Work as an assessor in Yandex reviews. Working in leapforce or assessors for Google

The scarlet petals of the cherry blossoms are this color because there are corpses buried under the tree.

Now to the point. This is my second month (only!) working as a Yandex assessor. I'm terribly happy with my job, although I'm constantly afraid of getting a lot of corrections and being fired)

1. Who is this?


In addition to ranking factors, the search engine needs samples - queries and pages that people consider suitable answers to these queries. Assessors are involved in assessing how suitable a particular page is for answering a particular request. They take search queries and the documents that the search finds for these queries, and evaluates how well the found document answers the given query. A training set is compiled from queries and good answers. It should contain a variety of queries, and in the same proportions in which users ask them. On the training set search system establishes a relationship between the pages that the assessors considered relevant to the queries and the properties of these pages. After that, she can select the optimal ranking formula - which shows sites relevant to the query among the first search results.

An assessor is an appraiser. Based on queries, Yandex finds some pages, the assessor evaluates how well these pages respond to the query, i.e. right choice did the machine or made a mistake. The goal is to improve the quality of search, training search engine. Creation artificial intelligence, if you like :)

You can find out more details, for example, by watching this video -


It's a pity to waste time on test tasks!
These are full-fledged work tasks with completion from one day to a week (depending on how quickly you work). And the result, most likely, will be only this - REFUSAL!

The system for assessing assignments is subjective, sometimes absurd, for an entrance test there are too many tasks in principle (they are of the same type, often repeated, but still there are too many of them to begin with - after a while the eye “blurs” and so that, as you think, objectively evaluate the task, you have to strain, but the tasks go on and on, on and on...)

So, if you want to work for free, go ahead to the Yandex Assessor vacancy!

I submitted applications for different vacancies - they were dismissed with the same answers about how you seem to be suitable and how you don’t, the psychologists are lousy. here are assessors and other types of test specialists, so here Yandex is smart - they want to collect statistics for free and train their search, as well as identify the shitty places in their system. He also has the impudence to give a negative answer that “again, don’t come and answer in the wrong way,” but there are still vacancies for testers in different directions, like, fuck it there too. Well, this is not Google for you. We must not forget that we are in Russia and here, to put it mildly, people often deceive. So don't be fooled and be aware guys.

What Yandex cleanup and Assessors. I will not violate the NDA. It’s better to go to work at McDonald’s and you’ll probably earn more and eat for free.

Regarding the work of assessors: tasks stopped appearing when they reached 1.5 dollars, yes, maybe I’m judging incorrectly, but no one says that even if you are a born assessor, after an hour of such work you will not lose your attentiveness and you will not start making mistakes after which Yandex to you will block access and even 20 bucks a day will be a dream.

Now a lot of schoolchildren have come to Toloka and there are really few tasks. And secondly, there are glitches in the form of a blank white page, because of which the system believes that you did not do a good job and does not give you higher-paying orders. So imagine that you can make money on this service, and even on permanent basis I have a hard time imagining it.

On the first day I filled the dollar. And yesterday, when I opened it, the tasks were filtering content for adults. They showed this, dear mother. After six cents I closed nafik, it became disgusting...

There have been no tasks for 2 days now. So apparently smart-ass Yandex took a little bit from everyone, but there was no way to withdraw it) : D

Well, the contract with Yandex is rude. Shocked. I tried, earned 0.68 bucks and the tasks ran out: D And my eyes remained in shock, although I was at the computer all day, and then some new load fell on them.

Neutral reviews

I tested the work of the assessors, one nuance: There was a request “All Belov’s books”, they show me a page with one book, I select irrelevant, to which the service tells me “You’re a fool, there is one book by this author, that’s enough, so choose the option - relevant." Now I'm really thinking, "Who is the fool?" The request is “ALL kinigs”, not just one. So the relevance assessment has a margin of error. And in everything else on the service, everything is clearly described on how to determine Relevance. Especially useful for SEOs.

Indeed, it’s a simple and basic way to earn money, but there’s a real problem with tasks (I manage to catch something, God forbid, once a day, although I update it quite often(


  • guaranteed payments
  • payment in dollars
  • simple tasks
  • honest earnings


  • there are not always tasks

I want to talk about this type of earning money on the Internet like Yandex. Toloka. I wanted to find a way to earn at least a little money and spend a minimum of time, since I’m on maternity leave. I won't describe the registration. In principle, understandable to any Internet user. I’ll say right away that this type of income is only suitable for those who are already 18 years old, since the project contains content for adults.

