Five creative ways to congratulate an online friend. Wish for a businessman man

I wish you only happiness in life,
Good luck, laughter, joy, warmth!
Let all bad weather pass by,
And there will be good friends nearby!

I wish your dreams come true,
May your health never fail,
And, no matter how quickly your years rush by,
You stay young always, always!

Both brutality and hardening,
And posture, and savvy,
Strength, courage and honor -
Of course you have it all.
All you have left to wish for is
A small amount.
In personal life - understanding
And support in your endeavors.
In good friendship - respect,
And in your career - advancement.
Be happy and contented
Dear, but still free,
With money and in the mood.
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday! I wish you a stable income, peace in the family, harmony in the soul and, most importantly, health - it is never superfluous. May you always be happy with what you already have, but at the same time never stop setting big life goals for yourself. Let the feeling of love always warm you in your bosom, and let your beloved be a reliable support in life. Look at the world with a fresh look, develop, enjoy life, be happy, healthy and loved!

On your birthday I wish
Have a lot of strength for everything.
In life, always live by playing,
To be able to do everything, to be in time everywhere.

To be lucky, lucky,
And happy on Earth.
Kind, glorious and mighty,
Live in comfort and warmth.

Let your dreams come true
There is always money.
And the problems will disappear
They never come.

I wish you happiness and goodness,
Love, family warmth,
Lots of health, lots of laughter.
And, of course, success!

Let all adversity fly by,
Relatives appreciate and honor you.
On vacation - to warmer climes,
And next to you is your dear!

Fun, colors, sun, light,
Harmonies of soul and summer.
Let the net help you catch
A chest full of money!

I want to wish you a happy birthday!
I wish you well and happiness,
Good luck in life, good luck.
There are no hardships to be seen at all.

So that your health does not fail you,
Success accompanied your path,
The soul and body became younger,
And all that was heard in the house was laughter.

I wish you vigor for the body,
Pleasant minutes for the soul,
Hands - golden skills,
And wise words for the head.

Let the tears be only from happiness,
A warm corner is waiting at home,
Where the door is closed from bad weather,
And there is a castle hanging from adversity!

I wish you happiness and goodness,
Love, family well-being,
Take only the best from life:
Lots of smiles, lots of inspiration,
In all matters - success and luck,
In career - steadily upward progress,
And in friendship - loyalty and respect.
In the family - harmony, support, understanding.
May all your cherished wishes come true!

Happy birthday!
I wish you strength and courage,
May all goals be in front of you
They give a joyful mood.

Let your income grow
From sunrise to sunrise
Make all your dreams come true -
Live, create, dream, love!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish with all my heart
Smiles, happiness, inspiration
And conquering all the peaks.

Reliable and good friends,
There is comfort and warmth in the family.
May you have pleasant and fine days
Life brought you more.

Let the strength be heroic,
The mind will be sharp as a blade.
And so that it is warmer in the heart
From the sincerity of these lines.

We wish you to live the envy of everyone
No financial problems!
To have Hennessy in a glass,
So that the yacht is at the pier,
A house to your liking,
Well, the Bentley is in the garage.

Eat oysters for lunch
And live another hundred years!
Getting younger every year
And try not to get sick.
Well, if it happens,
Only in Munich for treatment!

A wonderful man, father, family man -
Everyone knows about this, you are the only one.
Let the envious rest on the sidelines,
Let's open the kegs on our name day.
You'll have time to work, go for a walk today,
And to put it more clearly - rest.
After all, fun on a holiday is not only appropriate,
It must certainly take place.
We wish you a great career,
Dear relatives, great love,
May success always be with you!

Delightful hello everyone!

A sweet wish pronounced in a gentle tone will not only create a good mood, but will also inspire your man to heroic deeds.

Wishes to your beloved, “Good mood”

Nothing lifts a guy's spirits more than a sincere compliment from a loved one. Passionate wishes whispered in your ear will pleasantly surprise your loved one and create a good atmosphere in communication.

