Working with the Explorer program. Expanded Explorer window

Explorer program.

Windows Explorer is a program that contains all the necessary tools for working with the computer file system. It allows you to save, rename, delete, move, copy, and place files correctly so that they can be quickly found if necessary. To run the program Conductor just run the command Start Programs Explorer. If on the list Programs no menu item Conductor, you need to find the application Explorer.exe and run it for execution. Program icon Conductor looks like that:

Program Conductor opens in a standard window Windows(Fig. 3.20), and the information part of the window, unlike most windows Windows, is divided into two parts ("panels"):

- left "panel"- allows you to view the directory tree (folder nesting structure and hierarchy) of the entire computer;

- right "panel"- provides viewing of the contents of the folder highlighted in the left "panel".

It becomes possible to simultaneously work with files and folders on the left and right sides of the window.

Appearance of the program window Conductor depends on settings user installed. You make these settings (manipulating the status bar and toolbar, changing the way files and folders are displayed, sorting, and changing other viewing options) just like in any other standard window Windows.

The user can control the width of the left and right "panes" of Explorer using the mouse. For example, you can make the left "panel" wider if there is not enough space in it, in order to display a hierarchical view file structure. To do this, you need to place the mouse pointer on the strip separating the panels (in this case, it will take the form of a double arrow), and, holding down the left mouse button, drag the strip in the desired direction (left or right).

In the right "panel" of your window Conductor displays the contents of the folder highlighted in the left "pane". If, for example, you select the disk icon on the left WITH:, its contents will be displayed on the right. For discharge You need to left-click on the desired folder or use the up and down arrow keys.

Rice. 3.20 - Fragment of working with the Explorer program

Maybe disclose And hide individual branches hierarchical tree. If there is a "+" sign next to the folder icon on the left side of the window, it means there are others inside that folder. To view them, you need to click on the "+" sign or double-click on this folder. After this, the “+” sign will turn into “-”, and the folders contained inside will be displayed on the screen. Some of them may also contain folders within themselves. By repeating the same steps, you can view their contents. To hide folders inside another folder, you need to click the minus sign next to it or double-click. In Fig. 3.20 you can see that the folder My computer contains other folders inside, but they are hidden. Folder My Documents is open to view its contents, and the folder Basket contains no subfolders at all.

General view of the screen

The window layout for different shells is also subject to a certain standard: usually there are two panels - left and right - in which the contents of disks and folders are displayed. Data can be displayed as a list or as a directory tree to make it easier to find the information you need. It is also common for both panels to be on or one of them to be off. The program menu contains commands for managing panels, commands for working with files and folders (creating, renaming, moving, deleting, etc.), commands for setting working environment, help access commands.

Conductor FAR Manager


There is little point in considering each shell separately now. Because The standard shell for working in Windows is Conductor, then we will study commands for managing the data structure on a PC using the example of this particular program.

Working with data on disks in Explorer

Conductor– a program specifically designed for viewing and managing the data structure on disks.

Ways to launch the program:

START – Programs – Explorer

KZM Start button - Explorer (the fastest and most convenient way)

KZM of one of the main icons on the Desktop - Explorer

Program interface

The Explorer window consists of two panels.

Left panel is designed to view the directory structure on disks. It displays content open folders (i.e. a list of subfolders). Files are not displayed in the left pane.

Directories are indicated by yellow folders.

The (+) sign indicates that there are subfolders within the folder. Those. To view the contents of a folder, you need to click on the plus sign next to it - the structure of subfolders will expand.

In the right panel displayed full content(both files and folders) of the folder that is selected (opened) in the left panel. You can work in it like in the My Computer window.

Up button – return to parent folder

Return to previous folder

Launch a file and folder search program

Switch on switch off left panel with directory structure

Cancel the last action (the button itself cancels one action at a time, starting with the last one, in reverse order; the arrow next to it opens a list of actions where you can select several actions to delete at once)

Commands for working with the Clipboard (moving and copying files and folders)

button for setting the type of display of icons on the screen (to find out the purpose of the button, open it and select a new view each time from the proposed list. Choose the one you like best)

Below the toolbar is located Address bar. It indicates full name selected folder or file .

To make sure you are inside desired folder, you need to look at address bar– it must indicate the name of this folder. If you don't see her name in the address bar, it means you haven't opened her yet. Find this folder in the Explorer workspace and open it.

Commands for working with files and folders in Explorer

Commands for managing data on disks in Explorer can be executed in several ways. Mainly:

1. Using the menu bar.

2. Using a context-sensitive menu (CSM), which is called by right-clicking on an object.

3. Using the buttons on the toolbar (move the mouse pointer to the buttons and wait for a tooltip with the name of the button).

4. Using keyboard shortcuts (which are listed in the menu next to the corresponding commands).

Select disk (open disk)

Below the toolbar is an address bar with a list of all available drives.

It displays the current disk. Clicking the down arrow button opens a list of all the drives and main folders on your computer. To select a drive or one of the main folders, left-click on the corresponding list item.