What needs to be done on the project?

You become a Yandex assessor. It is necessary to mark whether the query corresponds to the answer found by the search engine, mark pictures with porn/non-porn content and many other simple tasks.

How to withdraw money?

Money can be withdrawn to Yandex wallet, PayPal, Skrill, papara and Privat Bank card. I was upset that there is a commission for withdrawing to a Yandex wallet, albeit a small one of 0.1%.

How much can you earn?

I've only been making money on this project for 2 weeks. It all depends on how much time you will spend. My payment screen. I completed 333 tasks, amounting to just over $20

How long does it take for money to arrive in my account?

According to the terms of the project, the withdrawal operation may take up to 30 calendar days. In fact, the money arrived within 1 day. It even happened that within an hour the money arrived in my Yandex wallet.


Read the instructions for the task carefully. Do not lower your skill in completing tasks. If your skill is low, quests will not appear. If there are no quests, refresh the quest page.

Update dated 10/28/2017

I haven't visited this site for a long time. And then I remembered that you can earn some money there. And now they just won’t bother me.

So for several days in a row I spend 2 hours in total, withdrawing 1-2 per day. Payment comes almost instantly.

Of course, on the first day many tasks were not available due to low ratings, but in 2 days I raised my rating and I have enough tasks.


NEVER undertake the "Collections" task. A very tedious task that is not worth the time spent.

It is better to take cheap but easy tasks that require a minimum of time. My favorite "Score" similar pictures". They pay 2 cents, I do a task for a minute, a maximum of 1.5. It’s easy to calculate that in the worst case scenario you can earn 80 cents an hour on this task. But on average it turns out to be a dollar. Of course, this is far from a lot of money. But for me on maternity leave, an extra 30-60 dollars per month for an hour of work, which I spend usefully, watching TV series or surfing on social networks, is very good.

Positive reviews

Don’t look for reviews about work in Yandex, you won’t find anything except Toloka, and it’s really a pittance. Since all Yandex employees have a confidentiality agreement and nothing can be disclosed.
I will say one thing, everything is fine and everyone is happy. Everyone holds on to their place, so you can get paid very well.

I work as an assessor for a couple of hours a day and make 10 pieces a month as a hobby. Multiply the full load yourself.

I sit there when there is free time. Very nice money is dripping.

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


For the most part, website ranking is done search robots. They download millions of documents, analyze them according to certain parameters and give places in the TOP 10 to the best. Search algorithms are constantly being improved, but this does not mean that glitches and technical glitches are completely excluded. Even the smartest robot needs human control.

The search engine assessor acts as a controller. This is a person who does very routine work. The assessor manually reviews the results and excludes irrelevant sites that accidentally or through “black” methods got into the TOP. Quality service employees respond to signals of violations received from Internet users.

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What criteria does an Internet assessor use to evaluate a site?

The assessor assesses the relevance of the website on the following scale:

  • vital website (providing comprehensive information on the topic);
  • useful;
  • relevant with a plus;
  • relevant with a minus, partially answering the question;
  • irrelevant site;
  • spam – a resource promoted by “black” optimization methods;
  • virus;
  • Page not found.

One of the most significant criteria that the Yandex assessor evaluates is the quality of content. Unreadable texts with signs of excessive optimization can cause a decrease in the site's ranking. Usability (convenience of the interface) and the design of the web project are also important. If the site is an online store, then the quality of the services provided is assessed - the availability of contact information, online user support, etc.

What functions does a Google assessor perform?

The job responsibilities of this specialist have much in common with the functions of a Yandex assessor. In addition to assessing the quality of search results, the Google assessor is engaged in machine learning search engine.

Quality service employees are adjusting the parameters of the “Panda” algorithm, which many webmasters had to deal with at one time. Google Guide argues that assessors cannot directly influence the operation of search algorithms. They are just collecting the necessary material.

How to become a PS assessor

From time to time, search engines open similar vacancies. Narrow specialization is not required. For example, to become a Yandex assessor, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • attentiveness and accuracy;
  • ability to analyze information;
  • focus on long-term work;
  • readiness for routine work.

The applicant will have to fill out an application form and pass a special test. On this page you can find current vacancies.