The clear sun woke up
In sweet languor I reached out,
He shook himself and smiled cheerfully.
Now it shines outside the window.
And you quickly wake up,
Enjoy the bird's trill.
With hot coffee at the table,
Let a happy day into your home.

  • Let your good mood protect you from failures like an umbrella from the rain.

Come on, stop moping,
Come on, stop being sad.
If you're sleeping, wake up quickly
Read all this and smile.

  • I kiss you until you go crazy. Just to lift your spirits.
  • Read this SMS and get a charge of positivity for the whole day.
  • Remember: Lady Luck favors smiling people.
  • I want it so much...I really want my knight to be in a great mood all day.

Be fun and playful.
Be stubborn if necessary.
This is your day, no less.
Good luck awaits you today.

  • I'm flying on wings of joy, I want to see you.

Good morning, sweet miracle.
I will be your talisman today.
I will keep you from anxiety and worry
And protect yourself from bad moods.

  • Eh, it's good when you're in the mood. And if the mood is good, life is generally a success.
  • I wish you a positive ocean, and I wish you to swim in it like a fish.
  • And our life will have its own rules: no black and white stripes, only one continuous rainbow.

Good wishes for a man, just like that

Representatives of the strong half of humanity are actually very emotional beings and love to hear things addressed to them. Tell a man just like that, without demanding anything in return. You will be pleasantly surprised by the changes that have occurred in your loved one.

I'll take watercolors
I'll paint the days of summer.
I'll add bright colors
To your gray everyday life.
And it doesn't matter where you are
You: with me or with someone,
I only wish for one thing
To be loved.

  • Don't make the terrible mistake of leaving home without smiling!

Let's run away from evil people
Far away, over a hundred seas.
There we will rest,
Sing, have fun and dance.

  • Remember: you are the scriptwriter of your life. What it will be: drama, comedy or fantasy - depends only on you.
  • You are my very safe place on the planet.

I wish you to build your own house.
The most the best place in the world,
Where they will take care of your happiness
Beautiful wife and cute children.

  • Don't be lazy to collect good memories. They will come in handy during the cold season.

To be in love is to suffer
And learn to fly without wings.
To be loved is to be dear,
The most beautiful, smart, dear.
What does love give: Hell or Heaven?
You answer this question yourself.

  • Who's sitting here so serious? Remember, dear, laughter is a powerful weapon against failure.

I want to always be next to you,
I'm ready to become your slave.
We are one. We are indivisible.
You are a warrior who has become my master.

May it be good morning
Gives a cheerful mood,
The sun's warmth and bright colors,
True friends without vile masks.

There are many. A sincere compliment will in any case lift a man's spirits. And it doesn’t matter whether it sounds in prose or in prose.

  • I'm not myself today. I laugh all the time like crazy. I hope you are in a good mood too.
  • Do you know that I can do magic? Yes Yes. Now I’ll take it and conjure you good luck for the whole day.
  • Love you, kiss you, hug you. I'm looking forward to meeting you and I miss you.
  • Read the next word “smile” slowly. Can you feel it blooming on your face?
  • Already halfway to you. Your Happiness.
  • Don't frown, otherwise wrinkles will form. And you are beautiful even without them, my knight, my man.
  • Today nothing will darken your mood. After all, Luck and Luck will be nearby.
  • Do you know what they say: “He who gets up early, the Lord gives to him”? I will also add: “He who laughs merrily succeeds in everything.”
  • Let's take Happiness by the hands. Let's switch to "you" with him for a minute. And breaking the locks of prohibitions, we will turn failures into a funny joke.
  • You know, there is no more attractive picture in the world than the smile of a happy man.
  • I'll open it little secret: you're the most loved one. There is no one better in the world than you.
  • Your aroma is more intoxicating than wine. Your gaze is a magnet for me. These feelings are like an obsession. They are stronger than gravity.
  • I will not hesitate to shout loudly: “I want to be alone with you!”

