode, it displays an icon in the status bar along with the total number of warnings or error messages on that page. If you are viewing the source page through the Safari browser, any lines containing errors or inaccuracies will be highlighted and a brief summary will be given at the bottom.


The default settings for displaying the original page in the Safari browser clearly leave much to be desired. This simple module provides syntax highlighting, which makes checking the source code of programs much easier.
You can set the color and font style in the settings panel that this module includes in the Safari browser's user settings window.

6. SafariStand

SafariStand is a compact but powerful module for adding a collapsed sidebar and bookmarks bar to your page. With the help of the latter, it is easy to resume saved browsing sessions with one click of a button.
Other features of the module include changing the design of the site (for example, assigning a new size for the smallest font on a specific site, applying a style sheet with custom settings or other interface elements), as well as easy access to various components of the site structure, such as javascript, CSS and cookies , through the Operations Menu.

7. Saft

The Saft is functional like a Swiss Army knife, with a handle that can be used to extract tools for all occasions. Its possibilities are almost limitless. A complete list of its functions can be found by following the link.
Of these, the most interesting are the following: ad blocking, auto-opening of tabs in new windows, animation blocking, the ability to cancel an operation when closing tabs, sidebar, support for the Growl notification system, offline work in kiosk mode and full-screen page viewing.

8. Cooliris

Cooliris is a great add-on for viewing video and photo galleries, such as those found through Google image search, Facebook, YouTube or Flickr.
With one click of a button, the gallery web page expands to full screen so that you can see a selection of photo and video files of this resource in full, as well as change the scale of images and view panoramas through the Cooliris interface. This interface is good in itself, and besides, it displays smooth animations and video transitions, which makes it more attractive to the user.

9. Inquisitor

Inquisitor is an excellent tool for increasing the efficiency of the Google search service.
This module enables search when you are just entering a query, and displays the results in a small window that pops up under the search query line. Search results and options for interpreting a query can be displayed on the screen in the form of lists, the number of items in which you can set through the settings.
This is such a good development that it was recently purchased by Yahoo Corporation, which is now preparing to release a version of this module for Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers.
Please note that Yahoo's acquisition of this software product involved the replacement of the previous (Google) Inquisitor search engine with a new (Yahoo) search engine, which is worth taking into account when planning to install this additional module.

10. Safari140

11. 1Password

1Password (1 password) is not just an additional module, but an entire password management service built into the browser structure.
The advantage of using 1Password is that it allows you to automatically generate truly strong passwords, which will later be saved and automatically entered by the service itself, relieving you of this worry. It costs $39.95, but you can get a free trial copy.

12. TabExpose

OS X has a great tool called Expose, which manages windows on your desktop and allows you to view all your open windows with the click of a button.
The TabExpose add-on opens tabs in the Safari browser in the same way.

13. GreaseKit

Powerful Firefox users widely use the Greasemonkey add-on to adjust the display of any website in their browser using a few javascript codes.
This greatly improves your work experience since you can, for example, vary the font size and color of the sites you visit most to make the text easier to read.
GreaseKit performs the same function in the Safari browser, just like other WebKit apps for OS X.

14. SafariStretch

Window management in OS X and Windows differs mainly in the function of the maximize window button.
On Windows, it stretches the window to fill the entire screen, while on OS X, the window's size is limited by the format of its contents.
SafariStretch allows you to stretch a window to the full screen in Safari, just like in Windows.

15. Glims

Glims is a module that significantly increases the functionality and equipment of Safari, and is a serious competitor to Saft.
A full list of its features is published on the Glims website, but the most notable of them are the following: displaying search results in Google and Yahoo in a minimized form, viewing pages in full screen, displaying page icons in tab bars, auto-close the loading window, support for new links tabs in open view, closing tabs by clicking the middle mouse button and dating boot folders.

16. CosmoPod

With CosmoPod, you can download and reformat Flash, DivX, WMV, and Real Media video files from the Internet to Mac, iPod/iPhone, and AppleTV devices. CosmoPod connects to most sites and automatically recognizes any video files suitable for formatting.
You can then add this video to your iTunes library with the click of a button. A license that gives unlimited rights to use this product costs $10.