Salary Management Workplace Team Career

Worked in the company for 3-5 years

Position not specified

Pros: Convenient work schedule, meals are paid for by the company, a presentable office located in the very center of the city. Loyal attitude of employees and management. After working for three years, I got the opportunity to prove myself as a leading specialist at the company. I also received bonuses that can be sold like shares. I won’t lie, the promotion was worth the written resignation letter.

What can be improved: Yandex has become an ordinary factory. All the workers began to inform on each other. We set up a system in the “cash cow” section, trying to squeeze the unrealistic out of everyone! The team was so impoverished that they could not even find a person for the position of junior manager. That is why they decided to elevate anyone indiscriminately. I don't know what they were hoping for quick learning to the level of a professional or another miracle! Yes, I won’t hide, some benefited from the training, but for others, the required knowledge remained a mystery of the century. If the manager is an ill-mannered schmuck from the very beginning, then no amount of courses can re-educate him. Added to all this is the fact that they select their deputies from the same stable. If you can regularly please managers, consider that you are guaranteed a promotion. Everyone creates the appearance of a cool company on a global scale, but in reality they are just ordinary bedbugs. I worked in this mode for 4 years, it’s a shame that everything is being done to ensure that workers leave their jobs, a terrible hostility towards colleagues and superiors has appeared.

Is the review helpful? 89 4

Employment attempt

Administrative staff

Pros: I had an interview with this company. Several people were present. Among them may be future work colleagues, as well as an HR specialist. The interview lasted about an hour and during the entire conversation I cannot name a single negative moment. They even offered me coffee.

What can be improved: I can't point out any negative points. Quite a pleasant experience.

Is the review helpful? 14 93

Salary - Management - Workplace - Team - Career growth -

Employment attempt

Position not specified

Pros: It was very scary to contact the company. After reading the reviews, I already had a certain impression. However, curiosity got the better of me. We were met very well. No lateness. The interview began exactly at the appointed time. No unnecessary or extraneous questions were asked. Everything related to the topic. Three girls were present at the interview. Quite friendly and welcoming. The conversation lasted about forty minutes. In principle, it was more like a pleasant conversation between well-known people. As for the office itself, it made a huge impression on me. It felt like a major overhaul was completed in just a few minutes. Everything is spotlessly clean, neat and cozy. So fellow job seekers, don’t be afraid and feel free to join this company.

What can be improved: Everything is fine.

Is the review helpful? 13 71

Salary - Management - Workplace - Team - Career growth -

Employment attempt

Content manager

Pros: At first glance, it's a pretty solid company.

What can be improved: I am interested in the vacancy of “content manager”. I responded to her on A girl named Oksana sent me a test task. I was confused by the fact that the vacancy did not contain information about salary levels and did not specifically mention working conditions. Oksana did not provide her phone number. So I'm on this moment I’m just at a loss and don’t know if it’s worth spending time on the test task at all. It is quite possible that the company simply takes advantage of the free labor of applicants when the opportunity arises. I don't even know what to do next.

Is the review helpful? 46 49

Salary Management Workplace Team Career

Works in the company for 5-10 years

Position not specified

Pros: Excellent VHI. Well-equipped, comfortable office, paid lunches. The work schedule is quite flexible. If necessary, you can come earlier or, conversely, later. A huge base of knowledge and experience will certainly be acquired during the work.

What can be improved: In the dig great amount slackers. The staff are all spoiled. The positions of leaders are occupied by those closest to them. Salary increases are very rare. An employee such as a system administrator can be woken up in the middle of the night without any problems. He must always be in touch. At the same time, you often have to work in holidays, and on weekends. Due to the irregular schedule, terrible, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep. The management does not take these points into account at all. There are no salary increases. So for the position system administrator I don't even recommend going.

Is the review helpful? 72 9

Salary Management Workplace Team Career

Moscow Employment attempt

Recommends for employment

Python Intern

Pros: They gave me a chance to test myself on a 6-hour test. This immediately sobered me up, I realized that I was far from being a real programmer (you need to know mathematics very well), while I was still working as a medium-static scriptwriter. They sent me a detailed list of literature to improve my skills and offered to try again when I was ready. A very human approach :)

What can be improved: A lot of time passes between submitting an application and the response with an invitation to participate; in my case, they responded only after three months.

Is the review helpful? 24 41

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


A Yandex assessor is a person who manually checks the compliance of the request with the page content.

