Working day of the head of the communications department. Memo from the head of the post office

Responsibilities of the head of the security service To provide high-quality and cultural service
clients with postal services, financial and banking services
, as well as reception
utility bills, special projects,
insurance services. Carry out planned tasks, provide services in
in accordance with the rules and instructions. Be competent, know
production, equipment, software
security. Be able to work with
team and clients. Properly organize work in the OPS.

Start of the department head's working day
postal service
The head of the post office must personally (in turn with
deputy) to be present before the start of the operating day.
Open the storerooms together with the telecom operator
Carry out the operation “Start of the Day” on the PCT and ZPTSH, PKD.
Issue ZPO, production documents and
operating materials.
Issue reinforcements (cash) to the cash register
Give out personalized items
Check calendar stamp impressions (for signature)
Availability of uniforms and badges for employees.

Conduct instruction on Quality Standards Check the preparedness of the operating room for cultural customer service. Part in

Conduct training on Quality Standards
Check the preparedness of the operating room for cultural
client service.
Part of the time during the working day you need to be in
operating room for direct communication with clients,
respond immediately to all verbal statements and complaints
Pay special attention to clarity and service culture
Conduct production control over the work of operators
postal services and postmen.

End of the working day
Preparation and dispatch of mail and collection from the post office
together with the postal operator
Prepare information on RPO for sending to the Information Department
Accept a report on insured mail and goods
consumer goods, seal the pantry
Accept balances according to the Cash Certificate
SDO (consolidated cash statement)
Close the working day at the main cash register.
Check the availability of entries in the book of complaints and suggestions.

Analyzes the implementation of the plan and indicators for the working day
Plans to improve quality indicators and create conditions
to provide services and attract new clients.
Performance indicators are aimed at motivating employees,
definition of “leaders” and “outsiders”, distribution
positive experience.

Organizational work in the OPS

The head of the post office must be able to organize
work in the OPS.
If necessary, act as a hall manager by regulating
turn, providing practical assistance to operators, serving
clients in an additional window.
It is good to know your subordinates and help them in their work.
Observe corporate etiquette
Be able to clearly organize your own work and the work of the security organization
Plan your work for a month

Approximate work plan for the head of the security service

Name of works
and I
Check working conditions at delivery areas
postmen. (Ivanova T.I. Sidorova E.N.)
2. Conduct a production meeting based on the results of the work for
June and 2nd quarter of 2014. Objectives for the 3rd quarter of 2014
3. Familiarize the team with new LNA, changes in
postal rules.
4. Studying the topic “Quality Standards” in the LMS “Winpost”
"Subscription Promotion"
5. Bring up the subscription plan for six months. Carry out work
with the population
6. Production meeting at the post office
7.Training to provide services using
bank cards Svyaz Bank. (trade acquiring)
8. Bring the “personal” plan to each operator and
postman OPS
Mark about

Sample form (template example) instructions:

(name of enterprise, institution, organization)

Job description of the head of the communications department

I approve


(head of institution, organization, other official,


authorized to approve


working instructions)

_________ ____________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

"___" ____________ ____

I. General provisions

1. The head of the communications department belongs to the “Managers” category.

2. Appointment to the position of head of the communications department and dismissal from it are made by order of _________________________________________ upon the recommendation of __________________________________ in compliance with the requirements of the Labor Code of Ukraine and current labor legislation.

3. The head of the communications department reports directly to _________________________________________________________________________.

II. Job responsibilities

Head of Communications Department:

1. Ensures high-quality provision of postal services to the population, enterprises, institutions, and organizations.

2. Organizes workplaces for employees to provide postal services, communicates income plans to employees and monitors their implementation.

3. Ensures the safety of cash postal items, material assets, goods and documentation.

4. Responsible for the correct tariffication and timely and complete posting of fees for postal services, receiving cash reinforcements, depositing and sending excess balances of money to the main cash desk of the post office (communications center).

5. Ensures timely delivery of mail, pensions and cash assistance to recipients.

6. bears responsibility for the timely and high-quality preparation of reports, for the reliability of statistical data, for the correct conduct of cash transactions.

7. Ensures high-quality and uninterrupted operation of postal mechanization equipment and electronic complexes located in the post office.