CutX is a module for blocking individual sites by creating filters.
A convenient tool for preventing your children from accessing sites with dubious content, as well as for filtering data sent by employees from work computers to avoid information leakage.
CutX allows individual configuration of site filtering for each user, and you can enter the settings switching mode only if you know the master password.


DownloadComment is a simple module that works by accessing the Spotlight comment section through the file properties in the OS X menu.
As you download each file, DownloadComment will add its URL in the comments section so you can later identify where the file was downloaded from.

19. Safarilicious

Unlike the DeliciousSafari module, the standalone Safarilicious app hands over your Safari bookmarks to the popular service.
Safarilicious can also create tags using data from your bookmark folder structure, or use ones you assign yourself.
In addition, you can limit the export of folders if you want to make not all of your bookmarks available to external resources.

20. Safari Microformats

A set of data formats designed to facilitate the exchange of information online.
For example, hCards and hCalendars contain contact information and a calendar, as their names suggest, and are formatted so that various applications can read the data.
The Safari Microformats add-on module recognizes any hCards or hCalendars objects on a web page and notifies you of their presence with a symbol - an icon in the address bar.
By clicking on this Microformats icon, you can add the found addresses or calendar information to your Address Book and Calendar (iCal).

25 min. reading


Making money by viewing advertisements through special browser extensions is one of the easiest ways to make money on the Internet, if only because you don’t need to do anything special here. Just open your browser, install a special extension and periodically watch advertising for which you will be paid money fully automatically. And in some cases you don’t even need to look. All you have to do is keep your browser open and visit your favorite sites, while pennies will fall into your wallet without your knowledge. Looking ahead, I will note that the money is small, but it is absolutely passive income. How much specifically, where and how to do this work, what pitfalls there are, we will consider below.

Earning money from extensions goes well with other types of earning money on the Internet. For example, you can watch advertising, simultaneously perform and write, and pass, and get paid for all this. Well, cool, isn't it?

What is a browser extension? What is the essence of earning money?

Browser extension is a special add-on program that allows you to expand the functionality of the browser you are using. It's like an application on your phone that performs one or another task that was not initially included in the list of basic phone functions. In general, from the very word “expansion” it is already clear that something must be expanded. In our case, the browser functions are expanded. The plugin, as browser extensions are also called, begins to show us advertisements at a certain frequency, and advertisers will pay for us to view these advertisements.

Advertising does not always hang there, but appears periodically throughout the day. This is to ensure that you don’t think that it will constantly flash before your eyes and interfere with browsing websites. For the most part, it is not necessary to click on such advertising; this does not affect earnings in any way, but there are services that provide payment specifically for clicks.

Payment is provided in rubles, but there are extensions for earning money that pay rewards in cryptocurrency. There is no need to be afraid of this, since it is easy to convert it into rubles using special exchange services.

Who pays money for this and why?

Let's say a person has a website/product/list of services that he wants to advertise. Advertising through a browser extension is a great opportunity to attract a lot of visitors to your website for relatively little money.

They pay money for viewing advertisements. No additional actions - just viewing. The transition to the advertiser’s website is made at the user’s request if he is interested in the offer (eng. Offer - commercial offer), and such an action is paid higher.

Inexpensive goods and services of mass demand are usually advertised here. Most often, various marketing ploys, exaggerations and even misleading are used in the description of such products with one goal, to hook you emotionally and force you to make an impulsive purchase. Here is an example of such an advertisement:

People who have been using the Internet for a long time and have come across such advertisements more than once know that such offers are a pure scam of money. However, the Internet is full of newbies who can “buy” into such promises. Agree, it’s interesting to know what kind of beta testers are there who receive up to $3000? It's hard not to click, even just out of curiosity.

Then we go to a website where we are asked to watch some secret video and register:

Below the video you will find reviews from users (most often fictitious) who have already earned their first dollars:

And everything on the page is designed to convince us that this is a real, money topic that can make anyone rich. In general, after registration they will sell you some kind of system that is capable of generating money.