Folder selection (open folder, enter folder)

In the left panel Explorer, opposite the directory names there are their symbols - closed folders yellow color:. To open a folder, you need to left-click on the folder icon. In this case, the directory icon will look like an expanded folder: , and the internal contents of this folder will be displayed in the right pane.

In the right panel folders are opened as on the desktop - double click left mouse button.

Creating a folder

1) Open the folder within which the new one will be created (its name should appear in the address bar)

2) execute the command Menu File - New - Folder or KZM of the right panelCreate a folder

3) Enter the name of the new folder – Enter.

Delete a folder, file, or group of files

1) Select the desired folder, file or group of files.

2) Remove it in one of the following ways:

Menu - File - Delete

Icon KZM – Delete

Key Delete

Postpone in the left panel on the icon Baskets

Button Delete on toolbars(if there is)

Rename a folder or file

1) Select a solder or file.

2) Execute the rename command in one of the following ways:

menu - File - Rename

KZM icon – Rename

Click by icon name

Key F2

3) Enter a new name - Enter

View information about a disk, folder, or file

1) Select the disk, folder or file icon.

2) Run one of the commands:

menu File - Properties.

Icon KZM – Properties

Button Properties folders on toolbars

The window that appears displays information about the size, contents, date and time of creation of the folder or file, as well as attributes that can be changed, etc.

Selecting a group of files

Draw a selection frame around the selected group (like on the Desktop).


Select the first file from the group, then click Shift key, and while holding it down, click on the name last file from the group.

Randomly located:

Select the first file, press Ctrl key, and holding it down, click on the names of the remaining files.

Move or copy a folder, file, or group of files

When moving and copying files and folders, the terms source and destination are used.

Source folder– this is the folder within which the object is stored, i.e. folder, FROM which take the object.

Destination folder- this is a folder IN which you need to place the object being moved or a copy of it.

Method IDrag and Drop method (drag and drop)

1) In the right pane, open the source folder (so that the icon should appear in the right pane of Explorer)

2) In the left panel, click on the plus signs and use the scroll bar to highlight the destination folder ( Do not click on the folder itself! )

3) In the right panel, take the object icon with the mouse and drag it to the left panel.

4) Place the moving icon on the destination folder (a plus sign should appear next to it).

Note: in order to copy object needed while dragging icon hold down key Ctrl. After the object is placed on the destination folder, at first need to let go mouse, but only after this is the Ctrl key.

Move and copy you can also right mouse button. After the mouse button is released, a menu will appear next to the pointer from which you can select one of the following: Move or Copy.

Method II –via Clipboard (commands Cut, Copy, Paste)

1) Select an object to move.

2) Execute the Cut command in one of the following ways:

Menu - Edit - Cut

KZM icon – Cut

Cut button on the toolbar

Keyboard shortcut (look in the Edit menu opposite the Cut command)

3) Open the destination folder (its name should be written in the address bar).

4) Execute the object insertion command in one of the following ways:

Menu - Edit - Paste

KZM icon – Insert

Insert button on the toolbar

Keyboard shortcut (look in the Edit menu opposite the Paste command)

Note: to copy object, you need to use the command instead of the Cut command Copy(the methods are the same, see paragraph 2)).

Topic 3: Programs running under Windows control

Systems for preparing text documents

For processing text information Text editors are used on the computer. Text editors allow you to create, edit, format, save and print documents. Depending on the purpose and capabilities, there are several types of editors:

1. Simple text editors(For example, standard application Windows Notepad) allow you to edit text, as well as perform simple font formatting.

2. Word processors- more advanced text editors (for example, Microsoft Word and StarOffice Writer), which have a wide range of capabilities for creating documents (inserting lists and tables, spell checkers, saving corrections, etc.).

3. To prepare for the publication of books, magazines and newspapers, publications are used in the process of layout powerful programs text processing - desktop publishing systems(for example, Adobe PageMaker, Microsoft Office Publisher).

4. To prepare Web pages and Web sites for publication on the Internet, specialized applications (eg Microsoft FrontPage).

Possibilities text editors

· text editing;

· working with a section of text; selection; deletion; write to buffer; copying;

· recording as a separate file, etc.; text alignment along the edge (right, left), center, width;

Word processor capabilities

· automatic hyphenation of entire words, according to hyphenation rules; column organization;

· Creation backup copies at regular intervals;

· working with tables: markup; removing and adding columns and rows; text alignment in cells; frame design;

· refusal recent actions and refusal to refuse;

· operations on pictures: insertion into text; scaling and stretching along axes; wrapping text around a picture, etc.;

· pagination; automatic, by setting the number of lines on the page; hard, forced;

· page numbering (top, bottom);

· use of document templates;

· use of a set of fonts; proportional fonts; fonts with random resizable; various ways font highlighting - underlining, italics, etc.;

· contextual search and replacement of a given sequence of characters in the text;

· Spell checking using the built-in dictionary;

· hint of synonyms and antonyms;

· grammar check - analysis of the sentence as a whole;

· construction of tables of contents, indexes, footnotes;

· kit complex formulas(mathematical, physical);

Desktop publishing capabilities

Desktop publishing prepare texts according to printing rules and with typographic quality. Just as word processors are not an “evolution” of formatters, desktop publishing is not a more advanced extension of word processors, since they have a completely different purpose.