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For example, for the query “Cat food” the search engine returned the following sites:

  • Online store for cat food.
  • Page on what food to feed your cat.
  • A page about cat breeds.

Evaluates whether the search engine's selection is correct. For example, the content of the first site is best suited to the request. And cat breeds and food are different topics.

Such ratings are taken into account by search algorithms. Based on them, the machine learns. And the results become more and more relevant to the entered query.

Why are assessors needed?

We have already said that assessors “teach” search algorithms, explicitly indicating which sites should be displayed for a particular request.

Another task of such specialists is to check whether prohibited promotion methods are being used.

For example, an assessor can check the content keywords tag- is there any spam with irrelevant keys? And despite the fact that it no longer affects the search results, if the tag is filled out incorrectly, the assessor can impose sanctions on the site.

Assessors review consumer complaints about black PR, review sites in the TOP list and highlight those that do not correspond to the request in order to then remove them.

Basic requirements for experts

To become a Yandex assessor, you need:

  • Fluency English language(Intermediate) and the ability to express oneself in it and write correctly;
  • Confident PC skills;
  • good, reliable internet;
  • general erudition, curiosity and broad outlook;
  • attentiveness, perseverance, literacy;
  • tendency to monotonous and not always interesting work.

The tracking sites that assessors work with can be on completely different topics: from children's toy stores to transcontinental flights.

How to become an assessor

awaits you distant work with piecework wages. Nobody discloses the exact amount of earnings.

Before you respond, make sure you meet all the requirements for an assessor. Fill it out correctly a completed questionnaire and send a response. Erudition and originality can play into your hands. After this, you will be offered a test that will show how well you use a computer and also reveal your personal qualities. Remember that assessors must be diligent and attentive to detail, as well as have developed logic. It’s hard to say how many assessors there are in Yandex, but since there are tens of millions of sites, there is always a chance to get this job.

Work specifics

All tasks will be aimed at analyzing the quality of the search engine’s work. For example, you might be given a goal to manually check the first ten sites that appear for a specific query. You will need to sort and reject pages based on their relevance, spam, number of advertisements, etc. Or compare two or three pages and choose from them the one that most fully reflects the search information.

Yandex programmers created special service"", on which anyone can perform similar tasks for a nominal fee. Of course, you won’t be able to make money here, but you can understand in practice what an assessor means and how search engines work.

Expert assessments

To eliminate the human factor, assessments are given by several experts at once.

The final assessment of the quality of the site and the relevance of the search is derived based on all opinions. If the opinions of the assessors are completely opposite, the administrator finds out the reason for the discrepancy and can correct the data, which then goes to the analytical department.

The expert has the right to issue two types of assessments: preliminary, providing for the presence/absence of pornographic information and viruses, and assessment of compliance.

If a preliminary inspection shows that such data is contained on the page, further study of the materials is stopped.

Relevant inspection allows you to assign a file to a specific category:

  • vital - this is the official website.
  • useful means that the page contains full information on request.
  • relevant+ - matches the request.
  • relevant - - not quite relevant.
  • irrelevant - absolutely not suitable.
  • spam - the site contains information with which the developers tried to deceive the search engine.
  • not about that - this category includes all documents passing through automatic system under the search criterion, but fundamentally not corresponding to it.

Is it possible to influence the assessor's assessment?

In a very simplified form, the evaluation of each Internet page is carried out in several areas:

  1. The site should be modern in everything, including design. There are still occasionally old sites developed more than 10 years ago with unchanged data, but this is rather an exception to the rule, which will disappear pretty soon.
  2. Having opened the page, the user should instantly understand what services are provided here. A well-designed menu will add several points.
  3. After this, the service of your site is assessed: how easy it is to find this or that information on it, whether there is a search ranking based on some indicators and other components necessary for the convenience of visitors. Each separate tab should display information about one product.
  4. Next comes an assessment of the quality of your services: what range of goods you provide, at what prices, is there delivery, bonuses, discounts, savings systems, etc.
  5. It is important that contact information legal entity, addresses was displayed as informatively and completely as possible.

The requirements imposed by assessors on websites help increase the number of visits and purchases; their fulfillment attracts customers and helps them rise higher in the TOP.

It is thanks to such expert assessors that the search engine Yandex system tracks all requests. In most cases, the assessment of these the necessary specialists completely coincides with the opinion of consumers.