9. Responsible for the exchange of mail with postal transport.

10. Analyzes the quality indicators of the department’s work and fulfills the income plan.

11. Participates in the development and implementation of measures aimed at implementing the income and exchange plan, improving the quality of work and creating additional convenience for consumers of postal services.

12. Manages the employees of the department, and, if necessary, the employees of the points and mobile post offices attached to it.

13. Quality control of processing of incoming and outgoing mail.

14. Accounting for working hours and employees’ compliance with production standards.

15. _____________________________________________________________

III. Rights

The head of the communications department has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the performance of his duties.

3. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions.

4. Within the limits of your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about everything identified in the process of his activities, and make proposals for their elimination.

5. Involve specialists from all structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to it.

6. Make proposals to encourage employees who have distinguished themselves, as well as to bring to material and disciplinary liability the employees subordinate to him who do not properly fulfill their official duties.

7. Demand that the management of the enterprise provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.

8. Within your competence, sign and endorse documents.

9. ______________________________________________________________

IV. Responsibility

The head of the communications department is responsible

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties, as well as for failure to use or directly one’s rights provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current legislation of Ukraine.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

4. ______________________________________________________________

V. The head of the communications department must know:

1. Resolutions, instructions, orders of governing bodies.

2. Methodological and regulatory documents on the organization of postal services.

3. Postal rules; Rules for using postal services.

4. Administrative-territorial division of Ukraine.

5. Rules for the operation of electronic complexes.

6. Means of mechanization of postal services.

7. Tariffs for postal services.

8. Regulations on remuneration.

9. Experience of leading postal enterprises.

10. Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Consumer Rights".

11. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.

12. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

13. Rules and standards of labor protection, industrial sanitation, fire protection and environmental protection.

14. _____________________________________________________________

VI. Qualification requirements

For postal departments of groups I - III - basic higher education (technical) education, advanced training and work experience in the field of postal services of at least 3 years.

For postal departments of groups IV - V - basic higher education (technical) education, advanced training and work experience in the field of postal services of at least 1 year or complete general secondary education, training directly on the job, advanced training and work experience in the field of postal services at least 2 years.

- _______________________________________________________________

VII. Relationships (connections) by position

1. In the absence of the head of the communications department, his duties are performed by a deputy (in the absence of the latter, a person appointed in the prescribed manner), who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. To fulfill duties and exercise rights, the head of the communications department interacts:

2.1.3 _________________________________ regarding questions:

2.2.3 _________________________________ on questions:

2.3.3 _________________________________ regarding questions:

2.4.3 _________________________________ regarding questions:

2.5.3 _________________________________ regarding questions:

structural unit


(last name, initials)

"___" __________ ____

Head of the legal department


(last name, initials)

"___" __________ ____

I have read the instructions:


(last name, initials)

"___" __________ ____

Like? Like!

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Head of Communications Department" belongs to the category "Managers".

1.2. Qualification requirements - for postal service departments of groups I-III - basic or incomplete higher education (bachelor or junior specialist). Work experience in the postal industry - at least 3 years. For postal departments of groups IV-V - basic or incomplete higher education (bachelor or junior specialist). Work experience in the postal industry - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- resolutions, instructions, orders of governing bodies;
- methodological and regulatory documents on the organization of postal services;
- Postal rules;
- Rules for using postal services;
- administrative-territorial division of Ukraine;
- rules for operating electronic systems;
- means of mechanization of postal services;
- tariffs for postal services;
- regulations on remuneration;
- experience of leading postal enterprises, fundamentals of economics, organization of production;
- Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights";
- basics of labor legislation.

1.4. The head of the communications department is appointed and dismissed by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The head of the communications department reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The head of the communications department supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During his absence, the head of the communications department is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Provides high-quality provision of postal services to the population, enterprises, institutions, and organizations.

2.2. Organizes workplaces for employees to provide postal services, communicates income plans to employees and monitors their implementation.

2.3. Ensures the safety of cash postal items, material assets, goods and documentation.

2.4. Responsible for the correct tariffication and timely and complete posting of fees for postal services, receiving cash reinforcements, depositing and sending excess balances of money from the main cash desk of the post office (communications center).

2.5. Ensures timely delivery of mail, pensions and cash benefits to recipients.

2.6. Responsible for the timely and high-quality preparation of reports, the reliability of statistical data, and the correct conduct of cash transactions.