Dear girls, do not be afraid to show love to formidable warriors. A caring attitude will come back to you a hundredfold. After all, men will not only good mood, but also ready to fulfill all your wishes.

Series of materials “Creating a blog in PHP”

The first lecture is introductory. Practical examples and there will be a minimum of tasks, we will talk about more abstract things. But already in the second lesson we will move on to practical tasks.

Why did we choose a blog? Blog is the most popular format site. If you learn how to create a blog from scratch, you can easily expand your skills to an online store and larger portals.

The blog format is very popular. In addition, if you learn how to create a blog from scratch, you can easily expand your skills to an online store and larger portals.

Our frames We use PHP, MySQL and do not use frameworks. Your web server is already configured.

Creating a blog is a non-trivial task (unless, of course, you consider ready-made platforms like LiveJournal or Blogger). There are thousands of options for its implementation and we need to define the scope of the task:

  1. We use PHP. There are many other backend languages ​​and platforms; using any of them is a matter of taste. We will talk about pure PHP and programming patterns. We will assume that basic knowledge in PHP you have it.
  2. We use MySQL. You can use other DBMSs as databases, but we will use MySQL as the most popular. In the future it will be possible to connect Memcached.
  3. We do not use ready-made CMS. Since our goal is to improve PHP and study the architecture of the blog, we will not use ready-made CMS, because in most cases, developing a blog on a CMS is still the layout and configuration of the blog in the administrative panel.
  4. We don't use frameworks. Frameworks are good, cool and correct, but, again, the goal of our lesson is to study PHP deeper, and frameworks provide a certain level of abstraction and move us away from those instructive rakes and blows.
  5. We will assume that you have already configured your web server.

We’ve decided on the framework, let’s continue.

What do you need to know in order to create a blog in PHP from scratch?

IN this cycle articles I will talk about architecture, in some places I will talk about the nuances of this or that approach, but first you should already have knowledge following languages programming / technologies:

  1. PHP- will be used as a backend language.
  2. MySQL- we will use it as storage.
  3. HTML + CSS- basic knowledge.
  4. JavaScript- optional, but desirable.

It is also advisable to be able to do good and beautiful layout, and a sense of taste won’t hurt either.

What do we expect from the blog? What should a blog contain?

Blogs are different - simple, complex, of various topics, personal and corporate, with various types records, etc. The basic functionality of a blog includes certain pages:

As you can see, nothing complicated.

What is an autumn blog? A blog (and any website in general) can be represented in the form of pages, functional blocks on these pages.

All these pages must interact. Various modules:

  1. latest comments
  2. Search module
  3. Website login module
  4. Menu modules
  5. We recommend reading
  6. Insert custom HTML block (group widget on a social network, etc.)

How should a blog be structurally?

I’ll tell you using my blog as an example, but you can go a different route. On each page there are various blocks, we will need. Each block (component).

Router, interaction system. Examples.

Programming patterns. MVC and Singleton

Once upon a time, there were few programmers and each programmer stepped on a rake a bunch of times, reinvented their own wheels and wrote their own crutches. Then, when there were a lot of programmers and they were tired of reinventing wheels, some programmers realized that code could often be structurally combined into groups, like “design patterns”. Such structural patterns are called programming patterns. In today's article we will look at MVC patterns, and Singleton.

Singleton pattern

Singleton is.

MVC pattern

MVC is an acronym for Model-View-Controller. We present each component (visually - block) on the site in the following form.

Wherein M The model defines how data is processed.

Can often be combined various models and view. For example:

  • Side blocks ( different models, one view);
  • Blog and list of materials (Same model, different View).

Why MVC? Extensibility, flexibility, .

Signs of use.


Receiving data is transferred to another abstract layer - libraries. This can be useful when we have an admin panel. Then we don’t have to deal with database selections, caching, and other things several times in each model.

  • Libraries- folder with libraries;
  • Components- folder with components;
  • Templates- folder with templates.