Desktop publishing systems (desktop publishing, DTP packages or NIS) are essentially a typesetting tool. Programs of this class are intended not so much for creating large documents, but for implementing various types of printing effects, i.e. desktop publishing program allows you to easily manipulate text, change page formats, size of indents, makes it possible to combine different fonts, work with the material until you are completely satisfied with the appearance individual pages(strips), and the entire publication.

By row functionality NIS packages are similar to the best word processors, and the line separating them is becoming increasingly invisible.

But NIS packages differ from word processors in two more ways: important characteristics. Firstly, they have greater control over the preparation of text. Secondly, materials prepared in the NIS package look like publications of the highest level of quality, and not just elegant printouts.

All packages have features that are not found in the vast majority of word processors, such as compressing and stretching lines, rotating text, and changing the spacing between lines and paragraphs in very small increments, etc.

An external file prepared by a word processor can only be printed by that same word processor. As a rule, printing can be done on any type of printer, including laser. Texts processed by desktop publishing are printed only on laser printers.

Among the systems for preparing text documents in this class, we can also propose a division into two subgroups: professional-level desktop publishing and publishing systems entry level. Systems of the first subgroup are designed to work on publications of documents with a complex structure or such as an illustrated magazine. These include QuarkXPress for Windows, FrameMaker for Windows, PageMaker for Windows. However, mastering expensive and difficult-to-use “desktop printing houses” usually requires a significant amount of time, so it is hardly advisable to use them for those specialists whose occupation only occasionally needs to beautifully and fairly quickly prepare documentation, a letter or an advertisement.

Systems of the second group are usually not designed to obtain industrial printing products. Users of this class NIS, as a rule, uses other programs to solve its problems, and NIS is used occasionally, for example, when creating a newsletter or forming greeting card for replication in a small company. All packages in this category are aimed at the beginner and the user who devotes only part of his working time to publishing. The most common in this group are Microsoft Publisher and Pageplus for Windows.

The proposed classification of text preparation systems is largely arbitrary, since some functions text programs different classes overlap, new versions are constantly appearing with more advanced and complex processing procedures, which blurs the boundaries between classes.

General information about text editing

Text editors- These are programs for creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing documents. A modern document may contain, in addition to text, other objects (tables, diagrams, pictures, etc.).

Editing- transformation that adds, deletes, moves or corrects the content of a document. Editing a document is usually done by adding, deleting, or moving characters or pieces of text.

Formatting- This is the design of the text. In addition to text characters, formatted text contains special invisible codes that tell the program how it should be displayed on the screen and printed on a printer: what font to use, what the style and size of the characters should be, how paragraphs and headings should be formatted. Formatted and unformatted texts are somewhat different in nature. This difference must be understood.

In formatted text, everything is important: the size of the letters, their image, and where one line ends and another begins. That is, formatted text is inextricably linked to the parameters of the sheet of paper on which it is printed.

Paper and electronic documents. Documents can be paper or electronic. Paper documents are created and formatted to provide the best possible presentation when printed on a printer. Electronic documents are created and formatted for best presentation on a computer screen. The gradual replacement of paper document flow with electronic one is one of the trends in the development of information technology. Reducing paper consumption has a beneficial effect on conserving natural resources and reducing environmental pollution.

Formatting paper and electronic documents may vary significantly. For paper documents, the so-called absolute formatting is accepted. A printed document is always formatted to fit a printed sheet of known size (format). For example, the width of a document line depends on the width of the sheet of paper. If a document was designed for printing on large format sheets, then it cannot be printed on small sheets of paper - part of the document will not fit on them. In short, formatting a printed document always requires pre-selection sheet of paper and then linked to this sheet. For a printed document, you can always accurately indicate (in any units of measurement) the sizes of fonts, margins, distances between lines or paragraphs, etc.

For electronic documents, so-called relative formatting is common. The author of the document cannot predict in advance on what computer or screen size the document will be viewed. Moreover, even if the screen sizes were known in advance, it would still be impossible to predict what the size of the window in which the reader will see the document will be. Therefore, electronic documents are made to adapt to the current window size and format on the fly.

The author of an electronic document also does not know what fonts are available on the computer of the future reader, and therefore cannot strictly indicate in what font the text and headings should be displayed. But it can set formatting that will make headings appear larger than text on any computer.

Relative formatting is used to create electronic Internet documents (so-called Web pages), and absolute formatting is used to create printed documents in word processors.

Formatting paragraphs.

From a literary point of view, a paragraph is a part of the text that is a fragment of a work complete in meaning, the end of which serves as a natural pause for the transition to a new thought.

IN computer documents A paragraph is any text that ends with an end-of-paragraph control character. Entering the end of a paragraph is achieved by pressing the [ key. ENTER].