2.7. Ensures high-quality and uninterrupted operation of postal mechanization equipment and electronic systems located in the post office.

2.9. Responsible for the exchange of mail with postal transport.

2.10. Analyzes the quality indicators of the department's work and fulfills the income plan.

2.11. Participates in the development and implementation of measures aimed at implementing the income and exchange plan, improving the quality of work and creating additional convenience for consumers of postal services.

2.12. Manages the employees of the department, and, if necessary, the employees of the points attached to it and mobile post offices.

2.13. Monitors the quality of processing of incoming and outgoing mail.

2.14. Keeps records of working hours and employee compliance with production standards.

2.15. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.16. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The head of the communications department has the right to take actions to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The head of the communications department has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The head of the communications department has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. The head of the communications department has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The head of the communications department has the right to familiarize himself with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The head of the communications department has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill his official duties and management orders.

3.7. The head of the communications department has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The head of the communications department has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The head of the communications department has the right to familiarize himself with the documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The head of the communications department is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) failure to use the granted rights.

4.2. The head of the communications department is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The head of the communications department is responsible for the disclosure of information about the organization (enterprise/institution) related to a trade secret.

4.4. The head of the communications department is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The head of the communications department is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The head of the communications department is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The head of the communications department is responsible for the unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

(all) Postal operator - 170 Postman - 75 Head of department - 60 Operator - 36 Chief - 35 Deputy chief - 30 operator - 26 1st class operator - 19 Manager - 15 PC operators - 14 Driver - 13 1st class operator - 12 Packer( -tsa) - 12 Economist - 12 Accountant - 11 Cashier - 10 Leading Sales Specialist - 9 Engineer - 9 Programmer - 8 Sales Manager - 7 Secretary - 7 Specialist - 7 Leading HR Specialist - 6 Purchasing Department Operator - 5 Leading Accountant - 4 Leading labor safety engineer - 4 Courier - 4 Property rental manager - 4 Marketing and PR manager - 4 Mechanic - 4 Post office manager - 4 Warehouse shift manager - 4 Storekeeper - 3 Purchasing and logistics manager - 3 Work manager with clients - 3 Class 2 Operator - 3 Data Processing Operator - 3 Service Center Operator - 3 Gas Station Cashier Operator - 3 Supervisor - 3 Legal Adviser - 3 Leading HR Specialist - 2 Courier Driver - 2 Chief Cashier - 2 Chief Collection Department Specialist - 2 Dispatcher - 2 Cash collector - 2 HR inspector - 2 Manager - 2 1st class operator - 2 3rd class operator - 2 main cash register operator - 2 Warehouse operator - 2 CNC machine operator - 2 Sales cashier - 2 Auditor - 2 specialist 1st category - 2 Specialist 1st category - 2 Customer service specialist - 2 Merchandise specialist - 2 Electrician - 2 Power engineer - 2 IT specialist - 1 Administrator - 1 Accountant 1st category - 1 Material accountant - 1 Leading customer service specialist - 1 Driver category C - 1 Forklift driver - 1 Driver with a car - 1 Driver of official transport - 1 Forwarding driver - 1 Chief engineer, Chief power engineer - 1 Chief accountant - 1 Position - specialist - 1 Housekeeping manager - 1 Warehouse manager - 1 Deputy director of commerce - 1 DEPUTY CHIEF OF OPS-1 - 1 deputy head - 1 Deputy head - 1 Deputy head of OPS No. 5 - 1 engineer - 1 Transport operation group engineer - 1 Labor organization and regulation engineer - 1 Occupational Health and Safety Engineer - 1 Low Current Systems Engineer - 1 Production Department Engineer - 1 Technical Engineering Engineer - 1 Mechanical Engineer - 1 Instructor - 1 Commercial Section Instructor - 1 OESPS Instructor - 1 Pension Fund Consultant - 1 Logistician - 1 Speech Therapist - 1 Driver of Road Transport Machines - 1 Manager of the HR Department - 1 HR Manager - 1 Head of the cash register of the OSP Yuzhnouralsk Post Office - 1 Head of departments - 1 Head of departments - 1 Head of the warehouse - 1 Head of the post office - 1 Head of the security department - 1 I don’t work for Russian Post - 1 OPERATOR - 1 operator 1st class - 1 OPERATOR 1st class - 1 Operator 1st class - 1 operator 1st class - 1 operator 1st class - 1 Operator 2nd class 5th class - 1 Operator 3rd class - 1 Call center operator - 1 Communication operator - 1 ASC operator - 1 post office main cash register operator - 1 DS operator - 1 Information Point operator - 1 1st class information point operator - 1 consultant operator - 1 KSU operator - 1 MSC operator - 1 operator first class - 1 First class operator - 1 2nd class PKD operator. - 1 Russian postal operator - 1 sayazi operator - 1 sorting operator - 1 sorting unit operator - 1 sorting shop operator - 1 sorting shop operator. - 1 SC operator - 1 SC operator 1st class - 1 SC-1st class operator - 1 CVPP operator - 1 COMPUTER operator - 1 Operator, Instructor - 1 operator, temporary deputy chief - 1 operator-foreman - 1 OPERATOR-SORTER 3rd CLASS - 1 First class communications officer - 1 1st class communications operator - 1 Communications operator - 1 RPO department - 1 Security guard - 1 Assistant manager - 1 Postman - 1 Postwoman (former employee) - 1 POSTAL WORKER - 1 postman - 1 1C programmer - 1 Foreman - 1 PEM 3rd category - 1 Production worker - 1 Building maintenance worker - 1 Various - 1 Letter carrier - 1 Distributor - 1 Administrative maintenance manager - 1 Administrative maintenance manager - 1 Main department manager - 1 Department head - 1 IRC head, PEO - 1 head of the omto - 1 System administrator - 1 applicant - 1 Accompanying person - 1 Social worker - 1 specialist - 1 specialist of the 1st category of the civil defense and industrial safety group - 1 GKU specialist - 1 HR department specialist - 1 Information security specialist - 1 Customs clearance specialist - 1 Telemarketing specialist - 1 senior storekeeper - 1 Senior technician of the operational department, leading engineer of the department. transportation - 1 Senior operator - 1 Carpenter - 1 Technician 1st category - 1 Technician 1st category - 1 Apprentice - 1 Paramedic - 1 Electrician - 1 Electronics - 1 Lawyer - 1