And, believe me, there will definitely be some sucker, excuse the expression, who will fall for this and buy this useless program. This is how those who place such advertisements earn money. Sales of such money programs, miracle drugs, super duper products for breast enlargement, penis enlargement and other body parts cover all advertising costs and bring good profits.

Based on what was written above, it is worth concluding that it is better for those who are especially impressionable and gullible not to try to make money from extensions. You run the risk of being enchanted by some magical bullshit that will make you rich, successful, healthy and irresistible.

But if you are excellent at filtering information on the Internet, then next I will tell you what you need to do to start making money from browser extensions.

What will it take to earn money?

Nothing supernatural - just access to the Internet and any browser. Anyone can make money from extensions – schoolchildren, students, grandparents. Let's figure it out step by step.

1 You must have it installed on your computer browserGoogle Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser. There are many more browsers, but I recommend focusing on these options, since the services discussed below for making money are friendly with them, and in general they are convenient and popular. It would be possible to cheat by installing several browsers, but no - advertising from the extension will not be shown if the browser is not active. More details below.

2 Need register on the site to make money on extensions. We will consider their features in detail below. The registration stage is standard - come up with a login, password, and indicate your email. If you don’t know what email is and how to register on websites using it, I strongly recommend that you read this article:.

3 You will need to install special extensions in your browser to make money.

Most extensions are free and can be found in official stores:

  • Google Chrome: extension store;
  • Yandex Browser: extensions are located in “Menu” – “Add-ons” – “Extension Catalog” (at the bottom of the page);
  • Mozilla Firefox: extension store.

More detailed instructions for installing and working with extensions await you further.

4 To withdraw money you need an electronic wallet. Popular systems:

  • Payeer (popular in this area of ​​earnings);

All! Oh yes, the most important thing: You must spend time in the browser often, otherwise this income will not suit you. Ads are shown only to “active” users who surf the Internet (i.e. navigate websites). If you leave the browser and go for a walk, the advertisement will not play.

Warning: If you decide to earn money by viewing advertisements, do not install extensions that block ads (AdBlock, AdGuard and others). Obviously, because of them you will not be able to watch paid advertisements.

Detailed instructions for installing extensions

Let's look at how to install the extension for making money in your browser step by step. As an example, let's take Google Chrome and earning services: Teaser and TeaserFast. After registration, you need to find a button to install the extension. In TeaserFast you don’t need to look for it - it is located in a visible place:

But you'll have to search in Teaser. In this case, you need to look at the user’s menu (not to be confused with the advertiser’s menu) and find the installation link in the user’s personal account. That is, there are two possible locations for the installation button – on the main website or in your personal account:

After clicking, you are usually prompted to select a browser:

Or the choice is available immediately, without transition:

By selecting a browser and clicking on the “Install” icon or button, we are taken to the extension page in the browser’s official store. This stage is no different for TeaserFast, for Teaser, or for any other site:

By clicking on the “Install” button, a confirmation message will appear:

Almost done! The installation is done automatically, and two things will tell us about its success:

  • “Install” will change to “Added to Chrome”;
  • Extension icons will appear next to the address bar.

By clicking on this icon, we will see the menu:

Below you can familiarize yourself with 10 sites that offer to install a branded extension and earn money with it. There are not many similar services on the RuNet. Before making the list, I checked their performance and solvency and selected the best ones.

As an experiment, I installed several extensions and for two weeks a lot of ads flashed in my browser. I present the results obtained on earnings and service efficiency at the end of the article. So let's get started!

Extensions for making money fully automatically

One of the most popular sites for making money on extensions and more. Outwardly, it is extremely pleasant - light colors, a simple menu, a lot of statistics graphs and various functions.

A novice user will probably get lost here, but there is nothing difficult! And now I will explain everything step by step.

