The touch ID works but the button does not. Installation of a new mechanism

As for technology, we cannot help but raise the issue of setting up a fingerprint scanner on the iPhone and consider possible problems.

Let me remind you that Touch ID is great way using a fingerprint instead of the usual four-digit password. One press of the Home button is enough to unlock your iPhone, let's figure out how to set up Touch ID.

How to set up Touch ID

Apple says Touch ID can recognize your finger from almost any angle. This is true; when you initially scan your fingerprint, the phone will ask you to re-send your finger to the sensor for additional scanning from different angles and angles.
  1. To begin with we need activate Touch ID, we go along the following path:
  2. Settings - General - Touch ID and password - Touch ID
  3. Once Touch ID is enabled, iPhone will require you to enter the usual four-digit passcode to provide additional security. For example, when adding other fingerprints.
  4. Now you need to gently touch the “Home” button until you feel a slight vibration. This action must be repeated as many times as necessary. In this case, the fingerprint image will gradually fill in. It is important to do everything as if you were using an iPhone in Everyday life, that is, as natural as possible. Make sure your finger and button are dry.
  5. At some point, the phone will ask you to touch the button at an angle with your finger to scan the edges of your fingertip.
It's worth noting that the more you use Touch ID, the more better technology will recognize your fingers. In total, the iPhone allows you to register up to five fingers (it will take more time to recognize), by the way, some manage to register not only fingers... An interesting fact is that Touch ID will still understand you if you suddenly get a severe injury to your finger, which will break the imprint. Touch ID will still require you to enter a four-digit passcode in the following cases:
  • after rebooting the phone;
  • available in the “Touch ID and Password” settings section;
  • after 48 hours have passed since the last unlock.

What can you use Touch ID for?

Based on this Apple moment used very sparingly Touch technology ID. With your fingerprint, you can only unlock your iPhone and purchase from iTunes Store, App Store And iBooks Store without entering a password.

By the way, the ability to purchase content in the above-mentioned stores can be disabled; to do this, you need to go to the following menu section:

  • Settings - General - Touch ID and password - Touch ID

  • There is a corresponding toggle switch “iTunes Store, App Store”.

    But users can afford much more, for example, installing fingerprint protection to open specific folders or applications.

    Touch ID doesn't work

    If you encounter problems when working with Tocuh ID, the reasons may be very different. In such cases, Apple recommends all sorts of banality - make sure that you have the latest version of iOS, the Home button is not covered with dirt, pay attention to whether your entire finger covers the sensor, and stuff like that...

    If all of the above is not the case in your case, then we can recommend trying to register a different fingerprint.

    Problem still exists? Your case is the worst. Apparently you are faced with a manufacturing defect in Touch ID. Most often this is accompanied by the error " Scanning failed, please go back and try again" when performing a fingerprint scan and if reboot iPhone did not help you, then you need to take the phone to the service center.

    The most disgusting thing about this problem is that sometimes it is the seller's fault. The fact is that if there is a defect, unscrupulous sellers assemble one iPhone from two, and since touch sensor The ID is connected to the native processor; they cannot find each other in the same phone. This is just one of possible reasons, you should not assume only this, but such an option is quite possible.

    What to do if Touch ID doesn't work well

    iPhone and iPad users often complain about poor Touch ID performance. Moreover, difficulties with fingerprint recognition can arise even with the button cleaned of dirt and dust and clean, dry fingers.

    Few people know, but iOS has a built-in function for correcting your fingerprint data. In other words, the accuracy of Touch ID recognition can be improved and it’s not difficult at all:

    • Go to: Settings – General – Touch ID and password – Touch ID;
    • register multiple fingerprints if you have not already done so;
    • now in the main menu Touch settings ID, just touch the Home button and you will see the registered “finger” highlighted in gray;
    • repeat this procedure several times, touch the sensor at different angles.
    This way you will be able to “train” Touch ID and you won’t even need to re-register your fingers.

    If you have not found an answer to your question or something has not worked out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comments below, ask a question through our

    Touch ID is the official name of the fingerprint reader that is equipped with iPhone smartphones 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, as well as iPad tablets mini 3, iPad mini 4, iPad Air 2 and iPad Pro. Apple claims that iPhone models 6s and iPhone 6s Plus have Touch ID more new version, and on forums users claim that Touch ID often does not work, both “old” and new.