Bottom line


  • Understand the patterns MVC programming and Singleton.
  • Try to consider the structure of work of popular CMSs.
  • Try to make a sketch of your CMS (download a CMS sketch from the website).

In the next lesson we will study:

  1. Debugging and logging in CMS.
  2. SQL language. Working with MySQL.
  3. Writing a Singleton class for MySQL and running simple queries.

Well, and finally, a brief table of contents of the lessons:

  • Lesson 1. Introductory.
  • Lesson 3. Factory, caching.
  • Sessions. Login and registration.
  • Search.

Congratulations to everyone who mastered such a big lesson. See you!

Oh God, what a man! Always live beautifully! - song

Everything is super good! - song

You, darling, are not without reason.
You call yourself a man
And as a gift on this day
I send you a wish -
May all your wishes come true!
On you, as they say,
You can confidently rely on it.

Be as cheerful and affectionate as before
And be happy forever.
This day is happy and joyful
Forget all your worries.

Let your face illuminate with light.
And the heart never ages,
You are the best in the world for us,
The most necessary, dear person!

I wish you to find one like this
With whom, whitened with gray hair,
You'll live until you're old,
To the brink of days, like a young man in love!

Be happy - even though it will be difficult sometimes,
Be loved - love always saves us,
Be young - hold on in any conditions,
After all, no matter what, this life is wonderful.

I want to wish you
Many joyful warm days.
And, of course, dream more,
And long dates with her.

And walks together under the moon.
Partings, and meeting again.
To be faithful only to her alone.
And save love for years.

Let your home breathe prosperity
Let there be peace and work in him,
Let the laughter of the grandchildren be heard in it,
May peace and happiness live in him.

We wish you health and good luck.
Let joy and dreams be nearby.
And let of all male moral qualities
Kindness remains the strongest in You.

Voice cards with wishes to a man

Cool wishes for success in business

To man: Oh, honey, I know that you...

Neighbors complain about extraneous noise in your apartment

Our good knight, our dear falcon,
Be brave, like a hawk, like the sun, beautiful!
May your home be a full cup!
Let your wife give birth to daughters for you.

Be faithful to your wife, don't go out for no reason,
Be honest and proud - that is the valor of a man!
I wish you health for a thousand years
And just as much happiness!

My wonderful man
I hasten to write to you,
That our feeling will be strong,
His enemies cannot break him!

I wish you to be happy
He was successful and loved.
I will be beautiful for you
May you love me alone!

Life is made for difficult things
And for matters of the heart.
You managed to accomplish everything -
I never knew carefree days.

The team is proud of you
And your family is strong.
May your happiness last -
Drink the cup of life to the dregs!

We love you with all our hearts,
Today we'll drink to you.
For all your wishes and dreams,
For those who care so much about you.

Let her be happy, tender,
And better than everyone around -
Your beautiful wife
Companion and friend!

Be happy and healthy for many years to come,
So that you don’t know doctors, evil and troubles,
So that true friends walk side by side,
Not hiding respect that you found
You are people who are kind and warm,
May you always look at the world brightly!

What do men need? I recently found out.
Bank account with six-zero capital,
Reliable friends, grandiose prospects,
Five-room and five-star housing.

A whole supply of disposable socks,
Everywhere go through “Face” control once,
So that your car is better and cooler,
Gasoline is endless, the weather is cloudless.

Good traffic cops, no traffic jams,
Girlfriend, so that legs grow from your ears,
So that she never asks for money,
She was silent about marriage and carried beer.

The boss praised him for his intelligence and courage,
And he gave out bonuses, without straining,
The salary increased, the team respected,
And in connection with this, capital grew.

So that the cat “Masyanya” is happy with everything,
She slept somewhere nearby and meowed modestly,
It would also be good to teach her:
Cook, do laundry, go to work.

Oh, and, of course, to be president,
Still a rock star and a legend.
And if everything I say is true,
Then I wish all this for you.