About earnings: You can get money here using four ways:

In SurfEarner you can adjust the speed; the higher it is, the greater the load on the device. Starting tariff – 0.08 rub. for 1 million hashes (local cryptocurrency). I will not recommend this income, as you can quickly ruin your computer.

About additional features. SurfEarner is a site that can keep a user engaged for a long time. If you get certain “goodies” and achievements, you can double your earnings. These include:

SurfEarner often hosts cash competitions, and there are daily gifts (bonus for qualification or rating). If you decide to make money from browser extensions, I recommend starting with this site.

Another nicely designed site with nothing superfluous. A small menu at the top of the screen, a minimum of elements. Any novice user can figure it out without any problems (and if not, you can ask for help).

Not many teasers are shown - in a week and a half there were only 48 teasers (4-5 teasers per day). On average they pay from 0.015 rubles. for 1 view. Teaser example:

Additional income: completing tasks. The minimum cost is 0.1 rubles, but often there are tasks for 1 or more rubles. Registration, subscriptions, installation of extensions - simple and easy actions. If you have free time, take a look at this section.

Good design, but the site itself is not very informative. To find all the information about him, it took a lot of digging in all the sections.

One gets the feeling that the resource is underdeveloped and more created for advertisers than performers. Yes, all sites are created for webmasters, but here it catches your eye.

  • Graphic;
  • Video;
  • Text.

But to show them it is not enough to install the extension. This, of course, will be required, but you need to perform additional steps: go to the “My advertising spaces” section (1) and click on “Add advertising space” (2)

Once created, a window with the code will appear.

Attention: this code must be remembered or written down!

Now enter the code in the installed extension:

Earning money from extensions for mailers and boxes

Mailers and boxes are sites where you can earn money for viewing advertisements, completing various tasks, liking and reposting on social networks, and watching videos. Earning money is not automated - you need to click on the advertisement and watch it for a few seconds, after which the money will be credited to your account.

I talk about what axle boxes are and how to make money on them in another large article -. For the convenience of users, some of these sites have created browser extensions that simplify the work process. I want to tell you about some of them.

List of similar services

The examples listed above do not limit the number of boxes that allow you to install an extension for earning money. Here is another list of services that allow you to install an extension or a special program on your computer and start making money:

Earning money from extensions for cryptocurrency


  • Cryptocurrency is virtual money that has no physical embodiment. It is measured in “coin”, which means “coin”. This kind of money is earned not by ordinary labor, but with the help of the computing power of a computer. That is, you get money for using your processor (the process itself is called “mining”, from the English mining - extraction).
  • Satoshi– the smallest unit of Bitcoin. 1 Satoshi = 0.00000001 Bitcoin (or at the rate at the end of November 1 Satoshi = 0.0028 rubles).

Few people were interested in cryptocurrency until the end of 2017 – beginning of 2018. During this period, one of the cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, began to rapidly rise in price, and the maximum price for one “coin” was $20,000 in December 2017 (a year earlier it cost $400). Because of this “explosion,” everyone who accessed the Internet at least once a day learned about Bitcoin.

Interest in cryptocurrency as a way to earn money has increased significantly. There are extensions that allow you to earn this virtual money.

WARNING: When mining cryptocurrency, the video card and processor of the device work without stopping. Due to this, they can deteriorate and burn faster! Therefore, if you do not want to damage the device, do not mine, or use a power of 70-50% or lower.

ATTENTION Before you start earning money, you must register a Bitcoin wallet if you do not have one.

Briefly about registering a Bitcoin wallet

Examples of such wallets:

  • Xapo;
  • Bither;
  • Green Address;
  • Blockchain

We go through the registration procedure:

Warning: most wallets are not friendly with Russia, so you need to indicate a different country. This also applies to mail. However, on Blockchain everything is fine.

As a result, we get access to the following interface:

But you need to pay attention to the letter that arrived. Firstly, it contains a link to activate the wallet. And secondly - Bitcoin wallet ID, which will be useful to restore access to your wallet (roughly speaking, this is your account login on the website).