Formatting paragraphs allows you to prepare a correctly and beautifully formatted document. In the process of formatting a paragraph, parameters are set for its alignment (alignment reflects the position of the text relative to the boundaries of the page margins), indents (the entire paragraph can have indents on the left and right) and spacing (the distance between the lines of the paragraph), indentation of the red line, etc.

Font (character) formatting.

Symbols are letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, Special symbols. Characters can be formatted (changed appearance). Among the main properties of symbols are the following: font, size, style and color.

Font- This full set characters of a certain style. Each font has its own name, for example Times New Roman, Arial, Comic Sans MS. The font unit is the point (1 pt = 0.367 mm). Font sizes can be changed within wide limits. In addition to the normal (regular) style of characters, bold, italic, and bold italic are usually used.

Depending on the way they are presented on a computer, there are differences between raster and vector fonts. Methods are used to represent raster fonts raster graphics, font characters are groups of pixels. Bitmap fonts can only be scaled by certain factors.

In vector fonts, characters are described mathematical formulas and their arbitrary scaling is possible. Among vector fonts, TrueType fonts are the most widely used.

You can also install Extra options character formatting: underlining characters various types lines, changing the appearance of characters (superscript, subscript, strikethrough), changing the distance between characters.

If planned color print document, you can set different colors for different groups of characters.

The file format determines how text is stored in the file. Simplest format text file(TXT) contains only characters (numeric character codes), while other formats (DOC, RTF) contain additional control numeric codes that provide text formatting.

Let's look at some of the most common text file formats.

Text Only (TXT). The most universal format. Saves text without formatting; only end-of-paragraph control characters are inserted into the text. This format is used to store documents that must be read in applications running on different operating systems.

Text in Rich Text Format (RTF). A universal format that preserves all formatting. Converts control codes into commands that can be read and interpreted by many applications, as a result, the information volume of the file increases significantly.

Word document (DOC). The original format of the version of Word currently in use. Fully preserves formatting. Uses 16-bit character encoding, which requires the use of Unicode fonts.

Document Word 2.0, Word 6.0/95 (DOC). Original formats of previous versions Word editor. When converting from Word format 97/2000 formatting is not completely preserved.

Works 4.0 for Windows (WPS). The original format of the integrated Works 4.0 system. When converting from format Word formatting not completely preserved.

HTML document (HTM, HTML). Web page storage format. Contains control codes (tags) of the hypertext markup language.
Lexicon (LX) format. The original format of the domestic text editor Lexicon.
Selecting the required format text document or its conversion is performed during the file saving process.

Stages of preparing text documents .

The main stages of preparing text documents on a computer are:


Text editing;

Text formatting;

Maintaining an archive of texts;

Print text.

Each stage consists of performing operations. The sequence of all stages of preparing a text document is information technology working with text.

Not all operations can be clearly attributed to a specific stage of document preparation. If there is a typing and editing stage, then it is better to complete the stage of writing text onto the MD before printing.

I. Typing.

As you enter text, the next character appears on the screen at the cursor position, and the cursor moves one position to the right.

Most editors store all entered text in RAM.

A line terminator is added to the end of the line, but it is not displayed on the screen. There are “soft” and “hard” end-of-line indicators. “Soft” ones are created automatically when text is transferred, in the process of reaching the right border of the screen. "Hard" ones are usually created by pressing the Enter key. The line terminator is also called a line separator.

A sign of separation of a word from a word is a space; a space must also be placed after a punctuation mark.

When the display screen is filled with text, the lines scroll (scrolling).

The editor's character set is always wider than the keyboard's character set. There are two ways to enter these characters.

The first method is the so-called Alt-input. Press the Alt key and, without releasing it, type the code on the small numeric keypad.

The second way is to use special editor commands to change fonts.

II. Editing text. The editing stage consists of the following operations:

Moving the cursor;

View text;

Inserting characters, lines, fragments;

Replacement of characters, strings, fragments;

Removing characters, lines, fragments;

Moving and copying characters, lines, fragments;

Contextual replacement.

III. Text formatting. Includes the following operations:

Font formatting (changing type, size, color of characters, etc.);

Formatting paragraphs (setting indents, alignment, etc.);

Framing and filling (creating frames and backgrounds)

Splitting text into columns

Creating a drop cap in a paragraph

IV. Print text. The printing stage consists of the operations of preparing text for printing and printing itself. Operations of preparing text for printing include:



Changing the font;

Selecting text elements when printing;

Set the page header and footer.

Printing is the final stage of the process.

Microsoft WORD word processor

The MS Word word processor is designed for creating and processing text information. Unlike text editors, which have relatively small opportunities for the external design of texts, the capabilities of the MS Word processor are close in quantity and quality to desktop publishing systems.