The national operator provides the population with a variety of postal services and ensures the successful functioning of financial and commercial services. MFCs operate on the basis of post offices, providing the population with state and municipal services on a “one-window” principle. Communications companies work closely with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. By agreement between Russian Post and Russian Railways, a postal train runs daily between Moscow and Vladivostok. The fleet of baggage and mail cars has been significantly updated.

Organizational form and structure of the post office

Russian Post unites 41.5 thousand branches. The organizational structure is four-level:

  1. The management apparatus of enterprises, which includes directors for commercial operations and postal services.
  2. Branches:
  • courier communication center;
  • international express delivery service for postal correspondence;
  • main office of long-distance mail transportation.
  1. Post offices that provide sorting and exchange of mail with sorting centers in other regions.
  2. Post offices.

Postal service departments (POB): characteristics, functions, location by region

OPS provide the most important stages of the technological cycle of postal services:

  • accepting applications for services;
  • delivery of service results.

Post offices are distinguished by their class, which is determined by the number of residents and the size of the service area. There are five classes:

  • There are 4-5 grade departments in the villages. They have only a few people on their staff: a boss, 1-2 operators and postmen.
  • Class 3 security guards are located in residential areas of the city. The insurance department issues pensions, receives and sends transfers, receives and issues letters and parcels. The second department is the center for issuing and receiving parcels.
  • Large software that operates 24/7 are categorized as class 2.
  • Class 1 status is assigned to sorting shops and 24-hour security centers, working seven days a week and holidays. The main task of such a department is to direct incoming shipments from a given region to different parts of the country and the world. Only in such a branch can you send a parcel or transfer money even on New Year’s Eve.

The higher the class of the OPS, the wider the staff of its employees. In addition, the class of the post office affects the size of workers' salaries.

In 2018, 41,788 public security organizations operated in Russia. The densest network of post offices has been created in the Central Federal District. There are 10,800 branches here. In regions with lower population density, PS branches were distributed by number:

  • in the Volga Federal District - 8.98 thousand.
  • in the Siberian Federal District – 5.93 thousand.
  • in the Southern Federal District - 5.93 thousand.
  • in the Northwestern Federal District - 4.02 thousand.
  • in the Ural Federal District - 2.88 thousand.
  • in the Far Eastern Federal District - 2.09 thousand.