All that remains is to get the wallet number. To do this, log into your account by entering your ID and password, and confirm your login by email. On the main page, click on the currency (for example, we will need BitCoin), then click on “Get BTC) and get the wallet number:

This number will be useful to us in the following cases:

  • To receive bitcoins on a cloud mining service;
  • When mining cryptocurrency on your equipment;
  • When purchasing “coin” in an exchanger.

Apple's Safari web browser is loved by many Apple and Mac enthusiasts. It's a solid alternative to Chrome (and often does a great job when it comes to privacy and security). There are some great Safari extensions that can help designers increase their productivity and create a better browsing experience.

You can find all of these extensions in the Apple Extensions Gallery, but we decided to put together a list of some of our favorites for you. Whether you want to improve your font recognition, understand what makes a website work behind the scenes, or better check your grammar, this list has it all!

1.Fontface Ninja

Fontface Ninja is a free browser extension that helps you understand and try out fonts. You can check, try, buy and bookmark any fonts on any website with just a couple of clicks.

When installed, simply hover over the font to see the font name, size, line spacing, line height, and letter color. You can then click to try out the font without leaving the website you're viewing. Additionally, Fontface can show prices and purchase links for over 30,000 fonts.

Never wonder what font it is again.

2. Everhour Time Tracker

Everhour Time Tracker tracks how much time you spend working with project management tools. This is a great extension to help designers (and freelancers) see exactly how much time they spend on certain features.

A time tracking tool can be used to communicate with billing and payroll systems. The real bonus is that it connects to a ton of apps—especially popular project management tools like Asana, Trello, Basecamp, and JIRA.

3. HoverSee

HoverSee allows users to hover over an image or link to enlarge photos and view site content before clicking on the link.

HoverSee also allows users to see rich content for image thumbnails on social media and news sites, links to image galleries, links to video content, direct links to images, and likes on any websites that are enabled by the user.

This is a great extension if you want to quickly glance at information without losing sight of where you are currently working. Great time saver.

4. Notifications for GitHub

Notifications for GitHub is a great tool for reading notifications on GitHub. It can be a useful assistant for active users of the platform who do not want to log in to see what is happening on the site.

5. WordPress Theme and Plugin Detector

Have you ever wondered what tools another website uses? The WordPress Theme and Plugin Detector accurately describes what's running in the background of other websites in the popular content management system.

With one click of a small button on the toolbar, you can see the theme and variant, as well as the version of WordPress that is running. It also detects other plugins that are in use and includes a short description of them with links and price.


The Grammarly extension helps you polish your text right in your web browser. The tool, which comes with free and paid versions of the software, offers easy and accurate proofreading while writing.

It can detect errors in grammar, spelling, and style to help keep your website design clean and polished from start to finish. The extension will suggest changes on the screen so you can click to adjust or ignore the suggestion and continue moving forward. This is one of those tools that can really save you from making a stupid mistake.

7. Track Duck

TrackDuck is a feedback collection tool that comes with a paid plan. It will help you collect feedback at all stages of the website development process.

8. Rebrand

You can brand your links to make them easier for users to remember. Additionally, this tool helps improve brand visibility because you are using your own domain and not a third party one. This will also help users trust your links because they won't include oddball text and are optimized for search.

The extension is easy to use and will save time in your workflow. You won't have to change old and clunky links, which can break the already established connection. Plus, you can share them directly to social networks.

9. SEOquake

SEOquake allows you to quickly check your search engine optimization with this extension.

You can conduct an SEO audit, look at internal and external links, compare domains and URLs (even in real time), and export information.

The extension works quickly and does not overload your system, providing a quick and easy SEO audit of your site. The included toolbar also provides SEO information for other websites as you browse, so you can compare them to your own. Another important feature of the tool is keyword analysis, which helps you visualize all the keywords used in a particular website design.

Additionally, you can customize this extension to display only that information.

10. Stylish

Stylish allows you to customize your favorite websites with custom CSS or with thousands of other custom styles powered by the active Stylish community. The extension functions are used using Google Analytics.