    Touch ID is, of course, a useful solution, not only from a marketing point of view, but also from a purely practical one.

    Users can use it to unlock their iPhone and iPad, log into accounts in various online services, and even pay for purchases via Apple Pay.

    But only if Touch ID works properly. But, unfortunately, like any other electronics, this one is also capricious sometimes. Therefore, let's figure it out.

    To begin with, we note that if problems with Touch ID on your Apple device began after a recent update of its operating system to iOS 9 and/or even newer versions, then most likely you may need a downgrade (i.e., rolling back the system to previous version), or, if the problems are not so critical, then it is better to wait for the next update.

    You can try to figure out other problems with the fingerprint scanner in iPhones from 5s and newer, as well as in iPads mini 3, mini 4, Pro and Air 2, so to speak, on your own and even at home. Fortunately, there are not very many such problems, and ways to eliminate them are already known. So if:

    Touch ID doesn't work - crash

    If Touch ID malfunctions, it is recommended to deal with this problem by simply reconfiguring it. In other words, you need to re-teach your iPhone (or iPad) to recognize your fingerprint. Since the advent of scanners, Apple has regularly updated their software so that users’ smartphones and tablets remember their owners’ “fingers” longer and better.

    Radical optimization seems to have been carried out back in iOS 8, but, as practice shows, if you don’t refresh the fingerprint, then over time (from a month or longer) Touch ID fails one way or another, but it happens. The reasons can be very different, but, as a rule, they are purely cosmetic in nature: slight “wear and tear” of the fingerprint itself, dry skin of the finger, etc.

    Therefore, if Touch ID suddenly fails, then first update the fingerprint in the memory of your smartphone or tablet. But first, you should carefully wipe the surface of the scanner and wash your hands. Next we go to “ Settings ", then - in " Touch ID and passcode ". We remove old fingerprints by swiping across the screen from right to left. After that we tap “ Add a fingerprint "and repeat the standard procedure for entering a fingerprint according to the instructions.

    Touch ID doesn't work in the App Store

    This is also a noticeable problem. Most often, the reason that the scanner stops working with the App Store is also a cosmetic factor, but often the problem occurs due to software malfunctions. Some users complain that with iOS 8.3 in App Store Touch The ID is simply not displayed.

    In such and similar cases, we do the following:

    • click " Settings » -> « Touch ID and passcode «;
    • In chapter " Using Touch ID » disable « App Store, iTunes Store «;
    • reboot iPhone (or iPad);
    • back to again “Settings” -> “Touch ID and password” and turn on " App Store, iTunes Store «.

    After this, the Touch ID bug in the App Store should resolve itself. We also remind you that if you have not purchased anything from the App Store within 24 hours, the system will require a password at the entrance.

    Touch ID doesn't work at all

    Of course, there is also a possibility that the fingerprint scanner has failed. Although users complain about such breakdowns relatively rarely. If after the update fingerprint Touch The ID did not work properly, then you can try a “hard reset” by creating a backup first. If the problem is software in nature, then hard reboot must eliminate it. Otherwise, you will have to visit a service center, since it is unlikely to be possible without qualified diagnostics.

    Touch ID does not work in winter or cold

    Statistics show that in low temperatures the fingerprint scanner in iPhone and iPad fails more often. The problem, again, in most cases has a simple explanation. The fact is that in cold weather the papillary pattern of the fingers changes. It is difficult to notice these changes with the naked eye, but Touch ID notices them and begins to fail. As you probably already guessed, the problem is also cured by updating the fingerprint. But you can do it even simpler and enter a special “winter” fingerprint into the device’s memory, i.e. scan the finger pattern immediately from the cold. True, they say that both methods only partially solve the problem, but it’s still worth a try.

    Touch ID doesn't work when it's dirty or wet

    Well, there’s not much to explain here. It is clear that moisture or dirt (whether on the skin of the finger or on the surface of the scanner) is very effective in preventing any fingerprint from being scanned. Therefore, if the scanner contains excess wet and/or dirty substances, it is better to wipe it with a dry, clean cloth. And you need to wash your finger (you can even wash it with your hands). However, you shouldn’t overdo it with water, because if you keep your hands in water for a long time, the fingertips will wrinkle and the papillary pattern will temporarily change. Apple claims that new iPhones 6s and iPhone 6s Plus Touch ID works better with wet skin, but the manufacturer still does not recommend using the scanner with wet hands.