Program features

Editing and formatting (giving a certain appearance) to text

Using a set of fonts; proportional fonts; fonts with freely resizable sizes; various ways to highlight fonts - underlining, italics, etc.;

Contextual search and replacement of a given sequence of characters in the text;

Spell checking using the built-in dictionary;

Hint of synonyms and antonyms;

Hyphenation of words entirely, according to the rules of hyphenation;

Placing text in columns;

Pagination; automatic, by setting the number of lines on the page; hard, forced;

Page numbering (top, bottom);

Working with tables: markup; removing and adding columns and rows; text alignment in cells; frame design;

Inserting ready-made drawings into the text; scaling and stretching along axes; wrapping text around a picture, etc.;

Easy drawing capabilities with built-in graphic editor;

A set of complex formulas (mathematical, physical);

Using document templates;

Creating backup copies at regular intervals;

Refusing recent actions and refusing to give up;

Construction of tables of contents, indexes, footnotes, etc.

Starting the program

1) STARTProgramsMicrosoft Office … – Microsoft Word

2) STARTDocumentation – [document's name]

3) Using shortcut programs or anything created in it document on the Desktop, in Explorer or My Computer

Program window

The program window has a standard appearance.

Title bar contains the name of the document opened in the window and the name of the program itself.

In the working area of ​​the program window there is a white “sheet” - this is document window, in which the user types text. If the program has just started (on the screen empty page) or just typed and not yet saved new text, then the title bar displays temporary document name Document 1(or Document 2, 3... depending on how many unsaved documents are on the screen).

On the right side of the title bar are window control buttons Word-a. If under these buttons there is another row of the same buttons, or at least a button with a cross, then the bottom row is intended to control the document window opened in the program.

Below the title bar is menu bar, as in all other Windows programs.

Below the menu bar are toolbars. Word allows you to connect a large number of panels to work. They can be located not only under the title line. They can be moved to any convenient location on the screen.

To display any toolbar on the screen, you need:

1) Run the command View menu – Toolbars – [panel name]

2) KZM of any toolbar – select a name in the list desired panel

To remove from the screen unnecessary panel, you need to perform the same action.

On the upper and left borders of the work area there are marking rulers. They show the cursor position and individual elements text on the printed page, and also allow you to control the settings for the placement of text on the sheet.

To display or remove a ruler from the screen:

For horizontal rulers: Menu View – Ruler

For vertical rulers: Menu Tools – Options – tab View

To the right and bottom of the work area are scroll bars.

The bottom line of the window is status bar. It contains important information Regarding the document in the Word window:

Page ## The page number, based on the logical numbering scheme shown in the window.
Section ## The number of the section of the page shown in the window.
Number/number current page number and total number of pages.
At ## cm The distance from the top of the page to the cursor (including margin). If the cursor is outside the window, the value is not displayed.
St ## The line of text where the cursor is located. If the cursor is outside the window, the value is not displayed.
Number ## The distance, in number of characters, from the left margin to the cursor. If the cursor is outside the window, the value is not displayed.
ISPR Correction recording mode indicator. Double-click the ISPR indicator to turn the record modification feature on or off. When changes are not being written, the ISPR indicator is not available.
VDL Selection mode indicator. Double-click the VDL indicator to turn this mode on or off. When the mode is off, the VDL indicator is not available.
DEPUTY Replacement mode indicator. Double-click the ZAM indicator to turn this mode on or off. When the mode is off, the ZAM indicator is not available.


A Word window usually has two main panels: Standard And Formatting. They are used more often than others and are an alternative to similar commands in the main program menu. Let's look at the purpose of the buttons on each panel.

Questions for self-expression

What does the icon to the left of the folder icon in the left pane of the File Explorer window mean? What happens if you left-click on this icon?

If a folder has subfolders, a node marked with a “+” appears in the left pane next to the folder. Clicking on a node expands the folder and the node icon changes to “-”. Folders are collapsed in the same way.

Describe the procedure for moving a file from one folder to another using drag and drop. In what case, when using this method, does the file not move, but copy it?

The folder from which the copying occurs is called source. The folder into which the copying occurs is called receiver. Copying is performed by dragging the object icon from the right panel of Explorer to the left. The first task is to find and expand the source folder so that the copied object is visible in the right pane. The second task is to find the destination folder in the left panel, but you don’t need to open it. Next, the object is dragged from the right panel to the left and placed on the destination folder icon. This operation requires accuracy, since it is not always easy to get one icon exactly on another. To control the accuracy of the hit, you need to monitor the name of the destination folder. At the moment when the hover is done correctly, the label under the icon changes color and the mouse button can be released.

If both the source folder and the destination folder belong to the same drive, then dragging performs moving, and if different, then copying. In cases where the opposite action is needed, perform a special dragging while pressing right button mice.

What is the difference between an open folder and an expanded folder? Give a detailed answer.

Folders can be deployed or rolled up, and revealed or closed. If a folder has subfolders, a node marked with a “+” appears in the left pane next to the folder. Clicking on a node expands the folder and the node icon changes to “-”. Folders are collapsed in the same way.

To expand a folder, click on its icon. The contents of the expanded folder are displayed in the right pane. One of the folders in the left panel is always open. It is not possible to close a folder by clicking on its icon - it will close automatically when any other folder is opened.

Present in the form of a table the purpose of all the icons on the toolbar?