Russian Post's income from operating activities last year exceeded 190 billion rubles. The company's net profit amounted to 2.7 billion rubles. Employees received this result thanks to lower costs, increased income from settlements with foreign postal services, and increased effect from retail trade. Profitability also increased due to the activities of Post Bank.

The average salary in the Russian Post company is 17.5-24 thousand rubles.

Premises and equipment of the fire control center

Above the entrance to each post office there is the inscription “Russian Post” and its logo. Instructions and information stands are placed in prominent places in client rooms. Operators work at tables that are combined with special barrier stands. Their workplace is provided with indexing directories, subscription catalogs, and service tariffs; seals, stamps, strict reporting journals, a safe for storing money and electronic computing equipment and the necessary software products. Electronic scales are available for weighing postal items.

Visitors using cash terminals can pay for postal services or taxes, make payments for utilities, and repay a loan or mortgage.

The number of postal workers exceeds 350,000 people. The list of positions is long. The most common professions of postal workers are telecom operator and postman.

The responsibilities of the telecom operator Russian Post include the provision of postal, financial and government services. They do:

  • organization of subscription;
  • sale and promotion of various services;
  • reception, processing, delivery of postal items, payments and transfers, payment of pensions.

The specialist performs cash transactions, works with primary documentation, and enters information into databases.

The work of a postman does not require special education. Even schoolchildren can apply for this position. The duties of the Russian Post postman include receiving and delivering letters, parcels, parcels, and telegrams. You can distribute correspondence to addresses only after it has been sorted and the appropriate documentation has been completed.

Every year, the Russian Post Office receives, processes and delivers about 2 billion letters, 60 million parcels, 80 million transfers.

The law prohibits opening citizens' mail. Therefore, postal workers stand guard over the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation. The search for postal items, verification of claims from federal and corporate clients, correspondence of an investigative and controversial nature is carried out by an inspector of the control and reference area. The inspectors' hard work is valued at 11,310 rubles.

Vacancies for work at Russian Post

An analysis of employment sites showed that today 10,755 jobs remain vacant at Russian Post.

In-demand specialties: group leaders, managers, lending specialists, financial analysts and consultants, branch managers and their deputies. Specialists with a higher economic education, experience in business management in federal or national companies, and with at least 5 years of experience in the commercial field in a managerial position have a chance to receive the highest salary of 150 thousand rubles. To do this, you must submit an application and pass a competitive selection for the position of deputy director of the branch for postal business at Russian Post (Siberia).

In the postal service, there is a need for postmen, telecom operators, cashiers and dispatchers. However, the level of their salaries remains low - 14.5-22 thousand rubles.

You can find a job in the OPS without qualifications. Worker vacancies at Russian Post remain relevant: loaders, storekeepers and sorters.

General rules for employment at the Post Office

To get a job at Russian Post, just find a vacancy on the employment website and send your resume. Next comes an interview with the employer. There you need to provide the necessary documents: education document, work book, medical certificate.

Newcomers are given a probationary period. Before getting a permanent job, they will have to undergo training or internship.

Part-time work at home in the Russian Post company

Russian Post does not provide the opportunity for citizens who want to work from home. If such a vacancy is found, most likely it was posted by scammers.

The salary of postal workers depends on the following factors:

  • Place of work and location of the OPS. Employee earnings are determined by the class of the department. Thus, a telecom operator working on a class 4 security system in rural areas receives from 11.3 thousand rubles per month. His colleague in Moscow earns an average of 24.5 thousand rubles. The salary of a telecom operator in Noyabrsk is 18.6 thousand rubles.
  • Job title. The highest salaries at Russian Post are for management employees. Head of Russian Post N.R. Podguzov receives 380 thousand rubles monthly for his work. The salary of the head of a unit in a large post office is 28.9-33.7 thousand rubles. The monthly salary of sorters, mailroom administrators, and customer service operators ranges from 24.7 to 32.4 thousand rubles.

The size of management's salaries depends on the average salaries of employees of this organization. The average monthly income of the general director is 500 average salaries, deputy managers - 350, chief accountant - 150.