    Touch ID is a fingerprint recognition device IPhone users and iPad. Thanks to reading, you can unlock your phone or instantly log in to applications such as Amazon, LastPass. The function is also used in the AppStore to make payments.

    After installing the new iOS 10, some users experienced problems with the scanner. There are several types of malfunction:

    1. The phone freezes at the fingerprint recognition stage;
    2. Sensor not working while charging iPhone;
    3. Sudden reset of previously configured fingerprints.

    Also, the reason that Touch ID does not work on the iPhone may be a fall or impact of the phone, which damages the sensor. Let's take a closer look at how to quickly solve the problem and return the fingerprint scanner to normal.

    Resetting the Scanner

    If your iPhone freezes while scanning your fingerprint, you should reconfigure the sensor. All data about saved “fingers” is located in the phone settings (the “Touch ID and password” window).

    Remove any existing fingerprints, turn off the "IPhone Unlock" and "ITunes Store, App Store" sliders, and then restart your phone. After turning on your device, go to settings again and add new multi-fingerprints. This re-configuration allows you to reset the erroneous configuration and resume operation of the scanner at the software level.

    No Touch ID response while charging

    There are cases when Touch ID does not work while charging the iPhone. In this case, you should completely discharge the phone, then connect it to power and charge it to 100%. During charging, it is advisable to turn on Airplane mode and not use the device. Then do a soft reset (without data loss). After these steps, the biometric scanner will work normally. Do not use a fake iPhone charger; after connecting it to the device, functional failures may occur.

    Remember! You should not update your phone's firmware or restore it through iTunes if one of its hardware components does not work (Touch ID, camera, etc.). During the update process, the desktop program automatically checks the functionality of all components of the smartphone. If contact with one of the components is not established, error code 53 will appear (the update progress will be canceled, and because of this the iPhone will no longer turn on).

    Improving sensor performance in cold weather

    In the cold, fingerprints are less recognized, and the phone’s biometrics often fail. To improve Touch ID performance in cold temperatures, enter a new cold fingerprint into the existing scanner database. This helps the iPhone remember the current state of the finger and better recognize it in the future.

    Replacing the Touch ID cable

    If the cause of a non-working scanner is a hardware failure, previously saved data will not be displayed in the smartphone settings (Touch ID window). There will also be no option to add a new fingerprint. The only solution is to check the scanner cable.

    Disassemble the phone and remove it from display module Home button. Check the connection of the cable, if it just came off, just reconnect it and reassemble the phone. However, it will most likely be torn. The figure below shows clear example a break in the Home button cable (the location of the breakdown is indicated by a red curved line).

    There is no way to replace the cable, because the Home button cannot be disassembled. In this way, Apple protects devices from biometric sensor substitution. The Home button should be replaced (when purchasing the part, a corresponding cable is included in the package).

    Any DIY instructions iPhone repair You can find it on our website, or call a specialist for to any place convenient for you.

    Touch ID is a useful and convenient identifier not only in iPhone but also in others Apple devices. Very often we hear from owners that touch id doesn't work on iPhone or iPad. In this article, we will figure out why the fingerprint sensor does not work or shows a notification that a failure has occurred.

    Touch ID doesn't work - what to do

    If Touch ID does not work or simply crashes frequently, we recommend that you reset the fingerprints in the device. By the way, delays in Touch ID operation may appear after updating iOS.

    Before updating your fingerprints, thoroughly dry the surface of the scanner on your iPhone or iPad, and even better, wash your hands and also dry them thoroughly so that they are not wet, greasy, and so on.

    1. Go to "Settings".
    2. Enter your password code.
    3. Delete previously entered fingerprints (swipe from right to left).
    4. Add fingerprints again.

    Optimization operating system does not stop, Apple engineers are improving and adding new features and in this regard, some data, for example, the same fingerprints in the touch ID need to be updated.

    Why Touch ID stopped working in the App Store

    Often in the store Apps Store, Touch ID may also stop working. As a rule, such a problem is also associated with software and is a common malfunction.