Explorer toolbar. Using Windows Explorer toolbars. Windows Explorer contains three built-in toolbars: Standard Buttons, Address Bar, Links. You can toggle the display of these toolbars by selecting them from the View/Toolbars submenu or from the menu that appears when you right-click any displayed toolbar. The Standard Buttons toolbar appears by default and contains the following buttons.

Back Button and Forward Button to navigate the folder trail. Each button has a drop-down list that allows you to immediately move forward or backward several steps.
Up Button to move one level up the folder hierarchy, in other words, to the parent folder of the current folder.
Search Button to display the Search panel.
Folders button to enable the Folders panel. If you are using WebView and ListView, the Folders panel will appear in their place. Views button to display a drop-down menu of the views you can apply.
Address Bar Panel displays the name or address of the current folder. By default, it only displays the folder name, but most people find it more useful to display the full name.
Links panel is the Internet Explorer Links toolbar and provides a customizable set of buttons to local addresses hURL.

Describe how to present the contents in the right pane of an Explorer window as a table? How to organize the contents: a) alphabetically, b) by date modified, c) by file type?

The choice of presentation method is performed either using menu bar commands (View item) or using the View command button on the toolbar. The View command button acts as a toggle that automatically changes the way objects are presented in the window. If you need to choose the presentation method yourself, then next to this button there is a drop-down button, clicking on which opens the list possible modes.

The arrangement method is selected using the menu bar command View Arrange Icons.

If objects in the window are displayed as a table, then it is possible to sort in descending order. A special feature of the table mode is that each column has a heading. This header has the properties of a command button. The first time you click on a column header, the objects are sorted by this column in ascending order, when clicked again - in descending order.

Describe what information is displayed in the status bar of an Explorer window?

The status bar of the Explorer window displays Additional Information about the selected object. For example, if a folder is selected, then this line displays information about the number of elements inside the folder and the full volume disk space occupied by it and its contents. The display of the status bar is controlled by the command of the same name in the View menu. This command acts as a switch. Each time you use this command, the status bar appears and disappears.

Launching Explorer


Conductor (Explorer) - main Windows program for working with files. With its help you can copy, move, delete files and directories, establish connections in computer network, launch programs, format floppy disks, etc. Using it, you can print documents (not necessarily text ones), obtain information about files, directory and disk, etc. If you are used to the program File Manager, used in previous versions, then you don’t have to abandon it. Batch file call File programs Manager - Winfile, it is located in the Windows directory.

The Windows Explorer launch icon appears when you press the Start key and expand the Programs menu in the bottom line. To start the program, you need to highlight this line with the mouse cursor and press the mouse button. When you call Explorer for the first time, a window will appear on the screen. After user input individual settings The appearance of the program window may change significantly.
The program window consists of the usual Windows elements. The program menu is located at the top; the toolbar can be turned on. The main part of the window is divided into two halves. The components available on the computer are displayed on the left. Their order is the same for all programs that view the computer.
Components are shown based on their structure. So the highest level object is Desktop (Desktop). It includes: programs My Computer, Network Neighborhood(if network support is installed), Dial Up Networking (if installed).
Typically, the My Computer program is "expanded" and displays the computer's components: disk drives, hard disks, connected network drives. Each element can also be "expanded" and its contents will be displayed in the window. For disks - directory structure, for directories (folders) - subdirectories, the Network Neighborhood program can show computers accessible over the network, etc.

The right half of the window displays the contents of the object that was selected in the left half. So, if you mark a directory with the mouse in the left half of the window, the subdirectories and individual files included in it will be shown on the right. Icons corresponding to the files will be drawn to the left of the files. this type file. Typically, the icon of the task associated with this file by association is selected as the icon.
At the bottom of the window (in the so-called status bar) information on the selected item is displayed. So, if a file is selected, its size, creation date will be shown; for a disk, its volume and free part will be shown, etc.
Relative sizes The left and right parts of the window can be changed. To do this, place the cursor on the border separating these halves (the cursor will change to a double-headed arrow), click on the mouse button and drag the border to a new position.
The toolbar of the Explorer program is similar to the toolbars of windows in which one or another option for viewing a computer is carried out (for example, a window for opening or saving a file, a window for the My Computer program, etc.).
On the left side of the toolbar there is a drop-down list that displays all the elements of the computer. Using that list. You can select, for example, another computer drive or switch to a computer in local network. To do this, simply click on the desired list item.
Typically this structure shows a tree of the current directory and icons of other drives. When moving to another drive, you will usually end up in the current directory, that is, in the directory in which you were located. last time when working with this disk. To go to a subdirectory, you need to double-click on its icon in the list window; To go to the parent directory (one level up), you need to click on the “Button” (the first button in the toolbar) to the right of the drop-down list.
The next two buttons allow you to connect a network resource to your computer and disconnect it. Click on this button, select the computer to which you are connecting, its drive - and click OK. More details about this will be written in the section on working on a computer network.
Note that Windows allows you to use network resources without explicitly connecting them to the computer. To do this, you must specify the full path to them (files). The path should look like this:

//computer name/name network resource/path to file/file name

The computer name is the name that is displayed under the computer icon when browsing the network, similarly, the network resource name is the name under which the directory (disk) is provided for sharing. Remember that if long names are used in the path, then the entire path must be enclosed in quotes.