Correspondence delivery workers earn less than other postal workers. The salary of a postman in the Russian Federation ranges from 11.3-19.8 thousand rubles.

For high planned and economic indicators, postal service employees are awarded bonuses: monthly, quarterly and at the end of the year. From July 1, 2016, Russian Post introduced a new bonus system. It is based on the implementation of key performance indicators. The maximum monthly bonus is 30% of the salary.

Management and personnel problems

Russian Post operates on the principle of corporate governance, which complies with the requirements of Russian legislation and foreign practices.

Official representatives of the unitary enterprise announced the need to reorganize regional offices. Improving the quality of work of branches will create conditions for increasing the income of postal workers and improving the quality of services. The heads of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise promise to eliminate duplicative functions. Starting from 2019, the company plans to closely interact with trade unions and regional government structures, which will make the entire process as transparent as possible.

Postal workers have an alarming expectation of imminent layoffs. However, the management of Russian Post assured that only the management staff would be reduced. Salaries at Russian Post remain extremely low.

Another problem of the enterprise is the understaffing of post offices. This creates problems associated with the distribution of workload and work functions of each FSUE employee. Heads of small communications departments often combine the functions of an operator. Postmen have to unload postal vehicles when the postal team is predominantly female.

State labor inspection inspections carried out in regional branches of Russian Post systematically record numerous violations of labor legislation:

  • employees are forced to sell products, although this obligation is not provided for in employment contracts;
  • the procedure for training and testing knowledge on labor protection is violated;
  • the vacation schedule and the order of medical examinations are violated;
  • The rights of women who have a dependent child under one and a half years old are violated.

The solution to the personnel problem can only be achieved by attracting young qualified specialists.

Employees say one of the main benefits of their job is good relationships within their work teams. It is the warm friendly relations and support of colleagues that are the main reason why they work at Russian Post.

Working at Russian Post guarantees:

  • fast travel from home to duty station;
  • opportunity for career growth and professional development;
  • stable salary and regular additional payments (monthly, one-time bonuses);

Employees of a state enterprise are provided with a social package, paid sick leave, annual leave, discounts and compensation for holidays in children's camps and sanatoriums.

The main negative aspects of working at Russian Post are high workloads and poor financial support.

The capital region's need for postal workers is 17% of the total need in the Russian Federation. Great prospects for obtaining the position of manager-consultant at Pochta Bank are for applicants with a secondary specialized or incomplete higher economic education and experience working with clients in the areas of sales. They are expected to work on the territory of the Branches of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" on a convenient 2/2 schedule and with a salary of 45,000 rubles.

Specialists with higher education, 3 years of experience in a large company in the field of compensation and benefits, who can multitask, have analytical and communication skills, can receive the position of head of the compensation and benefits group with a salary of 130,000 rubles.

The salary of postmen in the Moscow region is 13.8-22.4 thousand rubles. For this job they are looking for responsible, friendly workers with an active lifestyle and a willingness to be on their feet for a long time.

450 jobs remain vacant in St. Petersburg post offices. There is a need for managers (30-80 thousand rubles), credit consultants (21-70 thousand rubles), cashiers (19-21 thousand rubles).

Work in the OPS requires loaders (23-35 thousand rubles), delivery drivers (40-44.8 thousand rubles) and telecom operators (12.1-17.3 thousand rubles).

Without work experience, you can get a job as a sorter with a salary of 26,300 rubles. The applicant must have computer skills at the user level, be prepared to lift heavy objects (packages up to 30 kg) and monotonous work.

Working at Russian Post: employee reviews

Employee reviews help determine all the pros and cons of the service. Among the positive aspects, they most often note good relationships in the work team, the proximity of the place of work to home and adequate, understanding management.

The negative points in the reviews include:

  • excess of official duties by the chief and his deputies;
  • huge service areas;
  • high planned indicators for sales of food products, office supplies and household chemicals;
  • interaction with a large flow of customers who file complaints, express their dissatisfaction and behave aggressively.

The user “Svyazist” expressed the opinion that work at the post office is the most thankless and low-paid. People complain that the management “doesn’t care about anything”, the main thing is the fulfillment of inflated plans. They also note that the promised salary increase never happened and they did not pay any more.