    If Touch ID in the App Store stops working, follow these steps:

    1. Go to "Settings".
    2. Go to the “Touch ID and Passcode” tab.
    3. In the "Use Touch ID" features section, turn off the "iTunes Store and App Store" slider.
    4. Exit Settings and restart your device.
    5. Then go again to “Settings” and then to the required tab “Touch ID and passcode”.
    6. Switch the “iTunes Store and App Store” slider to active mode.

    After completing the steps above, the Touch ID glitch in the App Store should be resolved.

    Touch ID stopped working altogether

    If the above instructions did not help you, then you need to - hard reset. If the problem was of a software nature then this method will help restore Touch ID functionality. Of course, the possibility that the sensor has simply failed cannot be ruled out; in such a case, we recommend contacting a service center for help in troubleshooting the problem.

    Touch ID stopped working in winter - what to do

    According to statistics and reviews, it is already known that the fingerprint scanner on the iPhone/iPad works worse in winter at low temperatures. This is explained by the fact that the papillary pattern changes slightly due to the cold. This change is difficult to notice with the naked eye, but the Touch ID sensor notices this change and stops recognizing the fingerprint.

    How to fix it: if you often have to be in the cold, we recommend adding the same fingerprint but this time “winter”. Accordingly, you must do this in low temperature conditions so that the Touch ID sensor remembers the modified fingerprint in cold conditions.

    Why fingerprint sensors don't always work well

    There are situations when your fingers are not completely clean and not completely dry, so dirt and moisture can prevent the fingerprint from being read. Here are recommendations only for the hygiene of your hands - use the Touch ID scanner with dry and clean hands.

    Have you ever experienced problems with the fingerprint scanner on your iPhone or iPad? Share your experience in eliminating Touch ID glitches in the comments.

    First Apple smartphone with a Touch ID fingerprint scanner became the iPhone 5s, which entered the market back in 2013. Since then, the Apple corporation has managed to develop and begin to implement the second generation of the fingerprint module, which is characterized by increased recognition speed and increased reliability. However, problems can arise in the work of any Generation Touch ID, so the editors website I decided to tell you about five ways to fix a poorly working fingerprint scanner in iPhone and iPad.

    Activate Touch ID in iOS Settings

    Before you start looking for the reason for the fingerprint scanner not working in the iPhone and iPad, you should make sure that it is enabled in the operating system settings iOS systems. To do this, you need to launch the “Settings” application, and then go to the “Touch ID and passcode” section and activate the toggle switches opposite all the parameters associated with this module. If they are already turned on, then they can be turned off and turned on again in order to eliminate the possibility of some kind of bug.

    Clean the module from dirt and dust

    Since Touch ID scans your finger, you should always keep it clean. Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it when cleaning it, but dirt and dust can cause poor performance of the entire module and lead to incorrect fingerprint recognition. You can clean Touch ID from dust and dirt using a special solution for cleaning electronics. It should be sprayed onto a microfiber cloth and thoroughly clean the entire module for a few minutes, and then test its operation.

    Update your iOS operating system to the latest version

    Despite the fact that the iPhone and iPad are among the most reliable in the world mobile devices, some failures and glitches may occur in the operation of the iOS operating system. As a result, the Touch ID module may not work entirely correctly on certain firmware versions. This problem is solved by updating the device to the latest iOS versions, which probably doesn't have software problems with Touch ID.

    Finger position when scanning

    In some cases unlock iPhone and iPad via Touch ID may not happen for the simple reason that the fingerprint scanner cannot scan. To help him do this, you should place your fingertips all over the fingerprint scanner. Additionally, Touch ID takes a while to scan, so don't remove your finger from the scanner too quickly.

    Adding more fingerprints

    All iPhones and iPads can add up to five fingerprints, which can be used to unlock the device. Apple Company does not impose any restrictions on this matter, so the same finger can be scanned several times, thereby increasing the chances of successfully unlocking the device with its help.

    If all the described methods for solving problems in Touch work ID did not help, then you should think about visiting a service center. It often happens that the fingerprint modules in the iPhone and iPad fail and the only way The only solution to the problem is to visit the ASC. Please note that Touch ID can only be repaired or replaced at authorized service centers, which are capable of “tying” new scanner fingerprints to old hardware.

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