Goal of the work: become familiar with the file structure created by the Windows operating system; master the basic techniques of working with the program Conductor.

2 . Basic information

2.1. File structure, files, folders

The Windows operating system provides the creation file system, designed for storing data on disks and organizing access to them. File system is a method of storing files on computer disks.

File is a named area of ​​the disk in which the sequence is stored any number bytes of homogeneous information.

In other words, a file refers to a named area external memory personal computer (hard drive, CD-ROM drive, flash drive, floppy disk). Any file has the following three features:

– the file has a name;

– the file contains homogeneous information, i.e. it contains components of the same type;

– length (in bytes) again created file is not specified and is limited only by the capacity of external memory devices.

File name is a sequence of alphanumeric characters. You can use any of the 256 keyboard characters (except the nine special / \ : * ? ) to create meaningful file names.< >|), including symbols of the Russian alphabet.

The file name is followed by the character ‘.’ (decimal point), followed by type file, often called the file name extension. Type file indicates the nature of the information stored in the file, and, by operating system convention, is determined by three (or four) characters of the English alphabet.

For example:

Report1.docx – a file named Report1 stores the document. The docx file type is determined by the first three letters of the English word doc ument, the translation of this word is document;

Book1.txt – a file named Book1 stores text. The txt file type is determined by the three letters of the English word t ext ;

Unit1.exe – a file named Unit1 stores a program in the microprocessor language – this is the so-called executable file. Type exe file determined by the first three letters of the English word exe cute, the translation of this word is to execute;

Rice. 1.1 Explorer program window.

Unit3.pas – a file named Unit3 stores the program on Pascal language. The pas file type is determined by the first three letters of the English word Pas cal.

Many software packages running under the Windows operating system (in particular Microsoft Word, Excel, Delphi, etc.) and called applications, prompt the user to select only the file name, and The file type is assigned automatically.

The principle of organizing the file system is tabular. The surface of a hard disk is considered as a three-dimensional matrix, the units of which are surface, cylinder and sector numbers. File location data, i.e. information about where on the disk a particular file is recorded is stored in a special (so-called systemic) disk area in the form of a file allocation table (FAT32 table), consisting of 32-bit fields. However, for personal computer users, data about the location of Windows operating system files is presented in the form of a hierarchical structure, which is convenient for them.

Hierarchical structure– is a multi-level structure, characterized by orderliness and organization of interaction between individual levels, with the subordination of elements low levels elements more high levels.

Hierarchical structure, in which Windows displays files and their locations (folders), is called file structure.

Folders (directories) are important elements of the hierarchical structure necessary to provide convenient access to files.

Catalog– this is the location on the disk where the file name and its properties are stored.

Each file is registered in a specific directory, and the file is said to be stored in the directory. The terms 'folder' and 'directory' are usually considered equivalent: each directory of files on the disk corresponds to a Windows OS folder of the same name. Files are combined into folders according to the criteria specified by the user of the personal computer: by purpose, by type, by affiliation, etc. Directories at lower levels are nested within directories at higher levels and are nested for them. Top level hierarchical structure is disk root directory. Name the directory is specified by its creator; the rules for naming a directory by a user are no different from the rules for naming a file without specifying its type. Formally upon recording access paths (routes) to a file passing through a system of subdirectories, all intermediate directories are separated by the ‘\’ character (backslash). For example,


D: – root directory logical drive D;

Faculty, Groups, PE-08-1 – names of intermediate directories (folders).

2.2. Working with the program Conductor

Conductor is a standard program that is designed to search necessary files and file structure folders (they say for navigating through the file structure of the computer) and its maintenance.

Explorer belongs to the category file managers and is an integral part of the Windows operating system.

Explorer starts when you select:

– <Start>→<All programs>→<Стандартные>→<Проводник >, or

– by double-clicking the left mouse button (2-click) on the program shortcut Conductor.

Program window Conductor is presented in Fig. 1 and contains:

1 – title line. It contains a name open folder(For example, Local disk(WITH:)) and there are 3 standard buttons: Minimize, Minimize window and Close;

2 – menu bar, which has a standard form and contains 6 items: File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, Help. When you click the left mouse button (CLC) on one of the items in this menu, it opens 'drop-down' menu, the items of which contain commands that implement certain operations with the contents of the window or with the window as a whole;

3 – toolbar contains command buttons. Clicking on one of them leads to the execution of the most common command in the program Conductor;

4 – address bar, which displays the access path (route) to the file or folder;

5 – work area, which is divided into two so-called panels: the left one, called folder panel and right - content panel folders;

6 – scroll bar, with which you can ‘scroll’ the contents of the folder panel. Scroll bars appear in the folder pane and/or folder content pane automatically as needed. A vertical or horizontal scroll bar has a slider and two end buttons. Scrolling is done in three ways:

– Click on one of the end buttons;

– by ‘dragging’ the engine;

– CLICK on the scroll bar above or below the slider.

Using the program Conductor You can perform a number of operations with the file structure, let's get acquainted with some of them.