The best part about good web browser extensions is that they can keep you from repeating certain tasks throughout the day. For many designers, this can be a huge time saver. All these extensions can be found on the extensions page

Looking for quality, reliable and convenient VPN extension for Safari browser? We tried to find them ourselves and are willing to admit that it is a difficult task.

A good VPN extension for Safari will allow you change your IP address to bypass geographical access blocks to sites directly through the browser. This app will also encrypt your traffic and hide your online identity.

However, there is only one premium VPN service, namely ExpressVPN , provides an extension for Safari. Lesser-known providers also have VPN add-ons for Safari, but they lack the essential features needed to provide a full-fledged VPN service.

If you're choosing between a desktop VPN app or a browser VPN extension, you'll be much better off with a premium VPN for Mac OS than with a Safari extension, which won't provide you with complete protection.

Plus, several of the best VPN services for Mac will allow you to easily set up your own proxy for Safari, which will work exactly the same as the browser extension. It's quite simple and you can find this item in see the step by step guide below.

So are you going to take advantage VPN extension that will start working immediately after installation, or are ready to spend a few minutes setting up - here you will find everything you need. Read on to learn everything about using VPN services for Mac on Safari.

Best Mac VPNs and Safari Extensions – Short List

  1. ExpressVPN
    ExpressVPN is The only premium VPN with a dedicated Safari browser extension. The extension uses advanced encryption algorithms and allows you to easily hide your online activities by changing your IP address (you just need to click on the icon in the corner of the browser).
  2. NordVPN
    NordVPN doesn't have a separate extension for Safari, but that doesn't stop it from being our #1 VPN. With simple steps you can configure proxy in your Safari browser and connect to NordVPN servers. We will tell you more about this below.
  3. CyberGhost
    CyberGhost has apps for a variety of platforms, but there is still no separate extension for Safari. However, this is one of the simplest and easiest to use VPNs. As with NordVPN, setting up a proxy will be very easy.

Why you should use a VPN or VPN extension with Safari

If you are serious about your own online security, then when looking for vulnerabilities on your computer or other device, the first thing you should pay attention to is the browser.

Unprotected browsing exposes your IP address and other data to third parties, as well as allows sites to collect information about your activities and Internet habits. If you don't take precautions (such as a VPN or browser proxy), you're almost leaving your data in the wrong hands.

Strictly speaking, The VPN browser extension is a proxy and not a full-fledged virtual private network, and this is quite an important point. A real VPN service can protect your data and privacy much more reliably, and also allow you to surf the Internet, watch streams and download torrents as anonymously as possible.

So why waste your money on browser extensions?

The main reason is that browser proxy extensions are very convenient and easy to install. Of course, you shouldn't give up full VPN protection just for the sake of it. Your best bet would be to install an extension for Safari and a full VPN app for your Mac from the same service.

Take ExpressVPN's Safari extension as an example: a simple click on the icon in the corner of the browser turns on the proxy and allows you to change the server location. This extension is available for free (for subscribers of the service), and you can freely use it in conjunction with the VPN application itself.

If you decide that ExpressVPN isn't right for you, then the next good option is a high-quality VPN that makes setting up a custom proxy connection for the Safari browser simple and easy. We will tell you about two excellent services below; also be sure to read our article about - there will be other excellent providers there.

So, while we haven't yet gotten to the detailed list of the best VPNs for Mac OS and Safari, here's the promised step-by-step guide to creating a proxy connection if your VPN service doesn't provide a separate extension for Safari.

How to set up an HTTP proxy in Safari

2. NordVPN


Many leading VPN apps offer extensions for Chrome and Firefox browsers, while Safari users receive less attention from VPN services.

It's not at all difficult to set up a proxy in Safari to connect to your VPN's server network, but individual extensions have the advantage of being extremely easy to use. We highly recommend choosing ExpressVPN - this service has just the perfect balance of full-fledged VPN services and a quality free extension for Safari.

If you work through other browsers, then read our articles about the best extensions for Firefox. We will update this article as soon as new VPN extensions for Safari from premium services appear on the market.