2.2.1. Navigating the file structure

The purpose of navigation is to provide access to the desired folder and its contents. Navigation through the file structure is performed in the left panel Conductor, which displays the folder structure. Folders can be deployed or rolled up, and revealed or closed. If a folder has subfolders, the left pane next to the folder displays knot, marked with a '+' sign. Clicking on the node expands the folder, and the node icon changes to ‘-‘. CLICKING on the ‘-‘ icon collapses the folder.

To expand a folder, you need to CLICK on its icon. The contents of the expanded folder are displayed in the right pane. One of the folders in the left panel is always open. It is impossible to close a folder by clicking on its icon - it will close automatically when you expand any other folder.

2.2.2. Launching programs and opening documents

This operation is performed by 2-clicking on the program icon (i.e. a file of type .exe or .com) or on the document icon in the right panel Conductor. If desired icon program is not shown in the right panel, you need to navigate in the left panel and find the folder in which it is located.

2.2.3. Creating folders

To create a new folder, first go to the left panel Conductor expand the folder in which it will be created.

After this, you need to go to the right panel, right-click (right-click) on a space free from icons and sequentially select the following items in the context menu:


A folder icon with the name will appear in the right pane new folder . The title is highlighted and can be edited in this state. After the folder name has been edited and pressed Enter key, the folder will be created and it will be part of the file structure displayed in the left pane.

2.2.4. Copying and moving files and folders

The folder from which the copying occurs is called source, and the folder into which the copying occurs is called receiver. Copying files and folders can be done in 2 ways.

With the first method copying is performed by dragging the object icon (folder or file) from the right panel Conductor to the left. Let us recall that drag and drop(drag-and-drop, trans. drag and throw) is one of the techniques for controlling the Windows operating system using the 'mouse', performed by moving the mouse while the left button is pressed and is accompanied by moving the object (folder or file) on which the pointer is placed ' mice'. When using this method, first find and expand the source folder in the left pane so that the copied object is visible in the right pane. Then the destination folder is found in the left pane (without opening it) and the item is dragged from the right pane to the left, placing its icon on the destination folder icon. This operation is done carefully to accurately place one icon on top of another.

If the source folder and destination folder belong to the same drive, then when dragging moving, and if different, then copying.

With the second method(it's much simpler) the clipboard is used. Windows OS creates and maintains an area of ​​memory that is invisible to the user, called clipboard. At any given time, the clipboard can only store one an object. Copying using this method is performed in the following sequence:

1. Open the source folder in the left panel, then select the desired folder or file in the right panel;

2. Copy or cut the object to the clipboard. These operations are implemented in different ways:

– ShchPK on site and in context menu select an item Copy or Cut;

Copy or on the command button Cut;

– by pressing a keyboard key combination:

<Ctrl>+<C> – copy to clipboard, or

<Ctrl>+<X> – cut to buffer.

3. In the left panel, open the destination folder by moving the mouse pointer and CLICKING on free space right panel, paste an object from the clipboard using one of 3 methods:

– ShchPK on the right panel and in the context menu select the item Insert;

– CLICK on the command button of the toolbar Insert;

– press the keyboard key combination:

<Ctrl>+<V> – paste from the buffer.

2.2.5. Deleting files and folders

In the left panel, open the folder containing the object to be deleted, then in the right panel, select the desired object (CLICK on it) or group of objects, and delete it using one of the following methods:

– by pressing a key Delete keyboards;

– ShchPK on the object to be deleted and select the item in the context menu Delete;

– CLICK on the command button of the toolbar Delete.

When copying, moving and deleting, you often need to select not one object, but several (a group of objects). To select a group while clicking, you must hold down the key Shift or Ctrl. To select an arbitrary group of objects, hold down the key while CLICKING Ctrl. If the selected objects are located in a row, then you should hold down the key Shift. In this case, CLICK on the first selected object of the group and while pressing the key Shift Click the left mouse button on the last selected object.

2.2.6. Creating file shortcuts, object representation

On the right panel Conductor folders and files are represented graphically icons. The operations (copy, move, etc.) that the user performs on icons are actually performed on objects. For example, deleting a folder icon deletes that folder and its contents.

Label is only a pointer to the object and a copy of its arrow icon in the lower left corner. It takes up very little disk space.

Most often, shortcuts are used for launch programs(stored in files like .exe or .com) or for opening documents double-click the left mouse button on them (2-click).

The techniques for working with shortcuts are no different from the techniques for working with icons. Removing a shortcut removes the pointer, but not object. The presence of a shortcut provides convenient access to the object associated with it from different places in the operating system with minimal memory consumption for its storage.

Object shortcuts can be created in two ways.

1. Manually – using a special dragging technique, which is performed by moving the ‘mouse’ while the right button is pressed. The object is selected in the right panel of Explorer and dragged with the right mouse button pressed onto the desired folder icon in the left panel. When you release the button, a menu appears on the screen in which you need to select an item Create a shortcut.

2. Using Masters, this is the name of a special program that works in dialogue mode with the user. This method can be found in.